Author Topic: My Purest Heart  (Read 1258 times)


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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My Purest Heart
« on: July 15, 2014, 10:32:00 pm »
Found this molding on my hard drive. Thought I would take time to share it. Originally began writing it for the first Summer Festival as an event. It was pushed aside because the Festival was already overbooked. I finished it later and made several attempts to get it in-game. Unfortunately that didn't work out either. So here it is in generic form for in-game presentation.  Special thanks to the members of the Call of Destiny and the Red Crystal Den for the help and interest in trying to help me set it up as an in-game event. Enjoy! My Best Wishes to All.

My Purest Heart"
Written  Jaycol Ironhandt)

Narrator: (extra)
Girl (main)
Boy (main)
Merchant 1/Bartender
Merchant 2/Bar Patron 1

Scene I, Act I
Hydlaa Plaza Market
[Items: Left center stage;Table1 with displayed fruits (apples needed). Right center Stage; Table2 with displayed items]
[Actors needed. Girl, Merchant 1, Merchant 2, Boy, Customer]

Narrator: "Our story takes place in the mid-morning market of the Hydlaa Center Plaza. A young girl arrives in the great city of Hydlaa for the first time. Being from a small farm from far away she is in awe of its size and wonders. She hears the calls of the local merchants mixed within the noises and hum of the city's many people’s going about their daily tasks"

Narrator: “The curtain opens"


[Noise subsides as the girl enters the market]

[Girl enters stage and walks up to the front center stage. looking about]

Girl stops. She looks about her in wonder at the size of the city and at the number of people gathered in the streets. She stares first at one thing, then at another. She takes a deep breath exhaling in a heavy sigh.

[Girl turns to face the audience]

Girl:     " Oh, Hydlaa! ... You....You are so wonderful, so beautiful. Never, would I have within all my dreams. Would I...Would I have imagined such magnificence as do mine own eyes now so behold"

[Girl moves to her left (Left front stage) looking about then facing the audience again]
Girl:     â€śBlessed so, am I graced to be within the protecting shadows of your great standing walls. The same great walls that had so earlier seemed so forbidding. I so marvel at the laidened beauty within your hard darkened shell. Hidden is the fine colored lining that eases the very life you harbor within. So wondrous, in its polished splendor and appeal."

[Girl moves to her right (right front stage) She turns to the audience]

Girl:      " It is here to you, that I have traveled so far from my home to be. To see with mine own eyes. To live within the very stories of the many passing travelers as they retell afar the tales of your Majestic Grace. It is here that I wish so to reside To be a part of your memory. To live forever even if only within the mention of your name spoken among a gathered group about a distant fireplace."

Girl lowers her head. There is a long pause as she stands in silence. She hears again the beckoning of the markets many traders. Her stomach growls to remind her of the time she has gone without having anything to eat. She pulls from her pocket the only coin she has of possession. Anguish tears at her face like the pain in her belly as she looks upon her only tria.

Girl sighs a she once again looks at her only tria. She reaches to touch her empty stomach grimacing at the pain it causes her. She turns to look at the merchants about the market with uncertainty. She begins to pace about as she overcomes her fear to approach as they call out from their stands.


[Girl moves to center front stage. she turns to face the audience]

Girl:       " Oh,..By the grace of the known Gods. I have only but a single tria to call as mine own. I pray,....Only that it be but enough to purchase a small portion of food to sooth the angry pain of mine own hunger. The hunger that pits itself against my very strength. Taking from me, mine own will to live. I pray....Yet,.. still I beg . That it will be enough."

[Girl pauses in place as the merchants call out again. The she slowly moves to Table2 stops and looks then moves to Table1]


[Girl moves to the far corner of Table1, turning halfway to face the audience she address Merchant1 who turns to look at her]

Girl:     "Please my good man. I have come from lands far away from your gracious city. I wish only to purchase a small amount of food to break the fast of my long journey. I have to my name, but only a single tria. It is?..I ask of you. Enough to purchase? If only but a small handful of nuts or berries of the splendor that you offer here?"

[Girl turns to Merchant1 as he turns to face the audience]

Merchant1 laughs

Merchant1:   " A single tria you say?"  He laughs again at the girl. "With that I should charge you just to look at such a grand display of my imported fruits and nuts. Nay. Nay. I say to you. It is not enough. It is not enough to even pay for my time that you taken away from me on the day. Be off with you now. Go I say. Go beg in the corners of the back streets where you belong. Be off with you and bother me no more on this day."

[ Girl steps back from table1. Customer enters the stage moving past the girl. He moves to the far side of Table1 and turns to Merchant1]

Merchant1 Greets the customer nodding as he takes the orders given to him. He takes out a sack and begins to fill out the requests.

[Girl steps forward on the stage in front of table1. she faces the audience]
Merchant1 Greets the customer nodding as he takes the orders given to him. He takes out a sack and begins to fill out the requests.

[Girl steps forward on the stage in front of table1. she faces the audience]

Girl closes her eyes. She strains to fight back the tears of the shame she feels and the embarrassment of her poverty. Her hand rises to her face as she wipes the escaping tears away.

[Girl turns slightly to the right to face the audience]

Girl:   " Oh, Hydlaa. For all of my young life you have forever filled my dreams. I have forsaken all that it is I have known to come to you. Is it now? That I shall perish so lowly in poverty among your now lonely streets. Or is it now that I shall be forced to beg among them. To have to rummage through the disregarded refuse of others. With hope, I may see yet one more day in my short life."

[Girl turns slightly left to face the audience]

Girl:  "Nay! I shall not yet give up little strength I have within me. I will not yet be forced to live among the rats in the alleyways searching through scraps. In the slightest of hopes, I may find some small portion to survive into the next day. Nay! I shall not allow this to be my fate."

Narrator: "The curtain closes"


« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 12:47:21 am by jaycol »


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Re: My Purest Heart
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2014, 10:59:28 pm »

Scene I, Act II
Hydlaa Plaza Market
[Items needed; Left center stage a Table1  with displayed fruits(Apples needs), Right center  stage Table2 with breads and pies displayed]

[Actors needed. Girl, Merchant1, Merchant2, Boy, Customer]

[Customer is near Table1 with Merchant1, Boy is near Table2 with Merchant2, Girl is center front stage]

Narrator: "You have seen for yourself as the poor girl suffers in pain from the hunger that even now saps at her strength.  She is determined to go on. Too overcome her poverty and find a way to get by. How? You may ask. What could she possibly do? Oh? Too be poor and so far away from your home. What has she decided to do? When even a tria cannot buy a small handful of berries to eat? Let us see now for ourselves how she will fare."

Narrator: "The curtain opens"

Girl stands in indecision as she considers the actions she feels she must take now. She looks about her with concern. She reaches up again to wipe away the last trace of her tears. She takes a deep breath letting it out slowly. She turns to look back at the merchant busy at their stands. Quickly she turns away the look of agony clearly shows in her face as she struggles with her conscience.

Girl:    “How, can I do this thing that tears at every fiber of my being? It is not something that I would do. Yet, the hunger rips at my strength. My will weakens at every passing moment. It will not rest. This pain I feel within its emptiness. It grows gnawing at me to be quenched. Is it so wrong the deed that seduces me to act in desperation?"

[Girl turns and walks slowly towards Merchant1,Table1. She stops turning again to the Audience]

Girl:   â€śSomehow I must find the courage to do this terrible deed. Though in my heart, I know that it is wrong. It is not my heart that leads me now. It is the hunger that controls my thoughts, breaking my will in order to survive. Too survive yet another day. Then may I find a way to undo the act that I must do now"

[Girl turns back to Merchant1 and moves to the far corner of Table1]

Merchant1: "I'll that for you in a minute sir." He says as he turns to scoop some nuts into a sack.

[Boy moves towards table1girl picks up apple from the table turning to the audience she begins to walk away]

Girl watches as the merchant turns his attention on the task of packaging the customer’s order. Quickly she grabs an apple from the table hiding it as she moves away. She takes only a few steps when she feels the grip of a strong hand grab the thickness of her arm.

[Girl walks slowly towards the front of the stage as boy crosses behind her and catches up]

Boy:    " Here now... What is it you have there, Miss?"    He reaches across her body and takes the apple from her enclosed hand.    "An apple? You risk being jailed as a thief for a mere apple. It would have been better for you to have accosted the merchant for his trias at the cost of the punishment"

Girl:   "Please Sir. I will return it. I only wished for something to eat. I have traveled many days without any food. I?...I had tried to buy it honestly, but I have only a tria and it is not enough for even but a small handful of nuts. Please?.... Please I beg you. Let me go. I will never... Never, do this again. I promise you at the risk of mine own soul I will not. Please Sir? Show me your mercy"

Boy:   "It is my mercy you want now instead of this apple? That, I can freely give you." He looks into her eyes and sees that she is terrified. He is taken by the strength of conviction he sees there even as her body trembles with fear. It assures him of the honesty within her words.

Boy:   "My mercy you shall have then, but, I will not yet let you go. Stand here until I do return. If you move away or run then I shall call the guard. Do you understand clearly?"  He looks firmly into her eyes as he speaks. He holds her gaze until she nods.

Girl:   "Yes my Lord. Here I shall stand awaiting your return, and your judgment."

[Boy turns away from the girl and walks to Table1]

Boy:  “Good Day, My good Merchant I shall wish to purchase this apple from you and one other" He gives the merchant a Hexas.

Merchant1:   "Very good Sir, I thank you.” He smiles at boy as he takes the offered Hexas.

[Boy returns to girl]

Boy takes [Girl's name] by the arm again. This time gently as he leads her from the marketplace.

Boy:  "There is a small patch of grass not far from here in view of the market. Let us go there to sit. You can share the tale of your travels with me for payment of the apple that has already now cost you so much" He points to the area he means with the hand that holds firmly the two purchased apples.

[Boy, girl walk together towards the front of the stage]

Narrator: "The curtain closes"



  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Re: My Purest Heart
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2014, 11:34:48 pm »
Scene II, Act III
The Grove
[Items needed a few plants, bread, apples, cheese, a bottle and a cup. a carpet]

[Actors needed Boy, Girl]

Narrator: "Alone, hungry, the young women finds herself caught in a desperate act of petty theft. Caught by a young nobleman, who seems to grant her his mercy. He leads he away from the crowded market to a small grove nearby. What is his intent? Will the young women only go from one peril into another?  Let's join them there and so we can see for oursleves."

Narrator "The curtain opens"

[Boy girl approaches together to center stage from the left rear]
[Boy moves away from girl to set down his things]

Boy moves away from [Girl's name] placing he apples in the medium sized satchel at his waist. He then reaches up to remove the cord from around his neck. He slowly lowers it to the ground. He kneels removing a light table cloth. Taking it he spreads it out about the ground. He turns to the girl with a slight bow and a wave of his arm he beckons for her to come be seated.

[Boy faces Girl]

Boy:    "Please forgive my rudeness My Lady. I am [Boy's name] I am a tanner from the eastern section of Hydlaa. Often on the clear days I come here twice every day to eat my meals. I would be pleased if you would honor me today in the breaking of bread."

Girl shyly smiles at this new face of the stranger. Who? Not so long ago had to power to crush her future. In a flash of moments he has taken it and freely returned it back to her. She gives a mild and awkward curtsey unused to the practice. She then smiles sweetly taking a seat upon the cloth.

[Girl sits on the right side of the carpet]

Girl:   "It would please me most My Lord if you would first but receive my humble apologies for the events that have brought us here. My name is [Girl's name]. I am from a small group of farms many days from here to the East. In truth it honors me that you would ask it of me to join you this day."

Boy gives another bow. He smiles in return to the girl before lowering himself down upon the cloth beside her. He turns to the satchel removing a bottle containing some cider and a cup. He opens the bottle pouring some of the contents into the cup handing it to the girl.

[Boy sits at the left edge of carpet allowing space for items between]

Boy:  “I had not planned to have company with my meal on this day. So as you are my guest I offer you my cup. I will wait until such time as I return to my work to satisfy my thirst. You have more need of it now then I. Such remorse I would feel if you so refused."

[*Note: Both Boy and Girl should have the necessary items in inventory to place in hand to illuminate the need to trade between the two]

Girl:   "I accept most gratefully of your offer [Boy's name] for of bad manners it would be to refuse to honor the gift of my host. I accept it most willing as it is offered of pure heart."

Boy smiles at her reply. He turns again to the satchel removing two parchment wrapped items the apples, and a knife. He sets the knife down as he unwraps first a fresh loaf of bread he had purchased at the market, and then the other, revealing, a small wedge of cheese. Taking up the knife he cuts them both into slices. he sets down the knife beside them and offers the food with a motion of his open palm. The apples he places near the rest.

[Boy places food on the carpet between them. the items do not need to be picked up during the meal]

Girl drinks from her cup before setting it down near her. She looks at [Boy's name] as he offers her the first take of food. She hesitates at first then reaches out to take up some bread and a few pieces of the cheese. She tries hard as she fights against her hunger to eat slowly in front of this man. Her hunger takes control as she begins to eat in relish of its need.

Boy smiles at her warmly as he watches for a few moments as she  fills her needs of nourishment. He senses her embarrassment as he picks up a small slice of cheese. He turns away to watch down upon the ongoing market. Time passes by until he notices that she has finished her cider. He turns calmly taking the bottle to refill her cup as she holds it out for him. She lowers her eyes at his gaze.

Girl:   â€śYou must see me as such a glutton My Lord. I am ashamed to have you see me in such a way. In truth the hunger has eaten away at my senses. You have rescued me twice now this day from my dire straits. Was it not for you and your kindness? I may be now a criminal of misfortune to hide among the shadows daily in fear."

Boy:  “Oh? Was it you who had eaten all this? I had only to assume that the small animals here had once again made off with my substance as I was lost within my day dreams. Surely you jest me so that I won't search them out. They are fortunate to have such a lovely protector as you."

Boy laughs as he pretends the search for escaping animals

Girl Laughs at [Boy's name] as he turns back to look at her playfully

Boy:   "Be at peace [Girl's name]. Had I turned you away or even turned you over to the guard it would have been I who would have felt the criminal for such an inhuman act against one in need. Nay, in truth my heart and conscience would never have allow me the forgiveness of it. So relax now and keep with me good company and let your meal settle within."

Boy smiles as he watches [Girl's name] lean back and relax for the first time since they met. He follows suit as they sit in silence. In but a few moments he glances over and notices as she has fallen asleep. He sits up and rewraps what is left of the bread and cheese putting them away He sits there in the peaceful grove as the hours past by into middle of the afternoon. He refill the cup with cider as he sees [Girl's name] stir from her slumber offering it to her then turns to pack the bottle away.

Girl:  “My weariness must have overcome me. How long have I slept here? And? You stayed to watch over me?

Boy:  "Though it may seem that way to you. In truth I only wished to secure my dining cloth from such an infamous thief as you. If you will rise I'll see to it that it is safely placed within my satchel"     He tells [Girl's name] with a grin. He rises offering her his hand.

[Boy rises]

[Girl rises facing Boy as he faces the back of the stage]

Girl laughs as she takes his hand as she rises from the cloth. She finishes the ruminants of the cider and returns the cup to [Boy's name]. Who quickly puts it away? Together they work to fold the cloth up. bringing the ends together until they are close to each other. She looks up into the warmth of his eyes and holds his gaze for a moment before shying away. She waits as he packs the cloth away then adjusts the satchel's cord about his shoulder. He walks over to her.

[Boy turns and moves close to Girl and they both face the front of the stage]

Boy:  "Down that street there near the center my friend has a small tavern. He is in need of help and can offer a small room for your privacy. The work is hard and the hours long. But you will be safe there."

Girl;   â€śHow can I ever find a way to repay the kindness of your heart that you have shared unto me?"   She asks him as tears begin to well up in her eyes.
Boy:   "Well as to that? A sentence of probation shall be in order to establish your rehabilitation to rejoin society from your life of crime would be suited here. Twice each day you shall join me to share in meal. So that I may see that you are progressing enough for consideration. Now, this may last only a week or maybe, much longer. But, I shall leave that up to you"

Boy grins and offers [Girl's name] his arm. She smiles warmly at him as she places her hands upon it. They walk slowly back towards the center of town.

[They walk slowly towards the front of the stage together]

Narrator:  "The curtain closes"



  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Re: My Purest Heart
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2014, 11:55:55 pm »
Scene II, Act IV
The Grove
[Items needed a few plants, bread, apples, cheese, a bottle and a cup. a carpet]

[Actors needed Boy, Girl]

[Boy girl approaches together to center stage from the left rear]

Narrator:  "The young women is so taken by the young lords kindness. He leads her away to help her find work and a safe haven from the cities streets. He only asks of her to share his company each day as she begins her new life in Hydlaa. She works hard over the coming weeks and daily they share in the taking of thier meals. Another day comes and they decide to share the passing moments of the day as the crystal wanes overhead.'

Narrator:  "The curtain opens"

[Boy, Girl enter from stage left. Girl runs away from boy to center stage]

Girl breaks away and runs to a spot it in the grove. She spins and laughs gleefully. She turns back to [Boy's name] excitement ringing in her voice.

Girl:  “Here it is here we first came that first day we met. Let us share the setting light of the crystal here [Boy's name]. I want to remember that day we met and the kindness you had given me. Please? Oh. Please [Boy's name]"

[Boy walks over to girl facing her]

Boy approaches his face lit with merriment at her excitement.

Boy:  "When I see that you are so determined in your mind to have your way of this matter. Who am I, to refuse such a request?"

[ Boy turns away briefly to set down his satchel and the turns back to girl]

Boy takes the satchel cord from his shoulder placing it on the ground near his feet. He kneels and removes the cloth on which they had shared so many meals together over the last few weeks. The summer weather had been pleasant enough to allow then to meet twice each day to share each others company as they ate. Today was special as he had asked her to watch the crystals passing with him this night.

Girl approaches [Boy's name] taking the cloth from his hands as he stands. She unfolds it and offers him an end. They open the cloth and spread it carefully out onto the ground.
[Boy places carpet on stage, or it can be already in place. Girl moves away to far end of carpet]

Girl removes her sandals and slowly walks to him. She embraces his waist pressing her head against his chest.

[Girl moves close to Boy]

Boy looks down at [Girl's name] and runs his hand gently through her silky hair. He smiles at her as she looks up at him. He sees the warmth of her love within her eyes. He affectionately brings his hand to the softness of her face leaning forward to lightly kiss her lips.

Girl:  "Ummm!" She exclaims. Slowly she steps back her fingertips to lightly trace the contours of his rib cage until they close near his mid section. She turns about and walks towards the center of the cloth. She sighs as she looks up longingly at the late afternoon crystal light.

[Girl moves to the center of the carpet looking away from Boy]

[Boy turns away from girl briefly to remove boots and items for his satchel then walks closely up behind her as she faces away from him]

Boy stands motionless as he watches her walk away. He smiles to himself as he reaches down to remove his boots, placing them in the grass at the edge of the cloth. He kneels to remove a few items from his satchel and places them quickly into his pockets. He rises and moves towards [Girl's name] Wrapping his arms about her waist as she lends back into him enclosing her hands about his.

Girl: "It is so lovely here among the trees in this grove. Especially in the evening, this the first time I have ever seen the crystal's passing from here. It pleases me that I am so fortunate to have found you to share this moment together"

Boy: "Then fortune has smiled upon us both. For I too feel this. I have brought you a gift that I would like to share before the day grows dark"

Boy takes his hand from about her waist firmly holding her yet with other. He removes a small box from his pocket and brings it back in front of [Girl's name] holding it up for her to take.

Girl:  "Oh? You didn't have......."

Boy quickly interrupts her

Boy:  "Yes! I did. It is my promise to you that I love you. That, within my heart, my love is pure. It is my wish that you consider that there is room for you in more than just my heart.  I am willing to share every waking moment with you in more than just in my thoughts. It is my promise to you that I will step with you forever if you will have me by your side."

[Girl turns to Boy]

Girl looks up into his eyes as he speaks. Though she listens to the words she reads them written within his gaze. She knows he speaks purely what is in his heart. Stunned and speechless she takes the box from his hands.  She looks at him again before carefully opening the lid revealing a delicately crafted silver pendent. Embedded in the center is set a large ruby finely cut into the shape of a heart.

Girl gasps for breath as she beholds the beauty of the pendent. Her hand automatically covers her open mouth as tears rush forth. Speechless she turns into his body embracing him with every ounce of strength she has. She cries into his chest.

Boy holds her firmly to him. He waits until her crying slows to sobs and he gently speaks to her.

Boy:  "It is called the Purest Heart. It was cut many cycles ago for my grandfather and he presented it to my grandmother on the day he asked her to marry him. So, I am asking you? Will you be my wife?"

Girl struggles to reply in crush of her emotions. For what seemed an eternity she caressed her hand repeatedly across his chest as he waited for her reply. Then in a rushed whisper the word came forth.

Girl:  "Yes"

[Both face the front of stage and Boy sits, girl sits close in his lap]

Boy senses the strain as [Girl's name] emotions over whelm her. He guides her to sit and gently lets her lean back into him. They sit in silence like this for a long time. He takes the pendent from her hand and removes it from the box. Opening the fastener he holds it out and waits as she leans forward, she gathers her long hair together and holds in away from her neck as he brings the silver chain together securing the ends.

Girl releases her hair shaking the strands loose from each other. She reaches up and hugs his neck kissing him lightly. She turns back around resting in his lap as they sit watching the fading crystal light.

Boy breaks the silence.  “I have another gift for you. If you have the strength left?"

Boy removes an apple from his pocket and holds it out for her laughing as she slaps his leg at his remark.

Girl laughs with glee as she takes the apple from his hand. She waits as [Boy's name] reaches over and pulls the satchel closer removing a knife from its contents. She hands him back the apple as he cuts it giving half  back to her. She sits facing him looking deeply into his eyes as they eat. Finishing she picks up the knife moving away from him she crawls to the edge of the cloth.

[ Girl rises and moves to the back center of the carpet facing left stage then sits]

Girl:   â€śCome over here [Boy's name]. Let us bury the seeds together here, as a symbol of our love. That they may take root and grow strong. To one day bare forth the fruit of continued life and hope."  
[Boy rises and moves to face her and sits]

Boy moves over to her taking the knife from her hand he digs at the earth with it. Together they place the cores into the exposed ground. He carefully scraps the soil back over the planted seeds. Setting the knife aside, He turns to her and kisses her. They embraced and the kiss becomes more passionate. They fall back onto the cloth as the last glows of the crystals light fades off in the distance.

Narrator: "The curtain Closes"



  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Re: My Purest Heart
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2014, 12:05:01 am »
Scene III, Act V
The Tavern
[Items needed Tables for a bar, a table and 2 chairs]

[Actors needed .Boy, Girl, bartender, Patron, Ruffian]

[Bartender is behind the bar. Ruffian stand at the bar closest to the front of the stage. Patron at the bar near the rear of the stage. Boy,off stage right. Girl off stage left behind the bar]

Narrator: " Two months shall pass by quickly after that evening. Time seems to drift away as they prepare for the day of their joining. On another evening like so many in the past the young Lord comes for her. This day she is happy and awaits him to share with him the knowledge of her joy"

Narrator:  "The curtain opens"

[Girl moves away from bar to stand in front of Table, facing stage right and clears it]

Girl moves across the tavern floor and begins to clear the table. Placing the dishes in a stack she begins to clean the table with a damp cloth. After finishing she stands pausing in thought for a moment. Her hand rises to caress her belly lovingly. She smiles sweetly as she looks down at the slight swell of her midsection.

Girl:  "Blessed am I to be given the gift of love. To feel every moment as in grows within my womb. The mixed affection of two caring hearts, Forged together in the heat of our passion to create a single soul, a single life. A gift of which will bond us together for all eternity."

Girl: Yet? Within the bliss of mine own feelings, my heart is troubled. I have not told [Boy's name] of my condition. It troubles me so, as I am afraid of his reaction. I know deep in mine own heart he will be most pleased to hear that I carry within my body our growing child. Still I hesitate to share the burden with him."

Girl:  "For [Boy's name]  has planned so hard the day of our Joining. It bothers me so that it may change the many arrangements that he has so painstakingly tasked himself to. But, Soon I will no longer be able to hide from him the truth of our bond. Soon our child will let him know of its own accord"

Girl Smiles again as she continues to caress the small swell of her belly that is hidden beneath the apron she wears. She sighs as she turns to the table and removes the dishes there, taking them to the kitchen to be cleaned.

[Girl turns and exits stage left behind the Bar]

[Boy enters the from stage right as the girl leaves. He moves to stand in front of the Table]

Boy enters the busy Tavern where [Girl's name] has been working. He stops near the now cleared table looking around for her. He glances over and greets his friend behind the bar.

Bartender looks up from his chore of cleaning the drinking mugs. His face lights up at the sound of his friend’s voice. He moves around the bar and towards [Boy's name] wiping his hands on his apron along the way. When he gets there he extends his hand in friendship and the two men clasp their hands together in a firm handshake of respect for each other.

[Bartender move from behind bar to where Boy is standing]

Boy: "Greetings my friend [Bartenders name] I have come to pick up [Girl's name]. We have plans to spend the evening together. We have much yet to arrange for our day of Joining."

Bartender: "It grieves me so that soon you will take her away from me [Boy's name]. But, it does my heart well to see you both happy together. I am very pleased for you both."

Boy laughs at his friend as they release the grip of their hands.

Boy: “Yes. It will be soon. In truth, not soon enough I fear. Were it allowed in the grace of her honor. I would have her with me now to share my hearth as well as my heart. I only need but a few more weeks to wait to have [Girl's name] as my wife. Too share with me the joy of each day for the rest of our lives.

Bartender looks happily up at the glow in his friends face as he listens to him. He gives a huge smile at the sediment of love his friend shares openly. He nods quietly and waits to speak.

Bartender:    "She is finishing up in the kitchen now as we speak. She has already let me know you were coming for her. I will go release her of her chores so she can refresh and meet with you."

Boy:  "My thanks to you [Bartenders name]. For all you have done for us"

Bartender:  "The thanks are mine to give my friend. [Girl's name] has brought a good share of cheer and grace to this Tavern again. She will be greatly missed by me and a good many of the patrons here. Wait here now and I'll send her out to you"

Bartender turns away from [Boy's name] and moves to the kitchen to inform [Girl's name] of his arrival. He stops momentarily to refill a mug from one of the customers at the bar and then disappears through the kitchens door.

[Bartender moves behind bar and exits stage left ]

[Pause, then Girl enters stage left behind bar]

Boy looks around as he quietly waits. He turns to the sound of the kitchen door opening. He looks and sees [Girl's name]. Their eyes meet as they share a quick smile with each other, He watches her as she begins to walk towards him.

[Girl moves slowly around bar near Ruffian]

Girl smiles as she looks up and sees [Boy's name]. Her heart stirs at the warmth he brings her. She pauses for a moment meeting his glance. Her smile remains as she walks around the edge of the bar. In a flash her face changes to shock as she passes the customer near its end. He grabs at her roughly, pulling her towards him.

[Ruffian faces the front of the stage, Girl move to backs into him facing the front of the stage]

Ruffian: "Come here girl. Let me give you something to smile about."

Ruffian reaches out. His hand grips about [Girl's name] arm. With a sudden jerk he tugs at her, forcing her into his lap. His arms enclose around her as she struggles against his strength. She screams at him as he kisses at her neck and face. He gropes at her body with his hands.

[Patron turns to face the scene before him]

[Boy moves quickly to Girl]

Boy stares in shock for only a moment. He rushes to [Girl's name] aid. His anger shows in his normally gentle face. He reaches out and grabs the strangers arm. His other hand strikes the assailants face causing him to release the grasp he had on [Girl's name]. [Boy's name] lifts her body out and away from the stranger. He turns with her releasing her as she wavers for a moment as she finds her balance. [Boys name] turns back to the stranger, lashing out with his closed hand. Knocking [Ruffian's name] from the stool and unto the floor...

[ Boy faces the couple. the girl steps away and boy steps away with her. He faces the front of the stage and they face each other]

[Boy turns to Ruffian and steps toward him.]

[Ruffian steps back and falls]

Girl: “[BOY"S NAME] STOP. LET HIM GO. Let it go. Please, let’s just leave. Please?"

[Boy turns to face girl and they booth turn to face stage right and take a few steps together]

Boy stops. He turns back to look at [Girl's name] Her pleading face turns his anger as he reluctantly nods at her. He steps towards her his arm moves about her shoulder as they begin to step away.

Ruffian: "I ain't done you yet Scum"

Ruffian exclaims as he struggles to his feet. Hidden from view he reaches back removing a small blade from inside his boot keeping it carefully concealed from the sight of the others.

[Ruffian stands up]

[Boy turns back and moves quickly to the Ruffian]

Boy quickly moves away from [Girl's name] pushing at the man as he regains his feet. The force carries [Ruffian's name] back against the bar only an arm’s length away.

[Ruffian backs into the bar]

Girl is taken by surprise as [Boy's name] moves back to push the stranger at his outburst. She runs after him throwing herself into his arms holding him back from fighting.

[Girl runs to stop in front of Boy and turns to face him. close]


Ruffian groans as the hard wood strikes against his back. His arms reach back as he catches himself on the bars surface. The small dagger in his enclosed hand still remains unseen. He catches his balance quickly and lunges at [Boy's name].

[Ruffian moves in close behind Girl]

Boy looks down at her pleading eyes as he places his hands along her sides as she presses her body against him stopping his motion towards the stranger. He takes a short step back in order to move her from harm’s way. It is then he watches as her eyes widen in shock. She gasps suddenly drawing in an urgent breath. The force of the unseen impact sends her body forward crushing into his. He reaches about her catching her body as it arcs into his arms.

Girl: "[Boy's name] "

Girl whispers his name. Trying to keep her balance she grasps onto his shoulders. Her strength fades as her body begins to go limp in his arms.

[Ruffian steps back dropping a dagger on the floor]

Ruffian draws back the blade quickly. He stares at [Girl's name] with a shocked look upon his face as he realizes what he has done. He drops the bloodied dagger from his hand leaving it to clamor upon the Tavern floor. Slowly he backs away muttering.

Patron: "By the Gods!"

[Patron steps back a few steps turning to look at Girl then the Ruffian then the Girl]

Patron backs away his eyes wide with fear as he looks between injured girl and [Ruffian's name]

Boy struggles at the sudden weight. He feels the warm liquid flowing from her body. He lifts a hand slightly staring at the life blood that covers it. He looks up in disbelief at [Ruffian's name]

Boy: "What...What have you done?"

Ruffian: "I...I didn't see her"

Patron runs from the Tavern calling out for the city guards.

[Patron runs across the stage shouting, exits stage right]

Patron:  "GUARDS! GUARDS!"

Ruffian looks in panic at the others present in the Tavern. He backs into the stools by the bar. He reaches back to catch himself. He runs. Running past [Boy's name] as he struggles to hold up [Girl's name] collapsing body. [Ruffian's name] never stops to look back as he runs from the Tavern.

[Ruffian runs across the stage, exits stage right]

Boy adjusts to the weight of [Girl's name]. He slowly kneels lowering her body careful to the Tavern's floor. He folds his legs beneath her, leaning forward so he can rest her upon his lap.

[Boy and girl sit]

[Bartender enters stage left behind the Bar]

Bartender angrily storms into the Tavern from the kitchen a large club grasped with in his hand. He moves with intent as he quickly makes his way around the bar shouting out loudly.


[Bartender runs around the bar stopping near the end facing Boy/Girl]

Bartender stops in his tracks as he looks upon the scene before him. He gaps at the blood upon the floor and the sight of [Girl's name] Laying helpless in [Boy's name] arms. He turns and tosses the club upon the bar and runs back towards the Kitchen shouting for his wife.

[Bartender turns to face Stage left]


[Bartender runs to exit stage left behind the Bar]

Boy looks sadly down into [Girl's name] eyes. Tears run down his cheeks as he speaks softly to her. He pleads with her.

Boy: Please, Please [Girls name] Stay with me. Do not leave me now. I need you here with me. I will be lost without you. Please. Stay with me. Help is on the way.

Boy places a hand along behind her head to support it as he speaks to her. He gently caresses his fingers through her hair.

Girl looks up at his saddened face. She reaches out her hand to his face and touches the stream of tears that glisten there. She traces her finger tips lightly down his check and brushes them across his lips.

Girl: "Do not weep so my purest heart. It pains me so to see such hurt upon your gentle face. Smile for me. Smile for me so I may see its warmth of it".

Boy struggles as he forces against the pain he feels. He smiles for her.

Girl smiles sweetly up at him. She traces her fingers along the edges of his lips. Her vision fades as she begins to lose focus of his face. She begins to cry.

Girl: " [Boys name]........Hold me.......Hold me tight,.............close to you."

Boy draws [Girl's name] closer to him holding tightly onto the one he loves. He buries his face in her neck as he hides from her this time the anguish in his face. He tightens his embrace as he hears the last of her breath escape her lips. He feels [Girl's name] relax in his arms. His body shakes in silence.

[Bartender enters stage left and runs around the BAr stopping short of Boy/Girl. He sits]

Bartender runs back into the tavern from the kitchen. His arms full of fresh linen. He freezes in place as he comes about the edge of the bar. He drops to his kness as he stares at the couple. The linen falls from his hands to the floor.

Bartender: "Oooooooh, Noooo."  He whispers shaking his head.

Bartender: "No,no no,no, no, no."

Bartender feels his heart wretch with pain. His eyes begin burn with the rush of tears. He lowers his head and he sobs.

Narrator: "The curtain closes"

« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 12:27:49 am by jaycol »


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Re: My Purest Heart
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2014, 12:08:58 am »
Scene IV, Act VI
The Grove
[Items needed., a flower placed at center stage, a plant and a apple]

[Actors needed. Boy, girl]

[Boy off stage right, Girl off stage left]

Narrator: "Within the growing flames of love. A great tragedy has stuck at it. Striking at the very bond that makes it burn. Yet, our story is not finished. For, within the ashes of yesterday’s fire one may find an ember that can be rekindled to burn again. Many months have passed since the terrible day. We shall find the young Lord still holding on to his love for the young woman. Wandering about in his spare time disenchanted for his lost. Until on one day he wonders upon the very hill that once brought him so much happiness."

Narrator "The Curtain opens"

[Boy enters stage right and walks towards the flower. He faces it ]

Boy walks into the grove. He stops as he looks down at the small sapling growing there. A faint smile crosses his lips. He looks away and up towards the sky. He sighs.

[Boy faces front stage]

Boy: "Oh! My purest Heart"

Boy:" How I weep so restlessly on each day since the day of your passing."

Boy" The anguish of my heart. Its pain brings forth the rain of my quenchless tears. Drawing from me. Draining.....the very life from my now hollowed shell. The very light of my soul darkened forever at your lost.

Boy: "Were that it was I"

Boy: "That had been the one to take that fateful blow as it was intended. It was my fate that should have called me beyond on that day. To be listed...Among those of who are written forever within the book of names. Not you, but I."

Boy: "Were that it was I"

Boy: "That had been the one to take that fateful blow as it was intended. It was my fate that should have called me beyond on that day. To be listed...Among those of who are written forever within the book of names. Not you, but I."

Boy: "Were that it was I"

Boy “Who would now dwell within the darkened shadows of the house of [Drakkru] to wonder endlessly in the plains beyond life. Forever searching for the chance to return among those I love. Too call out in the whispers of the wind your name. In hope, that you may hear me from among the voices of others.

Boy; "Were that it was I"

Boy: “That had fallen within a pool of my life’s blood as I have wished each day since that one. That? I would not have failed you when I did. Had? I listened to you that first time. If I had, we may yet share this moment of the crystal's passing together.

[Boy  turns to the flower ]

Boy turns and kneels by the tender sapling. He picks at the weeds and grass growing near its base. A tear falls from his cheek as he works. It falls gently upon one of the outstretched leaves of the young tree. He watches as it rolls down its length and to the leaves stem... He smiles, as he whispers softly.

Boy: "You should see it now [Girl's name]. How it has grown the symbol of our love that we had planted together here. I wish you could see how it reaches out for life."

[Boy steps back and faces the front of the stage then sits]

Boy sits back. His hand drys the wetness from his face as he leans back to watch as the crystal's light fades slowly in the distance. Sometime during the darkness his vision fades and he sleeps.

Boy shifts in his sleep troubled by his dreams. He calls out [Girl's name] name several times until he is again quiet. Near the edge of the grove a glowing light appears.

[Girl enters stage left , cast a short CW spell for effect. After the effect ends she walks to the flower facing flower and Boy]

Girl walks into the grove she stops to bend to the sapling. She touches the leave that had captured [Boy's name] fallen tear. She stands and faces him. Her hand strays to her belly as she glances down and smiles broadly'

Girl: "Oh, My Purest Heart. I have seen it grow. Every day since that very night I have watched as it reached out from within me the growing symbol of our love."

[Girl walks to boy and sits with him]

Girl moves over towards [Boy's name] kneeling beside him she reaches out to caress his strained face. She gently kisses his cheek.

Girl: “I have a gift for you"

Girl reaches up behind her and removes the silver pendent that [Boy's name] had given to her. She carefully places it around his neck and fastens the ends.

Girl: "It is called My Purest Heart. It was given to me by my one true love on the day we pledge our love to each other forever. I give it to you now so that you know that my promise to you still holds true."

Girl caresses his face again and gently kisses his lips. His face relaxes at her touch and he sleeps at ease. She moves to lay beside him resting her head upon his chest'

Girl: "Rest now my darling, as I shall rest with you here. Soundly, within the comfort of your arms, and embrace in truth the love we still share.

Girl: "For as long as our hearts hold true. I shall cross each night, the great divide. From that lonely place beyond where I now dwell in darkness. I shall come to you, to hold you again in your dreams. Here in your world. Here in the world of life. Just so that I may bask for so brief a time within the warmth of your light."

Girl: I swear now on the love we have pledged. Never, shall I be held so long in that far resting place of passing souls. Not, so long as you call out your love for me. So strong is it's call for me now, as it has always been. The constant beating that sounds out from within your chest. The calling of your purest heart."

[Girl places plant in front of flower, and the apple ( if it can be placed on the the plant)]

Girl closes her eyes as she lay there joining [Boys name] in his dreams. The night slowly passes by. With the dawning of the crystal's light [Girl's name] begins to fade away. As she slowly fades with the coming of the morning's  light, the sapling grows into a young tree bearing forth the fruit of a single apple. A symbol of continued life and hope.

Narrator: "The Curtain closes slowly"

[Allow a few minutes for the audience to respond]
[Actors come on stage with Girl/boy in the center of the line]

Narrator" "The curtain opens"

[Holding hands the Actors take a bow]
« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 12:50:02 am by jaycol »


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Re: My Purest Heart
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2014, 12:40:07 am »
Wow !  I knew you was a talented poem writer but a theater piece !  \\o//

That is excellent Jaycol ! I hope this little marvel will be displayed again some days in the Red Den or even Amdeneir Theater .

Thanks you for sharing ! :thumbup:
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Re: My Purest Heart
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2014, 02:44:55 pm »
Please find or make an event and share this in-game. Excellent  :thumbup:
Hey look kids, it's the antichrist Marsuveus!
What? Doesn't he just look huggable? Aw, c'mon, give him a hug.


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Re: My Purest Heart
« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2014, 10:31:19 pm »
Very entertaining!  :thumbup:


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Re: My Purest Heart
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2014, 12:46:49 am »
It's....... GREAT!  \\o// \\o// :thumbup: :thumbup:

And if you want to really perform it, I would like to help  :)
Licina Elvana
Commander in The Lost Knights

First prize winner of the RCD Delicacy Contest with the Hearty Flat Pie