Author Topic: Leora and why you shouldn't fight with your friends or siblings  (Read 318 times)


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Leora and why you shouldn't fight with your friends or siblings
« on: January 02, 2012, 05:37:21 am »
Once upon a time there were two children. Leora and Leoran. They were twins. Born on the same day, growing up with each other, they had never spend one day without the other. They never fought because of something their whole life, until one day.
That day Leora found a stone in the river they played in. It was a beautiful stone. Green, shiny unlike every stone they had seen before.
When Leoran saw the stone, he wanted to have it. Usually the twins shared everything they owned. They managed to split everything equally. But this time, for the first time in their life, they got into a fight over one little stone.
During the fight, Leoran, who was a stronger than his sister, took the stone by force and hid it. Leora was sad since she couldn't find the stone and prayed to every god she knew and didn't knew, asking them to tell her where it was hidden.
And a whisper answered her prayers. It offered her a deal: "I can tell you where you can find your stone. But it has a small price. I want you to do something for me." Leora agreed and so the whisper told her. "Hang an flower upside down from the tree in your garden. That is all I wish."
And so Leora did what she was told without giving it much thought. And really: After she hang a flower upside down from the tree in her garden, the whisper told her where to look for her stone. And she found it and was happy to have it back. She spend a long time, enjoying the sight of it, then hid it under the clothes and returned home.
When she saw the house, it was surrounded by high flames. Shocked she ran to it, only to find her parents and her brother dead. Softly returned the whisper in her head. "And that my dear child, is the price. Now you are mine!"
She never was able to see her family again.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2012, 05:08:43 pm by Jilata »


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Re: Leora and why you shouldn't fight with your friends or siblings
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2012, 05:40:03 am »
[I know it is not the best story, but I wrote it during a RP cause we were looking for an Black Flame lore. If you have any changes to make it better, please go ahead and tell me. And while we are at it, is there any BF lore existing already? And where can I find it?]

Aramara Meibi

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Re: Leora and why you shouldn't fight with your friends or siblings
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2012, 09:19:31 am »
well, that is something of a Space Whale Aesop

If the moral of your story is, don't fight with your siblings, maybe some more realistic consequences related to that situation... like the children grow up to be bitter enemies and never resolve their differences, and millions die in the resulting wars, plagues and famine that are the product of their rivalry (ok i got a little carried away).

Seems to me the real moral of your story is "Don't Listen to Whispers."
all blessings to the assembled devotees.


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Re: Leora and why you shouldn't fight with your friends or siblings
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2012, 05:17:48 pm »
Hm... I guess you are right. Well, actually the purpose was to put something about the Blackflame into a story.

I remembered something that it is used to lecture children. But I sometimes seems to have too good of an imagination to believe things I imaginated as true  :-[  :whistling:

Aramara Meibi

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Re: Leora and why you shouldn't fight with your friends or siblings
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2012, 05:45:16 pm »
I guess it isn't far off from parents telling their kids to eat their veggies or the bogeyman will get them.
all blessings to the assembled devotees.