Author Topic: [RP] The Great Philosopher Work - Chapter I: The Alchemist Legacy  (Read 535 times)


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As the crystal sun began to shine Eonwind closes the ancient alchemical tome he's been reading all the night.

"Finally something supporting my own theory"

He turns Cedrica, petting the little yulbar that growls happily receiving his master's attention.

"Listen to me my little Cedrica: if this theory is correct everyone is subject to the fundamental natural laws, even ... the gods. Surely their powers are beyond the mortals understanding but not even them can break the fabric of the creation, they can blend it but not break it."

"An so what is now broken can be mended."

"The problem now is how to achieve that result: since we have to mend both broken soul and body there is only one substance I know that is able to mend, heal and recover the body, the spirit and the soul to make it whole, my little Cedrica: the Lapis Philosophorum.
Unfortunately this is the hardest and most complicated result to achieve for an alchemist.
Most will never be able to attain such result in their lifetime, others become crazy and the few that make it won't reveal their secrets.
My father was a master alchemist as his father before him and so on for many generations Cedrica, I don't know if they ever attempted the 'great philosopher work' least if they succeeded but they uncovered a wealth of knowledge about alchemy.
When I was young and I helped him in his laboratory I remember he wrote the most precious secrets uncovered in his private diary. A diary he never showed to anyone but my mother.
If we need to attempt the 'great philosopher work' Cedrica we need his diary but..."
Eonwind face grim as he speaks again.
"... I met my father in the death realm, no longer after I left my home, you cannot remember Cedrica since we were not master and familiar yet, but he saved me showing the way out of that place... but he's gone ... forever ... never to return"

"My poor mother looked for his diary long and hard but she was never able to find it. It was missing or stolen. Now if we really want to be able to go on we needs someone able to retrieve the diary from my old city: the City of the Stars, on the fourth level".

your body, spirit and soul just make it whole
pray the gods or pray the lords just not to betray them all
as you will start your work the path will fork
the way is humid or dry but the lead must die
shorter time if you choose the latter but care will matter
with sulphur, salt, and mercury the start is better
not to have dread, just make the stone dead
then make the black bright by mixing air, earth, water and fire
invite them all to the Sacred Marriage
and mate the king along with the queen
soon the white egg will raise in between
let the egg ripen and grow until the white becomes like fire
when the lead becomes like gold then the secret will unfold...

[this is the first chapter of a series of open events - fell free to join (or counter) Eonwind quest for his father's diary :) ]

edit: grammar corrections
« Last Edit: February 22, 2012, 06:18:35 am by Eonwind »


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Re: [RP] The Great Philosopher Work - Chapter I: The Alchemist Legacy
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2012, 05:46:36 pm »
Good start!


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Re: [RP] The Great Philosopher Work - Chapter I: The Alchemist Legacy
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2012, 05:50:35 pm »
with sulfur, salt, and mercury the start is better...
then make the black bright by mixing air, earth, water and fire

What is air, earth, water and fire here (starting with sulfur, salt and mercury?). Meaning burning sulfur (fire), oxygen (gas-air), salt (solid-earth), mercury (liquid-water)? (Just talking about the physical ingredients for now).

and mate the king along with the queen

Assuming that's fire and water, you mean to mix burning sulfur with mercury?-) [balance two foundations of giving and receiving]

soon the white egg will raise in between

That must relate to white salt (mixing it in later?), and the middle measure (element of earth). [when balance is achieved, the mind can hold the influx to let it grow from insight to new ideas]

let the egg ripen and grow until the white becomes like fire

I wonder what kind of reaction it is :) [idea starts to formulate]

when the lead becomes like gold then the secret will unfold...
Reaction completed. [new revelation is formed]
« Last Edit: February 21, 2012, 06:23:28 pm by Gilrond »


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Re: [RP] The Great Philosopher Work - Chapter I: The Alchemist Legacy
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2012, 06:13:37 am »
Very good guessing Gilrond!  :thumbup:
you definitely are on the right track  ;)

I'd also want to point the process has a strong mystical, as well as practical-chemical, significance.
Like many of you surely know alchemy has strong ties with the mystical and metaphysical world :)

[please feel free to add your logs if related to this event  :) ]


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Re: [RP] The Great Philosopher Work - Chapter I: The Alchemist Legacy
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2012, 07:54:57 pm »
When will this event actually take place?


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Re: [RP] The Great Philosopher Work - Chapter I: The Alchemist Legacy
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2012, 04:15:42 am »
When will this event actually take place?

the event "setup" is already started (in-game of course ;) )
to give out an hint I suggest to look for an Ynnwn nobleman coming from the fourth level ;)
when the event climax will be run I will post an entry here to inform every player about the time and meeting place

p.s. this event is meant to be like a quest for players, this is my personal experiment and I hope it will be fun for the players running it


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Re: [RP] The Great Philosopher Work - Chapter I: The Alchemist Legacy
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2012, 06:56:39 am »
Ohhh, sorrow!

My mistress is at work, and cannot get to Yliakum....
We could have had a good start.

Good work, and thanks, Eonwind :)
Glad to meet you :)


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Re: [RP] The Great Philosopher Work - Chapter I: The Alchemist Legacy
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2012, 01:50:36 pm »
[I just removed other conversations running at the same moment, also I will add some previewous log I wasn't able to add before  :) ]

(18:15:23) Melkior steps into the tavern and pays for a red liquor
(18:24:01) Melkior seems to ignore the cub and waves to Lecutet "Greetings, I am Lord Melkior and I am looking for a miner in this city, do you know one by chance?"
(18:24:30) Lecutet lowers his hand and turns his attention to Melkior. "A miner?" He parrots. "Afraid not, no. Sorry, what did you say your name was?"
(18:25:33) Melkior says: I am Lord Melkior
(18:26:27) Lecutet blinks. "Convenient," he says. He digs around in his bag and produces a letter, holding it out to the Ynnwn. "This was meant for you, I believe. Guess I didn't expect finding you to be so easy, but then, I can't complain."
(18:27:07) Melkior takes the letter and starts to read it
(18:28:01) Lecutet turns his attention back to Sidara, and nods once understandingly as Melkior inspects the letter. "I see. Still, you can come see me kid, if people give you trouble." He grins and chuckles, adding lightly, "Not many mess with me. I'm not a mean man, but sometimes looks speak even louder than actions."
(18:29:49) Melkior laughs "Interesting, it seems I don't need to find a miner myself anymore. Somebody else will do it for me."
(18:29:57) Sidara smiles and nods. "Thank you very much sir." She glances around for a moment " I'm sorry sir but i must go for now" She gives a small bow before and takes off out the door.
(18:31:12) Lecutet glances sideways. "I see," he replies, watching the child walk out of the tavern. He mutters something crossly about the incapacity of some people to raise children properly. "Well, glad I could help. You just get that man his book I guess. Whatever agreement you might have arragned previously. Keep to what you vowed."
(18:31:41) Melkior quickly write a letter then he turns to Lecutet "Would you give back this letter to this Eonwind?" he hands a letter to Lecutet
(18:32:18) Lecutet accepts the letter.
(18:33:33) Telena walks the stairs down, brushing her hair back and holding it together with her hands. It is already braided, and that motion looks more like she is checking if the braid should be remade or not.
(18:34:21) Lecutet stands with the letter and watches Melkior for a moment. Clearly, he won't read it outright in the other man's presence. "Is that all?" He inquires.
(18:36:00) Melkior nods to Lecutet "Just tell him to fullfill my request and he'll have his father's diary"
(18:36:01) Telena smiles, apparently having decided that the braid is fine the way it is and removes her hands from her hair. She then walks to the bar to order a red liquor.
(18:37:04) Lecutet nods once. "Well enough," he replies. "I will inform him as such." With that, he moves back to the table, and reclaims his seat.
(18:37:48) Melkior turns and head to the door "Farewell"


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Re: [RP] The Great Philosopher Work - Chapter I: The Alchemist Legacy
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2012, 02:21:23 pm »
the event "setup" is already started (in-game of course ;) )
to give out an hint I suggest to look for an Ynnwn nobleman coming from the fourth level ;)

I was asking more about what time of the day it happens. Given there are different time zones, catching the event without time details can be hard.


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Re: [RP] The Great Philosopher Work - Chapter I: The Alchemist Legacy
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2012, 08:24:08 pm »
I was asking more about what time of the day it happens. Given there are different time zones, catching the event without time details can be hard.
you are right timezone can be a problem... I usually try to log before and after my lunch time: 12,30 -13,30 (GMT +1) and from 14,20-15,00 (GMT +1) and in the evening from 23,00 - 1,00 (GMT+1), unfortunately I cannot be on all the evenings.

I hope you are able to catch me sometimes.
However if none of those times are good for you drop me a line or a PM and let's try to set up a game meeting  ;)


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Re: [RP] The Great Philosopher Work - Chapter I: The Alchemist Legacy
« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2012, 12:03:16 pm »
[this actually happened of friday but I was able to add the logs only today :) ]

(15:01:59) [Tell] Eardstapa tells you: A groffel circles above Eonwind, dropping a note nearby, "A message for thee, from a strange nobleman. If thou art free to receive it in person, simply name the meeting place." It is signed, Eardstapa.
(15:07:57) [Tell] Eonwind pets the groffel and offer him some fresh fish "It is always a pleasure to meet you my friend, and I am courious to know about it, I can meet you at the Temple entrance within minutes if it ifts you. Best Regards. Eonwind"
(15:10:00) [Tell] Eardstapa's groffel caws happily, departs, and returns with a reply, "Directly after my business with Willam Chorind. See thee very soon."
(15:12:49) Eonwind bows to Eardstapa "Greetings friend, how do you fare?"
(15:13:06) Eardstapa greets Eonwind with a mischievous shine in her eyes. "So, friend, it is true then? Thou art from the City of the Stars?"
(15:13:52) Eonwind nods smiling "Yes I am milady, this is where I was born"
(15:15:27) Eardstapa says: Indeed thou hast never said! I had to learn it from a stranger. A stranger acquainted with thee, it seemeth. Dost thou know an Ynnwn nobleman, Eonwind? Melkior, I believe he said. Melkior .. Gerthas.
(15:17:40) Eardstapa watches the Ylian running in circles and vanishing into the Temple. "No shortage of odd strangers in the city nowadays," she muses.
(15:18:53) Eonwind says: I am ashamed you had to learn it from a stranger and I apologise for that. You speak about an Ynnwn nobleman, the name is unknown to me but the surname.. Gerthas ... yes! he must be from one of the most known noble families of my city"
(15:19:20) Eonwind laughs hearing Eardstapa comment "Indeed"
(15:20:19) Eonwind seems toghtful fow a moment
(15:21:08) Eardstapa says: Well it surpriseth me not. Such a sense of ... entitlement had he, as if with wealth he could purchase any and everything, perhaps even everyone.
(15:22:21) Eonwind says: I am not sure if I let you know about this but I was looking for someone able to retrive my father's diary from my city maybe he can help me... sure I mostly dislikes arrogant nobleman for this kind of behaveiour
(15:23:16) Eonwind says: And before you learn it from him... I recently... lost my father...
(15:24:05) Eardstapa says laughing, "Well he did give me a handsome tip." She tosses a golden circle in the air and catches it again, then she grows serious hearing Eonwind speak of his father. "I am sorry, Eonwind..."
(15:24:11) Eonwind face is suddenly veiled by a shadow of sadness
(15:26:10) Eonwind smiles "Well at least he uses to give out tips when he ask for favours... Thank you Eardstapa, the things that worry me so much is my mother at the moment, she's alone now"
(15:26:26) Eardstapa tries to cheer him up, "Well, thy work, whatever it is, or thy father's, must be of uncommon value for a nobleman of such ... import to trouble himself seeking thee out."
(15:26:55) Eardstapa says: Perhaps thou shouldst journey thyself, to console thy mother...
(15:30:28) Eonwind says: I wasn't aware he was seeking me... least he knows me. About my father's diary it's very valuable to my since it will help my studies greatly but I am not sure it can be valuable for anyone else.. except another alchemist ... However I'd like to meet him but right now I am too much busy furthering my researches, would you help me please. I will reward you if you are able to deal with him
(15:32:09) Eonwind says: About my mother I will go back to her as soon as I will have time to do that
(15:33:17) Eardstapa nods, grinning. "Perhaps that would be for the best, Eonwind. Truly, I know not if 'twas simply his superior manner that roused my mistrust... If so, it were unfair of me. But anyway, during thy time of grief it might help if thou didst not have to deal with noblemen of uncertain intent... What dost thou require? How may I help?
(15:36:21) Eonwind grins to Eardstapa "Thank you so much my friend I will be in debt with you if you manage to get me this diary. Would you give a letter to Melkior?"
(15:36:57) Eardstapa says: Certainly.
(15:37:46) Eonwind takes a sheet of paper and quickly write a letter, than he hands it to Eardstapa
(15:38:00) Eardstapa adds, suddenly remembering, "Ah, 'twas something else he said. He said that he and thee might be mutually useful to each other. Perhaps 'twas that remark made me slightly uneasy ..."
(15:39:50) Eonwind says: I see, and thank you for telling me. This Melkior seems the kind of person that do nothing for free.
(15:41:30) Eardstapa shakes her head. "Well that was ironic, indeed, when he lacketh nothing in the way of wealth. Proceed carefully, Eonwind, as I am sure thou shalt. I wonder if he seeketh magical power that thy work may bestow...
(15:42:14) Eardstapa stows the letter away carefully without looking at it. "The secrecy of thy communication is guaranteed."
(15:43:40) Eonwind nods to Eardstapa "thank you my friend I will deal with him carefully and I am happy I can count to help me deal with him. Please be carefull as well"
(15:47:57) Eardstapa says: Leave it in mine hands. May Laanx comfort thee in thy sorrow, and think well upon thy mother.
(15:50:24) Eonwind smiles to Eardstapa "I'm very grateful to you. And I greatly appreciate your condolences. Right now I was heding to the temple for a quick prayer to Laanx for my mother"


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Re: [RP] The Great Philosopher Work - Chapter I: The Alchemist Legacy
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2012, 07:39:14 pm »
[this meetingin kada-el's tavern   :) ]

(22:50:42) Eonwind says: Greetings Sir Lecutet
(22:54:00) Lecutet strides purposefully into the tavern, head held up, looking rather alert. He stops before Eonwind and clears his throat, waiting to be noticed by the Lemur. Not that, you know, noticing an eight foot tall man is hard, but you never know.
(22:55:05) Eonwind turns to Lecutet "Greetings Sir Lecutet, how do you fare?"
(22:56:57) Lecutet waves his hand side to side, a smile crinkling his rather large face. "Oh, well and fine," he replies. "I've your letter," he adds, and his hand slips into his trousers, gripping the small parcel and holding it between two fingers. He stretches his arm out to offer it to the LEmur, but as he does his smile falters for a moment. In addition to handing over the document, the Ynnwn adds in a slightly concerned tone, "I'd suggest you not get involved with that man beyond this. I can understand you've got no other way to get your delivery, but he's arrogant. Pompous. Selfish. Those are bad combinations. Be careful."
(23:00:12) Eonwind nods to Lecutet "Thank you so much!" he carefully read the letter and he seems very worried
(23:01:42) Lecutet watches Eonwind's expression falter, and the look of concern intesifies. He steps closer to the Lemur as though to scan the contents of the letter again for himself. "Demanding things that were not in the original agreement?" He half-inquires, more just affirming what he already suspects is true.
(23:03:36) Eonwind says: They told me he's arrogant and they suggested to keep away from me, I thank you for delivering my latter and bringing me this one" he raises his head from the letter "He's asking me more than I can handle right now.... but I ... he's leaving me no chiose" he seems quite sad
(23:05:35) Eurac says: A Red Liquor please allelia.
(23:05:47) Eurac says: Thank you.
(23:05:49) Lecutet makes a gesture with his hands, spreading them before himself, as though to embrace the Lemur. He doesn't actually try to do this, rather he only maintains this stance as he speaks, moving his hands and arms in time to the words. "Well, what precisely is he demanding? I can't help with money, if that's the issue. I'm a bit of a mountain man; I can get what I need from the wilds but when it comes to material items, I have little. Though, if it's labor you're short on, I could probably try to pick up a picaxe."
(23:06:19) Eurac slurps his drink
(23:08:23) Eonwind says: Did you read the letter? don't worry I don't care if you did... he belongs to a powerful family from the City of the Stars, if he say I cannot find the diary without his help it means he won't let me find it" he seems very fond of the Ynnwn gesture "Thank you so much for your kindness, he's asking me 20 diamonds and a golden ring, quite rare indedd. If you would be able to help me I will pay for your troubel of cours"
(23:08:37) Eonwind says: *your trouble of course
(23:09:04) Eonwind waves to Eurac "greetings good Sir"
(23:09:34) Eurac says: A quite tavern Isee.
(23:11:20) Eonwind bows to Eurac
(23:14:44) Eurac says: Good and bad news?
(23:16:27) Eonwind says: Yes I've been looking for someone able to retrive my father's diary, now that I found this person he seems to be a shady one. I cannot trust him I'm afraid
(23:18:21) Eonwind turns to Citira "Welcome back milady"
(23:18:25) Citira saunters back in, hips swaying exageratedly and a smile crosses her face as she see's Eonwind "I see you waited..." she said with a slight coy smile
(23:19:40) Eonwind winks to Citira "I was very thirsty"
(23:20:42) Citira returns the wink and strides up to the bar by him, leaning on it "So..." she said quietly, looking him up and down for a moment "About that drink..."
(23:21:52) Eonwind smiles to Citira "beer or liquor milady?" he turns to Eurac "wish to join us good Sir? I offer"
(23:22:17) Citira tilts her head "Liquor of course." as she brushes some hair from her face
(23:23:17) Eonwind smiles to Citira "My favourite as well" he hands her the liquor mug
(23:23:32) Tanosn smiles sweetly to Allelia and places some circles on the bar "I need a room for the night miss, sleeping on the ground isn't going to cut it today."
(23:24:01) Citira allows her fingers to brush against his hand slightly as she takes the mug, taking a small sip and smiling a little "It's always nice to have things in common..."
(23:25:14) Lecutet sends a final nod towards Eonwind. "I can't help with expenses...but as I said I can certainly try to aid you in collecting those diamonds." He casts the lemur a large smile that crinkles his warm brow eyes, bending his massive frame slightly to give a bit of a cordial bow. "And you needn't trouble yourself with the payment, just be patient with me, it may take a while. Mining is not my specialty."


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Re: [RP] The Great Philosopher Work - Chapter I: The Alchemist Legacy
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2012, 07:57:15 pm »
(23:15:16) [Tell] Karzela tells you: An unusually small groffel runs up to you with a note attatched to it's collar "It's possible I may have found someone who can help you from the fourth level." signed Karzela
(23:23:08) [Tell] Eonwind pets the groffel, read the message and write something on the note's back "Are you talking about Lord Melkior? I'd like to speak with you about this matter if you have time. I'll be glad to meet you in Kada'el or wherever you wish as soon as possible. Regards. Eonwind"
(23:29:12) [Tell] Karzela tells you: Karzela reaches for a note and holds it up toward the light to read it and in the lower corner writes, "Indeed, Lord Melkior was his name. I'm in Hydlaa and can meet you at your convenience." She finishes the note with a "K" and sends her groffel back to Eonwind.
(23:31:24) [Tell] You tell Karzela: "I am waiting for you in Kada'el tavern. Regards and take care. Eonwind"
(23:34:20) Karzela says: Good day Eonwind, I was hoping our paths would cross again.
(23:34:47) Eonwind says: Greetings my friend, please sit down here, may I offer you something to drink? I am happy to meet you and hear your news
(23:37:03) Karzela nods and sits down carefully as to not knock over the candle. "Thanks for the offer, but I'd rather speak about the Ynnwn I met if you don't mind?"
(23:39:33) Eonwind smiles to Karzela "don't worry I am eager to speak about this topic as well as you are. Please tell me your impression about this man."
(23:42:28) Karzela begins slowly, "At first I was startled when I saw this tall Ynnwn who called himself, Lord Melkior. He was cordial to a point when I seem to have surprised by asking a favor of him.
(23:43:37) Eonwind nods listening to Karzela
(23:45:09) Karzela leans a little closer to Eonwind and whispers, "Of course at the time I didn't realize this Lord seemed to be slightly bothered by my request. Apparently he is the one to do any requesting if you know what I mean?:
(23:47:20) Karzela continues, "I offered to help him find the mage he came to the first level to seek out which seemed to soften my boldness of asking him a favor too."
(23:47:23) Eonwind nods and leaning closer to Karzela whispers "I know what you mean, he's very self centered and arrogant as well "
(23:47:50) Eonwind nods
(23:50:37) Karzela sighs slightly, "Arrogant, yet he listened to my request to contact you. He said he came here seeking a trinket from a mage that would summon a creature. I held out my hand so he could see my ring."
(23:52:09) Karzela says: It was then that he asked to see a summoned creature.
(23:52:34) Eonwind nods again "Yes he's looking foa a familiar's ring I know this"
(23:53:22) Karzela looks a bit surprised, "Oh, so have you met him yet?"
(23:55:17) Eonwind shakes his head "No and I don't want to do that. He seems to be quite a shady character, but I asked a friend of mine to deliver him a letter and he sent back his answer. I'd like you to read it and give me your opinion, please"
(23:56:01) Karzela nods, "Sure, I'll be happy to read it."
(23:57:17) Eonwind draws a couple of letter from his sack and hands them to Karzela "Please consider them confidential"
(23:59:02) Karzela carefully takes the letters and opens up the first one, holding it so the candlelight falls on the handrighting.
(00:01:39) Karzela's face turns slightly from side to side as she opens up the next letter.
(00:02:25) Karzela begins to frown before she finishes reading the note.
(00:02:50) Eonwind quietly waits for Karzela to read the letters
(00:04:24) Eonwind says: No please keep them I don't need those letters
(00:05:03) Karzela looks sharply at Eonwind after finishing the last letter. "Such a demanding man!"
(00:06:30) Karzela takes a deep breath and slowly lets the air leave her lungs. "You don't believe him then?"
(00:08:25) Karzela places the letters inside her leather bag and looks back at Eonwind.
(00:08:31) Eonwind sighs and shakes his head "I have no choise... I don't trust him but he comes from one of the most importand noble families in my former city"
(00:09:29) Eonwind says: if I don't gives him what he want I'm afraid I will never get the diary"
(00:10:01) Eonwind looks quite sad
(00:10:35) Karzela coughs, "Noble perhaps but yet so demanding. Who is he to know what private things your father wrote in his personal diary?"
(00:12:35) Karzela softly says, "That sadness on your face isn't very pleasing to see. Let me help you."
(00:13:34) Eonwind face grimacy "you must know that my father's death was unclear, I fear he was murdered. He carried his diary with him all the time but after his dead the diary vanished... Thank you for your kindness"
(00:15:45) Karzela lowers her voice to a whisper, "The second letter this Lord said he's the only one who can help you. What do you make of that?"
(00:18:11) Eonwind says: That may confirm my fears he or his family maybe involved with my father's murder or may know who murdered my father or has sotlen the diary and can blackmail him or something like that
(00:19:01) Eonwind apuses for a moment "if thias is the case, he's right I will never be able to find the diary if he's not willing to help"
(00:21:04) Karzela nods slowly, "Perhaps what he asks for now isn't impossible to provide but I fear this may not be his last request of you."
(00:22:47) Eonwind says: I don't know ... I am afraid this is related to how he perceives the diary importance to me ... or to him"
(00:23:03) Eonwind shakes his head
(00:26:06) Eonwind says: however my friend would you be so kind to help me fulfill his requests, of course I will reward you for your trouble
(00:29:50) Karzela nods, "My curiosity is great I must admit concerning this Lord. I'm willing to help you."
(00:31:55) Eonwind says: Thank you so much Lady Karzela, if you'll be able to deliver him the diamonds he seeks I'll be glad, even more if you manage to get him also a golden ring
(00:32:42) Karzela smiles slightly, "We already shared a moment of victory together not long ago. Let's repeat that victory with the arrogant Lord."
(00:33:57) Eonwind laughs "This is the spirits, and your words rase my morale! Thank you so much my friend!"
(00:35:17) Eonwind says: Now it's quite late for me and I feel tired, soon I needs tto rest but I am glad I can count on you
(00:35:17) Karzela smiles back at Eonwind. "So glad to hear that. Now if only I felt as comfortable around the Lord as I do you."
(00:36:18) Karzela says: I have some jewelry handed down to me. I'll check to see if I have the ring, but for now will bid you a fond farewell."
(00:38:03) Eonwind smiles to Karzela "I appreciate that, I would look for it myself but as you know I am working hard toward our *goal*, you know what I mean
(00:38:17) Eonwind winks to Karzela
(00:38:33) Karzela laughs softlly and nods
(00:39:55) Eonwind says: Now it's time to leave for me, may Laanx frighten shadows from thy path friend
(00:40:10) Karzela says: Safe travel, Eonwind.


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Re: [RP] The Great Philosopher Work - Chapter I: The Alchemist Legacy
« Reply #13 on: March 22, 2012, 03:24:21 pm »
(00:24:06) Karzela looks up from her book, "Lord Melkior?"
(00:24:58) Melkior walk to the billboard almost failing to notice Karzela, he turns and say "Greetings... you are... lady..."
(00:25:38) Karzela closes her book, "Karzela"
(00:25:59) Karzela puts the book in her leather sack and stands up.
(00:26:43) Melkior nods "yes ... Karzela. My greetings now if you excese me I'm going about my business"
(00:27:05) Karzela says shyly, "Perhaps if I could have a moment of your time?"
(00:27:45) Karzela has a determined look on her face.
(00:28:37) Melkior seems toughtful for a brief moment then he nods "Yes... but don't waste my time m'lady"
(00:30:29) Karzela bites her lip. "Have you talked to the mage at the magic shop yet? I may have some items that you need for that trinket you so desire."
(00:33:22) Melkior nods "Yes I spoke to him but I am not interested in buying anything right now" he winks "I've already found someone that will find and give me what I want"
(00:34:21) Karzela looks disappointed. "I was so hoping to make a bargain with you. The diary my friends seeks for these items..."
(00:34:32) Karzela's voice trails off into silence
(00:35:27) Karzela says: This ring I hold is an old family heirloom and I won't part with it without a very good reason.
(00:35:53) Melkior looks around as if he's trying to see if someone else is listening
(00:37:49) Karzela hopes her trembling isn't visible.
(00:38:56) Melkior lowers his voice and step a little closer to Karzela "very well a bargain ... and I bet your friend is Eonwind isn't him? Listen to me if you want this diary for yourself I don't care just give I want the ring and the diamonds and that's all. " he pauses for a moment
(00:39:28) Melkior says: *give me what I want: the ring
(00:40:10) Melkior clear his voice and begins to speak again staring directly into Karzela's eyes
(00:40:39) Karzela looks sharply at Melkior's face," Yes, Eonwind in the one I spoke of and I do have the ring, but do you have the diary with you?"
(00:40:48) Melkior says: As I told your friend..
(00:41:15) Karzela sighs, "Haven't seen Eonwind for a few days. What did you tell him?"
(00:41:29) Melkior says: I don't have the diary and I want to be paid in advance
(00:42:05) Melkior says: if you want you can simply ask your friend to pay for your expenses, or...
(00:42:44) Melkior says: you can make the bargain directly with me and keep the diary for yourself, or...
(00:42:53) Karzela reaches into her leather bag and removes a ring, but hold on to it tightly for a moment.
(00:43:53) Melkior says: "sell it to your friend for a higher price" he laughs "I don't really care what you will do with the diary!"
(00:44:23) Karzela says: The diary has no meaning for me but I know how important family is. I'd prefer Eonwind to receive the diary ."
(00:44:40) Karzela says: Especially since it belonged to his father.
(00:45:57) Karzela opens up her hand and looks at her heirloom and then at Melkior. "It's yours if you promise me Eonwind will get that diary."
(00:47:36) Karzela's hand closes over the ring as she waits for Lord Melkior's answer.
(00:48:05) Melkior impishly grins "An honest citizen or a loyal friend" he lean his hand to receive Karzela's heirloom "very well tell your friend I will send him a message as soon as I will have *retrieved* the diary"
(00:48:31) Melkior says: It won't take long
(00:48:47) Melkior winks to Karzela
(00:49:13) Karzela opens up her hand and nods."Hear take it then and I do hope this sacrifice makes Eonwind's dream of holding it come true."
(00:49:21) Karzela says: +here
(00:50:02) Karzela notices the wink and tries to relax
(00:52:13) Melkior looks at the rings and grins to Karzela "Very nice m'lady, very nice... maybe your friend will reward or cover your expenses... if he's loyal to you as you've been to him" he impishly grins again
(00:53:33) Melkior says: Now I needs to take care about other matters, farewell and tell your friend Lord Melkior greets him
(00:53:39) Karzela shrugs her shoulders and boldy says, "Tria isn't everything in life, Lord Melkior. Just provide the diary and that will be payment enough."
(00:54:08) Karzela nods, "I'll do just that."
(00:56:04) Karzela lets out her breath not realizing she had been holding it in. "Don't let me stop you. Farewell."
(00:56:13) Melkior laughs "Your statement is mostly correct m'lady money are not everything in life, life itself sometimes matter more, don't you think? "
(00:56:28) Melkior says: Farewell
(00:56:47) Karzela nods and smiles slightly before turning to walk away.


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Re: [RP] The Great Philosopher Work - Chapter I: The Alchemist Legacy
« Reply #14 on: May 06, 2012, 10:34:32 am »
Karzela looks up from her notebook. "Eonwind?"
Eonwind as he passes by notice Karzela sitting and turns right "Milady... Lady Karzela how do you do?"
Karzela smiles slightly, "I'm fine, thank you. Just studying this glyph and I have news for you too."
Eonwind bows to Karzela "I was looking for you milady, I received your message... do you really got the diary?!"
Karzela nods and cannot help but smile.
Karzela places the glyph and notebook away and her leather bag and hops down to speak to Eonwind.
Eonwind smiles but looks a little impatient, he get near Karzela and lean a hando to help her get down
Karzela gratefully takes Eonwind's hand.
Karzela says: I have the diary right here.
Karzela pats her leather bag.
Eonwind says: This is a great news!
Eonwind looks very excited
Karzela reaches into her bag and smiles as she hands it to Eonwind.
Karzela says: Tell me that this truly belonged to your father.
Eonwind says: My studies reached for a halt without some of my father's knowledge and now you got the diary! how exciting!
Eonwind quickly open the book and looks through it
Karzela looks around before saying quietly, "I wasn't sure if I could trust the mysterious Lord's words."
Eonwind nods to Karzela "well done" but seems to be concentrated reading the diary
Karzela very slowly lets out her breath realizing she wasn't fooled after all, as whatt appears to be happiness appears on her face.
Eonwind raises his head from the book after some minutes "Yes it looks like his diary, I remember it was like that aside from this strange language I cannot read"
Karzela says: Perhaps it is written in another language for a reason ...
Karzela watches Eonwind with interest
Eonwind nods "Yes maybe true, afterall I never looked inside my fathers diary..."
Eonwind says: ... he always said I would have read it when I'd be ready... I hope this is the day...
Karzela says: You finally have this diary but can't read it. Do you have someone you can trust to translate it or know of a spell that may help?
Eonwind says: you say a spell... maybe ... great idea Lady!
Eonwind draw an object and a divination glyph from his sack and looking very excited he cast a spell on the diary
Karzela can hardly wait for the results of the spell
Eonwind's diary is surrounded by a blue magic glow
Eonwind open the diary again starting to looking at it again
Eonwind nods to Karzela as he seems very concentrated "Unfortunately not yet... It looks like the diary content can be disclosed using a keyword... my father mus have layed a spell on it
Eonwind says: If I can discover the keyword I may be able to read it, I am sure, but...
Eonwind pauses for a moment
Eonwind nods "Yes but now I need to discover the keyword, or the diary it will be almost useless"
Eonwind keeps turning the diary pages one by one
Karzela puts her hand up to her chin as she tries to remember a spell
Eonwind keeps turning the pages almost to the end
Karzela says: I have an idea, Eonwind.
Eonwind raises his head to Karzela and smiles "I'm listening milady"
Karzela unsheaths a small dagger knife. "Lord Melkior may have gotten my heirloom ring but I still have this."
Karzela says: When I hold it I seem to be able to think clearly. Would you like to try holding it as you read the diary?
Karzela opens up her hand and offers the knife to Eonwind
Eonwind says: This is a grat idea! I may be able to read through the text hastly or maybe I can decipher the text!
Eonwind gladly takes Karzela's knife "Thank you"
Eonwind put his staff on the ground and sits
Karzela hopes to get some indication as to if Eonwind can read anything now by watching his face.
Eonwind starts reading throught the text again this time faster and with more concentration
Eonwind looks quite excited again "I still cannot read most of it but I can read the last page at least!"
Karzela says: "So glad to hear that!"
Karzela says: I may just be being a silly woman, but I got the feeling Lord Melkior may have some kind of interest in your father's diary. Will you keep in hidden in the future or carry it around with you?
Eonwind says: I'm still thinking what to do ... do you think I should hide it somewhere milady?
Karzela says: I probably would since I really can't fight off an attackers, but you aren't me and may be able to handle yourself in that situation well.
Karzela smile
Eonwind smiles back to Karzela "Very well I'll follow your wisdom and try to protect the book with some spell. Also I still need to find the keyword but in the last page , the one I can read there seems to be a sort of 'riddle'
Karzela quietly responds, "Do you think your father hoped you'd hold his diary one day or was it meant for others helping his research?"
Karzela grins, "Oh, there I go asking questions again. Please forgive me."
Eonwind nods "Yes he may have left something for me, some clue ... do you want to know? maybe you mey help me solve the riddle"
Karzela looks thoughtful as she conders Eonwind's question.
Karzela says: *ponders
Karzela lowers her voice. "That may put us both in danger, but I'm willing to try."
Karzela looks at her dagger that Eonwind still holds and wonders if it's magic only will work for her.
Eonwind shakes his head "excuse me you have done so much for me, and I'd like to reward you, you deserve it my friend"
Karzela says: Lord Melkior already has rewarded me with a small sack of tria, Eonwind. I'd rather see you discover the mysteries this diary holds.
Eonwind shakes his head "No no my friend, now I need to leave but next time we meet I have something for you!"
Karzela grins, "If I ever need your help I won't hesitate to ask. Safe journey to you then Eonwind until our paths cross once again."