Author Topic: Ojaveda News Bulletin  (Read 868 times)


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Ojaveda News Bulletin
« on: March 20, 2013, 04:49:47 pm »
[Many people have tried to get a news source going in game but it hasn't been able to really take. But, I had an idea that might make it a bit easier. Maybe if we pare it down into short news stories, cut down on the overhead and distribution issues, and *cough*make stuff up*cough* it will help drive things in game to the point where some of the news stories might actually be connected to or inspire in game RP.

If you have an idea for a short news bulletin then feel free to post it but keep the news IC and within reason. It's not likely that Hydlaa will have been ransacked by creatures from the labyrinths just yet. ;) This isn't an RP thread however. If there is enough interest in it we might start an IC thread where characters can interact with each other over the news. This will help with communicating across time zones.]

*Deep in Dsar Sarraghi in a small building made of warm beige stone contains several busy workers of various races but mostly of Enkidukai. This building is the home of the Ojaveda News Bulletin. Across every wall and surface in the building there are snippets and news stories from across the Dome and even a few from other levels. Workers busily set about seeking out news stories and getting them posted as soon as possible.*

*As you look closely at some of the news stories, you see some recent ones.*


Slight cave-in in Gugrontid mine. Kran workers trapped beneath a layer of rubble but believed to be unharmed. Water funneled down and workers to feed on local rocks while they help in efforts to dig themselves out.

Robbery along road from Hydlaa to the Eagle Bronze Doors. Merchant caravan carrying various supplies held up and robbed of all lose tria by group of vicious looking cutthroats. No leads on who is directly responsible for the robbery.

Young Enkidukai couple to be wed in Dsar Akkaio. Two Enkidukai wed despite tragedy of being cut off from relatives trapped in quarantined area. Happy couple expressed thanks to kindness of strangers for lending support in making wedding arrangements and sending wedding gifts. Quote the husband to be, "It is very encouraging to see that we can still rely on those not related to us."

Local Hydlaa citizen sets challenge before the city to come up with a signature drink for the city. Quote Ignas Courry, "We need something new to make us stand out and the fuzzballs in Ojaveda already have us beat with that cider of theirs. We need to come up with a drink that will knock your boots off and have people coming from all over the Dome. How does a 'Hydlaa Iron Scepter' sound? Sounds like it will really knock you under a table right?"

The Mages of the Dome have come together in a first to organize a cross way convention aimed at helping others to advance in the ways or to get started. Convention will be held at the Hydlaa Caravan Dock for [Saturday, March 30th] from [17:00 gmt to 21:00 gmt (10 am to 2 pm PDT)

Fishers in Amdeneir pull in record haul and provide huge boost to city food stores. Some say that fish breeding season was particularly fruitful this year and that there were simply more fish in surrounding waters to pull.

Stray incidents in Ojaveda Akkaio Warehouse district. Reports were submited to the Ojaveda Guard by merchants attempting to transact business with Jirosh concerning robberies and intimidation by rogues based in the area. For now, the uneasy truce still holds and there have been no major incidents in the area.

Alchemist hopeful in effort against Ojaveda Plague. Alchemists across the levels have expressed hope that one day a cure may be possible for the horrible plague ravaging the Enkidukai City. Sources say that although progress is slow, alchemist are at least happy that there is any progress of which to speak. They will release more information as they can.

Surplus carpets for sale by carpet merchant Brintec Dev-Oni. Due to a recent lag in sales, local merchant Brintec has a surplus of carpet for sale. He is eager to get the word out and attract new customers to his stand in Dsar Akkaio.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2016, 08:00:05 pm by Illysia »


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Re: Ojaveda News Bulletin
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2013, 12:26:00 am »
A lively Clammod Fenki by the name of Namae angrily bursts into the News Bulletin building shaking a fist full of new bulletins as she goes, "This isn't news. We need something real. Something important something... Big!" She sighs heavily and looks around to her fellow workers who shrug, chuckle, or nod in agreement with her little out burst.

She sighs and walks over to a wall and grumbles as she posts the latest snippets of news.


Kaiman to offer new merchandise. Hydlaa merchant Kaiman Jilatt has begun selling picnic baskets, so grab a carpet, rug, or blanket and go out for a picnic today.

Twisted Ulbernaut like creature seen at the Eagle Bronze. Members of the Sunshine Squadron have confirmed sightings of a strange creature that vaguely resembles an Ulbernaut but have clearly stated that the creature was merely passing by and did not seem interested in leaving the Stone Labyrinths. The creature is believed to be quite formidable.

Careless merchant looses entire cargo but not life on stairs along the wall. A careless merchant was resting near the edge on one of the platforms on the stairs between the Dome and the Barn. According to the merchant, while he was resting someone else came up behind him startled him which let to him bumping into his goods knocking them over the edge. Fortunately he was not hooked to the cargo nor was he close enough to the edge to fall himself, but the entire investment in the goods was lost prompting reminders to take great care in that mode or travel and calls for an insurance service to cover such accidents.

Seaweed shipments from the Lower Field delayed. Shipments from the Nolthrir seaweed farms on seventh level have been delayed due to several mechanical failures. The shipment is said to still be stuck on the Far Ground level but plans are underway to get the shipment up to the Dome as soon as possible. In the mean time, seaweed stocks on the Dome are thin and will mean higher prices until the shipment arrives.

Experimental Forge to be built on The Forge. A local Vigesimi on the fourth level has approved the plant to build a new experimental forge to test new techniques for large scale manufacture of goods. Ores from the Dome Level to be sent down by winch to supply the effort which will start shortly. At this time there are no plans to replace the existing forges should the new one prove to be a success.

Popular dangerous animal expert "The Gobble Tracker" embarking on new venture to document the various gobble tribes across the Dome, but says the rumors that he will try to tame them are "all made up."

Kran chefs work to make Kran Food more edible. Several Kran chefs have come together to attempt to make Kran cuisine more accessible to other races. Knowing that other races can't digest the same minerals that Kran can, they focus on minerals that don't do as much harm such as gold and salt. Quote, "we are really leaning towards gold dishes since it seems to pass through softer races without much harm and it is much softer on their brittle teeth. The only problem is that using gold might reserve our dishes for only the richest people but we want to expose everyone to our food. However, we'll have to find something else for Ynnwn."

New Pet fad spreading in the Dome. Pet owners across the dome are jumping on the latest fad of temporary tattoos for pets. Many owners have taken their pets to get glyph, religious, amd everyday symbols drawn on their pets in fruit based dyes that come off after so many washes. Many who have done it see it as a new means of expression and others thinks it is simply cute.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2013, 12:52:17 am by Illysia »


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Re: Ojaveda News Bulletin
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2013, 12:55:58 am »
Riots at the Leaky Rock: A fisherman was recently beaten up by gobbles of both tribes. He reported that his hook got caught in the cumbana field, and trying to release it, he carelessly popped up a lot of their yet unripe cobs when stumbling and falling over, probably causing a major crop shortfall in the coming month.

Gag Harmond
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The Royal House of Purrty


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Re: Ojaveda News Bulletin
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2013, 01:47:03 am »
Namae walks into the Bulletin building with more bulletins in hand. She scans the board to see if there were any new ones that she had not personally seen yet. Slowly, her brows knit into a confused look.

"Wait a minute. There is only one bulletin up here that I didn't put up." she huffs a bit "What am I? The only field worker in this place?" She indignantly puts her hand on her hip and look out across the other workers as they go about work on various projects. A "hmph" sound escapes from lips as they twist into an irritated expression. She turns her attention back to posting the latest "News".


New Octarchal Fashions to hit local stores. The latest clothes inspired by the season and the Octarch are being released. Well to do citizens across the Dome are flocking to their local tailors to get clothes patterned after the wardrobes of the most powerful citizens in Yliakum.

Charmflowers in Full Bloom. The latest blooms of Charmflowers have come in blanketing entire valleys in the pink cheery blossoms. Lovers, flower sellers, and flower lovers alike are come out in full force to enjoy the display.

Trasok Reportedly Working on New Smith Techniques. Sources indicate that Ojaveda blacksmith Trasok Starhammer is working on new techniques to revolutionize his smithing process. However, when asked for confirmation Trasok was less than eager to confirm any such reports saying that such stories were the work of "loose lipped gossip mongers".

Carp Boom. Reports indicate large increase in carp population in lake on route to the Eagle Bronze Doors. Fisherman from Hydlaa and Gugrontid have turned out to enjoy relaxing afternoons of productive carp fishing or to work hard to gain an extra few tria. It is unknown exactly what caused the boom although some speculate that it may be connected to activities of the local gobble communities in the area. some dismiss the thought on the basis that Gobble intelligence is not high enough to coordinate animal husbandry techniques.

Accident at Silver Mine. Reports from Ojaveda indicate several injuries at a local silver mine due to a partial rock slide. Apparently a careless miner was not paying attention and knocked out a large stone supporting many larger ones resulting in a rock slided that broke several limbs and caused a few concussions. The rock slide raises concerns from some that perhaps permits and special training may be advisable for those seeking to mine.


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Re: Ojaveda News Bulletin
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2013, 12:03:27 am »
Namae walk in rather lazily to Bulletin building and looks around for a moment before walking to a wall and putting up some more bulletins. "Rubish," she says in disgust before walking away.

Archilaya Rolling in Dough. Arena baker Achilaya Gurplefurd is inviting Hydlaa residents to come and make new bread recipes in her bakery as an attempt to both provide gladiators with more food and to draw more interest in the arena. Quote Archilaya, "Just because most of the people here focus on fighting it doesn't mean that they don't appreciate good food."

Berry Festival Painting Wilderness Red. Participants of the Spring Berry Festival are taking time to enjoy the fruits of their labors and are getting sticky red berry juice everywhere. Held every spring outside of the city of Gugrontid, out in the wilderness, berry enthusiasts from around the Dome bring seasonal berries and enjoy sharing, eating and making messes. Even the local Kran occasionally join in the festivities and bring along carefully formed, or rather farmed, malachite bunches that strongly resemble berry clusters. So far, no teeth have been lost by intrepid berry eaters.

Clackerweed Bloom Leads to Mass Clacker Epiphany. Masses of Clackerweed have sprouted up across the Dome after vigorous rains and have lead to sightings of many Clackers standing around apparently contemplating their claws. Some reports also indicate Clackers seeming to come together to convene on matters only they understand but nevertheless they seem as if to if to discuss important matters.


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Re: Ojaveda News Bulletin
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2013, 09:06:46 pm »
A middle-aged Ylian in an austere, well-cut overcoat reads the bulletins, sniffs disapprovingly and puts another notice up.

What Not To Wear. A tailor of the Dome level was arrested yesterday for illegally using the official zigzag Octarchal stitch to finish emblems on several items of clothing. A raid on the warehouse district of Ojaveda turned up crates of this season's fashion merchandise bearing the same stitch, a style traditionally confined to official use only. Octarchal spokesman Ogostos Snakegrass, who was immaculately attired in Domani at the trial, is warning citizens that "aiding the impersonation of government officials is a serious offence".


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Re: Ojaveda News Bulletin
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2013, 01:13:26 am »
Another notice appears over night; the handwriting appears to be ... emotionally dynamic, nicely said.

Formerly renowned organization discovered as sect: A large organization, mainly consisting of Stonehammers, has been reported of luring newcomers, brainwashing them with blank promises of a fortune and career, and abusing them as piece workers for starvation wages. They are recognizable by a badge showing a shield with crossed battle hammers.

Gag Harmond
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The Royal House of Purrty


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Re: Ojaveda News Bulletin
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2013, 03:40:53 am »
A old lady dwarf wrapped in an past fashion self-made dress approach the bulletin building in small steps, her hairs tied in an high bun, pince-nez stuck on her nose. Winnifer read the last news , her face almost pressed to the board, eyebrows raised in astonishment and shakes her head : " The Ham..... this must be an error !..."
She sighs, mumbling about an urgent visit to a certain Rheos and finally nail the bulletin she's carrying.


Bonifarzia Borunthar strikes again.  This past week-end, Hydlaa Arena has been the theater of a new Champion Cup. Spectators came from all over the Dome, causing Gregori, the manager of the Arena, some maintenance difficulties.
The finest of the top level's warriors registred for this prestigious event :  Hirene Penifur the almighty of the Family organisation, The Brown Way Mage Wolferz, a complet contingent of the Way of the Hammers Guild and the multi-champion, the great  Bonifarzia Borunthar. After an intense battle where her terrific axes has the last word, the majestic Ynnwn went back home once again with the Cup, in the name of the Order of Light. Like a spectator said at the end : " Boni stays indisputable but i think her opponent should come more prepared. "

The Fishes invasion. The day after the cup, the cleaning team of the arena, drived by the eccentric Lono Fett, struggled  under the challenge : " We saw many curious things in here, but this... never yet !".  A large quantity of fishes, not always fresh, was dispersed all the over the tiered seating above the champion cup pit. To the express command of the Vigesimi Amidison Stronghand, an investigation has been opened.
<*> The Way of the Hammer <*>


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Re: Ojaveda News Bulletin
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2013, 11:58:06 am »
A tall female figure approaches the board. She is cloaked, hooded, masked and gloved. She appears to read the items on the board, then pins one of her own up. It reads:

The One Guild continues to advocate discussions to refine and improve our laws. We also continue to await the response and input of the Octarchy in this matter. Together we will make Yliakum even stronger and more just than it is now.


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Re: Ojaveda News Bulletin
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2013, 12:31:24 pm »
[ News (true, fake, hoax) — but not advertizing? ]

Gag Harmond
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The Royal House of Purrty


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Re: Ojaveda News Bulletin
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2013, 01:05:10 pm »
A tall female figure approaches the board....
[ News (true, fake, hoax) — but not advertizing? ]
[Maybe this was meant to be posted there?]


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Re: Ojaveda News Bulletin
« Reply #11 on: April 11, 2013, 07:13:12 pm »
[Perhaps Bonifarzia is right. But LigH is also right; this isn't an advertising board. The news should be more often than not factual, unless you are actively running an RP involving mistaken info, and written as if the news has been gotten second hand since the workers would be going out and researching.

Also, when writing pieces on political matters take care as Yliakum is not a democracy, the Octarchy does not have to be nice, open, or understanding. They wield absolute power and would not likely be kind towards potentially seditious activity.

However, thank you for stopping to post Cirerey :flowers: ]


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Re: Ojaveda News Bulletin
« Reply #12 on: October 16, 2016, 08:02:14 pm »
[Second thread necro. I'll have to think up some new bulletins, but it's on the to do list. For those of you who's immersion can't handle this because this isn't from the settings team officially... don't worry, you'll live. ;)]