Author Topic: Unforgettable [Event add-on to: Ierefal]  (Read 1380 times)


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Re: Unforgettable [Event add-on to: Ierefal]
« Reply #15 on: August 31, 2013, 04:28:40 pm »
Even though I wasn't able to be on for the event I somehow knew this add-on would end up in such drama. Many people just want to roleplay the things they have imagined for their characters and react pretty badly to everything that puts them out of schedule. I personally find the fact some people start saying [ooh no, why did you ruin the nice rp like that] more off-putting than the fact someone highjacked the rp. Even if someone had planned a surprise that could result to an interesting situation the moment a bunch of people start complaining about it it all goes to waste.
Why does everyone start talking about how the event was ruined and noone asks what's going to happen now that someone planted bombs in Hydlaa? Am I the only one who expects this story to conclude into something, justifying all the noise it made?
Aside my general opinion on this I wasn't on for this event so I am probably missing some details... still this is definitely not the first time something like that happens and I never get why people prefer to stop and complain for IC events than to simply keep playing.


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Re: Unforgettable [Event add-on to: Ierefal]
« Reply #16 on: August 31, 2013, 04:36:06 pm »
I would say if you don't understand why people are more concerned about the event being interrupted than the interrupting RP I'd say that's because you've never run an event like this in game. Organize an event. As in plan, advertise, chase people down to play supporting roles, coordinate with GMs, actually execute the event, and try to keep players entertained. Once you see how much like pulling teeth that is, you'll understand fully I guarantee you. ;)

It's probably less about the event and more about the effort expended.


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Re: Unforgettable [Event add-on to: Ierefal]
« Reply #17 on: August 31, 2013, 04:45:00 pm »
I would say if you don't understand why people are more concerned about the event being interrupted than the interrupting RP I'd say that's because you've never run an event like this in game. Organize an event. As in plan, advertise, chase people down to play supporting roles, coordinate with GMs, actually execute the event, and try to keep players entertained. Once you see how much like pulling teeth that is, you'll understand fully I guarantee you. ;)

It's probably less about the event and more about the effort expended.
Exactly.  And it would have been possible to RP in such a sideplot without completely throwing the original RP off the rails.   That and the apparent lack of OOC concern with organization and preparation are what concern me the most.  Last-second ideas don't work when trying to interact with heavily planned events.


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Re: Unforgettable [Event add-on to: Ierefal]
« Reply #18 on: August 31, 2013, 04:49:10 pm »
I personally find the fact some people start saying [ooh no, why did you ruin the nice rp like that] more off-putting than the fact someone highjacked the rp.
 I never get why people prefer to stop and complain for IC events than to simply keep playing.
My opinion:
Events, especially player organized events, take RL time, energy, planning, communication, - TIME. This is a volunteer and player 'community'- upending the real world time that people - real people not puppets- put into making something is down and out rude, selfish, and destroys the collaborative community.  To me, it is not so much that the rp was 'ruined', but that the selfish attitude of one event- player-terrorist ignores the real time work real people put into the event.

[RR did rp the situation as he came upon it.  As it became clear in gossip that the organizers knew nothing of this sabotage, were not consulted, in fact were ignored, and the perpetrator didn't bother to check it out with the organizers, RR withdrew. I don't freaking care if you call me a 'carebear' or some other derogatory term meant to diminish your own sense of guilt, selfishness, and irresponsibility.  Whatever.]

Am I going to bother organizing another event, knowing that some player(s) find it acceptable to disregard common courtesy? No way.
My opinion
"RR is a PieSexual" ~ Monala


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Re: Unforgettable [Event add-on to: Ierefal]
« Reply #19 on: August 31, 2013, 04:53:18 pm »
Am I going to bother organizing another event, knowing that some player(s) find it acceptable to disregard common courtesy? No way.

And that's the other problem... it also discourages people from putting in extra effort into events which are vital for attracting and holding people's attention on the game... Events bring a bump up in player count. Oh well I suppose.


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Re: Unforgettable [Event add-on to: Ierefal]
« Reply #20 on: August 31, 2013, 05:53:22 pm »
On the other is a player with an evil character who presumably has an IC reason to do such a thing and has a similar desire for success.

Should the evil character refrain from doing what he would normally do based on OOC information?

This is just it. There was no evil character planned out. There was no IC motive behind any of it, from my perspective. After the event, Kanorie said something along the lines of "So who wants there to be a criminal for us to blame" in Gossip chat.


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Re: Unforgettable [Event add-on to: Ierefal]
« Reply #21 on: August 31, 2013, 06:09:59 pm »
from my perspective

End of discussion.

(Back to pretending this doesn't exist!)
Lace dark dreadfull power inside him awakens now fully resultin his former self comin back lord of dark noble house shantae of mevango family lacertus shadowone mevango also knowed as darkblade of shadows

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: Unforgettable [Event add-on to: Ierefal]
« Reply #22 on: August 31, 2013, 07:25:21 pm »
On the other is a player with an evil character who presumably has an IC reason to do such a thing and has a similar desire for success.

Should the evil character refrain from doing what he would normally do based on OOC information?

This is just it. There was no evil character planned out. There was no IC motive behind any of it, from my perspective. After the event, Kanorie said something along the lines of "So who wants there to be a criminal for us to blame" in Gossip chat.

(17:03:16) [Channel] [1: gossip] Kanorie: Do we want a character to get caught and judged?

To be fair, this can technically come across as a person OOCly asking if there is interest. Kanorie might not have meant it as it sounded. Essentially a sort of, "should  I bother to make up the alt that presumably did this." But on the other hand, it also shows that there probably wasn't enough planning for something as wide-scale and destructive as this, and blowing up a festival, leaving no leads, no further plot to follow, and no villain to chase turns what might have been intended as a livening up party into something rather trollish.

I friggin' love intense, explosive, violent role plays. Love em. I think the dark and the ugly brings out some fascinating character aspects. I love spontaneous things that happen! I love thinking on the fly! And I'm not even a person that really prefers low key meeting role plays where lots of people sit around and chatter. That's just me. However.

Is it ever, ever worth it to essentially destroy someone's careful planning and hours of effort without even ATTEMPTING to address them first about it? Most people are willing to co-plan with others, especially with such large-scale role plays, when addressed upon the topic. The fact of the matter is, the main organizers were not addressed, at all. The explosions went off just as the festival was beginning, thus completely null and voiding every single thing that any of them had spent hours planning. Heck, even timing this a little differently, giving it more hours to circulate, a day maybe to blossom, and THEN causing the ruckus, would have been alright. And the attack probably would have even had more impact too!

As I said, there's nothing wrong with violent role play. But repeatedly demeaning people who like more low key events, and effectively brutalizing their entire large-scale planning with zero warning whatsoever, is something to be avoided. Yliakum is to be shared. And while running plots with dastardly villains and intrigue is fantastic, and disrupting certain events (with warning) can make things exceedingly colorful, sometimes people have to step back when the event is as large-scale as this, and think a little about other people. Am I saying ask every time you run around picking pockets or get into a fight? Heck no. Do you need server wide permission to run role plays around your supah evul cthulu necromancer thing from another plane? No, though you might get funny looks. However, asking to simply address a party, especially when it's a large scale planned event with GMs and players collaborating together to make something, before blowing it all sky high, is not asking a lot. That is not whiny. That is called being courteous.

« Last Edit: August 31, 2013, 07:56:31 pm by Mariana Xiechai »


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Re: Unforgettable [Event add-on to: Ierefal]
« Reply #23 on: August 31, 2013, 08:25:41 pm »
Most of the people already said things I agree with so there's no need for me to repeat them again. I will only add a point of view from inside the event organization.
We were just going to show up a couple of NPCs, (nothing earth-breaking just a little flavor to spice up the event, because afterall the true stars of the event were you the player's characters not the NPCs) while the first bomb exploded. We could have stepped in and invalidate everything, but we decided to wait and let the people play (of course we haven't been contacted beforehand and we did not know what was going on), then two more bombs exploded and we realized the situation was reaching a point of no return, we tried to bring in more NPCs guards in the zone hoping to restore a feeling of safety but it was too late. At this point it was clear the event was totally driven off.
I just feel sorry for Jilata and all the other players (and GMs) that spent a lot of time IC and OOC to prepare the event itself or prepare their characters to attend at event. I hope you'll be able to attend at the next Ierefal event (13th september).


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Re: Unforgettable [Event add-on to: Ierefal]
« Reply #24 on: August 31, 2013, 08:31:46 pm »
@Novacadian: When you have a better remark to make, I'll reply like an actual adult.

The bombing attack was very realistic. So much so that it felt disconcerning.  Unnerving even? Those would be feelings/emotions that was the intent of the event? In that regard well done.

It had been almost a month since being on PS and came on for the festival. Had the bombing plot been known to me then it is less likely that my character would have been there. Hard to say for sure.

Would the feelings/emotions experienced have been there had the plot been known to me? Less likely. Therefore my constructive critic would be as Illy had suggested; make a cover event for the real surprise.

When on PS today my character said that after turning towards the first blast the next thing she knew she was in the Death Realm.

It seems to me that it is now a piece of PS history and should make the Journal and perhaps continue the plot even if the original planner does not want to run the bad guy themselves.

All of the comments about better communication with the festival organizers is valid and hopefully a lesson learned; as such a bombing psychopath is very likely to escalate in their actions.  :-\

Kanorie Lyanuw

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Re: Unforgettable [Event add-on to: Ierefal]
« Reply #25 on: September 01, 2013, 01:35:31 am »
On the other is a player with an evil character who presumably has an IC reason to do such a thing and has a similar desire for success.

Should the evil character refrain from doing what he would normally do based on OOC information?

This is just it. There was no evil character planned out. There was no IC motive behind any of it, from my perspective. After the event, Kanorie said something along the lines of "So who wants there to be a criminal for us to blame" in Gossip chat.

@Mekora: There's an IC motive. There's an evil character planned out, and actually not only one but many, many more. You don't know half of it.

@Venorel: You're right and I thank you for having reflected on it. I'm sorry your character visited the Death Realm, and there are reasons why the original character won't run the bad guy. For the greater go- evil, sorry. We fear not what we know, but what's hidden from us.

@Mariana: You're right, I still feel bad about not warning Jilata properly beforehand and promised not to do something like that again without it being properly talked through.
EDIT: You should see a plothole here. Don't worry. It's intended as is. There's something going underneath this (more literally than you'd think), so just see the RP's line cut, but it will get tied to another series of hapennings.

@Roled: Welcome to the Internet, where everyone can ruin everyone else's dreams and hopes with just a few words. If it discourages you to stop playing, tough luck. I'm getting a lot of hate (and nobody deny this) but I plan on going on and making your character's lives a little more miserable, so you can rejoice in the fact you've improved them when you catch the "culprits".

I am growing tired of repeating myself over and over, honestly. Might as well pull a Volki and ignore this thread, I don't know.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2013, 01:38:02 am by Kanorie Lyanuw »

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Bead: Hangatyr epitomises sexy.


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Re: Unforgettable [Event add-on to: Ierefal]
« Reply #26 on: September 01, 2013, 11:49:23 am »
End of discussion.

Who are you, again?

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Re: Unforgettable [Event add-on to: Ierefal]
« Reply #27 on: September 01, 2013, 12:47:17 pm »
The only voice of reason left.
Lace dark dreadfull power inside him awakens now fully resultin his former self comin back lord of dark noble house shantae of mevango family lacertus shadowone mevango also knowed as darkblade of shadows


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Re: Unforgettable [Event add-on to: Ierefal]
« Reply #28 on: September 01, 2013, 11:59:46 pm »
I rarely weigh in on these things but decided not to keep my mouth shut this time.

I really love good RP where anything within the game scope can happen, basically as few rules as possible, except for one. The way I interpret RP to best be played, any proposed action that has the potential to significantly effect other characters or events has to leave room for a different outcome than the proposing player might be hoping for.

In this case, the fenki bomber came in, hid all their devices and left. End of story. No RP. No chance for a different outcome.
Why was no one from the event planners contacted and given the opportunity to RP/interact/change the outcome of that very significant moment, either IC or in forum?

It's no different in my view than walking your character up to another and simply telling them you've just taken a big sword and lopped their head off, so now what's anyone who just saw this going to do about it?

In either case, the sword wielder/bomber gave no chance whatsoever for the victim/Ierefal event planners to RP a different outcome to the action set in motion.

If this one basic action/reaction was allowed, the event planners may have just happened to have some character see the bomber planting the devices and have removed all if that's how things worked out through RP. That kind of give and take opportunity, for all involved is what this game is all about.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2013, 12:18:26 am by Dannae »


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Re: Unforgettable [Event add-on to: Ierefal]
« Reply #29 on: September 02, 2013, 04:10:37 am »
Dannae you succinctly stated my thoughts. I agree. I also believe this works in conjunction with Illysia and Roled's points.