Author Topic: Healer's Council of Hydlaa  (Read 2435 times)


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Re: Healer's Council of Hydlaa
« Reply #60 on: August 10, 2015, 07:23:20 am »
Oh yes, the building is separated into several areas with specific equipment, like many clean towels and medical preparations just a grip away, special surgical instruments and workwear, examination rooms, and even a herbal garden and a more separated mental ward. And it is not hard to find, just the corner before the ... uhm, which prominent building is it, with well and guard in front, the townhall?

* Lesiros is still excited...

Gag Harmond
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Demagul Riwe

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Re: Healer's Council of Hydlaa
« Reply #61 on: August 10, 2015, 07:48:30 am »
Thanks so much for the screenshots and information, Shatterkiss and LigH!  :D This place is incredible and I can't wait to start helping out upon my return!

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: Healer's Council of Hydlaa
« Reply #62 on: August 15, 2015, 09:31:15 pm »
Logs from the most recent Healer's Council meeting:

(10:22:17) Evirea rushes into the building. There's a splotch of blood on her tunic that looks fresh, but obviously isn't hers. She scowls and grates out, "Sorry I'm late."
 (10:31:54) Eresae moves to a chair "Are we going to have a tea party? Wait... we can't have a party with Ed like that... I can get the tea though!"
 (10:36:16) Fuusan stands from his corner of the stair, and walks over to the table, kneeling in front of it.
(10:36:40) Evirea breathes out slowly. She seems jittery herself but nods at those assembled. "Thank you all very much for coming." Pulling out a sheet of paper, she sets it on the table and says, "This is the agenda we'll be going over, and any other concerns you all would like addressed of course."
 (10:36:52) Alvero appears to raise an eyebrow as he once more surprised to see taht the mercyless act of tickling had a purpose. He sighs softly before saying, "Il go outside eventually, Ed. I assure you that its just a matter about time." As he continues to gfaze at the ylian child with a worried expression.
(10:37:01) Asmo walks in, rubbing his head "Sorry I'm late... I slept in."
(10:37:01) Allena quietly makes her way behind Fuusan and sits behind him quietly
 (10:37:59) Fuusan does not seem to notice Allena.
(10:38:29) Evirea says: Not at all Asmo, I wasn't exactly on time myself.
 (10:39:05) Evirea says: So. Our first matter to address is the banning of alcohol from the hospital, save of course for purified forms used for sanitization purposes.
(10:39:07) Edara snuggles into Evirea and reasuringly pats Evirea's back
(10:39:25) Evirea says: We have plenty of painkillers that don't come with negative side effects, and I'd rather not have the staff or the patients being regularly inebriated.
(10:39:26) Evirea says: Thoughts?
(10:39:42) Cheris raises her hand
 (10:40:15) Gova says: It sounds reasonable to me. If someone wants a drink, the inn isn't far. If they can't make it there on their own, perhaps it's best they not drink anything.
 (10:40:32) Fuusan looks at Cheris, face inscrutable, then turns to Gova as he speaks.
(10:40:35) Evirea nods, then looks to Cheris expectantly.
 (10:40:48) Alvero glances at Cheris, before nodding, agreeing with the reasoning of the two klyros at the end of the table.
(10:40:57) Cheris says: I don't know the protocol here. May I speak?
(10:41:01) Evirea says: Certainly.
 (10:41:27) Cheris says: I suppose it is because of me that this is on the agenda
(10:41:31) Cormah looks over at Evirea and Gova before turning to look at Cheris interested to see what she has to say
(10:41:47) Evirea quirks a brow. "Well, yes and no. I intended to vote on every major thing regarding the hospital anyway."
(10:41:54) Cheris says: I proposed it to Evirea a few days ago, and she told me it would be discussed here
(10:42:10) Cheris says: So this is what I have to say
 (10:42:30) Cheris says: Ylliakum is not like other worlds. Some things are very different here
(10:42:43) Cheris says: I think this is the case with craft brewed beer.
 (10:43:17) Fuusan says: And what would you know of other worlds. Elves are surely long lived, but I don't think the oldest elf could claim to know as much as THAT.
(10:43:17) Cheris says: While it is inebriating when taken in quantity, in smaller amounts it has a beneficial effect on the body
 (10:43:19) Evirea waits, idly brushing Edara's hair with her claws.
 (10:43:48) Evirea says: My point, Cheris, is that we have plenty of remedies on hand that healer's have been using which do NOT have the negative effects of liquor. So why use it?
(10:43:51) Cheris says: Sir, I read books, but that is beside the point
 (10:44:03) Fuusan drums his claws on the table, looking at Cheris with earnest curiosity.
 (10:44:29) Evirea nods towards Jocas.
 (10:44:41) Eresae stretches "But Alcohol is nasty stuffs... why would you want it in a hospital?"
(10:44:43) Evirea says: We're currently discussing the banning of liquor in the hospital, please have a seat if you like.
(10:44:46) Jocas dusts himself off "Excuse me for being late, please." and then walks over to sit on a free chair.
(10:44:57) Cheris says: Well, I think that it may be a good idea to use everything that has beneficial effects. Perhaps some of the other remedies would not be as effeectrive on some patients?
(10:45:24) Asmo nods "I can supply painkillers of various types, and can't think of anything that would require a drink to cure it, other than a hangover... as for the benefit of a small amount, that's a dietary issue, and not something we would be treating durring the stay in the hospital."
(10:45:25) Evirea says: I highly doubt that we will ever have a patient who requires boozing up as an effective treatment.
(10:45:26) Cheris says: And not liquor, Evirea... craft brewed beer
(10:45:45) Evirea says: Besides, relying on liquor, or beer, or anything alcoholic has bad detrimental effects.
(10:45:53) Cheris says: It increases the recovery of stamina...
(10:45:54) Evirea says: Turning to alcohol when times are hard is a leading cause of alcoholism.
(10:46:07) Fuusan says: When the absence of alcohol presents health problems in a person, it is a disease known as alcoholism. Perhaps you should consider admitting yourself?
(10:46:12) Lesiros says: There are different kinds of alcoholic preparations. Some are made for drinking, some are made for cleaning. The one made for cleaning is sometimes necessary, especially in the surgery; so it may have to be made improbable to drink.
(10:46:20) Cormah nods "What is the protocal for dealing with addicts then? I have heard of people who are addicted to the stuff".
(10:46:20) Jocas looks around curiously, then asks Evirea "I take it there isn't a consensus just yet."
 (10:46:25) Fuusan continues drumming his claws on the table, quirking a brow at Evirea.
 (10:46:51) Lesiros says: One yould add bitterness to it to avoid it getting drunk.
 (10:47:08) Jocas chuckles at Lesiros "Have you tried drinking pure alcohol?"
(10:47:10) Evirea says: There is a general consensus. I've collected four votes from other members to ban it thus far, those who cannot be present. Aleeane, Anysu, Celroc, and Prreta.
(10:47:21) Cheris says: I would imagine most of the Hammer clansmen would fit your definition of addicted, but are they any less for that?
(10:47:22) Jocas says: It's strong enough to deter someone from drinking it.
(10:47:29) Evirea looks to Cormah. "Detoxification to start."
 (10:48:11) Evirea says: An alcoholic, Cheris, is someone who suffers often from liver failure, has trouble gaining weight, and cannot go long without needing to drink. They are incapable of turning it down.
(10:48:13) Jocas declares with a playful smile "If someone wanted to get drunk on pure, denatured alcohol, no matter the taste, they would. The outcome would be less than pretty."
(10:48:21) Evirea says: So no, they wouldn't fit my definition, as they are not living in a near constant state of inebriation.
(10:48:37) Asmo says: But is not nearly as effective as a potion from Alchemy for an imediate use... major imbalances can be treated here with better methods than an intoxicant, minor ones can be given an advised change in diet... like I did with Faicke at the health fair."
 (10:49:12) Evirea nods to Asmo. "Precisely."
(10:49:18) Cheris says: But, outside the hospital, not everyone has access to those potions.
(10:49:21) Lesiros looks at Jocas: "I am not insane."
(10:49:25) Cormah listens to the discussion trying to weigh up both sides of the arguement in his mind
(10:49:30) Evirea says: And the people inside of the hospital would have access to them.
(10:49:32) Jocas turns to Evirea "I think we're deviating from the main topic, and this one can be talked as a different point. That is, therapy for alcohol withdrawal. What we're talking here is how liquors and spirits should be banned from these premises."
(10:49:40) Evirea says: As well as the capacity to have them prescribed, so that point is moot.
(10:49:49) Asmo nods "Which is where the dietary advice come in Cheris..."
(10:50:09) Fuusan says: I think you can vote, now...
 (10:50:14) Evirea says: Indeed.
(10:50:15) Cheris says: If the hospital is dead set against the consumption of beer, then people may not realize it can be used to banish fatigue
(10:50:34) Fuusan scratches his chin, looking sidelong at Cheris momentarily.
(10:50:34) Jocas says: Consider underage patients, however.
(10:50:38) Evirea says: I doubt that they won't figure that out considering the number of taverns and brewmasters around, Cheris.
(10:50:55) Evirea says: At any rate, I believe Xephir is right. Time to vote.
(10:51:04) Cheris says: I am not so sure about that, given my experience with BattleSnacks
(10:51:07) Jocas says: Very well.
(10:51:14) Evirea says: Those in favor of banning all forms of consumable alcohol, please raise your hands.
(10:51:26) Jocas raises his arm just enough to be noticeable.
(10:51:28) Fuusan raises his hand uncertainly, looking around the table.
(10:51:32) Allena raises her hand
(10:51:34) Alvero appears to raise his hand.
 (10:51:34) Asmo raises his hand
 (10:51:38) Cormah raises his hand
(10:51:45) Edara raises her hand
(10:51:48) Cheris says: I am not a member, so I cannot vote
(10:51:55) Eresae raises his hand as well "Wait... I'm not supposed to be here am I?"
(10:51:55) Lesiros says: Consumable - that's the point.
 (10:52:00) Lesiros raises his hand
(10:52:12) Gova raises his hand.
(10:52:16) Evirea smirks. "Anyone with an interest in healing is welcome to be a member of the council."
(10:52:19) Jocas says: I think we have consensus.
(10:52:25) Evirea seems to be answering both Cheris and Eresae with this.
 (10:52:44) Evirea says: Very good. Cheris, thank you for expressing your concerns, I appreciate your input even though we disagree on this topic.
(10:52:44) Cheris says: I have no such interest. I am a merchant
 (10:53:11) Cheris says: Thank you for allowing me to speak, even if the conversation got a bit off topic
(10:53:11) Fuusan says: ... of craft beers, no doubt.
 (10:53:28) Cheris says: No, sir. Of battle Snacks and magical blades
(10:53:32) Evirea says: Well, it raised some good points about treating alcoholism actually, so thank you.
(10:53:37) Evirea says: We should move onto the next topic, I believe.
(10:53:40) Eresae nods "I like healing! It's such a nice thing..."
(10:53:59) Cheris says: May I excused myself then?
(10:54:09) Evirea says: If that is your preference, Cheris.
(10:54:12) Evirea says: Thanks for being here.
(10:54:12) Fuusan stands to let Cheris pass.
 (10:54:27) Cheris bows to the assembled party
(10:54:29) Lesiros waves goodbye.
(10:54:33) Jocas reaches out for the brochure and reads "How to go about staffing the establishment. There shouldn't be too much problem with this point."
(10:54:40) Fuusan says: Oh. Hey, "sis".
(10:54:55) Fuusan leaves it at that, and kneels again.
(10:55:23) Allena reaches forward to pull Fuusan into her lap with a smile
 (10:55:45) Evirea rubs Edara's back soothingly and nods at Jocas. "I believe it should be staffed at all times, or as close as we can possibly get to it. This is not an eatery or a bar or a place for reveling; we have to be able to deal with emergencies without notice whatsoever. To do that, we must have healers present."
(10:57:44) Jocas says: Well, that's something that can't be discussed, it's true. But keep in mind that's taking time off the healers', and we should be able to somehow reward them - besides the satisfaction from helping out someone in need.
 (10:58:32) Edara smiles "Ed can help. Ed is a good staffer"
(10:59:03) Evirea nods to Jocas. "Yes," she replies. "Payment would be necessary, which in part has to do with the third thing on our agenda today. We can discuss what a reasonable sum would be depending on how much time each healer dedicates to the hospital. For now, could I see the hands of those practicing healers who would be willing to contribute shifts?
 (10:59:38) Edara enthuiastically raises her hand
 (10:59:53) Evirea grins down at Edara and ruffles the child's hair affectionately.
(10:59:54) Asmo raises a hand "I'm willing to."
 (11:00:07) Cormah raises his hand without hesitation "Of course".
(11:00:13) Allena raises her hand and grabs one of Fuusan's to place aloft as well
 (11:00:57) Alvero sighs softly while keeping his hand down, aware that he would be able to contribute anything as one who has only now started to learn the basics of healing-
(11:00:58) Jocas clasps his paws together and puts them on the table, looking around "That's very nice, indeed, but there's the problem of funding the hospital. I myself have an idea."
 (11:01:09) Eresae thinks for a moment "Um... maybe not a good idea for me..."
also does, then two of these people must be the same person. Alas, that is not the case.
(11:01:48) Evirea looks towards Lesiros, surprised the man doesn't raise his hand, but nods at Jocas. "That being?"
(11:01:59) Fuusan raises his hand, or rather has it dragged into the air.
 (11:03:02) Jocas says: Well, it may not be too popular, but we could offer some kind of insurance. Something not too expensive, enough to pay for the supplies and some of the healer's time.
(11:03:04) Lesiros says: I can't promise regular presence. But I will try to appear often...
(11:03:38) Evirea nods at the other klyran healer, then looks to Jocas. "Could you clarify insurance?"
 (11:04:28) Jocas shrugs a little "Well, we could offer a health plan for wounds and ailments, for a sum to be paid up front or gradually."
 (11:05:10) Evirea says: I understand. We do have to keep in mind those who cannot afford such, and I will not turn patients away on the basis of lack of money, so there needs to be a contingency plan in regards to that. Regular charity events, I should think, would suffice.
(11:05:33) Asmo shrugs "We could also host a charity ball... politicaly minded people could donate to make themselves look good to the people."
(11:05:42) Allena says: I would have a problem with charging and profitting of of the misfortunes of others
(11:05:54) Jocas says: Of course, the insurance should cover that, too. Few pay for the wellness of many.
(11:05:58) Fuusan grins at Asmo. "Cynic."
(11:06:08) Edara smiles "Ed could give peoples hugs"
 (11:07:22) Evirea gives Asmo a thoughtful look. "I have been considering a ball for the market. It was intended for merchants and guild members to discuss things, but...I don't see why it could not be done relatively regularly. A small fee for the ball should be manageable, and as you say, I'm certain people would be willing to donate. Perhaps we can look into that first, and if that method does not work..." She nods at Jocas. "We'll consider other routes."
(11:07:23) Asmo smiles and winks at Fuusan "Mercenary... I worked for more than my share of 'politicians' and they wore a better mask than most the people that I worked with."
 (11:08:33) Jocas says: A ball to gather funds? I know just the way. If I may?
(11:08:44) Evirea says: Certainly.
 (11:09:55) Jocas says: Well, not too long ago I hosted a masquerade ball at the House. I could offer it again for a charity drive and ball. It's still equipped.
 (11:10:13) Jocas says: So, if you need a place, you already have it.
 (11:11:28) Evirea says: I presume you mean the House of your guild? It's an idea. I was thinking of decorating the market area itself, as we did for a highly successful ball some time ago. But that's something we could certainly vote on when the time comes.
 (11:13:13) Jocas says: Indeed. And you seem to have forgotten that there are finances relatives to a hospital healers don't have the time to - or just don't know how to handle.
 (11:15:01) Evirea gives Jocas a wry look. "I think you are overestimating my own incompetence. I did, after all, head the start of the Hydlaa Markets, and to do that I contacted many experts in such fields. But yes, I know you're plugging." She looks to the others. "Jocas here as volunteered to be the primary controller of our money-assets, and has donated a million tria towards the hospital."
 (11:16:12) Jocas chuckles a little and nods, shrugging some "Yes, it was a shameless self-promotion. I can't help it. Being honest, I think the merchant branch of the House is slowly becoming unprofitable, so I'm drifting towards charity and health now."
 (11:16:25) Jocas says: If I can help, I will. Of course with transparency.
 (11:17:23) Asmo drums his fingers on the table "I'll get ahold of some contacts when it comes time for the charity ball... see if I can't get some donations going."
 (11:18:45) Lesiros raises his hand: "I have another idea..:"
 (11:18:58) Evirea nods to Lesiros. "Go ahead."
 (11:19:06) Jocas observes the Klyros intently.
 (11:19:40) Jocas counts four Klyros and states the supremacy of such race "Looks like our winged friends all take after the most charitable profession..."
 (11:20:21) Lesiros says: Recently I heard that there are crafters who know how to enhance tools and clothes and ... other things. I wonder if they would be interested in cooperating. Knowledge Seekers will certainly have some experience already. But I also think of the Iron Hammer shop.
(11:20:46) Fuusan responds to Jocas without hesitation. "We are taught obligation to our fellows."
(11:20:52) Evirea nods to Lesiros. "I will certainly contact those organizations."
 (11:21:05) Evirea dips her head to Jocas. "I believe the Union as a concept should be applied to all races, not just our own."
(11:21:06) Jocas says: You're basically suggesting that we turn to them when it comes to research and tools. Doesn't sound crazy, actually.
(11:21:07) Gova says: You are speaking of enchanting jewelry? I know a little of it myself.
 (11:21:27) Evirea says: Gova, dear friend, you know a little about everything under the azure sun.
 (11:21:32) Evirea winks at the klyros amiably.
 (11:21:49) Gova chuckles. "I try."
(11:22:13) Lesiros says: Yes, enchantment is the term I missed
 (11:22:58) Evirea says: Well. I think we have some courses of action on the second topic. Are we ready to move to the third?
 (11:23:34) Jocas says: Can we make it clear? Also, could we vote on the insurance idea?
 (11:24:05) Fuusan nods, more or less obscuring Allena, being roughly of height with her.
 (11:24:15) Evirea says: I think that we should try funding events first, see how much we are able to collect through support, then see if the insurance is even necessary. Does that sound agreeable to everyone?
(11:24:29) Jocas shrugs "Conform."
 (11:24:42) Evirea looks around the table expectantly.
 (11:25:13) Asmo nods "It works for me... then we can price the insurance better if it becomes needed."
 (11:25:23) Fuusan nods.
 (11:25:29) Cormah bows his head in agreement
(11:25:29) Alvero nods in agreement.
 (11:26:10) Jocas peruses the brochure "I think we've settled the next topic, as well."
 (11:27:15) Evirea shakes her head. "I think the initial charity event should be hosted in a week's time, actually, here. It's unfortunately hard for some people to navigate Amdeneir, and having the grand opening, if you will, at this location, would be helpful."
 (11:28:22) Jocas says: Well, if you think so, so be it. Which reminds me, the hospital needs a spokesperson. The public face of the hospital, as if to say.
 (11:28:54) Eresae grins "I vote for Ed, she's a good speaker!"
 (11:29:12) Evirea laughs quietly at Eresae's statement and ruffles the little ylian girl's hair again.
 (11:29:40) Lesiros says: But a bit young to explain even complicated issues...
(11:29:42) Edara perks up "Ed can do! Ed will best the best!"
 (11:29:47) Evirea says: Perhaps so. Personally, I believe that position would be best held by Siteya, but as she is absent a stand-in is likely necessary.
 (11:32:29) Evirea says: As this is a good majority of the council, does anyone else want to nominate a stand-in?
 (11:33:38) Allena says: Allow me to make the obvious suggestion: Evirea
 (11:34:22) Asmo says: Anyone but me...
(11:34:44) Evirea smirks wryly at Asmo and then looks to Allena, quirking a brow. "My social skills can tend to be a touch lacking..."
 (11:35:21) Fuusan grins. "I vote Ed."
(11:35:25) Lesiros says: I don't know all of you very well ... and I doubt myself to fit into this position. But I believe ... Gova may be a renowned person?
 (11:35:42) Allena rolls her eyes at the Kylros "But you have the respect and noteriety of the entire Dome
 (11:36:25) Evirea looks to Gova, thoughtful, waiting to see if he will speak.
 (11:37:47) Gova looks a little surprised. "I think 'renowned' is a somewhat loftier description than I've earned, but I'd be happy to help in any way I can."
(11:38:36) Evirea places her chin in her hand. "I agree that Gova is a good candidate. He's level-headed, powerful, amiable. I cast my vote with Gova until such a time as Siteya is able to return."
(11:40:54) Asmo looks at Fuusan "What about Xephir?"
(11:41:48) Fuusan grins. "Because there is nobody as level-headed, powerful, and amiable as me? Gova is a better candidate."
 (11:42:11) Evirea looks towards her son. "Xephir is about sixteen or so in klyran cycles, but he's still an eight cycle old. Admittedly that might be confusing for some who does not quite understand the attributes of our race. Still, he is a clever boy, so it's not a bad recommendation. Perhaps just not the right one."
(11:42:12) Asmo shrugs "I've seen how well you can talk circles first hand."
 (11:42:49) Evirea looks to Lesiros.
 (11:42:59) Lesiros says: I fear I can't witness the end of this meeting, but I am certain it will be constructuve...
(11:43:16) Gova says: Kfar, Lesiros.
 (11:43:22) Lesiros says: Please send be a brief summary to the Hydlaa sanatorium.
(11:43:28) Evirea says: Thank you for being here doctor.
(11:43:30) Evirea says: Your presence has been much appreciated.
(11:43:31) Lesiros says: *me
(11:43:40) Lesiros waves goodbye.
 (11:45:03) Fuusan blinks at Asmo, and settles back with a smug kind of smirk. "You give me too much credit, mister."
 (11:45:54) Evirea hums softly. "Well. Shall we go with Gova for now, until a more concrete consensus is reached?"
 (11:46:46) Fuusan nods, and raises his hand. "I'm in favour."
 (11:47:04) Asmo shakes his head "Not at all... not at all. You're good with words, better than I think you want people to know... perhaps your modesty has a purpose... but yes, Gova would be a good candidate."
(11:47:16) Cormah nods in agreement "I think Gova would do well".
 (11:48:37) Alvero smiles as he says, "Indeed." After he hears the words of Cormah.
(11:48:54) Evirea studies Asmo curiously, trying to figure out what to make of what she's saying to her kid. Finally she nods to Gova. "The position is for you, then, if you are willing."
 (11:49:30) Gova nods. "I will do my best to represent the Council well, then."
(11:50:22) Fuusan says: I look forward to your work, Gova.
(11:50:23) Evirea says: Thank you.
 (11:50:59) Evirea draws in a breath. "Very good then. The charity event will be hosted a week from now; I shall have an exact date and time shortly. Now, the floor is open. Are there any concerns anyone else wishes to address?"
 (11:53:23) Asmo smiles "Perhaps... we could extend a greeting to that new science association for research purposes... we will need to keep our knowledge of any new medical techniques up to date I think, and if they develope anything... it could be useful, assuming they get around to forming that is."
 (11:55:13) Edara furrows her brow and adopts a very serious aire "We need more pillow. How and doctors amke caves for sleeping to make peoples feel better?"
 (11:55:45) Gova says: Ah, pillow forts. A good point.
 (11:56:56) Evirea dips her head to Asmo. "Agreed. Do you think you could set up a formal invitation to the charity event, once I have the invitations made of course."
(11:57:22) Evirea nods towards Edara, looking very serious. "Oh yes," she agrees. "We certainly need more pillows. I shall have that ordered immediately. Maybe dollies and teddies too."
 (11:57:41) Asmo nods "I'll see if I can find a list of their people... I think it used to be on the billboard in Hydlaa."
 (11:57:52) Edara nods apperciatively at Evirea and Gova
 (11:58:44) Evirea pulls out a sheet of paper and awkwardly writes on it around Edara, who is still in her lap. "Anything else?"
 (11:59:59) Fuusan says: Is the burn ward lumped in with the magic trauma ward?
 (12:01:17) Evirea nods to Fuusan. "Yes, especially if magically induced...which nine times out of then it is."
 (12:02:38) Fuusan nods. "I can't really think of anything the hospital isn't equipped to handle, barring... circumstances that are too uncommon for it to be economical to staff for."
 (12:02:56) Edara says: There should be a box to put the bad people in that nodoby likes
 (12:03:52) Evirea nods at Fuusan. "Thank you. I certainly hope so." She looks to Edara and smirks. "That's what prisons are for sweetie. We're not going to do things like that here."
 (12:05:13) Evirea looks at everyone around the table. "Anything else anyone would like to have addressed or clarified?"
(12:05:17) Edara says: Oh. How come they don't work?
 (12:05:35) Asmo stifles a laugh.
 (12:06:18) Eresae blinks "They... don't work? We should rebuild them better then!"
(12:06:33) Fuusan grins, steepling his hands over his mouth.
 (12:07:38) Evirea snorts at Edara's statement. She blinks back tears of laughter and chokes on the laughter itself.
 (12:08:21) Fuusan leans forward, moving off Allena's lap to lean in front of the table, and puts his elbows on it.
 (12:09:36) Allena says: Perhaps be should petition for all rides to Amedier for medical needs to be made free of charge?
 (12:10:39) Evirea looks to Allena and explains, "The rides to Amdeneir are already free to the citizenry, if you mean by pterosaur, because none of the other races have the wings to reach it in a timely manner."
 (12:10:56) Asmo says: Only from Hydlaa.
 (12:11:03) Evirea says: Ahhhh. Fair point.
 (12:12:05) Evirea says: Then I agree. We should look into that being established.
 (12:13:29) Evirea adjusts her grip on Edara, the child still in her arms. "I thank you all for coming here today. Your input has been completely invaluable."
 (12:14:11) Edara nods "Yeah. Real good helpers"
 (12:14:37) Asmo nods and stands up bowing politely "Well, if that's everything?"
 (12:15:14) Evirea says: I believe no one else has anything to add. If so, meeting is adjourned.

And some screenshots!

I will clean up the logs for today's event as well. If anyone took screenshots of it, please pm them to me. Thank you!
« Last Edit: August 15, 2015, 09:57:21 pm by Mariana Xiechai »

Mariana Xiechai

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HCOY Research Project 1 - Preservation of Patients in Critical Condition
« Reply #63 on: August 30, 2015, 08:47:50 pm »
Persons that have taken up project: Gova, Asmo, Anysu, Sacho, Kanuby and Cormah

Meeting Logs:

(14:09:18) Evirea nods. "It is my job to worry, in a way," she replies easily. "...Mmm. I'm thinking of having that meeting now, about the blue way research. Are you well enough to sit in a council chair and pretend to pay attention?" She grins.
 (14:10:57) Cormah smiles softly "Anytime, at least now I have an excuse I do that on a normal day i'm afraid!"
 (14:11:42) Asmo walks into the hospital, smilling.
 (14:12:59) Evirea grins. "Alright then." She offers him his arm. "Let's get you over there, shall we?"
 (14:14:09) Cormah stands slowly with Evirea's help
(14:14:48) Evirea helps Cormah into a chair.
(14:14:58) Cormah is helped to a seat by Evirea he smiles at her saying little instead expressing his thanks through non verbal expressions
 (14:16:18) Evirea nods to Gova, Sacho and Asmo. "Thank you for coming. The others should be here shortly, if you want to take a seat."
(14:16:26) Evirea does so herself.
 (14:18:35) Asmo nods and walks around to the far seat "Of course."
 (14:19:04) Anysu says: Hello Asmo, Gova, Evirea, Sacho and guild brother Cormah.
(14:19:13) Evirea says: Kanuby stated he'd be here shortly. Business at the market, it seems. For now, I suppose it'd be fine to outline what the research is going to entail. First off, does everyone know...
(14:19:18) Evirea smirks at Anysu. "Well then. Nevermind."
 (14:20:23) Cormah smiles at Anysu "Hey Any"
 (14:21:15) Asmo smiles "Greetings Anysu, and to the rest of you as well."
 (14:22:29) Cormah nods in turn at the others in a respectful fashion
 (14:24:00) Sacho listens quietly.
 (14:24:36) Evirea clears her throat. "Some time ago a blue way user came in here and gave me some interesting ideas. She proposed that a patient in a coma, dying from an illness, might be carefully preserved - with a complex working of the blue way."
 (14:25:42) Evirea says: The research I propose centers mainly around figuring out how to get the body into this state - and how to safely draw them back out of it again.
 (14:26:01) Gova frowns. "Preserved? In what way?"
(14:26:35) Evirea looks to Gova. "For lack of a better word, frozen."
(14:26:38) Anysu listens curious and intently to such an idea.
(14:26:52) Evirea says: The potential that this could be done without harming the patient, is, of course, in question.
 (14:27:13) Sacho says: That may be easier said than done. If you fully freeze a body, the ice will damage the body.
(14:27:13) Evirea says: Which is why it needs extensive research - first on simple animals, then moving upwards slowly to more complex living creatures.
 (14:27:41) Evirea nods to Sacho. "As I am aware. I'm not even entirely sure the process could be done without that damage - but I feel that it is worth the research."
 (14:28:19) Gova says: But how would that work? I've frozen food before, and it never thaws perfectly. Hate to see what it would do to a person.
 (14:28:39) Asmo nods "I see... it may be possible with some colaboration with other mages... from other ways."
 (14:29:27) Evirea motions to Asmo. "Precisely my idea. The individual also proposed that, with a mingle of blue way and crystal, healing could be delivered directly through the body, using the circulatory system. I believe these two things used in tandem might make it possible."
(14:30:00) Evirea looks to Gova. "Of course, ksib. I would never test this on a patient from the getgo. It's why I feel if we do endeavor to research this, we begin with the simplest of animals we can find."
 (14:30:02) Cormah ponders the idea for a short time "There is also possible psychological effects as well as physical. How would freezing someone's brain affect their thought patterns and behaviours"
(14:30:09) Sacho thinks this over. "The Crystal could treat some of the damage by the freezing, but I don't think one could stay like that for too long, Evirea."
(14:31:21) Anysu nods in agreement at all the comments.
(14:31:22) Evirea nods at Sacho and Cormah. "Both valid points, and concerns. This process would only be used if a patient were on the brink of death - like the enkidukai suffering from the plague in Ojaveda, for instance. They will die before a cure is found. But if they could be preserved, perhaps they could be saved."
(14:31:30) Kanuby says: "I'm sorry for being late, can someone catch me up on what I've missed?"
(14:32:39) Evirea looks to Kanuby. "We are discussing the possibility of researching blue way for the matters of the preservation of dying patients."
 (14:32:57) Kanuby says: 'me nods "Interesting"
(14:33:25) Gova starts mumbling. "Cold to lower temperature, Water to perhaps prevent ice damage to tissues. Maybe Tree to slow life processes?"
 (14:33:55) Sacho says: However some diseases occur more quickly with magic so this still could be risky for some.
(14:34:26) Kanuby says: "How long would the preservation need to be for?"
(14:34:48) Evirea dips her head to Sacho. "Agreed," she replies. "There is no guarantee this research will create something fruitful - but there is a possibility. Of course each precaution would be taken, even -assuming- we reached a level where we could offer it to a patient whose body is failing."
 (14:35:03) Sacho says: And on which race? An enkidukai and klyros react very differently to cold.
 (14:35:10) Evirea looks to Kanuby. "For as long as would be possible. For now, we're not aiming for a specific time."
 (14:35:51) Evirea says: It's entirely possible this process would only work for certain races, yes. Klyros, for instance, can die very quickly if they are exposed to too much cold - but it is also possible adjustments could be made to whatever procedure we devise to avoid this.
 (14:37:29) Kanuby says: "I agree that starting small for research is the best course"
 (14:37:41) Evirea nods to Kanuby.
(14:38:07) Evirea says: Which of you would be interested in taking up this endeavor? I do not know enough blue way, I admit, to be of much use, but I know that at least Asmo and Gova are well enough versed to be leaders.
(14:38:13) Kanuby says: "We know that freezing is useful on food and fish, but that tissue is dead"
(14:38:50) Sacho says: So what is the first thing we will use for our tests?
(14:38:53) Evirea says: Agreed, Kanuby.
(14:38:58) Kanuby says: "I would be willing assist"
 (14:39:04) Cormah nods "I can help once I return from my travels"
 (14:39:45) Evirea looks to Sacho. "I would surmise that at least keeping it mammalian would be best, as that makes up for the majority of the races here on the Dome. Rats, I think. If the research makes it far enough, processes for klyr could be tested on velnishi, or riverlings. Reptilian creatures."
 (14:40:04) Kanuby muses "Rats? Their plentiful and it helps to keep the warehouses cleared"
 (14:40:29) Kanuby nods at Evirea's suggestion
 (14:40:58) Sacho says: Maybe start with kirki for Klyros?
 (14:41:11) Gova says: Velnishi, perhaps. Riverlings are too advanced, I think, to be used for testing.
(14:41:14) Evirea says: A kikiri is still a warm-blooded creature.
 (14:41:36) Evirea nods at Gova. "Understood. This is your project, and of course, if you are interested, you are free to work within whatever moral bounds you set for yourselves."
 (14:42:08) Sacho says: I think we should avoid using Riverlings until we have something that has a chance of working, Evirea.
 (14:42:27) Gova says: Much of the life processes are the same, so for initial tests we could use tlokes.
(14:42:34) Sacho says: Of course, this means rats are about to become in short supply for a while.
 (14:43:20) Kanuby smiles "Maybe the warehouses and tavern owners will sponsor our research?"
(14:43:20) Evirea nods to Gova agreeably, and then looks to Sacho. She smirks. "I don't think you're going to wipe out the population of rats quite that quickly, Sacho, but if that becomes a risk then we could certainly stop. Granted, I think we would have dropped the research as a failure before that point."
(14:43:26) Gova says: And for the spell, I'm thinking it would have to be a four glyph spell. Cold to lower body temperature, Water to keep ice from forming and destroying tissues, Tree to slow life processes down, and Life to maintain the spark that keeps us alive.
 (14:43:50) Gova says: The more I think about it, though, the more I think alchemy must play a major role here.
 (14:44:06) Evirea looks towards Gova, intrigued. "Asmo is a master alchemist," she returns, nodding to him.
 (14:44:38) Sacho says: Agreed. This isn't going to be easy and will need a mix of everything I would guess.
 (14:45:04) Anysu says: I agree, a mix of other things.
 (14:48:06) Evirea spreads her hands. "Now. Should it be required, there will be payment. I know some people prefer to work without it. Please state your preferences on this?"
 (14:50:02) Anysu says: I do not need pay to provide my time and skills to this research. If you need funds for other purposes I will be willing to donate tria.
 (14:50:22) Kanuby says: I need food
 (14:50:49) Sacho says: I will let you know, Evirea.
(14:50:55) Kanuby says: "As payment"
 (14:51:40) Gova says: My time was purchased and donated back to the hospital, so I cannot accept any payment.
 (14:52:56) Anysu looks at Kanuby quizzical.
(14:53:18) Evirea looks at Kanuby, surprised.
(14:53:22) Evirea says: ...Of course.
(14:53:47) Kanuby says: "What? I get hungry when I work"
 (14:54:00) Cormah smiles at Kanuby nodding in understanding
 (14:55:18) Asmo smiles "Food does sound nice... a snack here and there while we work. I would be happy to help."
 (14:56:18) Evirea chuckles quietly.
(14:56:28) Evirea says: You will of course be provided with whatever you need, foodwise, supplywise, and so forth.
 (14:56:49) Asmo looks at Gova "I think the possabillity might even be that we'll need more than one mage to make it work properly... at least in most instances. We will also have to adapt the unfreezing process."
 (14:56:52) Evirea says: Time to put the money we gathered to good use. Simply keep a list of what is required, and I will gather it from the locals.
 (14:58:42) Kanuby looks to Asmo "Yes, the 'thawing' process will as critical if not more so than the freezing"
(14:59:01) Anysu says: So where to we begin? With rats? Will the hospital be locale used to do this research?
 (15:01:04) Gova says: Fire to warm the flesh - gently, of course. Lightning to quicken the body processes, or perhaps Bow. Life again, of course.
(15:01:06) Asmo nods "A good start would be to determine at what point we stop dropping the temperature... I'd suggest maybe a crystal mage to help monitor life signs on the rat while we freeze it?"
that be
(15:02:01) Evirea seems to have fallen to listening to the others deliberate, but there is a smile forming on her face as she does.
(15:02:11) Anysu says: Gova is that what you suggest for rivival?
 (15:02:57) Anysu also nods at Asmo's words as she waits on a reply from Gova.
 (15:02:59) Gova nods. "It would require testing, of course."
 (15:03:08) Anysu nods
 (15:04:52) Anysu says: I can assist with monitoring life signs
 (15:06:10) Evirea leans back in her chair and folds her arms over her chest. "I thank you all for your willingness in this. If you feel inclined, I encourage you to write a book on whatever your findings might be. We will add what you discover to our texts here at the hospital."
(15:06:17) Kanuby sighs "There are going to be a lot of working parts to this process: Initial freeze, maintenance, thaw"
 (15:07:35) Gova nods to Kanuby. "True. Even if we succeed the person will still require careful monitoring and nutrients. We'll need to ensure that the slowed life processes don't accidentally prevent the body from absorbing the required nutrients.
(15:07:35) Anysu says: Alchemy was mentioned to help as well. Where, if we do incorperate that would that fit in?
 (15:08:17) Gova says: I was thinking it might be most effective in preventing ice from forming within the tissues.
 (15:08:27) Gova says: There is a freezing potion already, is there not?
(15:08:38) Kanuby says: "That's a very good question Anysu"
 (15:09:08) Anysu says: Yes there is Gova.
 (15:10:34) Kanuby turns to Gova "I think that storage will be very important, to have a "clean/purified" room"
 (15:10:56) Gova says: True. I hadn't thought of it, but infection could be a real problem.
 (15:11:29) Anysu looks at Asmo,"Alchemist freeze I think it is called?"
 (15:12:06) Asmo nods "There is.
 (15:12:33) Asmo says: It could also be effective in providing a large amount of essential nutrients for the body to absorb before the freezing.
 (15:12:50) Gova says: Perhaps that potion could be modified to aid in the process. Introduced directly into the veins, perhaps.
 (15:13:25) Evirea continues to listen to the back and forth. Her expression, despite the fact that she does not speak, shows that she is clearly intrigued.
(15:13:32) Anysu nods at both Asmo and Gova's words.
(15:13:35) Kanuby nods
 (15:14:18) Kanuby says: "It will be interesting to see the different effects of the potions on the subjects"
 (15:15:28) Kanuby says: "and then how long the potions stay effective"
 (15:15:51) Anysu says: The clean and purify to avoid infection, makes me think again.. where will we do this research?
(15:16:17) Kanuby looks around and smiles "So, anyone taking notes?"
 (15:17:11) Kanuby looks to Anysu "I was going to comment and got distracted, is there a suitable location close to the hospital?"
 (15:17:54) Evirea nods to Kanuby. "A valid point. Soon, the Learning Hall will be opening up, dedicated to research and the arts."
(15:18:05) Evirea says: I should think such a locale would be suitable for most of the required experimentation.
(15:18:21) Kanuby says: "Someplace close for supplies, but distant enough to not disturb the patients"
(15:18:22) Gova says: Yes, perhaps that would be best. Wouldn't want to disturb patients in the hospital with experimentation.
(15:18:30) Anysu says: Yes that sounds best.
(15:18:46) Cormah nods in agreement
(15:19:11) Anysu says: I would not want to be the patient waking up to see on a table a frozen test subject rat.
 (15:19:30) Kanuby chuckles
 (15:20:32) Anysu grins.
(15:20:53) Anysu says: Evirea maybe I missed it but where is the Hall going to be located?
 (15:21:22) Evirea makes a motion with her hand, curving it slightly.
 (15:21:27) Evirea says: Right up the street from here.
 (15:21:50) Anysu nods in understanding. "Thank you."
 (15:23:33) Evirea nods. "If it would be possible, I would like to be kept up to date on whatever your findings are. I will leave whatever coordinating is required to all of you, as your respective schedules allow."
(15:24:16) Gova says: Perhaps we could leave notes in the box at the entrance here if we do any work before the Hall of learning opens.
 (15:26:11) Evirea nods to Gova. "Perfect!"
 (15:26:39) Anysu says: Which box is that?
(15:26:40) Kanuby says: "are we going to be concerned with roaming eyes looking at the research?"
(15:26:52) Anysu says: Good question Kanuby
 (15:27:35) Kanuby says: "I agree that we need to a good way to communicate, if we are not concerned, then that is good enough for me"
 (15:27:52) Evirea shakes her head.
(15:27:58) Evirea says: There won't be any laws broken in this research.
 (15:28:17) Evirea says: Any patient who might eventually volunteer will likely be one with no other options at hand, and we would have their express consent.
 (15:28:53) Evirea says: We would not even attempt such a thing unless we had major indication it would be a success, from the research you have conducted.
 (15:28:59) Kanuby smiles "I'm sure the majority of the citizens will find the details boring anyway"
 (15:29:22) Anysu says: How about opposition which might arise from others if they know of the test subjects we use?
(15:29:32) Evirea chuckles. She looks to Anysu.
(15:29:42) Evirea says: You mean people opposing us because we're testing what...rats?
 (15:29:59) Anysu says: Yes that was what I was thinking.
 (15:30:39) Anysu says: Or even velnishi later.
(15:30:47) Kanuby says: "Anysu brings up a good point, there will always be those opposed to the advancement we are suggesting"
 (15:31:38) Kanuby says: "We will have to be prepared for those ditractors and showing the benefit"
(15:31:42) Asmo shakes his head "I can handle talking to the Xiosians that oppose... the Dakkruists most likely won't."
 (15:32:16) Anysu says: The Xiosia followers did come to mind.
(15:32:22) Evirea nods. "You can leave that part to me. If there should be too much by way of fiery response, I will take full responsibility.
 (15:32:37) Anysu nods at both Asmo and Evirea
(15:32:40) Evirea says: And I will handle as much of the cooling it down that I can muster.
(15:32:46) Asmo smiles "As for the other two... their religion is in sad enough state. Xiosia is a goddess of balance... that ballance includes death."
 (15:33:45) Kanuby looks to Asmo "I guess that is why this process would be a choice for the individual"
(15:34:17) Asmo shakes his head "Whoever came up with the idea otherwise... is sadly mistaken. Nature shows us this much... creatures kill what they have to in order to survive... we are merely doing it ahead of schedule."
 (15:35:13) Evirea nods in agreement to Asmo. "Should you ever want to host a religious lesson on it, I'm more than willing to help." She smirks. "In the very least, I find such things to be quite fascinating." She stands. "If you'll excuse me, however, there are some things I have to tend to. I thank you, and wish you luck."
 (15:35:39) Sacho says: Take care, Evirea.
(15:35:48) Gova says: Kfar, Evirea.
 (15:35:56) Kanuby says: "Bye Evirea"
(15:36:06) Anysu says: Farewell Evirea


If you and your character would like to be a part of this, just approach one of the members working on the project, or leave a notice at the hospital!
« Last Edit: August 30, 2015, 08:57:54 pm by Mariana Xiechai »