Author Topic: How to run a new player off.  (Read 3320 times)


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Re: How to run a new player off.
« Reply #60 on: May 15, 2013, 07:53:55 am »
Thanks, Pakarro. :)


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Re: How to run a new player off.
« Reply #61 on: May 15, 2013, 08:13:10 am »
I've been here for quite some time, having started on ezpc with Ellis. I guess my idea of role-play isn't the same as some others because I never enjoyed text-based rp. I like to rp what I can see and do in this 3D game. If I am a problem here, I can always leave.

Please don't you add a lot to the game. And I'd like to point out that your wedding was an RP high point for the game. A huge event with large crowds present. Don't let the endless unproductive snarking get to you.


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Re: How to run a new player off.
« Reply #62 on: May 15, 2013, 08:32:54 am »
@ cdmoreland:

Don't get trolled by the queen of trolls. See Minks' reply.

Gag Harmond
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Re: How to run a new player off.
« Reply #63 on: May 15, 2013, 04:04:55 pm »
Agree with LigH, don't get trolled by that troll, and try not to let the shamers/bashers affect you - the people who care and want to discuss, including this Zayla who sounds awesome and levelheaded, have made this thread interesting.

Mariana et. al, first, nothing personal since I met you in game both ic and ooc (on gossip) and you were awesome, but you and people similar to you should try to tone down the psychological manipulation/punishment, it's bloody weird and also totally unproductive.  If you thought this post was forum bashing - first, it seems you were wrong - and second, how does getting into this dark counter-bashing stuff make your point?  It doesn't, it just makes people feel bad and makes them want to leave, as you mention.

Getting new players to stay is really a problem, and if it had been my char who had accidentally run someone off (which I totally could do, not in this way because I am very good with cheerful noobs, but very bad with flirty/shirty noobs) I would have no problem with someone posting the log here, just as Zayla had no problem with it.  It's better not to take things so personally, we are all mainly just trying to make the game better.

Anyway, I like the thread and the original post even with the moments of drama.  Glad for Illy's contributions especially (which is funny since my char couldn't bear her char back in the day).  Cheers.


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Re: How to run a new player off.
« Reply #64 on: May 15, 2013, 04:14:49 pm »
The noob wasn't run off.

Did this noob tell cdmoreland explicitly that he left the game because he was pissed off at kelaice or did somebody take the liberty to assume this?


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Re: How to run a new player off.
« Reply #65 on: May 15, 2013, 04:18:15 pm »
I think someone took the liberty, and I thought it was you, Rigwyn  :detective:

(that was a joke, although in general you do not seem irony deficient, it never hurts to ruin the humour by stating the obvious)...


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Re: How to run a new player off.
« Reply #66 on: May 15, 2013, 04:22:19 pm »
and, btw, I thought your response was great and I totally agreed - very glad he didn't meet Rigwyn or that klyros...Travosh?  Although he seems quite tamed now...anyway, it could have been worse.  It's nice that the forge workers are mostly all very kind, helpful and cute, and that is where noobs end up most often.  You usually have to go to pubs, alleyways and temples to find the darker creatures.  Also the sewers.


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Re: How to run a new player off.
« Reply #67 on: May 15, 2013, 04:23:27 pm »
* Rigwyn empties his pockets, spilling liberties all over the floor.



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Re: How to run a new player off.
« Reply #68 on: May 15, 2013, 04:33:20 pm »
I think part of the problem is you don't really know who's a new player and who isn't.  Maybe this is a terrible idea, but if we somehow marked players as new (for example, have the name above their head be orange for the first 5-10 hours of gameplay or something) then it would be easier to know who might need help if you're playing a "good" character and who to send an OOC tell to if you're playing a character that isn't so friendly.
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Mariana Xiechai

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Re: How to run a new player off.
« Reply #69 on: May 15, 2013, 04:35:54 pm »
Mariana et. al, first, nothing personal since I met you in game both ic and ooc (on gossip) and you were awesome, but you and people similar to you should try to tone down the psychological manipulation/punishment, it's bloody weird and also totally unproductive.  If you thought this post was forum bashing - first, it seems you were wrong - and second, how does getting into this dark counter-bashing stuff make your point?  It doesn't, it just makes people feel bad and makes them want to leave, as you mention.

It was the case. Your statement that it wasn't is rather invalid. As the forum post was written in such an unproductive and aggressive fashion, I responded to point out the hypocrisy of the situation. As stated, repeatedly, a post with such a title is, in fact, bashing. Whether it was unintentional or not, it's still the case. While I appreciate Waesed's clarification that no rudeness was intended, it still read as rude. I make apologies if he was deeply wounded for a proverbial "shame on you" and a finger wag, but somehow I doubt his life is crumbling to pieces over it, and it certainly wasn't any more hateful than creating an entire post to accuse someone of driving people out of the game. I certainly would never encourage him to leave, as he seems to be a potent force in helping new players on the side of game mechanics, and his wedding Role Play.

As for your former statement, I force no one into the role plays I do, nor do "others like me." If people join, they do so because they get enjoyment out of it, presumably. So no, there is no particular reason for me to do other sorts of role play, or "tone it down." If you actually believe it is all blood and gore and nothing else, you clearly oversimplified it and don't really understand what is going on in such a role play. Some people like Stephen King (whose works are dark, yet typically an interesting exploration of the psyche, and by no means useless), some people like Nicholas Sparks (I'm not a fan personally, but I don't run around bashing people that are, and what can I say, stories of love are powerful things.) That doesn't mean it is "bloody weird and also totally unproductive." As a matter of fact, completely the opposite; characters who do role play with zombies and violence often attract more people because of the friction. Because it's like being in an action novel. The people that get cited repeatedly for good role play that included a lot of people are those like Duraza, Jacula, Marsuveus, and Rigwyn, because it is interesting and engaging to a wider audience. It gives people the chance to play the proverbial roles they always wanted to as a kid for a few moments; the hero or the mustache-twisting villain. Besides, this is the internet. Trust me. They've encountered far worse.

Also, calling someone's hard work and effort, on the part of myself and others who tend towards darker role play, totally unproductive, is bashing. I would have preferred the proverbial finger-wagging shame-on-you.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2013, 06:15:38 pm by Mariana Xiechai »


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Re: How to run a new player off.
« Reply #70 on: May 15, 2013, 04:40:57 pm »
and, btw, I thought your response was great and I totally agreed - very glad he didn't meet Rigwyn or that klyros...Travosh?  Although he seems quite tamed now...

Pfffft. Tell that to the girl who instantly found herself weighted to the floor with a knife through her skull for speaking not four words to him.

Anyways blah blah unproductive comment noone actually reads all of, needlessly long paragraph of nonsense and charts, accusation of trolling, counter-accusation, failure to appreciate real trolling, exuent phantomboy86.


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Re: How to run a new player off.
« Reply #71 on: May 15, 2013, 05:09:42 pm »
This my friends, it what the Planeshift forums are all about.  Bitching, bashing, arguing, laughing, trolling, going off topic, getting banned and dramatic exits only to be followed up with unexpected returns. If you get your nuts in a twist, don't feel bad, it happens to all of us regardless of physical gender, or gender identity.


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Re: How to run a new player off.
« Reply #72 on: May 15, 2013, 05:34:45 pm »
I think part of the problem is you don't really know who's a new player and who isn't.  Maybe this is a terrible idea, but if we somehow marked players as new (for example, have the name above their head be orange for the first 5-10 hours of gameplay or something) then it would be easier to know who might need help if you're playing a "good" character and who to send an OOC tell to if you're playing a character that isn't so friendly.

I like this idea. I do feel it would need to be expanded on though as it's pretty common for experienced RPers to make new characters for storyline purposes or just for a change of tone in their RP, and I know I for one wouldn't like to get flagged in such a way when on these characters. I don't real enjoy the sort of starting level RP where people tell me I should try and get some armour and so on and it can lead to an awkward bleeding of OOC into the RP as well.

For example,  I had a bad experience once with someone insisting my 100+ year old nolthrir had to be taught the very basics about everything as though they were a young child, and it killed the immersion for me. She was over 100! Of course she had some average skill in a few things at least. If you can't make this assumption on a new character, we'd all realistically have to RP as children when starting out. But the judgement was made based on the character's levels which are not immediately visible, whereas a different coloured name would be and would be even more likely to lead to excessive amounts of babying. (Just to make sure this is clear - I absolutely love that we have people who do anything they can to help those who seem new. But if you are not actually new and constantly get treated like you are, to the point where people even make the judgement that you need to be shown very basic RP instead of RP to their usual level, it quickly gets really frustrating. Sure you can /tell and explain, but when it's the start of several encounters in a row it gets tiring quickly.)

Maybe it could be an optional thing to select at character creation. Just something simple like "is this your first time playing?" with yes/no options and you have to select one before entering the game.

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: How to run a new player off.
« Reply #73 on: May 15, 2013, 05:38:05 pm »
Seconded on Tman's idea. As of now, killing a noob and seeing if they pop right back up again behind Harn's is the only sure way, and it's probably not the message we're wanting to send ;D

As for what Taya stated, perhaps it could simply be something that pops up on the OOC tab automatically when checked? New player: Yes or No. In this fashion, sorting through who might need an assist and who might not would be easier, without having to constantly walk over eggshells.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2013, 05:50:57 pm by Mariana Xiechai »


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Re: How to run a new player off.
« Reply #74 on: May 15, 2013, 06:24:09 pm »
I don't know. I usually just check to see if they bothered to fill out an IC description.  If not, they are likely noobs or its a mule or a quest character. You can predict/estimate much about one's RP by looking at their IC description.

How about flashing the word "Noob" in bright orange over their heads until they've been deflowered so to speak by the community?  Say, you loose your Noob status after 3 or 4 people have vouched for you?   :)

( Yes, same as tman's idea but a little more degrading xD )
« Last Edit: May 15, 2013, 06:33:07 pm by Rigwyn »