Author Topic: One thing left to do  (Read 741 times)


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One thing left to do
« on: March 02, 2014, 04:44:36 pm »
In the late hours of the day, a lone Dermorian is sitting on the edge of a cliff. With her body slumped, her long, matted, red hair falls down in front of her legs. She is breathing heavily. Her weak, spindly hands are shaking as if she'd had several brews to many; although the lack of loud singing of all-too-popular folk tunes suggests that ale is not the culprit this time.

The rags on her body cover scarred skin. Her face, while still bearing a striking resemblance to the beauty she used to possess, has long become challenging to look at without feeling a sense of terror and regret. If it wasn't for her shivering, it would be highly unlikely for a random passerby not to confuse her for a corpse.

For a long time she's been sitting there. Sitting and trying to think. Not trying to think of something in particular, and unable to focus on that certain something, but utterly empty and failing to form any kind of coherent thought at all. Too many sensations, too many formerly restricted emotions, and too little energy have been forcing her mind completely blank.

But slowly, very slowly and with a lot of focus, one thought comes creeping into her mind: "I live." This thought stands on its own for a while, with no reflection, no judgment, no emotion. Only a discovery for now. Still, this thought lingers on, and suddenly, thought processes are springing into action, like the cogs of a machine that had been decommissioned for ages.

"I live.

"It went on for so long, and then it ended so fast.

"There was no place to hide, nowhere left to run; I thought I was done for, finally, finally done for; and yet I live.

"I live, I breathe, I live. Right? I must... I don't know how, but I must... I'm free...?

"Who am I kidding, I'm not free. No longer confined, true, but I'm not free. I've never been. How can anyone truly think they're free? Did I ever think so? ...Maybe. How naïve I was. To think I'm free! To think freedom exists...

"I can't go anywhere. I can't move on. I certainly can't go back. I just want it all to end... want it to end right now... but can I...? I can't. Not without making sure. I'm in debt, a debt I never got a chance to pay back, and thought I never would. But now I can. And now I have to.

"But where to start? Where did she go? Did she ever even make it out of... of...

"Hold on. I have to be careful. She can't know I exist, can't know I'm looking for her. But.... she's too young to know anyway, isn't she? It seems like it's been an eternity, but the signs of the cycles came to pass only so many times.

"But I can't... I can't meet them. I have caused them enough suffering, they need not know of my situation. I'm not worthy their concern, or even their hatred. They must keep believing I'm gone forever. They must never know what happened.

"So that leaves me with only one place to go. If my feet will carry me that far. ...well, they must, must they not? After I found her, and when I know that she will be fine, then I can finally go to rest. Finally, finally cut my pitiable life."

Somehow, her body manages to slump even further. The emptiness in her head has not been filled, no damage has been remedied; but now, besides the vacuum and the despair, a new idea has settled in her brain. A thought to live on for, a thought for which to return to the place she was forced to leave such a long time ago. No hope, no resurrection, no cure to the darkness that controls her; but a tiny bit of humanity, a hint of a positive emotion.

She knows that she needs to find the one she sent to Death Realm way before her time. She has to find her daughter.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2014, 04:47:44 pm by derula »

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: One thing left to do
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2014, 05:42:57 pm »
 Very nice description! Hope this becomes part of an RP, if not, enjoyed the read!  :thumbup:


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Re: One thing left to do
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2014, 07:08:54 pm »
Ooooooooooh, thar's some real nas descriptions an' vivid emotions an' mystery heer.


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Re: One thing left to do
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2014, 01:09:08 pm »
Very nice writing... I get the impression much thought was put into this.

To this day Dannae still holds Jamona's, at times dark, book, "7th Level Melodies." Never knew Jamona had a daughter!


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Re: One thing left to do
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2014, 02:15:57 pm »
Very nice description! Hope this becomes part of an RP, if not, enjoyed the read!  :thumbup:

Thanks! ...not sure yet if it'll become an RP... I'm still a bit reserved yet regarding PS... but I miss Jamona :'( so maybe :)

Ooooooooooh, thar's some real nas descriptions an' vivid emotions an' mystery heer.

(Ü) thanks.

Very nice writing... I get the impression much thought was put into this.

...well, it was a quick idea really, but I suppose it's based on stuff that's been haunting Jamona's my mind for years.

To this day Dannae still holds Jamona's, at times dark, book, "7th Level Melodies."

Well, I knew it would be perfectly safe with Dannae. Otherwise I would have taken it back before disappearing :P

Never knew Jamona had a daughter!

Nobody knows about her ICly save for Jamona, Aurelyn and Aburan, the latter of which is an alt of mine. ...I guess Lhaa and Aiwendil had been informed of Jamona's pregnancy, but apart from that, no one knew OOCly, either, until just now. :)


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Re: One thing left to do
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2014, 02:24:19 pm »
The first time... yes, the first time she thought she was going to die. Foolishly she screamed and struggled, for she possessed not the experience to know that she had to reserve her energy to concentrate and resist the heat. Not surprisingly, she fell unconscious very quickly and had to be removed from the pit by the overseers.

Slowly, she lets her right foot sink in. Is it hot enough? she hesitates for a second, like she always does before the pain really kicks in.

Much worse was the first time she remained conscious. Already knowing that she'd survive, she experienced all those sensations that she'd never felt before. Her skin seemed to peel off, her eyes to burn in their sockets, and her whole body to melt away. But she knew she would survive, and this conviction made every pain so much harder to bear.

She slides the rest of her body into the viscous fluid. Now, of course, she knows that the pain is half of the point. She has to suffer for her sins.

But back then, she didn't understand it. What had she done wrong? Had it been such a crime to love who she loved? It was not like it had been her choice, it's just what the course of time had in store for her. How naïve she was! Looking back, it is hard to comprehend how she could be so egocentric. Never a thought for the good of others.

Now she has the chance to redeem herself. She can't undo her misdeeds, but at least have one truly selfless feat, just so she can rest at ease.

At first, she despised the changes the baths did to her body. She was angry and hostile, and rejected any of the order's help. Why was she so resistant? Was she so strongly influenced by the sweet nectar of love that veiled her eyes? She can't even tell now. How long has it been? Has she suffered, has she paid enough?

Just a little longer. She can feel the black liquid around her cool down, and she's almost used to the pain by now. Just a little longer...


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Re: One thing left to do
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2014, 03:01:18 pm »
Jamona is lying face-down on the ground somewhere off the road to Hydlaa. Her skin is covered in a gray haze, which is hiding her true, pale skin color except for in a few spots, where the taint seems to have come off. From afar, she might easily be confused for a corpse; however, upon closer inspection, her whole body is clearly shivering.

Rhateru wanders nervously by the road, often glancing around. "Ah sure hope Hydlaa's close by," he says to himself as he approaches the Dermorian. Jamona doesn't seem to particularly care about the visitor, and decides to wait for them to leave while pretending to be dead. Rhateru looks skyward while moving closer to the pitiful unnoticed form, as if seeking help from the gods to find his way. "Waaaah!" he yells in surprise as he nearly steps on Jamona, and instead trips over her.

"Oh... s-sorry," Jamona mumbles at the ground. After almost falling onto the ground, Rhateru regains his balance and rises to a shaky stand. He turns around and stares wide-eyed at Jamona with his mouth open. Jamona doesn't move or perform any other sort of action, hoping that the creature would be either satisfied with the apology or too scared to approach a talking corpse.

Rhateru soon recovers enough from his speechlessness to say waveringly, "Yeeou don' look so good, missus." Jamona takes a while to realize she is being addressed, then another while to figure out what was said at her. Taking on a concerned expression, Rhateru crouches at Jamona's side and waits patiently for her response. Not quite understanding why a stranger would make such an accusation, she tries to argue, "oh? But I just took a bath..." Realizing that the bath was in hot tar, her voice trails off at the end, and instead she seems to come to a realization and says: "Uh, no, I'm good, no need for alarm."

Craning his neck, he squints in an attempt to see her face. "Ah don' think it was a real good bath, missus. ...Sorry Ah tripped on yeeou. Ah didn' even see ya thar!" Wondering if she's even awake, Jamona tries to open her eyes despite them already being open. Failing to exit the dream this way, she decides to deal with it some longer. Unable to lift her head, she turns it towards Rhateru, grinding her face against the ground. She stares at the ground in front of Rhateru for a while, trying to think of a response.

Rhateru studies Jamona's face. Deciding that she appears to need help, he gives her little chance to respond and instead moves onto more necessary matters in a kind, saddened tone: "Do yeeou need food an' water, missus?" Jamona attempts a smile, almost laughs and says: "Oh... no, you needn't worry about it. Frankly, I am already dead. The dead don't need food." She attempts to straighten her body to look less like she had fallen from exhaust and more like she was peacefully slumbering, but finds that she is too weak to move her body enough to do that, and gives up.

"Theeis ain' the Death Realm," Rhateru responds, "We're righ' near Hydlaa, or Ah sure hope so." He stands up and, scratching his head as he thinks about what to do, reveals a visage suggesting that he's beginning to take the current situation more seriously than his usual demeanor would indicate.

Jamona hesitates. She'd already given up. She'd thought she'd never make it. Surely she is not in a fit state to achieve her goal. And clearly, she can't take anyone's help either. Slowly, she begins speaking: "...what I mean is, I'm hopeless. I have no tria, no life, nothing worth fighting for. If you truly aim to help, get me one of those potions that will allow me to pass into true death." As she speaks this, her voice sounds frightened and sad.

Rhateru's eyes grow wide again. He becomes uncertain. Swiftly, seeming to be struggling to think clearly while paying little attention to his current actions, he rips a clump of grass from the ground with some effort. Taking hold of the back of her head with one hand, he attempts to push the grass into her mouth with the other. "A-Ah'll git yeeou somethin' ta eat, missus, an' then we kin figger out tria an' fightin' an' hope."

Jamona closes her eyes and starts chewing on the grass, greedily absorbing the little liquid it contains. She keeps on chewing, and after swallowing the bitter greens, she says: "Fool. Seeking to aid the hopeless will only waste away your own sanity. If there's any reason in your actions, you will flee, and leave me to rot." - "Ah'd rather be a fool," Rhateru replies in a moment of determination amidst his worry and fear.

Bent over in a patch of grass, he hurriedly parts the blades with dirty fingers. He manages to find an insect, which he grasps in a fist along with a few more greens, and then tries again to force-feed to Jamona in the same manner. Obviously hungry, Jamona does not resist and takes the strange meal. Some of the insect's internals squirt out of her mouth as her teeth penetrate its shell, and crunching sounds follow. In a failing effort to make out the stranger's features, she manages to lift her head a bit, before it falls back down to the ground. After swallowing, she says "You have no idea what you're getting yourself into."

The Dermorian finds some relief in Jamona's compliance, and ignores her words. From his pants pocket, he pulls out what appears to be a butter knife, engraved with "Rhat," along with a few tria and a shiny blue stone. They fall to the ground beside the two. "Use theeis if anyone tries ta hurt ya. Ah'm gonna go git help." A moment after tearing up some more grass and leaving it beside Jamona's face, he runs away along the road in what luckily happens to be the way toward Hydlaa.

[Okay.... so I guess now it's not a single author story anymore... huh, this is awkward...!
...thanks to Rhat :>]