Author Topic: Autares Big Wish List  (Read 768 times)

Autare Shatoney

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Autares Big Wish List
« on: July 16, 2015, 02:02:31 am »
Greetings dear friends!

I will make it quick.
First, please dont lead a discussion about that, else its a dev or admin.
I dont like to hear another opinions, because its always different. For my wishes its very counterproductive.
Please please please, the devs or admins should anwer only here. So stay it clean, thanks!

1. Mines
1a) I have a idea about a cave, but them must not be like a right cave, only you deform the area or add rocks at sides, then looks like  a cave enter, but we can dig still on the same place, but it will be restrict by the big rocks.
2a) You make it like the House of Spirit nearby Gug. We can enter the cave, which looks like this "House" and we can dig in the cave. The Devs would have to deform the standard area only and add places for digging.

2. Stack!
2a) I wish me, that we can stack all quality items and very items can take from the stack with the same quality, with the it was collect too one stack.
2b) I wish me, that this bug, would not use the players for training the repair skill.
In my eyes it's bug using and not fair.
2c) Maybe should use the game not so different qualities like 50 or 55 else 50 - 80 - 100, because if I stack a stack (^^) it will mix to the one quality.

3. Storage
3a) Please, extend the storage. I notice, that I can only have in one category only 200! items. That is not really much, if I want dont stack and mix my quality items.

4. Please not still more crafting
4a) Please, fix the quests and creatures bugs first - then implement new craftig things.

5. Special Effect for Enchanting
5a) A magical effect at enchanting will be very nice.

6. Chat
6a) I wish me, that i can chat with each player in different window or tab.

7. Quest Notice Text/NPC Text
7a) I wish, that the quest will better explained. Either in the quest notice or in the NPC text. Quests like, that it need, what I dont know, what it need, are horrible. Sometimes says the Questitem, but not always.

8. Anti-Crafting-Timer
8a) If the game should be so realistic, then should the player say occasionally anything, i mean, it will be better for RP, better for Game and better for the whole feeling in game. If the Devs do everything, that we stay on our computers, then should they do anything, that the game will not be a dead zone for RP players. Yes, its a bit hard said, but newcomers come maybe to the game and want play their role? Maybe? My first time in this game was terrible, everyone stand at Harny and craft only what ever.

9. Furniture
9a) Usable chairs.

10. NPCs
10a) Quest NPCs should stay still, while i want talk with their about a quest.

The others i must remember still.
I will always extend, if its okay for the devs to look into this thread?

Thanks for reading and thanks for fulfill my wishes :)


My prayers would not answered! Maybe I must pay some tria too Xiosia.

I would be glad, if the Mod or Admin delete the spam here, thanks!
« Last Edit: July 16, 2015, 08:34:23 am by Autare Shatoney »


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Re: Autares Big Wish List
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2015, 02:17:32 am »
I dont like to hear another opinions, because its always different.

LOL ... boy, you've come to the right place.


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Re: Autares Big Wish List
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2015, 04:23:26 am »
It's an open source game, everyone has their opinion because everyone can develop for the game.

Autare Shatoney

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Re: Autares Big Wish List
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2015, 07:49:13 am »
It's an open source game, everyone has their opinion because everyone can develop for the game.
The write your opinion in your own thread

Autare Shatoney

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Re: Autares Big Wish List
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2015, 08:34:43 am »


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Re: Autares Big Wish List
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2015, 08:39:30 am »
Only devs should answer, so let's quote a dev:
Quote from: Rizin
Posting Guidelines

    MOST IMPORTANT RULE: There is no point to posting a laundry list.  If all you are posting is a list of things you want, you are not making a useful contribution. POST ONE IDEA FOR EACH THREAD with a proper thread title.

    -- The wish list is for people to discuss ideas, not post lists of random things you'd eventually like to see in the game.  ALL of your ideas should take at least a paragraph to explain, otherwise they are so simple that they have a 100% chance of being suggested in the past.  If your post spans multiple unrelated topics, chances are you shouldn't be posting at all.

Can-ned Food

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Re: Autares Big Wish List
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2015, 12:55:27 pm »
So, with no one discussing my heartfelt and amazing kran story :thumbdown:, I might as well chime–in here.

  • Mines
    That is a great idea (which I wanted to use elsewhere…), but though the U4 engine can support the feature it is very intensive.  What you want is to allow players to dig and to not require constant attention from support staff (devs or GMs), and so should use strata with the deformable meshes; if you know what I mean, I don't need to explain it.
  • Stack!
    Well, the thing about stacking is that it is inherently unbelievable for most items.  It only makes sense if you implement it for combining quantities that can be mixed or merged, like powders or fluids, which then becomes a system of quantifying and mixing, et c.
    2b)   Not sure I understand this one, so I'll suppose you were simply saying that NPCs should repair, and not require the players to do train it.  Well, having the ability to train it is good for some players who wish to play less adventuresome characters, who should be able to get better than NPCs so as to justify their role in the gameworld.  Indeed, though, having NPCs that provide some basic repair capabilities would be nifty.
    (Also, repairing items is necessary for the goals of PS, and I won't bother explaining that further.)
  • Storage
    Um — if you wanted the Bottomless Pit Storage, that's down the street.
    As far as this relates to crafting and so-called grinding, I think that storage should be believably limited — which is not the case now, especially with it being costless.
  • Please not still more crafting
    They've got huge lists of things to do, and really the best way to get something done first is to contribute.  Working what you can when you like to is bad for deadlines but good for enthusiasm and quality crafting.
  • Special Effect for Enchanting
    Look at FlySpray, a formal system for bug tracking and feature requesting.
    Indeed, the reason for this board is to post topics so that ideas can be discussed prior to registering them on FlySpray — though occasionally devs just take an idea and begin working on it from this.
  • Chat
    Well, now, I think that a better idea would be to scrap the /tell entirely, define a directional whisper and variations of amplitude with related volumes of effect.
    I also think that whispering should have an optional /psst or /pst, too.
  • Quest Notice Text/NPC Text
    I offered to proofread the quests, but both Venelan and Mordaan, although more or less polite, told me to take the horse on which I rode in, and to stick it where the sun don't shine.  Okay, not so much, but I thought that was funny.
  • Anti-Crafting-Timer
    You go mentioning players that don't want to chat or engage other players while they craft — which I do —, then you put that under this header.  A timer to deter crafting doesn't help the problem.
    Making the interfaces more multi-dimensional and flexible?  Players can talk while crafting, and easily put something down to gesture, then take it up again?  Now, that's an idea! :sorcerer:
  • Furniture
    The problem here is that they haven't got all the useful poses yet defined.  Once that happens, then they can work on how they interact with the chairs, stools, tables, et al.
  • NPCs
    It actually makes the NPCs more believable if they wander off when you idle too long.  That's why these guys walk to their stalls or stand outside their places of commerce or workshops, then walk over to stand in their house doorways when they fail to vanish inside.
    They should move about a lot more than they do now, actually.
Gedundk Kokro, kran
Ailela Belair, nolthrir
Hwokmar Cmar, ynnwn


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Re: Autares Big Wish List
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2015, 01:35:43 pm »
This is what comes from:
a) not reading previous wishes and
b) disregarding forum guidelines and rules.

When you have a legitimate, well thought idea, everyone will be very happy to support and praise it. For now, this is going to cause some eye-rolling.

"It's all fun and games until someone stabs someone else in the eye."

Demagul Riwe

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Re: Autares Big Wish List
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2015, 02:26:26 pm »
If you refuse to let people disagree with you, then why are you even using a forum? IRC would be much better for that kind of thing. As you must have seen seen, though, some people actually have some good contributions to these ideas (Can-ned food, for example). I think it's perfectly reasonable for people to post their opinions and have an actual discussion about it. Otherwise it would just be you telling the Devs what to do and letting none of us (many more experienced players, some of whom know PS like the back of their hands) have a say in it.

Also, you say that you want the game to be made more realistic with your "Crafting timer" but don't want NPCs to move so it's easier to quest grind, that's kind of hypocritical, don't you think? Complaining about how others just stand around and grind, then asking for it to be easier to grind...and for the no more crafting updates, I like crafting and I do a ton of RP. In fact I'm really excited about more crafting updates. More skills to learn probably won't make more people grind 24/7, because it's a pretty specific crowd that does that.

On another note, I do agree with your ideas for special magic effecters for enchanting, furniture, and mines. I definitely support those pretty strongly. See the benefits of letting others have opinions too?  :P
« Last Edit: July 16, 2015, 02:34:10 pm by Demagul Riwe »


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Re: Autares Big Wish List
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2015, 04:45:23 pm »
I dont know Autare, so just a few observations-

 ::| Autare seems to not write English very well, so perhaps some expected social niceties are missing?
 ::| Hardly anyone ever reads the guidelines
 ::| As a 'community' it seems the default is snark, almost always. No wonder there are so few players
 ::| Autare nailed it. Nothing happens unless the devs are interested in it themselves. Why waste time on the pretense of community involvement?

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Re: Autares Big Wish List
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2015, 05:01:55 pm »
Much of the community actually responded quite well.

The good news is, a lot of us have also dealt with Autare in game, and have spent quite a bit of time trying to explain to him/her and work with any perceived language barrier. The bad news is, Autare is unwilling to work with us.

Generally, RR my good man, I would be right there with you. But in this case, it is a classic example of 'i want my way, and i don't wish to be told otherwise'.
I regret to announce that this is the end.

I bid you all a very fond farewell

Autare Shatoney

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Re: Autares Big Wish List
« Reply #11 on: July 16, 2015, 08:04:40 pm »
Excuse me, that I thought, that i can do it only with the devs.
A GM says me, I should it write in thie forum, but i havent really fun for discussion. That gets on my nerves.
I wanted give my suggestions only, not more. You can fight now under yourself.

I hope only, in the Game we will still kind too another. I hope I dont was again rude, but I made my experiences with forums and have enough of it.

I will then forget it, and the Admin/Mod please may erase this account - thank you!


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Re: Autares Big Wish List
« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2015, 05:41:04 pm »
Hi Autare and thanks for posting ideas. As suggested you should keep one idea per thread just to simplify answer and discussion. Don't let the bad comments turn down your ideas. Also I suggest you to join our "Meet the developers" events, where you can speak with us directly.

1. Mines
We surely want more caves and more exploration, our idea is still for tribes to dig new dungeons automatically and create endless adventures for players. We will see how far we get into this.

2. Stack!
2a) This has been debated many times, back and forth. Not sure if we can agree to one version of it.
2b) I don't understand what you are referring to, can you clarify?
2c) Quality is very important for us to make crafting a valid option as a 'job' for players. If we keep the quality range too small there will be not much difference between bought items and crafted ones.

3. Storage
3a) Maybe you can store items inside guildhouse if you join a guild. Getting a house is a nice accomplishment!

4. Please not still more crafting
4a) We have separate teams for quests and crafting, so the two work in parallel (based on people availability).

5. Special Effect for Enchanting
5a) Ok, we will try to add it.

6. Chat
6a) This can be a good idea for the future.

7. Quest Notice Text/NPC Text
7a) Please let us know which ones you think should be improved.

8. Anti-Crafting-Timer
8a) We plan to add minigames to improve the crafting, and maybe some in the future can be multiplayer!

9. Furniture
9a) Usable chairs. Yes, we wanted to add this since long time. It's still on our list.

10. NPCs
10a) We want NPCs to look alive and have their own life. They will not stay in the same place forever.


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Re: Autares Big Wish List
« Reply #13 on: July 20, 2015, 09:35:03 pm »
Hi Autare and thanks for posting ideas. As suggested you should keep one idea per thread just to simplify answer and discussion. Don't let the bad comments turn down your ideas. Also I suggest you to join our "Meet the developers" events, where you can speak with us directly.

10. NPCs
10a) We want NPCs to look alive and have their own life. They will not stay in the same place forever.

Agree strongly with Talad, happy for you to post your ideas here Autare, and hope you post again if you have more ideas.

I will say that I agree with the NPCs comment - while I understand that NPCs are wanted to look alive and thus the movement is quite realistic, there are basic NPCs that should stay in one place, all of the basic quest givers/receivers.

There have been many times when following a quest line has turned to a dead end because an NPC is not there - and it does not feel realistic, it feels extremely irritating.  Especially when my time zone means the next time I am on to look for them they are gone again.

I would request that all of the important and basic NPCs stay in one place.  Higher up quests can be given to NPCs that move, but quests for the first 50 or so quests - the ones that you do when you've just joined the game and are looking to play while hoping to meet other rp'ers - should stay in one place.  It is extremely discouraging not to be able to follow quest lines when you are starting out.

Can-ned Food

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Re: Autares Big Wish List — 10) NPCs
« Reply #14 on: July 20, 2015, 09:51:57 pm »
It makes sense that most NPCs require some tracking.

  • Have more other NPCs know of the target.  Especially in smaller towns, they should be able to offer some info, even if little of it helps.
  • Have most of the quest-givers be able to describe the targets' houses, haunts, places of business, or whatever else they would know about them.  Duh. ;)
  • That's what pubs are best used for, you know.  Even if you didn't drink much, you went there to eat and to converse.  They often had inns and stables nearby or attached to benefit travellers, too.  Thus, you may notice that if adventurers are looking for someone, most of them end up finding themselves in taverns or pubs.
Gedundk Kokro, kran
Ailela Belair, nolthrir
Hwokmar Cmar, ynnwn