Author Topic: Stillwater Peace Corps -wrt- Tragic Wedding / RP events  (Read 1760 times)


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Stillwater Peace Corps -wrt- Tragic Wedding / RP events
« on: October 05, 2011, 07:48:36 am »
In response to the Wedding incident as well as the current RP dealings of the Stillwater Peace Corps

Kind of interesting to read about all this when many people believe the actions done at this wedding was a plot that was devised with the full support of the Stillwater Peace Corps. The truth is that Ikon and the other leaders of the guild had no say in it, the simple truth is ICly Ikon still has not the slightest clue this has even happened. Maybe, when it comes to his knowledge Kisoji might get a time out or maybe a more fun RP display as a public punishment ( 10 lashes anyone?  :whistling: ).

Just wanted to clarify this to those who are not aware of this yet as it seems OOC anger and frustration has leaked from this event into further RP myself and my group are working to achieve. The little stuff at the mine is just the beginning at at least whenever I am involved or online the conflicts and encounters at the platinum mine have been a rp first and defend yourself or our claims if foreign parties aggressively attack or do not accept our terms and then commit blatant theft continuing to mine there for an extended amount of time.

One thing I will say is if you feel any actions by members of the SPC does not quite come a crossed as proper RP for the situation please feel free to discuss it with me and maybe it is just a misunderstanding that would be clarified easier with some discussion OOCly about the guilds focus and backstory. However, also I could agree that the actions are not appropriate and then I will work to stop it from happening again. We wish to stand as a unpopular force ICly to many but wish to maintain/gain an image as a group that provides quality in game role-play that adds to the enjoyment as well as the diversity to the game for the majority of the players that we encounter.

Final note:
I will post again later if indeed a public punishment is to be ordered for Kisoji's actions as a rp event and as well look forward to a public unveiling of the SPC's background, motivations, and organization via the guild forum posted just prior to a "Stillwater Peace Rally" within the next couple weeks. A date will be set soon.

By declaring this I am kind of looking for some advice on the best way to run these events as well as seeing if there is any interest in such things at all. Also, if there is a couple people of different experience and backgrounds with PS that would like to read over the guild writeup ahead of time and provide some legitimate input that would be helpful as well, thus far I feel the overall support for at least where our group is headed as a rp entity is mostly positive and would like to keep that trend.

Thank you much, cheers.

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Re: Stillwater Peace Corps -wrt- Tragic Wedding / RP events
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2011, 08:17:55 am »
 Maybe you could hold the Peace rally in the Dlayo pit? just an idea.


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Re: Stillwater Peace Corps -wrt- Tragic Wedding / RP events
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2011, 08:24:13 am »
The Dlayo pit + "Peace Rally" does not seem to convey the message that we strive for, not matter how diluted and corrupt that message ultimately is.   :devil:

I think it would be nice to have in the center of the plaza in a classical militaristic manner but any serious considerations / advice on all this will be considered. I mean the whole point is to generate RP that by-in-large is enjoyable for all those who participate.

Thanks for the suggestion though.

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Re: Stillwater Peace Corps -wrt- Tragic Wedding / RP events
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2011, 09:13:25 am »

i am posting this for a member the bloodstone brethren who has quit the game now.

PROBLEM: The actions of a group [StillWater] of power leveling duelers with extreme stats are endeavoring to control access to the planeshift game mining area surrounding the hill top between the Ojaroad1/2 passage and the derghir npc village. This works against the often adveritised economic balance that the game claims to seek for the good of all. The idea to demand payment for the digging of the ore is outside all current game conditions.  With the new Tribe combat rules, the Beast npcs will be the preferred access control, as opposed to a profit-seeking monopoly of player characters.

This situation involves a single and unique resource [platinum ore] that is a crafter resource for new products recently introduced into the game, and the free access and income of the miners that support the crafter needs. The control of this resource is made possible by having this resource in a pvp open kill zone.  With this zone having unclear boundaries and an action group of exploiters in the area, it is also unclear if the quests involving the derghir npcs will also come under contention by this group seeking leverage. As it has been mentioned by the members of this guild that it is their land and intend to clain a derghir build is their guild property to support their claims of ownership.  If this area has been licensed to the guild, then a GM controlled "government representative" of appropriate rank should appear as an NPC in game to declare if it is true that the named guild had ownership rights to do as they deem in their best interest, given the issues involved.

A proposed solution for the situation should be considered before more players take exception to the matter and leave. 

Options to deflate tension of the situation:

1) Create a new second platinum mine that is NOT in a PVP kill zone for the other player characters to use that have no desire to opt into the guild declared ROLEPLAY incentive, but wish to continue as before with their own options for entertainment.

2) Remove the PVP kill area from the currently only platinum mine.  Add npc beasts if some access difficulty is desirable for balance tuning.

3) Censor the activies of the player characters seeking to usurp access to the area in mass placing claims on the resource of the platinum ore.

4) Watch as similar groups further entend their control of game resources as the opportunities present themselves.

Yours Henik Largen


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Re: Stillwater Peace Corps -wrt- Tragic Wedding / RP events
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2011, 09:36:07 am »

That is actually quite well said and I understand your feelings and you make some valid points but I have a few statements I would like to address.

Firstly, the action of trying to claim lands is by no means accepted by the in game governing bodies of Yliakum. The SPC is simply acting on its groups principles that it shall have rights to whatever it can manage to claim. This will of course only likely continue until it has come to a level to be noticed by the authorities and they will take action against us. However, until this time we will try to exercise control at the Platinum mine and likely other area's to come.
I believe that in this whole mine RP thus far hardly anyone who wishes to mine has been effected more than normal as we focus on roleplaying our control and are more than open to business discussions.

Secondly, for those who are not aware of the PvP boundaries if you stay off the inclines to the hills between the exit to Oja road 2 and the floor of the derghir camp you are perfectly safe. The purpose of this action is not to try and add some danger to mining the precious metal of platinum but rather just as a good start point to gain influence/reputation in Yliakum.

Finally, I do not think that people wishing to mine, train, and explore should steer away from RP that represents itself to you even if the outcome can be a negative one for your character. I see far too often people simply ignoring RP in wish to continue mining or power leveling and do so without even an OOC tell asking me or others to leave them alone and then bring up accusations of us harassing them. I would say that if looked at logically if you are trying to address someone in a matter serious to you and they just ignore you, this is quite and insult and hostilities could likely follow depending on the personality of said person.

Overall, I would like to see people find the opportunity for this added RP as more of a gain then maybe the loss of a couple minutes of platinum mining. I think this is a reasonable thing to hope for, isn't it?

Thanks again for the input.  :thumbup:

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Re: Stillwater Peace Corps -wrt- Tragic Wedding / RP events
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2011, 12:07:28 pm »
As a player, I fully support the RP actions undertaken by SPC.  It's a great villainous RP, that has the potential to include over half the player base.  It does not discriminate on guild/race/time/etc.  All are potential players in this RP.  You can choose to pay, you can choose to fight, you can choose to surround yourself with a group and force a way into the mine.  There are MANY possibilities here.  If someone's only reasoning against this is "I can't mine to make tria" then they are going against the role-playing basis of the server. 

It disgusts me to no end to see people constantly lambasting the evil-doers.  I've read through a fair bit of the guild history and backstory for SPC.  I think it's fun, creative and has a lot of potential.  It's sad that an entire guild is being blamed because a few people took exception to the actions of Mordas and Kisoji.  IIRC Mordas isn't even in SPC.  Unless he recently changed guilds, he's POC. And while Kisoji *is* SPC, you shouldn't continue casting aspersions on a guild based upon one member.  This guild is creating RP.  Good RP.  I've heard from many people who are very happy with the last few days RP, and who are looking forwards to more of it.  I've also heard that many of the leaders of SPC are taking initiative and discussing things OOCly to ensure that the subsequent RP is both fun and fair.   You guys seem to be doing a great job from the player feedback I've been getting.  Even from the people you kill off ;)

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Re: Stillwater Peace Corps -wrt- Tragic Wedding / RP events
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2011, 12:53:58 pm »
Just so people understand the GMs aren't going to get in the way of evil RPs just because they are evil. As long as there is RP going on before, during or after the evil deeds then there is no problem as far as the GM team is concerned.  So far it seems like the two events, the wedding and the take over of the mine, are two completely different things.  At the wedding there doesn't appear to have been any RP either before, during or after the wedding to justify the actions taken at the wedding. I'm sure there would have been a lot less upset feelings if there had been any kind of role play to support what happened. While some people may think what happened at the wedding involved RP the vast majority of the GMs are having a hard time seeing what happened at the wedding as any kind of legitimate RP.

The situation at the mine is completely different. from what I have witnessed people are not attacked without some conversation taking place. In fact the only attacks I have seen at the mine were in cases where the miner basically ignored what was being said to them and they kept on mining or someone approached the mine and attacked first. In some cases larger groups of people are coming to the mine to drive off the Stillwater defenders, if any are there, so people can mine in peace. Any time you get more people together in groups and more role play is happening that is generally a good thing. At some time in the future if the situation at the mine doesn't end or the Stillwaters get to big for their britches  ( as the old saying goes) The Octarch will get involved. For now since there is good RP going on even if it is a bit OOC the GMs aren't going to ruin the fun that hopefully most people are having.

I would hope that if someone needs some plat for a quest that some OOC arrangements can be made so so that someone's quest progression doesn't get stalled.  For other people who need plat, like crafters, you might look at your options, like gathering enough of your friends and guild mates  so you can take over the mine for a while.  One thing I'd like to suggest for people on both sides. If you are killed at the mine it is really OOC to just rush right back to the mine and continue fighting. After all the DR is suppose to be an ever changing maze so getting out of the DR every time is suppose to be a challenge. I would like to suggest people adopt the policy that if you are killed at the mine stay away from the mine for some time period, say maybe 4 game hours, to more IC'ly reflect the time it should take to get out of the DR.


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Re: Stillwater Peace Corps -wrt- Tragic Wedding / RP events
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2011, 01:50:00 pm »
I see some great RP potential in the mine take over thing.  I ran out there last night to see for myself what was going on, and ended up in a conversation with Damryr (hope I got his name right) and Realito.  I'm almost certain I'd have gotten better RP out of one of the Derghirs than I experienced with Damryr, he didn't seem to know why he was there even, except to keep people from mining without a permit.  He couldn't answer questions like who to get a permit from, how much one was or anything else.  He said we'd have to talk to his generals but never did give us any names etc.  Now OOC I know who his generals are but ICly I haven't a clue.  Anyway I left with the impression that this was a rather poorly planned rp event.  On the other hand, if he was supposed to be completely ignorant, mission accomplished!   ;D


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Re: Stillwater Peace Corps -wrt- Tragic Wedding / RP events
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2011, 02:06:54 pm »
Glad to see you took my advice on immediately addressing the wedding to heart, that should help clear up a lot of (legitimately earned) bad feelings.

Long as it stays in an RP setting, which so far it seems to be (hell, Trav even wore a hood and hid his guild ring and WASNT RECOGNIZED! I was very much shocked.)  them im 100% for it, and am happy to help.


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Re: Stillwater Peace Corps -wrt- Tragic Wedding / RP events
« Reply #9 on: October 05, 2011, 03:43:57 pm »
I am glad that people have found our RP attempts thus far to be in the right direction with many people giving us the thumbs up more than not.

I guess in response about Damryr's RP he really has not been told much on purpose, as the Generals do the thinking and talking and he just does his job as a soldier and guards and brings anyone with questions to one of the Generals. Sorry that the RP with him was not so interesting though but in his role he is left out of most of the planning and reasoning behind our actions / where we tend to eventually go with it all.

Hopefully, in the future the RP aspect will be enhanced with future, more encompassing events!

Cheers and thanks for all the comments & input. We all know it is the player base that keeps us coming back for more.

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Re: Stillwater Peace Corps -wrt- Tragic Wedding / RP events
« Reply #10 on: October 05, 2011, 03:44:38 pm »
We wish to stand as a unpopular force ICly to many but wish to maintain/gain an image as a group that provides quality in game role-play

This is literally what I've been wondering for the duration of this whole affair. The fact that you guys are TRYING to be jerks clears things up a lot. Thank you for someone finally putting that out there.

Tessra - I'm curious as to where you read this guild history. After Jjairr had a run-in with Kisoji and some other Stillwater minions on the Plaza, I tried to find out a bit more about the group to answer the "Are they being rude on purpose?" question and was unable to locate anything on the forums. I would like to know more about this group that actually aims to be disliked.

All that being said, I don't find a problem with the mine takeover for all of the reasons stated. If it encourages good RP, full speed ahead. As Sarva said, GMs won't get in the way of evil RP just because it's evil :) We need some proper villains in this game. If people have a problem with it, their characters should get together and do what they can to solve the problem by whatever means deemed appropriate, instead of the players getting upset OOC. After all, what should I care if Jjairr can't mine platinum? She's the one who's being inconvenienced, not me.

(Not that Jjairr can mine platinum. Just saying.)

Lilura: ralas and Jjairr  be all like "oh i was a xiosia worshiper before she existed" "rivnaks are too mainstream I ride a yulbar" "I was a nolthirir before they were green"


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Re: Stillwater Peace Corps -wrt- Tragic Wedding / RP events
« Reply #11 on: October 05, 2011, 04:25:30 pm »
SPC is ace, I fully support what they are doing.

 As a player of a number years(Thus giving me the right to lecture,just read through this and imagine me wagging my finger at you all.;P) groups like these are quite boss. It is a bold RP that has ruffled a few feathers...fantastic!

 I think it needs to be reminded that PS is an RP(so sorry if your exciting mining is halted, I doubt you enjoy it that much anyways) game and that also you are not your character. A lot of people over the years have got a little emotional about what has happened to their character,and  often upset ooc because of something that happen to their character in rp. I think the Tragic Wedding is an example of that, having read some post on other threads.  Not saying this RP was done perfectly( hence the creation of this thread....I figure) but what SPC are trying to do should be encouraged(with some constructive criticism) rather than have a reception of moral outrage that it has been given by some.(Asking for bans etc....bitch please!) 

Peace and Chicken grease my peoples.


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Re: Stillwater Peace Corps -wrt- Tragic Wedding / RP events
« Reply #12 on: October 05, 2011, 04:27:25 pm »

i am posting this for a member the bloodstone brethren who has quit the game now.

PROBLEM: The actions of a group [StillWater] of power leveling duelers with extreme stats are endeavoring to control access to the planeshift game mining area surrounding the hill top between the Ojaroad1/2 passage and the derghir npc village. This works against the often adveritised economic balance that the game claims to seek for the good of all. The idea to demand payment for the digging of the ore is outside all current game conditions.  With the new Tribe combat rules, the Beast npcs will be the preferred access control, as opposed to a profit-seeking monopoly of player characters.

This situation involves a single and unique resource [platinum ore] that is a crafter resource for new products recently introduced into the game, and the free access and income of the miners that support the crafter needs. The control of this resource is made possible by having this resource in a pvp open kill zone.  With this zone having unclear boundaries and an action group of exploiters in the area, it is also unclear if the quests involving the derghir npcs will also come under contention by this group seeking leverage. As it has been mentioned by the members of this guild that it is their land and intend to clain a derghir build is their guild property to support their claims of ownership.  If this area has been licensed to the guild, then a GM controlled "government representative" of appropriate rank should appear as an NPC in game to declare if it is true that the named guild had ownership rights to do as they deem in their best interest, given the issues involved.

A proposed solution for the situation should be considered before more players take exception to the matter and leave. 

Options to deflate tension of the situation:

1) Create a new second platinum mine that is NOT in a PVP kill zone for the other player characters to use that have no desire to opt into the guild declared ROLEPLAY incentive, but wish to continue as before with their own options for entertainment.

2) Remove the PVP kill area from the currently only platinum mine.  Add npc beasts if some access difficulty is desirable for balance tuning.

3) Censor the activies of the player characters seeking to usurp access to the area in mass placing claims on the resource of the platinum ore.

4) Watch as similar groups further entend their control of game resources as the opportunities present themselves.

Yours Henik Largen

The bold bit is a bit of an issue for me, I find PLing a dull affair, thus at a disadvantage for certain RPs....but that has been discussed before and has many threads about it...probably. It will be an age old issue I feel.


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Re: Stillwater Peace Corps -wrt- Tragic Wedding / RP events
« Reply #13 on: October 05, 2011, 04:27:47 pm »
I would say just keep an eye out for events as well as a post of the guilds background, organization, and overall goals soon on the forum. I think once people know more about our guild and get experience with us seeing that we are out to bring high quality ( although a bit evil/jerkish ) RP to the game at a level that is currently missing.

Right now I am finishing up the writeup with just the background story with a little left to be written and when the timing is right I will post it up. Though with the interest developing of late I think if I can get it looked over by the other leaders once more than it could be available to read and critique ( be ruthless!  :detective: ) by the end of the weekend.

Before i finished this little reply I saw Roberts post and you are spot on with how I feel. RP first with some diversity, all this exciting mining and what not can wait. \\o//
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Re: Stillwater Peace Corps -wrt- Tragic Wedding / RP events
« Reply #14 on: October 05, 2011, 05:15:51 pm »
I'd say as an RP this development is definitely interesting, and it can't be judged as OOC one. However I see several problems with it, caused mostly by technical reasons:

1. It's based on side technicality (i.e. pvp zone), which enables more realistic scenarios in a limited area, while in reality any mine could be usurped by some thugs, and attack can happen anywhere, the whole concept of the "pvp zone" is unrealistic completely, and used as means to preserve sane gaming environment. However the fact that other mines don't share the same feature makes it unbalanced and looking more like an exploit.

2. RP is unrealistic also for a different reason, because there is zero input from the officials within the settings. In reality, since platinum is an important resource, and unique on the Dome level, usurping it will naturally cause the defensive action of the official army or whatever law enforcement is around there. Basically octarch will send some forces to smoke usurpers out / will place guards around the mine etc. The fact that settings provide zero input for that is kind of an exploit as well, making the whole RP rather unrealistic, or matching the state of anarchy where government involvement accounts to nothing.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2011, 05:18:19 pm by Gilrond »