Author Topic: Incommunicado players  (Read 3447 times)


  • Hydlaa Notable
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Re: Incommunicado players
« Reply #30 on: September 30, 2015, 10:14:08 pm »
To be honest, I was laughing in sort of slight horror at the comments from Demagul, Garris and Rigwyn above. Kaerli, you come at people in chat, both in game and IRC, going through a process of pumping people for their reactions on these stories that sometimes go to strange places that are not really kid friendly. I am putting that mildly. But what people are saying above is true, and I am sort of surprised that it has finally come up on the forum. Its been going on for about a decade, but there used to be more players active. But its all gone too far, I even get a sense that you are metagaming with this thread.


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Re: Incommunicado players
« Reply #31 on: October 04, 2015, 04:06:48 pm »
Bringing things around to the matter of assumptions, I quote Aramara from a different thread:

quote author=Aramara Meibi link=topic=42276.msg478049#msg478049 date=1442450438]
Hey, my sun is in Aquarius, 'go with the flow' is written in my stars. The 'flow' in the special case of RP is the narrative. Creating conflict, drama, tension, challenges, dire consequences, all these drive the narrative. So it's a matter of feeling out the direction the story wants to go and going there intuitively. So if it makes more narrative sense for my character to lose a battle or suffer from heartbreak, then it becomes ok, even enjoyable for me to allow that to happen, instead of forcing a happy ending where it doesn't naturally belong.

Some submissiveness is vital to the health of society, but everything in balance, know when to assert yourself and know when to act passively. Any character trait taken to its extreme is unhealthy and unregulated. I imagine the kind of person who wears a different face depending on the crowd they're in, 'catering to everyone', is missing a fundamental authentic self-image. Know what you stand for and stand for it.

But that's RL, and likewise derailing the thread. this is a game and a gaming community, so there has to be give and take for everyone to enjoy the game. My point is that by taking your ego out of the experience and making your decisions based on something larger and more abstract, such as 'the community' or 'the narrative' could allow you the player to let your character to suffer the consequences and still enjoy the game.

Am I correct in that this community assumes players can intuit/feel out how a narrative should go?  I ask because I've always been someone who's had a logical/visual intuition, instead of a social one -- is there no room in PS for players that lack social/story intuition?

(And P.S. one of the great senses I've had is that PS is representative of most online RP communities -- and that means that the kinds of problems I have here will just recur over and over if I just go community-seeking)


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Re: Incommunicado players
« Reply #32 on: October 04, 2015, 04:50:59 pm »
Am I correct in that this community assumes players can intuit/feel out how a narrative should go?  I ask because I've always been someone who's had a logical/visual intuition, instead of a social one -- is there no room in PS for players that lack social/story intuition?

I don't think Aramara is talking about sixth sense or some other ability that you don't have. It's much simpler than that. Sometimes when role playing a person might sway a little bit one way or the other because they feel that doing so might add to the story. There is a balance here between bending a little for the sake of the story and staying true to your character. It's a grey area.

(And P.S. one of the great senses I've had is that PS is representative of most online RP communities -- and that means that the kinds of problems I have here will just recur over and over if I just go community-seeking)

And this seems to be true with real life. Sometimes we move to another location or terminate a relationship and start a new one thinking that everything will be better. We then see that the problem crops up once again in the new location or relationship. Some people go though life repeating this sort of viscous cycle without realizing that they are just dragging their toxic baggage from one place to the next. The solution in this case if for the person to see that it is their own baggage that smells and then to clean it up.

Aramara Meibi

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Re: Incommunicado players
« Reply #33 on: October 07, 2015, 08:50:57 pm »
Kaerli, if your question is something along the lines of, "why can't I relate to people?" Or "what is my relationship to society/the world/the rest of existence/God?" Then I'm afraid you won't find the answer on an internet gaming forum. My sincere advice is to find a trained, professional counselor to help you explore these questions. My recommendation is someone who works with Jungian depth analysis, archetypal theory, gestalt theory, existential theory, rogerian theory, or transpersonal  theory (my personal favorite). Or at least find someone you are comfortable with and who has your welfare in mind.

I'm being very sincere here, this is what I'm in grad school for. I'm in no way being snarky, or calling you crazy, or telling you that you need help. But I can see that you ARE asking for help, and the kind of help you are asking for can only be found in the living, breathing presence of another person, not on the Internet. All blessings to you.
all blessings to the assembled devotees.


  • Hydlaa Notable
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Re: Incommunicado players
« Reply #34 on: October 09, 2015, 09:54:23 pm »
>I ask because I've always been someone who's had a logical/visual intuition, instead of a social one -- is there no room in PS for players that lack social/story intuition?

@Kaerli, what you are describing transcends differences in natural talents. You're describing autism. The only way to understand other players or people in general is to train yourself, if simply growing up around people wasn't enough. Watch other people interacting and look for their cues. Try to imagine how you would be feeling and what you would be thinking in their shoes.

For example, if you're rambling on about something that you think is interesting, and the person you're speaking to is not looking at you, chances are that person is bored and wants to get away from you but doesn't want to be rude.

Much like in real life - If YOU fail to tell anyone that what they are doing is bothering you, you will have found no solution.

The number of times I've been muted/kicked/banned because of people like this is astounding.

My favorite was the one where I was banned for being in proximity to some furries roleplaying, came back from being afk, saw something silly, responded to it in OOC "[cuz that's how that works!]" (or something similar) -- BANT! I know my reputation, but come on. Punish for the act, not the person.
Lace dark dreadfull power inside him awakens now fully resultin his former self comin back lord of dark noble house shantae of mevango family lacertus shadowone mevango also knowed as darkblade of shadows


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Re: Incommunicado players
« Reply #35 on: October 10, 2015, 11:53:08 am »
Kaerli, if your question is something along the lines of, "why can't I relate to people?" Or "what is my relationship to society/the world/the rest of existence/God?" Then I'm afraid you won't find the answer on an internet gaming forum. My sincere advice is to find a trained, professional counselor to help you explore these questions. My recommendation is someone who works with Jungian depth analysis, archetypal theory, gestalt theory, existential theory, rogerian theory, or transpersonal  theory (my personal favorite). Or at least find someone you are comfortable with and who has your welfare in mind.

I'm being very sincere here, this is what I'm in grad school for. I'm in no way being snarky, or calling you crazy, or telling you that you need help. But I can see that you ARE asking for help, and the kind of help you are asking for can only be found in the living, breathing presence of another person, not on the Internet. All blessings to you.
Rest assured that I'm working with a professional on these matters.

@Sarras: I know :P

@Cairn from the quote -- when I try to bring up that this stuff bothers me, I basically get nothing useful in reply, just argument fodder

Ariel Arilon

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Re: Incommunicado players
« Reply #36 on: May 21, 2016, 04:09:32 pm »
When I first began my MMORPG experience, it was in a world that required you to be in-character at all times else bad things would happen. Yet in the entire world there was 1 place set aside inside a building (away from others that were IC) that the gods allowed OOC discussions and planning.

Mayhaps the gods of this world would grant players a similar place or locality to meet where OOC conversations can safely take place, if asked nicely?
Don't sweat the petty stuff and don't pet the sweaty stuff.