Author Topic: So it begins.  (Read 604 times)


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So it begins.
« on: August 25, 2013, 02:04:04 am »

Two Dermorians had spent many hours discussing an arrangement until one was finally decided upon. Much to both of their disgust.

Guile smiled down at the Dermorian the tip of her blade bouncing to and fro as she said "Thank you sooo much for your little offering, I hope you keep making them. Or, you know, people might get upset." She said clearly emphasising the fact that the camp was hers and there was no way He was going to be able to spend any time there without her say so.

[hey guys, so IC I want to try and get some conflict going IC. I have no over arching plans for it, just that i would like to drive some RP out of the camp.]

As their conversation drew to a close a Nolthrir appeared. She stood somewhere behind Guile, having moved up quietly, and nonchalantly side-stepped her to observe the interaction from between the narrow slits of her wide-grinning mask. Her head canted curiously to the side.

In response to Guile’s last comment the Dermorian, one arm resting on the table with his hands folded together said "I remember you saying that the first time, but I’m pretty sure my donation has plenty of longevity yet."

Guile smirked at the Dermorian’s arrogant words "We shall see...." she said before turning her head towards the Nolthrir as well as raising her blade towards her. In a matter of fact tone she said "Did you know that sneaking up on people is the leading cause of getting gutted?" The Dermorian had seen the Nolthrir before Guile had and just sat back against the table observing the new comer.

The Nolthrir, somewhat taken aback raised her hands comically towards the tip of Guile's blade while shaking her head. "No" she answered smoothly. "But I didn't figure that running up to you during your discussion and shouting random obscenities would be much appreciated either, and I like myself absent of bleeding pokes."

Guile's blade continued to point up at the Nolthrir’s throat as she said "This pompous elf has tried me enough to day.." she glances over at him for a few moments "But his pockets are deep, and deep pockets make me happy." She looked back at the Nolthrir "What do you want?"

One of Guile’s thugs took a spread stance and acts out a stabbing motion saying “Do 'er now. We already have one new elfy.” To which the Dermorian just smirked at Rook’s words but didn’t say anything as Rook had been at the beer all night and can be an angry drunk.

The Nolthrir gave her head a toss. "Some time ago, a deal was struck. Between a man named Veral, connected through a Diaboli. I have seen neither, though I was very very interested in propagating their...guild. Their cause, as it were. Hydlaa, after all, has been too silent for some time. I had hoped to find them here." She jerked her head towards the nearby tent and chest. "As it was here where their ‘sanctuary’ was established."

Guile scowled and almost shouts "That waste feeding rat loving Diaboli.... Do you know what he and his guild owes me.... You see him, you kill him. You see him again you killing him again. Then you send him to me so I can kill him." she raises her blade "You hear me!"

The Nolthrir’s brows darted up beneath her mask. Reaching over her head, she tipped her chin very carefully, due to the presence of the blade, and counted off on her fingers. "Kill him. Got it. Do it again. Got it. Then send him to you and let you kill him. Also got it." In a tone that sounds a little too eager she inquires "But I get creative and artistic licence for my two kills, right?"

Guile looked up at a Ynnwn who had approached the trio "Great, more morons." Guile commented. The Ynnwn  rode up and dismounted smoothly. The Dermorian seemed to know the Ynnwn but decided to just stand. Say good bye. And leave. As he left the Ynnwn gave chase.

Guile laughed watching the two leave commenting “Lovers tiff?” The Nolthrir would honestly have looked concerned had her expression been vissible. She shook her head. "Oh, I wouldn't wish her clomping after a person upon my worst enemy. That's three hundred plus pounds of Ynnwn lady nobody wants. That poor man." Guile seemed visible pleased with the situation as she said "The Dermorian was getting to me. You said you wanted something to do with the Diaboli’s guild?"

The Nolthrir made a pulling motion like weaving thread through a tapestry. "It's quite dead." She said lightly. "I've observed, and frankly, am disappointed. But I'm a thief, my dear, and a rather considerable one at that. I have a proposition for you, to keep the lovely hideout that you have here. A split of winnings, as it were, for a band of likewise-pickpockets, bandits, rogues, what have you. Earnings from our pot, for your illustrious protection."

Guile scoffed and says “Bah, I don't take part in petty thefts. How boring. But I’m always happy to.... lend hand for the right price.” The Nolthrir responded inquisitively “And what sort of price were you thinking?”

Guile smiled and tilted her head to one side while saying “Something that makes the effort on my part worth it.” She then tucked a piece of hair behind her ear "And that, I suppose would depend on how good you really are."

The Nolthrir bent herself forward, and like a shower of rain, tria poured from her sleeves. Circles and circles of it, a hefty sum to be certain. Tinkering and thumping as it hits grass and the occasional stone. She straightened her bowed position and placed a gloved hand over her heart. "This was my evenings winnings. Consider it a gesture of good faith, for the use of your establishments, and a reassurance that I am quite skilled at what I do."

Guile kicked at the coin on the ground "Fair enough." She smiled looking back up at the Nolthrir. “I propose a little... test. I'll give you something of mine, and then you have the next ... 12 hours to make use of it.”

The Nolthrir’s brow slowly arched upwards beneath her mask. "Twelve hours?" She parrots. "...Very well. We shall see what I can do."

Guile pulled a simple looking mask out from her waist and tossed it at the Nolthrir while saying "Put this on and it will disguise your appearance, for as long as..... well until it doesn’t."

The Nolthrir caught the mask in her hand, deftly, and turned it over to look at it as it sits in her grasp. Intrigued, it would seem. "How entirely fascinating. I won't ask where you got this little bauble, though my curiosity rages. I shall do my best to secure something." With that, the elf turned herself slightly, and replaced the porcelain mask with the other one.

Guile ceremoniously snapped her finger just as the magic takes effect. "So what do I call you, pretty little rogue?" The Nolthrir looked down at her now completely concealed form, shocked, to say the least. She tugged at the sleeves and notes that due to the enchantment, they never fully mould to give away any of her curves. "Fantastic!" She says aloud, and then looks up, grinning beneath the new coverings. "Pretty little rogue? I think I like that best."

Guile smiled "I thought you might like it. And take this blade, and make sure you use it. I want to make flashing it about a bit of a calling card." She then laughs at the Nolthrir as she hands over the galkard "A good and sharp one. You should have fun.”

The Nolthrir wrapped her hand around the blade, turning it carefully and studying its quality. "Ah. A Nolthrir weapon. Reminds me of home, really. Mother always did like pointy things, after all." She gave it an expert slash through the air, and then moves elegantly to sheathe the thing. "I think we are going to have a glorious exchange of partnerships, dear Guile. Well. So long as the tria flows." Guile just smiled and waved the Nolthrir good bye.

[OOC I have the desire to try and build some consented trouble out of a certain camp. You can apply if you feel you have enough guts. Main characters preferred over alts. Lets see what I can stir up. Good luck to us all.]


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Re: So it begins.
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2013, 11:29:32 am »
Besides that this seems to be in the wrong forum section, it might actually be worth participating ;D How do we actually participate?


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Re: So it begins.
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2013, 08:15:35 am »
I'm not sure I got everything about the story but sounds interesting! I'm in for whatever this might evolve into.

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: So it begins.
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2013, 12:47:28 pm »
[What fun havoc was wreaked with the mask:]

(00:03:37) The nolthrir saunters through the fog towards those hiding in the mists, quietly, making her way closer and closer to Travosh as she looks to ready a blade that is held at her side. Sheathed, oddly enough, but still very present.

(00:04:18) Travosh is busy engaging in the oldest passtime, which is pestering Zalya.

(00:06:59) Zalya stands facing Travosh, one hand fiddling nervously with her skirt still. She looks across at the Klyros distrustfully. After a moment she glances over at the masked figure behind him, and takes a single step back.

(00:07:26) Travosh says: Yes yes you can run away now if you wish, I had my time.

(00:08:37) The nolthrir creeps closer, letting a single cloth slip into her hand and then abruptly pressing said hand aloft, moving to clamp the cloth down over the klyros' mouth and nose...presumably to get him to breathe in whatever it's laden with. "Hey there handsome," she whispers gruffly to him, and then peers through the mask at the watching clamod, almost challengingly.

(00:10:29) Travosh breathes in on instinct, immediatly feeling lightheaded. Lightning arcs between his wingspikes violently, but rather uncontrolled

(00:12:53) Zalya's eyes widen. She stands there watching, a look of indecision on her face. Her muscles tense up, as if she is preparing ot run. But the direction is uncertain.

(00:13:08) The nolthrir presses her grip down harder over the cloth, simultaneously moving to use the hilt of the galkard to bluntly knock at Travosh's gut. Not really a damaging blow, but one that would probably get him to breathe in even harder. The lightning crackles, but she leans away, and whatever damage was done to her by the jolt isn't visibly seen.

(00:14:51) Travosh doesn't stand much of a chance against a scientific setup like that, beginning to flutter out of consciousness. A knife clatters out of his sleeve, one he'd likely been going to use

(00:16:08) Zalya charges towrdes Travosh, she attempts to grab his arm and yank him away. She keeps as much distance from the masked figure as possible.

(00:19:29) The nolthrir tightens her grip almost possessively on the klyros, moving to turn her body away, though not hard enough to pop the klyran's arm out of socket or anything. Still harshly gripping the man solidly across his shoulders like some sort of cold-blooded rag-doll, the figure draws a galkard and disentangles one hand, moving to point the end of the blade at the clamod's throat. "Drip drip drip, the blood run down. Best get along now, fenki-dear. I fear this one is mine today, and I really don't want to make this more violent than it has to be."

(00:21:37) Travosh is the ragdoll, he has the limp power.

(00:22:55) Zalya holds on to Travosh's arm tightly. Her claws out possibly digging into Travosh's arm. She looks right accross to Eleese meeting her gaze. She gives a slow look to the blade and them back up. She drops Travosh's arms and slowly raises her hands over her head.

(00:25:40) The nolthrir turns again, holding the limp klyros still against her tightly, almost defensively so, but the tip of the galkard is still quite clearly leveled at Zalya's throat. "There's a good girl," she says, before turning abruptly about, and moving to dart back into the darkness of the alleys, still holding the klyros quite close.

(00:26:20) Travosh is dragged off toe adventure presumably


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Re: So it begins.
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2013, 12:49:21 am »
Yes it was in the wrong section, thanks to Lilura for moving it.

At the moment there is no specific story. Just my want to try and build up some known baddie force you can go to when you need 'something' or 'something done'. Anyone involved, as per Mariana's post after she was morphed into a rogue, will have the advantage of GM power to help have more interesting events. It's slow going mainly due to my non-optimal time zone. Some of my favorite events as a player were run out of camp banshee when I was turned into a rogue to help a big bad guy out.

I really hope i can get something continuous going out of the camp. Even if its just that the camp is the place to go to get things done, it would be good enough.


Kanorie Lyanuw

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Re: So it begins.
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2013, 07:42:55 am »
Yes it was in the wrong section, thanks to Lilura for moving it.

At the moment there is no specific story. Just my want to try and build up some known baddie force you can go to when you need 'something' or 'something done'. Anyone involved, as per Mariana's post after she was morphed into a rogue, will have the advantage of GM power to help have more interesting events. It's slow going mainly due to my non-optimal time zone. Some of my favorite events as a player were run out of camp banshee when I was turned into a rogue to help a big bad guy out.

I really hope i can get something continuous going out of the camp. Even if its just that the camp is the place to go to get things done, it would be good enough.

[Those who lurk in the sewers would love more power  ;D]

Kanorie: I think Hangatyr's beard is sexy.
Bead: Hangatyr epitomises sexy.


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Re: So it begins.
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2013, 12:02:05 am »
[This looks to be quite a bit of fun! We'll have to coordinate on this.]
« Last Edit: September 04, 2013, 01:21:23 am by bloodedIrishman »


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Re: So it begins.
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2013, 12:53:31 am »
[ Gah... bad Guile, bad! ]