Author Topic: i'll just leave this right over here  (Read 500 times)

Rirenil Masdo

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i'll just leave this right over here
« on: December 20, 2013, 04:44:34 pm »

* Rirenil Masdo walks away whilst thinking about all the fun things one could do with that nifty piece of add on software
"Jekkar really is Planeshift's very own Van Gogh - an iconoclastic rulebreaker, unheralded by his peers, who must await for history to recognise his talents at a later date." - Rinenud
"Jekkar is an old one-eared smelly elitist party-pooper jerkface."  - Neko K


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Re: i'll just leave this right over here
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2013, 05:47:00 pm »
Woaa !! This is excellent. Quite of a thumbnail of what might be the game in future ?

I immediatly imagined a PS RP with this... a Fluffy Enki doing cute face while you try to be serious  ;D
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Rirenil Masdo

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Re: i'll just leave this right over here
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2013, 10:02:40 pm »
I'll make me a kran and be all *stoneface*  :P

What if anyone could design and build their own crazy or cool characters, and share them with the world? How awesome would such a creative community be?

But my fav part is

What if folks without any knowledge about 3d rendering and animation could record at the press of a button karaoke performances, funny (or emotional) clips as their chosen characters, to joke around with  friends and post on Facebook or YouTube?

Oh the evil I could cause:  "Hello, my name is Talad, and I'm going to sing for you a little song by a favorite band of mine, Eiffel 65. ...  I'm blue, yah ba dee yah ba dah ....."

"Jekkar really is Planeshift's very own Van Gogh - an iconoclastic rulebreaker, unheralded by his peers, who must await for history to recognise his talents at a later date." - Rinenud
"Jekkar is an old one-eared smelly elitist party-pooper jerkface."  - Neko K


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Re: i'll just leave this right over here
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2013, 02:27:36 am »
Nice find Rirenil!
It sure would be nice if this was part of PS, indeed with RPing this would be great  :woot:
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Re: i'll just leave this right over here
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2013, 03:00:28 am »
No problem, just get them to sign the abc license. :p


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Re: i'll just leave this right over here
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2013, 03:13:43 am »
I can't believe I just saw that video actually works.

I would rather the DEVS start on (Masonry) using some form of voxel game engine coding in Planeshift.  Building a structure is the epicenter of roleplaying.

.......but yes, we all do like making cute little faces.....not sure how taht will work out well for Yilans though...


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Re: i'll just leave this right over here
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2013, 10:55:26 pm »
Nice find Rirenil!
It sure would be nice if this was part of PS, indeed with RPing this would be great  :woot:

As long as there are more voice-morphing options than "robot on helium" ;)
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Re: i'll just leave this right over here
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2013, 12:54:14 am »
I can guarantee you no one is going to be able to seriously roleplay with voice chat or face morphing enabled.

If you've ever played with a feature like this, you'd know these avatars just look silly. They glitch out if you turn your head or calibrate incorrectly. Even when they're working you can't help but laugh at them.

I can act well, and I've never had an issue with giggling during grim scenes. But when I roleplay, I laugh most of the time. There's no script. It's just randomness. And I bet most of the players have not acted before, so they'll just be breaking character constantly.

This would also thin the line between character and player. Both voice and face require real time interaction. This means you'd need to be quick, and you're more likely to break character when you're quick. You would start relying on your own personality and opinions rather than those of your character. Yes, it's possible to pretend to be someone and act like that person, which is a type of method acting. But it can be literally traumatizing and I doubt anyone is going to want to play a game like that.

Regarding voices, remember what happened with the tutorial voices? It was creepy. Everyone turned it off because the voice acting was terrible and it was scary weird.

Face morphing and voice morphing are better left to Skype video calls.

Also, Neko is a furry.
Lace dark dreadfull power inside him awakens now fully resultin his former self comin back lord of dark noble house shantae of mevango family lacertus shadowone mevango also knowed as darkblade of shadows


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Re: i'll just leave this right over here
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2013, 04:18:01 am »
Like they precise several time in the text around the video : " It's currently in development".
It's far to be an easy technology else they would be already at the step 2 and games would be using it more largely.
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Rirenil Masdo

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Re: i'll just leave this right over here
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2013, 02:34:26 pm »
I can guarantee you no one is going to be able to seriously roleplay with voice chat or face morphing enabled.


Also, Neko is a furry.

1)  these guys would like to beg to differ:  ad-libbing seems pretty easy for them without breaking character.  granted, they are professional comedians and they get paid to do that for a living, but I hope you see what point I'm trying to make. 

I personally never found it to be that hard to stay in character and adapt to events that unfolded around them.  I have quite a few characters that died/nearly died because I knew where it was going to end up, but to stay in character, I went along with things as they unfolded.  But to each their own.  People "RP" just as differently as you and I and everyone else are different in the real world.  I don't think it's anyone's ability to immediate nay say it into oblivion just because they themselves think it to be useless.  The very nature of this game and the ideals behind its creation state that all ideas are welcome and should be looked at on equal footing.  If it's something that could potentially enhance gameplay to a subset of the player base, then let them have at it.  It don't hurt or hinder you or myself's personal experience if we decide that feature is not for us and simply keep it disabled.  And as I shall address below, technically, it doesn't even have to be officially incorporated into the game itself.  So if people wanted to use it, they are going to regardless.

2) previous iterations on this type of technology never had the advances that have been made in voice and human face recognition technology either.  say what you want about micro$oft and it's agenda, but if you really get into the technical detail and challenges they solved you have to at least admit that they came up with some great tech when they were able to make the Kinect.  it really did take gaming to a whole new level, at least on consoles.

PC games have started to lag behind in the ways a bit, sticking with the tried and true keyboard and mouse, but many are slowing coming around to at least having console controller support.  I just see this software as the next step to that.  there's going to be a day when there isn't a distinction between console and PC.  Valve's already hard at work and trying to merge the gap with their Steam box.

3) Considering their donations page has been up for about a week now, and they have already been put on the front page of Steam, multiple gaming websites, etc. and the fact that the populace has responded and they are already half way to their goal, I think the majority a gamers simply want to have a new tool to enhance their game play experience.

4) cats, are indeed covered in fur, yes.  unless they have been shaved, or are one of the hairless types.  those are freaky looking things though, so lets not think about them.  i don't see how this really relates to the topic at hand though.  :)

No problem, just get them to sign the abc license. :p

5) About the technology itself, this program is really no different than what has become pretty darn standard on most games that are online and require the player to work with other players.  Teamspeak, Vent, Mumble, skype, facerig  Throw in any other communications program you want into the mix.  the fact is and will always be, its faster and far more efficient when needing to communicate with fellow guild members, raiding party members, etc., verbal is far better than typing.

it's just the next step in evolution of this type of software.  mumble already has features that put overlays on the screen while you are playing various games to let you know who's talking.  none of that is built into the games, it's on the chat programs side.  so people are going to make their fan made creations, load up their game of choice and go to town regardless of what the game makers themselves think or care.  now, you won't see any official packs from the facerig development team without them getting agreements from other game developers if they want to use their trademarked assets, but they clearly cover all that on their FAQ, as well as the future abilities to write in an easy way to take their pre-existing models and allow for users to create fan made re-skins.

all in all, its a nifty piece of software they are making, and if done correctly, will allow gamers of all types to further immerse themselves into the game they are playing with their friends and online buddies.  gaming is about having fun after all, I know I'd have tons of fun doing karaoke as Talad singing "Blue".

oh and that's a whole other beast in itself, isn't it?  just imagine all the fun the peoples on video sharing websites like youtube and what not could have when they machinemas or 'let's plays' of games, etc.  As my buddy boogie said in one of his recent videos:
"Jekkar really is Planeshift's very own Van Gogh - an iconoclastic rulebreaker, unheralded by his peers, who must await for history to recognise his talents at a later date." - Rinenud
"Jekkar is an old one-eared smelly elitist party-pooper jerkface."  - Neko K


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Re: i'll just leave this right over here
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2013, 03:23:02 pm »
I hope you see what point I'm trying to make.

NO lol

verbal is far better than typing.

You're fooling yourself if you think that applies to roleplay.

*Hides under trapdoor*
« Last Edit: December 22, 2013, 03:27:09 pm by Volki »
Lace dark dreadfull power inside him awakens now fully resultin his former self comin back lord of dark noble house shantae of mevango family lacertus shadowone mevango also knowed as darkblade of shadows

Rirenil Masdo

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Re: i'll just leave this right over here
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2013, 05:03:02 pm »
what is acting on theater stage, movie studio or even at a live event, but the highest form of RP?  verbal is far greater than just text.  you just have to be far better at acting out a given character when its more than just text on a screen.
"Jekkar really is Planeshift's very own Van Gogh - an iconoclastic rulebreaker, unheralded by his peers, who must await for history to recognise his talents at a later date." - Rinenud
"Jekkar is an old one-eared smelly elitist party-pooper jerkface."  - Neko K


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Re: i'll just leave this right over here
« Reply #12 on: December 23, 2013, 04:49:17 am »
I made that exact comparison, and then I explained why players should not be doing it. Do you want me to explain further?
Lace dark dreadfull power inside him awakens now fully resultin his former self comin back lord of dark noble house shantae of mevango family lacertus shadowone mevango also knowed as darkblade of shadows

Rirenil Masdo

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Re: i'll just leave this right over here
« Reply #13 on: December 23, 2013, 06:57:48 pm »
I just wanted to see you type that you have no faith in your fellow players.

I mean, it's obvious we're all just trolls here anyways.

"Jekkar really is Planeshift's very own Van Gogh - an iconoclastic rulebreaker, unheralded by his peers, who must await for history to recognise his talents at a later date." - Rinenud
"Jekkar is an old one-eared smelly elitist party-pooper jerkface."  - Neko K


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Re: i'll just leave this right over here
« Reply #14 on: December 23, 2013, 10:24:55 pm »
Yeah, I don't have faith in most players. You got it.
Lace dark dreadfull power inside him awakens now fully resultin his former self comin back lord of dark noble house shantae of mevango family lacertus shadowone mevango also knowed as darkblade of shadows