Author Topic: Ode to a supermarket  (Read 215 times)


  • Hydlaa Resident
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Ode to a supermarket
« on: December 10, 2011, 08:12:12 am »
Welp I'm playing. ;D I met some new friends to boot, and decided to go get 'Dressed' or get some armor.
Took me a while but I found a guy who sold chainmail.  So figured and Enki, in chain, cool, I could afford it.
I bout all the different parts, and due to the miriad of other games I played, didnt think of anything different, I then discovered, theres some kind of Str requirement to the chainmail armor.

"You need to have a lot more "STR" to equp this item."

Then you View that Item:
Size Quality
Medium Armor
And description.
I'm all for realism here, and I'm guessing  when i bought it that First number was minum for str to use it when i bought it.  I'm thinking perhaps a "Requirement" for the armor should be listed in the description, so I know what I need, or need to work up to? Maby say STR, Red if you dont have it, Green if you do?
Anyways... I went ok... Trapse back beef up strenth.... not enough.  Ok how bout leathers, ok found the guy got the leathers, so at least my character is wearing "Something" and now I got this Chainmail out fit, that I dont know when I'll be able to wear it.
Its not a critique, just something that might want to be thought about when the next version comes out.

The funny thing is, in realy life chain mail is heavy to carry arround, and a lot easier to wear around :)  Oh well live and learn. ;)

"You can never have too many cat girls!" and you can quote me on that! 


  • Hydlaa Resident
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Re: Ode to a supermarket
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2011, 09:44:40 am »
I'm not sure if I agree with you about not being able to have it, because there are some places that you can be awarded better armor. ex. chain-mail or plate-mail .... though, I do know that it is a common question from newer players that want to beef up their armor.
In real life you get to try something on "to see if it fits", so possibly it would be alright to set up some kind of IG notification whether you can wear an armor or not, but still allowing you to buy it if you so choose .... after the notification, like "Buy anyways"
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  • Hydlaa Resident
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Re: Ode to a supermarket
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2011, 08:36:03 pm »
Well Korumak was my first character, so theres a lot of "Oops shouldnt have done that", I spent a lot of his pp on Agility cause I didnt know the scale of the other stats.  Every one of the games I have played over the years, Armor factors where only "Do you have the Proficiency slot for that class of armor" and that was uasualy the only limitation.   So I didnt think Planeshift was going to be different on that count.  I'm way to old school AD&D 2nd edition.  So when I think RPG High Fantasy AD&D tends to be the fall back knolwedge base, and everything tends to compair to it.
I'm probably like most RPG'ers that well been fighting the transition to MMO because of the money barrier.  So thats how i tend to view things coming at it.

Though I may "Reboot" Korumak, now that i know the system better, and he's only done two quests so it shouldnt be that tough to rebuild him.

"You can never have too many cat girls!" and you can quote me on that!