Author Topic: The Hollow Klyros[RP]  (Read 1352 times)


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The Hollow Klyros[RP]
« on: May 26, 2015, 08:36:42 pm »
The World Inside

  Xxaallya closed her eyes. She had to do this. But why? She put her right hand to her head at the sound of the distant, tenfold voice. Five female, four male, one kran.
 "No, don't..." She tried to clear her mind, she clenched her left hand into a fist, claws digging into her skin. She had to do this. She had to look inside. The ten voices laughed simultaneously in her head, distant, echoing. Do what, sweetheart? Kill yourself? Fat chance.
 "Enough of you!" Xxaallya screamed, digging her claws in further. Blood trickled out of her hand, but it seemed infused with all six ways at once. "I'm tired of your prattle! Begone!" She slashed the air violently with her claws. In her mind, there was silence. She waited a second. Ten seconds. She took a deep breath, and focused on herself. What she knew was her. She let the breath out slowly. Closing her eyes again, she focused on her mental realm. There was a job she needed to get done.

  Xxaallya found herself in her mental realm. It changed every time, always something was different. She ached where her scars were. The old wounds were acting up. Always did. Her right forearm and hand, the enki claw marks down her spine, and that scar from her right temple, down past her eye and onto her cheek. Not to mention the wound leading to her heart and the twin ones just below her chin, one on either side of her neck. She looked down. Same clothes. Brown tunic and pants. Her hands had leather gloves on them. She looked around.

  This time, the realm was a large, grassy valley, flanked on every side by large, rolling hills. The ground was soft and springy, and the air was clean and fresh. Xxaallya wasn't fooled. She looked around. That rock, there. Harmless, yes? No. Simply immobile. Silenced. That tree? A deadly enemy. That breath of wind, that silent pool, that gentle crystal ray? All killers. She looked in the distance. That tiny flame, the tall, rough mountain, the quiet desert sand? They could destroy everything. She spotted a golden hue. The fields of grain. One of the most dangerous things there is. But where was it? She needed to find it. Badly. She searched through the grass, ripped clouds apart, moved stones, and splashed through puddles.
 "Where is it?" She asked, angry and confused. "It has to be here. It always is," She looked up at the shadowy crystal. The deadly thing. She shook her head. "Of course."

  Xxaallya flapped her wings and flew close to it. She held her breath. She hated doing this. Relying on them. Letting her breath out, she unclenched her left hand. A couple deep breaths later, and crystal energy was glowing at her hand. She formed it into a barrier around her hand and arm, pushing it in, splitting the darkness apart. She reached in with her hand. Ah, yes, there it was. She grabbed the metal mask and pulled it out, withdrawing several yards as she stopped providing crystal energy to the shadowy orb. She watched as the two forces warred, and as the shadow orb appeared to eat the crystal energy, engulfing it in darkness.

  Xxaallya noticed a strange tune was playing. Sad, happy, and angry at the same time. It was full of grief, regret, love, joy, and hope. The notes of the song resounded through the realm, and Xxaallya shed a single tear as it unveiled the emptiness within herself. Her heart ached. Or, at least, the space her heart should be did. She rubbed her hand over the mask. It was a burial mask. She was searching, for something, anything. A sign. A clue. A message, maybe.

  The song started to fade, the music gave way to quiet. Silence fell, and her time there was up. She plummeted from the sky, watched as the blackness engulfed her world, observed the death of her control as one would the death of a fly. Indifferently. She saw, emblazoned in the blackness, the emptiness, ten runes, glowing, fierce. Crystal, shadow, water, flame, earth, air, forest, mountain, desert, and field. She fell far beneath them, and they whirled, spinning around faster and faster, shrinking, and finally settling into an indistinct spiral, swirling gently, with ten tiny points of light, unrecognizable as having once been runes. Then, even that went dark, and Xxaallya awoke.

[The next segment will most likely also be by me. Perhaps a diary segment, hmm? Hope everyone enjoys. :flowers:]
« Last Edit: April 21, 2017, 07:23:40 pm by Tidebringer »
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Mariana Xiechai

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Re: The Hollow Klyros[RP]
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2015, 10:28:59 pm »
 :thumbup: Neato Frito!


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Re: The Hollow Klyros[RP]
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2015, 10:46:43 am »
I hear approval already. \\o//
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Demagul Riwe

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Re: The Hollow Klyros[RP]
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2015, 11:02:11 am »
*Demagul sends more approval to Tidebringer

Aww I'm so sad that I'll miss most of this! I'll have little access to a computer over the summer, and when I do I won't be able to download PS. I'll try to follow this story on the forum though!  :D So far so good, Tidebringer!


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Re: The Hollow Klyros[RP]
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2015, 11:32:42 am »
Yay! \\o//
I'm sad that you'll probably miss out. :(
I just have one question... How do you figure ps dates for these diaries? ???
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Demagul Riwe

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Re: The Hollow Klyros[RP]
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2015, 11:44:26 am »
Behold, your salvation, young Tidebringer. It's a simple website, but it's REALLY helpful.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2015, 11:47:08 am by Demagul Riwe »


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Re: The Hollow Klyros[RP]
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2015, 11:48:25 am »
I only see one date... Where's the rest of the website? :-[
Byari 18th. Wow, so simple...

EDIT: Ah, never mind, I think I know how it works...
*Tidebringer clasps her hands together. "Thank you, 'o wise Demagul."
« Last Edit: May 27, 2015, 11:57:44 am by Tidebringer »
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Re: The Hollow Klyros[RP]
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2015, 12:38:04 pm »
A Forgotten Vow

Excerpt from the diary of Xxaallya Kaallxeer, Byari 17th

  I am pretty much pummeling them into submission so I can think. The voices can get very annoying. I don't know why, but something drew me to Hydlaa. Oh, doom will befall it if it was the vow. If not, well then, I guess I just needed a break. That isn't likely, though. Not likely at all. But what was the vow? How many cycles had it been? Still no success. I was beginning to lose hope. But - no. I'm not sure. I would go into my mental realm, but, truly, it isn't safe. Not right now.

  My mind is puzzling over some things I discovered upon heading to the nearest tavern. There seemed, at first, to be some sort of verbal battle going on in one of the rooms upstairs. Later I returned, and though the leftmost room was quiet, there was some activity in the central one. The door was closed, and I felt a strange tug in that direction. I walked up and put my right hand against the door frame. I hesitated. I didn't really know why I was here. What if they asked? Never mind that. I lifted my right hand, and knocked. Pain shot through the scars on my fist, although my leather glove padded it a little. I felt myself wince involuntarily. I leaned against the door frame and waited. Silence from inside, then a question by an odd sounding male of some sort. A moment later there were footsteps and the door opened a crack. I spotted a tall nolthrir man peering suspiciously out. He saw me.

  We talked briefly. Clearly he had something important on his mind. After asking him a few questions, to which his answers were mostly negative, he shut the door and went back inside the room. I didn't know what to do. I stared at the wall, well, more of through the wall, where I suspected the injured one was. My palms itched. I could help. I was sure of it. Don't be a fool, honey. Curse those voices. I felt a strange look creeping onto my face. I sat down suddenly, right outside the door. I lifted my left hand, slowly, and flipped it over to show my palm to me. But it was gloved. I still had the odd look on my face, and was directing it at my palm. The ynnwn that was hanging around gave my hand a curious look, but couldn't see anything odd. My lips moved in silent words as a memory crept into my mind. The vow.
 "Yes, but why?" Was my silent question. Aww, poor thing. Don't you remember? What you did. What we did. Or have you forgotten, dearest? Have you forgotten what you swore so long ago, sweetie? It was insulting. Truly. They used words of endearment and turned them into a sort of mental poison.

  I started muttering to myself.
 "There was the ledge... The valley. All of them, there, retreating. But..." I stopped suddenly. "Oh," I shook my head. I bent my head lower, remembering the vow. Said with such fierceness, such sadness, anger, and hope. So many emotions poured into it.
 "I swear, by all the gods I swear, by my life and on the souls of those I hold dearest, on the memories of those lost in the battle, that I will track down these monsters and put an end to them. Permanently," I recalled that I had tears running down my cheeks as I said this, my arms clutching my dying love. He wouldn't live long. A small smile crept onto his face.
 "Xxaallya..." He took a sharp, ragged breath. "Go get 'em," I gently laid him down, untying the sheet around my waist and laying it over him. When he stopped breathing, I pulled it over his head. The veil was dirty, but it would have to do. I didn't have time to mourn.

  After this I rather hastily left, but not before an encounter with some people from the interior of the central room. I found a place to stay for the night, and pulled out my diary to write in.

  Now that I have written this small section of remembrance, I hope not to forget again. For everyone's sake. Not just for mine. It isn't about me. I don't think it ever has been. It's always been about them. They are the ones who’ve caused all this trouble, this grief. I hate to say it, but they probably made me who I am.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2016, 11:48:55 pm by Tidebringer »
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Re: The Hollow Klyros[RP]
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2015, 12:02:15 pm »
A Simple Talk

Excerpt from the diary of Xxaallyaa Kaallxeer, Byari 18th

  I talked today with Demagul. I told him more than, perhaps, I should have. Too late now, I suppose. Too late. But my palms itch. I want to help. Badly. Very, very badly. Perhaps I shouldn’t. But… Oh, shut up, dearie. Of course you shouldn’t help. Why should you? Because it makes you feel all warm and cozy inside? Because it helps to fill your emptiness? The cavity where your so-called life-song should be? What is it, sweetheart? Ugh. All I can think. Ugh. That voice - no, voices. Those voices. Such a nuisance. And he offered to get rid of them. How oblivious can he be? I thought I had made it clear… But, no. Of course not. He wouldn’t know. He couldn’t know. Could he? I thought of Demagul. He was a bit of a puzzle. Nightmares. Headaches. Oddly, his life-song was obscured from me. I could sense it was there. That was it. Nothing more. Nothing less, either, but that was… Well… Never mind that.

  I told him of the ten - Shut up, sweetie. You haven’t a clue what you’re talking about. Well, those things. The voices. All ten of them. I showed him my hand. My left one. And if he has nightmares about it, whose fault is it, darling? Ours? Unlikely. No, dearest. It would be you. Only you.
  “Shut up,” I hate them. Honestly, I’d have to be crazy not to accept his offer. But I need to help them first. Demagul and Evirea. Otherwise… Well, I don’t know what sort of help I’d be. None, dearest. That's why we're trying to save you the pain. You just can't do it, love.
 "SHUT UP!" How can I stand it? Sometimes I wonder if I really am crazy. Having ten voices inside your head certainly doesn't help. I'm going to need a mental realm to work in, though. Mine isn't exactly stable, but if I must, I'll use it. Demagul stated that some Allena person told him to stay away, for his own safety. Which rules that out. Evirea is a mystery. I've no clue what is up with her. She seems to be the cautious type, however. So I don't think I'd be exactly welcome. My palms still itch. Mainly my left. You really shouldn’t have showed poor Demagul your hand, sweets. We think you scarred him. Just add to his troubles, hmm, dearest? Maybe it really was a bad idea. Maybe I shouldn’t have. But that doesn’t mean I can’t help them. I will. I will help. I will do my very best. And I will, I swear I will, do everything in my power to help them. I can’t let them suffer. Not like I did. Not like my friends did. I can’t let them down. I just can’t. If I fail, I think it would destroy me.

  But what have I really got to lose? My life? My soul? My life-song? Sometimes I’m not sure I have any of those. Or at the very least not many.

[After writing this I debated long and hard on whether I should post it or not. Eventually I decided to post it, hope everyone enjoys! Also I hope I didn't spoil anything, at least not too much.]
« Last Edit: July 22, 2016, 11:48:44 pm by Tidebringer »
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Re: The Hollow Klyros[RP]
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2015, 03:50:00 pm »
The Price to Pay

  Xxaallya looked across at the two nolthrir. She ached inside. For what she had lost. For what she had been denied. How she longed to have Relrian back. But he was dead. Long since. But only gone from this realm. His memory lived on.

  She talked to Demagul of her plans to help. She talked with Lialym. But then pain shot through her head. She clenched her left hand. They were coming. She had let her guard down. Paralysis was creeping from her left hand to the rest of her body. It made her stone still, except for her sharp, jagged breathing. The voices in her head murmured. Individually. They were gathering strength. She was being dragged into her mental realm. Demagul and Lialym approached her, worried. She couldn't really hear them.
 "Ruuunneee..." She couldn't speak well.

  Her mental realm was chaos. Her focus was stretched thin. Fighting ten demons is hard. Eternals, actually, but demonic all the same. And she was losing. The transparent avatar that was her couldn't quite keep up. But fiercely loyal, tender memories kept coming to her. It filled her. It filled her hollow self. She saw her friends. Her family. Relrian. Yes, they were tainted by death. But for that they were all the brighter, the sweeter. She heard a question from the physical realm.
 "H...elp," She opened her left hand as far as she could. "But... only... if... you... you're sure," Demagul peeled the glove back.
 "Only... if... sure..." Xxaallya repeated. She wanted him to be sure. He said he was. He touched her left hand, but was unprepared for the agony.

  Xxaallya had found the mask. A shield. All it was to her this time. She blocked the strike of one of the snakes. Wait... Where'd- She was slammed into and got stuck between a rock and a hard place. Literally. The rock pushed her towards the block of iron. She scrambled out, but the mask got stuck. She tugged. It came free, sending her onto the ground. She heard Demagul. He was fighting the Crystal one. She cursed silently. Idiot! He had to go and touch that one. Her wings spread wide to prevent herself from being knocked into a puddle. A puddle with a face. She shuddered. Demagul was yelling something about demons. Was he trying to question the Crystal one? She wasn't sure.

  A sudden whoosh of air knocked her to her back. She was prone. A panic rose up in her as she saw the golden snake lunging for her. It seemed that hours passed as the snake progressed at top speed toward her. She flipped over onto her feet and positioned the mask to shield her from the blow. She heard Demagul cry her name and turned to look. A woman, tall, pale, pretty much glowing, was standing over him. The Crystal one. Despite still fighting demons - or, well, Eternals - of her own, she tossed a stone at the Crystal one. If she was going down, the only other casualties should be the Eternals.
 "Hey! You, stupid!" She shouted. "Over here!" The Crystal one looked at her. Xxaallya looked away and ducked the blow of a snake. When she looked back she saw that the Crystal one almost had Demagul into a puddle.
 "Behind you!" Demagul looked behind him and the Crystal one took the chance and lunged. She barely missed, but Demagul dodged right next to an iron spear, which started to leap toward him, landing in his chest.

  This was too much. Too much like when her love died. Too much like before. Letting loose a defiant scream, and naming the iron spear, which promptly melted into an iron ore, she let loose a blast of all six ways from her left hand, at once summoning and repelling the Eternals. She felt blood trickle down her temple as Demagul faded. Her wounds had opened. The strain she had put on herself was too much. Her wings developed holes, and they were getting larger. Her vision went fuzzy, and she collapsed to the ground, bleeding from her chest. But it wasn't exactly blood. More her essence, a part of her soul. Her strength, both mental and physical. Everything went black. And blue, as she felt a kiss on her forehead. At that gesture it seemed her chest collapsed from the pain of the emptiness within. Simply capsized, like a ship in the waters of the very restless sea that kissed her.

  A single question stirred before unconscious came: Why?

[Now this was a very fun, but long, RP, and I would like to thank everyone who was involved. Lialym, Demagul, Evirea, Prreta, Celroc, Anysu, Ziara, Kaerli, and many others, I'm sure! Also I hope no one is upset that I compressed this, but I felt that I had to. I also left out what Xxaallya wasn't conscious for.]
« Last Edit: March 13, 2016, 01:35:59 am by Tidebringer »
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Re: The Hollow Klyros[RP]
« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2015, 04:03:23 pm »
A Shattered Mind

Excerpt from the diary of Xxaallya Kaallxeer, Byari 25th

  I grabbed my skull with shaking hands, curled up into a ball. I was in pain. Agonizing pain. I had failed. Again. I couldn't afford this anymore. I gasped. My chest hurt, my stomach felt twisted up, my hands were shaking from it all, and my mind... My mind felt bent to the point of almost snapping. I didn't let it on though. I wouldn't.

 I heard a knock on the door. Managing to sit up, I put my pain away. Taking a couple deep breaths, I answered. Evirea walked in. Oh, the sight of her. Helping the likes of me when she herself needs help. It almost hurt to look at her. And yet, if I tried to help I would likely destroy myself. Hers was no simple ailment, I was sure. She silently offered me a trout delight, and I took it. I looked at my hand. It was shaking. Violently. Very violently. It took all the will I could spare not to drop the fish. Eating the fish restored some of my strength, but after the fiasco with Demagul involved, I've been rather weak. Ah, Demagul. I bit into the fish. That nolthrir has problems. I'd like to help. But it would leave me dead or nearly dead, most likely. What with the sorry state I'm in. I set the paper the fish was wrapped in on the bed and flexed my stiff hands. Nothing could stop me, however, from doing something. I looked out the window. Soon, things would go downhill for Hydlaa, like it or not. I felt it in my hollow bones. It was, indeed, true.

  Evirea left with the excuse of a meeting, though from what I've seen of her, she probably did have one. Or two. And it was probably very important. Once she was gone I pulled out the book she had given me, a puzzle. It was still mostly locked, though I had successfully done the cover and a few pages after that. My head ached though, so I couldn't really think well enough to solve it. Setting the book aside, I rubbed my temples. I wasn't sure if I could go on like this much longer. I was under such stress just to retain the Eternals that I barely have any energy to write. Or think. Or eat, for that matter.

  With a shaking hand I reached into my satchel, pulled out a cup, and after a moment's pause pulled out some plant extracts. Pouring some in here and there, I mixed them into the cup. Lavender, eyebright, charmflower, hops, and golden ivy. I took a sip, and at once I felt my muscles relax and some of the tension on my mind vanish. I also benefited from an increase of mental strength. Returning the vials to my satchel, which I then closed and set aside, I took another drink from my cup. It relieved some of the torture, but I would have to do the rest myself. My hand convulsed and I spilled a little of my drink on myself. My mind was in a state of shock, for some reason. Trembling, I started to loose my sight, starting with a dark red wall of dots coming from the bottom and going up. As darkness closed in I started to fall off the bed, towards the floor, the contents of my cup spilling over the wood in a miniature flood. I don't remember the contact with the wood, but when I woke up I was on the floor, a little damp, and could smell the herbal concoction that had spilled on the wood.

  I can't really write so well right now, so I conclude the telling of this episode with a vague feeling of triumph.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2016, 11:48:30 pm by Tidebringer »
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Re: The Hollow Klyros[RP]
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2015, 07:16:07 pm »

I did some art for this RP! \\o//
« Last Edit: March 07, 2016, 04:59:36 pm by Tidebringer »
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Demagul Riwe

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Re: The Hollow Klyros[RP]
« Reply #12 on: August 11, 2015, 01:57:53 pm »
Is this RP still going on? I love reading these posts and am really excited to see how it goes!


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Re: The Hollow Klyros[RP]
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2015, 06:24:11 pm »
Yes, Demagul, this RP is still going on. Unfortunately, I was away for a couple months or so, and it really hasn't done much progressing from the last post.
However, I do plan on trying to get IG again soon! :)
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Re: The Hollow Klyros[RP]
« Reply #14 on: September 09, 2015, 08:59:51 pm »
The Burning Dreams

Excerpt from the diary of Xxaallya Kaallxeer, Quintahl 13th

  I don’t know anymore. I just don’t know. I’m not even sure why I’m here. It’s so confusing - I can’t even think in peace anymore. It’s so crowded in my head. And I’ve been having dreams. Or, well, I pray that they’re dreams. There’s so much fire… So much death.

  In one particularly vivid dream I was in a field of grass. There was a cottage, a little hut, maybe. As I tried to walk towards it, for shelter, I suddenly felt something burn through my veins - and flames shot at the cottage. I was crying even as I stalked towards it. I had killed, and the fire in my heart, in my head… It didn’t care. I tried to reach out to help the screaming family, to save them, but instead I let them burn. All the while hearing them scream, “Demon!” and, “Save us! O’ Xiosia save us!” And it was killing me. Quite literally, killing me. Not just the screams, though they tore at my heart; no. The fire itself was burning me up, searing me… I could feel something trying to break loose. And right when I thought I would die, right when I thought I was sure to be thrown into oblivion - there was darkness.

  All the dreams are in that theme: fire, ash, death. I fear, perhaps, the glimpse of flames might be awakening. Might be trying to break through. If this is the case… Then getting help from the restless sea will be hard. Ever so hard. My hope lies in the mask… If only I could reach it.

Excerpt from the diary of Xxaallya Kaallxeer, Quintahl 16th

  Another dream. I was in Hydlaa this time. The wind was dead, the fountain dry, and the crystal shone brighter than ever. On a road, I found a pile of ashes, and drawn into it, the rune. The fire rune. I shuddered. He was growing in strength. I was getting the feeling he could strike if he wanted. And I felt powerless to defend against him.

  So why hasn’t he struck? Will he soon? And what is he planning in the furthest reaches of my mind? I wish I could answer these questions, but then if I knew, I suppose I wouldn’t be asking them in the first place.

  I hate dragging everyone into my problems like this, but I think I need help. I need help to find the mask, to stop the rising of the flames. I must quench the raging fire, but I cannot do it alone. What was it Melnia always used to say?

  “Honey, even the tallest tree doesn't stand alone. It’s roots might be deep and strong, but they may still fail. The sturdier, smaller trees can often help the taller one stand. Just so, your friends can help you stand when your roots grow weak, even if they themselves are still finding their grip on the world. You just have to let them.”

  I sometimes think that I should have listened closer to those who cared for me. Now I don’t really have the chance. I think I’ve tried to hold my own for too long. Perhaps it’s time I let those who care for me offer their advice, and offer their support.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2016, 11:49:18 pm by Tidebringer »
Buy some goods, sell some bads, at the Weekly Hydlaa Market!
You might know me as Fesara Fuhay: Herbalist, Scribe, and Aspiring Healer ;)