Author Topic: Dev Q&A 27/06/2017  (Read 593 times)


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Dev Q&A 27/06/2017
« on: June 26, 2017, 12:55:19 am »
As requested here is a short summary of today's meeting as well as the full logs below (Feel free to let me know which is more useful/wanted)

Attendees from the team:

Talad (Leader/Founder)
Eonwind (Rules)
Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Ravna (Enginge Dev)
Mordaan (Settings)
Uadjet (GM Team)
Emaline (GM Team)

Questions asked by players:

 First off the use of the auction channel was discussed and it was decided to poll the community to see what is wanted with that, so please vote!

Second question was asked about doing less Dev Q&A perhaps once a month,  but that was shot down due to it being only twice a month at two different times so that people that can't make one time can try for the other time. And it's a great way to communicate with the players and the devs alike so overall it's best kept at two times a month  for now.

Third was asked if the GMs are planing any events, and yes there are several in the works right now. Then it was asked if we could clear up after our events quicker. It was explained we have left things up for a few reasons, mainly so that people can continue to RP about it and notice we are doing events, and at times we forget after a while... but we will try to clean them up sooner as well.

Then the name of the YANCA was disccued and thought to be too long, even in it's shortened acronym. It was mentioned there was no signage to really say what it was called and the posters on the billboard and door were not enough so we will be adding a sing post.
There was mention of the UE4 move, there is progress but it is slow going, but perhaps with summer holidays people might be able to invest more time into it.

And lastly a talk about a continuation to the black mirror event and if the Knowledge Seekers could be involved. There will be a follow-up event it's just not fully planned out yet.

And here you are if anyone wants to read though the actual logs:

 Talad says: Hello everyone, and welcome to the "Meet the developers"
 event. It's an OOC meeting, where you can ask questions about the
 give comments or ideas.
 Talad says: If you want to speak, you can walk to the stand in front of us.
 Please form a queue there in case there are other people. One question
 each, then you can queue again.
 Talad says: today on stage we have:
 Talad says: eonwind from the rules department
 Talad says: he makes NPCs smarter
 Erelenga says: And crafting work.
 Eonwindd says: :)
 Talad says: we have also Zunna, helping rules and settings
 Talad says: she makes the world more interesting with bosses, and
 special rules
 Talad says: and quests
 Zunna says: ^^
 Talad says: we have ravna from the engine team
 Talad says: coder, programmer, member of the team since LONG!
 Talad says: we have Mordaan from the setting team
 Talad says: responsible for quests, NPC knowledge and dialogues
 Erelenga says: The story teller of Yliakum.
 Mordaan says: :)
 Zunna says: ^^
 Thedrish nods to his former guildie
 Talad says: last but not least Emaline and Uadjet from the GM team,
 keeping a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone
 Thedrish claps happily
 Dorbaine looks to his left and smiles.
 Damola claps
 Erelenga says: And Talad, the mastermind.
 Damola adds "And organizing fine events!"
 Zunna says: The link between us all
 Talad says: Myself, the historical leader and founder
 Gonger says: Hysterical?
 Thedrish says: heh heh
 Dorbaine says: Go on Gonger.
 Eonwindd facepalms
 Gonger says: One simple joke - deadly silence.
 Ravna says: you earned every second of it :P
 Mordaan says: :)
 Eonwindd says: :)
 Zunna says: Do you have a question Gonger ? lol
 Gonger says: Yes...
 Gonger says: Greetings! There seems to be some confusion about the use
 and the purpose and the functionality of the Auction channel. I was under
 the impression that it would work throughout the whole game world, but
 apparently its use is local only. By working world-wide, people would be
 able to announce what they wish to auction, and then RP it, maybe at the
 market. But the local-only use of Auction does not support this. So why
 not have it world-wide, again?
 Talad says: I think was designed like this for RP reasons
 Dorbaine says: Hear hear,
 Talad says: like an announcer
 Talad says: shouting what he wants to sell
 Damola probably doesn´t see auction channel at all… but not sure
 Gonger says: Yes, but it would be great to reach throughout the whole
 game with that, and not only locally.
 Talad says: but it can be changed
 Emaline says: Yeah most don't even have it enabled. They just use
 Gossip, this was also before there was a market even.
 Dorbaine says: It does work at the distance approx' of a shout.
 Gonger says: If it works shouting distance only, we really do not need it.
 If it works world-wide, it has a sense.
 Dorbaine says: It would be nice not to have to resort to gossip all of the
 Famiel says: you can post books but you need a gm to secure them?
 Emaline says: It would not be IC if it was worldwide then and it would be
 the same as gossip really.
 Emaline says: you could just say in gossip [Auction] : blah blah
 Emaline says: Just a suggestion.
 Gonger says: And then people will complain... Auction in its current form
 does not make sense.
 Emaline says: No one really uses it anyways, it could be removed for that
 Emaline says: Yes Famiel, btw.
 Talad says: start a poll on forums and see what people think
 Dorbaine says: Yes, people complain about using gossip in that fashion,
 well they used to and the GMs would ask you to stop.
 Talad says: to me its fine to change it
 Talad says: still have to check if easy or not to do
 Gonger says: Hmm... yes, I could run a poll...
 Talad says: any opinion from other devs
 Emaline says: I'll set something up poll wise and let you know Talad.
 Talad says: ?
 Gonger says: Thanks for listening.
 Zunna says: Well, as there are less player and they are spread across
 Yliakum, it could help eventualy
 Dorbaine says: agrees with Gonger and Zunna
 Emaline says: Anyone else have a question?
 Mordaan says: I wonder if changing it to global would just be a small
 adjustment or if it would require an updated client.
 Zunna says: Ravna ^ ?
 Ravna says: hmm
 Emaline says: Hello Dorbaine.
 Erelenga says: I don't know, but would expect the server to decide which
 clients are in "hearing range"?
 Eonwindd says: hi Dorbaine
 Ravna says: not entirely sure how much work it'd be
 Dorbaine says: I know the player count increases because of these meets
 but it does take away from the ingame population during a popular time
 the week, could the team consider a month dev meet instead of the
 Emaline says: It's bi-weekly.
 Emaline says: an early time and a later time for those that can't make
 just one time.
 Gonger says: Twice per month, to be exact.
 Emaline says: and it's not required to attend.
 Dorbaine says: OK I was not aware of that but my question stands.
 Talad says: I feel byweekly is fine, gives us the chance to get in touch
 with the players
 Talad says: also its a way to gather players and then they can go and RP
 Talad says: its's a point of gathering anyway
 Dorbaine says: I see, I was not looking at it from your point of view,
 thank you.
 Talad says: so better one more than one less imo
 Erelenga says: Dorbaine - in contrast, I am rather glad that they are
 often, because I have little reason to appear here because I am not much
 part of any other plots...
 Emaline says: Anyone else have a question or thought?
 Damola says: Hmmm, do you GMs plan new events?
 Damola giggles
 Emaline says: We do have a few things tumbling around in the air.
 Dorbaine says: I have another gripe if you don't mind?
 Emaline says: Go ahead no one else seems to be in line.
 Menille listens with interest
 Dorbaine says: I'd rather not stand I have been drinking today.
 Gonger says: I drink every day, so what?
 Dorbaine says: Could the GMs clear the items from their events more
 Eonwindd cast a purge spell on Dorbaine
 Dorbaine says: lol
 Damola giggles to Gonger "You are a dwarf."
 Emaline says: We have been leaving them up to let people see we are
 doing things and to remind them to join other events and to encourage
 more RP to extend after they are over...and cause only Uadjet can clean
 them up once he locks them down.
 Dorbaine says: Ah! Yes, could you be given those permissions?
 Gonger says: Good point, Emaline. Several people asked me about the
 parcours for the pterosaurs. And then regretted having missed that
 Dorbaine says: With only two active GMs Emaline should maybe have
 more commands at hand?
 Emaline says: You can still use your mount for that one.
 Zunna says: That's for the GMs to decide Dorbaine :)
 Dorbaine smiles
 Emaline says: I mean if Uadjet wants to dep me at any point I'm more
 than happy to go around and do some clean up as well.
 Damola searches for the master control switch of Yliakum
 Emaline says: It's good practice for me with those commands I suppose
 Eonwindd says: hi Jenobe
 Jonobe says: Hello
 Eonwindd says: *Jonobe
 Gonger says: Emaline I meant, good point that people can see what
 happened. And that people can do the parcours with their mounts is also
 very cool.
 Eonwindd says: sorry
 Uadjet says: Yeah, we can clean those up. Sometimes we do little player
 interactions with them after the event is over, which is why we left them
 up for a while.
 Jonobe says: Um...
 Damola offers herself as a test subject to Emaline "Move me anyway,
 really :)"
 Damola says: *anywhere
 Famiel says: don't purge anything! -.- i have to many memories
 Eonwindd says: Jonobe you an ask your question
 Eonwindd says: *you can
 Jonobe says: All right. You know that empty building at the bottom of the
 stairs to the Tavern? It has some kind of long name?
 Eonwindd keybords' fails him today
 Emaline says: YANCA
 Emaline says: It's not empty anymore
 Emaline says: It's for performance events
 Jonobe says: Yes, whatever. Well, I've been in there several times, and I
 never see anyone I didn't invite
 Erelenga says: It used to be a tavern, restaurant, event host ...
 Damola mutters more to herself "Compared with Red Crystal Den it kinda
 Jonobe says: Anyway,, I wonder if it could have a shorter, easier to
 remember name?
 Damola giggles
 Gonger says: Shorter than YANCA?
 Erelenga says: "The location formerly known as RCD"
 Jonobe says: Well, that's an anacronym. Do you know what it stands for?
 Damola makes "YA"
 Erelenga says: *Symbol
 Emaline says: Yliakum Art's 'N Culture Association
 Jonobe says: Is that it? It is truncated on the door\
 Emaline says: It's a performace pulbic place for
 PLAYERS to create events
 and use for performances, musicans, storytelers
 Emaline says: if there is a lack of use it's because
 the players are not
 putting on events there. The HoL and hosptial getused less frequently.
 Jonobe says: I think it would be easier to direct audiences there if it had
 a short, memorable name
 Jonobe says: And maybe a signpost
 Emaline says: there are also a few players that I'm
 working with to host
 events there they just have not set dates yet.
 Zunna says: Your character can call it as he wish in
 his circle of friends i
 suppose Jonobe
 Dorbaine says: Like YANCA
 Satina says: [I have a question for the devs. How far along is the Unreal
 client/server? Is it on the table for 2017?]
 Zunna says: he/she*
 Eonwindd says: I'm afraid the name doesn't matter
 Jonobe says: Yes, I know, but what if I want to invite people who aren't in
 my circle
 Emaline says: Then you have to call it by it's
 Talad says: we did some progress on UE, but pretty
 Talad says: this summer holidays may help
 Talad says: if some of us decides to invest a
 significant amount of time on
 Talad says: we have part of char creation working
 (the quick creation)
 Dorbaine says: Is there still an arcade test server for UE4 Talad?
 Talad says: and most of the server side functions
 Satina smiles "Okay, I hope someone/or some of you will invest the time
 Erelenga says: (Satina was not in line...)
 Talad says: we test UE locally
 Jonobe says: Did my question get answered?
 Talad says: so each dev creates his own server and client
 Satina hides
 Talad says: there is no dedicated server to UE atm
 Dorbaine says: ok
 Satina didn't notice there was a line "Sorry!".
 Emaline says: We will see about adding a sign post
 Mordaan says: If YANCA is not short enough, you
 can always call it "The
 Y". :P
 Jonobe says: I'll ask again. Will you change the name to something short
 and memorable, and put up a sign post
 Emaline says: There is a billboard and such wiht
 fliers but it might not be
 clear enough as to what it's for.
 Talad says: anyone is welcome to test UE
 Talad says: is a very nice engine
 Erelenga says: Dunno, Mordaan ... "eat at the Y" may become a term
 Talad says: can be used for many things
 Jonobe says: Mordan, it doesn't matter what I calll it, if no one else
 understands what I am talking ablut
 Mordaan says: heh
 Damola ponders "Hmmm, can just still call it Red Crystal Den, bring some
 beverages and see who comes to visit"
 Jonobe says: about*
 Eonwindd says: Jonobe, anyway, it's not hard to find
 Emaline says: Yes Jonobe. We will look into a
 singpost or something for
 Zunna says: As for any "new" place, it take time to
 be known.
 Zunna says: MAKE it known then by doing things
 Dorbaine says: Still the RCD to me.
 Jonobe sighs dramatically
 Zunna says: then people will remember yanca
 Eonwindd says: it's a place close to the plaza and on
 one of the main
 Emaline says: I think it even has a flier on the door
 on what it's for
 Emaline says: Anyways next question
 Jonobe says: Fine, fine. Sorry to bother you
 Emaline says: No I said I'll look into that, thanks
 for bringing it up.
 Emaline says: I guess it was not as clearly marked
 as I thought.
 Emaline says: Hello Erelenga
 Erelenga says: That was a question about generic events...
 Erelenga says: I have one for a specific one.
 Erelenga says: The magic mirrors.
 Eonwindd says: YANCA is too long, don't like it ... call
 it "ex RCD", reald
 life places gets called in a likely manner even after years they changed
 their names
 Erelenga says: I hoped that we would get in touch to schedule some
 follow-up meetings.
 Erelenga says: Assuming that Aeghiss would talk with Uadjet etc.
 Erelenga says: Unfortunately, I still miss replies in our guild forum.
 Erelenga says: Is there any progress? Do you need me as well to keep it
 Emaline says: To keep your guild forums alive?
 Erelenga says: No, the story about the mirrors.
 Uadjet says: There will be another event
 regarding the mirrors, I'm still
 working on the plot though.
 Emaline says: Ah, not all events go on and on with
 us interacting, a lot of
 it is more for you guys as players to take it and run with it.
 Eonwindd says: if I am understanding well Erelenga
 you're offering your
 help to prepare the event, right?
 Emaline says: Sorry guys I must run now, enjoy
 the rest of the meeting!
 Zunna says: Bye Emaline o/
 Ravna says: cya around :)
 Thedrish says: Bye Emaline
 Erelenga says: So it's just a delay... okay. If anyone knows anyone else
 involved, please come back to me, maybe talk in the Hydlaa or KS forums
 about a meeting. I need an appointment to come here, have many other
 deeds all over the week...
 Mordaan says: bye Emaline
 Erelenga says: I would also enjoy to support the progress. I just need a
 contact to me first, I never know when to meet others...
 Erelenga says: When there is an appointment, I will try to participate
 Erelenga waves goodbye.
 Uadjet says: I'll try to make sure you, Aeghiss and I can take some time
 to talk about it.
 Ravna says: any other questions?
 Talad says: I think we can close the meeting then
 Talad says: anything else from the devs?
 Ravna says: looks like it :)
 Ravna says: or in auction style "going once....."
 Menille says: Thank you for the meeting.
 Talad says: thanks for participating
 Talad says: enjoy PS!
 Zunna says: We're implementing the last boss ;)
 Zunna says: Good game all !
 Ravna says: aye, thank you all for showing up here.
 Ravna says: and have a great evening :)
 Eonwindd says: we just need to proof-read and test
 the quest
 Eonwindd says: have a good time! :)
« Last Edit: October 25, 2017, 08:01:21 am by Emaline »
I'm very responsible, whenever something goes wrong they always say I'm responsible.

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Re: Dev Q&A 06/27/2017
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2017, 08:00:44 am »
This is quite useful for me, as I'm not able to make it to any meetings at the moment. Nice to see if there are any questions that I can give more information on, this time there isn't.


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Re: Dev Q&A 06/27/2017
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2017, 01:43:46 pm »
Yeah it was asked about at the meeting before so I volunteered to do it. Then I had fun with colors cause color makes everything better! I don't know that I'll do that each time haha! Glad it's useful to more than just players!
I'm very responsible, whenever something goes wrong they always say I'm responsible.

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Re: Dev Q&A 06/27/2017
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2017, 04:22:16 pm »
That's great, kudos Emaline! I wish you can keep this up!  \\o//


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Re: Dev Q&A 06/27/2017
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2017, 12:47:51 pm »
Even a log dump with the tags removed would be good.  Doesn't need to be nicely formatted like this.


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Re: Dev Q&A 06/27/2017
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2017, 12:52:12 pm »
Yeah i doubt I'll take that much time each time...i was bored...and..colors!!!
I'm very responsible, whenever something goes wrong they always say I'm responsible.

Any Event idea find us on IRC #ps-event
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