Author Topic: [GUILD] The One  (Read 908 times)

Shadowcarn Acolyte

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[GUILD] The One
« on: October 03, 2011, 07:06:52 am »
Note: The One has undergone several changes since other posts on this forum, has grown greatly and also has a new forum. As such, I am creating another thread for it.

The One is a guild where everyone is equal. A guild without masters or servants, one without leaders or followers. The One has no hierarchy - everyone bears the title of Peer.

Our name has a dual meaning. On one hand, it symbolizes unity: a guild of people who stand together as one. On the other hand, it symbolizes individuality, acknowledging that each Peer is one with unique hopes, goals and dreams.

The One is built on three pillars of ideology: liberty, community and equality.

The One believes in every person's right to freedom. We oppose tyranny and oppression, and seek to liberate those who would be enslaved.

Community is an integral aspect of our guild. Peers of the One care for each other, working together to achieve common goals. Bonds between guildmates are strong, and in many ways the members of the One are like members of a family.

Finally, equality is the third - and perhaps the greatest - cornerstone of the One's philosophy. The One, unlike almost all other guilds, has no guildmaster, nor does it have any sort of ranking system. All members of the one are held in equally high esteem, and matters are decided through reasoned discussion and democratic vote.

The purpose of the One is to spread the messages of freedom and equality throughout Yliakum, and to show skeptics that a free guild of equals can exist - and can prosper.

Rodef Emet
« Last Edit: October 03, 2011, 07:10:11 am by Shadowcarn Acolyte »


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Re: [GUILD] The One
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2011, 12:42:09 am »
Very well done :P I've had some great times with members of The One.


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Re: [GUILD] The One
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2011, 07:13:06 pm »
I personally agree with the philosophy of this guild. I believe that utopia includes anarchy. In a world where everyone respects and has compassion for everyone else, government has no place. Sure, groups need to form to coordinate such things as building community facilities and roads and stringing up electricity, and other such necessities, but I think with careful consideration an ultimate regulating body is not needed.

Of course the mindset of everyone on the planet needs to change drastically for this to ever become a reality. So we act out the idea in a make-believe world.

I'd like to play devil's advocate and join the one as a PITA and see if I couldn't divide and conquer in a sense. I've been in a simple hobby group that lost members and got into heated debates about where the group would go and no one had the intestinal fortitude kick out the drama-inducing member(s). I raise my paw in that offence too, as I was the leader for a year. It's not easy to toss out the rotten apples. They really do manage to get more than a few other members on their side such that they have divided the group. The end result is that good members leave to avoid the drama.
Miomai is currently sane.


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Re: [GUILD] The One
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2012, 05:38:26 pm »
As a new player to PS and the newest member of The One, I want to thank you all for welcome that I have receive from many of you.   :)


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Re: [GUILD] The One
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2012, 10:07:43 pm »
hi Reese, welcome to The One guild! The One members continue to uphold the three tenets of equality, liberty and community; fight injustice and oppression; help one another pursue our goals; and keep the memory of founder Rodef Emet alive. RP thread. IRC (freenode): #ps-revolutiontalk 

Moja Aere

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Re: [GUILD] The One
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2013, 08:46:20 am »

:: Origins ::

β€œI have a dream … not a sleeping dream, an aim, an ideal of the future.”

Rodef Emet (c. 730 AY - )                             

It was the way things were β€” some were born to lead, others to serve. A few climbed the ranks by slow degrees. Most were trodden underfoot, forgotten. If they had voices, no one heard. It was the way things were.

But things were about to change.

Cycles ago, a young diaboli arrived in the Dome, hoping to find his path. He saw  rigidity and exploitation in the hierarchical systems of the land, sometimes even oppression and corruption. In his mind, a new ideology based on equality took shape. Rodef Emet β€” his name means Seeker of Truth β€” set out to gather others to his cause. The road was long and many rejected Rodef’s radical ideals. The guild collapsed many times, leaving him the only upholder of the dream, a dejected wanderer in Yliakum.

Then, late one night on the steps of Hydlaa plaza, the klyros Cirerey convinced the diaboli not to give up. With renewed faith in his cause, Rodef refined his philosophy and rebuilt The One around the core virtues of equality, liberty and community.

Today, The One flourishes, with members of many different races and backgrounds. Rodef is traveling the lower levels spreading the ideals of the guild and we, his Peers, fondly look forward to his return. We stand together, a genuine brotherhood of equals dedicated to helping one another and opposing tyranny and oppression. Today, we are the voices of all free citizens.

And we will be heard.

:: Organisation ::

The One is open to all races, religions, backgrounds and professions β€” anyone who upholds our ideals. The guild has no leader. All members share the equal rank, rights and title of Peer. Decisions are made by democratic vote.

:: Residence ::

Amdeneir, the klyros city: successful, savvy, sophisticated β€” and not above seditious activity for the right cause.

In 665 AY, for instance, Ylian residents of Amdeneir rose against the klyros there, demanding equal rights. In 675 AY, Amdeneir merchants sided with a thieves' guild against the government over taxation issues. In 750 AY, Amdeneir vigesimi Rikania Torwen, sympathetic to government reform and eager to strengthen commercial ties with the non-flying races, invited The One to take up residence in the klyros city, beside the tavern. Our presence in Yliakum and our Amdeneir headquarters support trade, help fellow citizens and continue our dedication to equality, citizen freedoms and community spirit.

:: OOC ::

Hi! The One has existed in previous forms since 2009 and under this name since April 2011. Its origins and ideological development were roleplayed between 2009 and 2011. In 2012 some of us began agitating for a constitution. This arc of roleplays is ongoing and has produced some enjoyable and interesting developments. We also support other player-run roleplays and events that reach us. We are about a fun and safe community, and any anti-government activity is purely roleplay - fictitious - and does not represent OOC views towards the GM/dev team! Drawing on existing Amdeneir lore, we applied for a guildhouse and in April 2013 were given an RP-awarded house beside Amdeneir tavern.

We are recruiting, and looking for:
- all levels of roleplay and gameplay experience, whether new to the game, experienced or returning after an absence. We do not force roleplay on anyone but we do expect members to be interested in "being" their character. Participation in violent/political RPs is entirely voluntary; we interact with your character as individuals, too, and craft/trade/hunt/quest/drink etc alongside him/her/kra.
- all kinds of characters, respectable or shady. We recruit in-character -- any character with a likeminded agenda is welcome, and we have a secret, darker, underbelly if you want to associate your spy/traitor/terrorist/double-agent-whatever-type characters with us.

Our guild-members-only online forum can be found here. For more information, contact any member.
We look forward to seeing you in game!


« Last Edit: November 30, 2013, 01:10:59 pm by Moja Aere »


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Re: [GUILD] The One
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2013, 01:40:54 pm »
Janner would enjoy reading this.

Gag Harmond
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