Author Topic: Open Plot Planning and Questionnaire  (Read 728 times)


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Open Plot Planning and Questionnaire
« on: March 13, 2013, 06:06:38 pm »
It seems that we need more plots and such in PS, but it is rather hard on one person to try and plan, execute, and manage a plot by themselves. If nothing else, people barely have time. So maybe if we turn the process into an open collaboration it might help. If we can find a type of plot that people are willing to support, by taking on roles within it, it is more likely that the plot will actually see the light of day.

So to get the idea started, I have a questionnaire here. Just use the quote button to get the text and formatting below then write in your response under the question. The formatting is there so that the question will not blend into your answer. Answer any or all of it.  :)

Ok so you want to be a part of a plot. What kind of plot would you like to see and help out in?(i.e. kidnapping, robbing, mage takes over a city, rampant disease, Ball, unexpected twist, a play, an archaeological dig, ect...)

OK, that's cool, now what kind of characters would you like to see included in a plot and what would you like to play in a plot?(i.e. Nutty, refined but bad goals, thief with a heart of gold, struggling do-gooder, lovesick fool, etc...)

Would a specific type of item catch your interest and make you want to participate? What kind of item then?(i.e. Glowing stones, cursed jewels, ancient artifacts, talking/singing items, items that let you see your "true self", etc...)

Ok, we'll see what we can do then. But when do you want the item to appear in the plot? (i.e. from the beginning, let it be revealed later on, never show it only mention it, with the main character, with a side character, with a character no one thinks is important, ect...)

Oh wow, speaking of characters, we should probably figure out what roles need to be filled. Which roles do you want the main characters/people directing the plot to occupy? (i.e. traditional:hero, love interest, sidekick, villian; Anti traditional: villian, hate interest, lacky, anti hero; Quirky: loveable goof, snarky sidekick, bumbling villian; Some other combination of stock characters?

Good, that's plot, characters, and items... but how do we lure people in? (i.e. get everyone in under a pretense, just put it out there as a plot and let people come if they want to, tie it in with another subplot, etc?)

Ok, so lets just say we get everyone in under a pretense, what pretense would work as a suitable cover for the real plot? (i.e. a market, a concert, a more dramatic looking plot, people pretending to be actors and the plot is a new play,  an experiment that will eventually go wrong, etc...)

Good, good. That takes care of most of the issues. Now for a crucial question. How long should the plot last? (a day, a few days, a week, a month...<.< *pssht* yeah right... a month.... :p)

Are there any events from the past that you would like to see players come back and build on?(i.e. alchemy event, RCD events, sickness plots, invasions, etc...)

Almost at the end. Are there some items in particular that you would like to be able to get out of the event. (nothing super special like swords of ulber slaying now. ;) , named items, trophies, weapons, RP items, commerative plate sets... 0.O )

Is there something specific that you think needs to be done to get people to not only look in on the plot but also to hang around?

Ok finally, you made it. Last, any further thoughts, questions, rants or sillinesses? :D

« Last Edit: March 13, 2013, 06:08:40 pm by Illysia »


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Re: Open Plot Planning and Questionnaire
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2013, 03:01:41 am »
Ok so you want to be a part of a plot. What kind of plot would you like to see and help out in?

I like many kinds of plots; but I prefer those which are not too supernatural and not too unavoidable, rather some which have an incentive to make me want to participate and know that I will be able to support it even with average skills.

OK, that's cool, now what kind of characters would you like to see included in a plot and what would you like to play in a plot?

The probably most promising but hardest to make: Average people with usual issues, at a first glance; but they may develop to a dimension which would affect a majority.

Would a specific type of item catch your interest and make you want to participate? What kind of item then?

No, the more unique an item is which causes an issue or solves it, the less probably my character would be able to provide it, the smaller the chance is that my character would be useful or necessary for the success. Except it is made of many simple parts.

Ok, we'll see what we can do then. But when do you want the item to appear in the plot?

If an item has to be the center of the plot at all, then it shall probably not be present from the beginning, but discovered or revealed during the plot. People have issues, not items; usually...

Oh wow, speaking of characters, we should probably figure out what roles need to be filled. Which roles do you want the main characters/people directing the plot to occupy?

I believe that an interesting plot can give a range of different "specialist" characters a chance to deliver a part of the solution. Such special skills don't have to be related to game mechanic skills, there may also be "soft skills" required, e.g. organization, managerial skills, empathy, distraction, ...

Good, that's plot, characters, and items... but how do we lure people in?

Hopefully subtle methods will catch them. Rumours, characters with strange attributes and behaviour, secret messages or signs...

Ok, so lets just say we get everyone in under a pretense, what pretense would work as a suitable cover for the real plot?

 :devil: The obviously unconspicuous...

Good, good. That takes care of most of the issues. Now for a crucial question. How long should the plot last?

If it takes long, then you should probably avoid relying on many specific players; there is always a reason why one is unable to attend the next episode.

Are there any events from the past that you would like to see players come back and build on?

Definitely not: Mysteriously spreading plagues. IMHO, they have a level of enforced participation on my chars. / Definitely yes: More chances for roleplaying oriented guilds (without a big financial fortune) to win a house. But I doubt that this will fit in this topic...

Almost at the end. Are there some items in particular that you would like to be able to get out of the event.

Preferences will differ a lot here. A range of choices may be useful. It will depend on the cooperation of GMs to provide unusual rewards...

Is there something specific that you think needs to be done to get people to not only look in on the plot but also to hang around?

Not much inside your outreach; less RL stress and occupation, more spare time.

Ok finally, you made it. Last, any further thoughts, questions, rants or sillinesses? :D


Gag Harmond
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Re: Open Plot Planning and Questionnaire
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2013, 08:15:00 am »

Ok so you want to be a part of a plot. What kind of plot would you like to see and help out in?(i.e. kidnapping, robbing, mage takes over a city, rampant disease, Ball, unexpected twist, a play, an archaeological dig, ect...)

About two years ago one of my char tried to start a rumor about a cursed bronze mask she found in the BD wilderness as a joke. An archeological expedition to find and identify this item might be fun. It may or may not actually exist (TBD)

OK, that's cool, now what kind of characters would you like to see included in a plot and what would you like to play in a plot?(i.e. Nutty, refined but bad goals, thief with a heart of gold, struggling do-gooder, lovesick fool, etc...)

It would seem to require scientists, mages, explorers, and clerics. My char is a loveable but obnoxious ignoramus who is only part of the plan because she blundered into the item before.

Would a specific type of item catch your interest and make you want to participate? What kind of item then?(i.e. Glowing stones, cursed jewels, ancient artifacts, talking/singing items, items that let you see your "true self", etc...)

The item I described before was a corroded bronze mask with 5 eyeholes. When she attempted to touch it it petrified her arm to the shoulder. (she got better). It is obviously unusable and dangerous, but might somehow lead to a small event reward.

Ok, we'll see what we can do then. But when do you want the item to appear in the plot? (i.e. from the beginning, let it be revealed later on, never show it only mention it, with the main character, with a side character, with a character no one thinks is important, ect...)

Revealed after a search and some contention. Or perhaps never found. Perhaps some char could play a faction that believes it should remain hidden and tries to stop the search? It could end with the item crumbling into dust when actually touched to remove it from the game.

Oh wow, speaking of characters, we should probably figure out what roles need to be filled. Which roles do you want the main characters/people directing the plot to occupy? (i.e. traditional:hero, love interest, sidekick, villian; Anti traditional: villian, hate interest, lacky, anti hero; Quirky: loveable goof, snarky sidekick, bumbling villian; Some other combination of stock characters?

I can think of a few roles that could be useful. An archeologist / scholar interested in the knowledge to be derived. Someone who seeks the power this item might contain. An altruist who wants to contain or remove the risk this item might present. A greedy trader in shady items. My char is available for the flaky goofball role.

Good, that's plot, characters, and items... but how do we lure people in? (i.e. get everyone in under a pretense, just put it out there as a plot and let people come if they want to, tie it in with another subplot, etc?)

See if we can organize a few principals, then talk it up and execute?

Ok, so lets just say we get everyone in under a pretense, what pretense would work as a suitable cover for the real plot? (i.e. a market, a concert, a more dramatic looking plot, people pretending to be actors and the plot is a new play,  an experiment that will eventually go wrong, etc...)

Good, good. That takes care of most of the issues. Now for a crucial question. How long should the plot last? (a day, a few days, a week, a month...<.< *pssht* yeah right... a month.... :p)

A few days, maybe a week. There is IC planning, time to machinate before setting out, time to search for this hidden item.

Are there any events from the past that you would like to see players come back and build on?(i.e. alchemy event, RCD events, sickness plots, invasions, etc...)

Drink mixing contest at the RCD :) Make your own recipe, bring your own beer or wine.

Almost at the end. Are there some items in particular that you would like to be able to get out of the event. (nothing super special like swords of ulber slaying now. ;) , named items, trophies, weapons, RP items, commerative plate sets... 0.O )

Well it is a mask of five eyes, so an item of clear sight kind of follows logically. Although a blindness glyph would make sense too. Or going with the petrification angle, a brown way glyph.

Is there something specific that you think needs to be done to get people to not only look in on the plot but also to hang around?

Let people know there will be pie at the end of the event?

Ok finally, you made it. Last, any further thoughts, questions, rants or sillinesses? :D


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Re: Open Plot Planning and Questionnaire
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2013, 10:31:01 am »
Drink mixing contest at the RCD :) Make your own recipe, bring your own beer or wine.

Rumours are that "brewing" is being developed... ;) — Could lead to something similar as the cooking contest with settings-approved recipes as reward.

Gag Harmond
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Re: Open Plot Planning and Questionnaire
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2013, 04:12:16 pm »
Thanks for replying. :)


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Re: Open Plot Planning and Questionnaire
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2013, 03:03:57 pm »
Ok so you want to be a part of a plot. What kind of plot would you like to see and help out in?(i.e. kidnapping, robbing, mage takes over a city, rampant disease, Ball, unexpected twist, a play, an archaeological dig, ect...)
I would like to do a research kind of plot. One that maybe isn't completed all in one go. Or, maybe a plot that centers around some major settings point. For instance, maybe an archaeological dig that unearths some ancient Yliakum ruins that predate the first arrivals. Or an herbalist plot that requires finding a remedy.

Or maybe one that centers around crafting professions. Perhaps a local jeweler or cook comes to town and they enlist local help to create something that would then be given out. Perhaps a potter comes to town and he needs someone to have their Yulbar pose for a new yulbar shaped container they are making. Or perhaps a notary from another city comes and he needs people to fetch him papers and wax so that he can draw up papers for the citizens. Marriage records anyone?  :D

Now, this next one would take Dev/GM help. But it would be cool to either open a new public building(guildhouse) or "renovate" an old one. And have the community chip in by bringing in the lumber and working to build or repair structures and so on. Also bring the Furniture and decorations. But I think this one would be harder to get to work on the player side.

OK, that's cool, now what kind of characters would you like to see included in a plot and what would you like to play in a plot?(i.e. Nutty, refined but bad goals, thief with a heart of gold, struggling do-gooder, lovesick fool, etc...)
I would like to see more lawful and good characters. Good characters are not inherently boring, people just often don't give the character enough thought and depth so the character is flat. A flat character is boring no matter what their basic alignment might be.

Speaking of flat bad characters, I would like to get away from murdering maniac as well. It's over done and after awhile pretty poor on motivations. There are a wide range of things villains can do to harm people while achieving their goals. It's also more likely to get support and not further cheapen death if the villain uses those methods. People don't want to keep their characters dead so stop killing them and turning the DR into a waiting lobby with a revolving door.

However, Lovers trying to accomplish things for each other would be nice such as enlisting player help to get gifts for the other. But that takes good chemistry on the part of the characters playing lovers.

Would a specific type of item catch your interest and make you want to participate? What kind of item then?(i.e. Glowing stones, cursed jewels, ancient artifacts, talking/singing items, items that let you see your "true self", etc...)
Not a specific item really. But I would prefer good RP items over weapons and glyphs. They make for interesting talking points down the road and can be quite unique. Even better if they are items that in some way force a character to look within themselves. Something that lets you see things deep inside of yourself would be interesting.

Ok, we'll see what we can do then. But when do you want the item to appear in the plot? (i.e. from the beginning, let it be revealed later on, never show it only mention it, with the main character, with a side character, with a character no one thinks is important, ect...)
Whenever really. It can even come at the end of the event as a reward. But it would be good if there was some kind of reference to it early on so you can decide if you want to stick out the event to get it.

Oh wow, speaking of characters, we should probably figure out what roles need to be filled. Which roles do you want the main characters/people directing the plot to occupy? (i.e. traditional:hero, love interest, sidekick, villian; Anti traditional: villian, hate interest, lacky, anti hero; Quirky: loveable goof, snarky sidekick, bumbling villian; Some other combination of stock characters?
I don't necessarily have a set combination that I want to see, but I'd really like to skip the traditional evil hunting hero and complete monster bad guy. That particular dynamic is really flat in most cases, and, more importantly, it has been done absolutely to death.

Good, that's plot, characters, and items... but how do we lure people in? (i.e. get everyone in under a pretense, just put it out there as a plot and let people come if they want to, tie it in with another subplot, etc?)
I think shameless OOC promotion in the forums, and in Gossip seems to help. But IC promotion seems to help too. I think the flyers for the magic convention helped.

Ok, so lets just say we get everyone in under a pretense, what pretense would work as a suitable cover for the real plot? (i.e. a market, a concert, a more dramatic looking plot, people pretending to be actors and the plot is a new play,  an experiment that will eventually go wrong, etc...)
A play as a plot cover would be interesting. Maybe a traveling band of crooks pose as actors to slip in a city and they hide behind costumes and such when doing their business to throw people off the scent.

Good, good. That takes care of most of the issues. Now for a crucial question. How long should the plot last? (a day, a few days, a week, a month...<.< *pssht* yeah right... a month.... :p)
I think it should come in bits so that it is not too much of a strain on the people running the event but it should happen on more than one day so that more people can participate. Month long events would be something like an informal event that people can wander in and out of. Maybe an art festival or something where exhibits are left up.

Are there any events from the past that you would like to see players come back and build on?(i.e. alchemy event, RCD events, sickness plots, invasions, etc...)
I do miss the RCD events but that takes a lot of effort and often results in frustration for the players that do the event.

Almost at the end. Are there some items in particular that you would like to be able to get out of the event. (nothing super special like swords of ulber slaying now. ;) , named items, trophies, weapons, RP items, commerative plate sets... 0.O )
Just RP items.

Is there something specific that you think needs to be done to get people to not only look in on the plot but also to hang around?
You need a crowd. After a while, people will stop for a crowd and it will be a good indicator for passersby that there is a reason to stop and look.

Ok finally, you made it. Last, any further thoughts, questions, rants or sillinesses? :D
Yes. More people need to do this questionnaire. :P


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Re: Open Plot Planning and Questionnaire
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2013, 03:15:27 pm »
Too long;skimmed .   :love:

Its a good initiative. I might be open to running an event or plot too if there is sufficient interest.  Type and structure are negotiable. Violence, darkness, abuse and general f-cked-up-ness is required.


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Re: Open Plot Planning and Questionnaire
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2013, 03:56:14 pm »
Well, I, at least read, each of the questionnaires completed :P However, this is why I can't do your events you hooligan. ::)

I don't mind doing low key social events such as picnics, fishing trips, and merchant RPs, but social events require having someone to be social with. ;)


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Re: Open Plot Planning and Questionnaire
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2013, 04:00:08 pm »
I run a smallish amount of long-haul plots but I just plain dislike revealing details unless people bring in the drilling equipment to get at them ingame. If you find the characters and involve yourself, great! Otherwise, can't really see a questionnaire ever really being my thing. Too easy for people to get the wrong idea or come in with the wrong motives. Such as knowing a rather powerful (though it's only rp'ed that way. Doubt the fun police (GM's  :P ) would ever really let me get away with it on a legitimate item is up for grabs, but not in any easy way like it just being a reward.


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Re: Open Plot Planning and Questionnaire
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2013, 04:23:07 pm »
The purpose of the questionnaire is to find out where people's interests lie. It's basically RP preference mining, interest inventory, and idea mining. The idea here is to take the responses and distill the info into something usable by people who do plots. That is why it is not required to answer every little thing.

In all honesty, stand alone ideas are great, but plots are more likely to work if there is interest from both the plot coordinators and the participants. Thus this little research experiment.


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Re: Open Plot Planning and Questionnaire
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2013, 06:59:41 pm »
(Sorry to skip your long questionaire, I'll fill it out later if I have more free time)

I'd like to point out I really enjoyed the GM events like the ones Taz used to run.  They didn't have to be complicated, or even that long.  They played more like group quests.  Sometimes there was a prize, sometimes not, it wasn't really the point (the bonus PPs were nice though).  It was something fun to do, in-character.  And for a while he was having them multiple times a week.

Sorry I realize this doesn't really contribute much to the whole "plot planning" point.  The whole magical research angle would be kinda cool.  Maybe a group of scholars is trying to recover some magical artifact or something.  A few "baddie" mages go along to "help" but actually plan to steal it.  Mexican standoff?
You can't teach a pig to sing.  It'll never work, and you'll annoy the pig.


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Re: Open Plot Planning and Questionnaire
« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2013, 11:49:22 pm »
It seems that we need more plots and such in PS, but it is rather hard on one person to try and plan, execute, and manage a plot by themselves. If nothing else, people barely have time. So maybe if we turn the process into an open collaboration it might help. If we can find a type of plot that people are willing to support, by taking on roles within it, it is more likely that the plot will actually see the light of day.

So to get the idea started, I have a questionnaire here. Just use the quote button to get the text and formatting below then write in your response under the question. The formatting is there so that the question will not blend into your answer. Answer any or all of it.  :)

Ok so you want to be a part of a plot. What kind of plot would you like to see and help out in?(i.e. kidnapping, robbing, mage takes over a city, rampant disease, Ball, unexpected twist, a play, an archaeological dig, ect...)Something that involves kidnapping some one from an enemy camp that is outside of the city, and having to keep them from getting broken out of jail.

OK, that's cool, now what kind of characters would you like to see included in a plot and what would you like to play in a plot?(i.e. Nutty, refined but bad goals, thief with a heart of gold, struggling do-gooder, lovesick fool, etc...)  Obvisouly the player will be the one doing the kidnapping, along with a few other NPCs who do help.  However, you will have to have the obvious ever so bad, "Bad ass", and the traitor who tried to release the kidnapped NPC. 

Would a specific type of item catch your interest and make you want to participate? What kind of item then?(i.e. Glowing stones, cursed jewels, ancient artifacts, talking/singing items, items that let you see your "true self", etc...)  An item, or a one time use item that will "Upgrade" a single piece of armor/weapon/jewelry/whatever, but is obtainable again, but only once per day or something of the sort.

Ok, we'll see what we can do then. But when do you want the item to appear in the plot? (i.e. from the beginning, let it be revealed later on, never show it only mention it, with the main character, with a side character, with a character no one thinks is important, ect...) Have it mentioned at the beginning such as some one saying something about the item (A random NPC, not the main NPC who would give the quest, but one that might travel with you.).  Then obtain it near the end when you defeat some of the raiders trying to get the NPC you kidnapped back, or break into the jail.

Oh wow, speaking of characters, we should probably figure out what roles need to be filled. Which roles do you want the main characters/people directing the plot to occupy? (i.e. traditional:hero, love interest, sidekick, villian; Anti traditional: villian, hate interest, lacky, anti hero; Quirky: loveable goof, snarky sidekick, bumbling villian; Some other combination of stock characters?  The main character (you.) will be doing most of the work, and directing where the NPCs will go and such to help aid in the attack/defence of the kidnapped character. 

Good, that's plot, characters, and items... but how do we lure people in? (i.e. get everyone in under a pretense, just put it out there as a plot and let people come if they want to, tie it in with another subplot, etc?)Have an event in the middle of the towns with a few NPCs saying they are needing to recruit people to help kidnap a person of importance.  This can allow others to join you in your quest as well.

Ok, so lets just say we get everyone in under a pretense, what pretense would work as a suitable cover for the real plot? (i.e. a market, a concert, a more dramatic looking plot, people pretending to be actors and the plot is a new play,  an experiment that will eventually go wrong, etc...)

Good, good. That takes care of most of the issues. Now for a crucial question. How long should the plot last? (a day, a few days, a week, a month...<.< *pssht* yeah right... a month.... :p) Anywhere from one hour to three hours.  How ever long it takes to kidnap the person of interest.  However, the person of interest can also get away, allowing more to be done.

Are there any events from the past that you would like to see players come back and build on?(i.e. alchemy event, RCD events, sickness plots, invasions, etc...)

Almost at the end. Are there some items in particular that you would like to be able to get out of the event. (nothing super special like swords of ulber slaying now. ;) , named items, trophies, weapons, RP items, commerative plate sets... 0.O ) Maybe some vanity type items so you could obtain armor, and weapons you can wear to walk around in, in towns and RP.

Is there something specific that you think needs to be done to get people to not only look in on the plot but also to hang around?

Ok finally, you made it. Last, any further thoughts, questions, rants or sillinesses? :D
  Just something random.  I'm fairly new to the game, but I think it would be interesting.  But, this is coming from a newbie so.  :P


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Re: Open Plot Planning and Questionnaire
« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2013, 12:18:08 am »
Sorry I realize this doesn't really contribute much to the whole "plot planning" point. 

Actually it does. It contributes on the topic of frequency and the formality of the structure.

@Varnis54: We wouldn't have control over NPCs but players can still fill those roles. I think overall such an event might be possible. It would just need a lot of players to help by playing various roles.


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Re: Open Plot Planning and Questionnaire
« Reply #13 on: April 03, 2013, 12:19:41 am »
You know, if enough players showed a unified interested in an rp that involved the use of NPC's, someone *could* make a gm petition and see what comes of it. Never hurts to ask.


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Re: Open Plot Planning and Questionnaire
« Reply #14 on: April 03, 2013, 12:22:59 am »
And by unified interest that means actually doing something like working out a plot and then filling the petition. Many an idea like that could have been implemented but was not simply because the player support consisted of half uttered murmurs of approval in spread out places. It really takes action to see movement.