Author Topic: Fun RP's that you'd just like to share!  (Read 1832 times)

Mariana Xiechai

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Fun RP's that you'd just like to share!
« on: April 10, 2012, 10:18:30 am »
Hey all. I always wanted a little forum thread just for the random role plays that seemed to flow really well, and that you especially enjoyed. Maybe as just a shout out to the person who instigated it, just to encourage them, or maybe just because it's fun to read what people are up to. That said, I'll start:

(23:07:57) Sarras pauses for a few seconds. "Hm. Okay. Coming right up." She heads back inside to buy a water pouch from Allelia.

(23:07:59) Travosh is too much of a jerk to help

(23:08:30) Mariana slowly raises her head from her arms. She's still twitching, eyes glassy wiht pain-induced tears, but she does turn towards the exit. She moves stiffly towards the man, and waving her paws, attempts to draw heat out of him.

(23:09:06) Sarras tosses a water pouch at Elires's head. "Here."

(23:09:35) Elires doesnt even acknowledge the pouch as it bounces from his head, his eyes rolling back in his head and his flesh roils

(23:10:12) Mariana continues to try to draw heat from Elires, her eyes glowing with the soft dull throb of red way, her bracers shimmering. "C'mon," she grunts, teeth still gritted in pain. "C'mon, then."

(23:10:15) Valika says: What do you expect from me, madman?

(23:10:59) Sarras seems disappointed that her attempt at help failed.

(23:11:31) Elires's teeth are popping out, his jaw growing and splitting out of his face, forming into a maw with sharp teeth as fire, yes REAL fire bursts from his throat in a short gout. His body is creaking and cracking, his arms bulge and his skin splits under the stress

(23:11:53) Sarras says: What the hell.

(23:12:29) Mariana barely even blinks. "Well, shit," she says. Clearly she's dealt with the paranormal before, but this one is a first. She seems rather out of it from her pounding headache, but she does her best and trying to put out the flames, coaxing forth more of her magical energy.

(23:12:57) Valika says: You should find a doctor. That doesn't seem healthy.

(23:14:01) Elires's spine splits out of his back, ridges with sharp bone, his feet split as well, forming claws paws, just as his hands enlargen and split, bone poking through to form claws, he turns his ruined face, maw and all towards Sarras, and spews flame at her face

(23:15:47) Sarras tries to dodge, but just falls on her bottom. The flames miss by a couple feet. She holds her arms in front of her face and rolls to the right.

(23:15:50) Mariana swears and shifts her paws at the flames, rapidly, in a motion that attempts to manipulate them and force them diving towards the cobblestones.

(23:16:41) Elires flames are manipulated towards the cobblestones, his arms, lengthened, push him up and forward towards Mariana

(23:18:07) Mariana skips to the side away from the charred stones. She lets out an agonized sound as Elires manages to grab her arm, and she grapples with her free paw at her sabre, pulling it free with a metallic ring and slashing wildly at the possessed man's chest.

(23:18:16) Sarras hops to her feet and asks Mariana rapidly, "Whatdoido? Whatdoido?!"

(23:19:16) Elires hangs on, bone-claws trying to punch through armor. His chest is slashed open, to exposing a rib cage breaking and shifting. He tries to bring up his other hand to grab her shoulder

(23:21:26) Mariana lets out a horrified scream as a tremendous popping sound is heard in her arm. The armor crunches inward, forming a harmful, archaic brace, and the pain is unbearable. It sends the akkaio into a panic-induced rage. Fire pours from her blade and she lashes wildly, shifing to avoid the hand coming for her shoulder, aiming to decapitate Elires. "SARRAS!" She shrieks, her voice agonized. "STAB IT! STAB THE DAMN THING!"

(23:22:41) Elires's neck is caught by the blade, the blade sinks deep, flingin Elires head first to the ground, his hand wrenches free from her arm

(23:23:25) Sarras whines, "Ooookaay!" Her sword makes a scratching sound as she withdraws it. She charges at Elires, the tip of the sword aiming at his chest, and ducks under his arm.

(23:24:34) Mariana stumbles backwards in agony, clutching at her arm. Not only is the thing totally broken at an unnatural angle, blood is pouring down from where her damaged armor has punctured deep into her bicep. Tears leak from the corners of her eyes, and she loosens her grip on her saber as she sinks to her knees a pace away.

(23:25:16) Elires's back is impaled on sarras' sword, blood wells around the blade. He pushes himself up with his large arms, trying to wrench the blade out of Sarras's hand. Leaving with the choice of leaving it in his back, or being pulled close to his snapping jaws

(23:26:15) Mariana focuses her pain into anger. Her eyes latch on the creatures still presumably open chest, looking for a sign of something....of vital organs, or perhaps a heart.

(23:27:55) Sarras is forced to release her sword. As she jumps back, away from the teeth, she frantically waves her hands around to cast defensive wind. A whirling gust picks up and surrounds her body.

(23:29:08) Elires is buffeted back by the wind, reeling on his legs he stumbles, opening the long horizontel gash on his chest, blackened lungs can be seen behind the ribs

(23:30:28) Mariana's breathing quickens. She slowly peels her lips back from her teeth and raises her paw, a dull red, throbbing glow coursing up her good arm. Spittle-stained with blood-leaks from the corner of her muzzle from where she's bitten into her own tongue, but she keeps her focus, and as she stares at the creature's lungs, she attempts to light the delicate tissue aflame.

(23:31:38) Sarras starts hopping on one leg as she unlatches the dagger from her boot. She seems to be having some trouble, though, and begins hopping in circles. "Where are the guards?!"

(23:32:15) Elires falls back, his chest aflame as he falls on his rump

(23:33:54) Sarras finally unsheathes the dagger, which is probably useless in this situation, but better than nothing. "Kill it, Mariana! With fire!"

(23:34:04) Elires lays back, flames spewing from his maw as his long, bone-clawed arms tear at his chest, turning the flesh to ribbons

(23:34:27) Mariana fluctuates, fighting consciousness. She reaches for her blade again, and drags herself closer to the fiery man, on one paw, and knees, the metal armor scraping the paved street. She shifts her body one last time, and raising the weapon horizontal with her own chest, she lets out an animalistic growl, and drives her blade towards the center of Elires ribcage, roughly where she guesstimates his heart may be.

(23:35:36) Elires's body tenses and thrashes in a rictus of pain, flames gouting from his maw. Mariana's blade has found its mark in his charred and torn chest

(23:36:57) Mariana rolls away from Elires, the fire from his mouth grazing over her shoulderpad and leaving it stained a hideous black, superheating the metal and causing the flesh beneath it to weld tightly up against it. She screams again, and unable to tolerate the pain, she falls limp where she rolled.

Aramara Meibi

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Re: Fun RP's that you'd just like to share!
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2012, 11:14:51 am »
I wasn't there for this, and was in no way part of it, but it was shared with me, and when I read it I was like, "What!?!? You can do that?!?!?" It was a turning point for me, one in which I vowed to change the way I RP completely.

(22:47:17) Miomai notices a groffel aproach with a letter. She blows on the black fog and it dissipates into the air. The corrupt clamod hops down from the railing and snatches the letter, "Gimmie that!"
(22:47:19) >Miomai Lashing stands up.
(22:48:47) Miomai takes much longer to read the letter than one would expect. When finished she balls it up and torches it with a very light Red Way spell. She then boots the groffel has hard as she can and cackles at her poor treatment of the innocent creature.
(22:49:55) Mariana's ears twitch a bit. She has her eyes focussed on the floor, her brow furrowed in thought, and almost bumps directly into Miomai. She staggers a step back and smiles. "Oh. Hello."
(22:51:31) Mariana strokes her groffel, which she holds in her arm. She is slowly letting a small flow of crystal way into the whimpering creature. Her expression is more sad than angry.
(22:53:30) Mariana suddenly reaches up and grips her head with her paws, clenching her eyes shut and hissing.
(22:54:18) Miomai stares at Mariana for a long while, unsure of what to make of the letter or the fenki before her. She decides instead to finish her beer.
(22:55:41) Mariana continues to hold onto her head. She wavers on her feet and slowly sinks to her knees, her eyes still shut tight and her ears folded down. She grits her teeth.
(22:55:45) >Mariana Xiechai takes a seat.
(22:57:53) Miomai takes a long time to debate in her mind what to do next and moves toward and away from Mariana hesitantly. "Uhm...Evil Twin?!" she begins, then mutters under her breath, "Serves you right."
(22:59:32) Mariana takes a deep breath as the sudden headache subsides. She staggers waveringly to her feet, eyes bleary, not appearing to have heard Miomai at all. Her brow furrows and she lightly presses her fingertips to her own forehead. "What in the death realm was that?"
(22:59:33) >Mariana Xiechai stands up.
(23:02:48) Miomai cackles at Mariana's pain, "Kahma! Just like my BROTHAH said!" she tosses the empty beer mug behind her and and crosses her arms, starring at Mariana, clearly unconvinced of the her rectification of the situation. 'Its YOUR fault, Yep yep!" and a smirk forms on her face.
(23:03:10) >Miomai Lashing dropped a Beer Mug.
(23:04:01) Mariana presses her fingertips to her temple again and scowls darkly, "Azure way," she growls. Her eyes dart around the room and she smacks the side of her head. "No!" She shouts at no one in particular.
(23:07:42) Mariana lets out an almost feral growl. She turns her head to the side and tries very hard to block out the voice, but obviously has no skill at all in Azure Way. "Shut up!"
(23:11:00) Miomai stands there content to watch Mariana flail about with such pain. A different pain than she felt, but retribution nontheless. Her smirk grows and she decides to add to the fenki's torment by casting a small ball of black smoke in her paw. She watches the smoke for a litte, happy at her creation.
(23:11:04) >Glaciusor just joined PlaneShift
(23:12:16) Mariana's eyes widen and her pupils dilate. She slowly moves her right paw towards her sabre and draws the weapon, her body rigid and stiff. Her arm quivers and her eyes buldge and Miomai. She utters a vulgar curse and struggles visibly, her paw held in a vice grip around the hilt of the weapon. "Miomai, run. Get out of here now," she grates through clenched teeth. "Now!"
(23:16:33) Miomai obsidian eyes grow wide, if ever that were possible. She observes Mariana unsheathing her sabre and immediately summersaults backwards. The foolish clamod ignores Mariana's words and instead unsheaths her own daggers and redies a much a more powerful Dark Way spell, to throw at Mariana at any sign of her aggression.
(23:17:51) Mariana swears bitterly. Tears start streaming down her cheeks, leaving streaks in her fur. She advances forward, fire blooming from her paws and traveling down the sabre. She moves haltingly, as if she is struggling against herself. She screams: "MIOMAI! RUN!"
(23:22:45) Miomai furrows her brow and anger clearly wells up in her "Nope nope! " she cackles meniacally. Instead, as soon as Mariana advances, she throws a massive ball of darkness at the fenki, smiling from ear to hear at her newly learned spell. "Time to PREY for Dakkru!"
(23:22:50) >You start casting the spell Darkness
(23:22:52) >You create a globe of darkness around Mariana Xiechai's head, obscuring vision.
(23:22:52) >Darkness affected 1 target.
(23:22:52) >You've gained some practice points in Dark Way.
(23:25:00) Mariana's eyes go wide. Slowly, sparks begin to form around her paws, and her empty one rises to focus on Miomai's chest. Bright electricity begins to form upon the palm, and it surges forward, towards Miomai. "NO!" Mariana screams, and her sabre clatters to the ground as she tries desperately to pull on the arm to no avail. "NO NO NO!"
(23:28:18) >Sidara just joined PlaneShift
(23:30:31) Miomai uses her excellent agility and gymnastic prowess to avoid the electric burst. She leaps left onto the railing, and as soon as her left foot lands she pushes off back to the right towards the wall, then with her right foot the pushe off the wall and back towards the staircase. Her final maneuver pushes her back onto the hall behind Mariana. She lands with a thud, but cleanly on both feet, though unfortunately facing the wrong direction and open for an attack.
(23:30:38) >Miomai Lashing takes a seat by Mariana Xiechai.
(23:32:50) Mariana whirls towards Miomai. She appears elated that Miomai has successfully dodged the attack, but her expression becomes quickly horrified as she realizes the clamod's position. In one swift movement, her paw grabs her sabre of her own accord and she lurches forward in an attempt to drive the blade through the right side of the fenki's chest. "SOMEONE HELP!" She screams.
(23:33:33) >Miomai Lashing stands up.
(23:34:26) >Esorono Osuiger stands up.
(23:35:38) Esorono just stays quiet and watches the fight.
(23:37:09) >Mariana has left PlaneShift
(23:40:33) Esorono says: [Awe...Why did Mari have to crash. :<]
(23:43:06) Miomai says: [Yea...darn.]
(23:46:09) >Mariana just joined PlaneShift
(23:46:31) Miomai hears Mariana approach, turns, and dodges to the right, but not in time. The sabre cuts through her midsection and her right arm while she turns. Her well-practiced techniques keep her from stumbling, then she cries out in pain. A force drives her on, and she attempts to retaliate with a weakness spell, focuesed on Mariana's fighting arm.
(23:46:35) Esorono says: [Yay! \o/]
(23:49:00) Mariana lets out an almost pitiful wail as the sword draws Miomai's blood. She chokes on a sob and her fighting arm goes limp. While Miomai focusses on it, the other flashes towards the clamod's throat, claws unsheathed, electricity blooming around it as they try to embed themselves into Miomai's flesh. Mariana quivers from trying to fight the azure way spell, and her voice is hoarse. "Nooooo...."
(23:54:23) Miomai throat is caught in Mariana's paw, and blood starts dripping out in tiny rivulets where each claw digs into her skin. Electricity courses through her and all the poor fenki's muscles tense up. The only thing she has left his her magic ability, and she feebly tries one more spell, fear. As she casts the spell her body slumps to the tavern floor.
(23:54:41) >You start casting the spell Fear
(23:54:44) >You've gained some practice points in Dark Way.
(23:54:47) >Miomai Lashing takes a seat by Mariana Xiechai.
(23:57:42) Mariana shudders as the Dark Way spell sends a skull screaming at her face. She lets out a shout and falls over backwards with a clang, and digs her fingers into the wood on the wall, trying desperately to hold herself imobile. Another sob shakes her as her paw rises towards Miomai again, and she claws at it weakly, leaving streaks of blood on her own forearm. Her paw again unleashes a surge of bright-hot fire at Miomai's chest.
(23:57:50) >Mariana Xiechai takes a seat.
(23:58:02) >Mariana Xiechai stands up.
(23:58:04) >Mariana Xiechai takes a seat.
(23:58:30) Esorono takes a step back.
(00:02:58) Miomai is released from Mariana's electrifying touch, a bit stunned, but the drive still burns in her, both for her own survival and the demise of her once-friend. Mariana's self-struggling is enough for the clamod to rise and avoid the fire mostly, though the smell of burning hair permeats the air. Since the electorcution only made her muscles clench tighter, she never lost her grip on her daggers, and now she thrusts herself onto Mariana, both daggers ready to sheath themselves in her either side.
(00:03:11) >Miomai Lashing stands up.
(00:06:03) Mariana falls backwards onto the floor with a metallic clang. She struggles against he Azure Way spell further, trying desperately to let Miomai's daggers penetrate her heavy armor. She growls in pain as one finds its way into her side, and loses her focus. Her paw flashes up towards Miomai's chest, forming a firey fist of molten lava and trying to drive it into the clamod.
(00:13:31) Miomai cackles meniacally as she pushes the sharp blade into Mariana. The burning drive is evident in her face and purple whisps which are wafting up like smoke from he head as she looks deeply into Mariana's eyes. A look that she hasn' had in a long time, not since she used to dervie pleasure from killing. But, as Mariana's much-superior fighting and magical abilities succeed in burning a hole clean through the clamod's chest. That look fades, and turns into one of stunned realization of her own defeat. She looks down where her torso should be, then back up at Mariana. There's a pleading evident in her eyes, and she tries to call out but thee are no lungs with wich to give breath to her voices. Miomai collapses on top of Mariana and becomes lifeless, those black obsidian eyes stare at her and through her at the same time before she fades away. She's become Prey for Dakkru now.
(00:13:37) >Miomai Lashing takes a seat by Mariana Xiechai.
(00:13:46) Glaciusor says: [... omg,that was huge]
(00:14:01) Esorono says: [Been like this for a while.]
(00:14:08) >You have killed yourself!
all blessings to the assembled devotees.


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Re: Fun RP's that you'd just like to share!
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2012, 11:45:49 am »
I very much enjoyed reading this! The scene flowed through my imagination, detailed and full of energy.
For me, these two entries where the most profound and impacting.

(23:18:16) Sarras hops to her feet and asks Mariana rapidly, "Whatdoido? Whatdoido?!"

(23:21:26) Mariana lets out a horrified scream as a tremendous popping sound is heard in her arm. The armor crunches inward, forming a harmful, archaic brace, and the pain is unbearable. It sends the akkaio into a panic-induced rage. Fire pours from her blade and she lashes wildly, shifing to avoid the hand coming for her shoulder, aiming to decapitate Elires. "SARRAS!" She shrieks, her voice agonized. "STAB IT! STAB THE DAMN THING!"

More... Please!

Aramara Meibi

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Re: Fun RP's that you'd just like to share!
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2012, 01:12:07 pm »
simpler times and happier days, well before cerebus syndrome kicked in:

(00:41:10) Icerra says: so... you know yer friend got blown up?
(00:41:20) Miomai stops twirlling her dagger and uses it to point, "We both need a MAN! We should go on a MAN hunt!" she says and cackles.
(00:41:36) Miomai says: What?!
(00:42:01) Miomai says: Nope nope! Like she said, she's BUSY!
(00:42:27) Icerra says: yeaup... got blown sky high
(00:42:43) Miomai says: She looks FINE to me!
(00:43:07) Icerra says: yeah... welllll... Death Realm and all that
(00:43:15) Icerra says: you should know
(00:43:17) Miomai says: Yep yep!
(00:43:31) Miomai says: How did THAT happen?!
(00:43:38) Miomai tosses the dagger into the air.
(00:44:02) Icerra says: someone sent her a bomb attached to a groffel
(00:44:24) Miomai says: Who?! I'll get them!
(00:44:38) Icerra says: iunner who
(00:44:48) Miomai says: Oh.
(00:45:46) Icerra hops down from the fence
(00:45:59) Icerra says: so you really wanna man?
(00:46:18) Miomai scratches her arm and mumbles, "Some friend."
(00:46:42) Miomai smiles at Icerra, "Yep yep! You?!"
(00:46:55) Icerra says: yeah I wanna man
(00:47:03) Miomai says: Grrrreat!
(00:47:23) Miomai twirls the dagger and holsters it in one smooth motion.
(00:47:31) Icerra says: what kinda man you want?
(00:48:03) Icerra says: a dead one?
(00:48:07) Icerra laughs
(00:48:14) Miomai says: Sure!
(00:48:34) Miomai says: As long as he will carry me around and lick my boots!
(00:48:56) Icerra says: lick yer boots! HA!
(00:49:14) Miomai says: And kiss my paw!
(00:49:23) Miomai says: And bring me food!
(00:49:43) Icerra says: yeah... that all sounds nice
(00:49:51) Miomai says: Yep yep!
(00:50:34) Icerra sighs
(00:50:45) Miomai says: RRRrrreally just want one that doesn't run away SCEAHD!
(00:51:07) Icerra says: HA! good luck wit dat!
(00:51:32) Miomai says: Look who's TALKING!
(00:51:51) Miomai tries to push on Icerra's shoulder.
(00:52:25) Icerra takes the shove with stride and returns the push
(00:52:43) Icerra says: fine! let's see who can get a man first!
(00:52:53) Miomai emilts a shrill laugh.
(00:52:59) Miomai says: Ooo, a race!
(00:53:12) Icerra grins, "yeah"
(00:54:57) Miomai says: Let's get a beah and see if theah are any MEN at the bah!
(00:55:36) Icerra says: probably not... but OK!

(00:56:53) Icerra says: nope... nobody here
(00:57:00) Miomai says: I needs two beahs and one man!
(00:57:23) Icerra laughs, "Hey Allelia"
(00:58:12) Miomai hands one of the beers to Icerra.
(00:59:19) Icerra takes the beer and removes her helm, her fur underneath is quite matted and sweaty
(01:00:04) Miomai takes her beer and guzzles half of the mug.
(01:00:20) Icerra chugs her beer down
Miomai says: I wondah if I can summon a MAN!
(01:01:12) Icerra says: ahhhh...
(01:01:27) Icerra says: nuh uh! no magic!
(01:02:06) Miomai scribbles something on a piece of parchment and calls forth her beat up groffel.
(01:02:38) Icerra is impressed Miomai has a groffel, despite the shape it's in
(01:03:11) Icerra says: you callin' someone here?
(01:04:01) Miomai says: Yep yep!
(01:04:17) Miomai watches as the groffel departs, then chugs the rest of the beer.
(01:04:49) Icerra orders the next round
(01:06:15) Miomai takes the beer from Icerra and raises up, smiling at her before chugging half of it.
(01:06:24) Icerra says: alright... two can play at that game
(01:07:27) Icerra shouts: free beer at the tavern!
(01:07:57) Miomai cackles, "Good one Little Sistah!"
(01:08:07) Icerra wonders if that'll work
(01:09:08) Icerra eyes the guards
(01:09:38) Miomai says: MEN!
(01:09:50) Icerra says: where?
(01:10:19) Miomai says: Everyweah but heah!
(01:10:38) Icerra says: yeah...
(01:11:36) Icerra drinks her beer slowly
(01:11:40) Miomai guzzles the second half of her drink, wiping the foam off of her mouth with her arm.
(01:12:14) Miomai groffel returns with a note.
(01:12:27) Miomai cackles, "Oh boy!"
(01:13:03) Icerra says: what???
(01:13:06) Miomai takes the note and reads it slowly, "will take a while try to come. I am surely not scared!"
(01:13:20) Icerra says: oooh!

(01:13:28) Miomai says: That was fast!
(01:13:29) Icerra says: you wanna free beer?
(01:13:34) Kelan says: hello, nice to meet you
(01:13:42) Icerra says: wait... that's him?
(01:14:02) Miomai says: Bihd Watchah!
(01:14:24) Miomai says: See any Bihds lately?!
(01:14:45) Miomai says: *Behds
(01:15:00) Kelan says: not tody, i was sleeping till 12!
(01:15:36) Icerra glances Kelan up and down
(01:15:50) Miomai says: Well come in and have a beah!
(01:16:44) Kelan says: good idea lets go
(01:17:00) Icerra sighs
(01:17:06) Miomai says: My turn to BUY!
(01:17:18) Icerra shuffles inside
(01:17:24) Kelan says: what about you friend?
(01:17:38) Miomai says: She's being MOPY!
(01:17:50) Icerra downs the rest of her beer in a near instant
(01:17:56) Miomai says: Moah BEAH will fix THTA!
(01:18:01) Miomai says: *THAT
(01:18:22) Kelan says: the door is always to small!
(01:18:40) Icerra says: sooo... uhhh... what's yer name?
(01:18:55) Miomai says: Bahtendah five moah beahs! Nope I mean three! THREE moah beahs!
(01:18:55) Kelan looks at Icerra " My name is Kelan"
(01:19:23) Icerra says: kelan Kelan Kelan....
(01:19:45) Icerra pulls down on her breastplate
(01:19:57) Miomai takes the beer mugs and hands them out. "Heah Behd Watchah!"
(01:20:22) Icerra licks her forearm and rubs it against her head, trying to smooth out her fur
(01:20:39) Miomai says: And Little Sistah!
(01:20:50) Icerra says: eep
(01:21:24) Miomai says: And Mmmmmelodious Mmmiomai!
(01:21:49) Kelan looks surprised at Miomai " she is your sister?"
(01:22:08) Icerra says: um.. errr.. uhhh
(01:22:08) Miomai says: Nope nope!
(01:22:21) Icerra drinks from her mug
(01:22:33) Miomai chugs half the mug.
(01:22:50) Kelan trinks a small sip
(01:23:22) Miomai says: She's my Brothah's sweetheart's sistah!
(01:23:24) Kelan says: it taste good in the early morning
(01:23:37) Icerra continues to gulp from her mug
(01:23:55) Kelan says: that sounds complicate
(01:24:04) Kelan looks a bit worried
(01:24:28) Icerra lowers her mug and burps
(01:24:34) Icerra says: it ain't
(01:24:48) Miomai emits a shrill laugh. "That's why I call her Little Sistah!"
(01:25:41) Kelan looks intense at Miomai " you didnt try to scare me jet, is something wrong with you?"
(01:26:13) Miomai says: Ooooo, yep, THAT!
(01:26:29) Icerra says: uhhhmmm...
(01:26:34) Miomai says: Well I COULD try something but Little Sistah would run SCREAMING from the bah!
(01:26:42) Icerra says: hey!
(01:26:48) Miomai guzzles the rest of her drink.
(01:27:11) Miomai says: Haha! Admit it! You would!
(01:27:18) Icerra says: I said no magic!
(01:27:53) Miomai says: Aww, just close your eyes!
(01:27:56) Icerra flashes kelan a smile
(01:28:19) Icerra says: so.. uhh.. err... you like birds?
(01:28:28) Kelan says: i should close my eyes?
(01:28:47) Miomai says: Nope! Said that to Little Sistah!
(01:29:00) Icerra says: do you eat 'em?
(01:29:14) Kelan says: i like to watch them and like them singing
(01:29:28) Miomai says: Look another man!
(01:29:40) Icerra drinks from her mug and tries to look interested
(01:29:46) Kelan says: i dont eat them, it to difficult to catch them.
(01:29:52) Icerra says: how interesting!
(01:30:11) Miomai says: He ran away!
(01:30:16) Miomai says: Sceahd!
(01:30:23) Icerra says: you scared him!
(01:30:46) Miomai says: Not many are as BRAVE as Behd Watchah!
(01:31:17) Icerra flashes Kelan another smile
(01:31:17) Kelan says: Miomai,are you looking for a man you can scare?
(01:31:51) Icerra says: yes.. uhhh... you see... Miomai only likes to scare people
(01:32:11) Kelan says: looks interestet at Icerra "or is she looking for a man for you?
(01:32:17) Miomai says: Nope nope! I loke food too!
(01:32:29) Miomai says: *like
(01:32:35) Icerra says: she don't know how to love
(01:32:44) Kelan gulp his beer in one fluid motion
(01:33:07) Icerra laughs nervously
(01:33:09) Miomai narrows her eyes at Icerra, "SURE I do!" she pushes on Icerras shoulder.
(01:33:25) Icerra says: ouch!
(01:33:31) Icerra says: see!
(01:34:25) Kelan says: Miomai has got a few behavior problems, but i like her. She has a good heart i think!
(01:34:54) Miomai makes a happy smug look at Icerra. "So heah!"
(01:35:00) Icerra glares at Miomai
(01:35:02) Miomai says: *theah
(01:35:41) Miomai says: Looks like I win!
(01:35:56) Icerra says: nah uh!
(01:36:11) Icerra says: he ain't licked yer boot yet!
all blessings to the assembled devotees.

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: Fun RP's that you'd just like to share!
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2012, 01:45:33 pm »
Spreading the Miomai love, here's one from when she was sane. It has always been and will always be one of my favorites:

Miomai shouts: Mariana!

Mariana raises her paws to her mouth and leans over the abyss, paying no attention to the inconcievable void. "Miomai!"

Mariana squints in the semi-darkness of the death realm, tilting her head slightly to the side and offering her friend a strangely warm and benevolent sort of smile. She swishes her tail back and forth behind her, swatting at the stale air casually. "So glad you could join me, Miomai. Thank you."

(20:24:39) Miomai runs up to Mariana and stops a few paces. She's angry that her friend followed her here and it shows in her posture: crossed arms, cold stare, and a twitching tail. "So, what brings you to these parts." she feigns polite smalltalk.

(20:25:58) Mariana smirks subtly at Miomai's signs of agitation. She gestures down the walkway. "The Dark Crystal, I imagine that's a good place to visit to try and get a word from Dakkru, yes?" She winks softly at Miomai. "I think it's high time your goddess gave you a more clear command to continue going after this individual you're chasing to kill. Time for her to voice her opinion. I think that's fair."

(20:31:01) Miomai's cold stare turns into one of anger for a moment which grows and then subsides. Miomai smirks and then explodes in laughter. She continues in this manner for a few minutes before catching herself, "You're kidding right? You want to get Dakkru to talk to us? Do you really believe she'll just appear and have some tea and cookies and discuss what she's been doing these past millenia? You really have no clue about the Goddess, Mariana. But I'll follow you to the crystal, because you are my friend, and I think we can clear this up."

(20:33:00) Mariana smiles slowly. She makes no rebuttle, strangely, but there is a telling glimmer in her eyes. It does not reflect fury, however, or even annoyance at Miomai's rebuke. Instead it seems like a stubborness, an unwillingness to back down or to falter. She turns on her heel with the soft clank of her armor and begins to navigate the erroded rusty walkway, silent save for her breathing, her eyes downcast towards the ground. "We're off, then."

(20:36:49) Mariana reaches out towards the purple lights flickering around the violent crystal. Her eyes reflect it, strangely wide open, and she peers up at the high-vaulted cieling for a moment. She suddenly bends at her knees, her head still tilted back to gaze upwards, coming to rest finally upon the crystal's core. "Goddess Dakkru," she says, her voice soft. "I don't really know you, to be perfectly honest. And frankly, couldn't give a damn about what you do and do not want. However, it seems you've asked something of my friend, and I'd like you to take a few seconds to come down off your haughty throne, wherever it may be, and give validity to her claims." She cups a paw by her ear and feigns waiting for a reply.

(20:40:56) Miomai shakes her head, "No, no, no, NO! Mariana! Now you're being rude and insulting to Mother Dakkru. And when you insult Dakkru, you insult me too. Is that why you are here? To insult me, and belittle my religous beliefs? Because you can't fathom them? Because they don't fit you way of thinking?" Miomai turns away from Mariana, clearly agitated and frustrated by her supposed friend's flippant "prayer" to her cherished Goddess.

(20:44:11) Mariana utters a soft sign under her breath. Her eyes flicker again, as if she is pained from deep within. She clenches her eyes shut, hard, and slowly bends to the floor, her paws and the tip of her nose hovering nigh above the cobblestones. When she speaks again, her tone is quiet and sincere. It breaks slightly. "Forgive me for my behavoir, goddess," she says. "You see, I've never been given good cause to believe in your doings. You or any other gods, for that matter. But now, I humbly come before you in your realm and plead for you to simply show a sign to your daughter Miomai." Mariana's eyes water with tears for some strange reason as she continues. "You see I love her very much. I suppose perhaps in some way I can't grasp, you do too. I'm asking you to simply show that love in a way I can grasp now, and tell Miomai whether or not what she is doing is your will. That is all I ask. That simple thing, and no more."

(20:50:26) Miomai returns her gaze on Mariana, a bit puzzled by it at first, since it is not at all how one prays to Dakkru, and then she realizes that this is all Mariana knows about any kind of prostration to a Goddess. The clamod smiles then, pleased at her friend's attempt at sincerity. She casually walks over to Mariana and offers a paw, "You're doing it wrong, but I appreciate the effort. We pray while standing. Proud." Deep respect wells up inside her. "But I still don't expect any sign, do you?"

(20:53:27) Mariana stands up beside Miomai, arching her brow. She tilts her head back towards the crystal, seemingly much more comfortable with her new position. "I do," she says simply. "I most certainly do. Miomai, how do you know someone didn't just 'lay' that path for you? Maybe the one you're after just has an adrenaline addiction?" She raises her paws towards the crystal. "Why would your goddess speak in so strange a way, hm? And why is she not more angry that you've yet to succeed in your task? For that matter, what's the ultimate goal of the task?" She sets her feet stubbornly, chin raised and eyes flashing with fire. "No. She can at least give you a sign, to carry out a task that you yourself know you do not wish to carry out."

(21:00:36) Miomai places her paw on Mariana's shoulder. Are warm gesture made cold by the fenki's armor. "I have thought about that, Mariana. Believe me I have. But the coincidences and the slight chance that I could just 'stumble' into this are too slight for me to believe." She reaches into her sack and pulls out the note, holding it in her paw but not allowing Mariana to read it's contents. "Who could have known that I was about to die at the hands of a cutthroat while trying to rescue some poor ylian? And also know that my favorite food is fish? And also know that I would decide to explore the Death Realm while I was here? That sounds like the omniscience of a Goddess to me, don't you think?" she waves the parchment. "And at the end of the trail of fish I find this note. What more of a sign do you need? Do you want to see the Goddess herself, in her shimmering cloak of crystline shards and those piercing green halos for eyes? You'll not get it, I can assure you. This was enough for me, and it should be enough for anybody."

(21:06:51) Mariana shakes her head back and forth, circling the crystal. "First of all, Miomai, ever enkidukai and klyros I know loves fish, so we can rule that out. Two, if she went to all the trouble to PERSONALIZE it so much, why not simply write 'dear Miomai' at the top of the letter itself? Make it a bit more solid. Furthermore, do you have any idea how many people come through the death realm? So many things happen, just look at how badly trodden upon the sod is around here. They die off like one-eyed rats up there. I should know. I've lost count of my encounters with death." She circles the crystal, letting her paw trail in the gleaming light. "You speak of coincidence, but no more. And I've seen better coincidence in my life, even than that. Believe me." She smirks as if thinking on a memory. "I don't care how your goddess appears. Shimmering or no, piercing or no, I really do not care. A whisper, a word, heck, a bodiless voice, no visage necessary at all. But there is nothing. Simply a trail of fish and an unspecified note. That does not solidify to absolute certainty that that note contains Dakkru's wishes, and if it doesn't, you're letting a mere mortal use you for their designs, and, far worse than even that, assisting in POLLUTING the name of your goddess. So I say, yes. I do expect her to be more clear when her demands are so incredibly high." She throws her paws above her head and sets her chin, her legs as well in an almost defensive stance. "DAKKRU! I think Miomai deserves a clearer picture of your designs. Tell me, would you let a bit of pestilence possibly tamper with her? Would you truly allow it?"

(21:17:27) Miomai returns her folded parchement to the travel bag slung across her shoulder. She stands there and crosses her arms again, listening to Miomai's tirade. "You've got passion, my friend. Lots of passion. Don't let anyone ever take that away from you." she stands there for several moments longer listening to the hum of the dark crystal. When she thinks it's been long enough she says, "Okay, do you think you've made your point yet? She's not going to show up. She's not going to give us a sign of any kind. As far as that 'well worn path' is concerned, would you like to see where that path lead? I think you may find its not exactly a frequented spot, regardless of the number of bodies that find themselves reconstituted here." She beconnes Mariana to follow her out the door, "Come, we really don't need to be here anyway if Dakkru did want to give us a sign." and flashes a friendly smile.

(21:21:11) Mariana narrows her eyes at the crystal, putting all her frustration and blame on Dakkru rather than on her friend. She bares her teeth for a moment, that spark again present in her eyes. "You're just like all the rest, aren't you?" She says darkly. "You watch and you weave with a dispassionate air as the world falls and tumbles. As children die. As old widows are slaughtered and as countless are abused. You're pathetic. All that power and you remain distant as a far off storm, waiting to show your power only when someone threatens you. To the end with the lot of you. To the end. Rot in your high places, I've no use for heartless beings such as you." She abruptly turns her her heel, hot tears of frustration and anger and possibly even sorrow trailing down her face as she leaves the room.

(21:32:10) Miomai walks out of the room and shoves Mariana forcefully, "Listen, Mariana, you have no idea what you are saying. You think the Goddess is our caregiver? That she's supposed to make everything all better? Even when we bring it on ourselves? The starving in the streets, the sick and neglected, the abused...Who's doing the abuse?! Dakkru? No, Mariana, cruel, despicable PEOPLE! We make our beds, and WE'VE got to lie in them. The Gods and Goddesses made this world, and the rules of it, but it is WE who make of it what we will. And we're turning "topland" into a one big pile of consumer dung, slaying everyone for the fun of it, getting drunk beyond all name it, we've done it. It's all a part of that 'freedom to choose' you so cherish. Think about it, before you blame all our woes on the Goddess." she stomps her foot to mark the end of her speech and figuratively puts away her pedistal.

(21:38:20) Mariana stumbles forward as Miomai pushes her. Her posture stiffens, and the stoic fenki turns slowly, her expression strangely open. Eerie. Empty. She moves her paws towards the cinches of her armor and lets it clatter to the ground with a loud clang, clang and echoes throughout the cavern. She removes her shirt and pants, so that nothing is left but a shift that covers only the parts necessary to remain decent. Scars trace up her body, whip marks, deep, rendering her torso and upper legs nearly totally and completely without fur. She leans forward with a sneer, her eyes growing harder, colder, the long-held bitterness breaking past perfectly formed walls. "Do you think I CHOSE this?!" She grates. "Do you think I CHOSE as a child to be beaten and whipped within an inch of consciousness night after night?! Mari, do this, immediately, or I shall have to break another bone. Mari, that was not very good of you to break that pot there, I think that will cost you another hot iron to your skin." She growls deeply, the sound reverberating in her chest. "I can still his fingers on me, touching me, and I can hear my voice ringing in my head. I begged. To any higher POWER, for FIFTEEN YEARS. Do you know who heard me?! NO ONE. No god or goddess. Nobody. How DARE you imply that that entire ordeal was MY fault." She stands, trembling with rage, unable to continue as wave after wave of emotion wracks her body.

(21:52:04) Miomai's eyes widen as she observes Mairana's body riddled with scars. She turns away in utter guilt at herself for looking at Mariana for even that long. Her eyes water and she blinks away the tears but they only build up even more. Miomai responds slowly, carefully, and quietly. "I would never suggest that you are to blame for your own abuse, my friend." she says and her voice cracks. The clamod pulls an indigo square of cloth out of her pack and wipes away the tears, "Just as you had fifteen years of abuse, I have had my own kind of an abuse. It was not physical, but all in my head." and taps her skull, still remaining quiet and not looking directly at Mariana. "Please, I mean no disrespect to you my friend, my dearest friend." she shakes her head, trying to find the words to go on. "I don't think we should continue this conversation. We'll only hurt each other more, and that will not get us anywhere." she wipes away some more tears, and her lower lip is quivvering, exposing her deep sadness and regret at her friend's horrid past.

21:56:12) Mariana simply steeps in her rage for a few more moments, as if unable to stop the tide from pouring over the dam now that it was already begun. She closes her eyes and breathes deeply, in and out, over and over, as if she can simply exhale out all the emotion with her breathing. She stoops down and picks up her clothing, donning it, followed by her armor. Her face is impassive again, blank, a well-worn and perfectly molded mask. She acknowledges Miomai's statements by merely a nod, the slumped line of her shoulders indicating that she's completely worn herself through. She turns on her heel and moves towards the exit of the death realm in silence.

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: Fun RP's that you'd just like to share!
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2012, 02:16:34 pm »
This was another fun one, with my crack-lacka-crazy character with split personalities:

(13:33:13) Rhianon looks up at the looming locked door and then back at Voron curiously.

(13:33:39) Voron unlocks the door with a smile. "Do go in"

(13:38:29) Rhianon glances around the entryway, appearing rather impressed. "I like it so far, nice atmosphere really." She gestures to the charmflower placed on the stone shelf. "And aw, look at that. Homey touches too."

(13:39:06) Voron smiles.

(13:40:30) Voron says: I wonder who brews this stuff, and why.

(13:40:53) Rhianon gestures to the sign posted above the brewery. "I believe that should give you a hint, love."

(13:41:12) Voron says: Oh.

(13:43:23) Rhianon spreads her arms out in front of her to indicate the scope of the room. "My my! I'm impressed with this too! Someone has some very talented decorative skills."

(13:44:33) Voron steps behind her and wraps his arms around her. "I would say so."

(13:55:06) Rhianon looks briefly away from Voron, her expression lined with something akin to shame. She grips one of her gloved hands tighter, and her voice comes out low and hushed. "A menki found my journal. He took me outside the city and offered to let me kill him. I didn't, told him it was too late anyway." She shivers slightly. "B...but then all went black. I....I don't know what happened. When I came to, he was looking down at me, telling me I was saying strange...strange things." She swallows, her throat constricting so that the muscles become more pronounced. "I'm scared, Voron."

(14:02:22) Voron hugs her carefully and holds her closer, his lips brushing her neck softly. "Don't worry, sweet. I'm here for you." Dweomer dances around his hands, vague shadows radiating a serene light and emotion."Can you remember the menkis name?" He asks her, a very careful inquisitive tone in his words.

(14:07:24) Rhianon stares blankly at the light for a moment, shaking her head slightly. "I don't think he ever told me his name. He was a kore, a kore with a mask on his face," she says softly. She shivers again, her hands fiddling with the sleeves on Voron's arms. "I don't want to hurt anyone anymore..."

(14:13:32) Voron nods and holds her, while he focuses on channeling a different spell, a more complex one yet very subtle not to startle her. The Azure way had been the most difficult of all for him, and he still did not dare to use it to read someones thoughts. But he could skim the behavior, the expressions and so on to gain a bit more information. So he did. "I know." His words were soft. "Would you want me to help you? I wish you and me, we could lead a peaceful life, not one filled with fear and hate and bloodshed..."

(14:17:18) Rhianon trembles slightly, a motion that travels from her fingers out towards her body, down her legs and to the features on her face. The light of the spell bounces off dilating pupils. When she speaks again, her voice is a harsh rugged whisper, a wicked sounding cackle. "So this is the pretty boy that's made you change your mind is it?" It rasps, mocking. "You want to have a happy little life with him? Well, that's too bad deary. We have a job to do, don't you remember? Seven, you little whore. SEVEN!" The shaking grows more violent, and Rye twists in Voron's hold.

(14:27:59) Rhianon's mind exudes the sensation of being cracked. One half battling with another, with a strangely erratic portion overshadowing her usual thought process. Voron can probably sense this fissure, and if his Azure Way abilities at sensing are acute enough, can probably even sense both the ill will the one side has towards him, as well as Rhianon seeming unconscious inside, not aware that this other presence has taken over and is manipulating her. Her hand twitches towards a dagger sheathed at her hip.

(14:32:34) Voron hisses a sharp dermorian word and grabs Rhianon by the waist with one hand, kicking a knee into one of hers so her leg should collapse suddenly under her while his hand at her waist gives her a spin to turn her around.

(14:35:46) Rhianon lets out a shout, startled by the quick movement. Her legs crumple for a moment, but she recovers quickly, not even reacting to the awkward angle her leg is forced into. She struggles almost rabidly in Voron's grip. "You would pick a FIGHTER, wouldn't you?!" The voice shrieks. She attempts to draw the dagger and sink it into Voron's thigh.

(14:38:41) Voron pushes her away from him with all the strength he can muster and makes a swift step back to escape her dagger.

(14:41:02) Rhianon stumbles back downwards, tripping over one of the steps. She palms her dagger and scowls darkly. "Well well, a tricky one."

(14:44:57) Voron makes another step backwards, a blade extending with a sharp metal hiss from his right vambrace. The small, double-edged blade has a strange silver engravement from tip to bottom that looks almost like a snake. He relaxes and smiles slightly at Rhianon. "How nice that you came around to play." His left hand stays at his belt, relaxed, occasionally flexing the fingers. "You mission is over, there's nothing you can gain with another kill."

(14:52:09) Rhianon seems to hesitate, circling nimbly up the stairs, moving in liquidly graceful precision. She stalls before Voron, and her hand draws the other dagger. Her chin gives a cocky little jerk, and a wicked smile plays at her lips. "Well well well," she purrs. "A match made in the depths themselves. Look at this, Rye. Let's see if I can't make your lover cut you to into itty bitty pieces." She sneers. "Let's see you recover from that." She throws a dagger with a flourish, and catches it again with a spin. "You know NOTHING, you ignorant beast," she spits at Voron, foaming slightly at the mouth. "I was the one that got her through kill after kill. NOT you." She lunges forward, taking aim at Voron's chest.
(15:00:51) Voron waits without any reaction at all until the very last moment. "No." His voice is without any emotion or modulation, as if he states a fact - bright light engulfes him in a sudden flash, painful for the eyes. He makes a step aside, bringing his arms up before letting his left gauntlet hurling towards her temples while the blade springs back for a blow.

(15:05:18) Rhianon lets out a startled sound at the sudden intense flash. She jerks up, bringing her daggers into a defensive position, her eyes trying to peer through the whiteness to see where the blade is located. Her peripheral vision catches the sight of the fist coming towards her head and she makes a move to avoid it, stepping back, but is unable to keep it from smashing into the side of her face. She whirls with a flutter of her emerald cloak and lands on her back at the bottom of the stairs, her head hidding the stone floor with a gut-wrenching, sickening crack. It lolls to the side, her nose twisted at an odd angle, and she groans softly.

(15:08:07) Voron follows her in a fluent motion, kicks the daggers away and tries to roll her around without much empathy for her pain. His face is calm, focused, and devoid of any emotion.

(15:15:25) Rhianon's eyes flutter open, filled with a dark sort of hatred. "Perfect little man for her," she rasps. "See here, he'll just beat you into submission, Rye." Her eyes roll back in her head and she begins to shake again, convulsing as though she is experiencing a seizure. She screams, her back arching and her fingers stretching and fanning outwards. All at once, her body goes limp, and she simply lays on the ground, a puddle of blood forming by her head and her breathing shallow.

(15:20:36) Voron places a feet between her shoulders and makes a soft, fluid motion to help focusing on his spell as he pours crystal energy into her body, healing the wounds inflicted, fixing bones softly but with a certain amount of pain for her, stabilizing her condition. His blade is still ready to strike. "Will you just stay with me, sweet." His voice is calm and focused, every word bearing strength and slight disgust in them.

(15:25:03) Rhianon utters a moan and shifts slightly beneath Voron's booted foot. The injury on her head slowly knits itself together, glowing softly with the effects of the spell. She opens her eyes and stares at the leg of the chair beside her face, them nonchalantly tilts her head and spits some blood out of her mouth. She frowns a bit, not seeming at all phased by her physical condition. Her hand makes a quick jerking motion and she doesn't so much as flinch as she snaps her nose back into a proper position. She still doesn't seem to realize quite what is going on, and grunts as she tries to rise, planting her hands against the ground to gain leverage. "The hell?" She mutters. "Bloody bloody bloody hell."

(15:30:26) Voron's heavy boot stays between her shoulders, pressing her down easily. "Don't move." His voice is hart and strict, as if used to give or receive orders too gruesome to talk about. He focuses on his Azure Way spell again, the blade ready to strike.

(15:34:22) Rhianon freezes at the sound of Voron's voice, which only seems to serve to confuse her further. She stares down at the carpet beneath her wide-eyed as the spell traces her feelings: bewilderment. She seems totally unaware of why or how she ended up on the floor. Her hair hangs in clotted clumps around her face, soaked in her own blood. Her mind still appears cracked, but now, instead of as before, her personality seems in control. The other, darker current is buried deeply beneath it.

(15:38:39) Voron studies her for a brief moment, then the boot between her shoulders withdraws. His face is still impassive and focused, an expression as if he could stare calmly and without blinking at the abyss while it is staring and growling at him. He rolls her carefully around and looks her in the eyes, searching for something. "How are you feeling, Rhianon?" He helps her up carefully.

(15:41:33) Rhianon seems limp in Voron's grip, though she's already automatically struggling to either overcome or eliminate the fatigue. She scowls slightly, but the expression twists her dainty features in a different way. "Like I got run over by a herd of raging tesufangs," she grumbles. Her pupils have returned to a normal size and her gaze seems far more clear and intelligent than before. She looks back at Voron and seems taken aback by the blankness in his expression, swallows, turns her head and looks away.

(15:45:55) Voron smiles subtly. "Hm. Never been called that before." His voice is strangely warm and compassionate. He lets her go and pushed the blade back with routine. Then he hesitates, looking at her as if hurt by her reaction. "I am sorry, sweet." He whispers and tries to wrap his arms around her.

(15:48:49) Rhianon's hands hold a distinct tremor in them, and she moves her gaze to focus on the wall behind Voron. Her chin sets on his shoulder and her arms wrap around the back of is armor. She clings to Voron and struggles with herself, struggles to keep herself calm. "What happened?" She asks, her voice stiff and husky with apprehension.

(15:51:44) Voron kisses her softly, not minding the blood. His hands slowly trace her body, caressing her while gently feeling for any hidden weapons and the like. His hands are engulfed with the radiant warmth of the life-giving azure crystal. "I nearly killed you."

(15:57:44) Rhianon's body tenses as Voron's hands run down it. If he's observant, he'll feel small daggers lashed to the sides of her thighs and lower legs. Her eyes constrict and she begins to pull away from him, trying to stand up. "W...why?" She stammers, and her expression shifts slightly with hurt. "Why?" She repeats, understanding that Voron is searching her for artillery. The remains of her injuries heal shut, and her personality remains firmly at the surface, not deviating.

(16:00:49) Voron tries to help her up. "Did you go black?" He frowns and lets her go, but eyes her carefully and caring.

(16:05:01) Rhianon stumbles to her feet. She frowns as she tries to think, tries to figure out what happened. "...Yes," she replies with soft hesitation. "Voron, what happened?"

(16:09:46) Voron steps aside and pulls a chair closer so she can sit on it. "The other you took over." He tells her what happened, leaving nothing out. Nothing what her other self said, nor what he did to her. He seems hurt, but his voice is warm and compassionate; and he eyes her with love.

(16:12:45) Rhianon takes a seat on the chair slowly. She listens to Voron speak, and as he does, her expression grows more and more grim. The grimness becomes chagrin when she sees how badly her actions have hurt him, and then decision seems to snap into place in her eyes. She raises her chin slightly, her jaw set in morbid determination. "I won't be a monster anymore," she says, her tone level and resolute. "I'll kill myself."

(16:15:04) Voron shakes his head softly and struggles through her defenses to hug her tightly. "No. You will not." He looks her in the eyes. " You will not kill yourself. You are not a monster. The other you is." His voice is filled with determination.

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: Fun RP's that you'd just like to share!
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2012, 04:12:54 pm »
(22:50:41) Travosh arrives at the scene of the yelling scowling before taking a deep, red way infused breath

(22:50:50) Travosh shouts like a thunderclap. "WHAT."

(22:51:12) Caraick points over Zalya's shoulder, towards Travosh.

(22:51:34) Mariana treads towards the Red Way using klyros unhesitantly and stands to the side of him, crossing her arms over her chest and canting her head to the side. She looks somewhat amused at the clamod fenki, clearly waiting to see how this all turns out.

(22:52:08) Zalya jumps at the sound, and quickly turns around. 'Travosh, You've been going around playing crual jokes again havn't you?""

(22:52:46) Travosh says: I've been on top of the giant head over there.

(22:53:15) Caraick turns around, heading back inside.

(22:53:39) Mariana turns around and looks at the statuary indicated curiously. She strokes her chin as if contemplating how she could probably climb it with the right amount of rope and well placed nails.

(22:53:52) Zalya says: No, I'm talking about before that. You've been leaving cursed things around.

(22:54:00) Travosh says: Im a red way mage.

(22:54:09) Travosh says: I don't 'do' curses that don't involve death via incineration.

(22:54:24) Travosh says: And occasionally quicksand.

(22:54:30) Mariana turns back around slowly. "You're blaming Travosh for the stupid charmed flowers," she says, her tone lifeless and full of an incredulous air.

(22:55:53) Zalya looks to Mariana "Yeah.... I don't know who else would have done it. Travosh has the magic skills nessasery to make them, and has been know to play jokes at other peoples expence." She points to her pale eye.

(22:56:05) Travosh says: When?

(22:56:15) Travosh says: That?

(22:56:21) Travosh says: I didnt even set that off, that was Caraick genius.

(22:57:02) Mariana rolls her eyes. "It's not Travosh," she says. "I can promise you that much. These idiotic tricks, the biting coins, the charmflowers, they're organized by somebody else, some dunderhead. You also have absolutely zero proof whatsoever. None."

(22:57:26) Travosh waves a hand at Mariana "let her tell me when besides the incident her fur addled mind blamed on me."

(22:57:57) Zalya sighs a little and turns to the door for a moment before glancing back "Than can you let me in so I can talk to Caraick? At the very least he might know something about this."

(22:58:19) Travosh says: You sure you want to go in there? I might've layed another horrendous curse.

(22:59:04) Mariana rubs a paw through her fur, shaking her head back and forth slowly in sheer and utter annoyance. She raises her chin and just peers at Zalya with narrowed eyes, at this point sick of her pointless meddling.

(22:59:09) Travosh scratches his chin. "Though I have had a few idea's ive wanted to try... Attaching an explosive charm to a simple glyph to keep it energized until someone comes around to step on it."

(23:00:24) Zalya takes a few steps towrdes the others with a small frown. "I don't really want to test any of those... I just want to know who's been leaving these things around for me to fall for. Its not funny."

(23:00:40) Travosh says: You only fall for them because you aren't paying attention.

(23:00:47) Travosh says: They are certainly not menat for just you.

(23:01:16) Zalya says: So someone just left a tip at the stonehead for anyone to find?

(23:01:21) Mariana scowls. "Well running around blaming random people for it isn't going to get you anywhere Zalya, it'll just get the wrong folks in trouble and cause pandemonium in general. You need to learn to step back for a moment and think, rather than flapping your arms around and running in circles like a headless kikiri."

(23:02:14) Travosh nods, likely to both statements. "Its called a prank. Its for whoever is foolish enough to fall for it."

(23:03:23) Zalya looks to Mariana, a little flustered "Well than who else would do it? Either way Travosh probably knows more about this than I do."

(23:03:46) Travosh says: I've had much, much. MUCH larger concerns lately.
(23:03:58) Zalya says: Like what?

(23:03:58) Mariana blinks. "So how about you walk up to him and ask him for help, rather than running around accusing the man for something he didn't do. Though I suppose it's a bit too late now."

(23:04:10) Travosh says: Like keeping what I'm up to a secret.

(23:05:23) Zalya frowns "Mariana, you know how little I think things through. And it really seemed like it was him! And it still might be."

(23:05:35) Travosh says: Terror and mayhem, death and destruction! All things I carry around in my pockets.

(23:06:11) Travosh pilfers around in his belt pouches, eventually pulling something out, but conceiling it with a closed hand

(23:06:12) Mariana blinks again. "Wow," she says. "You just reduced your argument to nothing by that statement. Learn to think about it then, Zalya. It's not like it's that complicated."

(23:08:18) Zalya dosn't seem to notice Travosh. She looks at Mariana growing frustrated, both at her, and at herself. "Whats wrong with you tonight? Everything you say is like you're lashing out at me."

(23:08:39) Travosh says: To a wilting flower, even the smallest gust feels dangerous.

(23:08:58) Zalya says: I'm not wilting!

23:09:15) Zalya hesitates for a moment before adding "Or a flower!"

(23:09:36) Travosh grumbles something abotu that being able to be arranged.

(23:09:53) Travosh says: You might not be in body, but your mind certainly seems to be.
(23:10:03) Travosh says: And my standard opinion of an enkidukai mind is not high to begin with.

(23:10:45) Mariana grins. "Your dress says otherwise." She breathes a heavy sigh and addresses Zalya somewhat softer, but there is still a hard edge to her tone. "I'm simply tired of you playing the victim, Zalya, and then blaming everyone around you willy nilly. Get your head on your shoulders. No amount of gentleness seems to help, not from me, not from Sacho. So here's a bit of tough love." She leans forward and her words come out spoken in lower tones. "Toughen up."
(23:10:53) Zalya says: And you're doing it to! I mean I'm sorry for accusing you with out much evidence, but you don't have to put me down about it.
(23:11:22) Travosh says: I sort of do, its this thing called pride. You should see if it can rub off on you.

(23:12:51) Zalya says: If toughing up means pushing everyone around me down, then I don't want to. And whats wrong with my dress?

(23:13:20) Travosh says: No it doesn't... Since when has it ever meant that?

(23:14:04) Mariana rolls her eyes. "It was a JOKE," she says. "And it doesn't mean such. I've tried one way many times, and I've seen you hurt those around you, specifically those in my order, many many times. You already push people down with gossipy drivel just like this." She waves a paw at the clamod. "If anything I've built you up to this point, to no end. You don't learn anything from it. And you keep wallowing in self pity."

(23:23:07) Zalya holds her self back from yelling. "What do I do? When Iave I hurt people around me! I never meant to put anyone down! And if you think you're helping now by saying these things, then you're wrong.
(23:24:28) Travosh says: If I really wanted to help you, I've already realized normal amounts of logic and reason would be pointless.
(23:24:50) Mariana shakes her head. "You've repeatedly told Teshia and Caraick that they weren't fit to be parents. You stole one of their children, and then sniveled about it for the longest time when there were, shockingly, consiquences. You have undermined the two publicly, many times, even trying to do it on the level of a 'funny jab,' when you know it isn't. And you have on more than one occasion insulted Travosh, accusing him of things he has not done. If you cannot realize how descructive you are, then there truly is no breaking through your thick skull."
(23:25:13) Travosh says: The pen is mightier than the sword.

(23:25:25) Travosh says: Though I'm still fairly sure the glyph is mightier than the pen.

(23:28:13) Travosh says: Can't exactly blame her for accusing me of things I haven't done. I thought that was just a custom on this level, since most have done it once or twice.

(23:28:47) Zalya trembles with anger, and guilt "I know thoses things where wrong, and I know I've been stupid before. I make mistakes, I make big ones. But if you where me you would too. I'm just a person. What Caraick did hurt, but what hurts even more is the fact that all my actions have just made him hate me. And Travosh has called me all sorts of things before I even once tried to say something back!"

(23:29:37) Travosh says: If I were you, than you'd be me
(23:29:41) Travosh says: and if you were me, then you'd be right here
(23:29:49) Travosh says: Watching this pitiful display, without having any pity to give

(23:30:41) Travosh gestures at Mariana. "And if you were HER, you'd see just how sad it really is to watch someone in your condition whine about these things, while someone like her who has faced many times harder a challenge pull herself UP from it, and use it as the foundation for something stronger."

(23:31:33) Mariana raises a finger and points at Zalya. "I want you to get better," she says. "I do. But I've tried other methods, and I cannot help you any longer. You seem totally incapable of changing at any level whatsoever. You may be good underneath it, Zalya, but you are viscious in your gossip in ways I could never be with fire and blade." She pauses, cutting off at Travosh's statement, speechlessly silent.

23:32:52) Travosh says: The wind only extinguishes a weak fire, but it simply feeds an inferno.

(23:39:04) Zalya continues to tremble "I-I don't need to justify myself! So fine, I'm evil, I'm viscious, I'm wrong, And I can't stand it. I really do wallow in self pity don't I? There's a lot to hate. Thaks for reminding me. I'm not the type of person who can just stand up and face problems. I'm not the type of person who's brave enough to fight back. I can't build myself back up, because I was never strong enough to. And I really never will be. If you think you can tell me otherwise, or tell me that I can do anything I want to if I really want it, then you're almost as much of a fool as I am. You can't change me, I can't change me, nobody can change me, so I just do the best I can to stay alive!

(23:39:45) Travosh says: Weak words from a weak person.

(23:40:13) Mariana simply closes her eyes, ears drooping, and shakes her head back and forth.
(23:40:17) Travosh says: Its that kind of thinking that sets you back, but you probably know that. Too arrogant to do anything about it.

(23:42:49) Zalya glares at Travosh "Thanks for reminding me. I don't have time for this. I really can't handle any more put downs right now." She moves off, fighting back a few enraged tears as she asends to the stonehead.

(23:43:00) Travosh laughs. "If you cant handle it, dont."

(23:43:56) Mariana remains silent for a few moments. She looks at the ground, at the dusty cobbles and the sparse earth. She takes a breath and says shakily, "Travosh. For what you said...thank you."


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Re: Fun RP's that you'd just like to share!
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2012, 06:16:05 pm »

 :'(  Stop it!  *sniffel*
Zalya, you should lure an Ulbernaut to their guild house! ... that or something far worse.... ::)  :devil:


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Re: Fun RP's that you'd just like to share!
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2012, 07:11:06 pm »
XD Those are the RP's I live for. Honestly I was expecting Caraick to make Zalya cry this time. Not Mari! Maybe I'll just egg the temple...
(23:25:58) Elady says: Zalya are you trying to eat a ruby?
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Mariana Xiechai

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Re: Fun RP's that you'd just like to share!
« Reply #9 on: April 30, 2012, 07:41:06 pm »
 ;D It was interesting to explore the sterner side of Mariana, though she (thinks) she does it for Zalya's own good. (Maybe <.< >.>)

Heeeere's another one! :

(23:50:46) Mariana moves to deposit Wulfar in a chair.

(23:53:01) Wulfar continues his murmuring, an agonized look coming to his eyes.

(23:53:39) Mariana tries to focus on what Wulfar is saying. She manages to at least look directly at him, and says bluntly, "That was incredibly stupid. She would have ki....killed you." She puts a paw over her eyes, the fingers twitching erratically.

(23:55:01) Wulfar's throat releases an agonized scream, as his eyes flicker into focus, on Mariana. His arms wrench at the table, leaving gouge marks in the wood. "I watched her /die/!" he shakes his head, "She was /dead/!" he looks up wildly at Mariana, "Why didn't you kill me?" he laments

(23:56:55) Mariana jerks back so fast in her chair it almost topples over. Something flickers in her eyes, something primal and intense: Fear. Blatant and alarming terror. She masks it quickly, but it seems that the menki's shouting has triggered something, and the trembling intensifies as she watches his claws harshly ravage the wooden surface of the table. "E...e...easy," she stammers. "Easy, Wulfar. Just take it easy, I don't know what you're talking about. What are you saying?"

(23:57:58) Wulfar grips the table, intense pain and sorrow crossing his eyes, and energy gone, he slumps into his chair, openly sobbing. "Mari, I'm so, so sorry..." he murmurs, and continues, "I watched her die. Paor, she's dead. Forever. And I'll never find her."

(00:01:18) Mariana's face falls with understanding. "A sister?" She asks. "Ah..." She fights for the right word. "A companion?" She reaches out a hesitant paw, and it quakes visibly as she moves to lay it gently on his shoulder. A shudder travels up her body, but she ignores the jolt.

(00:03:21) Wulfar breathes harder, agony wracking his entire body. His head shudders with the sobs, "She was my sister. My family." he unclenches his paws, slowly, allowing the emotions to flow through him. As Mariana touches his shoulder, his whole body seems to slump, and he succumbs. "My family." he eaks out, raw, animal pain releasing.

(00:05:35) Mariana tightens her grip comfortingly on Wulfar's shoulder. "I understand," she whispers. "Do you want to talk about it? Tell me what happened? I'll listen. I'm here to listen." She moves her paw to touch the back of the clamod's head, in an almost maternal gesture.

(00:09:13) Wulfar's body convulses once more, and he stiffens, head bowed. As Mariana's paw touches his head, he blinks, twice, and breathing easier, begins to fiddle with his necklace. His claws come out once more, but calmly. "Aedrich. Eventually, . . " he pauses, then stumbles on; "Eventually he got fed up with Da. He'd seen the old menki take his frustrations out on Paor 'n me, and he'd had enough. So one night, Aedrich and I snuck into Da's room, where him 'n Ma were sleeping." a wince forms on his face, and he pauses, gulping.

(00:10:41) Mariana rubs her thumb on Wulfar's fur. The pain in her face seems almost physical, and perhaps it is, but she does not remove her paw from the menki's head, not willing to take away what little comfort it may provide. Her breathing is forcibly calm and steady, and she speaks in hushed, smooth, soothing tones. "It's alright," she murmurs. "I'm listening. I'm here."

(00:13:00) Wulfar shudders, and emotions cease to control his face. He remains where he is, but his tone is even, controlled....icy. What emotion was laced in his words is gone now, and his voice is a deep, unnerving timbre. "We killed him. He had no right doing what he did to us, and he'll never do it again. This time though, it was for good. I said finish him, but Aedrich wanted it done right." his tail flicks softly, "Aedrich decided to teach him a lesson first."

(00:15:02) Mariana continues to rub her thumb over Wulfar's brow. Softly, she begins to hum something, a warm, empathetic sort of tune that tumbles easily from her throat. It reverberates in her chest, familiar and listless, the beat somewhat off-tempo. She notes the coldness in Wulfar's voice, but still she presses onward, urging gently before resuming her gentle melody: "You can tell me what happened. You need to know, I understand."

(00:16:58) Wulfar forges on, "So he woke ma. He told me, 'wulf, tie her up, make her watch this.', and I knew if I didn't, he'd do to me worse than what Da did. So I did. I tied my own mother up to our kitchen chair, while we brought Da out. By that time, Aedrich had already taken his feet..." he shudders, pupils dilating, "So he had to drag him, bloody stumps and all. Da was making Gods-awful noises and started whimpering when he saw me. Ma couldn't even make a sound, she was so scared."

(00:19:06) Mariana winces slightly. A haunted look creeps into her eyes, and a tremor travels down her spine, all the way to the tip of her tail, which begins to twitch in an effort to conceal her growing apprehension. "You didn't have much of a choice, Wulfar," she supports. "You didn't have a choice. As you said, he would have killed you as well." She pauses with her muzzle open, about to add something, but simply shuts it again and resumes the same melody, listening.

(00:21:44) Wulfar winces, ever so slightly. "Ma watched Aedrich .. . Ma watched him take Da's fingers, first. He taunted Da, telling him it was all he deserved for hurting us the way he did. Then, he took the rest of his hands, then his arms. The whole time, Aedrich was healing Da, keeping him on the brink of death, letting his wounds sluggishly bleed and heal, over and over." his eyes widen and his tail stops short. "Then he snapped. Da had stopped talking, his head was slumped and I don't think he could even hear, or think, or talk anymore. All I could hear was Ma's heart beating. Aedrich...finished it. He said after this, Da would never be back." Wulfar struggles, fear growing in his eyes.

(00:24:23) Mariana cannot contain the shudder that passes through her at Wulfar's macabre description of his father's demise. There is a span of silence, her humming stopped, and she takes a rattling breath of air before interjecting: "Vengeance can make people to very cruel things. I know this myself. I've felt that hatred build in my own veins. Everyone reaches a snapping point; a body and a mind can only take so much abuse before something in it cracks. I suppose it's a momentary insanity of can only think of one thing, and that thing is to kill. To maim those that have maimed you. Harmed that injured body and soul. Your brother...what he did. You know it wasn't right, but you also know...why." She clears her throat, and the paw on the man's head gives another erratic twitch, before her thumb resumes massaging his temple.

(00:26:45) Wulfar nods, softly. "Paor walked in as Da was finished. I've never seen my sister break." he winces, again. "But she stopped short, and fell to the ground. Aedrich didn't care. His eyes, they seemed like they were gone. Like something else was in there. He went after Ma next..." he pauses, regaining control of himself. "But mercifully she was gone faster than Da. Aedrich tossed her like a rag doll, straight to Dakkru." Wulfar looks up, directly at Mariana. "Paor was crying the whole time."

(00:29:43) Mariana swallows. The tendons and muscles in her throat clench tightly, and her eyes mist over with tears. There is something faraway in her expression, as though Wulfar's own admonitions are stirring up deep, hidden, and painful memories of her own. "Everything she knew was falling apart," she murmurs, her voice cracking. "Everything and everyone she thought she loved. Your brother abandoned himself to his anger. He let it take him over, and it turned him into the very thing he'd come to loath." She meets Wulfar's eyes directly, and a tear trickles unbidden out of her ducts and carves a channel in her fur. "Did...did Aedrich kill her, as well?"

(00:34:28) Wulfar's tail swishes, eyes mist, and he weeps softly, words coming out as a low murmur. "I took her and ran. I ran to Kirta's, got her, and took Paor with us. Paor couldn't even look at me, all she did was run. Aedrich stayed behind....burning. The house, burned, everything burned. I thought he burned with it, but he caught up with us near the river." he clenches his jaw, still weeping. "Kirta died first. She gave herself for me. Last thing I heard was her telling me.." he shakes his head, and then continues. "Paor was next. Aedrich threw me to the side like I was...nothing. He didn't care that I was his own brother anymore. I fell against a rock and couldn't move, paralyzed either by fear or pain. Paor didn't move. She could have, but she didn't. She didn't move." he moves a paw to clench at his side, "And Aedrich ripped her, limb from limb, like an ulbernaut. There was nothing there, just blood and pieces of my own sister and Kirta." his eyes ice, and he attempts to control his emotions. "Paor didn't make a sound."

(00:39:00) Mariana's eyes turn from glassy to steel. For a moment, her muzzle twitches, and a low, soft growl rumbles in her throat. It grates out past her teeth, as though she'd been trying to contain it for Wulfar's sake, but failed. Her paw moves over to grip the table harshly, and one by one, the candles in the building burst to a bright, streaking flame, before they extinguish. Mariana keeps her other paw, its grip somehow still gentle, on Wulfar's head. Her ragged breathing evens itself out after a moment, and she nods once to simply show she hears the story and understands. "Worse than your father, he became, in the end," she affirms. "That is why you do not believe in family. Because in the end, the one you loved betrayed you and everything you cared about." Her expression softens. "There was nothing you could have done, Wulfar. You are not a coward because of your actions. Listen to me: there was nothing you could have done."

(00:41:15) Wulfar whispers, "I was wrong to attack that woman. She looked like Paor, and I thought, Aedrich must have gone to Dakkru and petitioned for some sick version of my sister, to haunt me." he winces, "I am a coward. I talk when I should fight, run when I should stand."

(00:43:36) Mariana nods slowly. "No," she says. "Wulfar, I've run many many times in my life. I've run away so very many times. When the fear grips like ice in your veins. You run, or you freeze in your place. It's like someone's got a grip on your lungs and you can't really breathe. All you can do stand, and watch." She finally removes her paw from the menki's head and rubs it with the thumb of her other hand, a shudder passing through her once more.

(00:47:49) Wulfar whuffs as Mariana removes her hand, a slight tremor shooting up his body to his face at the release of motion. His eyes travel over Mariana and he locks them on her. Words come slowly, but when they do, they come as a floodgate being released; "I told you, Mariana, you would not want me as family. One day, you will stand in peril and I will be frozen. Kirta sacrificed herself for me and yet I find myself such a..." he grips his leg, "such a coward, that when that day comes, you, or Sarras, or Shadow, or anyone, I will watch die, and I will not be able to stop it." he slows, searching for more words. "I watched it when that creature attacked. I watched you bleed out, and in that moment, I was afraid you would never be back. I knew you wouldn't." he shakes his head, "You say I am fit, and it is my place to do as I did, but shame has become my soul."

(00:53:01) Mariana watches Wulfar's face for a prolonged, silent breath. She stands up slowly, and moves around the table towards the menki. Her paw shifts upwards, the motion sluggish as though she forces it through half-dried cement to touch the side of his face. She tries to force him to look at her directly, her back turned to Sarras, and she whispers in low tones, hoping that the words will land only on his ears. "I will never leave," she says. "No matter what happens I won't turn on you, and I won't disdain you for your mistakes. I am mottled on the inside, I'm just as broken as anybody else. There is nothing truly strong about me. I draw my strength from my own compassion, so let me extend that to you. Selfishly I piece my brokeness back together by seeking to mend it in others. When I say you are my brother, I mean it. When I say you are my friend I mean that too. Because you see, there is nothing real about a love that ignores the mutual pains. I need your hurt to truly understand you, and I won't blanch from it. I won't turn away. I will accept every piece of it, every little part. Even the things that hurt, make us who we are, because we can overcome them."

(00:58:32) Wulfar allows his head to move, eyes locking on Mariana's. His icy stare blinks, melts, and he is Wulfar again. Tension eases from his body, and he offers his hands to close over Mariana's, giving a gentle yet firm squeeze. He opens his mouth, closes it, then opens it again, eyes still locked on the fenki's. His ears flicker for a second, and he intones, in as low a voice as Mariana's; "Then I will take it. I have no love lost for family, and I do not intend to ever believe in mine again. But I will be yours, and any of your brother or sisters, and I will, I swear, not let my fear take me again. I have watched too much of my love die, so when you find me with little left, do not take me as a cur. I am jaded," he gives a half smile, "But it appears you may be too." he moves his forehead down towards the paws. "I will not go far."

(01:02:39) Mariana's eyes flash with the same fear, this time deeply-seated in her eyes, desperately masked, as Wulfar's fingers brush her paw. She smiles through it, and though the smile is genuine and true, the fear remains like a cancer in her eyes until he lowers his face. She lets her arm drop to her side. "I believe you," she says. "I believe what you say. And you believe me, we can change who we are. As for being jaded," she chuckles wryly. "I quite resemble that remark, I'm sure you'll come to find." She lets a breath slowly out through her muzzle, and as she does her shoulders sag tiredly with it, as though she were deflating. "Wulfar," she says. "You have told me your story. One day I will tell you mine." The usual cocky-half grin rises on her face to cover the chagrin that flashes through it. "I'm anything if not fair. And as my family, you deserve my trust."

(01:04:06) Wulfar nods shortly. Watching her eyes carefully again, he nods slowly. "I think I understand a bit better." he raises his hands to show her, then moves them back to his sides. "You have lost family too, I think." he returns the grin, painfully, yet decidedly. "I will listen."

(01:04:15) Wulfar lets out a yawn. "Soon."


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Re: Fun RP's that you'd just like to share!
« Reply #10 on: April 30, 2012, 09:45:39 pm »
Maybe I'll just egg the temple...

Hey look kids, it's the antichrist Marsuveus!
What? Doesn't he just look huggable? Aw, c'mon, give him a hug.


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Re: Fun RP's that you'd just like to share!
« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2012, 07:53:43 am »
I'm not even sure if that qualifies as a post, Caraick ;)
Oh drat, dramawulf ended up on here. Maybe killwulf will too sometime.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2012, 08:20:48 am by Cairn »
I regret to announce that this is the end.

I bid you all a very fond farewell


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Re: Fun RP's that you'd just like to share!
« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2012, 01:35:34 pm »
I'm not even sure if that qualifies as a post, Caraick ;)
Oh drat, dramawulf ended up on here. Maybe killwulf will too sometime.

>_>  Sure it does!
Hey look kids, it's the antichrist Marsuveus!
What? Doesn't he just look huggable? Aw, c'mon, give him a hug.


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Re: Fun RP's that you'd just like to share!
« Reply #13 on: May 01, 2012, 03:30:32 pm »
Quote from: Mariana Xiechai
(23:24:50) Mariana shakes her head. "You've repeatedly told Teshia and Caraick that they weren't fit to be parents. You stole one of their children, and then sniveled about it for the longest time when there were, shockingly, consiquences. You have undermined the two publicly, many times, even trying to do it on the level of a 'funny jab,' when you know it isn't. And you have on more than one occasion insulted Travosh, accusing him of things he has not done. If you cannot realize how descructive you are, then there truly is no breaking through your thick skull."

Quote from: Mariana Xiechai
(00:05:35) Mariana tightens her grip comfortingly on Wulfar's shoulder. "I understand," she whispers. "Do you want to talk about it? Tell me what happened? I'll listen. I'm here to listen." She moves her paw to touch the back of the clamod's head, in an almost maternal gesture.
Mari's way of helping people is very diverse.
(23:25:58) Elady says: Zalya are you trying to eat a ruby?
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Mariana Xiechai

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Re: Fun RP's that you'd just like to share!
« Reply #14 on: May 01, 2012, 03:37:19 pm »
Quote from: Mariana Xiechai
(23:24:50) Mariana shakes her head. "You've repeatedly told Teshia and Caraick that they weren't fit to be parents. You stole one of their children, and then sniveled about it for the longest time when there were, shockingly, consiquences. You have undermined the two publicly, many times, even trying to do it on the level of a 'funny jab,' when you know it isn't. And you have on more than one occasion insulted Travosh, accusing him of things he has not done. If you cannot realize how descructive you are, then there truly is no breaking through your thick skull."

Quote from: Mariana Xiechai
(00:05:35) Mariana tightens her grip comfortingly on Wulfar's shoulder. "I understand," she whispers. "Do you want to talk about it? Tell me what happened? I'll listen. I'm here to listen." She moves her paw to touch the back of the clamod's head, in an almost maternal gesture.
Mari's way of helping people is very diverse.

 ;D It varies depending on what's being discussed...say, the unhappy incidence of a few miscreant emotional curses or the gut wrenching admission that your entire family was torn limb from limb by your sadistic older brother <.<