Author Topic: Rebirth  (Read 997 times)

Celroc Amaul

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« on: April 18, 2016, 11:44:48 pm »
   It seemed like a pretty regular evening for Celroc as he sends a groffel to the one he would call sister, Anysu.  The little winged critter returns with a note letting him know that herself, Sacho, and Elady are at the Stonehead.  “Hmm,” the menki would think to himself.  “Stonehead… that doesn't sound like a bad idea.  I wouldn't mind seeing everyone for a while.”
   The menki departs toward the pterosaur master.  On the outside he fully looks to be heading out to enjoy a peaceful evening with his friends.  But internally, something else, more desperate, is on his mind.  “I've been feeling odd lately.  Something's not right.  Maybe I should talk to Sacho or Anysu or… or… no, no, it's probably just stress.  Yes.  A lot going on with my newborn cubs, new house and all the events in Hydlaa.” A quick shake of his head to clear it and he hands the tria over to the pteromaster for a quick flight to Gugrontid.
   The menki arrives and walks up the long pathway to the Stonehead; somehow, the miniature journey comforts him.  Whatever seemed to be worrying him fades into the background and he smiles as he sees some familiar faces sharing stories of the past in the tavern.  It's not long before his face joins the crowd and a pair of attentive ears listen to the stories.
   A good time comes and goes for the menki, listening and chatting with his friends until he is reminded of the time.  Deciding it be best that he heads back home to check in on Prreta and their cubs, he bids farewell to everyone and heads out.  One uneventful ptero trip later, he walks through the plaza and up the steps leading towards Kada-El's (his house being at the end of those steps).
   However, reaching the last few steps, he slows his pace considerably, even stopping in his tracks eventually.  He shudders once and seems to become distressed.  He places his paws to his head and grunts with a valiant effort to try and battle off whatever seems to be inside of him.  “I … I thought we got… rid of you…!”  he says to… something?  There seems to be nothing around him.
   Inside his mind, the menki can sense the presence that seems to be assaulting him.  Without hearing it or seeing it, his mind can perceive the following message from it.  “You're not rid of me.  We're not done yet.  We still have work to do.”
   A strong urge within the menki beseeches him to seek out the one responsible for awakening this inner turmoil.  But not now.  Wait.  Bide time.  He tries to calm himself down, and heads to Kada El's for a couple drinks to calm himself.  Once able to pass for reasonably calm would he head home….

[Possible seed for a new RP.  Feedback welcome!  Everything past paragraph three was written in and assumed to have happened ICly.  If you want your character to have seen/heard him either in the tavern or on the way to his house, that's fine by me.  He was in public places, after all.  ;-) ]


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Re: Rebirth
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2016, 04:17:20 pm »
[Quick question Celroc before reviving this... are you/we using Ingame characters or are these newly created ones for the Forum RP?]
Thoss Yonbur/Aarnir Irety/Oslorod Krolar/Myno Eljin

Celroc Amaul

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Re: Rebirth
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2016, 02:05:15 am »
Oh wow, I'm sorry, I did not get a notification on your reply!  My bad.

In-game characters, please.  :-)  This is part of an in-game RP that's slowly been reviving, and I do apologize that I've been so slow in replying.  A lot has been going on IRL and my mind has other things grabbing for it.   :-[

I would be alright with RPing it here in the forums; however, I would prefer in-game if possible to avoid story skew (i.e. something we do on the forums conflicts with in-game events or vice versa). 

One moment while I update my post with the latest happenings and we can run from there. 

Brought to current as of 10/15/2016.  Thoss, if you want to jump in, we can RP it here on the forums or send me a PM and we'll see if we can meet in game :-)
« Last Edit: October 15, 2016, 03:03:07 am by Celroc Amaul »

Celroc Amaul

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Re: Rebirth
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2016, 02:50:15 am »
Celroc seeks out the aid of Ziljhi, a healer well respected by the menki.  Ziljhi would enter his mind and take a look to see what seems to be affecting him.  What he finds is the memory of Celrin, Celroc's older brother, apparently tormenting the menki.  More accurately, Celroc had believed that he had mistreated his wife greatly (whether he actually did so or not) and was being haunted by the thought of it.  Ziljhi offered him wise advice, of which Celroc tried to accept, but still could not force the feeling that his older brother would be disappointed in him for what (he thinks that) he did.

After meeting with Ziljhi to take a look at him mentally, Celroc meets with Sacho and Anysu at the Broken Door tavern, and expresses concerns about strange feelings that he's been having.  The healing duo look him over and all three decide to enter his mind with Azure magics...

Inside, the first things they see shouldn't really surprise them.  Celroc grew up as a farmer, so the world in his mind is of course a sprawling area of farmland with ranch houses off in the distance.  Crops seem to be growing, the sun is out, the weather is good... at first glance, everything would seem alright.

On second glance, one would see the mental apparitions of both Celroc himself and another menki, one looking like his older brother Celrin.  Both menkis look injured somehow in this one, and when questioned about it, answered that "We get along best by almost killing each other."  As odd is it might seem, at the very least the two menkis are at least peaceful looking for a change.

Not much seems to have changed otherwise with the manifestation of Celrin's memory in this world from when Ziljhi looked him over.  This time, though, he pleads with Sacho and Anysu to bring Weeds to him-- Weeds, who once gave Celrin her own energy so that he could grow stronger in Celroc's mind.  It seems he thinks he can take over if he can just get a little stronger....

He is met with the exact opposite response.  Celrin is lifted from the ground by his shirt from a fang-baring Sacho, who threatens to eraticate the memory from Celroc's mind.  Celroc and Celrin both plead that Sacho does not do so, as no one is sure what that would do to Celroc's mind.  Sacho does not follow through with the threat, and does let the image of Celrin out of his grip, on the condition that Celrin return to what he used to be: a memory and inspiration in the back of Celroc's mind.

Celrin does agree, but then points to a patch of tilled ground, saying that what is buried there is what brought him to the foreground.  And whatever it is, he doesn't think Celroc is ready to face it.  Represssed memories, maybe?

At that point, everyone in the group agreed that it was time for a rest.  They finally exit Celroc's mindspace and offer him their support, to which the menki very thankfully accepts.

Celroc Amaul

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Re: Rebirth
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2016, 02:59:26 am »
Later, it would finally happen.  By chance, Celroc would meet with Weeds, the one that Celrin had been beckoning him to see almost non-stop.  With little hesitation, even with the warnings of Sacho and Anysu to not see her, Celroc lets Weeds inside his mind...

Celrin begs Weeds to give him the power to take over Celroc.  He promises to use that power for good, self-less, charitable acts, even if it is at Celroc's expense.  Much to the memory's surprise, though, Weeds does not grant him anything this time.  Instead, she makes a deal with the two:  Whoever can give her the best answer as to why he should be in charge of Celroc's body will get it.  She then exits and gives them a couple days to prepare their answers....

Weeds returns.  Celroc answers with "If I change who I am, I won't be the same menki that married Prreta.  I won't be me."  Celrin answers the same as earlier, claiming that he wants to take control so that he can do self-less actions instead of "selfish" ones like Celroc does.

Weeds contemplates the answers shortly, and then does something unexpected.  Using Azure, she is able to speak privately with Celroc and with Celrin, without either of them knowing what she's said to the other.  She tells Celroc to get his affairs in order, implying that she will give Celrin power;  she then tells Celrin that she is going to give Celroc control. 

What only Weeds knows is that this is the true test.  She watches the two of them in private now to see what they will do, both of them thinking that they will be reduced to only a memory in a few days.  The actions of the two who think they are on their proverbial deathbed will be what really decides who is fit to rule Celroc-- atleast, by Weeds' logic.