Author Topic: Metal for Armour  (Read 1205 times)


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« Reply #15 on: June 15, 2003, 11:20:28 am »
OOps, wild=with
we are the music-makers, we are the dreamers of dreams - Gene Wilder as willy wonka

Johnny Depp\'s a poser to the throne. No one will ever play the part as well as Gene Wilder


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« Reply #16 on: April 12, 2005, 10:46:46 am »
>>mythril wasn\'t specifically created by tolkein however, mythril is gaelic for silver, he merely changed it\'s properties to be magical silver, of elvish design

No it is not.

1. Theres no such thing as ?the gaelic language?. Its a term to describe 3 different languages, all of which originated from a certain branch of the Celtic language.

2. Tolkien disliked gaeilge (Irish gaelic) and didn?t use it in any of his books. He did use Welsh to create one of the languages (sindarin i believe) and Welsh is not a gaelic language, its from a different branch of Celtic.

3. Mythril is ?airgead? or ?soith? airgid? in gaeilge. Its not Irish Gaelic or Scottish.


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« Reply #17 on: April 12, 2005, 12:12:53 pm »
I mean weakest to strongest...

(No, I\'m not here, I\'m just a figment of your imagination.)
My name is NOT pronounced, \"Kway-per,\" it\'s pronounced \"Kye-per.\"


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Interesting thread...
« Reply #18 on: April 12, 2005, 07:37:54 pm »
First of all, Tolkien did borrow a lot of material from Norse mythology. This isn\'t to say the man wasn\'t a genius.

Right, as far as materials for armour, the only ever used historically/archaeologically (I am an archaeology major) are

Cloth, Leather, Wood, Bone/antler, Copper, Bronze, Iron and (very impure Carbon-type) Steel. Leonardo da\'Vinci perhaps designed an arrowproof (crossbow bolt-proof) vest by using lead as well. As far as I know, Brass, Pewter and Silver were never used except ceremonially (as they were too expensive-silver, or didn\'t exist commonly-Brass and Pewter)

In order of strength (from weakest to strongest) I would have to suggest these armours:

Light Armour Category:
Cloth with some Wood
Cloth with some Bone
Soft Leather
Thick/Hardened Leather

Medium Armour Category:
Hardened Leather with Bone
Copper (small plates sewn together, needs only pounding, not smelting)
Bronze Mail
Iron Mail
Steel Mail

Heavy Armour Category:
Copper Plate
Bronze Plate
Iron Plate
Steel Plate

Of course, special fantasy metals could be included, but I don\'t think mythril should be, it\'s been used too much. Also, being an archaeologist, I am always wary of steel being used; steel as we know it wasn\'t invented until the gossamer technique in the 19th century. There was some semi-steels before, but the process is very difficult as it requires melting the iron ore at very high temperatures with coal and pumping massive amounts of air through it to remove impurities (oxygen bonding etc.). The more carbon in the steel, the harder but more brittle it is. Stainless steel doesn\'t exist without chromium (very difficult to extrude from ores). Possibly, planeshift could include steels that have zinc or aluminium additions, but they didn\'t happen historically.

Just my thoughts on the issue,

Xirius Dolaktisht


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« Reply #19 on: April 12, 2005, 08:23:21 pm »
Yeah the first list was too unoriginal...

But wow go provisionist! I truly like it. It seems more uhh..cant find a word for it...more..\"realistic to a world like planeshifts\"
Talamir - DeT, Dark Empire, etc, etc, etc.


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« Reply #20 on: April 13, 2005, 03:19:08 am »
>>Right, as far as materials for armour, the only ever used historically/archaeologically (I am an archaeology major) are

And what about the armour and weapons used by the Samurai ? Are we solely using Western European technology here ?


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« Reply #21 on: April 13, 2005, 04:15:58 am »
add some mysterious metal :

Oxanyte (nb : I hope this name didnt exist in reality lol) :
Oxanyte is a strange composite metal. It\'s a very rare one just because it\'s hard to find : if you want to find Oxanyte ore you have to mine under the ocean.

It has been discovered by the dwarves who mine deeply near a coast and under an ocean. Once the Dwarves find it they were so exited they continue to dig ... but the ocean was to close and the tunnel was immerged...

he dwarves Oxanyte tunnel :

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ___xxxx

. = ocean
O = Oxanyte
_ =  mining tunnel
x = earth

Oxanyte is a black ore with blue reflect. It\'s really strong and rare as the mythrill. (maybe is the Oxanyte the mythrill of PS?)


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Thanks Robinmagus...
« Reply #22 on: April 13, 2005, 07:15:18 am »
Thought I would offer my knowledge on the subject...

Originally posted by mcclane
And what about the armour and weapons used by the Samurai ? Are we solely using Western European technology here ?

Example that doesn\'t fit into what I said? If you are refering to their \"steel\" that is simply very pure iron folded and heated at high temps? Um, essentially that is it. Their armour was typically small (2cm x 4cm) plates of this type of iron sewn together, with some hardened leather. If I am mistaken, please tell me, but with examples please.

Western technology only? Nope, bone and antler were very North American and Siberian. Perhaps leather should also be divided into furs, suedes and rawhides. Again, tell me if I am wrong but with examples.

Originally posted by fken
add some mysterious metal :
Oxanyte (nb : I hope this name didnt exist in reality lol) :
Oxanyte is a strange composite metal. It\'s a very rare one just because it\'s hard to find : if you want to find Oxanyte ore you have to mine under the ocean.
It has been discovered by the dwarves who mine deeply near a coast and under an ocean. Once the Dwarves find it they were so exited they continue to dig ... but the ocean was to close and the tunnel was immerged...

Oooh, good material concept. Definitely something like that should be added, but of course very rare and terribly expensive.

Xirius Dolaktisht


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« Reply #23 on: April 13, 2005, 08:43:08 am »
>> If you are refering to their \"steel\" that is simply very pure iron folded and heated at high temps? Um, essentially that is it. Their armour was typically small (2cm x 4cm) plates of this type of iron sewn together, with some hardened leather. If I am mistaken, please tell me, but with examples please.

Except their swords were significantly better then anything Europe had to offer for a very long time. Their armour was usually made of metal and leather but you forgot to mention that it was renowned for been light and non-restrictive in movement.

The samurai were possibly and probably the most advanced warriors in the world before muskets and rifles started.

>>Western technology only? Nope, bone and antler were very North American and Siberian. Perhaps leather should also be divided into furs, suedes and rawhides. Again, tell me if I am wrong but with examples.

Howabout some Celtic/Gaelic weaponry ? Instead of a stick u could have a hurl :P


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« Reply #24 on: April 13, 2005, 11:55:23 am »
Thought of something: Leather armour for planeshift will have to include for example: Rat hide, Tefusang hide, Clacker carapace, etc.

mcclane: You\'re right about the samurai, but then, I said nothing about quality of manufacture, only the raw materials used. A really well made suit of bronze mail could be stronger than poorly made iron plate armour. This should also be taken into account when the devs create the armour products. Samurai had better armour than westerners simply because it was higher quality, but they used the same ores out if the ground.

Lets see, as far armour absorbing damage, these factors must be taken into account: material, quality, and what is\'t being hit with (hardened leather good against bludgen attacks, but poor against  arrows). Maybe wearing the scales of a clacker and the teeth of a tefusang protects against red way spells.... somthing like that.

I was saying nothing about the weaponry, though it would be made from similar materials. Again, quality of manufacture must be a major factor in this. Example: Two Kran. Same skill levels, one being level 10 in hammers and one being level 10 in swords. A well made wood and stone club should be around the same damage as a poorly made iron sword.

As far as weapons materials, I think from worst to best (not taking into account quality of manufacture) would be: wood, antler, bone, stone, copper, bronze, iron and *cough* steel, perhaps followed by fken\'s Oxanyte.

This is an example of a system I would like to see implemented:

Llyando vs. Xirius (it\'s ok, the example is me and my housemate)

Quality is how well made the item is, i.e. the samurai swords from kill bill would be 10/10 and a sword made by a terrible apprentice would be 1/10. Strength is the strength of material. For example, a rat hide simply thrown over the shoulder would be 3/100, a suit of bronze mail would be 40/100, bronze plate would be 50/100, oxanyte plate would be 100/100.
Broken would be a penalty for any brokenness of the item. 10/10 would be undamaged, 1/10 would need to be replaced.

Llyando is wearing tefusang hide body armour (quality: 4/10, strength: 25/100, broken: 10/10). He is also carrying an iron shield (quality: 3/10, strength: 65/100, broken: 8/10). Finally, his weapon is a bronze falchion (quality: 8/10, strength: 30/100, broken: 9/10)

I am wearing bronze mail (quality: 5/10, strength: 40/100, broken: 8/10). No shield. I am carrying two iron falchions (both quality: 4/10, strength: 55/100, broken: 10/10).

Right, an example of combat: Pretend we have the same skills in swordplay and armour.

1. I attempt a hit from my right handed falchion, Llyando dodges
2. I attempt a hit from my left handed falchion, Llyando blocks with his shield: Here all the previous stuff comes into play:

My total damage is as follows: (4/10) x (55/100) x (0.75 penalty for being right handed) x (10/10 brokenness) x (80my strength) x (1.2 bellcurve randomiser from .5 to 1.5) = 15.84 damage

His shield blocks damage as follows: (3/10) x (65/100) x (1 grrrr ambidextrous, no penalties ) x (8/10 brokenness) x (70+80/2 the average of his endurance and strength) x (.9 bellcurve randomiser from .5 to 1.5) = 10.53 damage

His does not safely absorb all the damage, there is 5.31 that the shield couldn\'t handle. He is not hit, but his shield is more broken than before. Items have their own hitpoints determined as follows: Their material (65 for Llyando\'s shield) multiplied by 10 and multiplied by the quality (3/10). This gives his shield 195 hitpoints, and I just lowered it by the 5.31 damage from my attack, his shield goes from 156/195 to 151/195. Not enough to lower it to 7/10 for the next blow, but after a couple more hits like that, it might.

3. The battle will ensue, I won\'t detail every hit. The randomiser if you\'re wondering is to take into account all the little things like if I ate a not so fresh rat eye for breakfast and feel a little whoozy.

This probably requires reading through a couple times, but I think it makes some sense. Essentially every hit is a calculation taking several factors into account, including skill levels in applicable areas that I choose to omit as they would make what I said much more impossible to understand.

I think the devs have a system like this already, just not yet taking into account materials and quality.



P.S. I think I\'d win the battle...hehehe
« Last Edit: April 15, 2005, 07:38:43 am by provisionist1 »
Xirius Dolaktisht


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« Reply #25 on: April 29, 2005, 12:01:07 pm »
It\'d probably be better to have quality uncapped but progress on a logarithmic scale. That way there is no real upper limit to what a craftsman can achieve, but diminishing returns would kick in (that said, the scale should be shifted for more difficult items to craft - perhaps the difficulty should be a divisor, so the output quality should be something like:

Log n ((Blacksmithing + Relevant Crafting * Bellcurve Randomiser (0.5,1.5)) / Difficulty)

With n being an appropriate base for good early progress, but slowing progress later.

Ideally, a 1.0 for quality for an item should be reasonably hard to obtain (for simpler items this level would represent being a real blacksmith rather than just an apprentice), pushing above that would become much more difficult. Above that will require much time and practice, and those craftsmen that attain that level will reap the benefitcs.


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« Reply #26 on: April 30, 2005, 01:21:38 pm »
(I don\'t know if this was mentioned above or not, I was rather lazy when skimming through everything :P)

Personally, I like the idea of the unique metals and having new names for these metals. This is a different world we\'re on, so couldn\'t it be possible for there to be different raw materials than what you would find on earth? Yes, I understand this is to take the role of a medieval fantasy and shouldn\'t be sci-fi, but that doesn\'t mean we have to use the terms \"steel\" or \"bronze\".

What if, instead of even using metals, all of the weapons and stuff were based entirely on different types of crystal ore? Some of the crystal ore could look similar to metal. Other crystal ore could have it\'s unique look.

Another idea with the crystals: Crystals could also have say a \"degree of purification\". The higher the degree, the more purified, and the stronger the crystal will be.

So, let\'s say for example, we make up a name for a type of crystal, \"Castellite\". This could be a reasonably strong crystal by nature, probably around the iron stage or something. Now say when we buy a Castellite sword from the merchant, it\'s not purified. It\'s just a normal Castellite sword. Then we go to a specialty shop to actually get it purified. Purification could cost us more money (maybe a lot more), but that sword will get stronger after each purification.

This would not only allow for a change from the everyday steel sword and bronze armor, but would also allow more versatility when it comes to different strengths of swords.

Just a though anyway.


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« Reply #27 on: May 05, 2005, 04:57:18 pm »
Too much like runescape. And that game is foolish. I prefer, rather then having repeats of weapons using different metals they should be just totally differen weapons and like magical/blessed weapons. Plus, who ever heard of a bronze sword O_O;
« Last Edit: May 05, 2005, 04:58:16 pm by T0rk »

buff minner

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« Reply #28 on: May 05, 2005, 06:52:19 pm »
Originally posted by T0rk . Plus, who ever heard of a bronze sword O_O;

 ummmmm ok i guesse u need some more schooling have u never heard of the bronze age??????
what do u think most things were made of than???

ill give u a hint bronze
(oh and yes they made bronze swords then)

edit for some spelling
« Last Edit: May 05, 2005, 06:53:21 pm by buff minner »


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« Reply #29 on: May 05, 2005, 09:18:56 pm »
Originally posted by T0rk
Too much like runescape. And that game is foolish. I prefer, rather then having repeats of weapons using different metals they should be just totally differen weapons and like magical/blessed weapons. Plus, who ever heard of a bronze sword O_O;

Agreed. That\'s why I suggested what I suggested a couple of posts above. I think it\'s unique and provides a different take on materials my opinion anyway.