Author Topic: Dev Q&A 23/07/2017  (Read 500 times)


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Dev Q&A 23/07/2017
« on: July 30, 2017, 09:46:05 am »
I'm sorry this is late! I almost forgot to post it!

Attendees from the team:

Talad (Leader/Founder)
Eonwind (Rules)
Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Uadjet (GM Team)

Talad says: Hello everyone, and welcome to the "Meet the developers" event. It's an OOC meeting, where you can ask questions about the game, give comments or ideas.
 Talad says: If you want to speak, you can walk to the stand in front of us. Please form a queue there in case there are other people. One question each, then you can queue again.
 Leonideus says: hello
 Leonideus says: not my question but are we starting yet?
 Zunna says: we did
 Mishka says: Are you waiting in line or just trying to confuse people by sitting here?
 Zunna says: go on with your question if you have one Leonideus
 Zunna says: :)
 Leonideus says: shall i ask the question again then?
 Uadjet says: Gotta love seeing the jump everyone does when they log back in to get on top of the stage.
 Eonwindd says: lol
 Zunna says: x)
 Leonideus says: what would it take for gms to be able to do more variation in monster spawning?
 Tinabobina says: crashed and came back
 Leonideus says: i remember halloween a while back with giant spider players and think a giant monster on occasion would be awesome
 Eonwindd says: what do you mean exactly?
 Zunna says: wb
 Leonideus says: especially if they were tintable but i don't know what can be done along these lines
 Eonwindd says: oh well this is a different thing, we changed temporary the server setup in order to have this effect
 Zunna says: giant monsters already happened, 2 or 3 halloweens back
 Zunna says: if i remember well
 Leonideus says: ahhh so in short it can't be done
 Uadjet says: GM's can morph into creatures of various sizes, but we can't spawn critters like that.
 Zunna says: problem is when they moove
 Eonwindd says: anyway, the GMs cannot change the NPCs spawning areas/types
 Uadjet says: And very large creatures have a lot of problems getting around. They tend to fall through the map.
 Talcon walks down to get in line
 Leonideus says: i was kinda hoping that gms could be given that ability but yeah
 Leonideus says: just seemed like it would be awesome
 Eonwindd says: however they have full power over changing races and sizes for their characters and players characters too
 Eonwindd says: of course depending on their GM level
 Kesivic says: what is the priority an getting a stealth system compared to the priorities on other stuff?
 Mishka says: Hi. Can anyone tell me what the requirements for the Unreal version of the game might be? Higher than now? Like, a 4GHz 4-core processor, an 8GB GPU with 32Gb RAM, as it is now? With fiber optics connection? Or will it actually be reasonable?
 Mishka says: Also, if you want to ask get in line and don't cut through.
 Talad says: you can download the test game
 Talad says: and check with the FPS indicator
 Talad says: the game will be similar to that
 Talad says: so if it runs for you then PS should be ok
 Talad says: did you try it? called Crystal hunt
 Mishka says: I tried and it didn't work for me. I'm on MacOS Sierra with a 256Mb card, 2 core 3.06GHz and that didn't answer my question. Surely the Unreal Engine will give some approximate requirements needed for the games developed in it. That's what I want to know.
 Mishka says: Mostly because I want to build a new PC and I don't want to be locked out of a game because it's more exigent than Crysis.
 Eonwindd says: the requirements lagely depends on how the game handles the maps and the number of textures and their quality
 Mishka says: So...?
 Eonwindd says: I'm pretty sure we can't give exact requirements on how the game will run when the transition will be over
 Mishka says: Okay, that's what I wanted to know.
 Eonwindd says: we can do it only after testing a bit
 Eonwindd says: however if your PC doesn't run Crystal Hunt then it probably won't run PSUnreal too
 Talcon says: Hi guys. Names Talcon. Been in and out of the game for the last 10 years ish. I was wondering on the best ways to give input to help with ideas that would help to shape the game. I guess creative input is the word i'm looking for
 Mishka says: That's not my problem right now, because I think I'll have my new computer way before the final game is released. I just want to know if the build I have lined up will be enough for it, or if it will play it on Ultra quality, even.
 Uadjet says: Bringing up things during these meetings works pretty well.
 Talcon says: currently i've sent in petitions but i don't think that is the right forum
 Uadjet says: You get to talk to the people who actually decide and implement changes.
 Eonwindd says: the Dev Q&A (now) are a good way to give inputs and feedbacks
 Talcon says: Is there not a place I could just send suggestions. Whether or not they get implimented. My log in history is scattered at best. I have way of knowing if i'll be on during these
 Eonwindd says: the forum is another good idea
 Aeghiss says: There's a dedicated section
 Talcon nods "alright, thank for the info"
 Firke says: I like nvidia with linux but atm it's sucks with wayland/xorg transistion much of linux doing.
 Zunna says: You can still logg in IRC, planeshift-prospect channel :)
 Eonwindd says: for your case I think the forum is the best instrument
 Mishka says: I'm not gonna make a linux machine.
 Mishka says: If any a dual boot Windows/Hackintosh
 Firke says: nvidia prob still best.
 Eonwindd says: using petitions isn't really efficient for suggesting ideas, the GMs pass the info to us developers, but then the risk is the info gets lost after sometime
 Mishka says: I don't think I'm going nVidia either but I am considering the GeForce chipset
 Aeghiss says: Tinabobina, are you willing to ask a question ?
 Mishka says: Just not the brand
 Damola says: but there in dev q&a it won´t get lost?
 Damola says: Doesn´t the bugtracker also support enhancemnt requests?
 Zunna says: yes
 Eonwindd says: yes
 Zunna says: also, we note when people suggest nice ideas here
 Zunna says: well, i do
 Damola nods "Nice"
 Damola says: thx
 Mishka says: Then, in order of most eye-catching, how would you rate the methods? Here, bug tracker, and forums?
 Eonwindd says: the Dev Q&A is made for that, discuss problems/feedback about the game with us directly
 Zunna says: depend of the Devs
 Damola says: dev q&a has the advantage to receive immediate feedback
 Eonwindd says: so we keep track of ideas/problem spoken of here
 Mishka says: Are you gonna make a question?
 Zunna says: yes Damola, indeed
 Mishka says: Er. Ask.
 Mishka says: 7prod
 Zunna says: Forum as well, as fast as we read atleast
 Eonwindd says: petitions is a tool managed by GMs usually, so not the best way to handle development discussions
 Gonger says: Tinabobina, Mishka, are you standing in queue?
 Aeghiss says: Tinabobina seems afk
 Eonwindd says: hi Aeghiss
 Aeghiss says: Hello.
 Mishka says: I am, at least.
 Aeghiss says: As a computer sciences student I figured out my best way to help would be to get into the engine.
 Zunna says: Hey :)
 Tinabobina says: no
 Eonwindd says: cool :)
 Aeghiss says: So my question goes to Zunna.
 Zunna is Rules and Settings but if she can help o_o
 Eonwindd says: ^ yep
 Aeghiss says: Or maybe I mixed you up with Ravna ?
 Eonwindd says: Ravna is the engine dev
 Mordaan says: Yeah, ravna is engine
 Zunna says: yes ^^
 Eonwindd says: but Talad can answer as well
 Aeghiss says: Ah, well, sorry. Maybe you will be able to answer anyway.
 Aeghiss says: I wondered, should I wait for the move to UE to be done ?
 Aeghiss says: And also, how should I proceed ?
 Eonwindd says: well I can answer too I guess XD
 Talad says: I think starting with UE is better
 Talad says: as that's our future
 Talad says: and you can reuse that knowledge in the future in your job
 Eonwindd says: and we really need a help to complete the transition
 Aeghiss says: Would I be able to help about it if I learn about UE but not about PS' own engine ?
 Eonwindd says: if you want to help engine complete the transition this could speed it up a lot
 Talad says: Ps engine is used anyway in UE as well
 Talad says: we already ported thousands of line of code
 Talad says: just converted
 Talad says: brb, phone
 Eonwindd says: so you won't need to learn how CrystalSpace works
 Damola again is totally fascinated by Uadjet lightning quarterstaff
 Aeghiss says: About how I should work, do you have any hint ?
 Talad says: Crystal space engine knoweldge at this point is not needed
 Talad says: there is nothing specific of it we port to UE
 Mishka says: good to see you're moving on
 Talad says: we port only the PS code
 Talad says: and replace all CrystalSpace code with UE
 Mishka says: and frankly it was about time
 Talad says: so knowing Crystal Space is not needed
 Eonwindd says: what about logging in IRC, freenode #planeshift-prospects ?
 Eonwindd says: once there you can adress Talad directly
 Zunna says: Yes it's better to explain details etc
 Eonwindd says: or Ravna
 Zunna says: and discuss
 Aeghiss says: Alright, I'll do so.
 Damola watches the discussion between Aeghiss and Potted Plant with some amusement
 Uadjet chuckles.
 Eonwindd says: from there they can point you to the next task... thanks
 Firke says: lol
 Mishka says: Hi again, it's me, but with less sass this time. I was planning on pitching an idea on the forums but I need to know whether it's remotely doable or even worth trying: yesterday in gossip I entertained the idea of different ores and qualities for making metal. Just like in real life you don't get 'iron ore' but a variety of ores. This could explain the abundance of one low quality ore in one place, and the scarcity of another elsewhere, but the latter would be of a higher quality. I'd get more in depth about it in the forums and perhaps prepare a rough draft, if it's deemed interesting enough. If not, then I guess I'll just scrap the idea.
 Potted Plant waves to Damola.
 Zunna says: lol
 Zunna says: Mishka, do you mean like I mine and get iron ore + something else ?
 Mishka says: No.
 Mishka says: I'll try to explain it plainly.
 Eonwindd says: I think he means an area could get better ore and another lower quality, is that right?
 Gonger says: Purity level?
 Gonger says: As for gold?
 Uadjet says: Wouldn't the current variable quality of ore represent pretty much that?
 Mishka says: In nature, ores occur with a higher material content than others, like purity.
 Mishka says: The current quality of ore depends on your mining skill.
 Zunna says: yes
 Eonwindd says: yes but not only
 Firke says: Don't we have this within the mines for quality and quantity?
 Uadjet says: Those with higher skill know how to find the better ore, not just the most easily found stuff.
 Mishka says: So for example, a pyrite (iron ore) would be easier to mine, but would have a quality cap. Say 150 or so. Meanwhile, another ore (dunno, ferrite for example) would have a higher quality or iron content.
 Mishka says: So you'd need less ore, to make the same amount of metal.
 Mishka says: Just like native gold would yield more than quartz with gold veins
 Firke says: That would make for a lot of detail work...
 Mishka says: It would add depth to the game.
 Mishka says: Some games already implement it.
 Eonwindd says: and with depth comes complexity as well
 Mishka says: Maybe not make it so some ores have more yield than others, and instead make it so that the overall quality of the metal would be defined by your smelting skills.
 Mishka says: And one zone has low grade ore, and others have higher grades.
 Mishka says: So one's more suitable for newbies, and others are more suitable for experienced players. Read, riddled with ulbernauts.
 Eonwindd says: speaking about the possibility for each area to yield better or lower quality ores this is something we can have
 Firke says: There is still a place without ulbers for that ore, i think.
 Zunna says: yes
 Mishka says: So imagine, an iron ingot made from pyrite would be, tops, 150Q for an entry level smelter
 Eonwindd says: however, while the idea of detailed ores is not bad I'm afraid it may become a bit too complex overall
 Eonwindd says: especially for new players
 Mishka says: But a ferrite ingot would get to 300Q more easily or something like that. Just put a quality cap for each item.
 Mishka says: That might be possible, I think.
 Zunna says: possible yes, but complicated
 Zunna says: complex
 Mishka says: It woudln't need a mechanics change, the way I see it.
 Eonwindd says: to be honest I would avoid adding more complexity for the mining skill
 Mishka says: Because if you smelt a 50Q ore, you can get 100Q ingot. If you smelt a 300Q ore, you can get a 300Q ingot. Simple.
 Mishka says: And the more you refine it, the higher the quality, as is right now. It would still be possible to achieve perfect qualities with low grade ores
 Mishka says: (I mean, smelting them)
 Mishka says: It's less complicated than it sounds, I think.
 Firke says: Most players aren't going to know pyerite made of sulphur and iron, and maybe more than game needs unless it geared toward geology hobbist.
 Eonwindd says: complexity comes from different type of products from mining, possibly confusing a new player expecting to mine iron ore to get to produce a simple dagger and mining ferrite instead
 Mishka says: Pyrite - Description: an ore used to make iron.
 Firke says: pigiron too
 Mishka says: I say pyrite because it's a RL mineral and I'm using it as a simile
 Mishka says: But yes, names like pig-iron, high-carbon iron, etc could be used instead
 Eonwindd says: anyway we can consider your proposal, thanks.
 Firke says: stone age people used pig iron to make iron tools.
 Mishka says: I can make a forum post explaining it in depth.
 Eonwindd says: ok good idea
 Firke says: I don't know about today, don't think so.
 Eonwindd says: hi Gonger
 Gonger says: Greetings! I have a small problem with offensive Crystal Way spells (Summon Missile, Energy Arrow): When I put Spell Power to 100, the mana consumption goes up, but the damage stays the same. Why? Similarly, the damage for these spells is not going up any more at high skill levels. I understand that Crystal Way is not meant to be a strong offensive magic way, but this seems a bit too much of it.
 Mishka mumbles "And maybe then we could actually mine ores inside the lava cave..."
 Uadjet says: Could you be at the damage cap?
 Eonwindd says: what you are referring is a common mechanic for spells of any way
 Gonger says: It seems so, yes. But the damage cap seems to be reached quickly. And why the higher spell cost still?
 Uadjet says: Each damage/healing spell has a maximum.
 Mishka says: But if he's at the damage cap, what benefits gives the 100% power?
 Eonwindd says: you reached a damage cap, the cap mainly depends on realm
 Gonger says: Exactly, Mishka. No beneftit, but still the extra cost.
 Eonwindd says: and power ofc
 Mishka says: See that's the problem.
 Eonwindd says: so if you reached the cap because of other factors you still can't get more out of a lower realm
 Zunna says: So when you rteached the cap, casting with 100% is useless
 Gonger says: So just remember to put back down power again before attacking with Crystal Way spells?
 Zunna says: with any spell you caped
 Mishka says: Imagine he wants to cast Relaxing Sleep at 100%, while casting Crystal Way. It's not convenient.
 Zunna says: in any of the way
 Eonwindd says: if you already reached the cap for example because you have a high stat score and a very high way rank extra mana won't give you anything more for a realm 2 spell
 Firke says: I'm not mage but I cast everythig 100% :)
 Gonger says: Ah, I understand.
 Gonger says: The only offensive CW Realm 3 spell - Missile Shower - still goes up in damage.
 Eonwindd says: but realm 5 spell has been made to support a cap high enough to use the 100% mana increase
 Eonwindd says: exactly Gonger, because it still hadn't reached the cap
 Gonger says: I still think the cap is maybe a bit low, but now I understand the mechanics.
 Eonwindd says: however if I remeber well you may create shortcuts including the power in the command
 Eonwindd says: so you could setup the shortcuts in order to optimize the mana expenditure
 Firke says: So maybe I should change my str buff.
 Uadjet says: You can.
 Firke says: lvl 2 spell
 Eonwindd says: also because the higher you keep your slider up, the longer it takes to cast the spells
 Firke says: What about time, no difference at a certain point.
 Firke says: lasting time
 Eonwindd says: depends on the spell
 Mishka says: right, one question because I freaked out earlier
 Mishka says: Do ores just spawn randomly in mines now, or am I just that lucky
 Eonwindd says: e.g. for a spell DoT the if the damage is constant then the duration will vary
 Mordaan says: I think they were set up like plants, a few as location indicators.
 Eonwindd says: but if the damage depends on power then the time can be fixed
 Mishka says: Ah, okay, so I'm not imagining things.
 Eonwindd says: ok we're over time, I think we can wrap up :)
 Mordaan says: I didn't even know they could be picked up.
 Mordaan says: Makes sense though
 Eonwindd says: yes Mordaan, but they're only 50q
 Gonger says: Sometimes they spawn too far under surface to be picked up, though.
 Eonwindd says: and only 1 is spawned
 Mordaan says: Right, same concept as plants & crystals
 Mishka says: Or more.
 Gonger says: And sometimes they float... :-)
 Mishka says: A mage did it.
 Eonwindd says: unfortunately there is no way for our engine to recognize the terrain
 Mordaan says: hopefully one of the many limitations that UE can help solve.
 Gonger says: But that should also be easier in UE, right?
 Gonger says: Mordaan read my mind for my question... :)
 Eonwindd says: my hope is UE engine will fix things like that, which are not fixable atm
 Mordaan says: :)
 Mishka says: I'm sure UE has collision detection
 Gonger says: Thanks for the information.
 Eonwindd says: CS has it too
 Eonwindd says: the problem is not collision detection, but is the server having / knowing the precise geometry (map)
 Eonwindd says: anyway, Dev Q&A ends here, thank you for coming and enjoy playing PS :)
 Mordaan says: The spawn radius can't take into account the differences in terrain height.
 Mishka says: Ok we're done bye
 Firke waves to devs, Thanks for info.
 Mishka starts the sprinklers
 Mordaan says: Bye all!
 Damola says: Thank you.
 Tinabobina says: thank you
 Zunna says: Bye Bye ^^ Good day to all o/
 Eonwindd says: you're welcome :)
 Mohonin says: Thank you
 >Damola Etedi bows to Marble Bench.
 Menille says: Bye and thank you..
 Damola wonders whether Marble Bench will now also talk to her
 Tinabobina says: laughs at Damola bowing to Marble Bench
 Marble Bench says: Bye!
 Gonger thinks Damola is hearing voices.
 Damola shudders, muttering "I heard it, I heard it. Marble Bench talks to me."
 Damola says "Bye" to Marble Bench
« Last Edit: October 25, 2017, 08:00:54 am by Emaline »
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Re: Dev Q&A 07/23/2017
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2017, 11:39:40 am »
Thanks for posting this.

The only thing I would add is that the in game petition system is a perfect way to contact me to report bugs, ask for help, suggest ideas, or really ask me anything. I have used the petition system for a long time in this way with probably 1000s of petitions aimed at me as it is the easiest way to report things to me. The forum is however suited to much bigger blocks of text when people have extended ideas or comments when the petition system is too small or unsuited.