Author Topic: Healer's Council of Hydlaa  (Read 2411 times)


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Re: Healer's Council of Hydlaa
« Reply #30 on: February 16, 2015, 03:58:18 pm »
Oh my first forum appearance hope i won´t scare anyone.

Now then lets start.

Alvero Alenciar, knowledge seeker student.

Area of expertise: None though I'm a student in glyphs.

Main interest: Books and I'm a little curious about the ig events.

Any medical books i have written: None.

And the final thing, yes i would like i am however unsure if il be able to attend due to ir problems.

Demagul Riwe

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Re: Healer's Council of Hydlaa
« Reply #31 on: February 20, 2015, 06:43:56 pm »
 :o WHAT!?  :o Alvero's joining the council! Demagul's gonna flip out! You'd better not try to kill Demagul in the middle of a meeting...  :devil:

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: Healer's Council of Hydlaa
« Reply #32 on: June 02, 2015, 05:08:51 pm »
*Evirea approaches the billboard and the smithy, moving throughout Hydlaa to deposit flyers:

« Last Edit: June 03, 2015, 03:33:18 pm by Mariana Xiechai »


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Re: Healer's Council of Hydlaa
« Reply #33 on: June 03, 2015, 01:51:14 pm »
Are you guys going to build a makeshift hospital or draw up a blueprint of a proposed building? If it's the latter, I can make a 3D model and texture it. Maybe the developers could put it in the next update. (I have suddenly been given a lot of free time, so it shouldn't take too long to finish.)
Lace dark dreadfull power inside him awakens now fully resultin his former self comin back lord of dark noble house shantae of mevango family lacertus shadowone mevango also knowed as darkblade of shadows

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: Healer's Council of Hydlaa
« Reply #34 on: June 04, 2015, 04:40:39 pm »
*Evirea scribbles down some rough plans for the hospital in a notebook:

Are you guys going to build a makeshift hospital or draw up a blueprint of a proposed building? If it's the latter, I can make a 3D model and texture it. Maybe the developers could put it in the next update. (I have suddenly been given a lot of free time, so it shouldn't take too long to finish.)

The GMs and Devs have agreed to give us a Basic Map Instance for the hospital, I'm not familiar enough with the T&C and how art contribution works to know if that would be possible, but either way, thanks for the offer!
« Last Edit: June 04, 2015, 04:45:36 pm by Mariana Xiechai »

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: Healer's Council of Hydlaa
« Reply #35 on: June 05, 2015, 11:20:52 pm »
Logs from the Healer's Council Meeting!

(14:31:54) Anysu says: Hello Sulaika
(14:31:55) Alvero raises an eyebrow at the new arriver, "I take it you got lost too?"
 (14:32:06) Jemima licks Hokapatha's ear "Why is everyone here tabei... I did hear so many voices.. that's wahy I came here too..."
(14:32:16) Anysu says: I did Alvero
(14:32:45) Evirea peers around at the gathering, before raising her hand in a wave to Anysu's greeting.
(14:32:48) Hokapatha explains patiently : " The Healers Council is holding a meeting, to disscuss of the futur layout and services of the Hospital.. The futur Hospital of Amdeneir."
 (14:33:21) Alvero smiles cheerfully, happy to hear that Anysu remembered his name.
(14:33:26) Delion watches Hokapatha , "Well better than crying all the time." he turns back to reading
(14:33:37) Jemima purrs softly "Wow... sweet... errrr... a real building..?"
(14:34:01) Evirea gives Delion an odd look, perhaps not understanding his comment. She moves down to the front of the amphitheater.
(14:34:18) Hokapatha replies on the same neutral tone : " But certainly ! That's why i am glad you realized it."
(14:34:53) Evirea shouts: Thank you all for coming. It's heartening to see there's still such interest in this Council even after a delay in its progress.
(14:34:59) Jemima nods "Ahhh.. real building... with rooms... nice..."
(14:35:23) Hokapatha notices Evirea and conclude she is hhere to start the meeting. She takes a more comfortable stance, crosses her arms and listens.
(14:35:31) Delion watches Evirea behind his glasses, nodding a bit in agreement
(14:36:02) Evirea shouts: As I'm sure you recall, the travesty that is the 'sanitorium' in Hydlaa has been a problem for some time. Doctor Lesiros, I'm certain you can relate to the difficulty of trying to perform complex surgery behind a billowing canvas tent in the midst of a storm.
(14:37:07) Hokapatha search the famous Doctor of the eyes...
(14:37:08) Anysu listens to Evirea and nods in agreement
(14:37:26) Sulaika leans back against the stairs, seeming a bit unhappy about the chosen place, but smiling to Evirea. She then glances to Lesiros interested to hear what he answers
(14:37:33) Evirea shouts: When people are wounded they need somewhere they can be safe. Warm. Dry. The need somewhere with solid walls and doors they can close if they wish. They need both privacy and comfort, and those that treat them need access to adequate storage and better working environments so that they can focus on the task at had with utmost attention.
(14:37:52) Jemima giggles softly and whispers to Hokapatha "A few days ago... I killed a big rat inside the tent... nasty spot..."
(14:38:09) Hokapatha slightly nods at the statement then grins as she hears Jemima's
(14:39:28) Evirea finally cracks a smile, though her hand are folded tightly behind her back to hide their trembling. "For some time the hospital here in Amdeneir has been in operation already, reserving many an empty ward in case of need for its citizenry and its guards. Yet those wards have sat empty for too long. As per the request of the Healer's Council of Yliakum, they have chosen to allot such a space for our purposes here, in Amdeneir."
(14:40:40) Hokapatha says: Fantastic. I am so glad to be there at the start of this.
(14:40:41) Sulaika claps her hand together, "What thats awesome. We will get a hospital then?"
 (14:41:25) Evirea shouts: I've called you were to discuss ideas on how we should divvy out this space, according to the illnesses that are most frequent, so we can better suit the needs of the people. The precise date of the ward's opening hasn't been established; it will be when we have decided upon its setup.
 (14:42:09) Evirea shouts: That all out on the table, I'd like each of you to think it over and tell me what you believe would best benefit the hospital establishment. I have a rough blueprint I've drawn with some ideas if desired.
(14:42:16) Cormah looks impressed and smiles at the good news
 (14:43:46) Delion looks through his glasses at the lady next to him, then to his left at the klyros, then his attention goes back to Evirea
(14:43:58) Evirea scans the crowd, waiting for input.
(14:44:27) Hokapatha asks : " What are, roughly, the different services you would like to open ?"
(14:46:27) Evirea nods to Hokapatha. "I propose three separate exam rooms, a room specified for surgery that shall be routinely cleaned with both conventional means and magical, a psychiatric ward for the mentally unsound or damaged, a magic trauma room for those afflicted by spells that have gone awry, a Pharmacy in which alchemical and herbal stores may be kept, and finally a conference room and library, where our texts may be stored and where we may host meetings, as well as invite medical professionals to give lectures. Many of these thoughts come from Siteya; I'm only sorry I had to take up the reins in her absence."
(14:47:11) Hokapatha smiles :" And we cannot but thank you deeply for doing so."
(14:47:34) Alvero shrugs, "A ward for those who have been affected by azure mages. Having trouble with the mind so to say." He glances at Evirea, smiling, "Precisely."
(14:47:40) Anysu says: Thank you for doing this Evirea .
(14:47:50) Demagul quietly hurries in, taking a seat next to Allena. He gives everyone a courtious smile as a greeting.
(14:48:08) Hokapatha adds : " The overall sections seems good to me.... The library is mandatory for the reserches anyways." She ponders then dares : " In which section would you fit dermatology ? Chirurgical?"
(14:48:08) Alvero bows his head, seemingly trying to express his gratitude.
 (14:48:14) Cormah listens to Evirea and thinks about the layout she has proposed "Would any of these wards be able to be seperated in the case some sort of contagious symptoms are presented
(14:48:29) Sulaika glances questionly to the others, then blinks, "Erm we will need also room for people with diseases, that we need to put in quarantine."
(14:49:15) Anysu says: Good question Cormah. A would suggest a room where family and friends could speak with those in hospital if they are not contagious.
(14:49:59) Sulaika says: If we have a plague thats spreading, we need to make sure to seperate them from the other patience
(14:50:08) Hokapatha nods, supporting the idea. She adds ; " I would also add a small "welcome area, to orientate the public, aswell as a small waiting area, for family nd visitors."
(14:50:39) Evirea nods her head to Sulaika and Cormah's queries. "What I wish to erect are privacy screens, barriers between the beds. I know that spells of purification, especially in the blue way, are often used to stave diseases. I would like to ask our mages present if it would be possible to enchant these screens in such a way that pathogens would have great difficulty traveling from one section to the next." Her head turns towards Hokapatha then, nodding slowly. "A seating area would be a great idea for those waiting to hear the prognoses of loved ones. I agree."
 (14:52:04) Hokapatha continu nodding : " Magic can be a true support, but shoudln't be switched with prudence, enterly, in my opinion, in the most extrem cases."
 (14:52:33) Hokapatha says: In ojaveda, we learned to well, the effect fo certai, plague.
(14:52:56) Alvero nods, "It vould work but some diseases may bypass it."
 (14:53:14) Cormah thinks for a moment about Evirea's suggestion "It should be possible, something which will last would need to be used to maintain the effect of the enchantment but I can't see any reason why it shouldn't work" Cormah then nods in agreement with Hokapatha "Yes I suppose in extremem cases the entire hospital could always be quarintined if the need was greate enough"
 (14:53:39) Anysu says: Magic could be a first defense, but a place to block off and quaratine would be good idea.
 (14:54:22) Evirea can't help but smirk at Hokapatha. "Believe me, of all people, I'm not one to disagree with that sentiment. Regular cleaning and sanitation between patients using the rooms will be mandatory. In the cases of a patient with something extremely virulent," she gives a nod towards Cormah, "It indeed might be best to have a room with extra attention to both enchantment and sanitation, so that it would not spread to other patients otherwise afflicted."
(14:54:50) Hokapatha nods slowly, approving silently.
(14:55:17) Evirea pulls out a small book and flips it open, scrawling down the ideas of those present. "Anything else?"
(14:55:28) Tuathanach says: SHould we not have an assessment area? before people are moved to more specialist areas?
(14:55:43) Allena says: Wouldn't it make more sense to quanentine a room than move a contagious person through an area of the ill who's immune system is already under strain?
(14:55:51) Hokapatha repeat on a low tone : " A welcome area, yes..."
(14:56:09) Sulaika thinks a bit, "I wonder if it was possible to build up a room with a magical barrier constantly to make it more easy."
 (14:57:09) Evirea nods towards Tuathanach. "Perhaps the welcome area could be combined as such, and the three exam rooms designated to particular afflictions. For instance, one for physical trauma such as breakages and lesions, one for internal damage such as organ failure, and the third for those with possibly highly contagious illnesses."
 (14:57:20) Jemima whispers into Hokapatha's ear "I don' t knpw anything of diseases tabei... but... if you put people with things you don't know in seperate rooms..? If they don't see anyone... they can't make anyone sick... right..?"
(14:58:35) Anysu nods at Allena's comment about transporting contagious folks.
 (14:59:07) Hokapatha smiles to Jemima : " I suppose. But it would ask so much space. That is hard to
(15:00:13) Jemima purrs "One or two rooms tabei... you don't need to seperate someone who'se scratched up... or someone with broken bones... so... just a few rooms..."
(15:00:25) Evirea nods at Hokapatha. "Correct. We only have the use of one ward, and so much divvy out space with a lot of forethought." She looks back towards Tuathanach. "Thank you for your suggestion. Do you think my idea would work to suit those particular needs, professor?"
 (15:01:42) Tuathanach nods to Evirea "it may do, we will find out truly if implemented"
 (15:04:47) Evirea nods. She walks up the bleachers and reaches a hand out first to Anysu, holding a piece of paper out to her. Then she moves to Demagul, saying, "Please pass this along when you finish taking a look. It's just a rough example. Make any notes you can think of."
 (15:04:56) Phenha enters and sits to one side without aplomb.
 (15:06:30) Demagul examines the plans with a happy nod. "Ah, yes, an herbal g-garden...willl d-do fine."
 (15:06:37) Sulaika says: So do we disbuss exactly also which instruments we want?
(15:06:39) Demagul passes it to Allena.
 (15:07:09) Anysu looks over book
 (15:08:02) Delion studies the plan
 (15:09:55) Anysu hands plans to Cormah
 (15:10:21) Cormah takes the books and looks through them carefully
 (15:10:43) Delion reaches the plan over to Gova
 (15:12:25) Cormah hands the plans to Sulaika clearly impressed with the detail
 (15:13:22) Gova hands Jemima the blueprints for the hospital.
 (15:13:35) Evirea nods to Sulaika. "If you have suggestions, please write them down. As for instruments, obviously the basics needed for surgery, but if our mages have ideas on enchanted objects that could benefit the ward, please do provide them."
 (15:13:40) Sulaika looks interested at the plan herself too, frowning about the conference room a bit, but seeming to understand it though
 (15:14:22) Hokapatha clears her throat ; " I must run, now i have affairs to attend to. Good luck to all and i will see you another time."
 (15:14:24) Sulaika nods to Evirea, "Alright...thank you. I am thinking about it then..."
 (15:15:18) Jemima looks in the book... and purrs "Petter that I don't write in it... I guess..." and drops it into Lesiros's lap "More something for you tabei... I think..."
(15:17:12) Sulaika isn't able to imagine something now, reaching the plan over to Tuathanach
(15:17:22) Sulaika says: Sorry took me a bit...I thought I might have an idea
(15:17:58) Tuathanach takes plan and reviews
(15:19:11) Tuathanach says: who needs plans next?
 (15:19:57) Sulaika has still the plan, seeing Tuathanach has one too, holding it up in the air
 (15:20:28) Evirea continues to wring her hands behind her back. If she wasn't a reptile, she'd probably be sweating underneath her collar as the others pass the notes around. To busy herself, she pulls out the book again and starts writing in it. Or scribbling for something other than the crowd to look at. Hard to tell.
(15:20:46) Lesiros waves goodbye.
(15:20:59) Lesiros waves goodbye.
(15:21:14) Jemima waves "Time to go home... mom is waiting for me.. see ya.!!"
(15:21:54) Sulaika looks stunned waving after Jemima, "She has a mum."
(15:22:00) Sulaika seems surprised
 (15:22:22) Anysu says: I didn't know that either Sulaika
 (15:22:49) Sulaika stands up, to return the plan to Evirea, "Yeah Anysu me neither. Strange huh."
(15:23:10) Evirea reaches out and takes the plan from Sulaika with a grateful nod.
(15:23:17) Tuathanach says: have all seen the plan?
(15:23:33) Cormah smiles and nods at Tuathanach "I think so"
 (15:24:20) Sulaika returns quickly to her seat
(15:24:38) Evirea says: Thank you professor.
 (15:25:00) Tuathanach smiles
 (15:25:45) Evirea shouts: If no one has anything else they'd like to discuss, this meeting is finished. I'm sorry it was so short and informal; in the future they will be more organized and there will be much more to discuss, I assure you.
(15:27:19) Anysu says: Thank you for having this meeting Evirea
(15:27:40) Evirea shouts: Thank you all for being here. The Council is nothing without you.


Thanks to Gova, Lesiros, Allena, Demagul, Alvero, Cormah, Tuathanach, Jemima, Sulaika, Anysu, Delion, Hokapatha, and Phenha for attending!

More to come!
« Last Edit: June 05, 2015, 11:26:09 pm by Mariana Xiechai »

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: Healer's Council of Hydlaa
« Reply #36 on: June 23, 2015, 02:33:52 pm »
[There will be an OOC meeting tomorrow, Wednesday at 21 GMT to solidify choices made in the hospital and to come up with any extra prop ideas. Just be online and Evirea will /group you!]


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Re: Healer's Council of Hydlaa
« Reply #37 on: June 24, 2015, 04:11:11 pm »
So Excited to see Evirea and the Healer's Council continue on with building the hospital! You all rock!


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Re: Healer's Council of Hydlaa
« Reply #38 on: June 24, 2015, 04:26:07 pm »
May you be blessed with a boquet of horrific maladies and life threatening ailments that no simple potion, salve or spell can cure. May all of Yliakum suffer and reel in heart breaking torment so that your hospital may become a beacon of hope for the fortunate and an express portal to the world of the dead for those who have been smitten with bad fate.

« Last Edit: June 24, 2015, 04:34:43 pm by Rigwyn »


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Re: Healer's Council of Hydlaa
« Reply #39 on: June 24, 2015, 04:58:42 pm »
May you be blessed …

Damola – the peaceful being she is –sometimes thinks that an express portal to the world of the dead for Rygwin may be a good idea instead. But then she wonders: Will it actually change the state of Rygwin at all?

Then she practices in forgiveness, believing that Rigwyn in his essence is a feeling being like anyone else. She feels grateful for the blessings Rigwyn kindly sends out to the members of the Healer´s Council and believes in a power that is pure love which creates everything, including, but not limited to Rigwyn.

[Of course all of that is OOC, unless someone gets to know Damola a bit closer:)]
« Last Edit: June 24, 2015, 05:02:41 pm by Damola »


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Re: Healer's Council of Hydlaa
« Reply #40 on: June 24, 2015, 08:28:54 pm »
Hmm... this healers council / hospital thingy is starting to sound interesting now...   :detective:

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: Healer's Council of Hydlaa
« Reply #41 on: June 24, 2015, 08:45:18 pm »
*Evirea looks at Rigwyn's face morosely. "There's no saving it. We have to amputate."

Aramara Meibi

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Re: Healer's Council of Hydlaa
« Reply #42 on: June 24, 2015, 08:55:28 pm »
Hey, from an economical standpoint, a hospital needs people like rigwyn.
all blessings to the assembled devotees.

Aramara Meibi

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Re: Healer's Council of Hydlaa
« Reply #43 on: June 24, 2015, 09:04:50 pm »
Hmm, prominent citizen funds the building of local hospital, a truly altruistic act in the public eye, buys his way onto the board of trustees, votes himself a substantial paycheck for such a prestigious position, pays off local thugs to create 'business', controls the cost of healthcare... Why am I not playing this game?
all blessings to the assembled devotees.


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Re: Healer's Council of Hydlaa
« Reply #44 on: June 24, 2015, 09:12:06 pm »
*cough*  because there are no players *cough cough*   :-X  ;D