Author Topic: Settings Books Discussing the Issues of a Region or Cities  (Read 345 times)


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Settings Books Discussing the Issues of a Region or Cities
« on: October 05, 2014, 12:03:37 am »
If possible, I would like to see more settings books that comment on the going concerns in a region or in specific cities much like the Meet the Dome Vigesimi books do.

It would be easier to strike up more settings based conversation RPs about if there was information on things like complaints between local merchants and the local government officials, regional festivals, land disputes, political gaffes, surprise hikes in prices, droughts for nearby farming towns and so on. These kinds of things aren't super consequential but it gives talking points and gives a sense of things happening in the region even if things aren't hopping just to walk through a city. Not to mention it makes it a bit easier to engage people in settings as it doesn't require a deep understanding of PS lore to talk about why your character supports the local miners lodging a complaint at the local government office about harsh restrictions on local mines.

I tried to introduce something like that with the Ojaveda News Bulletin but unfortunately it had two setbacks. One was that it was on the forum and not in game, so many players simply didn't know it existed. Two, it was written by a regular player so it didn't exactly carry much weight because it was not settings material. I think it would help set the tone for Hydlaa, Ojaveda, Gugrontid, and Amdeneir and give people a way to interact with regards to those cities more. At the very least it might provide conversation fodder for when a conversation lags. Or it might inspire RPs based on the events or occurrences such as rallies or forming a posse.

But I think this has the potential to do a lot for RP. Just think of how much people used to talk about Harnquist's drinking problem just because we used to see him at the Tavern so much. Although, we must have hurt his feelings as now he doesn't seem to even go there anymore.  ;D


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Re: Settings Books Discussing the Issues of a Region or Cities
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2014, 05:30:07 am »
I agree with you, it's a good idea to have a "taste" of local happenings and such. But those kind of information fit better in a Newspaper then a setting book which is a kind of "permanent" information gathering. Example : a book about the bestiary of Yliakum opposed to a book about the ongoing strike of the miners in Gugontrid.

In the other hand, if we had a kind of "kiosk" in game, where we could go and read the "latest news", not on books but on note like format, it would make more sense. Somewhere like on the plaza or on the grass next to Harnquist. This "kiosk" could he hosted by Settings as for the check in on the texts, and dedicated to local news and not on "background" or "lore" knowledge. Maybe.
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Re: Settings Books Discussing the Issues of a Region or Cities
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2014, 05:27:49 am »
Maybe if the GMs like the idea the players may suggest a news and it could be added somehow to the local IG bulletin by GMs thus making it official.
For sure adding more settings news would be cool but I would add them permanently only for long lasting settings stuff (e.g. something that is going on since years).


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Re: Settings Books Discussing the Issues of a Region or Cities
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2014, 02:14:52 pm »
Ok, it's a thought. :D Hmm...  *goes off to think*


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Re: Settings Books Discussing the Issues of a Region or Cities
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2014, 05:15:50 pm »
I agree with lumi on this. Ephemeral information is better suited for newspapers and word of mouth. Notable history is better suited for books.

You do have a valid point of needing something to talk about, but lets face it, player-wise, yliakum is pretty much abandoned. This feeling that you are living in a void is quite normal for a dead end town. Settings-wise, this should not be the case.

I think trying to fake it by making up artificial news is kind of awkward. Its fine to do it on a small scale - like with your rp group, but I think that if you try to push this artificial news past your personal group and onto everyone else, it will feel very fake.

This I think, is one area where having a player lead the rp and provide background information ( like setting, weather, current events, news) would be very helpful - but only for players in your circle.


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Re: Settings Books Discussing the Issues of a Region or Cities
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2014, 05:30:06 pm »
Well, single group local events is not too much different than everyone in your group knowing that so and so broke their arm. That is not quite what I am talking about; however, I brought up the Dome Vigesimi book for a reason.

We were talking about the crime in Hydlaa and Ojaveda in the Stonehead the other day and Illy commented that as bad as can be at least it's not as bad as it is in the towns in the Clacker Bronze Doors area. That lead to a discussion of the current political situation there including the effects of corruption, a little bit of Yliakum law with regards to resident action, and so on. Now if you can do that off a paragraph in the Dome Vigesimi book, imagine if you have similar information on the areas that players are actually in?

Since I doubt you want  to go in game just to see the book, here it is here:

Razireen Strag is a very young Ylian female in charge of the Clacker Bronze Doors and the farming towns. As of this writing she has seen but nineteen winters, and was thrust into the position when her mother died somewhat unexpectedly a few months ago. She is short for her race, very beautiful and charming, but highly inexperienced and preferring to delegate administrative responsibility to the Squadrons and village elders than take any herself. She holds her office in the command post of the Clacker; it is unusual for a Vigesimi to have an office inside one of the Bronze Doors, but not unheard off. Some say Vigesimi Razireen Strag is more concerned with maintaining her beauty in order to find a husband who can provide her with an heir, but if she maintains that attitude much longer she may find herself removed from office, for her domain is crime-ridden and in need of attention. She is said to be approachable only if you look presentable enough, and much prefers the audience of men.

This is not just news of the day stuff; it is indicative of underlying issues in the area that would affect how the people living in those areas might go about their days.


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Re: Settings Books Discussing the Issues of a Region or Cities
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2016, 08:11:08 pm »
Another necro, I still think this would be nice project and maybe on people can work on it through the Knowledge Seekers initiative to get book into Jayose's library. I don't know if they still use their forum for that or if LigH is still keeping tabs on the linked thread, but it wouldn't hurt to try if you have an idea.


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Re: Settings Books Discussing the Issues of a Region or Cities
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2016, 05:24:25 am »
Another necro, I still think this would be nice project and maybe on people can work on it through the Knowledge Seekers initiative to get book into Jayose's library. I don't know if they still use their forum for that or if LigH is still keeping tabs on the linked thread, but it wouldn't hurt to try if you have an idea.

Devs are still accepting submission and proposal for inclusion in the official lore.


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Re: Settings Books Discussing the Issues of a Region or Cities
« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2016, 11:09:44 am »
Good to know. :thumbup: