Author Topic: Thoughts of a bartender  (Read 183 times)


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Thoughts of a bartender
« on: January 25, 2012, 07:14:38 am »
This city isn't an easy one to live in. Hidden behind all those smiling faces is a cruel world. There always is one. But this city is extreme. Now she could understand those anxious guards who always kept shouting to sheath the weapons. It isn't really helpful though.

Who is a victim? Who is a culprit? She passes her eyes over her guest, smiles and serves another drink. She had died already one time, because she had pissed off one single rogue. He had payed for that with a good beating.

She looks to the drink she was mixing. Milk mixed with red liquor. So close to the color of blood. Yet this drink was one of the favorite drinks of by her customer. She hands the drink out, a smile and some words added. She got used to that already.

There were those flower crimes. Were they connected? That pair which leaves a charmflower behind, and that other where a starphire was left behind. What did they want to say with those flowers? Were they two groups which just happened to choose a flower or the same?

She likes riddles, as a few have already noticed. But for that one, it was still too early. She couldn't make a connection between the facts. Still not. But maybe soon.

She let her thoughts run as she watched her guests quietly. Two permadead bodies on the plaza. Both apparently killed the same way. She only saw one, but that was enough. Whoever was the culprit for that, that person seemed to seek attention. From whom? What was the reason behind it?

The Den got empty. It is time to lock the door. She gets the empty mugs left on the tables. Her thoughts drifting off again. This city... no wonder that fenki changed.

She walks towards the tavern, the cool fresh air of an early morning clearing her thoughts. The next day will come. She will open the Den again and listen to the stories they tell. Or maybe she should take a day off? Whatever she will do, she won't regret it. That is how she decided to live her live.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2012, 07:16:50 am by Jilata »


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Re: Thoughts of a bartender
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2012, 07:16:31 am »
[Simply because I didn't want to post it in either of the posts of those events, since it fits in both, I posted it in an own post.]