Author Topic: Death  (Read 2583 times)


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Re: Death
« Reply #30 on: June 20, 2017, 04:07:13 am »
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Re: Death
« Reply #31 on: June 20, 2017, 10:07:40 am »
GM's are more than willing to help assist with any event or RP ideas. We have done simple things such as just renaming a few items up to making up an area and locking it down. All you have to do is ask and we will be happy to assist in any way we can.

Also about becoming a guard...Uhh become a GM  ;D You get a  free Guard Char then. Emaline realizes she needs to spend  more time patrolling on her's however.
I'm very responsible, whenever something goes wrong they always say I'm responsible.

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Re: Death
« Reply #32 on: June 22, 2017, 06:49:39 pm »
For instance you can RP being a neighborhood leader or some minor official and organize RPs around it. You don't have to be a vigesimi to create and run a plot or organize players.

Neighborhood leader? Minor official? Sure, as a stepping stone to vigesimi. I want to take part in the world I'm in. I don't just want to be in it. I want to shape it! Even games which are less roleplay-oriented are superior to PS in this regard. All that you have any hand in is the way NPCs view your character and your character itself. People who play RPGs want more than that.

Yes, IC should stay IC and not affect OOC, the problem is, it often does and especially so when players act in a way they think is appropriate and allowed for them to do but then are punished for it.

Their character is punished, not the player. That's why I said IC stays IC. If a player has an issue with this, he or she should never have been given the position of guard. This is a roleplaying game, and the players should be expected to understand that. If one player gets vindictive over being dealt with ICly for IC mistakes... What's he going to do? Complain about his own decisions in regards to his character?

Regarding hostages, You could also approach the GMs/settings?,  either have it approved for your group to do it on your own or plan for them to play it out with you. They might still deny it, or don't have the time for it.

That's the problem, though. You shouldn't need to involve GMs. GMs should only be there for official events and keeping OOC order. Also, I don't want to play with GMs. They're not the best of roleplayers and attract a host of issues, like players who leech off OOC event rewards, decided outcomes, and occasional ego-trips. They have no checks on them. I'd rather roleplay with people who do have checks on them, which would be other players.

One suggestion I would have to improve the gameplay to faccilite rp more is to make the races different beyond the npcs saying nolthrir instead of lemur.

From what I recall, if my memory is correct, racial differences will be implemented in the (far) future.

All you have to do is ask and we will be happy to assist in any way we can.

I've seen the GMs be incredibly helpful and keep this game's heart beating for the past year or so. But this is missing the point.

The issue is that, as a roleplayer, I don't want to have to ask for assistance. The game, as a roleplaying game, should provide the assistance on its own.

Also about becoming a guard...Uhh become a GM  ;D You get a  free Guard Char then.

The process is too long, I'd probably be rejected, and I don't believe moderators of the game should have permission to be guards unless they earned it through roleplay. I'm hardline on in-character versus out-of-character. And, if you have a guard character, I'd like to see that character have a life outside of being a guard. I'd like to see that character having to go through rigorous training to become a guard.

If this game was really about players roleplaying with one another, I think it would be far better served not limiting players' freedom in what they can roleplay. Right now, it feels like playing pretend. You can't suspend my disbelief if there's this many limitations. I'll never reach my characters' goals, so what's the point?
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Re: Death
« Reply #33 on: June 22, 2017, 08:58:32 pm »
Thing is Volki, typically the team can't get enough players to fill such roles. You may have one or two passionate players but then it's too much for them to carry by themselves and to balance with life and it ends up lapsing anyway. I mean look at the OSP project. I believe there are fewer such player projects now than at the start, and that's counting those that are doing it on their own.

However, you could do a test I suppose. The vigesimi are elected by the Octarch, you could make a character to run a campaign "to get the Octarch's attention" and see how many players support you in that... or some such thing. If you can rally players to support you, you can make a stronger case for your point; if not then it probably means current policies need to stand.


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Re: Death
« Reply #34 on: June 23, 2017, 01:24:29 am »
If we had more players, what I'm saying would be viable. If a player couldn't fill a particular role, that player shouldn't take it and shouldn't be given it. Another player should be. Maybe even no one should if the right player isn't around. I'm not saying players should be organizers, but that they should fill roles. The organization should be performed by the interconnecting structures of the roles and arise without player planning.

What needs to happen first is a change in gameplay, which is what I'm suggesting. The roleplay will follow, as it did when this game filled a niche before.

To be honest, I am not sure a player should be a vigesimi or octarch, but they should be allowed to become government officials. I wish I could see players within the bureaucracy of the government, within the town guard, possibly posing a threat to guards, sparking a rebellion against a town's officials and potentially deposing them, hunting down criminals with the blessing of the local government, and even being able to defend themselves from guards with enough men. Allow for IC drama and fair conflict that relies on gameplay. I want to have no idea what's coming next. I want to think my character could die if I make the wrong move. I want the intricacies of how roleplay used to be in this game, with all the subtle plots and unraveling schemes from opposing characters. I want to feel like I'm really experiencing Yliakum again.

Lace dark dreadfull power inside him awakens now fully resultin his former self comin back lord of dark noble house shantae of mevango family lacertus shadowone mevango also knowed as darkblade of shadows


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Re: Death
« Reply #35 on: June 23, 2017, 05:35:46 am »

Their character is punished, not the player. That's why I said IC stays IC. If a player has an issue with this, he or she should never have been given the position of guard. This is a roleplaying game, and the players should be expected to understand that. If one player gets vindictive over being dealt with ICly for IC mistakes... What's he going to do? Complain about his own decisions in regards to his character?

I completely agree with you but my point still stands. And he's not going to complain about his decisions but the interpretation of the GM, he will complain how it was unfair because he only did what the guards should have done but now he suddenly can't play his character as a guards anymore. Some, hopefully most, will even if they dislike the decisions made ICly still play their character who perhaps became angry at the government for how he was treated. Others however will be annoyed that they suddenly can't play the character they want to play as they want to play it, and to no fault of their character or their own, all the characters decisions were made as they should by law after all.

In short, I repeat IC should stay IC, sometimes it however blows out to OOC and if there is no clear right or wrong that's an issue.

That's the problem, though. You shouldn't need to involve GMs. GMs should only be there for official events and keeping OOC order. Also, I don't want to play with GMs. They're not the best of roleplayers and attract a host of issues, like players who leech off OOC event rewards, decided outcomes, and occasional ego-trips. They have no checks on them. I'd rather roleplay with people who do have checks on them, which would be other players.

Some solutions for the problems: event reward leechers: don't make an event or make it clear there won't be any rewards, Decided outcomes: don't have decided outcomes. You can ask help from GMs without handing them the reigns (I presume, Emaline can correct me on that if need be.) For the rest of the issues(ego-trips, not the best roleplayers and no checks) the solution is simple, don't play with them but ask permission for one of you to play the official for the duration of the event.

From what I recall, if my memory is correct, racial differences will be implemented in the (far) future.

That's what I though but I think it is important to get it done sooner rather than later.

I've seen the GMs be incredibly helpful and keep this game's heart beating for the past year or so. But this is missing the point.

The issue is that, as a roleplayer, I don't want to have to ask for assistance. The game, as a roleplaying game, should provide the assistance on its own.

It's idealistic to ask the game for assistance outside of a scope of actions. I understand most of the things you are asking for from a human perspective but I would have no clue how it would be implemented  into the game.

The process is too long, I'd probably be rejected, and I don't believe moderators of the game should have permission to be guards unless they earned it through roleplay. I'm hardline on in-character versus out-of-character. And, if you have a guard character, I'd like to see that character have a life outside of being a guard. I'd like to see that character having to go through rigorous training to become a guard.

Personally I am a fan of GM guards because it means they have a good way to handle certain things ICly aswel as the ability to provide a character for events thats somewhat more consistent while having authority. I agree they should play their guard character more often but I don't mind them not having that training period aslong as they rp they had it. I don't see anyone roleplaying them being a baby to them being child to them being a adult and I wouldn't be interested in that. We all, they too have some place they come from and as long as they roleplay according to that then that's enough for me.

If this game was really about players roleplaying with one another, I think it would be far better served not limiting players' freedom in what they can roleplay. Right now, it feels like playing pretend. You can't suspend my disbelief if there's this many limitations. I'll never reach my characters' goals, so what's the point?

A note, there will never(well, not in a relevant timespan) be a game where you can do whatever you want. If you want to achieve that that would require an almost completely laisez faire world where you can do whatever and aren't bound by lore and have the ability to create buildings, with no real skill systems, etc...  in which case a minecraft rp server might be more suiting than a game without any ability to easily change the world beyond some furniture.

If we had more players, what I'm saying would be viable. If a player couldn't fill a particular role, that player shouldn't take it and shouldn't be given it. Another player should be. Maybe even no one should if the right player isn't around. I'm not saying players should be organizers, but that they should fill roles. The organization should be performed by the interconnecting structures of the roles and arise without player planning.

I agree it would be good if characters would fill roles(And I still think shops are a good start possible with a tax collecter aswel), I don't think they should have to ability to enforce them however, I think that should be left outside of the hands of players and their characters.

To be honest, I am not sure a player should be a vigesimi or octarch, but they should be allowed to become government officials. I wish I could see players within the bureaucracy of the government, within the town guard, possibly posing a threat to guards, sparking a rebellion against a town's officials and potentially deposing them, hunting down criminals with the blessing of the local government, and even being able to defend themselves from guards with enough men. Allow for IC drama and fair conflict that relies on gameplay. I want to have no idea what's coming next. I want to think my character could die if I make the wrong move. I want the intricacies of how roleplay used to be in this game, with all the subtle plots and unraveling schemes from opposing characters. I want to feel like I'm really experiencing Yliakum again.

We really shouldn't start with government positions or rebellions(especially not rebellions), beyond perhaps something like tax collecting (if a tax is instituted), something like verification certain laws are adhered to (but do not enforce them) or a census. That last one is something which can already be done and has some benefit to people, for example make a list of professions  and who performs them or something like that.
Larili Soriol


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Re: Death
« Reply #36 on: June 23, 2017, 06:51:29 am »
I think three basic things need to happen here:

1. More people need to learn how to lead.
2. Word needs to get out about active games
3. The games or stories need to be interesting enough to gain a following.

If you are leading, you will makes lots of mistakes. You learn as you go. Just take a stab at your idea and run with it.

The forums are one way to publicize the happenings of the IC world.... perhaps someone will come up with a better idea?

As for what is considered interesting, that's a very subjective topic. All I can say is perhaps learn about how writers pull their readers in and get them to turn pages. Good books are not good by accident. There is a lot of subtle manipulation involved in keeping the reader interested. I'm not kidding when I say manipulation.


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Re: Death
« Reply #37 on: June 23, 2017, 07:04:45 pm »
And he's not going to complain about his decisions but the interpretation of the GM, he will complain how it was unfair because he only did what the guards should have done but now he suddenly can't play his character as a guards anymore.

If the GM made an OOC mistake, then that player has every right to be angry. What you're saying sounds like a mistake on the GM's part.

It's idealistic to ask the game for assistance outside of a scope of actions. I understand most of the things you are asking for from a human perspective but I would have no clue how it would be implemented  into the game.

By assistance I just mean allowing players to be assisted by the game itself to perform roles. Instead of having a GM assist with a roleplay by playing a guard, the game would assist by providing a guard position for a player.

Personally I am a fan of GM guards because it means they have a good way to handle certain things ICly aswel as the ability to provide a character for events thats somewhat more consistent while having authority.

They could still retain that role. But I honestly think roleplaying GMs should be separate from moderating GMs. A roleplaying GM could fill the role of a higher ranking guard.

I agree they should play their guard character more often but I don't mind them not having that training period aslong as they rp they had it. I don't see anyone roleplaying them being a baby to them being child to them being a adult and I wouldn't be interested in that. We all, they too have some place they come from and as long as they roleplay according to that then that's enough for me.

I'm not suggesting they roleplay something as absurd as growing up. Just be part of the world. The guards roleplayed by GMs are just that and only that. They barely have humanity. They're extremely powerful. You couldn't catch one off-duty and have an ordinary conversation. You couldn't kidnap a guard's family member for a plot. You probably couldn't even bribe a GM guard, despite that being a notable problem within Hydlaa's guard. The game as it is severely limits the potential that this would have if players were guards, or even just GMs who specifically roleplayed.

A note, there will never(well, not in a relevant timespan) be a game where you can do whatever you want. If you want to achieve that that would require an almost completely laisez faire world where you can do whatever and aren't bound by lore and have the ability to create buildings, with no real skill systems, etc...

I think you're misunderstanding me. I don't want that, and I doubt anyone reasonable or who understands game design does.

I'm asking for what PlaneShift promised. It's a roleplaying game, but in its current state you're severely limited in what you can roleplay within the mechanics and rules. And I'm getting the feeling it's going to continue to be this way forever.

It's like the development team is too afraid to give players the freedom to play roles they should be able to have in the roleplaying game which was described by the developers themselves.

I agree it would be good if characters would fill roles(And I still think shops are a good start possible with a tax collecter aswel), I don't think they should have to ability to enforce them however, I think that should be left outside of the hands of players and their characters.

The shops with taxes is probably a good idea. I really like the concept of the Hydlaa Market and the player-owned makeshift shops which currently exist. Expanding it to become a more permanent part of the game, potentially creating a player-driven economy, would be something that players would appreciate, I think.

I'm not sure what you mean when you say "enforced", though. Unless you're talking about the taxes. Honestly, if taxes exist, they should be equal for all players participating. Either they're enforced or not at all. That should probably be done by a GM or the game mechanics.

edit: I could actually see a player becoming a tax collector potentially being pretty interesting. If it turned out that the character was stealing money, they'd essentially be stealing from the government, and that could make for some fun roleplay. A GM might have to be involved, though, to send that player out to collect money from each shop-owner/property-owner and then to count the money.

We really shouldn't start with government positions or rebellions(especially not rebellions), beyond perhaps something like tax collecting (if a tax is instituted), something like verification certain laws are adhered to (but do not enforce them) or a census. That last one is something which can already be done and has some benefit to people, for example make a list of professions  and who performs them or something like that.

You make good points here that I agree with. For the record, there is a property tax. If a shopkeeper owns a permanent space, there's supposed to be tax on it. According to the laws, anyway.

I would urge players to just go ahead and try to fill these roles that I'm suggesting. It's been tried in the past, but players were always struck down with "It's not part of the mechanics!" or "It's against the rules to impersonate a GM!" (when all you're doing is roleplaying a guard or official). I used to be against players filling these roles, but now that I've had time to think about it and have learned quite a bit about game design I can see that it's not a good opinion. If you have that opinion because "It's the rules" or "It's the mechanics", you're relying on an appeal to authority. Right now, the authority isn't doing the best thing for this game. It's pretty much killing the game.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2017, 07:11:57 pm by Volki »
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Re: Death
« Reply #38 on: June 24, 2017, 03:24:48 am »
If the GM made an OOC mistake, then that player has every right to be angry. What you're saying sounds like a mistake on the GM's part.

What I was trying to say is that when there is no clear right answer then such situations can become very problematic.

By assistance I just mean allowing players to be assisted by the game itself to perform roles. Instead of having a GM assist with a roleplay by playing a guard, the game would assist by providing a guard position for a player.

But in what way do you want the game to assist roles, the problem is that roles is a very large concept and if it is just issue of appointment then setting that in your description, or if you really wanted to to create a guild (or an "official" guild made by the GMs/settings) and have the titles be the role. Basically, what would you want those guard positions to have in the area of extra game mechanics?

They could still retain that role. But I honestly think roleplaying GMs should be separate from moderating GMs. A roleplaying GM could fill the role of a higher ranking guard.

I think we'll have to agree to disagree at this point on this topic, I think even GMs that only moderate, help people and solve issues should have the ability to interact with people ICly from a position of authority to better help them in some situations.

I'm not suggesting they roleplay something as absurd as growing up. Just be part of the world. The guards roleplayed by GMs are just that and only that. They barely have humanity. They're extremely powerful. You couldn't catch one off-duty and have an ordinary conversation. You couldn't kidnap a guard's family member for a plot. You probably couldn't even bribe a GM guard, despite that being a notable problem within Hydlaa's guard. The game as it is severely limits the potential that this would have if players were guards, or even just GMs who specifically roleplayed.

I was not trying to suggest you were but you complained about them not roleplaying them training to be a guard and I think the two in essence(but not severity) are to a large degrees the same. They have trained and they should roleplay like they have had training in a prior point of their life. I agree a GM's Guard should be more than a shell, but firstly they should simply rp more.

To be honest, go ahead and try to kidnap anyone else's family who isn't a character in the game without speaking tothem about it privately. Having player guards therefore doesn't solve that. I presume you can kidnap a guards family just fine but you need to speak to the persons in charge of the characters and coordinate with them. If you were to approach me then I would quite plainly say you would have to first figure out which person related to Larili you would want to kidnap and where you could find them. The point being: no, players being guards wouldn't help but yes, GMs should roleplay more. Even if I occasionally see a GM online I've only seen a GM's guard once outside of an event and even that was related to an event.

One note, you probably couldn't get them to do anything more by bribing/threathening which needs their GM abilities than you could otherwise get by asking them. because that would be misuse in many cases, although some leniency might be warranted.

I think you're misunderstanding me. I don't want that, and I doubt anyone reasonable or who understands game design does.

I'm asking for what PlaneShift promised. It's a roleplaying game, but in its current state you're severely limited in what you can roleplay within the mechanics and rules. And I'm getting the feeling it's going to continue to be this way forever.

It's like the development team is too afraid to give players the freedom to play roles they should be able to have in the roleplaying game which was described by the developers themselves.

It's probably more an issue of being able to think of a way to do all that especially with the limited staff(and their time) especially without unwanted side effects. (for example giving everyone the ability to kill eachother everywhere wouldn't be the best idea even if it should be possible for the characters to do.)

I'm not sure what you mean when you say "enforced", though. Unless you're talking about the taxes. Honestly, if taxes exist, they should be equal for all players participating. Either they're enforced or not at all. That should probably be done by a GM or the game mechanics.

With "enforced" I meant to that a tax collector shouldn't be able to imediatly severely reprimand someone for not paying taxes. He should have to go to a character or entity(i.e. central tax office) not controlled by a player and lay the issue before that person or things. And to clarify, I would intend for taxes to be according to some ruleset.(either completely equal or based on the type of shop, maybe weapons, armour and shopsselling alcohol for example would have to pay more or something else.)

You make good points here that I agree with. For the record, there is a property tax. If a shopkeeper owns a permanent space, there's supposed to be tax on it. According to the laws, anyway.

The law isn't worth that much however, sadly. Partly because it isn't really a good punisment system for a roleplaying game.

I would urge players to just go ahead and try to fill these roles that I'm suggesting. It's been tried in the past, but players were always struck down with "It's not part of the mechanics!" or "It's against the rules to impersonate a GM!" (when all you're doing is roleplaying a guard or official). I used to be against players filling these roles, but now that I've had time to think about it and have learned quite a bit about game design I can see that it's not a good opinion. If you have that opinion because "It's the rules" or "It's the mechanics", you're relying on an appeal to authority. Right now, the authority isn't doing the best thing for this game. It's pretty much killing the game.

I'm primarily against giving them "official" power because it can easily lead to discontent and dividedness among the players and it would need even more oversight from the GMs.
Larili Soriol

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Re: Death
« Reply #39 on: July 03, 2017, 08:20:09 am »
Here are some musings that will hopefully elucidate several of the reasons Volki and I believe that the mechanics are a vital part of the RP.

When you were younger, and you were playing with dolls or whatnot, you could pose them somewhat.  Okay, so maybe G.I. Joe's thumb broke off, and you didn't want to pretend that he fell in with his loan shark:  you'd simply hold the gun in his hand.  Maybe that one figurine didn't have articulated legs, or even had a stand fastened to its feet like a green army man:  you'd set her on the chair and tell your friends that she was seated.
Or, if it appeared that the figurine was raging and standing in the chair, you wouldn't have it in the chair at all, but standing before it.

At first glance, it may seem a failure of imagination that we could do things like that with our dolls and figurines and action figures, but not with our computer games and MMORPGs.
I would say that it is not a failure of imagination:  simply look at the Storytelling boards here.  What is it, then?

When we played with the dolls, we weren't using them as parts of a machine.  We used them as demonstrations, indications, and aide memoirs.  We, and not the dolls, were telling the stories, whether to ourselves or to our friends.

PlaneShift, and most such simulatory environments, are a little different.  They are more like automotive vehicles than they are modelling clay.  That much should be obvious.  Simply look at it.
Even the blockbuilders and sandboxes aren't simply underpowered versions of 3D modelling software.  They are worlds with their own rules and environments.
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Re: Death
« Reply #40 on: July 11, 2017, 06:18:11 pm »
I could roleplay with a pile of crap if I wanted to.

Seems to be where that argument is leading. Just because the players are imaginative doesn't mean the developers shouldn't cater to that imagination.
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Re: Death
« Reply #41 on: July 11, 2017, 07:31:04 pm »
Eh... one word, "New."

People get tired of the same old same old and want fancy, new bling bling to play with. It's not enough to put Ken in new bell bottoms or to give Barbie a different top... or give the Belvs a new hair do or the dwarves yet another axe. People look for major updates as well as access to their old shit.

PS needs to make like Cher and reinvent itself.


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Re: Death
« Reply #42 on: July 16, 2017, 05:16:40 am »
Whoa. Quite an discussing here.

I still don´t get why player based appeared to be declining for me… A personal set back for me about two years ago was the sudden seizure of the Red Crystal Den, after I and the others did not satisfy the requirements of some of the GMs back then… or… as I understand later some of the GMs back then wanted to lift of pressure from us. From in game OOC chats I also understood that at some time PvP mechanics was changed in a way that it would no longer by possible to just PvP tournaments like before. Damola isn´t into that… but at that time I had the impressions quite some players left. Also there was a time where most of the RP friends of Damola left and while I know for some there were RL reasons, I still don´t understand all of it.

But that said… I found the situation to be improving in the last time. Greatly so even. What are the indicators of it for me:

1) There is much more GM activity than before. The series of GM hosted events shows this. But there is also hidden signs of it like the help… I received with bringing up something new together with a team of players… (see my new thread in In Game Roleplay Events). Additional this time without all of the pressure to fulfill and obligation,  but for the sheer fun of it.

2) Also The Family guild Damola leads has gained more new players in the last months than in about a year before or so.

3) I see old players coming back here and there.

4) I even lost the notion of time some time RPing in preparation for "Something new is coming.". Not as intensely as about 2 or 3 three years ago, where I played till 3 or 4 o clock into the night – and I enjoyed myself while doing so, but still… I got a glimpse of what made PlaneShift tick for me back then.

This all, especially the new friendliness I perceived from GM side (thank *you* very much Emaline) even got me to engage again. Back after the RCD seizure I was finished with all my engagements (I invested a ton of time, energy and feelings)… but now I feel motivated again. Thats more than what I expected, so I am happy about this.

I do not really see so much the point to focus on what is in the past and what does not work. If you focus on it… you get more of it. So I´d rather ask around: What does work for you? What exactly is it that makes you go "Whoa. I want to immerse in PlaneShift again and get lost in RP"? What exactly is it that makes you loose the notion of time again? And when you found it: How can you create it? And exactly do you require from the game to do that?

I found I don´t require that much. And right now I am in the mode of not wanting to wait for anything outside of my control to happen in order to have fun in the game. I want to have fun in the game. Here. Now. And together with the support I received from GM side lastly, thats already more than enough for me to get started.

Yes, thats right, I think it is important that the game and the GMs encourage RP. I am still not sure who or what the game is, but I do know that the current GM team encourages RP greatly. So I focus on what works, yet if you figure out exactly what should change where in the game, I can only recommend, go to the person who is in charge of changing it, and ask it… I was honestly often enough disappointed that players who shared their frustration with PlaneShift OOCly with me during in game chats just did not show up in Dev Q&A, or in forums with it. I felt reluctant to, for the fear of being punished by PlaneShift dev and GM team members, but I spoke up here in the forum and during Dev Q&A about the seizure of the RCD and different topics. I even asked about declining player base impression once. That we finally have YANCA meanwhile is, I think, partly a result of that I repeatedly asked for the place to be finally be opened to all players as promised. Damola isn´t into the YANCA currently… for obvious IC reasons. But that does not need to hold back other players as the player of Jonobe showed nicely.

So I am happy that you spoke up. Speak up! Feel your frustration… and then move on and focus on what does work for you.

As for RP, nudge Damola. Damola does not run around like mad for RP, but you can always groffel or yulbar her with something. And well… she will inspire more RP  – together with other chars – soon enough, just like she does best… stay tuned.

Mr Tennet

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Re: Death
« Reply #43 on: July 17, 2017, 07:28:56 pm »
Make everything craftable, remove all NPC's (Yes and quests), cease all GM events and have them moderate as guards IC, remove gossip channel and make everywhere pvp. XD
The large print giveth and & the small print taketh away.


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Re: Death
« Reply #44 on: July 18, 2017, 08:11:52 pm »
Make everything craftable, remove all NPC's (Yes and quests), cease all GM events and have them moderate as guards IC, remove gossip channel and make everywhere pvp. XD

You laught but it might just work.

"It's all fun and games until someone stabs someone else in the eye."