Author Topic: [Guild] Stillwater Peace Corps  (Read 1814 times)


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[Guild] Stillwater Peace Corps
« on: October 08, 2011, 02:42:59 pm »
The Stillwater Peace Corps
‘One House Unified by Blood’

Flag of the Stillwater Peace Corps:

Cloak of the Peace Corps Generals:


The Stillwater Peace Corps are a collective of philosophers, tacticians, and soldiers focused on asserting the will of the great Diaboli house of Stillwater. Though our primary method for unifying Yliakum under the banner of House Stillwater is through militaristic tactics, we still feel that a well-balanced force comprised of trained diplomats, craftsman, and intellectuals is of great importance to the group’s sustainability, as not all matters should be confronted with a simple slash of the blade. We are a close group that welcomes anyone as a inductee who seeks to cast off the traditional ideals and dedicate himself to a life pursuing glory, power, and the unification of Yliakum, through the aggressive ideals of House Stillwater.

The 10 Core Principles of the Stillwater Peace Corps:

1. Glory is living and dying by the sword for the great cause.

2. “Liberties are only afforded to those who have earned them” – A member’s worth is judged by his/her/kras competence.

3. Change is necessary for improvement. The Peace Corps’ function is to work to bring about this change and allow for a greater future. 

4. Mercy on the battlefield is a trait of the weak.

5. The citizens of House Stillwater shall commit to the will of their wise leaders.

6. The brothers Stillwater and the commanders acting as their hands are the undisputed rulers under the banner of House Stillwater. Any request made of lower ranking citizens by these elite few must be carried out to the best of one’s ability or face great repercussions for such acts of treason.

7. The worship of gods new or old creates internal divisions, breeds weakness, and it limits scientific as well as social progress. Thus while under the banner of house Stillwater religious practices are highly discouraged, with the ultimate goals being set of the unification and strengthening of our people this restriction must stand, as well all temples or other places of worship shall be converted as seen fit.

8. The citizens enjoying the great peace and stability under the rule of the great House Stillwater shall put forth a meager 10% of their income each month to help feed, bed, and arm the brave soldiers of the House fighting to ensure that the peace and stability remains.

9. Except for times where the soldiers, scholars, and mages of the Stillwater Peace Corps are at ease, members are expected to conduct themselves in a disciplined manner. This includes saluting and properly addressing higher in command and following all orders given so long as it fits within the Peace Corps guidelines.

10. In times of war all members are to report to headquarters to receive orders. Unless otherwise instructed, in active times of war members are not to roam the streets alone. We will not jeopardize our Intel or lose a good soldier over simple errors. Groups will be organized to protect miners, crafters, and so on who are working to outfit, fund, and further the war effort.

The Formation of the Stillwater Peace Corps
-A tale of discovery by Ikon Revisions-

Entry One:         The Journey that Lifts the Veil
-Scribed on the 10th day of the Yliakum pilgrimage

The story of the Stillwater Peace Corps begins with a chance encounter that defies the odds. A lone Enki weary of all the battles, betrayals, and lost causes began to search for something more. This is not one of those searches to find oneself by seeking the guidance of the gods, as they have nothing but mind deluding deception to offer. This proud Enki was looking for something concrete, something he himself could form and be proud of. After scouring the towns, remains, and wilderness that make up the Yliakum, it was clear to him that a more worthy venture was required to find the challenge his mind hungered for. Leaving in the dark of night he managed to find a slipway into one of the caverns of the Stone Labyrinth to begin his long trek.

Much time passes through exhausting days traversing the various artificial and natural corridors while confronting the many creatures that lurk the shadows of the deep and ever complicate his arduous task of accurately mapping his route through the seemingly endless labyrinth, until at last he arrivies at a large steel door. Inspecting the door he sees some small markings on the stone archway framing it but they are unrecognizable to him. He decides to push at the door in hopes that it will budge and unexpectedly the door flies open at his touch. The Enki’s pupils constrict suddenly as the abundance of light illuminating the room overwhelms him, causing him to stagger slightly before falling forward and colliding with the ground, unable to break his fall as his arms became entangled in the straps of the massive packs and scabbards fastened onto his body.

He forces his eyes open in the blinding light of the cavern, and gradually is able to make out a collection of shadows, which slowly resolve themselves into a trio of Diaboli—two Diaboli men and one woman—a Ylian man and a Ynnwn. All of the diabloi as well as the Ynnwn are dressed in strikingly similar clothing featuring flowing cloaks of red and black, with the Ynnwn’s clothing simply being of a much less illustrious nature. The Ylian whose features look strikingly familiar, is dressed in slightly tarnished golden plate armor. The Ylian steps forward and speaks, “Welcome my friend, we have much to discuss”.

The Enki’s eyes widen recognizing the Ylian as an old friend, who had years ago ventured deep into the stone labyrinth. Upon recovering himself the Enki notices he stands at the edge of a very large dome shaped room, with energetic crystals lighting the entire area. At the center of the room sits a large stone structure that seems to be the dwelling inhabited by the Diaboli and its Ylian visitor. Sitting up, he continues to look around and then realizes that all this time his mind was drawn to the magic of this place.

The Enki feels at home here in this small community and decides to stay and learn of the origin of this place and its inhabitants. Many months pass and each day he learns more about his hosts primarily through the guidance of his old Ylian friend. Later on as the Diaboli became more trusting of the stray Enki, they begin to open up to him, telling him about their past and their ambitious goals.

Entry Two:         The Story of House Stillwater
-Scribed on the 24th day after re-arrival in Yliakum

The Fall of the First Epoch:
The land of the Diaboli, the land from which these four came, is one dominated by their family, known as the House Stillwater. In these lands this mighty house has ruled for over 5 generations, with its people living in a well-organized society that puts every man, woman, and child effectively to use. These practices ensure a prosperous and stable system will forever rest under the House Stillwater banner. Peace and prosperity is not so easily maintained for such an extended period of time, so the great uprising in the last king’s reign could be seen as inevitable. The lower classes began to resist the demands on them by the House Stillwater, and eventually this resistance led to a large uprising of the land’s citizens. This revolution, if you may call it that, ended with the overthrow of the House, and in its place they established a council comprised of men and women selected for their wisdom; these few were entrusted to do right by the people they were chosen to represent.

This council wasted no time in installing liberties and freedoms that the lower classes of society had so deeply desired but had never experienced. The reckless nature in which these freedoms were given to the average citizens had harsh consequences. Without the strong order of the Stillwater leaders, this newly founded society, plunged into depths of poverty and chaos. A kingdom needs a ruler, strong of mind and of action, who expects the inhabitants to make sacrifices for peace, stability, and growth as a powerful nation. Several years passed, and In one tactical and political strike, the House was able simultaneously execute the council members whose traitorous actions had almost precipitated the complete collapse of the vast kingdom in which they had built. Through this masterful strike the royal bloodline of House Stillwater resumed its position as the ruling party of this expansive kingdom, and House Stillwater expanded its influence to a level well beyond anything seen prior to the revolt.

The Rise of the Glorious Second Epoch:
In this the second epoch of the House Stillwater’s rule, changes were effected “for the safety and stability of the land and its peoples”. These changes increased productivity and included the education of the gifted, development of a fierce and loyal army, the ban of all forms of religious activity (it was noted the religion inspired the past uprising and caused countless inefficiencies in productivity), and strict class system. These regulations may seem to a bit extreme, but remember to step back and look at the larger picture and see that, at least in this society of Diaboli, such is necessary to ensure the peace and protection of all.
A couple years into the formation and stabilization of the Second Epoch, the king and queen of House Stillwater discovered an area of strong magical power buried deep within one of their primary iron mines. In this area a large “tear” or “rip” was found, which seemed to occasionally fluctuate and then re-stabilize. The master mages and scientists of the Great House determined it to be a gateway to an unknown location, which could have been formed deliberately, or simply be an artifact of the powerful magic used in the formation and ruling of the Kingdom. After studies were conducted, they decided to risk sending three of their many sons and their most promising daughter to enter the gateway. In hopes that they would spread the name of the House, and establish a new kingdom in its name.

It was this location where the Enki, as well as his Ylan friend, had encountered the four “outsiders” the very cavern where they made camp once passing through the gateway. With no knowledge of the Stone Labyrinths, the Diaboli have been stranded here with little hope of finding an exit. Now with the arrival of the Enki, they have the required knowledge to leave to corridors of stone, and forge the kingdom they have sworn to create.

The Formation of the Stillwater Peace Corps:
Discussions between the Enki, Ylian, and those from the House Stillwater, eventually leads to talks of creating a tactical force designed to both secure and rule a kingdom. As outsiders to these lands, they placed a high priority in having a capable force of natives, who agree with their houses doctrines, who are capable in body and mind. This support would be an essential foundation on which to build a kingdom of control, peace, and productivity. The Enki and Yilan agreed with the ambitions of those from House Stillwater, and thus naturally demanded that they allow them to form a group of highly trained, motivated, and clever soldiers who could work to instill the governmental ideals of House Stillwater into the minds of Yliakum and its people, in turn freeing them from the shackles of a fruitless life. With this, the Stillwater Peace Corps was born, to prosper under the guidance of the two appointed Generals of Grand Unification.

From then on the Enki, Yilan, and the members of the Stillwater bloodline made the trip back to Yliakum, where preparations began in earnest. Another General was soon found, a master of the mystical arts, focusing on magical combat. Though a quiet master, his words once spoken, ring of wisdom and an evident capacity for tactics. With these qualities he was the perfect choice to compliment the skillsets and personalites of the others, forming an ideal base for growth. From then on, the newly founded Stillwater Peace Corps (SPC) began recruiting. Initially this recruitment was done to fill its upper ranks with the highly skilled, afterward to form a second corps under their jurisdiction, named the Stillwater Trainee Corps, where those with less developed skill and/or resolve are molded into willing and capable hands that can proudly serve House Stillwater. As our ranks grow we move forward, planning moves towards gaining a foothold within the heart of Yliakum.

Entry Three:        The Unveiling of the Stillwater Peace Corps
-1st entry scribed on the 120th day after re-arrival in Yliakum

We have arrived at the point where our foundations, organization, and purpose must be known to the civilians of Yliakum. This declaration is made in order to further our advancement and influence the many minds that our words have yet to reach. With the recent annexing of the Platinum mine between the settlements of Ojaveda and Hydlaa, it seems increasingly necessary for us to maintain a certain amount of clarity, which hopefully will avoid any future confusion that the people of Yliakum may have in regards to our stand. We now rightfully inform you all of our and, when the time comes, we hope you embrace our vision and pledge allegiance to our cause.

Corps Structure

The general structure of the Stillwater Peace Corps is designed to effectively manage, train, and utilize all of its members in the most effective way possible to obtain the Corps ambitious goal of obtaining an everlasting peace within the levels of Yliakum. The structure stands with a Liaison from the Stillwater High Command at its top, who commands the guild and serves as the main contact with the brothers Stillwater that manage the High Command. Under the Liaison there are eight additional ranks to administrate the Peace Corps resources. With each rank above the initial rank of Inductee, members gain more privileges as well as responsibilities. All members within the Stillwater Peace Corps must memorize this hierarchy, salute all those who rank above them on sight and address them by the appropriate title.

*The salute is done by taking the right closed fist and hitting it on your left chest sternly holding it there for 1 second before bringing the arm to your side. It is a basic salute designed to be performed even with a weapon or shield in hand. [By the salute command in game]

Hierarchy and respect are key elements of the Stillwater Peace Corps and any violations must and will be punished. However, awards and distinctions will be given to those who display exemplary performance in their line of duty and beyond.

Corps Hierarchy

1. Inductee: This rank signifies one who is  freshly admitted to the Peace Corps or is without enough combat or intellectual experience that would prompt the commanding officers to place the recruit to higher rank. Inductees are monitored and finally evaluated via a serious of tests after a set two week period of intense training (both mental and physical). After this evaluation the recruit is placed among the group to which he or she will best contribute.

2. Enforcer at Arms (Saluted by Inductees as Enforcer): After recruits advance beyond the inductee stage it is quite likely this rank would be their next stop. The members of this rank have the main purpose of training themselves in martial combat with the support of The Peacemaker's and Higher Command. These members can be seen as the primary soldiers in training within the Stillwater Peace Crops. Once an Enforcer at Arms reaches adequate proficiency in combat and is able to best a current member of the Peacemakers in a trial by combat he then is promoted to that rank.

3. Support Engineer (saluted by 1-2 as Engineer):  This is the ranking in which the skilled engineers, medics, and intellectuals are placed before they exhibit enough ability to be placed in the more specialized rankings. This rank is above that of the Enforcer at Arms due to the more specialized and valued skills of these Support Engineers over the lightly trained combatants. The role of this rank is to improve on their already sound abilities and provide the men and women at arms with medical attention, weapons and armor, repairs, provisions and other such services.

4. Peacemaker (Saluted by 1-3 simply as Peacemaker):  This rank makes up the bulk of the Peace Corps martial fighting force. These are skilled combatants whose main task is to enact the wishes of the commanding officers. They should always be prepared to be called upon in a time of conflict. The duties of the Peacemakers include organizing and trainings the Enforcers at Arms and aiding in the evaluation of the Inductees. As any organization will need some amount of income for diplomacy, weapons, aide, and so on, these members are required to contribute a small percentage of their income from jobs or hunting to the Houses’ vault, as needed to fund an ongoing conflict.

5. Stillwater Scribe (Saluted by 1-3 as Scribe): As the Stillwater philosophy believes magic has its foundation in the fundamental sciences more than the mystical this rank is comprised of the best craftsman as well as master mages. This rank is on equal ground with that of the Peacemaker's but in practice is allowed more respect and privileges than their soldierly counterparts due to the more knowledgeable nature of their trade. The main work done by these Scribes is as propaganda officers, though they are also charged with documenting events. Also, at the request of the High Command, these members may engage in diplomacy with other organizations and may often be called to meetings of the High command to report findings and offer suggestions. In times of conflict they would be called on to use their considerable arcane or crafting skills to help keep, or turn, the tide in favor the Peace Corps and their cause.

6. Field Commander (Saluted by 1-5 as Commander): These top soldiers work as field commanders organizing and training the Peacemakers and others with lesser combat training within the Peace Corps. They are the few elite combatants that that Generals and the High Command Liaison come to depend on to fight alongside them in battle as well as to help provide muscle to some of the more delicate matters that take place within the dark corridors of the arena or crowded streets of Hydlaa. They are on equal ground with the Unification Tacticians, being the more forward role in the upper echelon of the Peace Corps.

7. Unification Tactician (Saluted by 1-5 as Tactician): This rank signifies the greatest mages, intellectuals, and overall tacticians within the Peace Corps, short of maybe the great minds present within the Grand Unifying Generals or the High Commander. The role of these powerful mages and insidious minds is to oversee the scribes, and in battle to overpower the enemies of Stillwater through their cunning and mastery of the arcane arts. They are primary diplomats to the many “tribes” that are scattered around Yliakum. As part of these diplomatic duties they may also function as spies, infiltrators and breeders of deception, again being best fit with their sharp minds and magical prowess.

8. Grand Unifying General (Saluted by 1-7 as General): The Generals are the strongest and most renowned members of the Stillwater Peace Corps.  These members are the driving force in battle, contains the Houses’ duelists who fight when an honorable duel is needed between factions, and are the main entities enacting the direct will of the High Command. The Generals are allowed a great deal of freedom as they are trusted to carry out the will of the High Command in the best possible manner in each situation. However, a General must be capable of bringing fear into his enemies not just with his prowess in combat but his ability to manipulate and deceive. A mindless brute no matter how skilled in combat is not fit to lead as the Generals are truthfully the “face of the Peace Corps” and it will be dressed primarily in the image of the Generals.

9. High Command Liaison (Saluted by 1-8 as High Commander):  The High Command Liaison is the true leader of the Stillwater Peace Corps, who works to administrate the Peace Corps and serves as the main contact with the Stillwater family of  the High Command. He is the one with the authority to declare war, in matters of alliances, peace treaties, internal regulation changes, and recruitment. In order to insure the integrity of the Peace Corps, only the High Command Liaison is able to make the final judgment on whether someone who has requested to join is allowed to or not. Also, The High Command Liaison controls access to the main base of operations inside Yliakum positioned strategically near the entrance to the Bronze Doors fortress. In all other instances his/her role is to command, fight, and hold themself as the Grand Unifying Generals are expected to, as we strongly believe that a good leader is one who leads by example.

The Core Purpose of the Stillwater Peace Corps

The primary purpose of the foundation of the Stillwater Peace Corps is to mold Yliakum into a place of peace that is fitting for the brothers Stillwater and the Commanding officers that have founded this organization. The current structure of Yliakum has been perceived by the Stillwater High Command as a bunch of primitive tribes accomplishing nothing of lasting glory. The great and wise brothers Stillwater then found the solution; an act of “unification” under their guidance towards greater glory and consistent peace. Once the four of Stillwater blood attempted to unveil this idea to the governing bodies of Yliakum they were met with ridicule, laughter, and even aggression. The brothers moved to meet this response in dramatic fashion; they wanted to assemble an armed unit with the goal of making these same governing bodies to see these proposed ideas in a different light. The Stillwater Peace Corps was founded to fill this role, they are to be the armed force of “natives” that either share the beliefs of the brothers Stillwater or simply find the group as a means to obtain greater influence, power, or wealth as all members of the peace corps are not just allowed but encouraged to seize property or wealth from any who oppose the cause.  Whatever the individual’s reasons may be they will find a home under the flags of house Stillwater so long as they contribute towards the ultimate goal of the High Command by any and all available means.

Members of the Peace Corps are working for the radical changes found within the pages of our doctrine “The Unification Treaty” by what would be seen as equally radical means. Robbery, Murder, Torture, Distributing propaganda, and other forms of violence / deceit are to be embraced as tools that each member of the Stillwater Peace Corps is to have at their disposal. However, the Peace Corps is not a group of thugs and criminals to blindingly steal or kill without purpose, and actions such as these are to be conducted in a manner that moves to forwards the House’s name, grow its ranks, and send a powerful message to those who oppose the House Stillwater.

Signed & Stamped:
Ikon Revisions
Grand Unification General of the Stillwater Peace Corps

« Last Edit: October 08, 2011, 03:16:29 pm by IkonRevisions »
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Re: [Guild] Stillwater Peace Corps
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2011, 02:44:51 pm »
Like the Cape/Cloak alot  :thumbup: might have to loot myself one of them  ;D


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Re: [Guild] Stillwater Peace Corps
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2011, 02:45:35 pm »
« Last Edit: October 08, 2011, 03:00:02 pm by Aensor »


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Re: [Guild] Stillwater Peace Corps
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2011, 02:52:23 pm »
« Last Edit: October 08, 2011, 03:01:59 pm by Irec »


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Re: [Guild] Stillwater Peace Corps
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2011, 03:00:57 pm »
Sounds good. I also agree the cloaks looks really nice, and the guild picture turned out good too.


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Re: [Guild] Stillwater Peace Corps
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2011, 03:09:13 pm »
Must say. Compared to most others, this is a very well thought-out guild. And nice to see some controversy also.

(Might want to change Crops Structure to Corps Structure, unless of course you are a farming guild on the side.)


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Re: [Guild] Stillwater Peace Corps
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2011, 03:17:00 pm »
Thanks for the heads up on the farming structure  :thumbup:
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Mariana Xiechai

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Re: [Guild] Stillwater Peace Corps
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2011, 03:33:21 pm »
I like the fact that the guild seems less "holier than thou" and more of an almost borg-like assimilate or die sort of thing. I also like that it's not just flat out easily dismissed as evil, per say, but definately has a different or perhaps skewed way of viewing things. I agree, very well thought out. I appreciate the effort put into it  :thumbup:


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Re: [Guild] Stillwater Peace Corps
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2011, 04:25:55 pm »

Do you take alts?  ;)

The guild sounds great!  :thumbup:

- Nova


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Re: [Guild] Stillwater Peace Corps
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2011, 04:53:18 pm »
We would take alts if they fit with our group ICly of course. Also, they would likely have to be decently active for them to show they are worth being promoted beyond the Trainee Corps. We have several alts in the guild but they are ones that are often played and so they contribute to our Role play.

Thanks for the interest and you can always run into one of the generals ICly, you can see them easily by the cloak and try and persuade them that you are worth their time!

« Last Edit: October 08, 2011, 05:11:09 pm by IkonRevisions »
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Re: [Guild] Stillwater Peace Corps
« Reply #10 on: October 08, 2011, 07:05:08 pm »
Exxxxcellent... Love the guild history and the picture... hell, I love all of it!
Also, it's more credible to others if you grow in power slowly over time.  First kill rats, then noobs, then klyros, and eventually work your way up to more powerful creatures ~ Miomai


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Re: [Guild] Stillwater Peace Corps
« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2011, 08:13:47 pm »
Nice overview, but guild goals / reasons aren't described enough I think. "Uniting Yliakum" sounds like one primary goal, but no reasons given though. Is it a self goal? Or it's needed for some other goals? Does it mean an aspiration for dictatorship over the all Yliakum, or may be something else?

If dictatorship is indeed the goal, then the idea of bringing peace under "unfified rulership" is not convincing, because house Stillwater can't guarantee to be corruption free, as well as to act in altruistic manner towards people, when it brings to them war and destruction. In general most dictators / empires pretend or declare that their rulership brings peace, but that peace is based on their soldiers restraining opposition, repressive regime and so on. I doubt many appreciate such peace, and that's why dictatorships and empires eventually fall.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2011, 08:25:35 pm by Gilrond »

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Re: [Guild] Stillwater Peace Corps
« Reply #12 on: October 09, 2011, 12:56:09 am »
Great RP! But be prepared for a lot of IC opposition...


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Re: [Guild] Stillwater Peace Corps
« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2011, 03:08:14 am »
Gilrond - You make some valid points and these are things we were aware of while constructing the write up. As this information is meant to be an overview and just that, we thought it best to keep the groups motivations and end goals enveloped in mystery. These details will become more clear with time, through our rp.

I will say that a type of dictatorship is indeed the goal, though as it would unite Yliakum under our doctrines, it hardly promises to be corruption free. Any group looking to form such a governmental group is likely wishing to rule in manner that best suits their desires, and could care less that a great deal of deception was used to gain his power. Just take another look at the methods and ideals used by House Stillwater outside of Yliakum. If built to resemble the manner in which they ruled, the focus will be on overall productivity and control by force rather then the will of the people. Of course a leadership like this will eventually fall, though if your grip is tight enough, who knows how long it may last before this inevitable collapse.

Peace  ;D
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Re: [Guild] Stillwater Peace Corps
« Reply #14 on: October 09, 2011, 03:10:17 am »
Great RP! But be prepared for a lot of IC opposition...

That is the whole point my friend! Gain support from many, and opposition from many more. Should make for some interesting RP opportunities for all who get involved, one side or the other.
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