Author Topic: Fire without shadows.  (Read 1877 times)


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Fire without shadows.
« on: June 03, 2003, 04:32:46 pm »
Well, English is not my mother tongue, so please add comments and corrections to this story.


As Ika stood there, gazing into the horizon she had this strange feeling again. Pictures formed in front of her eyes, disappeared, and turned into new ones.

She saw soldiers running for their lifes, running from their fate, only to get slaughtered by it.
She could hear the sounds of battle, the screams of thousands of people, fighting for their lifes.

Almost as if she was there...

\"Are yo oke lass? Yo look lie you\'e seen a Slagh\".
The stonebreaker observed her with worried eyes.
\"I\'m fine Girdur, don\'t worry about me\".
\"Ah, ye look pale. Ere, ye can take me coat\".
She couldn\'t help but smile. At least she wasn\'t alone on her journey. The dwarf obviously wouldn\'t leave her that easily.
\"No, really I\'m fine\".
\"Oke, if ye se so\".

A lightning followed by a distant rumble caught their attention. The weather in this part of Yliakum could be lethal. Ika had heard stories of horrible diseases caused by the storms.
The dark clouds came closer.
\"Ba me hamer! We need ta find shelter\".
They were in the middle of nowhere. It was like a huge desert of dark thoughts and despair.
Raindrops started to fall from the sky. It became colder all of a sudden and the raindrops turned into snowflakes. Ika pulled the coat close to herself.
\"Look, a hole in the ground, and it looks deep enough\".
\"Aye, ge down bfore d storm gits worse\".
She climbed into the hole and found herself in a small cave. It was dark and smelly, but at least it was warm.
Girdur slided into the cave and landed flexible as a Enkidukai on the floor beside of her. Despite his shape He almost didn\'t make a sound when he landed.
\"Tis a nice place, we\'ll wait out t storm here\".
Girdur sat down with his legs crossed. He dug in his backpack and picked up a piece of meat.
\"Are ye hungry lass? Ere\', eat this\".
Gratefully she received the piece of meat. It was pretty old by now, but she hadn\'t eaten for almost three days, so she accepted his offer gratefully.
\"Ere\'s a tunnel in ere\', I wonder where t leads.\"
When She got used to the darkness she saw the tunnel too. It was very dark and seemed to lead into eternity.
\"I\'m not sure if I want to find out\".
\"Shhh, did ye hear da sound?\"
As Ika listened she could hear a dripping sound bouncing between the walls. She tried to figure out where the sound came from and realized that it came from the dark tunnel.

\"Thas da sound of water. Less go deeper.\"
\"I\'m not sure...\"
\"Ah, jos fallo me lass. Sun we can feel da taste of fresh water.\"
Ika wasn\'t sure she liked the idea. Unlike Girdur her eyes wasn\'t used to complete darkness. She almost couldn\'t see where she walked, and found it very unpleasant.
They walked throught the narrow passage and got into a small chamber. In the middle of the small room was a natural fountain. A stream of water ran down from the rock.
The water was refreshing and they drank until they became unthirsty. Satisfied they sat down for a while.
\"Ye shodd ge sum sleep lass. Dunn worry, I\'ll gard ye.\"
She had slept in better places, but Girdur was right, she needed the rest.

She loosened the bedroll from the backpack, put her head against it, and closed her eyes.

***To be continued***
« Last Edit: November 11, 2003, 04:28:50 pm by Fanomatic2000 »

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« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2003, 07:15:17 am »
I like it much! Your english is fine and finally we have a not so combat oriented story. :)

maybe you could connect it with Mogie\'s storyline... the weather seems similar ;)
« Last Edit: November 10, 2003, 03:25:17 pm by lynx_lupo »
"Amor sceleratus habendi"- Ovid
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you eat them." -Godzilla


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« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2003, 02:15:37 pm »
Ika fell into a restless sleep. Her head was filled with thoughts and she had nightmares.
She thought she saw millions of eyes staring at her in despair. It seemed they wanted to say something important, but she couldn?t quite settle what it was.

When Ika woke up, Girdur was nowhere to be seen.
\"Did he went further into the cave without me?\" she though while she strapped the bedroll onto the backpack.
The cave was almost completely dark, so she lightened a torch to see better. In the same second she put the fire to the torch she heard a loud sound of thousands of creatures fleeing from the light she held in her hand.
She shouted his name into the dark.

The sounds bounced between the walls, and all of a sudden she felt very afraid. She had the feeling someone was watching her. Following her every move with extreme caution. Her friend was gone without a trace, and here she was in a cave in the middle of nowhere without anyone to back her up.
She wasn\'t sure of where she was anymore. The cave was a huge network of pathes and dark holes. It was hard to tell which way they had walked in the first place.
\"Stay here and wait for Girdur or go further into the cave?\" She hesitated, but decided to follow the direction she though they had come from. When she began to walk she heard the same creepy sound she had heard when she lightened the torch. The sound of thousands of small feets running away from the light.
She shivered in the dark, but went on, still with the feeling someone or something spied on her. She quickly glanced over her shoulder, but couldn\'t see anything.
Angered over her own paranoia, she shaked the feeling off her mind and continued.

While she was walking through the darkness she suddenly heard the sound of an underground river. This wasn?t the way they had walked before. Perhaps it was better to turn back and wait for Girdur there.
She began walking towards the room where she had come from, followed by the sound of creatures in the dark.
It was strange, but even if she was sure she took the right way back, she had a feeling she was walking in circles. The rooms all looked the same, she couldn?t tell them apart.
When she had walked for a while she heard a familiar sound. The sound of an underground river.
Was it the same river she had heard before? She didn?t know.
Grieved she realized she was lost in the darkness surrounding her. Guided only by the light of her torch she began following the murmuring sound.
As she came closer she suddenly felt a strange odor. It seemed to come from the same direction as the river. The torch-fire seemed to follow the direction as well.
?An exit!? she shouted. The dark creatures were still following her, but she didn?t care. Her mind was focused on the possible way out. Right now nothing mattered. She just wanted to wake up from this nightmare, wake up to Girdurs cheerful voice, eat some of the bread they had bought in town and then continue their journey.

She didn?t see the gaping hole in front of her until it was too late.

***To be continued***

EDIT: Thanks lynx, you just gave me my inspiration back :)
« Last Edit: January 02, 2004, 09:55:20 am by Fanomatic2000 »

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« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2003, 02:27:00 pm »
more! :)
"Amor sceleratus habendi"- Ovid
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you eat them." -Godzilla


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« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2004, 12:20:08 pm »
As many other proud members of the Stonebreakers, Girdur had a special sense for navigation. He had lived and traveled underground countless times in his search for valuable stones and minerals. He knew the underground-network very well. The caves was his home, the darkness and silence his family and the crystals in the cave-walls, his guardians.
He had never liked the surface. He found it unpleasant, maybe even repulsive, and he couldn?t understand the races who lived under roofs to protect themselfes against rain, snow and storms when they could as well live in a warm protecting cave. In general he didn\'t like folks from the surface, they were pretty stupid and had an unpleasant, irritating behavior that drove him mad.
And now he was traveling with one of them. He had even become her protector, and when he though about it, it was pretty ironic.

Even more ironic was the fact that he, a Stonebreaker, had lost his way in the darkness. He just took a short walk to explore the area, and when he tried to get back, it was like if the whole cave had changed. He was sure he choosed the right way, but for every step he took he wandered more and more astray. He could also feel the presence of creatures in the darkness that surrounded him, but he couldnt see any of them.
He muttered and put his hand on his warhammer, ready to defend himself if necessary.
-Crawl back to where ye came from creatures! I am not afraid!
That was a lie of course, but it seemed to fright some of the creatures. He could hear them run away, only to return again a few seconds later. The dwarf sighed and continued on his way. He could just hope nothing had happened to Ika, and he cursed himself for leaving her alone.
When he came into the next room he found something that caught his attention. An old, rotten door clearly made by human hands. The wood was so old and murky however so that when he tried to open it, it tipped over and broke into small fragments.
Beyond the door was a long and windy passageway which seemed to lead into eternity.
He started to walk, and after a while he couldn\'t hear the sounds from the shadow-creatures anymore. Obviously they didn\'t want to follow him any further for some reason. At least he felt safer now without those strange noises everywhere.
In the end of the tunnel there was another door, and a strange statue by its side, which looked like some kind of warrior. It held a beautiful sword in its hands, exquisite decorated with diamonds, shining rubies and crystals.
Girdur went closer to it, and when he did, its eyes made of purest crystals started to glow with a strong dazzling light. A strange humming sound came from the door, and it opened by itself. This surprised Girdur and he took one step back. The same humming sound could be heard again, and the door closed.
Girdur stood there for a while, then he took one step forward, and the door opened. He drew his warhammer and approached the door, but the door closed again. He put the weapon back, and the door opened once more.
\"Fine, no weapons. I get it\" he muttered for himself.
Girdur went through the door and could hear it close behind him. He stood in a room which was light up by burning torches. Statues of wise kings, brave heroes and foul beasts stood lined along the walls, and in the end of the room was a huge monument of Talad, covered in dust.

***To be continued***
« Last Edit: January 05, 2004, 05:00:46 pm by Fanomatic2000 »

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« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2004, 06:28:27 am »
More, more! you are a great storyteller Fantom! The story sucks me in, i love it!
Close the eyes of the dead, upon they may open yours


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« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2004, 12:34:24 pm »
Ika were shaken, bruised and had scratches all over her body, but she was alive, and she thanked Talad for that. She was just lucky the hole wasn\'t deeper, and that her robe got stuck in a cliff and damped the fall.
She glanced at the opening in the ceiling, but to her surprise and consternation, there was nothing there, like if it had never existed.
Had she dreamt everything? Was it her imagination that played nasty tricks on her? She wasn\'t sure of what to belive anymore.

Suddenly a cold wind started to blow in the cave, but there were no visible openings anywhere, and Ika was uncertain what direction it came from. After a few seconds it died out again. Ika shivered, and for a moment she felt the presence of death in the cave.
Her hope for ever seeing Girdur again started to fade, and dark thoughs flooded her mind. Would she ever see daylight again? What if she didn\'t find her way out of the cave? She couldn\'t stand the though of dying all alone there in the deep darkness.

The cave itself was pretty small, and a fine layer of dust covered the cave-floor. The floor seemed very plain and solid, almost like if it had been carved out by someone, and she couldn\'t find any cracks or unevennesses.
Ika took a closer look, and when she did, she made an interesting discovery. Under the layer of dust she could discern some kind of symbol, and as she stroke the dust from the floor she could feel strong energy flowing from it. The symbol seemed to be of an ancient kind, and Ika could only guess what it meant. Strangely enough it didn\'t seem to have been affected by all the years it had been there. There was no signs of wear, and it was almost like if it had been created recently.

Once again the cold wind started to blow from nowhere, and Ika began to shiver. She huddled on the floor as good as she could and waited for the wind to stop, but instead it increased in power and Ika couldn\'t do anything but to wait for it to calm down.
When it finally stopped, Ika felt like she had been lying on the floor for hours. She made an attempt to stand, but failed and fell on her knees. She felt dizzy and feeble, and her body hurt more than before.
The wind had blown away the dust from the floor, and Ika saw that the symbol she had seen before was just a part of a larger one. It seemed to depict the azure sun, and it was surrounded by strange characters.
Ika placed her hand on it, and to her surprise it felt warm to the touch. She could feel the energy that imbued the stone, and her body seemed to respond to it somehow.
All of a sudden the energy from the stone struck into her like a bolt of lighting, and a sharp light forced Ika to cover her eyes.

When she opened them again she was met by an incredible sight. The cave was gone, and instead she was in the middle of a great hall. People were passing through it, but they didn\'t seem to notice her at all. In front of her was a huge door, guarded by Xachas dressed in beautifully decorated uniforms. each of them was holding an exclusive spear made of a strange metal Ika had never seen before.
Suddenly the door opened and a man dressed in a dark robe passed through. The guards bowed as he disappeared through another door, and Ika though he looked very troubled, like if all the sorrows in the world was over him.
The guards began to speak to each other with low voices, but Ika didn\'t understand what they said. Their tongue reminded her of the common language which was spoken all over Yliakum, but it sounded much harder and more complex.
Ika glanced at the doorway the man had come from, and behind it was a large and magnificent throne-room. Large pillars reached for the sky, and thousands of gems were decorating the walls which reflected the light from the many torches in the great hall.
On the throne sat a young man with a sword in his hand. Even from the distance Ika could see that he was deeply troubled, and he seemed to ignore all the activity around him.
Then for a moment he raised his head and seemed to gaze straight at Ika. She gasped when she saw his face, for it was deathly pale, and his eyes were filled with terror. Their gazes met for a few seconds, and Ika felt that all the energy she had left was about to disappear.

She let herself slip into the darkness.

***To be continued***

EDIT: I\'m glad that you like it Kelython. As long as there is people reading this story I will continue writing on it. :)
« Last Edit: January 31, 2004, 03:10:49 am by Fanomatic2000 »

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« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2004, 01:32:29 pm »
heh, count on my support too!  :))
"Amor sceleratus habendi"- Ovid
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you eat them." -Godzilla


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« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2004, 02:55:00 pm »
This is awesome! You have mine also because reading this just sucked me in and I couldn\'t stop!!! Keep going!


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« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2004, 09:13:26 am »
Shame on you Fantom! This story is so good that I\'m reading it while I should be doing my homework!


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« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2004, 12:31:26 pm »
very nice work. and yes your English is just fine.
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« Reply #11 on: March 12, 2004, 05:08:49 pm »
If one disregarded from the layer of dust that covered the enormous statue, it was surprisingly well preserved.
Girdur was impressed by the incredible skill and the great patience the creators must have had possessed to build such a collossus, if it wasn\'t Talad himself who had created it with his own divine hands.
The dwarf walked against it quietly, as not to wake a sleeping giant, but he gave out a cry when he saw how incredibly detailed it was at close range. Not even the artisan masters in his home-villiage could have achieved something so conspiciously majestic as this amazing work.
The features and the strict gaze in the giants eyes made it look frightening real, and Girdur couldn\'t look at it without feeling a strong reverence to this divine figure who was followed and worshipped all over Yliakum.
The enormous hall was well as magnifique, and when Girdur set fire to a torch it spread in its full splendour, and he saw that neither it seemed very affected by the sands of time.
High and beautiful columns rised against the roof without showing any sign of giving in, for they were carved in one piece, directly from the very rock it seemed. Girdur supposed it was a temple built to the glory of Talad, but the whole place seemed frozen in time, like if the people that had once walked there suddenly had ceased to exist.
Girdur noticed some strange symbols on the statues piedestal. They were carefully carved and filled in with some strange silver-coloured liquid which made the characters glow in the dark.
Even though the symbols seemed ancient and strange Girdur had no trouble interpreting them. He was sure he hadn\'t seen these symbols before, but yet they were fully understandable for him, like a memory suddenly waking to life.

When Fire no longer cast its shadow,
When Water no longer flows from springs,
When Wind no longer frees its airflow,
And Earth no longer viability brings.

Like earth without life,
Like wind without air,
Like water without springs,
Like fire without shadows,

this place hidden in darkness is...

Girdur guessed that it was some sort of riddle or poetry, but the more he though about it, the more confused he became. He had never been very amused by puzzles and riddles, or games overall for that sake, and he didn\'t feel very motivated to ponder about such nonsense when Ika could be in grave mortal danger.
He muttered and looked around for a door or an opening that would take him further, hopefully in Ikas direction, but instead his gaze fell on an old, but beautifully carved chest that seemed to be there mostly of esthetic purposes.
He went and lifted the lid, and there, amongst decomposing clothes and rusty ornaments he found a beautifully decorated staff that, in the same moment the chest was opened, started to shine with such a bright light that Girdur had to look away. the light gradually died out, and Girdur picked it up carefully.
When he took it in his hand he noticed how light it was, and suddenly he could feel a warm stream flowing into his body, and his legs felt lighter as well, like if a heavy burden had been lifted from his shoulders.
This staff had obviously been used by some healer or priest to heal wounds and cure diseases a long time ago, but why such a precious item had been left here was a riddle Girdur couldn\'t find an answer to. He placed the staff over his right shoulder and continued his search for a possible exit.
While Girdur was searching, an unpleasant feeling crept over him. He felt observed, as if someone was spying on him from a dark corner where the light didn\'t reach. His hand grasped harder around the handle to the warhammer, and his senses sharpened to the outmost, but the only thing he could hear was the sound of his own footsteps. Maybe it was just his imagination, but his senses rarely betrayed him, and he had a well developed sixth sense that had never failed yet.
-Who wanders in the shadows? Are ye brave enough to come out, or do I have to come get ye myself?
Girdurs voice was hard and cold. If it was something he hated, it was foes who didn\'t have the spine to look him into the eyes, but instead like a snake in the grass hid themselfes, only to strike when he least expected it.
He didn\'t get an answer to his question, and it didn\'t surprise him, but at least he had proven that he wasn\'t some foolish human or elf that one could surprise easily and stab before they even reacted.

Suddenly Girdur felt a freezing cold wind in the room, and he found it very strange since he couldn\'t detect any openings or cracks anywhere in the hall. Neither did the wind seem to come from a certain direction, and it almost seemed to live its own life where it played around in the air and changed way randomly.
He could feel how the wind chilled his body and how his strenght slowly faded away. It was like if this wind of death sucked away all his life-force and feeded on it, for he felt dizzy and feeble like after a day of hard work in the mines.
After a while the wind died out, but the dwarf could hardly stand up, and he felt tired and drowsy. His legs felt heavy as lead, and when he tried to walk, his feet hurt awfully.
-What sorcery is this? Talad help me! Cursed wind, a creation by darkness! I will not surrender to ye that easily. Then you have underestimated me, for I am a proud member of the stonebreaker-clan which doesn\'t fear neither man nor demon, so fall back to the shadows or feel my wrath!
Girdur raised the warhammer into the air and gave out a war-cry that resounded in the great hall, whereupon he awaited some kind of answer.

At first nothing happened, and Girdur started to suspect that the invisible enemy had left, but soon a strange, gurgling sound that propably was meant to be some kind of laughter sounded in the hall whereupon everything became quiet as in a grave.
Girdur breathed deeply and prepared himself for the worst, for he had wandered right into the gap of the unknown, and stood now and waited for it to close its horrible jaws around him.

***To be continued***

EDIT: Thanks for the comments, It\'s always appreciated :)
I\'m pretty busy at the moment, so I don\'t have much time for writing, but I\'ll do my best to deliver as fast as possible. Most of my work is still on paper because I rarely get the opportunity to type it on a computer, but things will change soon, and then I can devote more time to this story.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2004, 05:22:54 pm by Fanomatic2000 »

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« Reply #12 on: August 01, 2005, 04:37:12 pm »
Wow what a story i realy love it!, i cannot wait for the rest of it i hope it is as good 8D


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« Reply #13 on: August 01, 2005, 11:02:35 pm »
great great great story.. i will check in often to see how Girdur, and Ika are doing.. keep it up :)

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« Reply #14 on: August 02, 2005, 12:03:41 am »
agreeing with Easton ;)