Author Topic: A Little Confrontation  (Read 2426 times)

Mariana Xiechai

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A Little Confrontation
« on: September 12, 2011, 11:52:33 am »
She would never understand why the Red Way mage chose to perform his practice in Ojaveda.

Or, frankly, why he chose to continually ignore her and refused to acknowledge her at all at this level in her training.

the next step in the apprenticeship would be
?” Mariana inquired, her paws placed lightly on her hips as she watched the mischievous mage fiddle with some glyphs.

No response, save for an exasperated sigh and the continual, steady hum of glyph purification.

Mariana grumbled something under her breath that was probably not altogether appropriate before turning on her heel and heading for the main part of the dusty city. She shook her head and alleviated some of the sand that had settled in her fur. That was another thing
for a species coated in so much fur, why was Ojaveda inhabited by Enkidukai? How in Yliakum had that come about?

Of course, she hadn’t grown up in the town; full of peddlers hawking wares and the cloying, arid heat. And it did have its own amount of charm. A close environment, she supposed. One that was always full of character and personality; thriving with life in the midst of a harsh environment.

The fenki sneezed as a gust of wind assaulted her and sent particles of dirt into her nose. She rubbed it from her eyes and squinted a bit, entering the doorway that led to the trading post. She’d unburden herself and make the long trek back to Hydlaa. No use staying here anymore anyway.

Mariana’s eyes landed on a familiar face. The dermorian rounded the corner and offered a slight wave, so she returned the gesture, smiling a bit. Pentrian seemed rather quiet, but also uninjured, which, from her limited experience with the quirky elf, was saying quite a bit.

They began some small talk, mostly asking how the other was doing; the usual jabber that accompanied a random encounter. Mariana’s attention deviated slightly as she noticed movement to her left, and another dermorian settled himself against the wall, observing with bright green eyes.

She arched a brow at the newcomer and dipped her head in greeting, offering her usual, cordial smile. He returned it, some of his hair tumbling down in front of his eyes with the motion.

This one needs a haircut, Mariana couldn’t help but think. Nice face though.

And he did have a nice face. A sort of rugged look, but certainly not unattractive. The typical high cheekbones of an elf complimented by a rather long, lean sort of structure that melded nicely into a strong chin. There was a strange, convoluted sort of tattoo on his neck that was about as red as his hair. It disappeared into his tunic, so she had no idea how far it went.

Wouldn’t have picked that color, She thought. It doesn’t
fit right.

“Hello there, dermorian brother,” Mariana said brightly. She smiled again, revealing her somewhat pointed canines.

“Hello,” The elf replied; a slight lift in his lips as if he was amused by the overly friendly address.
“What brings you to Ojaveda on this wonderfully sweltering day?” She inquired. She was curious. Why, she honesty didn’t have the fuzziest clue. She just was.

Pentrian bid them farewell suddenly and trod off towards the exit, leaving her to face the other dermorian alone. She tilted her head a bit, watching him as he sunk the end of his crystal way staff into the dust and began to draw a myriad assortment of random images with it.

“Just making a delivery with Brado,” he replied finally, his eyes fixed on the design.

Mariana tried to make sense of the pattern, but couldn’t manage to. She raised her eyes back to examine the elf anew.

“Ah, well. Are you
new to the dome?” She asked him, somewhat baffled by his demeanor. Not a very talkative fellow, it seemed.

The elf glanced up at her suddenly, and his expression seemed to mingle again with amusement. Her brow furrowed a bit. She felt like maybe he found her amusing, and probably not in a flattering way.

“Relatively,” he said, flashing another smile. “I tend to travel a lot,” and he gestured towards the tell-tale smudges of clay on his tunic and trousers. “Though I haven’t run into that many friendly sorts, truthfully.”
Mariana frowned at this admonition. “You’ve been given a lot of trouble then?” She asked. Her eyes instantly trailed over him, down his torso and legs, then back to his face again in an assessing way that suggested she was looking for signs of injury. He didn’t appear to be carrying any weaponry save for that staff, and likely in a fight, that wouldn’t win much.

“No, not a great amount,” the elf replied. He glanced back down at his design again.

Mariana blinked a few times, her tail swishing for a moment before curling around her wrist.

“Name’s Mariana,” she said finally. “You are

“Erythros,” He replied. “Good to meet you, Mariana.”

Erythros suddenly moved his foot and scattered dust over the drawing he’d been painstakingly weaving into the sand. He leaned on his staff a bit and looked back up at the fenki, his eyes glittering with an expression she couldn’t read.

“Good to meet you as well!” She said brightly. She smiled again, her own curiosity and mild frustration hidden behind a mask of warmth and friendliness. “Who have you been having trouble with?” She pressed.

Poor little elf will get squashed if he keeps on alone, probably,   Mariana thought.

A rather amusing thought in itself, considering that the fenki only came to Erythros’s shoulder in height.

“Nobody in particular, the world is full of unfriendly and friendly sorts,” Erythros said. “I’m alright, I assure you. I’m used to a little confrontation.”

Mariana’s ear twitched a bit. “You may be used to it, but that doesn’t mean you should have to be. You seem nice enough; I see no reason why you should be harassed.”

Erythros watched her with something that looked like a guarded expression. His eyes unnerved her in a way, and something rang in her head like a little warning bell. She squelched it. There was no need for that, he’d done nothing wrong. She was just overly paranoid because of memories that had nothing to do with him

“That’s quite a bit of praise, considering you’ve only just met me. You don’t really know anything about me, Mariana.” Erythros regarded her further, studying her, watching her.

Mariana fidgeted like an insect stuck in a Petri dish.

Gods damnit, what? Do I have dust on my nose?!

She reached up and subconsciously rubbed her nose with the tips of her fingers.
“I think one can tell a lot about a first encounter. You seem amiable enough to me.” Her lips twitched with false humor as her mind riled against the elf’s overly studious examination. “Amiable enough to not warrant attack.”
Inwardly, she was already groaning.

Oh, wonderful, She thought. The mysterious, ‘I’m not as I appear’ type.

“Perhaps not,” he replied with a slight smile. “Still, you should take more time to get to know someone before you make such a judgment.”

Mariana simply shook her head, chuckling softly. “Fair enough,” she relented. “Still, should you need help, I’m willing. Can’t have you get beaten to a bloody pulp now, can we?”

Erythros watched her with quiet, almost sad eyes. It was the sadness that caught her, and she wondered at it, not understanding it at all.

Did I say something wrong? She wondered.

“Thank you for your kind offer,” he said softly. “I should continue with my errands, however. I’ll see you around, Mariana.”

He raised his hand in silent dismissal and walked off towards the trading post, leaving the fenki staring after him with a mingle of bewilderment and irritation.

What incredible social graces I possess, She berated herself inwardly as she walked off towards the path leading to Hydlaa, her metal armor glinting in the sunlight.

Erythros watched her from around the corner for a while, until that telling gleam disappeared behind the doorway. He pulled his hood back over his eyes, hiding the contemplative expression that had taken over his features, and strode into the trading post in silence.


[Been thinking about turning this RP into a writing for some time, as it's probably one of the most entertaining one's I've had so far in the game. More to come when I have the time to do it. My thanks for reading ^_^ Also if you can come up with a title I'd appreciate it <.<]

« Last Edit: September 13, 2011, 08:06:38 am by Mariana Xiechai »

Aramara Meibi

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Re: Blah <_<
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2011, 04:48:30 pm »
How about: "A Little Confrontation"

taken directly from:
“Nobody in particular, the world is full of unfriendly and friendly sorts,” Erythros said. “I’m alright, I assure you. I’m used to a little confrontation.”

you know, if you're into title drops.
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Re: Blah <_<
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2011, 06:36:47 pm »
The reason she might have been so hot was because SHE'S WEARING FULL ARMOR IN THE DESERT.
Liked the story though, was interested in how... that whole thing came about.

*Travosh smacks Mari for being dumb about it

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: Blah <_<
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2011, 07:56:05 pm »
She's been hit on the head a lot in her lifetime, she deserves to have a dumb moment every now and then xD

Mariana Xiechai

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Small Talk
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2011, 11:28:44 pm »
She’d never been particularly fond of taverns. Too many bodies all crowded together; the sound of the ever-present drunken dwarf that had had more than his fair share of ale; and of course, the tavern brawls.
The ever-present tavern brawls. One would think that after so many folks would come to the realization that, shockingly, they really didn’t help anything in the end. But, obviously, this revelation was above the grasp of some people.

Or maybe the level of intoxication directly corresponded to the rising level of stupidity.

And people wonder why I never drink, She thought.

Mariana looked down at her mug of non-alcoholic cider and swirled some of the foam with her finger. She watched it dissolve slowly into the amber liquid. With her claw, she scraped some more of the residue into the drink and then focused on it, letting her paws radiate the warmth of red way and bringing the draft to a more satisfying temperature.

Thankfully it seemed fairly quiet in the familiar Hydlaa tavern this evening. She turned her head to the side a bit and slid some tria over the worn wooden bar towards Allelia, smiled and nodded to the typically stressed out bar tender, and made her way down the stairs towards the basement.

Mariana eased herself into a bench near the fire and let its warmth wash over her. She closed her eyes and held her drink between her paws, her brow furrowed tellingly in thought. Her foot moved up to rest on the table with a hollow, metallic thud. She crossed the other over her ankle and her head canted off to the side. It bobbed a few times and she fought sleep; lured to it by the warm cider in her belly and the heat wafting towards her from the fire. Finally, her chin slowly dipped towards the collar of her metal armor, and she was pulled almost forcibly into dreaming.
She didn’t even hear Erythros descend the stairs; his feet made barely even the slightest sound upon them. And that’s saying quite a bit, considering the relative instability and creaky nature of those ancient beams.
Erythros slid quietly into the seat across from Mariana and examined the Enkidukai in front of him. Still plastered in that heavy looking plate mail, it seemed. Her whiskers quivered a bit and she appeared to be half-asleep, or perhaps her mind was roaming far more than he could imagine.

You don’t look quite so boisterous without that mask on, He pondered. Actually, she looked quite vulnerable in sleep. She appeared almost distressed. This was further illustrated by the nervous twitch in her fingers. He noted it when he glanced briefly down at one of the paws wrapped around the mug of cider. For some reason, he wanted to reach out and sooth the motion with his hand.

The fenki’s bright blue eyes suddenly snapped open as if she’d smelled him, because he certainly hadn’t alerted her to his presence with anything more than that. She squinted and her eyes seemed to glimmer with a life of their own. Erythros watched her quietly for a moment, and then smiled at her.

“Hello again.”

Mariana looked at him with bleary eyes for a moment, like she was waiting for him to come into focus. Obviously he’d interrupted a nap and caught her off guard. She tilted her head slightly and one of her brows arched in a dubious expression.

“Hello Erythros,” she replied. “Good to see you again.”

The elf folded his hands on the table before him, setting his staff to lean against the edge of it so that he could situate himself more comfortably. His eyes moved over the finer details: The strange, delicately painted pattern on her forehead, the little filigree-like speckles of gold radiating from her pupils, and the abnormal, gray patch of skin where her fur seemed much more scuffed and ragged than the rest, protruding just past her armor at the edge of her wrist

Mariana suddenly pushed her cider to the side and slide her paw so that she could rest the other over the strange scar. She met his eyes in an almost stoic way, though he could tell from the set of her jaw and the expression in her own eyes that she really did not like his inspection.

That’s interesting.

Erythros tried a disarming smile, and he spoke softly to her. Of course, that wasn’t anything entirely new. His voice was always soft.

Useful thing in my profession, He thought with a twinge of regret.

“How are you this evening?”

She blinked again. She seemed to regaining her senses now, coming out of the hazy fog that assailed the victims of sleep. Her face molded comfortably into a smile that traveled to her eyes. It suited her face nicely, he could see that. There didn’t seem to be anything particularly false or plastic about it, almost as if she was genuinely happy to see him.

That’s a nice change.

“I’m doing quite well, actually. Yourself? Get your deliveries done?” She took her drink back into her paws and sipped at it, but her tail remained stubbornly around her wrist.

“Well enough, all things considered,” he said, adding levity to his own voice. He leaned back a bit and moved to brush some of his auburn hair back behind his ears. “Yes, I did manage to finish the deliveries. Thank you for asking.”

“Not at all,” she replied. “Deliveries can be treacherous
and it always seems like they want you to move from one side of the dome to the other.”

Mariana flashed another smile at him. Maybe it was the openness of the expression that struck him, he couldn’t really place it, but he liked that smile. Liked it quite a bit, really. There was nothing flirtatious or false about it, nothing that had a hidden intention. It simply was an invitation to talk.

Erythros’ eyes fell to the badge resting on Mariana’s chest. For some reason he wanted to know a bit more about her, so he inquired as to its meaning.

a guild badge,” She replied, her tone almost dismissive. “Recently joined, can’t say much about it yet.”

“What do you think a guild should stand for?” He asked suddenly.

The fenki frowned for a moment. He could almost see her thinking about a response, not questioning the seemingly random nature of his inquiry. After she’d mulled for a bit, she opened her mouth and gave a response.

“ClichĂ© as it might sound; I think it should be about
helping people. Probably individuals that cannot help themselves. Keeping order in the midst of a chaotic world.” She raised a paw and waved it slightly. “That’s not always black and white, I know, but there are certain things that should always be avoided, like oppression, slavery, pointless murder
” She paused and rubbed the back of her neck. “I don’t know, that just seems like a logical response, and one that I would tend to lean towards.”

Erythros kept his eyes on Mariana as she spoke. She talked with her paws a lot, something that amused him a bit. He also found it interesting that she hashed out a response without questioning it.

And no, keeping order is rarely black and white

“Seems like an honorable enough undertaking,” he said simply. He couldn’t help but study the fenki further, his eyes moving towards the swords sheathed at her hips and the bracers latched to her forearms.

Pray for peace, prepare for war, is that it?

“Please stop doing that,” she muttered.

Erythros frowned slightly and glanced back up again. He fiddled with the clasp that held his emerald cloak upon his shoulders, observing that his gaze seemed to bother her. Perhaps she was interpreting it the wrong way?

She doesn’t want anyone to know what’s really going on in her head.

Which, unfortunately for her, only made him all the more curious. She appeared to be an idealist, but surely nobody was as openly honest and willing as her without getting hurt. Or at least learning from it and becoming a bit more withdrawn. It was like she threw trust out without prejudice. It was honestly rather refreshing in a way. He couldn’t say he didn’t like it.

“Well, Mariana. If you ever decide that you would recommend your guild to me, let me know,” he said lightly. He tugged his hood over his head and stood up abruptly, heading towards the stairs. “It was a
thought provoking conversation.”

“Always the best kind,” She replied simply, her voice mirthful and seemingly comfortable again. He looked at her and realized that her face was again the image of open contentment; that smile once more present upon it.


He turned and strode for the exit and into the rain.

[For now I'm paraphrasing this dialogue, as my chat was whiped when I got my computer repaired. I'm hoping I can get my hands on it later >.<]

« Last Edit: September 13, 2011, 04:39:02 pm by Mariana Xiechai »


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Re: A Little Confrontation
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2011, 01:38:01 am »
a very nice read. I hope there is more to come :)

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: A Little Confrontation
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2011, 01:47:31 pm »
There is, I just REALLY wish I had a version of the chat that went on D:

Sarras Volcae

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Re: A Little Confrontation
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2011, 04:00:16 pm »
cider is alcoholic and contains about the same percentage of alcohol as beer, so mariana does "drink." :P

and this may sound creepy, but i may have some logs of mariana's chats with erythros... i AFK'd a lot in the tavern. <_< and i'm pretty sure sarras interrupted one or two of them. >_>

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: A Little Confrontation
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2011, 04:40:31 pm »
Edit just for you Sarras, now it's NON alcoholic  ;D
And creeper! No, but seriously. I'm hoping to get in contact with the person that was Ery, hopefully he can email it to me. Otherwise...more paraphrasing! Yay me!
[Thank you though.]  \\o//

Mariana Xiechai

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« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2011, 10:57:31 pm »
To say that society often disgusted him was a grievously grotesque understatement. It was so fundamentally flawed at its core; so incredibly and irreversibly tarnished beyond repair, that when his mind roved over the idea he could feel bile rising in his throat. The greed and selfishness that permeated the hearts of nearly every living creature, whether sentient or otherwise, was utterly and abhorrently repulsive. They went at life as though they were ravenous Megaras descending upon unwitting prey; ebon wings splayed widely as their clawed feet sunk talons into its back...

Really, it was about cleansing. Certain people simply deserved to die. There was no reason for them to be around. They were to be loathed for their weakness, their defiance, their deceit, their arrogance. Surely their transgressions were punishable by death, were they not? Surely they had more than earned an impromptu trip into the hated Dark Lady's realm. They deserved to wander with their weeping and their twisting of anguished hands for a while; let them mull over their incredible state of insignificance.

Erythros really had no idea why he was reassuring himself of what he was already certain of. He peered out from the depths of his green cloak at the passersby, his booted feet hooked into the legs of the chair across from him. A simple glass of water perched on the table before him, and he moved to quench his thirst with it, his thoughts again tumbling one over the other in this stange and morbid display of self-assurance.

That's why I joined with the whisper; that's why I know I belong in it and why it owns my heart, He finished, physically nodding his head in affirmation. All doubts I have are simply obstacles that I shall eliminate in time.

It wasn't easy, it never was. He didn't enjoy the killing. Well, he did, when he thought about how it brought about the Whisper's wishes. He was the extension of that wonderful voice's will, and he cherished that feeling. The power would spread like an awareness in his mind, creeping into the deepest recesses and flowing down into his hands to allow him to carry out what he was meant to. It was persuasive too; a seductive sort of quality as though a woman were placing her hand upon his shoulder and whispering sweet directions into his ear.

Yes, he loved that whisper, and it loved his darkness in return. There was never any reason to doubt its purpose. Especially sitting here, in this mucky, refuse-infested tavern, watching as the people wandered in and out with their own pathetic interests in mind, exchanging tria for measly amounts of food with no consideration for the beggars that wandered the streets just outside...

"Well, what have we here?"

The chipper, affable voice crashed into his train of thought like crystalshine bursting through a blizzard. He jerked his eyes towards it, and they settled on the familiar woman standing off to his right. She smiled at him and raised her paw to offer a wave in greeting.

"Hello again, Erythros!" Mariana said.

And then there are the stubborn ones that simply refuse to conform to my perfectly set parameters...   

"Hello yourself," Erythros said with a genuine chuckle. Here she was again, smiling brightly, acting as though nothing negative had ever dared lay a hand upon her. He could sense, of course, that this was untrue. Years of realizing and reacting to the responses of his--targets--had alloted him the ability to read body language well.

This fenki was hiding something. Erythros steepled his fingers and smiled knowingly, most of the expression hidden behind his hands.

"Mind if I have a seat with you?" Mariana asked him.

In reply, he simply gestured towards the empty side of the table. She slid smoothy into the chair opposite him just as he unhooked his feet and moved them beneath his own seat.

"How have you been, friend?" She inquired. She made a soft clinking sound when she sat, generated by her armor. It was an ever-present casing with her, he'd never seen her with it off. It hid her body perfectly, so the only real details he could make out were those present on her face.

Friend? That's a term I've not heard in some time.

He felt some chagrin as it sent a small amount of warmth to his heart.

Should have obliterated those feelings by now.

Erythros attempted to shrug off that niggling, unfortunate effect and shook his head slightly. "I've been well as can
be expected," he replied simply. "Yourself, Mariana?"

The fenki suddenly reached a paw over to her left shoulder and popped it. Loudly. Erythros winced visibly and stared at her.

"Heh, sorry," she said. "Habit." She grinned at him and did the same to the opposite shoulder, sliding her paw
into the small gap between the armor and her skin so that she could massage it a bit.

Might not be so bad if you just took that armor off now and then, fenki, Erythros thought. He frowned inwardly as he felt a bit of empathy and what some might even go so far as to call concern well up inside of him.

"Perhaps you should get that looked at," Erythros suggested softly.

Mariana shrugged lightly, withdrawing her paw once more. She waved it in a very dismissive way and shook her head.

"I'll be fine," she said. "So, those individuals that 'shall not be mentioned' still giving you troubles?"

Her observant eyes roamed over his face in a truly compassionate way. They shifted to the tattoo on his neck and he could see a bit of hesitation in her expression as she wondered at it. They trailed back up again, back to his eyes, and she
emphasized her question by raising a brow.


Why do you care, Mariana?

Because she did. He couldn't even try to finagle a way out of this fact. She cared.

You shouldn't, Mari. You really, really shouldn't care. I deserve every bit of scorn that is inflicted upon me, I...

Erythros' train of thought came to an almost shattering stop as another voice entered his head. It was sweet and
encouraging; gentle and alluring. It stroked at him, almost seeming to toy with him, and it was very very upset
with the way he was berating his actions.

"Come now, my sweet. You're hurting my feelings," it murmured, and he sighed as it washed over his doubts like a tide.
"You know why we do what we do. We are powerful and strong so long as we are one and we are together. Don't let this little harlot come between us. You know how much that would injure me."

His heart seemed to tighten in his chest, as though the whisper were displaying its emotional turmoil over his doubt
in a tangible, physical way. He would have gasped, but he'd become used to this twisted display of affection by now, and outwardly his face maintained a carefully constructed image of neutrality.

Forgive me, He replied. I shall never doubt you.

The voice chuckled lightly, resonating in his head like a tolling bell. "That's my favorite pet, " it cooed joyously.
It seemed to grow closer in proximity, though this was really not possible because there was no bodily manifestation of it, and tickled at his ear with soothing words that dripped with beguiling sincerity. "Now you go out there and make me proud, lover."


Mariana watched Erythros's eyes. She watched them closely, attentively. And she saw it plain as day, right there in the dim tavern lighting.

The dermorian's eyes flashed red. The vibrant and stark coloring clotted his corneas for the briefest of instances, but she saw it. She leaned back in her chair in wonder, but not fear. Fear helped nothing. It compromised one's ability to act, and as such, was always meant to be avoided. Besides, maybe she had been mistaken? The lighting in here really was atrocious, and it was possible he had gone quite a while without sleep. That turned some eyes pretty red, she knew from experiance.

The fenki moved her paw in front of Erythros' face and snapped her fingers at him.

"Hello? Come on back to the dome there, buddy. That's it. Hi!"

Erythros' expression almost instantly melded into amusement. One moment it was blank, the next it was obviously
finding a great deal of humor in her actions.

Well, good, damnit, She thought. Cheer up you mopey son of a trepor.

"You alright my friend?" She inquired, shooting him a smirk. "I thought I'd lost you!"

Erythros laughed openly this time, his eyes as deep an emerald as the leaves on the trees outside of Harnquist's smithy.

Must have been my imagination, then, She mused.

The elf reached out and gulped down the last of his water. He carefully wiped his mouth with his hand, covering his smile for a moment, before standing to his feet and scooting his chair back with a soft scraping upon the wooden floor.

His gaze moved towards the exit and then back again, and he dipped his head, that ever-present halo of red hair tumbling in front of his face.

"I should be going. I'll see you around, Mariana," he said simply.

Mariana watched as he strode swiftly through the door and dissapeared around the corner without another word.

[So nothing much happened in this, but I'm trying to set up how I'm going to display the dynamic between Erythros the character and the menacing "whisper" (Insert Mwah hahaha as deemed appropriate.) Also, is it bad that I like looking over the shoulder of the "villain" more than over the shoulder of my own character?  ::|]

« Last Edit: September 14, 2011, 11:32:31 pm by Mariana Xiechai »


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Re: A Little Confrontation
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2011, 11:36:27 pm »
Erythros laughed openly this time, his eyes as deep an emerald as the leaves on the trees outside of Harnquist's smithy.

If we go relative to quality settings, he has some dull arse eyes.  ;D

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: A Little Confrontation
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2011, 08:03:08 am »
 ;D It's true. We'll just have to use our imaginations

Aramara Meibi

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Re: Musings
« Reply #12 on: September 15, 2011, 09:02:58 am »
is it bad that I like looking over the shoulder of the "villain" more than over the shoulder of my own character?  ::|]

there may be a corresponding reason I find myself playing Icerra more often than Aramara these days.

maybe not a whole lot of action, but the opening of this one was great at capturing my attention and keeping me interested all the way through. Also it helps being involved in this RP further down the line, and it's nice to get a glimpse of the beginnings.
all blessings to the assembled devotees.

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: A Little Confrontation
« Reply #13 on: September 15, 2011, 03:14:21 pm »
Yeah, lots of people eventually ended up getting involved in this RP, which is part of the reason why I found it so enjoyable. I just hope I can portray all of the characters accurately  X-/

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: A Little Confrontation
« Reply #14 on: September 15, 2011, 03:34:47 pm »
That one with the Black Flame threatening the DoX, in a nutshell.

I've a favor to ask. If you have logs of your characters talking about the black flame incident that this story is centered around, or interacting with Erythros/Mariana dealing with the issue, would you mind sending (pming) them to me? This would basically just be if it were with Mariana, mainly, because all my chat is whiped and I'd like to tell the story from different angles. Thanks!  :love: