Author Topic: [RP]Pendants and Papers  (Read 1529 times)


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[RP]Pendants and Papers
« on: February 26, 2015, 07:05:44 pm »
[This is a RP that is happening IG. It's kind of already been going for a while, but not really... I'm sort of expanding it now.]

  A fenki runs down the road from the gates in East Hydlaa, carrying an old leather book in her arms. She glances quickly up at the sky, then flattens her ears against her head as a drop of rain lands on her.

  Somewhere near Jayose's library a gust of wind tears a page loose, blowing it away. The fenki doesn't notice, keeping on running down the road, around the bends, out onto the plaza and past the fountain. She runs up the ramp leading on Octarch's Way, tripping on a jutting stone and twisting her ankle painfully. She cries out as she notices a breeze carry off another piece of paper, blowing away. She feebly attempts to grab it, but it is out of her reach. She hisses as the rain starts to pick up, putting the book in a pouch. She struggles to stand, but winces as she puts her weight on her right foot. She begins to crawl on all fours, heading to Highwatch.

  She inches her way up the steep stairs, which to her must seem a never ending cliff. When she finally reaches the tavern, the rain is coming down quite heavily. She crawls to the fire, wrapping herself in a blanket, and pulls out a letter to read, which has obviously been read many times before.

[By the way, those papers are actually out there, and are a way to join the RP. And, of course, there are other ways to join in.]
« Last Edit: September 09, 2015, 05:31:17 pm by Tidebringer »
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Demagul Riwe

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Re: [RP]Pendants and Papers
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2015, 11:46:31 am »
[Ooo this looks interesting! I hope Demagul or one of my other characters can get involved somehow. Even if I can't it should be fun to read on the forum]


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Re: [RP]Pendants and Papers
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2015, 08:49:58 pm »
[Thanks  :D I hope everyone involved in this RP will enjoy it. Also, an update!]

  The fenki wakes from a nap by the fire, sleepily shrugging off the blanket and stuffing it in a pouch. Hearing voices from above her, she crawls across the floor and up the stairs, until she comes to the platform where three sets of stairs meet. She sits down, lying on her left hip a little, so that she can stick her right leg out. She gazes in the direction of the bar, watching a male Ynnwn and a female Klyros chat for a while, silently.

  After a while, the Klyros notices the fenki, and her eyes widen.
 "Oh, dear, are you all right?" she says as she hurries over to the injured fenki. The fenki doesn't respond, just staring at the Klyros, uncomprehending at first.
 "I... Oh! Miss Selicree!" Selicree inspects the fenki's leg, then sighs, shaking her head. "I'm afraid I'm no doctor, dear," she then silently drops a parcel next to the fenki and moves back to the Ynnwn, chatting more and taking some measurements.

  In the background a female Ynnwn moves forward, clearly interested in the fenki's leg.
 "May I have a look?" The fenki nods.
 "Yes... You may."
The Ynnwn moves onto the platform, squatting so as to see the fenki's leg better.
 "Would you mind holding it out a little, so I can see better?" The fenki holds out her leg, watching as the Ynnwn begins to feel along her leg. "Tell me when you feel something." As the Ynnwn approaches the fenki's ankle, the fenki's ears lie flat against her head, a hiss escaping through clenched teeth. The Ynnwn nods. "Any magic allergies or anything else I should know?" The fenki shakes her head.
 "Not any that I know of..." The Ynnwn nods, and white wisps begin dancing in her eyes as she whispers crystal way incantations. Soon the magic begins flowing steadily from her hands into the injury.

[More on this section to come... I'll put it into one or two more posts, because of how 'big' it is.]
« Last Edit: September 09, 2015, 05:31:06 pm by Tidebringer »
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Re: [RP]Pendants and Papers
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2015, 06:40:13 pm »
[Sorry about the long gap... Please note that not all conversations will be completely accurate.]

  The Klyros finishes measuring the male Ynnwn. After the Ynnwn proclaims himself tired, he heads up stairs to his room. The fenki pricks her ears up as someone else arrives in the tavern. The new arrival, a female Nolthrir, shows the Klyros an old piece of parchment.
 "What's this?" asks the Klyros. The Nolthrir shrugs.
 "I don't know. I found it by the library. Is it yours?" The Klyros shakes her head after scanning the page.
 "Sadly, no. I'm not sure if the owner is still around and kicking, if you know what I mean. Although..."she thinks. "You could try Asmo. He's traveled a lot." The Nolthrir nods and runs up the stairs.

  The female Ynnwn finishes healing the fenki and gives her instructions on the further care of her ankle. A Ylian man comes up from behind and greets the Ynnwn, and they start a brief conversation. Moving over to a table, limping, the fenki sits down and watches as more people enter the tavern. She pricks her ears up as she catches a conversation drifting from above, becoming mostly unaware of the conversation going on around her in the growing group. A couple of the people in the room stop participating in the conversation and stare at the fenki with odd looks on their faces as she absentmindedly rubs the surface of her pendant.

  Eventually the fenki relaxes her ears as the conversation above dies down, and becomes aware of the lessened conversation around her. The fenki heads over to the stairs, and the Ylian offers to help her. The Nolthrir girl comes down the stairs, and greets the fenki and the Ylian.
 "That paper you have,"says the fenki, "Where'd you find it?"
 "By the library. Why?" The fenki seems to be talking to herself now, and she speaks quietly.
 "Odd... How'd it get there? I knew I lost one, but..." The Ylian gives the fenki an odd look, but doesn't say anything. The fenki ignores, or doesn't notice, his look.
 "So... It's yours then?"
 "No. My p... my foster parents gave it to me."
 "Oh! Great, now you can give it back." The fenki nods distractedly, placing the paper in an old leather book. She then heads up the stairs to her room, to sleep.

[I had a good time with this RP... So, thanks to everyone who was involved!  :flowers:]
« Last Edit: September 09, 2015, 05:31:58 pm by Tidebringer »
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Re: [RP]Pendants and Papers
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2015, 11:40:29 am »
[I really procrastinated with this one...  :whistling:]

  The fenki limps down the stairs, heading to the tavern door. Before she reaches the door, however, she hears voices from the basement. Deciding to investigate, she heads over to the railing and looks down at the small gathering of people. A Dermorian man is talking to a Dermorian woman, holding up an old piece of paper and gesturing slightly. The fenki sighs quietly, upon recognizing both the woman and the piece of paper. She turns, heading for the stairs down into the basement, limping slightly.

  In the gathering were two or three Dermorians, and a male Ylian. The Ylian was scribbling on paper, apparently mute. The fenki comes over and stands beside the table where the others are sitting at, nodding to the Dermorian woman, a look in her eyes, like she wants to talk with her, in private, that the woman seems to miss. One of the male Dermorians gestures to the pot roast on the table.
 "If you're hungry, go ahead and eat one." The fenki shakes her head slightly, gaze on the piece of paper. The Ylian scribbles on a piece of paper. "I CAN'T SPEAK". Introductions go around the table, and the conversation continues, although the fenki isn't really listening.

  Eventually the Ylian runs out of paper and looks around helplessly. The fenki pulls out a stack of paper and offers it silently to the Ylian man, who accepts it with a grateful expression. The fenki rises and walks over to the piece of paper, picking it up and reading it with a grim expression. She pulls a small, old, worn leather-bound book out of a leather book-shaped pouch, and slides the paper into it. She then slides the book into it's pouch, and looks around. No one seemed to notice.

  She heads back towards the table, and Sulaika, the Dermorian woman, pats the bench right next to her silently, inviting the fenki to sit down. The fenki sits, mostly her thoughts are elsewhere, though, so she doesn't really hear the conversation.

[So, the papers are out of play now. However, there are still ways to get involved and two new groups recently joined. I have been getting positive feedback on this RP so far, so I think I'm doing a good job. Hope everyone has fun! Oh, and on a side note: Feel free to comment or post logs of your experience in this RP here. After all, new viewpoints are always welcome!]
« Last Edit: September 09, 2015, 05:32:22 pm by Tidebringer »
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Re: [RP]Pendants and Papers
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2015, 06:21:09 pm »
[This next piece might be best viewed from a different perspective... It involves Mariana, Wulfar, me (of course), and that Ylian man who was standing in the corner getting drunk.
*Tidebringer nudges Mariana and Wulfar.]
« Last Edit: March 13, 2016, 12:13:41 pm by Tidebringer »
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Re: [RP]Pendants and Papers
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2015, 10:30:16 pm »
[And I'd love to oblige  :thumbup:]

The Clamod menki sat there in the tavern, drumming his fingers on the tabletop and nursing his Red liquor. It had been a hell of a day, really, hell of a day.

It wasn't too long until a small fenki came in to the tavern. Now normally, that wouldn't mean much - he'd seen plenty of fenkis, both pretty, ugly, and in between, and most of them found their way to the tavern one way or another. But this one seemed a bit different. Something stuck out to the tough Clamod, something about the way she carried herself and how she spoke. She looked fairly normal, perhaps a bit young to be out on her own in Hydlaa, but probably quite capable. In the world that Yliakum was these days, you either grew up capable or died early. Facts of life.

Perhaps it was her shyness. Most of the people who came into the tavern were looking for a drink, company, love, or a mixture of some sort of the three. This girl came to get away from something. Or, was it looking for something? Wulfar couldn't quite pin it down, really. So he struck up a conversation, as best he could.

Honestly, he wasn't the greatest conversationalist, his gruff tones sometimes scaring others off. But this girl didn't seem to mind, and he was quite interested in what she had to say. And what she had to say was quite a lot, really.

She was reading a book, an old book at that. And when he queried her about it, it took some digging to get what was going on. It was some sort of family history, some sort of record of events of the fenki's family tree or some such. And the way she clutched it meant it was important to her in some way.

When Mariana wandered in, Wulfar gave a bit of a sigh. His 'Irin' was a much better conversationalist, and more keen to woman related problems. Between the two of them, they begin to figure out that the young fenki's family had passed away somehow [NO ooc spoilers, figure it out yourself guys >;D], and that she wore an enchanted amulet of some power....

The conversation went on this way for quite some time, leaving the older Clamod intrigued. Mariana knew more, of course, sensing that there was some sort of magical potency to a piece of jewelry that this fenki was wearing.

Something was bothering her, too. Maybe she was running from something.

Maybe she was running to something.

Wulfar didn't know. But he intended to help, if he could....
I regret to announce that this is the end.

I bid you all a very fond farewell


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Re: [RP]Pendants and Papers
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2015, 09:36:14 pm »
[Thank you Cairn! :D Now for my part...]

  The fenki slammed her fist in frustration against the table in the kitchen of Kada El's. She couldn't bake anything: She was out of lard. She couldn't cook anything: She had too few ingredients. Sighing, the sigh mixed with an ever so slight growl, she pulled off her gloves, shook them out, and stuffed them in a pouch. Heading out of the kitchen, she went up the stairs of the tavern, onto the roof. Partly to get fresh air, partly to get away from the kitchen.

  Shortly before she finished climbing the stairs, she heard someone cry out in pain. Rushing out onto the roof, she saw a nolthrir woman rubbing her head and looking at the floor. Coming slightly nearer, the fenki asked the nolthrir if she was okay.
 "What? Oh. Yeah, I'm fine. This crystal just fell from over there." she looks at a very tall, nearby hill. The fenki follows her gaze.
 "I see..." turning her gaze briefly to the sapphire, she felt a ghost of a shiver run down her spine. Looking back at the hill, the fenki half-listened to the nolthrir go on and on about the sapphire, how it fell out of the sky, and so on. It wasn't long before a nolthrir man with a strange accent came up, almost completely ignoring the fenki, and started asking the other nolthrir questions. The fenki watched as the woman, whose name she figured out was Lia, placed the sapphire carefully on the wooden table so that the man could examine it.

  Growing feelings of uneasiness seeped into the fenki as she stared at the crystal, though if it was that or the... Other thing... That was causing this was unknown to her.

  All she knew was that she had to stop it. She had to do something. She had to get away.

  An involuntary hiss rose from her throat, and the man turned to her with a surprised and worried expression on his face.
 "No, miss! I swear to Xiosia I'm no villain!" upon realizing that the fenki's gaze was fixed on the crystal, he stepped back a little.
 "I have a bad feeling about that," her gaze still fixed on the crystal, she flicked her tail uneasily. Although she wasn't quite sure to what she was referring. Edging away from the crystal, she scooted up beside the chairs and small table by the railing. Raising a paw to her head, her eyes narrowing, she stumbled a little, a panic rising, sending shivers down her neck and spine, all the way to the tip of her tail. She knew what would happen next.

  Mostly blind to her surroundings, and half deaf to the voices around her, she made out them calling her name, asking her if she could hear them. They told her Evirea was coming. They asked her what was going on. Incapable of moving, as her mind was completely focused on trying to barricade 'the flood gate' in her mind, she stayed where she was, tense and still. She knew she should have left earlier. It was too late now. She either focused on keeping the mental flood gate closed, or she tried to move and risked injuring those around her. She couldn't do that. She had to protect them. So she stayed there.

  She only barely heard the nolthrir man when he asked her if this had happened before. It took her a while, but she managed to answer. She said more than the answer, though.

  She told them to step away. She didn't want them too close. It was hard to tell, but she thought they heard her. She thought they stepped back.

  Having to brace her mental flood gate was draining her strength. She fell down to her knees, digging her claws into the roof, as if it would help her get a firmer hold on the mental flood gate. She couldn't last much longer... She couldn't keep them safe.

  Unseen by the others, a single tear fell from her eye; She had failed.

[And now, if he would, a nice little piece by Demagul, going to about untill Evirea comes in. And then, if she would be so kind, Evirea could take over from there...]
« Last Edit: September 09, 2015, 05:33:06 pm by Tidebringer »
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Demagul Riwe

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Re: [RP]Pendants and Papers
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2015, 06:25:04 pm »
[And now for my long overdue addition to this story. Hugs Lialym for editing, and to Meavay and everyone else involved for their patience in this. If there are any typos or grammar errors, I'd love it if you could message me ASAP so I can fix them.]

[EDIT: Thanks for your corrections, Meavay! If I missed anything, just let me know :D ]

An Unexpected Party, and so it Begins

Excerpt form the Diary of Demagul Riwe, Unodin 29th

   The past few days, perhaps even months, have been overwhelming. With the development of the therapy and the growing business I get from it, I have been quite preoccupied. Even so, my mind has been elsewhere. This mysterious amulet of Meavay’s, from when we met on the tavern roof, has somehow pulled me into its story before I could do anything about it. Now I am locked into it, and I know quite well that I wouldn’t leave, even if I could.
   My part in this began a few days after my first encounter with the Fenki. I was giving Evirea a tour of my guild’s Ojaveda Campus, hoping that she would consider my guild as her own in the future. My Lemur friend was there as well, but before long he retreated to the dorm rooms to sleep. With his shadowy aura out of the room, surprisingly, the day only darkened.
   Evirea and I were in the guild’s library when the Klyros turned to me and asked if she could invite Roled over to study the amulet. This was the first time I’d heard from her about the amulet since that night on the tavern roof. Naturally, I was quite curious, and ready to help in any way I could. Also, Roled was a former professor in the Knowledge Seekers and I was honored to welcome him into his former home.
   Soon enough, I was unlocking the door for him to enter. Friendly words were exchanged between the three of us before we went to the common room to get to work. By the time I sat down, there was another knock at the door. I opened it to find Meavay, the Fenki from before, waiting outside. Of course, I let her in, but I couldn’t help but notice the mess that the campus was at the time. Had I known I’d be having guests, I would have at least made the common room more hospitable.
   To my guild’s embarrassment, we soon had yet another guest: a Stonehammer by the name Of Rebenay, also there for the business of the amulet. He was the last one for time being, so I finally took a seat after escorting him to the common room. Then, Evirea got out a small cloth-wrapped item, and unwrapped it to reveal the amulet.
   Naturally, Meavay was extremely uncomfortable in its presence, but Evirea and Roled left little time for us to gawk at the power we knew was within. It didn’t take me long to realize that she had somehow lost all of her memories relating to the amulet. To me, she seemed like a different person. Soon enough, the Demorian and I were side by side analyzing the amulet with blue way magic. There was little we could see from the spell for some reason, and we only learned two things: The amulet had two Azure Way enchantments on it, and the first one’s purpose was to hide the properties of the second.
   Soon afterwards, Evirea sent a groffel to the Azure Way mage Prreta, inviting her to the campus to attempt to uncover Meavay’s lost memories. To the outsiders this process only looked like two Fenki meditating side by side, but we all knew quite well that they were quite active in Meavay’s mental realm.
   Meanwhile in the physical realm, our meeting soon fell apart. Roled left in a hurry, with something troubling him and Evirea was quick to follow. The Stonehammer had long left by then, so after a quick glance at Prreta and Meavay, I left as well.
   I soon found myself on a walk with Evirea. It was certainly strange talking to the Klyra as a friend rather than a respected healer. When we returned Prreta met us at the door. She explained that she made little progress in unveiling the lost memories and that Meavay was fast asleep in the campus dormitories. I escorted Evirea inside so that she could take the amulet back to lock it up in Cheshire Hall once more. And so ended my second encounter with the amulet.
   What this mysterious second enchantment is, I can only wonder and theorize. All that I truly know is that was connected to Meavay’s fit on the tavern roof, whether directly or not. As I left the Ojaveda Campus once more though, I couldn’t help but smile with satisfaction that I had been chosen once more to help with the dome’s more secretive matters. With the Fenki asleep in the guildhall and the amulet safe in Cheshire Hall, I set about making a cup of Devil’s Claw tea. Somehow, I knew I would need it.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2015, 06:13:38 am by Demagul Riwe »


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Re: [RP]Pendants and Papers
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2015, 06:56:35 pm »
[ \\o// \\o// Thank you, Demagul! Nice to see a bit of what I missed... :love: Also... Hehe... Is that title a reference to the hobbit?!]
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Demagul Riwe

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Re: [RP]Pendants and Papers
« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2015, 07:41:20 pm »
[ \\o// \\o// Thank you, Demagul! Nice to see a bit of what I missed... :love: Also... Hehe... Is that title a reference to the hobbit?!]

[Hehe maybe...]

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: [RP]Pendants and Papers
« Reply #11 on: May 31, 2015, 06:43:01 pm »
Page from Evirea Pomolle's journal:

Meavay is a puzzle. She has been for many long months; one that I can’t seem to wave my hands and magically solve. It seems that every step forward we take there are two steps back, and getting hints as to what might be wrong is a series of guessing games. It’s all about trying to interpret metaphors.

I watched the liquid move through my glass, boiled to bubbling and then sent purified to the other side. Problems just kept coming, big ones, small ones. Hydlaa goes through its highs and lows, its manic and depressed phases. Sometimes nothing happens for a while and everyone starts pulling their hair out. Other times things never stop happening and something else pulls everyone’s hair out.

I’m glad I don’t have hair.

I tested my sample and cast it aside for later. Some kid drank from a barrel in an alley and almost wound up dead from the toxin in it. It was curable, with Gova’s assistance, but still a bugger of a thing. Best have the barrel destroyed before some other ignorant person decides to make a final toast with the stuff.

Gova. I needed him well again. I was learning more and more that he was the sort of brain and brawn combination that made him invaluable. Obviously there’s the fact that he’s my friend as well, but I’m not sure how much further I can get helping Meavay without him. It was his experiment that helped us deduce what the amulet was even for, at least officially. If he wasn’t feeling like something a groffel dragged in, I’m sure he would have already deduced more.

I sighed, cleaning out my alchemical equipment, tucking it away. Missing memories were always perplexing. There was the chance they were just too traumatic and they were naturally filed away, or the chance that some mage decided it best the person forget a few choice details. On occasion, it’s both. Nevertheless, no matter the reason, it always seems to cause devastating consequences to a mind. Almost like it starts tearing itself apart just to find that one thing lingering on the edges of thought.

What’s worse, Lialym and Demagul are also missing memories. Both are suffering from it. Both are in pain. They want to help Meavay as well, but they’re afflicted with same condition. Well, from similar symptoms. I’ve no doubt the conditions vary tremendously, which makes it all the more difficult to find an effective treatment for each.

Clicking the clasps of my travelsack into place, I stood. I didn’t really have time to loiter around mulling things over, even if it was fruitful mulling. There was work to be done, and more work on top of that. Sleep is for the weak.

Or maybe in the Dome it’s for the dead.


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Re: [RP]Pendants and Papers
« Reply #12 on: June 22, 2015, 07:32:04 pm »
[Whoop! 500 views... I feel like I should do something special because of this. \\o// Ummm... Maybe update it soon? I hope so far everyone has enjoyed, and I am sorry that it has kind of been ignored/forgotten due to my other RP. I'll be trying to pick it back up again. PS: Thank you, Mariana, for your post! Your contribution is appreciated.]

[EDIT: I edited all my RP posts, so now they're more 'reader friendly'. That is the special thing I finally did. ;)]
« Last Edit: October 20, 2016, 09:23:08 pm by Tidebringer »
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Re: [RP]Pendants and Papers
« Reply #13 on: March 13, 2016, 01:35:04 pm »
[And finally, that post you've (maybe) been waiting for. Enjoy.]

  The fenki pulled out her key as she approached the guild-house, opening it slowly. The creaking of the hinges showed that it had been a while since anyone had entered, and inside it was dark. She herself had almost forgotten about the place, though she had called it home for a while. She lit a candle and looked about the house, smiling slightly as she did so. After a few moments of lingering in the entryway she turned to her left and climbed the stairs leading to her old bed. With a contented sigh she set the candle down beside it and threw herself onto her bed. She lay there for a while before sitting up and pulling out her journal, a bottle of ink, and her kikiri quill pen. Opening her journal she flipped through the pages before coming to a blank one. Dipping her pen into the ink she paused, ears twitching slightly in thought, as she began forming the sentences in her head. Finally, she began.

Novari 11th

  It is only in the light of recent events that I have come to be more lost and confused than I have ever been before. I feel as if I should recount what has been happening to me, but I don’t know where to begin. Though, I suppose, even a bad start is better than none. At least you get started then.

  It was a few months back, I think, that I vanished from Hydlaa. I say vanished, because that is what everyone else probably thought. One day I was there, the next: gone. My memories are rather blurred about that time. I believe that I wandered out of Hydlaa, searching for something, and got lost in the wilds. It wasn’t uncommon that days would go by where I wouldn’t find anything to eat, or sometimes even drink, and there were many long, sleepless nights spent up in trees or in the shelter of a rock. Many times I got lost within my own head, lost in the pain as it tried pulling itself apart so it could find the memories that were missing. Lost in the helplessness, the terror that it found. But still I couldn’t remember. Still there were gaps and pitfalls throughout, always when I tried to put the puzzle together I found that there were pieces missing. One can’t build a puzzle without all the pieces.
  I feel as if something happened out there. Something I should remember. But I don’t. I can’t. All I remember is that I came back from it in a daze, and that’s when Evirea found me. I had come in through the north gate, and was standing perfectly still in the middle of the road. To my right were the steps up to Highwatch, and I was facing the plaza. That’s where Evirea came from. She’d been running, and seemed quite happy to see me. It turned out that she’d been looking for me. Seemed someone wanted to talk to me. Someone who claimed to be my mother. Naturally, I was curious. And so I followed.

  Evirea led me to Amdeneir, to the hospital. Inside was a Kore fenki, looking much like me, in the last few cycles of her life. She was dressed in a plain brown dress and a large, undyed wool shawl. As I looked at her she pulled off the scarf that she wore around her head, presumably used to conceal her face, and watched me with a mixture of joy and sadness that I don’t think I’ve ever seen before. And yet she was familiar. I knew her, and I knew I knew her, but I still couldn’t remember. I sat down and began crying, and with a brief glance over at Evirea the fenki - no, not simply the fenki. My mother. That’s better - my mother came up to me and held me quietly in her arms. Out of politeness, or possibly discomfort, Evirea retreated to the meeting hall.
  Eventually I managed to calm down enough to ask my mother a few questions. I don’t remember them well, but the answers are a bit clearer in my mind. I remember that she told me that when I was little there was a terrible storm around the area of our house, and that the lake we had lived by flooded. She told me that they had lost me in their escape and that my father had gone back to look for me. He never returned. My mother said that she had wanted to look for him, but one of her friends that was with her at the time told her not to, that it was foolish to go near to the lake in such a storm. After this we sat in silence for quite some time, before I eventually got up and left.
  I only saw my mother once after that night, and I have a terrible feeling that something happened to her. Old age, maybe, but it could’ve been more violent than that. She could’ve been attacked - I don’t know. Whatever the case, I feel more alone now than I was before I met my mother.

  The fenki leaned back and let out a sad sigh, putting away the ink and the quill, waiting a few moments before placing her journal into her bag. With another sigh she rested her head against her pillow and stared up at the ceiling.

  It was nice to be in a bed again.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2016, 11:56:30 am by Tidebringer »
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You might know me as Fesara Fuhay: Herbalist, Scribe, and Aspiring Healer ;)