Author Topic: The Hydlaa Market  (Read 4481 times)


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Re: The Hydlaa Market
« Reply #75 on: December 27, 2016, 12:17:04 am »
We had a new (I believe) fish vendor selling -- guess what? -- FISH!

Not that new  ;D

I was already there selling fishes about 6-7 months ago.

Well! Somehow you managed to avoid getting in a screenshot since the thread necro, so you count as new! :P
Buy some goods, sell some bads, at the Weekly Hydlaa Market!
You might know me as Fesara Fuhay: Herbalist, Scribe, and Aspiring Healer ;)


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Re: The Hydlaa Market
« Reply #76 on: December 27, 2016, 03:24:04 am »
I hope your fish was fresh...

Gag Harmond
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Re: The Hydlaa Market
« Reply #77 on: December 27, 2016, 07:04:32 am »
My fish are fresh!
Aniroho Aimirrel (Researcher in Knowledge Seekers)
Terelen Honoro (Captain of the Iron Claw)


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Re: The Hydlaa Market
« Reply #78 on: January 05, 2017, 04:43:51 pm »
Murder at the Marketplace...

...kills the trade along with the victims!

The last market was vibrant and colourful, with no less than 9 stalls offering a variety of goods East Hydlaa hadn't seen in quite a while!

Making fresh appearances in the marketplace, new stalls expanded the usual participation with their goods:
Firke's stall was loaded with an array of enchanted weapons, attracting the attention of clients and merchants alike.
Kohinor peddled his extensive selection of quality crafted weaponry.
Terranor set up shop to sell high quality instruments to all musically inclined.
Zharai's Basic Goods reappeared, bringing to market a varied list of ingredients for all who prefer craftsmanship to fishing, hunting or harvesting.

Not to be outdone, the usual participants plied their wares to the assembled clients:
Aniroho's fish stand displayed a wide variety of fresh fish of high quality.
Jessamine's Culinary Delights was once more there with her delightful cooked and baked goods.
Larili's Beverage Shop included, as always, a wide assortment of quality drinks.
Maltrobian was once more offering his varied and interesting wares.
Wren's Herbals was also there to offer a great selection of quality herbal preparations.

Things were looking good for merchants and buyers alike. The market was buzzing with activity, as people moved from stall to stall to inquire prices and trade goods.

It was then that an arrow shot from outside through the city gates struck an Ylian visiting the marketplace. The victim's screams threw the market into confusion, as everyone run about trying to understand what happened. While people armed to defend themselves and rushed to help in any way they could, the Ylian sadly departed for Dakru's realm. The search for the perpetrator proved fruitless.

The commotion had still not died down, merchants and customers were talking about the terible incident or departing, when a dwarf started to choke on his beer and, apparently severely injured by an object placed in his mug, fell to the ground. Despite the best efforts of the healers present at the scene, the second victim also expired.

An incident with an audacious female Enkidukai pickpocket did not help matters. A market that had started promising and cheerful ended in woe and fear. These murders follow previously reported killings at the Hydlaa Plaza, and have caused concern and grief among the populace. The guard has been informed and is currently investigating the incidents.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2017, 07:09:45 pm by Migg »


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Re: The Hydlaa Market
« Reply #79 on: January 19, 2017, 03:42:30 pm »
Does the Market Happen...

... if there is no one to write about it?

It certainly does, and warrants a post, because it was varied and interesting, even if it didn't attract the crowds of the previous week.

A new stall was taken up by Bralke, who brought his varied materials, often sought after by crafters of the dome.
Another was hosting for the first time Harither's collection of shields for fighters of any race, gender or size.

Undeterred by the previous market's unfortunate incidents, some of the merchants chose to attend once again:
Larili was there with her always varied quality beverages.
Terranor was also there to offer once more his exquisite selection of musical instruments. What really caught everyone's attention however was his adorable baby groffel, playfully running arround and always filled with curiosity.
Migg was also there, this time running a game of skill, requiring players to throw copper disks into vases in order to win crates and chests filled with valuable prizes.


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Re: The Hydlaa Market
« Reply #80 on: January 20, 2017, 05:08:12 pm »
Does a Successful Market...

... successfully attract trouble?

This week's market certainly did attract both crowds and trouble!

The market started with the arrival of a company of two merchants, Aseroth and Kodron, coming for the first time in search of clients for their mining goods.

They were soon followed by other merchants often present at the market:
Maltrobian was there once again, offering an ever expanding variety of merchandise.
Wrenn was offering her well-known and valued Herbals.
Migg was there again, this time offering his herbal preparations along with Jessamine's Culinary Delights.
And Harither set up his stall to display his crafted shields and armor.

News about the mining goods on sale spread like fire. Aseroth and Kodron soon found themselves surrounded by a veritable throng, crowding to buy their ores and gems.
Right next to them a new merchant, Tarotin, strived to set up his stall and trade weapons of excellent quality to his clients among the din.

Not everyone gathered was interested in the trade however. Among all the crowding and jostling, some shady character bent on murder cut Larili's aspirations of attending one more market short, and sent her to the Death Realm. At the same time, the market was dealt another blow that sent merchants packing and crowds dispersing.

It was thus an ever thinning crowd that saw Sliss set up his stall of Alchemical Potions for the first time.
To this merchant the victim went to place the wooden needle she found upon her person as soon as she came to her senses in Dakru's realm. Most present gathered around as the merchant, a renowned Alchemist, was called upon to examine the needle. A trace of poison being found, Maltrobian volunteered to act as the test subject that allowed Sliss to properly identify the type of poison. It took some pricking with the needle and some of the Alchemist's poison antidotes to properly identify the poisoned carcaras blood in which the needle had been soaked. The test subject suffered nothing more than mild discomfort, and the prominent display of the antidotes' effectiveness secured the Alchemist some decent sales. Identifying the murder weapon however did little to further the cause of locating the culprit of yet another murder. And the fact the poison had rendered the victim unable to recall her last moments at the market did nothing to help matters.

Few still remained at the market when a new tailor, Velshrhea, set up shop under the tent and offered her services to lingering market clients.


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Re: The Hydlaa Market
« Reply #81 on: March 26, 2017, 04:16:56 pm »
Does the Market Suffer...

...if nobody has been writing about it?

Apparently not! As you can see above, citizens have once again found they can gather at the market to buy, sell, and even just chat without fear of the mysterious Hydlaaic Murderer(s) striking again! Is it a true peace, or merely the calm before the storm?

A certain new advertisement on the market place's billboard promises the potential of keeping the citizens of Hydlaa up to date on the going-ons of the city, as well as offers the opportunity for citizens to help out with informing their fellow citizens, and should the current peace Hydlaa seems to be in break, surely we should hear of it!

As far as the merchants go, Zharai made an appearance with her basic goods again, and the healer, Sacho, decided to make a temporary appearance at the market, selling potions, herbal preparations, and enchanted gems! Migg also reappeared for today's market, though he spent most of his time talking to the other merchants, and so was casually running his stall while chatting with the other market-goers.

Migg has set up a barrel riding game area which promises more barrel riding games in the future, but at this market some precious, fragile wares nearby discouraged a barrel riding game for this market, for fear of damaging the delicate mirrors!

Well, that's all I have to say about this market! As always, if any of you want to add some story I missed or just share the screenshots you took, feel free to do so!
Buy some goods, sell some bads, at the Weekly Hydlaa Market!
You might know me as Fesara Fuhay: Herbalist, Scribe, and Aspiring Healer ;)


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Re: The Hydlaa Market
« Reply #82 on: March 26, 2017, 04:32:41 pm »
For those of you who maybe don't know yet, the Hydlaa Market takes place every Sunday, starting at 1800 GMT (time converter link) and lasting until whenever people feel like leaving. The Hydlaa Market is an open place for players to gather to RP, try and make a little money, allow people to get the stuff they need, and really just to have fun. You don't have to come as a merchant, as we certainly do need people to buy as well! To those merchants out there, you don't need super rare, deadly expensive, perfectly crafted, or even just plain looted items to sell -- if you're using books to write out RP wares, you're using your creativity, and that's awesome!

Remember that the main limit with this is your creativity; don't be afraid to experiment with playing as shady merchants, peddlers of odds and ends, priests coming to spread the word of their god(dess), bards playing for a few tria to pay for that drink they're fond of, crafters of exotic works of art, treasure-hunters selling their treasures or looking for someone to come with them, con artists trying to make off with everyone's money, mercenaries offering their services, tailors hoping to get a job that will show off their talent, actors wandering about looking for some opportunity to practice their trade, writers selling their books to admiring readers, some unsettling character in the shadows grinning at people and stroking a snake... truly, the possibilities go on and on, and the more character and imagination that's put into them, the more the RP will be enriched -- though that's not to say all characters should be or are expected to be like that.

So remember that the market is open for RP. If you want to hold an event there someday, you can do that and it would be great! You can ask for help from GMs or fellow players if you want, or you can run it on your own -- that's all perfectly fine. Even if you don't want to do something "big" at the market, stopping by to walk about and chat with other market-goers is not only a great way to help the market continue to grow and be amazing, but it's a great way to get RP and find out who some of your fellow RPers are, or even to RP with players you don't get to RP with very often.

As I've said so many times before, the possibilities are endless. Explore that, maybe enjoy it. Who knows, it might even prove to be exceedingly fun! ;D
Buy some goods, sell some bads, at the Weekly Hydlaa Market!
You might know me as Fesara Fuhay: Herbalist, Scribe, and Aspiring Healer ;)


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Re: The Hydlaa Market
« Reply #83 on: March 28, 2017, 12:55:39 pm »
the Hydlaa Market takes place every Sunday, starting at 1800 GMT
Remember that you don't need to wait for 18:00 GMT to come. It's not a GM event. If there are people there before 18:00 GMT, then the market begins before 18:00 GMT.
Aeghiss Rubinhertz, Ynnwn student at the University of Yliakum.
Melodria Palir, Enkidukai would-be Graalahkam-maarhe.


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Re: The Hydlaa Market
« Reply #84 on: March 29, 2017, 01:40:20 pm »
Exactly, Aeghiss. What I meant by that was that it's the "official" start time for the Hydlaa Market. It's not a rule, it's just a guideline to give folks an idea of when they can try and get together to make it happen. If there are people who come before, that's great! If people show up a little later, that's fine too!

I quote:
The markets are meant to be an open resource to everyone. If your character wants to sell something, simply have them show up. No asking required, no reservations. The time, 18 GMT on Sundays, is simply a convenient way to let people in different time zones come together. The function of the market is to have a consistent meeting place for all players, as Yliakum is large and converging ICly doesn't always work out.

So while the market can certainly start early whenever people show up early, the 1800 GMT start time is a convenient, set time for people to aim for so it's easier for them to know approximately when they should to go to the marketplace in order to join in or start up the market.
Buy some goods, sell some bads, at the Weekly Hydlaa Market!
You might know me as Fesara Fuhay: Herbalist, Scribe, and Aspiring Healer ;)


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Re: The Hydlaa Market
« Reply #85 on: March 29, 2017, 02:04:51 pm »
I've tried to log on for the last few and do world shouts for you guys encouraging people to set up or come browse. Not sure I can do that everytime but happy to when I can.
I'm very responsible, whenever something goes wrong they always say I'm responsible.

Any Event idea find us on IRC #ps-event
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Re: The Hydlaa Market
« Reply #86 on: May 01, 2017, 07:05:23 am »
Gunderan & Sons Plumbing sent a salesperson to the market yesterday, and foot tubs and standing sinks were finally available to players for purchase! That won't be the only time they show up, so don't forget to check future markets if you missed the chance to buy them this time around.


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Re: The Hydlaa Market
« Reply #87 on: May 02, 2017, 03:52:19 am »
The Yliakum University may need a few more sinks, for the student and staff barracks as well as for some laboratories; but how many and where? We will have to make an on-site appointment in Amdeneir.

And thinking of our neighbors, the hospital will need some too!

Gag Harmond
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The Royal House of Purrty


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Re: The Hydlaa Market
« Reply #88 on: May 02, 2017, 08:10:13 am »
And thinking of our neighbors, the hospital will need some too!
Indeed we will! :thumbup:

I think the hospital could do with at least a sink somewhere around or in the surgery room. It is, after all, important to clean up after such procedures!
Buy some goods, sell some bads, at the Weekly Hydlaa Market!
You might know me as Fesara Fuhay: Herbalist, Scribe, and Aspiring Healer ;)


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Re: The Hydlaa Market
« Reply #89 on: May 02, 2017, 08:31:07 am »
But also a tub for treatments with specific temperature ranges, for hydrophilic species, possibly even to ease a birth ... Doctor Forita can imagine a few uses.

Gag Harmond
Knight and Ambassador
The Royal House of Purrty