Author Topic: Where are the RPers? Or is it only my problem?  (Read 1038 times)


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Where are the RPers? Or is it only my problem?
« on: June 04, 2012, 05:40:12 am »
Really, I am starting to wonder where all the RPers went off to. I hardly find anyone RPing and when I ask for someone to RP with me via gossip, I don't even get any answer the most times.
Now I am wondering if it is only my problem or generally one.

Is it because I mainly play Oele, even though I know that she might not be the easiest to RP with?
Is it because I am not in the same guild as other, meaning that there is mainly RP inside of a guild?
Is it due to the bad times I log? Which times should I log to get RP?
Or anything else?

I really don't know anymore what to do anymore and wanted to ask what I could change before I get fed up with the game again and vanish for some time.

I never got any answer who would like to join the RP fighting tournament as well. What am I doing wrong?



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Re: Where are the RPers? Or is it only my problem?
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2012, 06:13:55 am »
I've seen you asking for RP in gossip a few times, but I'm usually already involved in something by that point. I'm also pretty useless at casual RP, so not sure if I'd manage much with Oele. I'd say a lot of my RP gets triggered through my guild as well, though we try to drag others into it as often as possible.  There's definitely still RP happening though.

My only real hesitation with the tournament idea if that it probably won't fit my characters (mostly magic users, and I think you weren't allowing that?). Plus there's the issue of committing to be online at any certain time and the fact that I'd need to hear about the whole event IC in order to consider taking part.

Timil Deeps

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Re: Where are the RPers? Or is it only my problem?
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2012, 06:29:28 am »
     I know it can be discouraging, Jilata, but I don't think it's your fault. I suspect it's a combination of things, especially timing. For example, my schedule lately has been such that I can't get on (for long) when a lot of the active RPers are on.
     And Oele is a cool and interesting character. She doesn't say much, true, but if she is difficult to RP with, that is simply one of the points of her character/story: the challenge of being/interacting with a character with a disability and a quiet personality.
     And on the point of Guilds: It does provide another avenue of interaction, and sort of a vested interest for characters to connect with eachother. However, I don't think it's good to limit one's RP to just their guild.
     As for the fighter group, it's an interesting idea, and sounds like a good opportunity to practice RP fighting; However, Timil has been wrapped up in other matters, and isn't a particularly violent person. That's probably why he hasn't gotten involved in it yet. He could use the practice though... <_<;
     But please: Don't give up on the game. You really do add to it, and it would be everyone's loss if you leave. Even if they don't realize it at first.  :'(



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Re: Where are the RPers? Or is it only my problem?
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2012, 06:41:13 am »
I am sorry that I switched "gossip" off, already long ago, but it used to get too annoying. Maybe it's not as annoying as it used to be, now that there are less people...

I'd like to play with Oele, but each time I try, I don't understand her; either she mainly ignores my chars, or she was involved with others already so I might have missed earlier context.

And it may indeed be a general issue, at least partially. There are players who wouldn't let their character look up from their work even if a murder happened in front of them. Not that we would have a lack of crime, not at all... but the more recently a crafting technique was introduced, the more probably people will try to spend much time in mastering it.

I enjoyed watching the fight with Haraun. Once. But I am not a player of characters who love fighting. And others who used to, seem to lose interest as well. Even the Champions Cup was cancelled this month, due to the lack of participants.

Not to be misunderstood: I would like to play more with others too. But there are kinds of plots I like less than others. And the ones I like are hard to find, they seem to happen where I don't pass by.

Gag Harmond
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Re: Where are the RPers? Or is it only my problem?
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2012, 08:43:44 am »
@LigH: I never ignored you on purpose. It is just that Oele is blind, so I can't have her react to every action you do. If you have problems understanding her, you can either ask IC again, she will try to explain it somehow, or just ask me OOCly.

About the RP fighting tournament:
Yes it was only meant to be a brawl. But even that could be changed if there is more interest for that.
What I wanted, is to have a few, who would say: "Yes, I'd like to enter with my char when he/she hears about it." If I had enough participants this way, I would actually start it in the game so those chars could hear about it ICly. I just don't want to do that already and in the end stand there alone. So I choose to do it this way.

And I don't wanna stop RPing in PS again, but I don't want to lurk around just to get one RP in three days if I am lucky. And even that RP is mostly with the same person. That is frustrating. That is why I am asking what could be done to change it.


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Re: Where are the RPers? Or is it only my problem?
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2012, 09:58:16 am »
And Esanor is mute, so it is probably not easy to contact her... :D

About a possible solution ... well, probably not much from your side. Except: Be present, and be conspicuous. You already are. The only flaw is the low player base. The less active chars we have, the less will both notice you and enjoy your plot. Ways to keep new players longer have been discussed a lot already (in the forum as much as in Dev Q&A meetings). Some probable ways involve avoiding annoyances which repel new players, like unavailable quest relevant NPCs...

Gag Harmond
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Re: Where are the RPers? Or is it only my problem?
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2012, 12:34:54 pm »
I also wonder how to find RP - or rather, how to find it reliably. While there are are weeks without seeing really RP, I sometimes join and then am 'busy' for hours with small RPs.
Right now, it seems to be simply random.

As idea, how about posting times when a new chapter in a long term RP will be played out, so interested people can gather?
.....also a saddle that won't pinch the tail. One day!

Timil Deeps

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Re: Where are the RPers? Or is it only my problem?
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2012, 01:52:26 pm »
I also wonder how to find RP - or rather, how to find it reliably. While there are are weeks without seeing really RP, I sometimes join and then am 'busy' for hours with small RPs.
Right now, it seems to be simply random.

As idea, how about posting times when a new chapter in a long term RP will be played out, so interested people can gather?

That's a good idea if it were feasible. In my own case, my work schedule is so random, and given on such short notice, that I cannot really plan ahead too much for when chapters of my RP are going to occur. I'm coming to a point, though, where it would really be nice to be able to do so.  :sweatdrop:


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Re: Where are the RPers? Or is it only my problem?
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2012, 02:31:37 pm »
I'm not sure what you are expecting, in real life people with disabilities frequently have difficulty finding people to interact with, often being reduced to one or two care givers. Why do you think it should be different in a game? I've seen you come on and ask for role play and I just don't get it. I'm not one for plot lines or structure of development so take what I say with a grain of salt. If you want to role play then role play. Sure your character can't see the people whizzing by on their mounts but you can role play hearing them them, each person would sound a little different due to their particular fashion sense. If they are the kind of people you want to play with they will accept your explanation that you knew it was them because their rivnak has a distinctive whinny or whatever other reason you make up as long as you try to be consistent with their descriptions.

Personally my role play consists of doing whatever I do in the game and interacting with others as I go along. I suppose that isn't enough for everyone.


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Re: Where are the RPers? Or is it only my problem?
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2012, 05:36:39 pm »
If you see me around on Zalya I'm almost always open for someone to RP with! When I'm online I'm generally in Gugrontid at the Stonehead. I keep gossip off most of the time, so I haven't even seen your messages.
(23:25:58) Elady says: Zalya are you trying to eat a ruby?
Zalya's RP likes and Dislikes

Aramara Meibi

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Re: Where are the RPers? Or is it only my problem?
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2012, 06:06:46 pm »
i would be lying if i were to say these or very similar thoughts haven't occurred to me also.

Every second I'm online I treat as RP, so if you see me on, don't hesitate to ask or just confront me ICly. Right now though, I'm on less than half the time I wish I could be. I'm also trying to minimize OOC contamination in my RP, so that I know only what my characters know about what's going on (outside of their own story line, and for that I'm trying to be very calculating in when I reveal certain information).

It's not easy to catch people online, everyone's schedule varies, but I'm thankful for whenever the planets and stars align and I do find it.

It would mean a lot for Ara to get to see Jilata soon though, so I hope I bump into you online.
all blessings to the assembled devotees.


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Re: Where are the RPers? Or is it only my problem?
« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2012, 06:25:43 pm »
I'm thinking since quite some time to an RP flag, disabled by default and to be explicitely turned on by the player. This will shows on the /who list an [RP] flag next to the person. This way you would more easily know which players are actively RPing at the moment, so you could approach them and start your RP. The downside of this is that others without the flag may feel they are entitled not to RP, which should not be the case, but I guess the benefit can be greater than the downside. What you think?


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Re: Where are the RPers? Or is it only my problem?
« Reply #12 on: June 04, 2012, 10:19:44 pm »
Don't make RP optional like that, Talad. If this is an RP game it needs to remain an RP game.

@Jilata: For me it is simply time frame. I only come on near the end of my days, which is not easy for people in other countries who I want to play with.
I regret to announce that this is the end.

I bid you all a very fond farewell


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Re: Where are the RPers? Or is it only my problem?
« Reply #13 on: June 05, 2012, 01:53:22 am »
Thanks for all your answers :)

I'll try poking those I know who are RPers and ask them for RP I think. Though sometimes I just don't know who are RPers or not.
Looking around for RP is good and well, but since Oele is actually more or less stuck to Hydlaa, there is not much to look around for it. And I usually check the normal RP places such as at the plaza and Kada-Els if there is any RP going on before I ask in gossip.
I am not asking for anyone to leave their place to RP. One time I got the answer to check on the roof of the tavern. I went there and did some RP with those working on herbalism.

@ Timil: RL gets the best of us all...

@ bilbous: I am not exactly sure what you mean. When I am asking for RP, I am not asking for anyone to beat my char up because I just felt like it would be a good experience for them, for example. I am simply asking and if someone agrees, both people just "happen" to be at the same place so one can RP.

@ Zalya: I guess I'll have to visit you with another char, since Oele lives on the streets in Hydlaa.

@ Aramara: Jilata is travelling on the third level right now. Different from the other times she is not travelling alone and I don't think she would come back alone. I think she'll be retired from being played until the player of the other char can return to the game.

@ Cairn: I know the timezones are probably one of the reasons why I have this problem. I am usually able to only log in the evenings as well.

@ Talad: I am really not sure if that would help. And I think Cairn is right there, PS is a RP game and should remain a RP game. So there should be mainly RPers around.

Another thing I just thought of, would it help to create a channel, similar to gossip for looking for RP? It has a simple rule, that you are only supposed to write in there to ask for RP or answer to someone for it. Or simply to announce that there is RP going at some place and whoever wants can join.


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Re: Where are the RPers? Or is it only my problem?
« Reply #14 on: June 05, 2012, 07:04:08 am »
@ Talad: I am really not sure if that would help. And I think Cairn is right there, PS is a RP game and should remain a RP game. So there should be mainly RPers around.

Planeshift isn't a full RP game though, when EZPCUSA combined with the RP server it became a combined RP and non-RP game. What is what I heard anyways.
You maybe roleplaying but you could still be OOC.