Author Topic: PVP tournament rewards, a new game imbalance  (Read 871 times)


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PVP tournament rewards, a new game imbalance
« on: March 30, 2016, 09:03:35 pm »
Hello Planeshifters,

It has come to my attention that a PVP tournament will be held soon.  The rewards for the tournament are called brutal weapons.  Lets look at a few of them:

Perfect Opal-Encrusted Platinum Steel Claymore of Blinding Strike
delay: 5
Slash: 6.3
DW: 3
strength: 20
Attack Modifier: 1.21
Attack Modifier: 1.80
Defense Modifier: 1.80

WOW much better than anything you can loot or craft, but this is not the best item.

Perfect Diamond-Encrusted Platinum Steel Reinforced Battle Axe
Delay: 2.3
Slash: 11.34
CW: 3
RW: 10
Attack Modifier: 1.11
Attack Modifier: 1.80
Defense Modifier: 1.80

Pretty good, but we are not at the best yet.

Scorched Smaragd-Encrusted Battle Axe of Talad's Arm
Delay: 1.89
Slash: 14.58
RW: 10
Attack Modifier: 1.16
Attack Modifier: 1.50

NOTE: Talad's Arm items get a bonus damage of 10 fire points each hit

This weapon it not just brutal, it would imbalance the game.  No item looted or crafted could match it at all.  We are not done yet, look at this:

Masterwork Veteran's Sunshine shield of the defender
Delay: 2.7
Blunt: 1.5
Target block: 16.0
Untargeted block: 16.0
Counter Block: 0.5
+10 combat ranks on any hand weapon used
Defense Modifier: 1.17
Endurance:  20
Attack Modifier: 2.0
Defense Modifier: 2.0

So if you have thought, well I do not feel like playing in the PVP tournament.  You might want to think again.  There are 7 names listed for this tourney and 3 will walk away with much better items than you can loot, buy or make. Do note that all these items are quality 300 which makes a huge difference in damage now.

I would like to understand from the DEV's, if you knew that this would happen and we are about to make god like character's that have only developed the skills for PVP?  Especially after reducing looted items to the same or lower than crafted items. 

Or perhaps your direction is to make Planeshift a game that gladiators will rule us all?

I would like to understand from the GM's what the motive is to imbalance the game and give such a vast advantage to one group of people? Honestly, this seems like favoritism for one group of people.  I look forward to reading your answers.

There are many more items to look at just go outside of the arena.   

 ;D Oh and watch out for the sign up deadlines and beginning times for this tournament, if I did not have a friend that told me about it I would have not heard so it seems only a selective group of people have been informed.  ;D 
« Last Edit: April 01, 2016, 10:22:19 pm by Duec2 »


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Re: PVP tournament rewards, a new game imbalance
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2016, 09:56:50 pm »
Duec2, you are brilliant.  I don't know how you got your mitts on that special item list, but bravo.

Still 13 spaces left eh?  Me and my 12 maxed alts would like to sign up please.

Vaneal Serozen

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Re: PVP tournament rewards, a new game imbalance
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2016, 10:12:25 pm »
Ok, let me make it clear that I am trying to remain calm and civil in this post but I assure you I am feeling anything but that.

What in the name of sanity are you thinking?!  >:(

If there are no plans to make these items craft-able for everyone else in relatively short order then you have absolutely no right to be doing this.   :thumbdown:
Need I remind you that you just nerfed the relative power of ALL the looted names less than a month ago because they were to powerful!?  And now you want to give a few players exclusive ownership of weapons that make even the old looted items pale in comparison?!   ??? 

How do you expect the player base that is not into pvp dueling to feel about these insane weapons being given to whomever can win the competition.  Having a competition will only ensure that he player with the best hardware and internet connection has a much larger chance of getting items.  Not to mention that the players who are most likely to win the competition are the ooc pkers.  :@#\

The whole event reeks of deception and a biased distribution of power.
You might be thinking, "Really man, you are over reacting".  I think not.
Look at the forum post announcing it, you will only see rewards listed as  "tria and special items". 
There is no indication as to the nature of or the identity of the "special items" in that post.  It is conveniently left out so the only way you will see what those items are is to see them in game.  To me it sounds like there is a gm who is purposely pandering to one particular player type that do NOT need more powerful weapons.  Currently, regardless of the recent changes, weapons still greatly outperform magic so any excuse of being under powered is absurd.

To let this happen is absolute madness.  I demand action be taken.  I've played this game over a 6 soon to be 7 year period and I have never seen anything that can compare to this.  It is inexcusable.

Dev oh dev, where art thy brain?
Drunk and washed down the drain?
Dev oh dev, what's your name?
Hunt them down, end the insane.
Dev oh dev, Lie in pieces so plain.
Rot in thy grave, you tortured slain.
Dev oh dev, rise strong again.
Rinse thy mind and wash all stains.
Dev oh dev, prove worthy thy rain.
Save player and plane from hideous bane.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2016, 10:51:01 pm by Vaneal Serozen »


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Re: PVP tournament rewards, a new game imbalance
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2016, 01:50:20 am »
The sensationalism is strong in these posts. Such emotional appeal may stir passion in the hearts of those much meeker than yourself.

The tournament is fair, the rules are fair, and no one is stopping you from participating. The stats really required to participate in this tournament are those that anyone that would have any use for the weapons would already have.

My goodness, there's a competitive aspect to a multiplayer online game. You act like this is the first time. Guildhouses were awarded to players that did nothing but grind tria. Is that unfair? Did they not work for it? Is that an example of favoritism? There are way more good looted weapons in player hands right now than guildhouses, but the players that have the time and determination to loot them end up hoarding them instead of ever using them.

If you are worried about somebody with strong weapons fighting you, just carry around a Masterwork helmet of your armor skill and two Masterwork weapons. Enter fully defensive stance and laugh at them as they can't do any damage to you despite having the best possible weapons in game. This was tested: if you're in fully defensive stance with three Masterwork items equipped (Masterwork is all you need, no other buffs) and crafted armor, no warrior can hurt you, even with three Masterwork Trigrain-Steel items of Talad's Arm. Masterwork items are easy to loot, and if they're too much work for you, then you have no place to really complain about loot rates.

If you don't PvP, why are you worried about a PvPer having good weapons? Your argument at this point is that its not fair that there's a competition about something that you don't care about that gives a good reward. That's just silly, dude.

"Gladiators" can't rule anybody. You don't have to engage in RP with anyone you don't want to. If they persist, its harassment. The only areas where PvPers can exert anything over you (if they even care to) is a PvP zone, which is a risk you accept if you enter it.

Also, if you're under the impression that weapons outperform magic, then you don't know how to use the spells that you have. Again, tests.

This thread is baseless, biased whining. No need to worry about that one dude with 13 maxed characters. He'll lose to my one.
Vvally, ye olde village idiot.


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Re: PVP tournament rewards, a new game imbalance
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2016, 06:21:21 am »
After discussing this and other IG issues tonight in game, I would like my forum accounts to be deleted.  There is no place for me in this game.  I am both Pierrette and Pierre.  Please Talad and/or Lilura, delete both Pierre and Pierrette from the forums.  I will delete my IG char later if I can, I'm still in love with her so it will take time., I felt horrible and need to use the /ignore functionality, and stop being an idiot.  Thanks.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2016, 12:06:54 pm by Pierrette »


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Re: PVP tournament rewards, a new game imbalance
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2016, 09:32:43 am »
After discussing this and other IG issues tonight in game, I would like my forum accounts to be deleted.  There is no place for me in this game.  I am both Pierrette and Pierre.  Please Talad and/or Lilura, delete both Pierre and Pierrette from the forums.  I will delete my IG char later if I can, I'm still in love with her so it will take time.  Thanks.

As Miguel de Cervantes used to say, "to the fleeing foe, a silver bridge".

Now, onto the butthurt:

It has been ages since I've last seen a dueling event, at least one that is hosted by a GM. Back when I was a nooblet, not even maxed (when the cap was at 100 for some skills, 120 or more for others, you'll surely remember), I remember a GM character dueling contenders with clubs. There were no clubs available in game when they did, so it was probably promotion of an upcoming release. I don't recall there being any rewards.

Well, since that event, I've seen dozens, literally, of roleplay events. Competitions of wit and luck (lie the Tevnaa festival), races, fairs, markets... The only unfair ones I've seen would have been, probably, the guildhouse auctions: players with old money competing to see who has the biggest, ahem, tria pouch. Basically pissing contests. But all in all, it's been fun: scam artists, trials, kikiri chases... Even dancing rats.

So now, because some people have bothered training and practicing their dueling skills, and you haven't, you get all worked up? This is what we've chosen, and that's what you've chosen as well. If you had a minimum of decency you'd ask for this thread to be deleted, followed by your account.

I have seen nothing but whiners and complaints. Oh woe is me, my weapons are nerfed. Oh noes, muh hard-hitting swerdz. Oh my my, this armor isn't what it used to be. Boo frickin' hoo. It's all I hear in gossip, and in here, whenever someone starts talking. It's got to past the point where I actually care, and it starts making me bitter. Don't like it, join the Rules department. Send the devs a private message. Catch them on IRC, in game, yell into their ears until they budge and give you what you want. But this, what you are all doing, this is useless shaming and whining.

So, to all of you complaining: get out of my game. I'm trying to enjoy it and you're doing nothing but actively try to ruin it. You. Your stuff. Pick it. Door. Out. You're fired.

Oh, and if you use one of those rewarded weapons to farm and grind and use it to have an advantage in non competitive duels, you're a moron.

"It's all fun and games until someone stabs someone else in the eye."


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Re: PVP tournament rewards, a new game imbalance
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2016, 09:39:00 am »
Oh, also, here's a little tip.

See here the delete account button. USE IT

"It's all fun and games until someone stabs someone else in the eye."


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Re: PVP tournament rewards, a new game imbalance
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2016, 09:45:25 am »
The delete account button. USE IT

What Mishka said.


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Re: PVP tournament rewards, a new game imbalance
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2016, 10:57:31 am »
I see no indication that the above list are indeed the rewards for said tournament.
(...) they I've seen some displayed items in the DarkStars Camp, and assumed themself that those items would be the rewards.
I've just seen the weapons near the arena entrance, they are all q50 now. *shrug*

Vaneal Serozen

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Re: PVP tournament rewards, a new game imbalance
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2016, 12:05:55 pm »
What I find most interesting about this is that people seem to actually express themselves much more and reveal more of their true nature when someone posts a rant that takes less than half the effort of a good post.
Yes assumptions were made as is acceptable in all scientific scenario that I have been in when you really don't know what is true.  Make and prediction and see if it is works.  I see nothing wrong with the assumptions made because the information is almost never revealed about events. 
As to weapons not being able to touch someone with master work gear, I think you have overlooked certain attack buffs but I've not tested it myself.  With those weapons out side the arena that were 300q when I saw them I estimate I could hit for 2000-3000 damage, no joke (This is why all the looted weapons were nerffed btw). 
As to me deleting anything, you can keep dreaming.
Also, if those weapons were not the reward then why did they get reduced to 50q suddenly?  Another observation is the community seems really fast to rip into anyone that a dev or gm disagrees with. Its happened to me before and probably will again.  As to attacking the wrong party, that is false because you don't just loot 300q named gear, you have had the help of a gm or dev.
And yes, there have been named weapons that have been made 300q but it is not common knowledge, one of the devs at a dev meeting I attended was not even aware of this.
Normally I find insults humerus, when they are clever and/or creative, this deletion spam in comments is ..... just .... zzzzzzzzz.     
« Last Edit: March 31, 2016, 12:08:47 pm by Vaneal Serozen »


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Re: PVP tournament rewards, a new game imbalance
« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2016, 12:19:22 pm »
They got reduced to q50.  This whole thing is a big cheat. 

However, these notices in the forums made a big difference. 

So players will have to be straight up given the q300s which is harder to pull off.

I will hop off the thread. 

We could memorize the list of fighters/people involved and not RP with them.  Although a GM can change their names.  So that doesn't always work.  Anyway, I'm glad the power grab at least partially failed, this time.


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Re: PVP tournament rewards, a new game imbalance
« Reply #11 on: March 31, 2016, 02:47:40 pm »
Another observation is the community seems really fast to rip into anyone that a dev or gm disagrees with.

No, it's because you're rude and using dirty tactics. I can get almost everyone to agree with my critiques of the developers. That's because I don't shame them for trying.

We could memorize the list of fighters/people involved and not RP with them.

So now you're going to start a blacklist of roleplayers who happen to be better PVPers than you? I third the account deletion. Do it.
Lace dark dreadfull power inside him awakens now fully resultin his former self comin back lord of dark noble house shantae of mevango family lacertus shadowone mevango also knowed as darkblade of shadows

Vaneal Serozen

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Re: PVP tournament rewards, a new game imbalance
« Reply #12 on: March 31, 2016, 05:59:48 pm »
Yeah about the poem-ish paragraph.... It started as a joke between me and some guild mates but I wanted to make it something more.  I tried to make it sound more like a call for reform and rebirth but I think it dwelled to much on the dying part.  Like I said previously, I like creative joking or insults.  I was trying to make it be a little humerus but I don't think most people perceived it that way.  It was my first poem that I ever wrote so... I can't say I'm surprised.  To any dev or gm who may have been offended by it, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.

Furthermore, I would like to apologize to the devs and gms for any incorrect assumptions (probably all of them) that I made.  I think I let the current irl politics of my location blead into my ps mindset. (We have really gotten the raw end of some stuff here.)  It was relatively late for me to be typing up forum posts let alone forming valid arguments.
Sorry to all you honest hardworking devs and gms.
As for the rest of you, lol not sorry.  ;D


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Re: PVP tournament rewards, a new game imbalance
« Reply #13 on: April 01, 2016, 10:48:28 am »
get some real life you people.


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Re: PVP tournament rewards, a new game imbalance
« Reply #14 on: April 01, 2016, 06:32:43 pm »
In hindsight, I should have questioned whither or not the weapons displayed where rewards instead of assuming it. 
So to our GM's and Dev's, I am sorry for this assumption.  I shall question and fact find more in the future.