Author Topic: The diary...  (Read 879 times)


  • Hydlaa Notable
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The diary...
« on: October 04, 2011, 08:37:53 pm »
In an isolated spot, in one of the more desolate depths of the Death Realm, a lone figure sat huddled over.  Her clothes were dirty, scuffed with grime and the mildew that clung to every touchable surface within a days' journey.  A blackish smear, eerily like dried blood spread down her sweater, and flaked over her leathers.  They at least were holding up well.  The frayed edges of a wicked gash through the wool had been crudely tied together, and the belt she wore was tightened over the area, trying to give it some protection from the elements. 

Her hair was oily, and drips of the dampness that thickened the air fell from the ends that escaped the braid she kept it back in.  A few strands plastered themselves to her face, little wisps that trailed over the smudges of dirt that had begun to accumulate.  Her face was drawn and worried, expressions playing in a haphazard dance over her golden eyes and tawny skin. 

A shudder ran through her frame, and she curled tighter over something that she clutched tightly in her hands.  With dirty fingertips, she brushed the filth from the barely visible surface of a small diamond crystal.  She whispered softly the words that would call up the visions within the gem, but in the gloom of the Realm, she was unable to see more than shadows.  One larger, three smaller.  She sighed softly, raising the crystal and pressing her lips against the hard surface.  After a long moment of silence, she wrapped the crystal carefully in a few scraps of fabric torn from her sweater and tucked it away. 

She pulled out a roll of parchment… and began to write.
Day 1:
Damn that menki.  It's never taken me this long to find my way around the Realm before. 

I'm not really sure what happened in the transition.  I felt the sword, I felt the ground, but when I would have normally woken up near the bones of some poor unfortunately beast, I saw nothing even remotely recognizable. 

Stupid son of an ungrateful trepor… When i get out of here, Kisoji and I are having a very long talk, preferably one that involves axes. 

It's very dark here.  Cold and damp.  Something is dripping, but I can't seem to find the source.  There's no water, no rain.  Just cold, dark stones.  Travosh would be proud if he could see how I managed to see enough to write.  I managed to learn just enough Red Way magic when I was topside to make a little glow.   If I sit really still I can almost see the paper. 

Not sure why I'm bothering though.  It's just… I can't keep walking.  I walked for a few hours this morning, but didn't see anything.  Just blackened ashes and bones.  There were a few ruins.  One I thought might be a way out.  But it wasn't.

The stones were warm there, and they almost glowed.  There was just an archway left, the rest had crumbled, and the rock pulsed faintly.  But nothing happened when I ran my fingers over it.  No exit lay under it. 

I thought for a moment I heard a voice calling my name.  But it never drew closer.  It was probably just a figment of my imagination.  Everything seems hollow here.

I need a few hours rest.  I'll try again tomorrow…

With a sigh, the women rolled the parchment carefully up.  She slipped it into her sweater, and curled herself into a tight ball on the stones.  A large rock formed her pillow, and she pulled once more the diamond crystal out.  She held it tightly, gazing into it's depths as she slowly drifted off into an uneasy sleep.
Also, it's more credible to others if you grow in power slowly over time.  First kill rats, then noobs, then klyros, and eventually work your way up to more powerful creatures ~ Miomai


  • Hydlaa Notable
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Re: The diary...
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2011, 10:43:31 pm »
*Travosh isnt proud until you burn your own portal out of the Death Realm

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: The diary...
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2011, 01:38:25 pm »
 :( Poor Teshia.
 ;D I'll have Mariana neuter Kisoji for you.


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Re: The diary...
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2011, 12:17:44 pm »
Great writing Teshia.

Miomai could find you and bring you back to Yliakum. It's kind of like burning your own portal, a burned fenki portal.
Miomai is currently sane.


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Re: The diary...
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2011, 07:06:51 pm »
LOL I'm sure if Teshia used a burning Enkidukai to get out of the DR that would get points with Trav for sure.  And don't worry about it Mari... Car already did that ;)
Also, it's more credible to others if you grow in power slowly over time.  First kill rats, then noobs, then klyros, and eventually work your way up to more powerful creatures ~ Miomai

Aramara Meibi

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Re: The diary...
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2011, 12:39:25 am »
don't worry then tesh, there IS an old fenki with burning eyes somewhere amid the black stuff who can get you out of there just fine. all you need to do is partake in the yliakum equivalent of ayahuasca and ask your guardian spirit the right question, and viola!
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Re: The diary...
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2011, 10:49:22 am »
You're an excellent writer!! I absolutely loved the descriptive detail. Really fun to read!! more?  :flowers:

Never trust a unicorn fish.


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Re: The diary...
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2011, 09:20:11 pm »
Thank you!  I did write a bit more... but warning... I godmodded a god some. 

Part 2:
The days seemed to be moving slower.  Or lasting longer.  Or maybe it was all in her very muddled head.  Either way, time seemed like it wasn't passing with the usual ebb and flow. The wear and tear on her clothing alone tended to indicate that more time than expected had passed.  She'd given up trying to keep herself clean, and even the minimal lack of effort showed.  Her nails were gritty and crusted with dirt, her face and hair were caked, and the light in her eyes seemed covered by a film of dust and despair. 

As best she could figure, it was night… and time to sleep.  She sat down, and pulled the clear crystal out, as she had countless times over the duration of her entrapment.  She rubbed frantically over it, trying to clean enough of the surface to be able to see into it.  Her efforts were in vain though, and she could see no more than dark blurs beyond the smudges.  A strangled sound tore its way from her lips and she crushed the stone against her face.  The time for tears was ending, instead she simply rocked back and forth, empty. 

The parchment lay almost forgotten by her feet.  The words scrawled across it grew fewer, and less coherent as the time passed.
Day 5:

Dammit!  I should be able to find a way out, but none of the portals I've found here are working.  I'm really, really going to consider shoving Kisoji's face into a steaming pile of trepor dung when I get out of here.  I hope the cubs are alright, I'm sure Caraick is doing just fine with them, but I can't help but wonder if they miss me. 

I wish he would take them to see Zalya, at least Sarian.  Caraick won't ever understand how I cannot hate her, but I can't… and Sar loves her.  He sees something in her, probably like his father used to.  Silly cub.  He probably won't even notice I'm gone.  I hope Zetlir doesn't.  He's been through enough. 

I'm sure as soon as I get back, I'll have to teach them all how to take baths again.  No way Caraick would be seeing to that.  Probably hasn't trimmed their nails, or cleaned their ears either.  Oh listen to me… I sound like such a nag.  I hope Car's taken the boys hunting.  Maybe he's let Ehalan paint his claws.

Day 13:

There's no water here.  None at all, and I can barely call enough with my magics to drink.  It's dark, so very dark.  I wish this crystal worked still, but it's so dark.  I think it's been almost two weeks, but I'm not sure. 

Day 22:

Caraick… I miss you.

She rocked slowly back and forth, cradling the stone and muttering softly to herself in the barren darkness.  It was so dark, the sudden appearance of the luminous figure before her left her eyes blinded to all but the shimmer.  She blinked, eyes watering and stinging as the figure slowly approached.  Teshia squinted, barely able to make out the outline of a dainty foot and shapely calf, covered with a gown of liquid rainbows. 

A voice that was far too soft and sweet to be found in the depths of the Realm floated on the still air.  "My, my my, what have we here?"  The angelic voice tinkled a laugh, like glass shards shivering along one another.  The perfectly formed foot reached out, a sandal made of precious metals and gems crushed the parchment into the ground, the heel tearing through the fragile paper and ripping the words from existence.  "Not so proud now, are you little girl?"

Teshia sat, almost paralyzed in the presence of the Goddess, fingertips of one hand clawing closer to the parchment, trying to pull it to safety, her other hand slowly moving the crystal, trying to hide it from the Divine sight. 

The Goddess gave another peal of beatific laughter, stepping closer as if to bestow a caress to the girl's face.  Perfectly manicured nails slid along the dirty face, lifting Teshia to her hands and knees, and as Dakkru bent down to whisper, her heel rested lightly atop the hand that had just brushed the edge of the parchment.  A smile curved the ruby lips as that heel sliced down into the crusted flesh and bone, widening still more at the scream that pierced the air.  The scream was cut off abruptly as the Goddess' hand flashed through the air and left a welt across Teshia's face. 

The girl flinched, trying to pull her hand out from beneath the Goddess' foot.  Where the thin heel pressed between the bones the flesh throbbed.  The Goddess straightened up, looking about almost absently.  "Hmm.. what shall I do with you?  I did warn you of what would happen if I ever caught you again…" The Goddess rocked her weight back and forth, each movement wedging the bones apart further, almost innocently… almost. 

Teshia curled into herself, clutching weakly at her wrist.  A soft whimper followed the Goddess' almost joyful contemplation.  Dakkru's lip curled in disgust.  "You're not going to cry are you?"

The girl made a horrible face, eyes slammed shut, lip almost bitten through in the effort to keep her control.  She grit her teeth and forced out a single word "Never."

The Goddess tossed her head back, cascades of inky hair shimmering as she laughed louder and longer than before.  She replied ever so sweetly "You will if I want you to, child.  Don't ever forget that." 

A very slight smirk curved her delicate features as she stepped back, pulling her heel casually from the hand.  The Goddess looked down, a tiny frown furrowed her brow as she noted a bit of flesh still clinging to her shoe.  She wrinkled her nose and with the slightest narrowing of her eyes the blood and flesh disintegrated, leaving her shoe pristine.  "There… much better."

The smirk returned to her face as the Goddess looked down at the figure lying before her.  "What a waste you turned out to be.  You could have been useful."

Teshia simply stared blankly at the figure before her.  Surely this could not be Dakkru's true form.  The size of her throne at least indicated that the Goddess would be much larger, but this smaller form was no easier to gaze upon.  It galled her to have to avert her eyes, but between the brightness, and the pain throbbing through her hand, there was no chance for bravado.  It took all her concentration to keep from vomiting on that rainbow colored gown, not that she'd actually mind adding a bit of insult here, but when one was lost and completely at the mercy of a sadist, it's generally considered a bad move to provoke said sadist.

As it was, she collapsed into a heap, gasping for breath as the figure slowly faded away.  Her hand throbbed, the wound gaping.  She raised it to her face, peering through the hole into the inky depths of the Realm.  A trail of blood began to run down her arm, and in the absence of the pure light from the Crystal, she settled for a makeshift bandage or torn strips of her sweater.  One last tug on the cloth tightened the bandage, and she fell over.  Her eyes rolled into her head and a blissful oblivion soothed both the physical pain, and the emotional fears for a time.

She would wake soon enough, to once again try to find her way out.
Also, it's more credible to others if you grow in power slowly over time.  First kill rats, then noobs, then klyros, and eventually work your way up to more powerful creatures ~ Miomai

Aramara Meibi

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Re: The diary...
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2011, 11:58:43 pm »
hi tesh!

dakkru sure is busy these days. must be halloween approaching.

i wonder if tesh was thinking about zalya at the same time she was getting slaughtered... maybe one caused the other, like through some quantum connection.

also this is awesome writing.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2011, 12:02:24 am by Aramara Meibi »
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Mariana Xiechai

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Re: The diary...
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2011, 08:10:18 am »
 ;D Yes, it must be halloween approaching. And daaaang girl! Owie! Teshia's poor hand is going to need serious help when she finally gets outta there.


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Re: The diary...
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2011, 05:33:07 pm »
*chuckles* Tesh likes Zalya, a lot, which is weird considering she likes all of maybe 3 people XD

 :love: Ara  :love:
Also, it's more credible to others if you grow in power slowly over time.  First kill rats, then noobs, then klyros, and eventually work your way up to more powerful creatures ~ Miomai


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Re: The diary...
« Reply #11 on: October 13, 2011, 10:15:30 pm »
She wrinkled her nose and with the slightest narrowing of her eyes the blood and flesh disintegrated, leaving her shoe pristine.  "There… much better."

Reminds me of "Bewitched."
Miomai is currently sane.


  • Hydlaa Notable
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Re: The diary...
« Reply #12 on: October 14, 2011, 09:23:19 pm »
Part 3:

…You failed, you know…

The voice was soft, like a caress to the senses that gradually roused her, instead of jerking her violently back to consciousness.  She stirred, blinking in the darkness and trying to find the source of the words.

…You thought you actually managed to take him from me?  Foolish girl, you've never done anything but play along with my plans…

She frowned and pushed herself up to her knees.  Her fingers splayed, feeling around on the barren rocks.  She swallowed thickly, the thirst that had been building for days was growing worse.  At this rate, she'd not last much longer.  It was getting harder and harder to draw enough water through her magics.  If she'd taken enough time to think about it, she would have kicked herself for not bothering to train more in the Blue Way magics, but as it was, she simply licked her cracked lips and focused more on the voice. 

She felt around, fingertips brushing into something warm and wet.  She stilled, drawing her hand back and raising it to her face.  A metallic scent floated to her nostrils and she flinched.  She crawled forwards slowly, and her fingers brushed against something cold, and solid… hard and yet yielding. 

…Come, see the results of your arrogance…

The voice trailed off into a low chuckle.  It gradually rose in pitch and freedom until it echoed through the realm.  She twitched, hesitantly running her hand over something that unmistakably ended in five long, tapered fingers.  The wound in her palm throbbed, her breathing sped up.  She closed her hand slowly over the unmoving hand.  The callouses of it were so very familiar, even though she'd only touched them once before.  The cold skin was pliable to her touch, death had set in long enough that the body was no longer rigid. 

… He died cursing your name; cursing your foolishness…

Teshia inched her way closer, letting her hand trail up the limp arm, to the shoulder.  The raised ruins of a hundred scars pebbled the bare flesh beneath her touch and dread rose with the bile.  She ground her jaw and tried to make herself reach out to the face, to feel the confirmation of her fears, but a trembling set in, and she clenched her hands tight enough to force a scream through her teeth. 

… What's the matter, child?  Cannot face what you've done?  Cannot bear to see the pain your foolishness caused?  I warned you, now you must face those consequences…

She choked, coughing on the acidity that flooded her mouth.  One hand clamped over her mouth, the other shook as it moved steadily towards the face.  Her fingertips brushed against one proud cheekbone.  She could almost feel the texture of the ink imbedded in the once beautiful skin.  She whispered softly "Marsu… oh Goddess, please no…"

… "Oh please no, anything but this, anyone but him."  Don't you mortals ever come up with something original?  No wait, next it will be "I'll kill you for this Dakkru, I'll make you pay you cold hearted witch."  Am I right?  Of course I am.  I know how simple your mind is, Teshia.  You couldn't even admit to yourself why you fought so hard for him, and in the end, all you did was doom him.  Oh, He suffered for his betrayal.  I didn't think he had the strength to last as long as he did.  I almost regret that he had to die.  He made such a lovely toy.   You treasure the memory of his last smile, don't you?  Perhaps it's time I give you a new memory…

A flash of light illuminated the scene before her, and as the initial blindness faded, the sight that filled her eyes was enough to stop her heart.  The features of the Ynwnn had been contorted in such agony; lips drawn back over his teeth, eyes gouged out, the skin of his legs peeled back.  In the midst of his chest, there was nothing but a great, gaping wound, a hole where a beating heart once resided.  One of his horns had been ripped out, broken from it's roots, and the side of his head crushed. 

The light began to dim, and laughter rose to fill the void.  The cold voice, still soft as a young girl's gently continued to caress her ears, like a barbed wire running into her mind.

… He cursed you, cursed you, and I shall gladly grant his last request for all the pleasure he gave me in his last hours.  You will never forget that vision, never…

Teshia collapsed forwards, curling herself over the ruined corpse.  She held the remnants of his crushed skull in her arms, gently as cradling her cubs, and she cried.  "Shut up… leave me now."

…Leave? You do not get to send me away in my own realm, foolish girl.  You belong to me now.  And. You. Will. Suffer…

She buried her face against his, fingers sliding through the haphazardly chopped locks of his hair, catching on the blood crusting it.  So softly she didn't notice it at first, the ring on her mangled hand began to pulse.  It was a dark ring, and anyone who knew her well would have known that ring intimately.  She never removed it, the dim stone and crystal seemed as much a part of her as her wedding band, but it came from an entirely different man, one who had played almost as much a role in saving her life as her husband had.  Her hand slowly began to warm with energy, a sensation rolling up her arm and settling within her bones; so subtle as to be unseen, but a comfort to her.  It took some time for the warmth to arouse her attention, but she sniffled, and looked down to her hand.  A soft glow emanated from the ring, and as it spread along her hand, everywhere she touched the corpse, it began to glow and fade. 

The silence rent as the soft voice shrieked angrily.  Teshia's eyes narrowed angrily as the vision before her melted away, and the truth of the illusion sunk in.  She snarled softly "How dare you?  How dare you use him in your lies and treachery?!"  She rose to her knees, staring indignantly into the darkness, the finger the ring surrounded raised in a vulgar gesture to the unseen Goddess.  "You'll pay for this.  One day." 

The last of the vision before her melted away, leaving only the calming sensations from the ring.  She bowed her head, pressing her lips chastely to the pulsing metal.  In her mind, she whispered "Whereever you really are, thank you."
Also, it's more credible to others if you grow in power slowly over time.  First kill rats, then noobs, then klyros, and eventually work your way up to more powerful creatures ~ Miomai

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: The diary...
« Reply #13 on: October 14, 2011, 09:42:34 pm »
I loved the details in this particular passage...great work, Teshia.  :thumbup:


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Re: The diary...
« Reply #14 on: October 14, 2011, 09:59:45 pm »
Thought Marsu perma'd, not went to the DR 0-0