Author Topic: Ideas on Yliakum's music.  (Read 735 times)


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Ideas on Yliakum's music.
« on: September 25, 2011, 05:22:00 am »
Since songwriting and musical instruments will be implemented soon I deceided to create this thread.
Suggested band names:
The Clackers
Rolling Krans
Heavy Lumium
Stone Groffels
You can pick up one or state your own name.Mention the real life music style your band is influenced by or state other if you are going to make something unique.
E.g.T in the Garden (my band),influenced by Britpop and Grunge.
After 5 or more bands are created awards and a festival will be organised.
Armendeir Music Festival (held every three months at Armendeir's theater).Band could  also perform at taverns and the Red Crystal Den.
Yliakum's Music Awards (similar to MTV awards and TOTP).
Award Categories:
Best Band
Best Song
Best Songwriter
Best Lyrics in song.
Best tune in a song.


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Re: Ideas on Yliakum's music.
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2011, 09:24:53 am »
I've been waiting for this! In 2008, Khywe from KJ, Tomislav and myself made the band Klyros Ulber Farm and there have been some performances here and there.
Sadly, it's difficult now to bring the original band together, but as the lead singer I still tend to sing from time to time  ;)
We made songs edited for PS from RL songs like American Pie, Beds are Burning etc.
Going to the Iron Temple makes you as much of a Laanx follower as going to Harnquist makes you a furnace.

* Talad made Laanx's boobs fall off by accident


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Re: Ideas on Yliakum's music.
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2011, 06:22:50 pm »
Dear Musicians of Ylikum!

Would any of you please be willing to perform at Roled and Lattia's wedding next Saturday (see the city bulletin boards)?  :woot:  :thumbup:

Roled is looking for one or two musicians to perform as people gather, and then one or two or even three musicians or groups to perform during the reception after wards. The elf has promised dancing, but neglected to think about how to dance without music!  ::|

Thanks for helping and participating in this rp if you can! It would be terrific if you would!
Thanks!!   \\o//   \\o//   \\o//   \\o//

Roled the dancing Elfboy
"RR is a PieSexual" ~ Monala


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Re: Ideas on Yliakum's music.
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2011, 07:07:59 pm »
catle I like the idea of the rolling krans


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Re: Ideas on Yliakum's music.
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2011, 05:55:07 am »
You can pick up one or state your own name.Mention the real life music style your band is influenced by or state other if you are going to make something unique.

I was trying to build a band called 7th Level Melodies, supposedly inspired by the Punk movement / DIY style. Music was supposed to be loud and lyrics disturbing, though there were also calmer songs. Of course the inspiration from Punk didn't go as far as to include OOC instruments, just the basic DIY spirit. Members were supposed to be not all that talented, and do it just for the passion. Unfortunately, it never really came to be (mostly because of me being unable to sacrifice all my time to it), but the 21 song texts I wrote in advance are still floating around somewhere...

... if someone happens to come across them, feel free to perform the (surely inspired, but IC and completely original) songs with your own band. I'd be happy to see a log of it if anyone does. I made up rough melodies for some of the songs, but I'm a horrible composer, so you might want to make your own melodies.


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Re: Ideas on Yliakum's music.
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2011, 09:39:31 am »
I wrote the lyrics for one song and I need at least two more people for the band to be complete.
I will upload the lyrics soon for everyone to use as long as you give credit to Hromdair Selav.Other song writer can post their lyrics here too.


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Re: Ideas on Yliakum's music.
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2011, 01:15:54 pm »
Other song writer can post their lyrics here too.

Alright, here's a few additional songs' lyrics (though nobody really cared about them when I posted them, which probably means they're bad). Songs in that thread should be considered "public domain" / "unknown source". Anyone's free to use them in-game. Some are originally based on my RP, but since I've never shown them to anyone except on the forums, nobody knows them ICly. Maybe someone finds an old piece of paper on the ground or something with one of the songs on it. Or something.

I could post the other 21 songs too, but I'm not going to. My character only wrote each of them down once. They're spread across two different books (one with 5, the other with 16 songs), which she both lost. I handed both to trustworthy RPers. So if you're interested, go find them!


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Re: Ideas on Yliakum's music.
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2011, 03:21:34 pm »
As far as I remember Jamona was once on a stage...even if there was only a small, selected audience. Also for the "though nobody really cared about them when I posted them, which probably means they're bad" you should be slapped. I always loved your songs...sorry, if I never told you (Also I think I had my old forum account deleted around the time you posted the couldn't comment them)

Lhaa nods and casts another smirk as she turns around. "Th'pillow corner then I s'pose." She says, then takes a large gulp from one of the mugs before walking on. "I met Jamona earlier."
Aiwendil follows Lhaa "Jamona? Did she mention if she is up for performing in the Den"
Aiwendil sits beside Lhaa then sets her mug on the floor
Lhaa sits comfortably on the pillows and leasn back a bit, resting on her elbows afte setting both goblets down. "She said she ain't up t'perform here. Seems that she doesn't like the idea of gettin' up th'stage."
Aiwendil sighs softly "Too bad. I really like what she writes. But I think I can understand her. It's pretty personal stuff"
Lhaa shrugs her shoulders. "She's okay. I like -th'way- she writes, too." She says, then leans forth to pick up and drink from one of the goblets, then sets it down again and turns to Aiwendil. "She can't perform th'first song here, anyway."
Aiwendil gives Lhaa and unsure glance "The first song? I only saw one of her songs. And why can't she perform it? You think it's too violent?"
Lhaa head-shakes softly. "No. I like this place too much t'let it go for a stupid song." She says, her eyebrows gathering. "She could sing the others, though. I like 'em."
Aiwendil looks a bit confused "I don't really see what's the problem with the song she showed me. But maybe it's another one than you mean". The she shrugs her shoulders "But it won't be a issue at all if she doesn't want to perform"
[Tell] Jamona tells you: is someone at the den?
[Guild] Aiwendil says: lol
[Guild] Aiwendil says: tell from Jamona if someone is in the den
Lhaa smirks. "She wants t'perform in Kada El's basement. 'Least I hope we will know when that happens, I'd like t'see it."
[Guild] Lhaa says: lol
[Guild] Lhaa says: i see
[Guild] Lhaa says: seems like Lhaa's statement worked, then ;)
[Tell] You tell Jamona: [hi greetings, and yes, I'm here...just not sure for how long]
[Tell] Jamona tells you: [aww, jamona just knocked]
Aiwendil smiles "Oh, I don't want to miss that too". Then she looks over to the door at the knocking "Should we open?"
Lhaa smirks. "I'll drink all this meanwhile." She says, looking upset at the goblets.
Jamona says: Oh, so someone's there after all
Aiwendil steps out of the Den and smiles as she spots Jamona and Aurelyn "Hello you two."
Aurelyn says: Greetings
Jamona says: Hello miss Aiwendil
Aiwendil giggles "Yes sorry, it sometiems takes soem time to get out here"
Aiwendil smiles at both "Can I help you?"
Aurelyn says: We were just wondering if it was opened...
Jamona smiles "Well actually"
Aiwendil shakes her head "No sorry, we closed already some time ago". Then she turns to Jamona and smiles "But I wouldn't mind to hear you song on stage if you want"
Jamona says: I remembered about that you wanted me to audition...
Aiwendil shrugs her shoulders "Not really an audtions I think. More a chance for you to see if you feel comfortabel with it"
Jamona says: Has Lhaa told you I've written some more songs?
Aiwendil has to smiles "Just a second ago. She mentioned that she met you and then you knocked"
Jamona says: Ah... ah I see.
Aiwendil looks at both "Do you want to come in?"
Jamona says: So... I remember you told me to come some hours earlier... so if it's too late now, we might also come back tomorrow...
Aiwendil shakes her head "Come on in if you want. The time is fine I think"
Jamona nods "Great"
Aurelyn nods as well
Aiwendil steps aside and holds the door open for both
Aiwendil smiles at both "Please have a seat.I just go upstairs to tell Lhaa you are here"
Jamona nods
Aurelyn nods
Aiwendil walks to Lhaa and smiles "Jamona and Aurelyn are here. Want to come downstairs with me?"
Lhaa furrows her eyebrows and looks down to the goblets, then empties both at once. She shrugs and stands up wordlessly to walk on, leaving the goblets behind.
Aiwendil sighs softly and walks to the pillows, picking up her mug and the goblets. Then she turns around anf follows Lhaa
Aiwendil gives Lhaa and unsure glance "Some tea darling?"
Lhaa nods to Jamona and smirks to her. "Finally decided our teeth ain't sharp enough?"
Lhaa shrugs to Aiwendil.
Jamona looks at Lhaa "Well Aurelyn was with me"
Aiwendil looks confused from Lhaa to Jamona and then shrugs her shoulders
Aurelyn laughs "What a protection..."
Jamona smiles at Aurelyn
Lhaa grins broadly, looking thoroughtly amused. "So she's th'warrior, then?" She says, shooting Aurelyn a wink.
Aurelyn laughs again
Jamona shrugs "Not really, but she got the armor"
Jamona smiles
Aiwendil sighs softly again and then turns back to Jamona forcing a warm smile on her face "But I'm curious about the other songs you mentioned. Are they like the one you showed me?"
Jamona says: Well... not really
Jamona says: Though one is about killing, to... in a way...
Aurelyn says: Jamona wrote two new songs since...
Jamona looks at Jamona "Actually, three"
[Editor: Very bad timing for such a around that time we had a lot of troubles with people messing with us using different alts. Leaving the OCC talks in there...because now afterwards knowing you two a bit better they are funny to read]
[Guild] Aiwendil says: Jamona looks at Jamona? ;)
Lhaa chuckles softly. "But pondered t'never let th'third see th'light."
[Guild] Lhaa says: LOL!!!
[Guild] Lhaa says: omg :c
[Guild] Aiwendil says: she is good then
Jamona smiles "Well... I said I'ld think about it about it"
[Guild] Lhaa says: she is nervous like heck now :p
[Guild] Lhaa says: yeah...
Jamona looks at Aiwendil "Do you... want to have a look?"
Aiwendil smiles warmly "Of course. I already thought you won't ask"
Lhaa casts a soft smirk and looks at Jamona and Aurelyn. "Don't you want somethin' t'drink while she reads?"
Jamona blushes a little "I'm sorry"
Aiwendil shakes her head "Sorryabout what? I see nothing you have to be sorry about"
Aurelyn nods "Sure"
Jamona realized she really is rather thirsty, "What... what do you have?"
Lhaa wrinkles her lips gently. "Beer, cider, water, milk, tea, spirits... wine?" She recites as she walks around the counter.
Jamona lays the songbook onto the table and smiles at Aiwendil
Lhaa nods to both and picks up an empty goblet. "'Course." She mutters, then walks over to the barrels.
Aiwendil walks to one of the chairs and sits down. Then she reaches for the book and starts reading
[Guild] Aiwendil says: those are some of the best songs I ever read in PS
[Guild] Lhaa says: wb Denolyier
[Guild] Lhaa says: and yes Aiwendil i know ;)
Aiwendil puts the book back on the table and smiles at Aurelyn "Those songs are wonderful."
Jamona drinks from her pouch
Jamona looks at Aiwendil "Really?"
Lhaa nods to Aurelyn. "Soon as I ah..." She scowls again as she looks around the counter, then finally steps to one of the crates and picks up a bottle of milk, muttering some curses. "There you go." She says as she looks back to her.
Lhaa walks around the counter and to the table, setting the milk down a bit stronger than needed.
Aurelyn sits down and starts to drink
Aiwendil nods to Jamona "Yes, I really like them. I would love to hear them at least once"
Jamona then looks at Lhaa with a sorry look
Jamona turns to Aiwendil "Well I'm sure you'll hear them some time..."
Aiwendil loosk up to Lhaa, giving her an apologetical glance "Sorry, I was sunken in the songs. I will get the next drinks"
Jamona smiles "I take it you didn't mean you want to hear all of them now?"
Lhaa shrugs to Aiwendil and smirks. "Ain't goin' t'make a difference. I'm glad you liked th'songs."
Aurelyn looks at Jamona then at the satge "Didn't you want to try them on stage?"
Jamona carfully picks the book back up
Aiwendil turns to Jamona and grins "Oh, I wouldnt mind that"
Aurelyn takes a sip
Jamona's glance wanders from Aiwendil to Lhaa and back, a little confused "I see."
Lhaa blinks then stands up and walks back to the counter again, picking an empty mug and steppign back to the barrels. "Please do that. We'd love t'hear a beautiful voice."
Jamona takes another few sips before standing up
Lhaa moves back to the table and sets a beer mug down before Aiwendil, smirking softly to her.
Jamona blushes deep red
Aiwendil watches Jamona walking to the stage and then turns to Lhaa "Thank you Darling"
Aurelyn looks at Jamona
Jamona tries to find the exact center of the stage and clears her throat
Lhaa leasn gently on Aiwendil, her right arm around the diaboli's shoulders.
Jamona says: I ... don't yet know them by heart, so..
Jamona takes out the songbook
Aiwendil leans her head against Lhaa and whispers "We can share the chair too if you want. Sit on my lap"
Jamona says: I'm... going to do the last one first, so...
Lhaa smirks to Aiwendil and abides wordlessly, keeping her glance on Jamona.
Aurelyn leans against the table, looking at the stage
Jamona starts to sing with a shaking, quiet voice
Jamona says: Good morning Yliakum, how are you today?
Jamona says: 7th Level Melodies have come here to stay
Jamona says: We are living for music, yes...
Jamona looks down at the book

Aiwendil puts her arms around the Nolthrir, listening to Jamona as well
Jamona says: yes that's what we do
Aurelyn smiles and takes another sip, still listening to Jamona
Jamona says: And try to define the word "music" anew
Lhaa curls up to Aiwendil and folds her legs comfortably, nestling on the diaboli.
Jamona clears her throat again
Aurelyn takes a sip and smiles at Jamona
Jamona tries with a somewhat louder, still shaking voice "Everything about our music comes straight from our hearts"
Jamona says: Every single lyric, not just certain parts
Jamona says: We are playing for you, to show you how we feel
Jamona says: If you like what you're hearing, that would be ideal
Jamona pauses to look at the faces of the three spectators
Jamona continues "Good morning Yliakum, how do you do?"

Aiwendil leans her head against Lhaa, smiling warmly at Jamona
Jamona says: 7th Level Melodies now playing for you.
Lhaa is watching with a soft smirk, her left hand idly stroking Aiwendil's hair.
Jamona says: We don't have a budget, don't have a plan,
Jamona says: We just try to divert you the best we can!

Jamona looks at Aurelyn
Jamona says: That last part needs a second singer...
Jamona says: Aurelyn, would you...
Aurelyn frowns
Jamona says: No?
Aurelyn looks at Jamona and smiles "Sure, hun..."
Jamona smiles broadly
Aiwendil turns to Aurelyn and smiles
Lhaa grins watching Aurelyn and nods to her.
Aurelyn gulps down the rest of her mug and stands up, i bit dizzy
Jamona shows Aurelyn the part she has to sing
Jamona says: That in the brackets
Aurelyn sighs and takes the book, looking at the words pointed by Jamona
Jamona says: Just start your line when I'm at singing "li" from Yliakum.
Jamona says: I'll take care of the rest.
Jamona says: You have to sing it half as fast as I am.
Jamona sums to her the melodie she imagined for that part
Jamona says: Take the book if you like, I'm just repeating the same line now anyway
Aiwendil leans her head back on Lhaa's shoulder, watching the stage again. With ehr right hand she stroke Lhaa's arm gently
Aurelyn nods and clears her voice
Lhaa nuzzles into Aiwendil's head and lets out a soft, barely hearable, giggle.
Jamona says: I'm sorry, i'll continue with the ending of where I left off
Lhaa sends a smile over to Jamona and nods. "Worry not."
Jamona says: We don't have a budget, don't have a plan, we just try to divert you the best we can!
Jamona says: Good morning Yliakum
Aurelyn says: Good morning elves and humans
Jamona says: Good morning Yliakum
Aurelyn says: Good morning dwarves and kran
Jamona says: Good morning Yliakum
Aurelyn says: Good morning enkidukai and the rest
Jamona says: Good morning Yliakum
Aurelyn says: Good morning everyone!
Aurelyn clears her throat again
Jamona tries to make a "we're finished now" motion
Aurelyn sighs

Jamona looks at Aurelyn
Jamona says: What is it?
Aurelyn looks back at Jamona and smiles "Nothing, Dear"
Lhaa grins at the two and withdraws her left hand from Aiwendil to clap.
Aiwendil has to smile and reaches further around Lhaa to clap too
Aurelyn looks at Jamona and claps her hands as well
Jamona looks at Aurelyn "You know I don't like that word... nothing..."
Jamona smiles
Aurelyn smiles "You did it, Jamona!"
Lhaa giggles softly at the gesture. "See, what's wrong now 'bout bein' on th'stage? It looks an' sounds wonderful from here."
Jamona blushes a little "Thanks... I"
Jamona says: I was just wishing I could be closer to the audience
Jamona says: Would make it more... personal
Lhaa gives a hum and gives Aiwendil a checking glance before answering. "I ah... s'pose you don't need t'do it up there. S'long as you ain't I don't know, botherin' the audience or shootin' stuff on 'em, it should be okay t'do it between tables."
Jamona smiles "I thought maybe I'ld get down some time during the performance"
Aiwendil smiles at and nods "Of course not. Come down here and sit one one of the tables is you prefer. Or just walk among them"
Jamona whispers to Aurelyn
Jamona nods and smiles at Aurelyn
Jamona says: Okay, we're trying to do the third one
Aiwendil smiles "Yes, pleaser"
Lhaa smiles and nods. "Come down should you wish to."
Jamona nods at Lhaa
Aurelyn looks at the book, upset, looking for the new words
Jamona clears her throat, starting to sing in a somewhat less trembling voice
Jamona says: I'm walking down Oja Road, through this great countryside
Jamona says: I'm being glared by the light from the crystal so bright
Jamona says: I see the creatures around me, thinking they look so free
Jamona says: And everything seems to be in perfect harmony -

Lhaa drapes both arms around Aiwendil again and curls up to her, placing a kiss on the top of the diaboli's head as she listens.
Jamona says: But then again
Jamona says: unholy men
Jamona says: keep charging and
Jamona says: attacking them
Jamona says: I wonder when
Jamona says: this violence
Jamona says: and killing will stop - When will it stop?
Jamona turns the page
Jamona says: I'm hiking up to the crater, it's such a nice place
Jamona says: See a hunter rush past me, with hate in his face
Jamona says: I fear I know what he's plotting, follow him to the pit

Aiwendil pulls Lhaa a bit tighter to herself while listening
Jamona says: And what I see makes me sad and I have to admit
Jamona jumps down the stage, starting the next line exactly as she lands
Jamona says: Now this is an
Jamona says: unholy man
Jamona says: who's charging and
Jamona says: attacking them
Jamona says: I wonder what
Jamona says: it is he thought

Aiwendil has to smile and follows Jamona movements with her eyes
Jamona says: while ramming in
Jamona says: his stupid sword
Jamona's trembling now seems lost, and she has some tears in her eyes
Jamona says: It's just I fail

Aurelyn observes Jamona
Jamona says: to comprehend
Jamona says: how he can do
Jamona says: this to our land

Lhaa looks up to Jamona looking a little concerned.
Jamona says: I wonder when
Jamona looks Lhaa in the eyes upon the next line "this violence"

Lhaa nods slowly, returning the stare.
Jamona says: and killing will stop
Jamona says: When will it stop?
Aurelyn clears her throat and looks at the audience, preparing to repeat Jamona's words

Aiwendil looks for Jamona to Lhaa and giggles softly
Aurelyn says: When will it stop?
Jamona says: When will it stop?
Aurelyn says: When will it stop?
Jamona says: "When will it stop?", jumping up on the last word
Jamona continues with a somewhat rougher voice
Jamona says: I'm getting out of this place, having tears in my eyes
Jamona says: Meanwhile another
Jamona says: Ulbernaut dies
Jamona says: I can't believe I ran away again, letting him be
Jamona says: and now again, this ugly thought comes over me
Jamona jumps down again in the same fashion as she did before
Jamona says: Time and again
Jamona says: unholy men
Jamona says: keep charging and
Jamona says: attacking them
Jamona says: Don't know how they
Jamona says: enjoy the brawl
Jamona says: whila watching all
Jamona says: those creatures fall
Jamona says: This can't go on
Jamona says: eternally
Jamona says: that's what I think,
Jamona says: internally,
Jamona says: Well maybe I
Jamona says: should speak aloud
Jamona looks Aiwendil in the eyes
Jamona says: But then again,
Jamona looks Lhaa in the eyes

Lhaa's kept her gaze on Jamona as she approached, and still looks up to her now, smirking bitterly when she shifts her glance to Aiwendil.
Lhaa turns back to Jamona and returns the stare.
Jamona says: Who'ld hear my shout?
Jamona says: It's just that I
Jamona says: can't comprehend
Jamona says: how they can do
Jamona says: this to our land
Jamona says: I wonder when

Aiwendil returns Jamona glance and then cuddles up to Lhaa, stroking the Nolthrir's side gently with her hand
Aurelyn looks at Jamona
Jamona says: this violence
Jamona says: And killing will stop
Jamona says: When will it stop?
Aurelyn strikes up, repeating Jamona's last words
Aurelyn says: When will it stop?
Jamona says: When will it stop?
Aurelyn says: When will it stop?
Jamona says: When will it stop?
Aurelyn says: When will this
Aurelyn insist "aggressive"
Aurelyn says: killing Stop?
Jamona doesn't really realize the change of wording "When will it stop?"
Aurelyn says: When will this
Aurelyn insist "stupid"
Aurelyn says: killing Stop?
Jamona says: Time and again unholy men keep charging and attacking them
Aurelyn says: When will it stop?
Jamona says: Don't know how they enjoy the brawl while watching all those creatures fall
Aurelyn says: When will it stop?
Jamona says: This can't go on eternally, that's what I think internally
Aurelyn says: When will it stop?
Jamona says: Well maybe I should speak aloud, but then again, who'ld hear my shout?
Aurelyn says: When will it stop?
Jamona says: It's just that I can't comprehend how they can do this to our land
Aurelyn says: When will it stop?
Jamona says: I wonder when this violence and killing will stop, when will it stop?
Jamona says: When
Jamona says: will
Jamona says: it
Jamona says: stop?
Aurelyn ends on sad and fading voice "When... Will... it... stop..."
Jamona smiles at Aurelyn

Lhaa withdraws her arms and claps again, this time though her lips draw a sour smirk.
Aurelyn steps backwards and claps, looking at Jamona
Jamona bows slightly
Aurelyn bows as well, visibly relieved that it ended
Jamona takes a seat to catch her breath, as her voice grew pretty stong in the end
Aiwendil takes her arms from Lhaa and applaudes
Aurelyn looks at Jamona and smiles "Let's get back to Aiwendil and Lhaa. I'm sure they have many things to tell you"
Jamona nods at Aurelyn
Lhaa turns back to the stage and nods. "Do that, you must be tired."
Aiwendil smiles "But thank you for the songs. They are even more beautiful when you sing them"
Jamona smiles broadly "that was so much fun"
Jamona nods at Aiwendil "Thank you"
Aiwendil grins "Maybe it's even more fun with some more audience around"
Lhaa nods to Aiwendil's words. "Sounds really nice altogether." She says, then turns to Aurelyn. "An' th'choruses are beautiful too."
Aurelyn looks surprised "Though, I'm a poor singer"
Aiwendil has to laugh "You are for sure muchl better than me"

Oh...and looking at reading my logs...a bit more for your amusement
[Guild] Lhaa says: every time i write "Jamona" i go nuts btw
[Guild] Lace says: ;) hehe
[Guild] Aiwendil says: back
[Guild] Aiwendil says: and why?
[Guild] Lhaa says: o/
[Guild] Lace says: wibbles aiwe
[Guild] Aiwendil says: what's the problem about her name?
[Guild] Lhaa says: because it means something like "gorgeous chick" in a very er... grey spain-like slang
[Guild] Lhaa says: its like caling her Playmate or some other thing like that lol
[Guild] Lace says: oh ^^ i see
[Guild] Aiwendil says: hehe
[Guild] Lhaa says: you laugh, it's realy awkward
[Guild] Lhaa says: and coming from a german, im pretty sure she knows what it means ;)

And when speaking about music in PS...please don't forget Zakrai's song he preformed at the Red Crystal Evening of Arts. Just saying as new mechanics are all fine and nice...but music was always RPed in PS the one or other way so please don't take the upcoming music mechanics as a reason to let go of creativity.


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Re: Ideas on Yliakum's music.
« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2011, 05:29:28 pm »
As far as I remember Jamona was once on a stage...even if there was only a small, selected audience.

Hey! She performed more than once for that small audience, and then at least twice* for slightly larger audiences, with help from a few other performers (which I'm really grateful for, they did a lot to assist in my RP, thanks)!

Well... it just never turned out the way I wanted it to. Did I expect too much? Definitely. Should I have poured more time into it to achieve what I expected? Hells no.

Also for the "though nobody really cared about them when I posted them, which probably means they're bad" you should be slapped.

Kinda feels that way when you post in fanart forum and nobody responds. Well, probably was tl;dr for many.

I always loved your songs...sorry, if I never told you

You did tell me, and you're one of the few who also told me OOCly. With most people, I was never sure if only their characters liked it or them as well. Yah I know, that's silly. But with that comment I meant mostly the ones I linked to above. I don't think to remember you commented about them, and after all, those were sorted out partially because I thought they're not as good as others.

[Guild] Lhaa says: and coming from a german, im pretty sure she knows what it means ;)

The character was invented years before I even first tried PS (which was Molecular Blue) as my D&D character. The name was constructed of Japanese syllables, more or less randomly. Relatively soon after my return in 2009 someone told me it meant "chubby but pretty young woman" in Spanish. That one's actually new to me. Thanks :D
« Last Edit: September 28, 2011, 06:25:48 am by derula »


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Re: Ideas on Yliakum's music.
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2011, 01:30:10 am »
can you change the size of the last statement to standard font or bigger thanks


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Re: Ideas on Yliakum's music.
« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2011, 09:05:27 am »
can you change the size of the last statement to standard font or bigger

Why? It's an aside, off-topic, and probably uninteresting to most readers. I'd rather remove it completely than make it bigger.

Edit: There, I removed it. No more abuse of notation. Only for you, Mr. Space.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2011, 06:26:24 am by derula »


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Re: Ideas on Yliakum's music.
« Reply #11 on: September 27, 2011, 10:38:58 pm »
Because I'm tired of the general abuse of it.


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Re: Ideas on Yliakum's music.
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2011, 07:36:31 am »
I am bringing this topic to life again.


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Re: Ideas on Yliakum's music.
« Reply #13 on: November 28, 2011, 08:28:33 am »
*cough* Shush, away, dust!

But, well, yes. Illysia's masquerade ball is being planned, and musical instruments are becoming popular. Not that it would be a requirement to play them well, at all ... it is a roleplaying game, not a gamemechanics game, you know.

Still, I would like to be able to get any practice point at all, but no matter how often I try to play a score, there is no practice. Yes, I have an instrument in my hand. Yes, I have several notes in my score. Yes, I have a whole first theory lesson of instruments training. I just hope that 60 INT is enough for this char.

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Re: Ideas on Yliakum's music.
« Reply #14 on: November 28, 2011, 08:47:48 am »
But, well, yes. Illysia's masquerade ball is being planned, and musical instruments are becoming popular.

Ugh...ahm..yeah...mhhh. If I had the choice who plays music for the masquerade ball I would always prefer someone doing it with "/me" commands over someone using the new music stuff in PS. After all the ball should be entertaining..and not over after 5 minutes again. But of course people wanting to show off how much they PLed their music skill in just a month are welcome to apply as musicians for the ball as well...I just really hope I can get some "serious" musicians too for the ball. And it's Illysia's event...I don't have a say on it anyway. I'm just her slave ;).
« Last Edit: November 28, 2011, 08:54:47 am by Aiwendil »