Author Topic: Message to Dakkru: You in danger.  (Read 920 times)


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Message to Dakkru: You in danger.
« on: March 23, 2014, 02:26:32 am »
[One night in Yliakum.  A plot is conceived.  An idea to return to a previous era, when the Death Realm may have been ruled by a "benevolent presence" which predates Dakkru and her curse.  There are some snips because this thing was so long, but no modifications - warts and all.  Can you believe that any dastardly plot ever got off the ground, ever in all of history?  How did they not all sink beneath the plagues that are on full display in what follows (distractions, infighting, jostling for positions, FIGURING OUT WHAT THE PLOT IS, and how one tiny smart idea of Asmo's, just a point he was thinking of, curious about, suddenly turned into a plot to overthrow one of the gods of Yliakum.  Is this really how stuff happens??  If so I am very nervous :) Cheers all, if anyone wants to be snipped out of this just let me know, I will do it. So much fun :)]

(20:58:22) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Asmo...
(20:58:31) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Yes?
(20:58:35) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: I just realized you are the Ynnwn dancing on top of the bookshelves
(20:58:40) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: do you need the carks?
(20:58:40) [Channel] [1: gossip] Pergerine: just call me joey
(20:58:46) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Nope
(20:58:52) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: very well.
(20:58:53) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Just in Death Realm a little longer
(20:59:05) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: ok.
(20:59:05) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: I'm looking through the books
(20:59:08) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol
(20:59:10) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: novel idea
(20:59:19) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: I've read most of them actually
(20:59:33) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: do you recommend it?
(20:59:37) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: sounds drastic.
(20:59:57) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Quite interesting, especially when you consider that some of them make it seem like Dakkru isn't the original ruler of Death Realm.
(21:00:16) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: weird...
(21:00:16) [Channel] [1: gossip] Pergerine: bye now
(21:00:21) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: who do they say it was?
(21:00:25) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: ciao Falcon
(21:00:28) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: They don't
(21:00:32) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: weird.
(21:00:40) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: just like, some dark fellow passed the baton?
(21:00:45) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: I should read these books.
(21:00:54) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Merely mentioning a presence that was felt, that in my opinion doesn't match up with dakkru in any way
(21:01:05) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: It's been a LONG time since I've read that stuff
(21:01:16) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: we should have a reading party.
(21:01:19) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: But I thought it was implied there was no death realm until Dakkru showed up?
(21:01:21) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: because that sounds interesting.
(21:01:26) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: One that didn't care about wether one revered any of the deities
(21:01:34) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: oh wow
(21:01:36) [Channel] [1: gossip] Roled: hi everyone
(21:01:45) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: and Dakkru definintely wanted worshippers?
(21:01:53) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: that's why it doesn't mesh?
(21:02:13) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: She wanted people to worship, though not neccessarily in the means that most do.
(21:02:24) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: she, ok.
(21:02:41) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: She insists that they at least stand to worship her :D
(21:02:47) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol
(21:02:50) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: typical woman
(21:02:53) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: sorry Kyy
(21:02:59) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: anyway
(21:03:09) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: I want to know more about this proto Dak.
(21:03:35) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: But yeah, it wasn't until Dakkru showed up that there was any cost to passing through Death Realm.
(21:03:47) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: ah...
(21:03:54) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: we need to overthrow Dakkru then.
(21:03:59) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Heh
(21:03:59) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: And summon that other thing.
(21:04:20) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Though she claims the cost is to upkeep the Dark Crystal.
(21:04:35) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: just to buff it?
(21:04:38) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: I'll do that.
(21:04:44) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: and where is it?
(21:04:53) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Another anomaly, as I think the Dark Crystal is kinda the equivalent of our black holes.
(21:04:54) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: so I can practice buffing it?
(21:04:59) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: huh.
(21:05:04) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: so we cannot find it.
(21:05:11) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: no we can find it
(21:05:12) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: or, if we do, it finds us.
(21:05:15) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: I'll tell you what
(21:05:19) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: explain please.
(21:05:22) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol Qile do tell
(21:05:24) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: It's in the other room
(21:05:25) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: You guys can go ahead and fight Dakkru
(21:05:33) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: right, right
(21:05:35) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: I'll be over here, playing with this yarn ball
(21:05:37) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta is ready
(21:05:39) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol
(21:05:54) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: I just find it all fascinating
(21:05:54) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: why, do you think Dakkru could win?
(21:06:00) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: (me too Asmo)
(21:06:10) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: Goddess of the Death Realm? I dunno.
(21:06:16) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: Sounds pretty wimpy.
(21:06:17) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Considering her presence broke the arm of the person that didn't stand up fast enough...
(21:06:18) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: (the crystal is the thing next to that cute red headed fellow, O?)
(21:06:27) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: yeah
(21:06:37) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: though maybe not cute...
(21:06:40) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: strange it's so small.
(21:06:44) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: no, he's cute.
(21:06:45) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: and it's not the only one from what I read
(21:06:56) [Channel] [1: gossip] Yenida: it's only a shard, no?
(21:07:02) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: indeed
(21:07:06) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: heya Yenida.
(21:07:11) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: then there are other death realms?
(21:07:20) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: or just other dark crystals...
(21:07:35) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: weird, maybe that thing that is pre-Dakkru is with the other shards...
(21:07:36) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Many, as well as other realms connected to death realm through similar crystals
(21:07:56) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: Hrm...anyone have any ornate galkards?
(21:08:02) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: now I want to jump in the crystal....
(21:08:09) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: and pop out in another land.
(21:08:12) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: The Azure sun is supposed to be what connects Yliakum to death realm
(21:08:12) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: me no Qile.
(21:08:24) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: or suspected to be

[Some chat about the lava pit taken out…]

(21:14:56) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: ...When did they impliment this?
(21:15:03) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: A while back
(21:15:06) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: good question - was it three months ago?
(21:15:07) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: not too long ago.
(21:15:14) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: it was new when I returned a month or two ago.
(21:15:16) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Shortly after last update I think
(21:15:26) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: OH, that explains why I never knew about it
(21:15:44) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: They had a big event with it
(21:15:52) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: oh dang it
(21:15:53) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: did they?
(21:15:56) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: what did they do?
(21:15:57) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Huge deal for Alchemists
(21:16:01) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: a lot of them give you tons of rubies
(21:16:09) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor has so many rubies
(21:16:14) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol
(21:16:23) [Channel] [1: gossip] Kaerli: Time for a Gemming eh, Fyodor?
(21:16:30) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: It was the revelation of the new alchemy book
(21:16:32) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: I can't eat them fast enough!
(21:16:56) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Though it hasn't been reproduced yet as far as I know.
(21:17:14) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: I got a glimpse at some of the recipes before they took it.
(21:17:42) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Panaceas, stones, all kinds of goodies


(21:42:52) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: Was it just me that lost server connectivity or did Nicolette's witchcraft bring us all down?
(21:43:02) [Channel] [1: gossip] Kaerli: was just you it seems
(21:43:28) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol
(21:43:31) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: not me
(21:43:31) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: It certainly wasn't nicoletta
(21:43:39) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol Asmo how do you know?
(21:43:44) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: you are right, but how do you know?
(21:43:50) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: You're still in death realm yes?
(21:44:09) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: no, just left.
(21:44:15) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: running around on my horse, cursed
(21:44:25) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: just circling the fountain in the plaza.
(21:44:29) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Bleh, you sneaky sneaky nolthrir!
(21:44:32) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: like a Hydlaa idiot
(21:44:35) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol, and that too
(21:44:45) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: I was trying to keep tabs on you, how did you slip past me!
(21:45:03) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Damnit, I knew I shouldn't have been reading that book.
(21:45:05) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: just ran out the door? hopped off the ledge?
(21:45:16) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: I should have stayed and read a bit.
(21:45:20) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: actually.
(21:45:39) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: But I was enjoying the thought of how much Dakkru's cloak would be worth...
(21:45:49) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: ah....
(21:45:52) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: you mean...w
(21:45:58) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: when we bring her down?
(21:46:02) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: the revolution and everything?
(21:46:27) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Only one problem though
(21:46:31) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo sighs
(21:46:40) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: I can't touch the damned thing without gloves
(21:46:41) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta puts her axe down.
(21:46:46) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: why not?
(21:46:49) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: did you lose a hand too?
(21:46:56) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: It's all precious metals and gems
(21:47:06) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: and so?
(21:47:13) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: are you allergic?
(21:47:13) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Ynnwn have a certain... allergy
(21:47:17) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: ah...
(21:47:24) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: but blue elves don't I think
(21:47:29) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: that's why you need me.
(21:47:33) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: to do the overthrowing.
(21:47:40) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: and that's why I need to train up.
(21:48:07) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: what on earth are you planning
(21:48:32) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: if you need someone that can "take care of" precious metals and gems, I'm your kran
(21:48:37) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: >_>
(21:48:48) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: well, Asmo was saying we should get rid of Dakkru and put that old
(21:48:49) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor coughs
(21:48:50) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: that old
(21:49:03) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: that old sort of cloudy amorphous thing back on the throne.
(21:49:05) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Well, currently planning the greatest theft in all history
(21:49:10) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol
(21:49:12) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: really?
(21:49:17) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: are we stealing the crystal?
(21:49:17) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: At least that's what I was doing
(21:49:23) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: no no no
(21:49:24) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: how will that get the blob back though?
(21:49:30) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta listens.
(21:49:30) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Too radioactive
(21:49:34) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: ok.
(21:49:40) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Dakkru's cloak
(21:49:43) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: can I eat it
(21:49:56) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: The crystal?
(21:49:57) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol Dostoyevsky!!
(21:49:59) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: yes you can.
(21:50:00) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: or the cloak?
(21:50:04) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: ahaha
(21:50:05) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: he can eat it, right Asmo?
(21:50:10) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: The Lawar got me. D:
(21:50:15) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: dostoyevsky XD
(21:50:19) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: oh no!
(21:50:21) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Depends on how magical the cloak is...
(21:50:22) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Dostoyevsky, I am named after "The Idiot"
(21:50:34) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: check my last name, it's the protagonist of the Idiot
(21:50:35) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: :)
(21:50:40) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: so I heartily approve.
(21:50:48) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: oh no Qile...
(21:50:54) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: say hi to Asmo for me :(
(21:50:57) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: I was reading Notes from Underground when I made this character :)
(21:51:02) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol
(21:51:04) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: love it.
(21:51:06) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: really do.
(21:51:13) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: better than Freckles any day.
(21:51:17) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: I picked up The Idiot this weekend, I haven't read it yet
(21:51:56) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor highfives for Dostoyevsky-inspired names
(21:52:08) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: :) :) :)
(21:52:20) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Now to really pull this task off Nicoletta, we'll need to manage a way to obtain Londris' help.
(21:52:29) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Londri...
(21:52:33) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: the mean librarian?
(21:52:37) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Yes
(21:52:40) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: ok.
(21:52:45) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: He's been here since before Dakkru
(21:52:50) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: oh oh.
(21:52:54) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: do the books say that?
(21:52:57) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: tell him you work for the laundromat and you're doing a pickup
(21:53:00) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: He wrote the books
(21:53:04) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Well, most of them
(21:53:04) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol
(21:53:15) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: but does that mean he predates Dak....
(21:53:20) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: yeah, it's reasonable
(21:53:26) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: does it mean he predates Dakkru?
(21:53:38) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: He predates dakkru's existence in Death Realm at least
(21:53:44) Cwyndeth says: [brb]
(21:53:53) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: She came through the Dark Crystal.
(21:54:12) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: and popped out right there, in the room across from the library?
(21:54:19) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: if so he does predate her.
(21:54:19) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: yep
(21:54:22) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: weird.
(21:54:27) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: ok.
(21:54:39) [Channel] [1: gossip] Anysu waves at everyone in gossip and runs out
(21:54:49) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: I want to know what's in that book he has, the one that he won't let anyone look at
(21:54:56) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: so we have to get rid of him, or get him on our side?
(21:55:01) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: ok, get him on our side then.
(21:55:04) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: distract him.
(21:55:17) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: That can be your job :D
(21:55:34) Nicoletta looks over the plaza and shouts: KAAAAAIIIIIMAAAAAN!
(21:55:39) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol
(21:55:46) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: I hope he doesn't prefer fenkis.
(21:55:49) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: I will do my best.
(21:55:56) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: >_>
(21:56:13) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor volunteers kra's assistance
(21:56:19) Nicoletta glances to her left at the fenki and smiles, turning quickly back to her plaza vigil.
(21:56:21) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: I do a really great impression of a rock
(21:56:27) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: also I can be a really good statue
(21:56:31) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol Qile
(21:56:45) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: we may need you
(21:56:54) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Maybe you can get rid of Dakkru by eating the dark crystal?
(21:56:57) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: I AM an Azure Way mage.
(21:57:00) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: I can try
(21:57:03) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol well I think
(21:57:09) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: we were talking about seducing him?
(21:57:18) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: oh ew
(21:57:20) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: I can't help with that
(21:57:20) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: but I prefer if Fyo eats the crystal
(21:57:23) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: no, not you Fyo
(21:57:33) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: hehehe
(21:57:43) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo shrugs "Doesn't matter how it's done to me"
(21:58:02) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: but....if the kran eats the crystal..
(21:58:10) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: I don't know. what is our purpose here?
(21:58:13) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: I will have to train a lot more CW before I can stomach eating the dark crystal, I think
(21:58:16) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: to get the blob back, right?
(21:58:22) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: and Dakkru gone?
(21:58:23) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: to steal the cloak?
(21:58:26) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol
(21:58:31) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: to melt the ring?
(21:58:34) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: He will have gotten revenge for his statued fellow kra?
(21:58:39) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: ultimately, to get rid of dakkru's curse
(21:58:44) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: right.
(21:58:46) Qile heaves a quiet breath and settles to sit on the edge of the stairs, looking quite exhausted.
(21:58:47) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: and to eat a lot of good things
(21:58:52) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: so we need to get rid of Dakkru
(21:58:54) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: those are my goals
(21:58:59) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: and the previous fellow seemed cool
(21:59:05) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: although I have to read the books myself
(21:59:15) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: so let's let him sort it out once we've gotten rid of her
(21:59:17) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: the blob? I don't know anything about
(21:59:20) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: Again: ball of yarn. Y'all have fun with rebelling against the gods.
(21:59:26) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: anyway, I don't think anyone should eat the portal.
(21:59:30) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol
(21:59:41) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Qile, we're going to need you.
(21:59:48) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Every decent plot needs a fenki.
(21:59:53) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: not all the gods!
(21:59:53) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: and a ball of yarn, so you can bring that.
(22:00:06) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor is a Priest(ess?) of Talad
(22:00:09) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Fyodor, don't eat the portal.
(22:00:17) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: I'm trying to remember if the kra is still standing there, or if he moves again
(22:00:17) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: I won't eat the portal
(22:00:22) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile rolls about the floor, pouncing on loose strings and batting the ball fervently.
(22:00:26) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol
(22:00:27) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: which kran?
(22:00:33) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: she's not going to be helpful...
(22:00:41) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: Prr prr.
(22:00:48) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: The one that the dark wanderer was assigned to keep quiet
(22:01:06) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: did he put that poor kran in the pond?
(22:01:13) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Yes
(22:01:30) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: With Dakkru's orders
(22:01:33) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: I guess that fellow is still there, he didn't use to move...
(22:01:34) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: wow.
(22:01:45) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: :O
(22:01:51) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: overthrowing Dakkru is going to take care of lots of things.
(22:01:56) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: it's all in the book!
(22:02:00) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: books*
(22:02:06) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Of course the kran will probably rise up and enslave us all...
(22:02:06) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: books in DR?
(22:02:08) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: as kran do..
(22:02:12) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: yes, Asmo knows.
(22:02:14) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: He reads.
(22:02:14) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor coughs
(22:02:20) Qile glances back to the hopping menki behind her.
(22:02:25) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta coughs too, with wide eyes.
(22:02:33) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: I never enslaved anyone
(22:02:44) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: I'm not too fond of enkis, but if you aren't an enki...
(22:02:48) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: I did!
(22:02:49) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Except that poor fenki the one time right?
(22:02:53) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: I mean wut.
(22:02:54) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol
(22:02:57) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol lol
(22:03:05) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: lolll
(22:03:13) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta shaves a missed tuft off her shoulder.
(22:03:42) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo start's looking behind Nicoletta for a tail
(22:03:51) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: As far as I know, PlaneShift has seen two slaves in its time...
(22:03:56) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta secures her "belt" around her waist even more tightly.
(22:04:18) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo shrugs "They have laws against it
(22:04:43) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: didn't the enkis try to enslave all dwarves?
(22:04:52) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: good we have laws against it too.
(22:04:52) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: the enkis attacked gug
(22:04:54) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: villians.
(22:05:13) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: lol I frickin' love Enkis.
(22:05:50) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: I love kran
(22:05:53) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: other races are okay
(22:05:58) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: except enkis
(22:06:06) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Potare - do not start.
(22:06:08) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor looks around suspiciously
(22:06:08) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: I am serious.
(22:06:22) [Channel] [1: gossip] Sarras: nicoletta is still here? cheesus crust...
(22:06:29) [Channel] [1: gossip] Potare: jumping up and down?
(22:06:41) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Griefing me, jumping up and down on my head.
(22:06:45) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Don't start.
(22:06:48) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: lol Hey, I like Nicoletta. She's keeping this usually silent chat moving.
(22:06:50) [Channel] [1: gossip] Sarras: that's not griefing
(22:06:53) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: I have Qile here :)
(22:06:57) [Channel] [1: gossip] Sarras: it's griefing when you harass another player
(22:07:03) [Channel] [1: gossip] Sarras: you are a griefer, nicoletta
(22:07:11) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: cheers Qile :)
(22:07:25) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: anyway, I hate it when I'm alone and Potare jumps on my head over and over.
(22:07:32) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: you're a griefer, Sarras
(22:07:33) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Taz makes him stop, cause he's a doll.
(22:07:53) [Channel] [1: gossip] Sarras: me? LOL
(22:08:00) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Yeah, she really is.
(22:08:00) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: :p
(22:08:11) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: but I've got no beef with that creature anymore.
(22:08:13) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: anyway.
(22:08:16) [Channel] [1: gossip] Potare: yoiu both are
(22:08:19) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: back to the plans please.
(22:08:36) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: What? Rebelling against Dakkru?
(22:08:39) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: ok so you just gotta seduce the old man, and point me to the correct rocks to eat
(22:08:44) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol
(22:08:48) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: yes Qile.
(22:08:52) [Channel] [1: gossip] Celroc: Hi all
(22:08:53) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: But we are not eating the portal.
(22:09:01) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Fyodor, no eating the portal.
(22:09:05) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: cheers Celroc.
(22:09:07) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: and then Qile will string up some yarn as tripwires
(22:09:12) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: we're overthrowing Dakkru.
(22:09:14) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile swats at some folds in the bedsheets.
(22:09:17) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol
(22:09:21) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: yeah.
(22:09:24) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: and Asmo will snag the cloak
(22:09:28) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: Oooh! I know!
(22:09:31) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol
(22:09:32) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: No!
(22:09:37) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: I won't snag the cloak...
(22:09:38) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: no?
(22:09:41) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile pushes Dakkru's favorite coffee mug off a desk.
(22:09:41) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Unfortunately
(22:09:45) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: oh you can't touch it
(22:09:48) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: ok um
(22:09:50) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol Qile
(22:09:53) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: lolll
(22:10:21) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: but the rest of us already have jobs to do
(22:10:32) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: maybe you can seduce the old man while Nicoletta gets the cloak?
(22:10:53) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: Why do we have to sacrifice MY body? D:
(22:10:56) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Hmmm... Fyo, why don't you snag the cloak, I'll try and keep Dakkru distracted with trying to blast me to a pile of ash
(22:11:22) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: okay
(22:11:26) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: but what do I get to eat
(22:11:51) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo sighs "You can eat SOME of the gems from the cloak I guess."
(22:11:51) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: I have some gold.
(22:11:55) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: Do you eat gold?
(22:12:01) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: yes!
(22:12:03) [Channel] [1: gossip] Celroc: Gold = dessert?
(22:12:27) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: Kay. That jerk Lawar's chest had some gold in it. You can haz that. :D
(22:12:29) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol
(22:12:37) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: I cannot see...
(22:12:41) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: how this is going to work...
(22:12:55) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: but ok, we are not eating the portal, the dark crystal, none of us will.
(22:13:06) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: someone is going to do something to Dakkru.
(22:13:08) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: Okay, wait
(22:13:10) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol
(22:13:13) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: I think I see what the plan is here.
(22:13:14) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta listens.
(22:13:45) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: Qile seduces the old man while Asmo and Nicoletta steal some books from a forbidden library
(22:13:46) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: I'm hoping the cloak is a powerful magical item
(22:13:47) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: Then
(22:13:57) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: I'll grab the cloak
(22:13:58) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: ?
(22:14:01) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta is cracking up but listening.
(22:14:05) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: let her finish the plan!
(22:14:18) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: Qile smashes a mug and Asmo throws some pies while Fyodor and Nicoletta jump on Dakkru's back and nom her head
(22:14:24) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: Or something. Right?
(22:14:26) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol
(22:14:30) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Asmo?
(22:14:33) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: Or maybe we were gonna beat her with the books?
(22:14:35) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: nom Dakk's head?
(22:14:40) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Close enough
(22:14:42) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: and how is that
(22:14:43) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol
(22:14:52) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: oh man
(22:15:03) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: we have to make it so that the death realm is no longer hers.
(22:15:06) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: I'm in!
(22:15:09) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: We need Celrau to help with noming Dakkru's head
(22:15:10) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: how is thtat going to happe
(22:15:10) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: we're screwed
(22:15:13) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol Echion
(22:15:18) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: It's easy
(22:15:18) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: based on that plan, you are in??
(22:15:21) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: love it
(22:15:25) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: I knew I could count on you, Ecthion. You've always got my back
(22:15:25) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: all we do is mount a huge army in the DR
(22:15:29) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: think about it
(22:15:35) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: what happens in battle?
(22:15:39) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: Peeps die
(22:15:40) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: what?
(22:15:42) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: yeah
(22:15:45) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: and what happens here when peeps die?
(22:15:46) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: and?
(22:15:50) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: but if you die in DR...
(22:15:52) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: you stay in DR
(22:15:52) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: they go to the DR
(22:15:53) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Celroc? Think your brother will go for that plan?
(22:15:56) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: ah
(22:16:02) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: Ecthion has a good point.
(22:16:03) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: so it's like...the infinite army
(22:16:04) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: so they're readily available again
(22:16:05) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: so we'd have an undefeatable army?
(22:16:06) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: he does right
(22:16:08) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: precisely
(22:16:12) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: but Dakkru
(22:16:14) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: oh man!
(22:16:14) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: wait guys
(22:16:15) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: we could keep up a fight indefinitely
(22:16:16) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: you're clever
(22:16:23) [Channel] [1: gossip] Celroc: Haha, sure! He wouldn't object
(22:16:24) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Dakkru is not going to be overthrown by an army, right?
(22:16:29) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: she's indivisible
(22:16:31) [Channel] [1: gossip] Kaerli: people used to duel in the DR b4 non-lethal dueling went in
(22:16:32) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: invisible I mean
(22:16:34) [Channel] [1: gossip] Potare: probably
(22:16:38) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: oh
(22:16:38) [Channel] [1: gossip] Anysu: C-Roc!!
(22:16:41) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: huh
(22:16:52) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: she'll get tired of the war and surrender
(22:16:55) [Channel] [1: gossip] Celroc: Annnyyyyysssuuuuuuu
(22:16:56) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: what's that color run thing
(22:17:01) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Kaerli, do you have any ideas about how to overthrow Dakkru?
(22:17:03) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: I got it!
(22:17:07) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol
(22:17:16) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: or I think there's an indian holy festival
(22:17:18) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: We need to hope that one of those books have the recipe for a poison that Londirs mentioned
(22:17:21) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: where they throw colored chalk
(22:17:32) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Londris mentions a poison...
(22:17:33) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Londris*
(22:17:33) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: ok...
(22:17:37) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: right...
(22:17:40) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: In one of his other books
(22:17:41) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: but will it kill her?
(22:17:41) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor proposes that everyone throws colored chalk at everything until we hit dakkru
(22:17:50) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: Maybe what we need to do is like...figure out how to raise someone else to godhood, and have that person do battle with Dakkru.
(22:17:56) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: no Fyo, the man is well read, we've got to listen to him
(22:17:59) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: I nominate me for godhood, btw.
(22:18:01) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: find the blob?
(22:18:01) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: He mentions a poison strong enough to kill you as soon as you enter death realm, it stays with you the whole time
(22:18:06) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: FIND THE BLOB.
(22:18:09) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: So you just keep dieing over and over
(22:18:12) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta hushes and listens.
(22:18:15) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: wow
(22:18:21) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: and so?
(22:18:21) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: infinite death loop?
(22:18:26) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: but no true death?
(22:18:28) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Yep!
(22:18:30) [Channel] [1: gossip] Kaerli: sounds like the bootloops but worse
(22:18:30) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: we feed it to Dakkru?
(22:18:40) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol you guys I don't get it...
(22:19:02) Nicoletta smiles at Fyodor and drops back into a meditative state.
(22:19:23) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: I still think the infinite army and war of attrition is the best plan
(22:19:44) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: WAIT
(22:19:45) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: well we can do both. the poison inducing the infinite death loop and the infinnite army
(22:19:46) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: but
(22:19:49) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: what if we do the infinite army
(22:19:53) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: as a distraction
(22:19:55) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: I'm not sure that either of those will get rid of her?
(22:19:58) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol FYo
(22:20:00) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: love it
(22:20:06) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: sounds perfect
(22:20:07) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: she'll just think we are idiots
(22:20:12) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: while a small group goes to find the blob
(22:20:12) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: (wrongly!!)
(22:20:15) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: a diversion against the real attack
(22:20:15) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Don't need to get rid of her if she's too busy dieing to do anything!
(22:20:16) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: yes
(22:20:23) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: and another small group feeds her poison
(22:20:29) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: yeah!
(22:20:30) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: right, so we have to...
(22:20:34) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: make me commander of the infinite army, and I'll put on the best diversion you've ever seen!
(22:20:36) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: ok, so Qile seduces Londris
(22:20:36) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: Does this mean I can't smash her mug now? D:
(22:20:39) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: get an army, kill said army,
(22:20:42) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Asmo
(22:20:51) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: Qile will seduce Londris & find out how to make the potion
(22:20:52) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: seduces or at least distracts Dakkru
(22:20:57) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: and feeds her poison
(22:20:59) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: the army
(22:21:03) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: just makes everyone chaos
(22:21:10) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: who gets the blob?
(22:21:16) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: you and me?
(22:21:21) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol yes.
(22:21:26) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: Asmo knows stuff tho
(22:21:33) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: we have to go through the portal. or, wait at the portal.
(22:21:34) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: he does.
(22:21:35) [Channel] [1: gossip] Anysu looks in at gossip and looks uite confused. She wonders out of gossip then.
(22:21:47) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: he'll tell us how to lure the blob back.
(22:21:55) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: and someone has to seduce Londris to find out how to make the potion
(22:21:56) [Channel] [1: gossip] Anysu: *quite confused*
(22:21:56) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Anysu, this is not idle chatter, honestly!
(22:22:06) [Channel] [1: gossip] Celrau: This has to be the most active I've seen gossip in a long time :-)
(22:22:07) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: it's all from the books in the library in the death realm
(22:22:16) [Channel] [1: gossip] Potare: :D
(22:22:30) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Asmo figured out that there was a creature who ruled the death realm before Dakkru did
(22:22:36) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: that'll teach her to leave this info laying around like nothing!
(22:22:36) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: he sussed that out from the books
(22:22:38) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Well, it's all based on how I interpretted the information.

« Last Edit: March 23, 2014, 02:45:45 am by Pierre »


  • Guest
Re: Message to Dakkru: You in danger.
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2014, 02:34:17 am »
(22:22:43) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: a "blob"
(22:22:43) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol
(22:22:49) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Asmo, you are the prophet
(22:22:53) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: we believe you.
(22:23:00) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: anyway, so since Asmo told us that
(22:23:10) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Hey, it doesn't say blob, it just says pressence, and that it seemed benevolent.
(22:23:17) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: yes, the nice blob
(22:23:39) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: I kind of named him the blob
(22:23:40) [Channel] [1: gossip] Celrau imagines the nice blob coming up and greeting someone. "Hi! I'm Blob"
(22:23:46) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: lol
(22:23:53) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol, yes
(22:23:54) [Channel] [1: gossip] Potare: XD
(22:23:59) [Channel] [1: gossip] Anysu: Blob greets Celrau
(22:24:09) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: he doesn't curse us when we leave, he's just a nice soft blob who
(22:24:13) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol greets people, yeah.
(22:24:14) [Channel] [1: gossip] Celrau: Hi Blob, how ya doin?
(22:24:18) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: so we need to find this benevolent presence
(22:24:19) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol
(22:24:24) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: yes.
(22:24:29) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: we need the blob back.
(22:24:30) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: and overthrow dakkru
(22:24:34) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: and we are making ingenious plans
(22:24:36) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: to do that.
(22:24:41) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: okay
(22:24:48) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: where are we gonna look for the blob?
(22:24:49) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Maybe that's what the kra knows?
(22:24:54) [Channel] [1: gossip] Anysu: To put it back in power down there so you will no longer have to suffer curse?
(22:24:55) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: ah
(22:24:57) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: we need to wake up the kran?
(22:25:05) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: yes Anysu
(22:25:05) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: (yes, Anysu, that's the idea)
(22:25:16) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: (although maybe he's changed since being in exile, but, we will see)
(22:25:24) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: ok, so wake up the kran
(22:25:31) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor will go talk to kra
(22:25:32) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: and ask about the blob, how to find him?
(22:25:34) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Asmo?
(22:25:35) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: naw, blobs are usually quite friendly
(22:25:44) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: We need Taz to impersonate the kran.
(22:25:45) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: RELEASE THE KRAN(AN)
(22:25:51) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: I really want this to happen now.
(22:25:53) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: at least all the once friendly blobs I've known
(22:25:58) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta clenches her fists.
(22:26:10) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Not sure, the kran knows something, I just don't know what.
(22:26:12) [Channel] [1: gossip] Anysu: Interesting. After you all make it out, Anysu will heal any of you hurt and hand out chocolate bars
(22:26:23) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Right.
(22:26:26) [Channel] [1: gossip] Celrau: Woohoo! Chocolate!
(22:26:29) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: can we have chocolate bars even if we fail?
(22:26:32) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: and I think it's a safe bett that Dakkru doesn't want the information out.
(22:26:35) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: No!
(22:26:38) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ziara sticks her head into gossip. Chocolate?
(22:26:40) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: no sweet things if we fail.
(22:26:45) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: right.
(22:26:47) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: so danger.
(22:26:49) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: There is nothing that is wrong or bad about this plan.
(22:26:52) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: what if it's only semi-sweet danger?
(22:26:56) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol Qile
(22:26:58) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: erm, chocolate
(22:27:01) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: lol
(22:27:08) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: I totally agree.
(22:27:09) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: so
(22:27:10) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: There is no flaw.
(22:27:16) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: No matter how tiny.
(22:27:28) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: Are we still utilizing the infinitely-dying army?
(22:27:32) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: But we have to have a chance for success..
(22:27:33) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: so two parties, one to seduce Londren
(22:27:37) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: yes, the uber distraction.
(22:27:40) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: the other to try to wake & speak with the kran
(22:27:48) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: that's the preliminary phase
(22:27:48) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: and hey, what's the worst thing that could happen, besides all of us being banished to perma-death?
(22:27:53) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: (although we can leave that out if thigns get desperate)
(22:28:06) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol Fyo well
(22:28:09) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Simple
(22:28:15) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: meanwhile, Ecthion assembles the army
(22:28:21) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: We could be banished to the Diaboli home world.
(22:28:29) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: the seducer sets to work making the potion
(22:28:30) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: but if squeezing the kran for info takes a while
(22:28:35) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Qile could be married
(22:28:37) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: or worse
(22:28:41) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: O.o
(22:28:41) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: D:
(22:28:43) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: so I think we need to
(22:28:44) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol
(22:28:45) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: there's a worse?
(22:28:50) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: lol
(22:28:53) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: and the kran info group will go try to find this blob
(22:28:55) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: haha
(22:28:57) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: start with the kran first, send a groffel to Qile
(22:29:02) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: okay
(22:29:06) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: I mean, marriage is awesome, but not when you're trying to start a war
(22:29:07) [Channel] [1: gossip] Celrau: The in-laws could move in, Ecthion. There is a worse :P
(22:29:11) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: yeah it might take more time
(22:29:15) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: when it's clear we are getting something good...
(22:29:19) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: O.o don't even get me started on that one, Celrau :P
(22:29:23) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: If you guys take too long with operation RELEASE THE KRAN then my seduction might have to last a while...
(22:29:30) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: right?
(22:29:30) [Channel] [1: gossip] Celrau: You did ask :-)
(22:29:31) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Of course there's also the problem of dealing with Dakkru's personal enforcer.
(22:29:37) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: and then we could lose you as an operative
(22:29:37) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: well you can start off slow with seducing
(22:29:38) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: The Dark Wanderer
(22:29:44) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: what if you fell in love with Londris??
(22:29:45) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: like, get friendly for a while
(22:29:49) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: or the Dark Wanderer??
(22:29:52) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: he's cute.
(22:30:29) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: I dunno. He's at least infinity older than me.
(22:30:41) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: psh
(22:30:42) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: well, ok, not Londris for you.
(22:30:45) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: age is just a number
(22:30:48) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: lol
(22:30:49) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: is he old though?
(22:30:52) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Londris?
(22:30:54) [Channel] [1: gossip] Anysu: get him drunk instead or put him to sllep til it is over
(22:31:00) [Channel] [1: gossip] Anysu: *sleep*
(22:31:00) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: the number in this case is "infinity" but still
(22:31:02) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: he doesn't have gray hair?
(22:31:03) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: I could try to infiltrate Dakkru's people and see about replacing the Dark Wanderer.
(22:31:08) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol, good advice Anysu
(22:31:10) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: ooooh
(22:31:19) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Asmo, our mission is getting diluted
(22:31:22) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: no you can't just get Londris out of the way, we need info on that potion
(22:31:26) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: why are we trying to off the DW now?
(22:31:32) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: right Fyo
(22:31:33) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: sorry
(22:31:33) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: to get to the kran!
(22:31:38) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: he cannot be unconscious, right
(22:31:39) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: no need to get info... all it takes is one quick sting operation and a good fake
(22:31:40) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: or worse
(22:31:58) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Ecthion...?
(22:32:01) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: The Dark Wanderer is Dakkru's favorite enforcer, that's why.
(22:32:01) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: I'm seriously laughing
(22:32:05) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: ah
(22:32:07) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: Alright, you know, Qile has done something like this before. She can totally pull it off.
(22:32:09) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: ah ha.
(22:32:27) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: ok.
(22:32:41) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: Nicoletta, we don't need any fancy spying to replace the dark wanderer
(22:32:42) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: and as soon as we start trying to wake the Kran
(22:32:49) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: He's going to interfere
(22:32:53) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: ah...
(22:32:56) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: we need someone really strong then
(22:33:01) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: ah ha...
(22:33:03) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Yes we do.
(22:33:05) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: as well as tip off Dakkru
(22:33:09) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Right.
(22:33:10) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor is not someone really strong
(22:33:15) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: So first, the dark wanderer.
(22:33:22) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: yeah we can't let DW tip off Dakkru
(22:33:23) [Channel] [1: gossip] Celrau likes to think he's really strong.
(22:33:23) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Should we make Qile seduce him too?
(22:33:27) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: Nuh uh! All it takes is one good sting operation and a phony dark wanderer
(22:33:27) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Nah, I'm still thinking I'll infiltrate and replace
(22:33:29) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: yes!
(22:33:35) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: ok.
(22:33:44) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: but how do you infiltrate the dark wanderer?
(22:33:45) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: All we do is kidnap and replace him with the phony
(22:33:46) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: You guys are turning this usually-abstinent fenki into a [snip!] real quick XD
(22:33:52) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol Qile
(22:34:01) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: clothes can stay on
(22:34:06) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: they might have to be a bit skimpy?
(22:34:15) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: I was thinking more of infiltrating their order, and becoming the new dark wanderer.
(22:34:21) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: ah....
(22:34:23) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: ah....
(22:34:35) [Channel] [1: gossip] Anysu: Asmo could so do that
(22:34:39) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Asmo, but then do we have to convince them that the old dark wanderer is not up to the task?
(22:34:40) [Channel] [1: gossip] Celrau: Just want to remind you guys to be a bit careful with language and content (PG-ish). Venalan made a warning about that
(22:34:45) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: ok, I like the idea Asmo...
(22:34:47) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: Naw, just have some really, really strong liquor on hand... fenki + strong liquor will do wonders
(22:34:54) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol...
(22:35:24) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: yes, she could sing me a song while I fall asleep in my cups...
(22:35:31) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: anyway, Celrau I think we're fine.
(22:35:39) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: there's a pub in every town.
(22:35:54) [Channel] [1: gossip] Potare: two in hydlaa
(22:35:58) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: and Qile is just being like and Ingrid Bergman type girl
(22:36:07) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: While we're making plans for war, why don't we take out the Octarchy too?
(22:36:09) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: distracting men, and yeah, she's got to be beautiful to do it


  • Guest
Re: Message to Dakkru: You in danger.
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2014, 02:44:59 am »
(22:36:12) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: Alright, okay. Phase one: RELEASE THE KRAN, replace the DW, tactical espionage action with Londris
(22:36:19) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: because the ochtarchy doesn't curse us
(22:36:26) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Qile - ALMOST!!
(22:36:33) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: like insult to injury, you know?
(22:36:36) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: Phase two: infinite army, poison the crap out of Dakkru while she's laughing
(22:36:38) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: First is replace Dark Wanderer.
(22:36:44) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: lol
(22:36:44) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: I mean you already DIED why do you need to be cursed too?
(22:36:50) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Fyo hush a sec
(22:37:01) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Qile - ok and?
(22:37:18) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: Phase three: ????????
(22:37:22) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: (lol on tactical espionage activity with Londris)
(22:37:23) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: Phase four: profit
(22:37:24) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: oh gods
(22:37:27) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: phase three
(22:37:29) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Phase three, launch exploration team to try and find the presence
(22:37:37) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Yes, me and Fyo
(22:37:46) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: will wrassle with the portal, the dark crystal
(22:37:46) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: team Dostoyevsky
(22:37:47) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: and profit from the sale of Dakkru's cloak.
(22:37:49) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: to find the blob
(22:37:53) [Channel] [1: gossip] Celrau blinks. "You mean find Blob, Asmo?"
(22:37:56) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: yes, team Idiot :)
(22:38:03) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol Celrau
(22:38:04) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: LOL
(22:38:05) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: :p
(22:38:08) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: yes, that's what he means.
(22:38:12) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: oh my gods
(22:38:19) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: is anyone writing this down? this beautiful plan?
(22:38:27) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: this is a wonderful plan
(22:38:27) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: got it all in my head
(22:38:38) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lovely Ecthion
(22:38:40) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: good.
(22:38:41) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo taps his head "Nope, it's all up here"
(22:38:42) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: it really covers all angles
(22:38:47) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: we need a fancy recruiting slogan for the army
(22:38:49) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: good Asmo, both of you, good.
(22:38:56) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol Ecthion
(22:38:57) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: and insentive. We need insentive to join
(22:39:00) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: do we need a slogan???
(22:39:08) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: yeah, to get troops to join
(22:39:08) [Channel] [1: gossip] Celrau: Just to make sure we're thorough, should we off the other gods, too?
(22:39:14) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: the incentive is removing dakkru from power so nobody has to get cursed
(22:39:16) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: NO
(22:39:20) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: naw, too much effort for one day
(22:39:22) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: just Dakkru
(22:39:23) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: DWDUWB
(22:39:32) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Down With Dakkru Up With Blob
(22:39:34) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: is our slogan.
(22:39:37) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: Yes!
(22:39:39) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: Perfect
(22:39:46) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: and right, let's keep it clean, just Dakkru
(22:40:00) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: I'm a priestess of Talad, gosh
(22:40:02) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: after this success, we'll make other conquests
(22:40:06) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: like Tala...
(22:40:09) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: like whoever
(22:40:12) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: >_>
(22:40:14) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: :)
(22:40:18) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: I'll eat you.
(22:40:20) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: lol
(22:40:23) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: anyway Asmo will tell us what to do.
(22:40:27) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: He reads the books.
(22:40:33) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: We won't mess with Talad.
(22:40:41) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: or I'll eat you.
(22:40:43) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: yes
(22:40:44) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: don't think I won't.
(22:40:47) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: that's what I mean to say.
(22:40:47) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: lol
(22:40:56) [Channel] [1: gossip] Celrau: I thought it was MY job to eat people
(22:41:00) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: you'd have to catch her first :P
(22:41:02) [Channel] [1: gossip] Celrau: I'm not being replaced, am I?
(22:41:04) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: and she's an elf...
(22:41:08) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: yes
(22:41:12) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: they took the part of the plan out where I got to eat lots of things
(22:41:19) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: so I'm feeling hungry
(22:41:24) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: I still have that gold
(22:41:25) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: no, that's at the end with our celebration party
(22:41:31) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: oh! good
(22:41:35) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: I'm kind of tired from all the planning
(22:41:44) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: do we have to start the mission tonight?
(22:41:47) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: There's some bronze too if you do extra good
(22:41:47) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Celrau and Fyodor can still try to eat Dakkru's head as a back up.
(22:41:58) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol
(22:42:00) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol
(22:42:01) [Channel] [1: gossip] Celrau: I call the ears!
(22:42:03) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: good.
(22:42:09) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: great backup.
(22:42:12) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: I know those two can do it
(22:42:15) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: It is
(22:42:23) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: YOU'RE tired? I still gotta raise a whole army!
(22:42:31) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol I know Ecthion
(22:42:37) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: with only 29 players online!
(22:42:41) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: I've only got to run out to the dark wanderer and
(22:42:43) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: wait... idea...
(22:42:48) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta wrinkles up her face
(22:42:52) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: The army was a diversion, right?
(22:42:52) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: I'll help just in case, and I call the brains
(22:42:59) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: and supposed to be funny?
(22:43:00) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: yes
(22:43:01) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: yes, right
(22:43:08) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: oh no I crashed what did I miss
(22:43:14) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: Ah, perfect... I'll recruit all the Kikiris in Oja
(22:43:18) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: nothing Fyo, Ecthion is
(22:43:19) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol
(22:43:23) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: anyone really high in Empathy here?
(22:43:26) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: for the army? brilliant
(22:43:28) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: coming up with a sub plan, for how to
(22:43:29) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: yeah
(22:43:30) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Celrau has dibs on eating Dakkru's ears, while I'm eating her brain.
(22:43:32) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: omg, Ecthion, but there's SO MANY
(22:43:37) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Asmo!!
(22:43:39) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: exactly!
(22:43:40) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: this is serious.
(22:43:40) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: I want to eat the dark crystal
(22:43:47) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Fyo, no.
(22:43:47) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: but I'm worried I'll get indigestion
(22:43:51) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: Massive army of Kikiris invades the DR
(22:43:51) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: we leave the portal alone.
(22:44:01) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Ecthion, yes, brilliant.
(22:44:06) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: not the portal out
(22:44:37) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Dark wanderer, pond kran, kikiri army, Qile espionage activity, Fyo and Nico call the blob...
(22:44:39) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: dang.
(22:44:44) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: what does Asmo do again, right
(22:44:49) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: he inflitrates.
(22:44:56) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: first part of the plan.
(22:44:58) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: infiltrates to take out the dw
(22:45:03) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta claps her hands together briskly.
(22:45:05) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: All in???
(22:45:11) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Yep
(22:45:12) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta puts her hands in the middle of gossip.
(22:45:15) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: All in. Go Team Idiot.
(22:45:16) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: All in! Where's my Kikiri trainer?
(22:45:17) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile hands in.
(22:45:18) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: I'm working on infiltration now
(22:45:18) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor puts hands in
(22:45:20) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol Qile
(22:45:29) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Celrau, Anysu, anyyone else
(22:45:32) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: all in???
(22:45:44) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion puts hands in
(22:45:45) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: (what do you do once all the hands are in? )
(22:45:49) [Channel] [1: gossip] Anysu: Only to provide heal and chocolate at end
(22:45:52) [Channel] [1: gossip] Celrau blinks again. "What are we doing again?"
(22:45:53) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: (aren't you supposed to say something?)
(22:45:53) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: team idiot = got their name from dostoyevsky
(22:46:02) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Yes, we did.
(22:46:02) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: um
(22:46:18) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: you say something motivational?
(22:46:22) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: goooooooooooooooo teammmmmmmmmm Idioooooooooooooooooootttt!!!
(22:46:23) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: lol
(22:46:27) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta throws her hands in the air
(22:46:33) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: You're eating Dakkru's ears if things don't go as well as planned Celrau
(22:46:38) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol
(22:46:39) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile follows suit. "Team Idiot! Yay!"
(22:46:39) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion is standing too close and gets smacked in the face
(22:46:44) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Asmo you are killing the vibe
(22:46:51) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol Ecthion
(22:47:00) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: oh my gods but I am laughing
(22:47:00) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: omg Qile your voice is coming out of the ground
(22:47:07) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: this is the best plan ever.
(22:47:30) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: yes it is!
(22:47:33) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: o.o
(22:47:53) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: I'm by the training dummies and you were talking right underneath me :p
(22:47:57) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo looks over at Nicoletta "Well his appettite is his main resource for this plan, that I can think of, so I'm including it in there for the back up."
(22:48:33) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Yep, you are right.
(22:49:01) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: We need all of us on this mission.
(22:49:09) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor nods
(22:49:29) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: (I was just hoping you would help me out with the motivational bit right then)
(22:49:31) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: anyway.
(22:49:32) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: good.
(22:49:42) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor isn't that good with motivations
(22:49:52) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: (no, Asmo)
(22:49:55) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol
(22:50:03) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor will feed everyone a lot of very tasty rubies and gold if our plan succeeds!
(22:50:12) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: delish.
(22:50:14) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: perfect.
(22:50:18) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: I'll pass on the gold...
(22:50:18) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: ciao Xola <3
(22:50:19) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: I wanted chocolate!
(22:50:23) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: me too.
(22:50:27) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: I don't have chocolate
(22:50:31) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: but gold is really tasty
(22:50:34) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: chocolate covered rubies.
(22:50:35) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: Ok.
(22:50:38) [Tell] Xola tells you: hi :)
(22:50:38) [Channel] [1: gossip] Celrau starts to chicken out of the plan. "But.... in order for me to eat Dakkru's ears, I need to get to the Death Realm.... which means that I have to die! I don't wanna die!"
(22:50:44) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: In NYC they combine chocolate and gold anyway
(22:50:47) [Tell] You tell Xola: hiya :)
(22:50:57) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: yes, gold leaf, right?
(22:50:58) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: Celrau, it's easy
(22:51:02) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: Celrau don't be a kikiri
(22:51:02) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: ja, think so
(22:51:03) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: that always made me nervous
(22:51:16) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Celrau it's more like
(22:51:19) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: just kind of
(22:51:20) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: Celrau, all you do is take a good whiff of Harnquist after a long day's work
(22:51:22) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Nah, I have someone working on a new portal to Death Realm, you'll be fine Celrau, after all we need to march a whole army in there!
(22:51:22) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: going to sleep!
(22:51:24) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: that'll do it every time
(22:51:32) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol Asmo
(22:51:35) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: you are brilliant
(22:51:41) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: yes, what Asmo said.
(22:51:52) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: and you must keep the kirkiri fierce and bold
(22:52:00) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: Ooh, perfect. Then we don't even need to wait for Harnquist to get sweaty
(22:52:01) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: not fraidy
(22:52:01) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Soooo... how many Dark Way mages do you think we can get in on this plan?
(22:52:04) [Channel] [1: gossip] Celrau: But.... but... I can't die now! I have a brother that needs me!
(22:52:12) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: He can come too!
(22:52:20) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: I'll make you my lieutenants
(22:52:20) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: and this is how the plots crumble...
(22:52:24) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol Ecthion
(22:52:30) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: ... No dieing involved Celrau
(22:52:32) [Channel] [1: gossip] Celroc: Celrau.... why is it every time I turn my back you somehow drag me into something? :P
(22:52:38) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: you guys are awesome, very flexible and creative.
(22:52:44) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol Celroc is your brother?
(22:52:46) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: good.
(22:52:48) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor axes Celrau real quick while everyones talking
(22:52:53) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: see? quick and easy
(22:52:56) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol oh my gods
(22:52:57) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor coughs
(22:52:58) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: lol
(22:53:01) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Fyo
(22:53:02) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Asmo
(22:53:07) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: Not yet! The army wasn't ready!
(22:53:08) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Fyo is a cold blooded
(22:53:12) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: axe murderer
(22:53:14) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: he's great!
(22:53:21) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol Ecthion
(22:53:22) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: it's for the greater good
(22:53:25) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: eyes on the prize
(22:53:36) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: and Celrau can just wait and collect people who come through for the army
(22:53:37) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Fyo please don't cut down any more conspirators
(22:53:43) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol
(22:53:44) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: okay....
(22:53:48) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: that's very smart actually
(22:53:55) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: nevermind, carry on with your plans
(22:53:56) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: yeah obvs I came up with it
(22:53:57) [Channel] [1: gossip] Celrau: You mean I get to eat people who come into the DR?
(22:53:59) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: I like them.
(22:53:59) [Channel] [1: gossip] Celrau: :-D
(22:53:59) [Channel] [1: gossip] Anysu: Maybe bring Celroc with and he can make wanderer sick
(22:54:23) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: uh, don't eat the army
(22:54:36) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: We aren't killing people to get to Death Realm, I'm thinking we get a bunch of dark way mages together and bunch of death glyphs and just open a big portal.
(22:54:46) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: right.
(22:54:48) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: beautiful idea.
(22:54:52) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: that works too
(22:54:55) [Channel] [1: gossip] Celrau: You couldn't have said that before I got an axe, Asmo? :P
(22:54:55) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Interconnect all the little ones so people can walk through.
(22:54:57) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: he was just being a dweeb about it
(22:55:00) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: what constitutes a dark way mage?
(22:55:02) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: I did...
(22:55:13) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: I said we were going to use a portal.
(22:55:22) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: anyone without the brains or ambition to become a crystal way mage :P
(22:55:27) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: hahaha
(22:55:27) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol
(22:55:32) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: wait guys.
(22:55:40) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: I'm training up dark way...
(22:55:54) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: am I rocking solo waking up the kran
(22:55:56) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: and I'm about to help carry out the most ambitious plot
(22:56:01) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: I meant, anyone too smart and ambitious to become a crystal way mage
(22:56:03) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: no Fyo
(22:56:05) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: lol "rocking"
(22:56:08) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: that's what I meant
(22:56:09) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: You crystal way mages can be too evil to be trusted in that kind of numbers!
(22:56:10) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: are you cutting me out of that
(22:56:18) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion isn't an anything mage
(22:56:22) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: oh my gods, how did they ever kill Caesar?
(22:56:25) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: no! I thought you were ditching me
(22:56:26) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: really, how?
(22:56:33) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: no way
(22:56:36) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: thick and thin!
(22:56:41) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: oh good!
(22:56:41) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: liquid and solid!
(22:56:43) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: I was worried
(22:56:57) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: but I don't understand how any dastardly plot was every carried out
(22:57:01) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: by more than two people
(22:57:05) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: lol
(22:57:10) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: because someone is frying up our chickens
(22:57:21) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Fyo killed a conspirator, for good reason though
(22:57:29) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: hey that did not hinder our plan at all
(22:57:32) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: it only furthered it
(22:57:37) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: no, it furth.
(22:57:38) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: yes.
(22:57:47) [Channel] [1: gossip] Celrau: Am I the conspirator?
(22:57:50) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: yes
(22:57:51) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: yes.
(22:57:53) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: I axed you
(22:57:54) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: I'm sorry
(22:57:58) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: we have about 10 of them.
(22:58:00) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: it needed to be done
(22:58:05) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: you were being a lil B
(22:58:06) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: What do the fried kikiris have to do with this?
(22:58:10) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol
(22:58:15) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: you fried the kikiris!?
(22:58:19) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: that was our army!
(22:58:30) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta wipes the corner of her mouth with an imprinted napkin.
(22:58:46) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: oh Talad, you lot
(22:58:52) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: no I didn't
(22:58:54) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Really? I thought it was part of the poison...
(22:58:57) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: I'm vegetarian anyway
(22:59:07) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: ok, half the kikiri go for poision
(22:59:12) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta begins to gasp
(22:59:21) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta holds her throat tightly with both hands
(22:59:25) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta turns purple
(22:59:28) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: more purple
(22:59:28) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: oh crud
(22:59:37) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: They weren't poisoned yet
(22:59:41) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta may be heard to gasp out "see you in the libarry...
(22:59:43) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol
(22:59:45) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta hops up.
(22:59:46) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor does a heimlich
(22:59:52) [Channel] [1: gossip] Celrau: Oh, cool, lunch is in the library!
(22:59:59) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta neatly sidesteps the heimlick.
(22:59:59) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: don't eat the books
(23:00:02) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: or the librarian
(23:00:04) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lich.
(23:00:10) [Channel] [1: gossip] Celrau: I can eat Nicoletta, right?
(23:00:11) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Unless you ate the purple one.
(23:00:14) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: eat the guy in the other room
(23:00:20) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Yes, Celrau, if you can catch me.
(23:00:27) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: and you don't mind the gills and scales and stuff
(23:00:47) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: anyway, I'm coming back down Asmo
(23:01:39) [Channel] [1: gossip] Anysu: Rrrroolleeddd
(23:02:03) [Channel] [1: gossip] Celrau stops about halfway through eating the books in the library. "Wait a minute, Asmo, did you need any of these before I finish them?"
(23:02:10) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: omg
(23:02:23) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: nah he already memorized those one probs, just don't eat the rest
(23:03:29) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: wow...
(23:03:30) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: Guys
(23:03:31) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: guys....
(23:03:32) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: You know
(23:03:40) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Asmo is down here, chatting up Londris...
(23:03:40) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Yeah, I know what's in those books
(23:03:43) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: getting info...
(23:03:48) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: We should have like a theme song/introduction for Team Idiot. Like Team Rocket.
(23:03:50) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Qile, tell us
(23:03:53) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol
(23:03:59) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: slogans, team songs
(23:04:03) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Well I need to find out how he's infiltrated them for so long
(23:04:09) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: I know a song
(23:04:18) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: So that I can infiltrate them further.
(23:04:25) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: how who has infiltrated what for so long?
(23:04:30) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Londris
(23:04:35) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: the dark wanderer isn't an inifiltrato
(23:04:45) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Londris is, because he predates Dakkru?
(23:04:54) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: explain please if you have a moment
(23:05:25) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: Londris is part of their order in a way, but seems to express some doubts I think.
(23:05:28) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: why isn't Cwyndeth in on this plot?
(23:05:42) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: ok Asmo, got it.
(23:05:52) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: And Ecthion, the more the merrier.
(23:05:57) [Channel] [1: gossip] Chays: Thought it was implied that Dakkru was around before she revealed herself to mortals...
(23:06:01) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: we've got a song to compose apparently
(23:06:31) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: explain Chays - she was around, and in charge of the DR?
(23:06:40) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: or she was around and not yet in charge of the DR?
(23:06:52) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: did she reveal herself when she took charge of it?
(23:08:28) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: whoops crasho
(23:08:35) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: wb
(23:08:40) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: wibbles
(23:08:43) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: fanks
(23:09:22) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: Ooh, we'll need Kikiri sized armor and swords
(23:09:27) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: ok, conspi
(23:09:29) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol
(23:09:30) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: yes
(23:09:32) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: that is vital
(23:09:34) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: vital
(23:09:42) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: without that
(23:09:49) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: the blob will never regain the throne!
(23:10:03) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: ok conspirators, I have to get a bit of work done
(23:10:06) [Channel] [1: gossip] Sheira: Hey, does an adorable little fenki cub like me have a part in this plan, too?
(23:10:08) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: TO BE CONTINUED.
(23:10:09) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: but if they die they'll just
(23:10:18) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol Sheera you are in automatically.
(23:10:20) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: whooopf! back to DR
(23:10:24) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol
(23:10:25) [Channel] [1: gossip] Chays: The way I read it, she'd been around the whole time, and for some reason just decided she wanted the mortals to know she was there and in charge one day
(23:10:35) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: ah.
(23:10:39) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: but our theory is...
(23:10:46) [Channel] [1: gossip] Sheira: The perks of being adorable. I'm automatically part of the plan. I like that, thanks Nicoletta
(23:10:47) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: Later, Nicoletta.
(23:10:48) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: so Dakk's been there the whole time?
(23:10:53) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: well, Asmo had this idea and I think it's right, so do the rest of us...
(23:10:55) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: we need to get rid of her anyway.
(23:11:04) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Chays, that Dakkru was predated by some other creature
(23:11:04) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: I don't know if it matters
(23:11:11) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: who did not extract a toll from us when leaving
(23:11:23) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: Asmo calls him a benevolent something or another?
(23:11:25) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: not really, Fyodor... we still want her gone, regardless
(23:11:29) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: the blob
(23:11:29) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: but we call him the blob.
(23:11:41) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: "benevolent presence"
(23:11:46) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol right
(23:11:47) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: the blob
(23:11:48) [Channel] [1: gossip] Qile: ALL HAIL THE BLOB. GO TEAM IDIOT.
(23:11:52) [Channel] [1: gossip] Anysu: You sure it is a him? Maybe it is a her?
(23:11:53) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol Qile
(23:11:55) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: dang
(23:12:00) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: it's a kran!
(23:12:03) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: it's THE kran!
(23:12:12) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: are you in the pond?
(23:12:13) [Channel] [1: gossip] Sheira envisions being the new queen of the Death Reaml.
(23:12:14) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: without me?
(23:12:18) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: nooo
(23:12:18) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol Sheera
(23:12:19) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: I mean
(23:12:21) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: we like ambition
(23:12:23) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: the kran IS the blob!
(23:12:29) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: oh....
(23:12:31) [Channel] [1: gossip] Ecthion: it all makes sense now!
(23:12:37) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: mind boggling.
(23:12:39) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: lol.
(23:12:42) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: Dakkru trapped it in a solid form
(23:12:45) [Channel] [1: gossip] Sheira: Do we.... um, do we have to have the blob as the Death Realm... thing? I wanna rule the Realm!
(23:12:45) [Channel] [1: gossip] Asmo: I don't know what it is, just that it doesn't match up with Dakkru in many ways.
(23:12:46) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: and what form is more solid
(23:12:57) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor: than a kran
(23:13:06) [Channel] [1: gossip] Fyodor sticks with this theory
(23:13:18) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: I loved Asmo's detection of a difference between the proto creature and Dakkru...
(23:13:31) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: ok, ciao ciao all
(23:13:35) [Channel] [1: gossip] Nicoletta: stage one, tomorrow!!

[en fin!]


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Re: Message to Dakkru: You in danger.
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2014, 11:54:51 am »
Nice spam. What is this about?
Lace dark dreadfull power inside him awakens now fully resultin his former self comin back lord of dark noble house shantae of mevango family lacertus shadowone mevango also knowed as darkblade of shadows


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Re: Message to Dakkru: You in danger.
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2014, 04:31:06 am »


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Re: Message to Dakkru: You in danger.
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2014, 06:19:46 am »
tl;dr please :p
The Guardians of Power

left the game, looking in now and then to check progress, if you want to contact me use the email attached to the msn contact on this forum account


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Re: Message to Dakkru: You in danger.
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2014, 04:30:29 pm »
BoevenF, everything about that Dakkru cracks me up - the tilt of her head ("do these fools really imagine that they could....??"), her small thin spiky black hands, even her hands are indignant and seem to wish Team Idiot would at least change the conspirator team name, and the usurpers name too ("usurped by the blob?  Really?").  But I am very very happy to know that:  A.  Someone read it.  B.  Dakkru takes it as a threat!!  I knew we posed a challenge, others in the conspiracy seemed to think it would never work, idle chatter etc. (Qile!).

Peacer.  Picky picky, eh??  Ok, I will try to tl;dr it for you.

Once upon a time under a crystal sky, there were these citizens.  Toiling away.  Two citizens engaged in very different activities met on top of the bookshelves in the library in the Death Realm.  Dakkru's realm.

One was casting smoking hot Taste of Death spells at various creatures to practice her Dark Way.  The other was reading books like the virtuous thing that he is.

Ok - so this is the real tl;dr part:  Asmo read all the books in the DR library.  There was a description of a being ruling over the DR long ago.  He thought that it did not match anything he had read about Dakkru - benevolent, did not curse anyone passing through the realm, no toll.  It seemed possible that this benevolent presence was a different being, predating Dakkru.

After these learned musings were brought to Nicoletta's attention, she felt quite strongly that Dakkru should be overthrown and the benevolent presence returned to the Death Realm to rule one again.  No curses and a nice soft blob to talk to as you traverse the realm.  Many people joined this noble cause, so many that we even had a slogan, DWDUWB, pronounced dwuh dwuhb.  Down with Dakkru Up With Blob.

The plot is extremely cool.  Dakkru's main agent, the Dark Wanderer, needed to be dealt with first.  Why?  Because we needed to get information on the blob and on Dakkru from one most likely to know - the Petrified Kran.  But as soon as we messed with the kran, the one who put him there - the Dark Wanderer - would both get mad and alert Dakkru.  So Dark Wanderer first - Asmo would infiltrate Dakkru's people and "replace" the Dark Wanderer.  That way we could wake up the Kran and ask him to flesh out the history of the Death Realm.

Then, we planned to amass an infinite army (of kikiri, because not not many citizens are out and about these days - Ecthion's brilliance) inside the Death Realm, to wage war upon Dakkru, having no hope of succeeding but having great hope that it would distract her.

While she was either laughing or otherwise distracted, a poison would be poured into her cup or her mouth, or possibly we would prick her with a poison tipped needle.  This poison was also mentioned in the books that Londris reads - a poison that enters the blood and does not leave the system - there is no escaping the death realm once that poison has been ingested.  So Qile was going to distract Londris, get the poison recipe and make the poison potion to feed Dakkru.  One Dakkru was in the infinite death loop...

Nicoletta and Fyodor would be at the dark crystal making contact with the blob, using any information supplied by the Petrified Kran.  If no relevant information obtained (as Asmo said, it is clear from the books that the PK knows something, but it is not clear what), then we just do our best there to make contact with him and bring him back.

Right before the dark crystal part, Fyodor snatches Dakkru's cloak and gives it to Asmo. 

Peacer, you have to admit this is quite a bit shorter than the original, right?

EDIT:  Fyodor and I (Nicoletta Myshkin) are both named in honor of Dostoyevsky.  The name Team Idiot came from this, as that is our link and our bond.  Fyodor has a brilliant idea - that the Petrified Kran is the blob.  So it might be that the last part of the plan - hovering over the dark crystal in that room across from the library and hoping it turns into a portal that spits out the blob - would be changed to propping up the PK in a corner and polishing him up.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2014, 04:37:54 pm by Pierre »


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Re: Message to Dakkru: You in danger.
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2014, 07:25:22 pm »
First thing first: I didn't read *all* of it, I cannot suffer in front of a screen for so long :P
but when I've got the big picture I thought Dakkru could say something. I mean, a direct threat to a goddess, wow.
This is a Laanx depiction I did back in 2011, but I felt was more apt to the situation. If she'll find out all the plot I think she'll be very angry and offended. I'm positive that some worshipper will retaliate.
Finally... you noticed *that* tilt... I'm gonna wear a hat so I can take it off!


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Re: Message to Dakkru: You in danger.
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2014, 09:19:04 pm »
Not all of it?  Not gripping enough??   :(

Cheers, take that hat off, subtlety is king :)


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Re: Message to Dakkru: You in danger.
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2014, 09:44:58 pm »
Dakkru really is evil!! She's so evil it's cute!!! Now I can't go through with it.
If Roses are red... and violets are blue, why oh why can't I be purple?


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Re: Message to Dakkru: You in danger.
« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2014, 05:57:03 pm »
I knew we posed a challenge, others in the conspiracy seemed to think it would never work, idle chatter etc. (Qile!).

Psssshhh, we can totally do this.  I believe in us.


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Re: Message to Dakkru: You in danger.
« Reply #11 on: April 18, 2014, 11:56:03 pm »
Qile you doll  >o)  I believe in us too.  It's true we've been sidetracked by recent events, buying up picnic baskets at the male dwarf auction, training weapons which take ages upon ages to level once you get past level 50, and other pursuits...

But Dakkru is on our minds.  There was even a call for new books, new lore, to add to the libraries.  I want to flesh out the blob, so to speak.  I wish I could download the books in the death realm library to read at my leisure.

No, being in Yliakum is not leisure that is work.  It takes an effort to gossip all day long in the gossip tab  :love:


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Re: Message to Dakkru: You in danger.
« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2014, 05:30:44 am »
[Cheers for it being hard work staying on top of gossip, Nico :) ]

Having heard rumours of a conspiracy brewing, Cwyndeth puts on reading glasses and takes half an hour to read through all the details and side-trips and detours that makes up any good conspiracy. He takes out his black book and notes down "blasphemy, sacrilege & heresy". Then he flips through his schedule. After much debating, he moves "blackmail", "aid and abet possible destruction of Hydlaa", "check life insurance policy regarding blood sacrifice", "wash secondhand set of rags & mending cloak" and "date night" next to "staying alive".

Then, in the opened space on next Thursday, he scrawls: "Holy War."
« Last Edit: April 19, 2014, 05:33:45 am by Cwyn »


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Re: Message to Dakkru: You in danger.
« Reply #13 on: April 19, 2014, 12:44:28 pm »
[Cheers for it being hard work staying on top of gossip, Nico :) ]

Having heard rumours of a conspiracy brewing, Cwyndeth puts on reading glasses and takes half an hour to read through all the details and side-trips and detours that makes up any good conspiracy. He takes out his black book and notes down "blasphemy, sacrilege & heresy". Then he flips through his schedule. After much debating, he moves "blackmail", "aid and abet possible destruction of Hydlaa", "check life insurance policy regarding blood sacrifice", "wash secondhand set of rags & mending cloak" and "date night" next to "staying alive".

Then, in the opened space on next Thursday, he scrawls: "Holy War."

 ;D  \\o// ... holy wars ... how sweets :devil:


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Re: Message to Dakkru: You in danger.
« Reply #14 on: June 07, 2014, 02:12:37 am »
Yes, Eonwind, super sweet  >o)  We've since found out how darling Dakkru is - popping out from the crystal, breaking Oriven's arm and demanding the other people there get up from their knees since she doesn't want to be worshipped from the floor (Asmodo Dragon please correct me if I am wrong).

So we cannot and will not kill her.  We will just swap her out for the Blob, who we love and deserves his place in the sun dark crystal.

Also, Eonwind, someone has spoken about needing to supplement the kikiri army with a water based creature army, with more than 4 limbs (something like squids or octopi.  Octopii.  Octopusses.  Something like this).

Is this already in the plans?  I guess it is.  But any release date for these critical creatures?

Cheers all, big  :love: for all the conspirators, Cwyn keep adjusting that schedule, don't let the overthrowing slip off the list...