Author Topic: [Open RP] A lot of Fuss for Fyran  (Read 2689 times)


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Re: [Open RP] A lot of Fuss for Fyran
« Reply #15 on: September 23, 2016, 08:45:21 am »
[I get that, Jessamine. Anyways, is this presumed to be taking place in some out-of-the-way alley, or in a more commonly traversed area of town. In other words, would having a character that just stumbles upon the illegal liquor be something actually believable, or would it be too contrived? Also this is an interesting read.]
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Re: [Open RP] A lot of Fuss for Fyran
« Reply #16 on: September 23, 2016, 09:09:32 am »
[Okay great! Thanks for taking the time to respond, I am enjoying following up on it. I just wanted to double check about it being talked about in game--which is good actually if people are rping it in game it means it's working ;)]

[Ahh, now I see what you are saying... folks are actively RPing aspects of this particular story in-game? interesting... I didn't know that, so yeah I can see how that would be confusing from your standpoint!!! ... But i guess if my "Thoss" characters runs across that, I as the player would kind of view them as seperate as I have know idea what is going down there... more like an in-game RP "based on" something in the forums i guess... probably against some archaic etiquette rule... but I don't care as my point is stirring activity... of any kind.

Also, try not to worry about being apprehensive about posting as I feel the exact same way... probably why I am procrastinating with this post right here!... the depth of details that the likes of Illysia and others can pull off is intimidating, but I have to get used to it... also I am trying to keep mine short and similar to something I could do in-game... i.e. not agonize over the characters actions and re-edit my posts ten times to make them perfect... I want to develop my off-the-cuff flow... anyhow, enough procrastinating on my part...  :)

Tidebringer, I view things as on a side street/potential ally, but stumbling across is the main setup in the setting post... as to believable or contrived, as long as there is a minor reason for stumbling across I would think that would suffice... at least I hope... as that is what I am doing with Tiler I guess time will tell]

Thoss Yonbur/Aarnir Irety/Oslorod Krolar/Myno Eljin


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Re: [Open RP] A lot of Fuss for Fyran
« Reply #17 on: September 23, 2016, 09:18:54 am »
[Thanks for responding. Under that assumption, I'll probably work on writing up a little post when I have more time - likely later today - so unless someone posts after me I'll just edit this post to include the IC portion.]
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Re: [Open RP] A lot of Fuss for Fyran
« Reply #18 on: September 23, 2016, 09:53:48 am »
[If you are apprehensive about your posts. Don't be. This is a training thread. The whole purpose is to stretch out a little and learn something a little different and new. All you really need is what your character's stake or goal is once they reach the sack. I've already provided much of the background for you. The only reason some of us add more detail is that we've been doing it longer. There's no need to have posts that look like you've been RPing in PS since 2007. ;) Don't worry, the added skills come with time, practice, and doing many RPs.

As for the location. The RP is essentially happening in the little side neighborhood to the left of the temple (if you are facing it). It is between the stairs to the tavern and the temple, thus it is a neighborhood below the tavern. Anyone can go through there and years ago a shady Menki NPC  used to hang out there. I forget his name though. It seemed like a fitting place to stick the RP.

Also, while the forum population is usually a smaller number than people who are in game, at least 20 people are dropping by daily to read most threads. That's plenty if I can coax a few off the fence. I assume that we have a lot of shy RPers though. Many of the people RPing in PS right now are new or newish to it.

Now in terms of in game RP, there are a few possibilities as to how it can be woven in without breaking the IC/OOC knowledge barrier. If your character or one your character knows lived in the area, they might have been watching from a window or heard about it secondhand. Your character might only know a of small fragment through hearsay. For instance, the guards talking about having captured a ylian boy working with the Black Enkidukai. That much of the story is already definite and has happened. If your character is directly involved, you can RP knowing about as far as the up to date events in the thread it.

However, this is the timey-wimey-ness I meant in another thread. In game RPs happen faster and more often, so you will have to learn to gauge how to RP about the events without trying to nail down the outcome before it happens. It also bears stating that for the purpose of in game time, this whole RP is already a past event. We are only still in discovery mode on the forum. We have to see what comes of player interactions to know what finally happened. The reason for making these kinds of breaks is because the longer form of the RP and the slower pace allows for spanning timezones.

As for contrivance, don't worry about it. This is in an open enough area. The only justification you need for your character is why they were wandering around late at night. The reason for the illegal liquor being dropped in the scuffle is so that it could be stumbled across by an average person.  It might also bear stating that in game it says the legality of the stuff is questionable not outright illegal. ;D I had to go in game and check that a day or so ago. If you want to see for yourself, it's one of the descriptions for a red bottle on a table in the fireplace area of Kada-El's Tavern.

One last note, your character doesn't have to know everything or even know it accurately. Stories get warped, people remember things wrong, people deliberately alter stories to make them sound better or act as if they were personally a part of the events. Don't feel like you have to know every detail super accurately. If your character understands something wrong, RP it like you would if you got something wrong in real life. It happens.  :)

Alright, are there any other questions? I plan on trying to throw a character into the fray later on in the day. However, I've gotta go take care of real life first though.]


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Re: [Open RP] A lot of Fuss for Fyran
« Reply #19 on: September 23, 2016, 12:18:18 pm »
As Tiler kneels down he motions Llyeth over, and she quickly catches up.

Tiler whispers, "Dang, look down the just a bit, there is a guard heading this way." He runs a hand through his hair and looks around thinking... "Alright, we are going to have to circle around these buildings to give the guard time to pass, come on, this way."

Llyeth grabs Tiler's arm as he begins move, and says with quiet frustration, "Tiler what are we doing!? I don't want to go back there it's ... creepy."

"We have to, it's too late, if that guard sees us we are done... and that'll be worse than whatever rat we might come up on behind here. Now come on, I'll keep you safe!"

They both then begin to move down and around to the shadows of the building, Tiler intent on finding a route under cover, Llyeth looking around worried.

Llyeth grabs the back of Tiler's shirt pointing, "Tiler there something over there! It... it looks like a body!", she pulls on his shirt urgently, "Come on we have to get out of here, please..."

Tiler looks in the direction she is pointing, squinting as his eyes further adjust to the darker environment.. "I don't think that is a body, it's... " more squinting, "I'm going to check it out."

"No, just leave it, let's go! I don't like this anymore. Please..."

"It'll just take a second, I wanna know now... just stay here behind these crates, it'll just take a second."

Approaching the item, Tiler realizes that it is a sack of some sort... He gently pushes on it with a toe hearing a soft clink of the contents inside... Curiosity peaked even more, he kneels down and begins working on the knot cinching the bag closed.

[edit - Tidebringer notes... piqued vs. peaked... I am still on the fence... his curiosity had been already piqued by this time... and is perhaps peaking in intensity with the "ever more"... either way, the sentence isn't in best form, but I am no writer ;) ]
« Last Edit: September 23, 2016, 02:19:27 pm by Thoss »
Thoss Yonbur/Aarnir Irety/Oslorod Krolar/Myno Eljin


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Re: [Open RP] A lot of Fuss for Fyran
« Reply #20 on: September 23, 2016, 01:37:25 pm »
[I just have to point out one thing. Mountains come to a peak, but your interest or curiosity is piqued. But no, that's not all I'm posting for! Behold, for I have a contribution to this open RP.]

Theandra hugs the new books close to her chest, walking hurriedly along the streets of Hydlaa. She hadn’t realized it had gotten this late, not while she was in the library.

As the Dermorian was making her way down the road that lies between the tavern and the Iron Temple, faint noises attracted her attention. She slows down, glancing off to both sides before taking a deep breath and rearranging her hold on the books. After a brief moment, she takes a few cautious steps towards the source of the noise, tense yet curious.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2016, 01:47:55 pm by Tidebringer »
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Re: [Open RP] A lot of Fuss for Fyran
« Reply #21 on: September 23, 2016, 09:51:29 pm »
Corine stumbled uncertainly against the solid and decidedly more stable houses mumbling to himself in his drunkeness.

"Aiy... what business they got tossing you out? You..." He came to a dead stop before his uneven steps could force him to topple forward.

"Yoooooou reserved better than that," he said attempting to be gravely dignified though failing by a large margin. "Deserve... I mean deserved."

His words slurred and stretched as he attempted maintain something of his wits, but the night's drinking had addled anything resembling an important or worthwhile thought. Regaining his balance as best he could, he stumbled forward trying to get home.

"It's not fair to kick a man out before..."

Corine stopped at sound of movement... in particular the tell-a-tale sound of clinking glass.

"Whash this now?"

With keen interest he took shambling steps towards the sound. Licking his lips in anticipation he somewhat quietly stated, "I could use a drink. It wouldn't be neighborly to refuse a man a drink."

Upon entering the darkened alley, the drunk called out rather imprudently, "Hello there, friend. Can you spare a drink for a man who's been unfairly treated?"


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Re: [Open RP] A lot of Fuss for Fyran
« Reply #22 on: September 24, 2016, 07:21:35 am »
Just as his foot finds firm footing on smooth cobbles, Kwynnuhaav looks up to see a young Ylian crouched over the sack. Frustrated with yet another obstacle appearing before him, the grey skinned klyros looks around for an idea. Luckily, a small pebble is wedged into the stone road, and the klyros pries it out and pulls back his arm to throw. The small rock, meant to sail to the other side of the street and misdirect the young boy, hits the edge of the building right next to Kwynnuhaav with a dull thud before bouncing straight towards the boy's head.  Kwynnuhaav tenses in anticipation of the situation escalating.

[Actually Kwynnuhaav is a 3d char in game, who happened to be on rooftops near this part of Hydlaa when Illysia set things in motion. I chose to have him respond as if he were there reacting to it. Sorry if this makes things even more confusing!]


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Re: [Open RP] A lot of Fuss for Fyran
« Reply #23 on: September 24, 2016, 10:27:13 am »
[I think all is well Zweitholou, no worries.]

Tiler continues to struggle getting the sack open as the knot is a serious knot, especially in the in the darkened alley with nerves a bit jittery. He searches his pockets for something to work on the knot with and finds nothing. Turning back, he let's out a small, "Aaah!" rubbing the back of his head.

Turning towards Llyeth to find out what the deal is, he stops dead in his tracks at the sound of the strangers voice...

"Hello there, friend. Can you spare a drink for a man who's been unfairly treated?", comes from where the corner of the building turns back up the ally... just behind where Llyeth is hiding by the crates.

Tiler hesitates a bit not sure what to say, then gets out, "Drink... sir? ... I... I don't have any water or anything... um.. sorry."

He takes a nervous step back and his heel bumps the sack creating another small tink.

Thoss Yonbur/Aarnir Irety/Oslorod Krolar/Myno Eljin


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Re: [Open RP] A lot of Fuss for Fyran
« Reply #24 on: September 24, 2016, 10:53:49 am »
[I don't remember Kwynnuhaav, but then again I don't remember a lot of things from long ago. ;D]

The sound of a young voice encouraged Corine and the middle aged ylian stumbled on further. Being of one mind about getting fully drunk instead of mostly drunk, he stumbled past where Llyeth was hidden and noticed nothing.

"Nonsensh... I can hear a bottle..." he stopped to steady himself, "in the next... city... Maybe yer just a bit too young yet."

As Tiler's foot hit the sack, the man smiled as he had all the confirmation he needed that there were indeed bottles full of liquid nearby.

Moving towards the sack to rummage in it he mumbles, "I hope it's not water... Got enough of that around as it is..."


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Re: [Open RP] A lot of Fuss for Fyran
« Reply #25 on: September 24, 2016, 04:59:42 pm »
Kwynnuhaav watches as the stumbling man moves closer to the bag and the boy. Emboldened after the stone doesn't give away his location, he jumps out of the shadows and rushes towards the two standing by the sack. He leans into his shoulder and prepares to push the drunk into the boy in the hopes of grabbing the bag in the confusion.


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Re: [Open RP] A lot of Fuss for Fyran
« Reply #26 on: September 24, 2016, 08:19:24 pm »
Theandra stares at the chaos of the scene she's stumbled upon. She seems frozen in place for a brief second before she realizes there's a Klyros charging towards the two Ylians. Without much thought, she drops her books and rushes towards the boy, with the intention of trying to get him out of possible harm's way.

[Ehm... I assume that the Kwynnuhaav is coming from a different direction than Theandra, at least, and that he had a bit of a ways to go before reaching the drunk.]
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Re: [Open RP] A lot of Fuss for Fyran
« Reply #27 on: September 24, 2016, 09:08:59 pm »
Having been completely preoccupied with getting to the bottles, Corine is caught completely off guard and is shoved over like a sack of grain.


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Re: [Open RP] A lot of Fuss for Fyran
« Reply #28 on: September 25, 2016, 08:16:30 am »
Given that Tiler is looking at the man coming  towards him he catches a glimpse of the klyros descending and running towards the man and tenses up his body. Still confused as to what is going on and what the Klyros is up to, his reactions are a bit too slow. He does attempt to step the the side of the barrel of man rolling his way, but gets clipped on the side which sends him sprawling on the ground between the sack and the crates.
Thoss Yonbur/Aarnir Irety/Oslorod Krolar/Myno Eljin


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Re: [Open RP] A lot of Fuss for Fyran
« Reply #29 on: September 28, 2016, 03:30:43 pm »
[are we stuck?]
Thoss Yonbur/Aarnir Irety/Oslorod Krolar/Myno Eljin