Author Topic: A Little Confrontation  (Read 2468 times)


  • Hydlaa Notable
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Re: A Little Confrontation
« Reply #60 on: November 30, 2011, 07:10:26 pm »
probably best if you tell the people you want info from, most of these people arent psychic!

Next part should prove interesting...

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: A Little Confrontation
« Reply #61 on: December 22, 2011, 11:31:33 am »
Another letter. Yet another letter had been delivered, a second, because apparently the first had not been nearly enough to cause the necessary amount of anguish this faceless villain was so doggedly eager to inflict. And for what? What motive could he possibly have, what motive could he possibly wish too satiate with this elaborate plan? Dannae knew she had no truth that anyone would be interested in. She had no secrets, at least not any that would placate the needs of this individual by their divulging.

It wasn't fair, really. The abhorrent injustice of it was what weight on her mind now as she paced back and forth in the garden, the letter tightly clutched in her left hand. It simply wasn't fair. Who was she, but the leader of a peaceful guild? One that promoted love and understanding, forgiveness above all else. If she knew this person, indeed, if the others in her organization knew, they would surely be eager to help them, to deliver them from this corruption!

Would you really?

Her pacing halted at the internal query, and her head bobbed upwards. She strode past the gate of Xiosia's garden, out of the sight of the natural manifestation of her goddess where perhaps her darker thoughts would be hidden from those oaken eyes. Would you really be so eager to jump in and rescue rather than hurt? After all that's been done. Your friends threatened. Your lover nearly killed after you shouted her name...

Ixi. She'd hoped that perhaps by stating her name she could be saved. But, no. Instead, an eruption of fire and coals from the forge, mysterious in nature but certainly not without aim, had sent her spiraling down into the depths of the Realm. To the very place that she'd so hoped to keep her from. Ixi herself had suffered at the hands of Dakkru far too many times, and for far too many years. The trip there had been a difficult one for her, perhaps more difficult for most, and though she was out here in the fresh air and crystal shine again it would take her some time to recover from the tragedy in both mind and body.

Her footfalls were audible as her heartbeat, the bare skin of her soles slapping the cobblestones as she walked aimlessly. She knew not what to do any longer, knew not where to turn, and instead of a mail-storm of sorrow a new and sharper emotion was building up and pulsating through her. Rage. Righteous and pointedly aimed, all she wanted to do was get this perpetrator's neck between her hands and dig her polished nails into their skin. Twist their trachea to the point of snapping, if she could. Perhaps her reaction might have been more merciful if it had only been her life they had decided to threaten, but instead they had chosen a path far more grave and horrid. They sought to destroy the lives and well-being of those she cared about most, and she found her typically docile and complacent spirit churning at the wrongness of it.

The tunnel opened up to the plaza, and the bustling clueless people therein. She looked at them without truly seeing, her mind a blank, a haziness that traveled to the clouded look in her eyes. She wanted it over, that was all. Over and done. All she wanted was to know that her friends were safe and well-cared for. That no murderous monster was lurking in the corners and waiting eagerly for their names to spill past her lips, so that the others might be saved from their voracious thirst for blood.

Is it truly so much to ask, to be requited the peacefulness we try to bring into this place? The sound of her feet moving halted as she brought herself to a stop, somewhere between the tavern and the Den, alone amidst a throbbing crowd of unknowing passersby. The steady beating of her heart was still pounding in her ears, and she listened to it slow down as a result of her ceased walking.

All this time, all we've sought is to cherish life. To encourage this deep respect, and cultivate it amongst all others. All this time, this guild has been built upon such a foundation, such a noble cause. To be caught up in this mindless inquisition...this game of roulette without cause or purpose. To expose a secret that surely is nowhere near worth the lives it has already endangered!

It was coming back again, her anger, no matter how hard she tried to squash it. It brought about those violent thoughts, retributive, thoughts that refused to align themselves with the overwhelming goodness of her goddess. But she found that she could not stop them, no matter how she wished she could. They came anyway, fueled by her own thoughts. Her fists tightened, and she heard the crinkling of that paper, felt it crumble between her fingers as the blood rushed out of them. Swept away by this tide of fury, she threw her head back and began to shout things. She didn't care that people turned to stare at her, and this half-crazed banshee that was screaming up at the top of the dome. No, all she cared about was this evil thing that was threatening the foundations of everything she loved and cared for. She might make herself look the fool, but she was dead set on forcing them out to meet her face to face.

“Come out, you coward! Come out!”
« Last Edit: December 22, 2011, 08:57:01 pm by Mariana Xiechai »

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: A Little Confrontation
« Reply #62 on: December 22, 2011, 11:32:34 am »
Jilata has kindly written an exerpt regarding her character's involvement in this part of the story, so I figured I'd make an entry where she could post it. Thanks, Jilata!


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Re: A Little Confrontation
« Reply #63 on: December 22, 2011, 04:21:23 pm »
* Dannae buries her head between hands recalling that day. "If it wasn't me, I'd sure have wondered what had gotten into that freak!"

I did have a great time RPing that whole scene hoping the gms wouldn't shut me up for spamming shouts. It's not often she gets to go crazy like that.

:thumbup: I enjoyed reading your description of things from Dannae's point of view leading up to her meltdown. For accuracy, in the actual RP, this happened after receiving a 3rd threat letter, the first of which resulted in iXi being harmed, and the 2nd in the sabotage on Shadow's weapon also resulting in injury.


  • Hydlaa Notable
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Re: A Little Confrontation
« Reply #64 on: December 22, 2011, 04:45:05 pm »
Heheh, Wish i was on for the scream fest, woulda been entertaining.


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Re: A Little Confrontation
« Reply #65 on: December 22, 2011, 08:28:22 pm »
Jilata entered the plaza, walking slowly and trying to hold her anger back. She didn't like what was currently happening. Dannae was in danger and she couldn't do anything. That changed. She had a name of the one who was supposed to be the culprit now. Her eyes passed over the plaza, searching for the figure of her friend.

“Who are you dammit? Why don't you show yourself coward? ” Her head turned into the direction of the shout. Another letter reached Dannae? It couldn't be... not this fast! A slight growl left her throat as she walked over to the Nolthrir. “Come out and show yourself..then I'll give you what you want!”

The Akkaio looked worried at the elf. She knew the feeling. And there was nothing she hated more than an invisible enemy. One, she could never do anything against. She stopped another growl from raising in her throat. “Dannae? Everything alright?”
The woman kept looking over the plaza, ignoring the fenki behind her. “Dammit.... come out coward!” Jilata flattened her ears on her head. “I didn't know you could shout this well...”, she mumbled. Dannae... the peaceful, loving Dannae shouted over the plaza as if her life would depend on it. With the only difference, that it wasn't her life which depended on it. It was that of her friends.

Finally the Nolthrir turned to her, shaking on her whole body. A slight smell of sweat reached Jilata. Was it caused by anxious? Or from all that shouting?
“What happened?” She inquired with a low voice, even though she already had an idea on what was going on.

“I have another threat!” It was clearly visible how agitated the elf was.

Jilata's eyes narrow barely visible. No! So it really was that. That shouldn't have happened... Dannae was close to a break down. She would never let that happen. Not as long as she could avoid it. Hate filled her whole body and drew her claws. She wanted to hunt that guy who dared to threaten her friend. No one was allowed to do that...

Another elf stepped to the small group. “Another letter?” A needless question. It was obvious that she did get one.
Dannae threw the paper on the ground. The fenki lost her control a moment and a slight growl left her throat as she bent down and picked the paper up. It was similar to the first note. At least there wasn't another name of someone she really cared for.

“Tell me what the truth is!” The elf shouted over the plaza again.

Jilata read through the note again, to make sure she didn't miss anything. “Two names this time...” She mumbled to herself. She looked back up to Dannae and gave the note to an arriving Klyros.

“I can't choose one of them and I don't know the damn truth" The elf covered her face in her hands. “What am I to do? Why is someone doing this to me?” How much did she know? Did she have that name as well?

“I would have said hunt... if you know who to hunt...” The fenki didn't say the name on purpose. She tried to avoid getting the pull the Nolthrir into a fight. It was better if she stayed somewhere safe.
“It could be anyone.” An useless comment from the other elf.

Dannae eyed an Ylian who passed by. “Are you him?”
It was no good. She needed to catch that culprit or Dannae would be suspicious of every stranger. And that didn't suit her.

From the corner of her eye she watched the kid of the Klyros climbing up at him. “Do you have any clues at all?”
“Whoever it is... they must be somewhere close enough to hear me shout.”
“True, but they've picked a busy spot.” Added the female Dermorian.

She was right. Jilata started loosing her patience. She couldn't simply watch it. She had to do something...

A young fenki arrived at the small group. “Hello everyone” She said cheerfully, not reading the mood. She definitely was new to the city, seeing that she didn't have a clue on what was going on.
Everyone in the group turned to the stranger.
“Who are you?” Dannae asked, for a short moment distracted from the threat.
“I am Seyale.” She said smiling. “I am a young Enkidukai.”
Dannae's voice softened a bit. “I'm sorry, but maybe you shouldn't be here right now. There may be danger.”
The fenki looked disappointed. “Oh, ok...I was just trying to meet new friends...” She ran off, not listening to the explanation the Dermorian gave. “We're all a little tense right now, Seyale.”
It was good that she left. She didn't have a use for someone who could get in the way.

Dannae turned to face the plaza and shouted again. “Come out dammit... I'm not choosing this time! I won't choose anyone else for you sick people to harm!”

She needed to catch that guy before anyone else got harmed. Especially Dannae. “How much time is left?”
“None Jilata... none...” Dannae noticed another small group close to the explorers booth and pointed at them. “I think he might have something to do with this.”

Jilata looked at the group. She had passed by them earlier when she walked to Dannae. “Is that the guy Karlyle chased away the last time?” If it was, and she suspected that it was, then it might be the person they were looking for.

Dannae nodded. “Yes... I think so.” She paused a moment, then added. “There's something not right about him.”

The Klyros sighed. “Alright. Want me to go check them out?”
Jilata frowned, refusing to let an opportunity go to hunt the culprit. But at the same time she didn't want to leave Dannae alone without any protection. “Either you or me."
He looked to the fenki. “Both of us then.”
“I don't know... I don't want anyone getting hurt.” Dannae said concerned.
“Someone will get hurt if we don't do anything, Dannae.” That guy started it. He had chosen the wrong target for his actions. Now he had to accept the consequences for his actions...


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Re: A Little Confrontation
« Reply #66 on: December 22, 2011, 08:30:48 pm »
hmm... I added some more paragraphs to make it easier to read

@Mariana: I had some fun writing it. It let me recall that day. It was a really weird one to be true. Weird, but somehow fun. ;)