Author Topic: Dev Q&A 10/09/2017  (Read 557 times)


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Dev Q&A 10/09/2017
« on: September 11, 2017, 02:07:12 pm »
Attendees from the team:
Venalan (Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Uadjet (GM Team)
Emaline (GM Team)

Emaline says: Alright it looks like this is who we have for now, perhaps others will join us after we get started, lets see if I can recall the starting info, this meeting is an ooc meeting, something something something, please get in line to ask one question at a time.
Emaline says: Today we have Mordaan from the settings
Emaline says: and Uadjet and Emaline from the GM team
Uadjet says: Just tried the eleport command, which I assume is only for transporting elephants.
Mishka says: "something something get in line"
Emaline says: We won't be able to answer a lot of your questions that might be directed towards other departments but we can relay messages to them at another time I suppose.
Zakena says: hallo and thanks for this meeting
Migg says: Hello Dev and GMs! :)
Emaline says: We will do the best we can to anwser your questions here today.
Emaline says: go ahaed Mishka
Mishka says: Hi it's me again.
Emaline says: And did you have a question?
Mishka says: The other day in gossip we were having a little chat about cardinal points in PS and how there seems to be a division between some players calling it "North" and "East" Hydlaa. One side thinks it's nitpicky and the other side thinks it's lazy. Could we have a way to clear this up?
Mishka says: The name East Hydlaa seems shoehorned even if well explained in the signpost before the load zone.
Damola remembers having looked like Uadjet yesterday
Sarras says: probably need talad for that
Uadjet says: Well, that is for Settings.
Mishka speaks with her lips on the microphone "Yes, my question is for Mordaan."
Mordaan says:It's a good question. The crystal would suggest there are not directions defined by Earth standards.
Uadjet says: I admit I'm not familiar with the lore regarding the name "east hydlaa"
Mordaan says:But you have to call it something.
Mordaan says:We do use "East Gates" and "North Gates"
Mishka says: Isn't it more immersive to call it Oldtown Hydlaa instead?
Emaline says: And if you find is confusing, changing that after 15 years will really confuse people.
Mishka says: North would be Oldtown. I mean it's in the streets.
Emaline says: It's not really an old town.
Mordaan says:Yes, you could.
Sarras says: according to lore there aren't any ways to measure cardinal directions in the stalactite.
Mordaan nods at Sarras
Sarras says: maybe that should be changed, but we're talking to GMs mostly, not settings, so you're not going to get anything done here talking about it.
Nevan says: Read it was related to a builder involved in establishing that part of the city// Lore content
Emaline says: I suppose this is something Mordaan can discuss with Venalan
Mishka says: East Stronghand spearheaded the construction of a new quarter.
Nevan says: Yes, that
Sarras says: a really lame "coincidence"
Mishka says: And this quarter was named East in his honor. But it looks shoehorned as I said. And yes, a lame coincidence.
Mordaan says:Yeah, we have gotten away with things this way all this time but it's probably worth a conversation.
Uadjet says: As I suggested, the idea of cardinal directions would have been brought into Yliakum by the races that came from elsewhere, and could have been applied here in a non-standard way.
Mordaan says:True
Emaline says: We will leave that up to settings to discuss and decide what to do, thanks for brining that to our attention.
Mishka says: Hmmm, brined pickles...
Mordaan nods
Emaline says: are you in line Zakena?
Mishka braids Damola's hair
Zakena says: yes
Emaline says: come on up then
Zakena says: i would like to speak for the bards
Zakena says: not only my guildmates... all the bards
Emaline says: But who will speak for the trees?
Zakena says: So...i'll try to make it brief
Emaline says: nvm I'm sorry. please go on
Mishka says: Is nobody going think think of the trees!?
Damola lets Mishka proceed, apparently enjoying it
Zakena says: bards has some problems in the game and i would like to talk about 3 of then, if possible
Zakena says: 1) synchronization. i know it's utopic but it would be nice to have a way to sync the players server side
Emaline says: Yes that's been brought up before.
Emaline says: I think the issue is there is no music dev currently, I'm not sure or it's on a list somewhere. I can't recall now.
Emaline says: The guy who designed all the music for PS is no longer on the team.
Zakena says: 2) Bards buffs. It would be nice to make special magical instruments that gives the power to buff mental power of other players (like mana and mana stamina)
Emaline says: From what i understood.
Mordaan says:Yeah, it's been something discussed, even when music was being developed, but there's no easy way to do it. It would have to be a project by a dev or prospect.
Emaline says: That would be rather cool, but I have no idea how hard that would be to implement.
Zakena says: 3) Inventory space. There are only 200 slots for books, maps and scrolls. It would be nice to have a separated category for music scrolls
Zakena says: i'm done. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to express my ideas
Migg says: Yes, separate music category would be great!
Emaline says: That would help look though for books vs scrolls or maps yes.
Damola nods
Migg says: perhaps 3 categories, books, maps and music sheets
Zakena says: i'll leave the place to the next
Zakena says: thanks
Mordaan says:We could have different categories like for weapons (ex: Weapons-Axe). We could have "Books-Blank", "Books-Maps", etc.
Emaline says: That's worth looking into.
Zakena says: that would be highly apreciated
Mordaan says:So we keep everything paper based together, yet distinguish them.
Emaline says: Did anyone else maybe have anything else they wanted to discuss?
Mordaan says:Again, not sure what would need to go into making that happen.
Zakena says: today i burned books because my storage is full... and a dwarf asked me if I turned mad!
Uadjet says: I don't know how complex recategorizing items is, but it was done when the Beverages category was added.
Emaline says: me either so I can't promise anything but I will poke people to find out and see if it's a possiblity.
Mishka says: you can sell them back.
Uadjet says: Or store them on an alt.
Mordaan says:If it's as easy as remaming categories, it could be very doable.
Mishka says: Or make a fort out of them
Zakena says: selling back does not worth the pain
Zakena says: and this is not the point Mishka
Saros says: hi, I'm a new player here and I think that making ESC key to not close the active window would be extremely user-friendly
Migg says: What about puting them in the library, or in Amdenair HoL?
Saros says: thanks :D
Sarras says: Saros, you can turn that off in options
Mordaan says:Yes, that's configurable.
Uadjet says: Yes, under Controls-Keys
Saros says: oh, I would like to. I will try to search for it
Mishka says: Options>Controls>Keys>Game Control
Uadjet says: In the Game Control section
Emaline says: hello Damola
Saros says: Doing it default may be a good idea for new comers
Damola says: Hello! I just want to thank GM team for the many events you organize! They are really fun.
Migg says: Guessing that would block closing select dialogs
Damola claps for GM team
Migg says: yes!
Uadjet says: You're quite welcome!
Migg says: Hi Ven!
Venalan says: hey
Emaline says: We enjoy doing that, so glad you guys enjoy them
Mordaan says:Hiya Venalan
Uadjet says: Players have been great about participating (and sometimes making us improvise quite a bit) which always makes things more fun.
Mordaan says:Yes, some good events lately. (and always)
Emaline says: For those of you who don't know, Venalan has just joined us, he's head of the settings team.
Damola says: Any news in settings?
Damola looks to Venalan
Venalan says: I've had very little time to commit to making anything big.
Mishka says: should I post my question again for Venalan too?
Venalan says: what I have done is fix a bunch of stuff as always.
Venalan says: sure Mi
Mishka says: after Sarras is done
Venalan says: Mishka
Damola says: Sarras seems to have a question.
Emaline says: No need Mishka.
Emaline says: I have breifed him and will also post logs on the forums. but thanks.
Damola believes are are a bit too many bookstands in front of the speaking place.
Mishka says: awrighty
Emaline says: Hello Sarras
Mishka says: No rivnak this time?
Sarras says: I have a question about OOC names. It seems that IC names are no longer enforced like they used to be. A while back, years ago now, I made a ridiculous guildname even though the guild was set to private. GMs still found out and forced me to change it.
Sarras says: And yet we allow guilds like Captainsriffcrew to maintain their names, even though similarly named players would get a name change, and I had a similar one a while ago and it was changed.
Uadjet says: Rules for player names and rules for guild names differ.
Sarras says: How?
Uadjet says: Phrases are allowed for guild names, and nowhere in the rules does it require proper punctuation or syntax.
Sarras says: So we are to assume that the leader of Captainsriffcrew doesn't know how to spell?
Uadjet says: My initial feeling was that the name was a violation, but before I do anything punitive I always check the rules so that I'm sure I'm right and can quote the rule in question.
Mordaan says:It depends on the phrase, though. I always thought RL based phrases were frowned upon.
Tozaun says: Like Riffs?
Tozaun air guitars
Tozaun says: Its a rock band :)
Uadjet says: The only part of that name that is questionable is 'riff' and it's a music term. A fairly recent one, but not one that is exclusive to a modern instrument.
Emaline says: riff- a short repeated phrase in popular music and jazz
Mordaan says:eh, could apply to Yliakum. A lute riff? >.>
Zakena says: exactly
Zakena says: yes
Damola wonders when Zakena will compose a riff song :)
Mishka says: It's an obvious edgy teenager pirate themed name.
Mordaan says:The lines between what is RL and strictly PS can be blurry sometimes.
Tozaun says: A stretch but maybe.
Tozaun says: Typically refers to electric guitars.
Emaline says: We did not feel it was worth pushing the issue, it was very minor, it's not offencsive or clearly against the rules.
Damola wonders whether there are any rules for alliance names
Sarras says: My issue is mostly that it's spelled like a gaming clan's name. I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be "captainsriffcrew". It's just weird and badly spelled.
Uadjet says: Well, then let's ask. Does the format of the name break immersion?
Tozaun nods.
Sarras says: For me, it does. I doubt our characters would even think to exclude spaces for aesthetic reasons. They don't have the internet.
Damola didn´t really mind so far
Migg says: Um, ancient greek signs were written with no spaces between words
Emaline says: maybe when they write it out they add the spaces? I don't know I've not seen them RP about their guildname.
Damola says: But the name didn´t invite initiating RP
Migg says: I think the romans did simillar
Sarras says: This is English.
Mishka says: I've not seen them RP at all.
Migg says: My point is they didn't have the internet either
Tozaun says: Someone actually mentioned (Gonger I believe) that their guild name refers to a pub in Vienna, and that their guild site confirms such.
Mishka says: They don't RP, they talk OOCly in Main, they steal guildhouses that aren't locked out because they're petty.
Tozaun says: ^
Mishka says: And their name is a blatant RL reference.
Mishka says: Honestly, I'm baffled nothing is being done.
Damola takes out her tablet which builds a azure way commication link to the crystal.
Uadjet says: Ah, now THAT'S a clear rules violation.
Migg says: Moses had tablets
Tozaun says: I don't see Gonger here but he seemed to know that they refer to a pub in Vienna. Might be worth asking him about that.
Tozaun shrugs
Damola says: I think maybe a slight change like adding spaces and proper upper/lowercase could be enough.
Emaline says: See that's the type of thing we don't always catch, we are only human and only know so much.
Damola says: but if its a RL reference... hmmm
Saros says: did you take the screenshots of violations talking OOC in main?
Sarras says: You just have to be around them.
Sarras says: They don't know what roleplay is. lol
Tozaun says: I dont have screenshots but "Dad please invite me to a group"
VenalanISdaGREATEST got a new name to fit the topic
Mordaan says::)
Sarras dies
Damola looks bewildered at VenalanISdaGREATEST
Tinabobina says: wow
Saros says: The way it's proved is sending these screenshots to the GMs. At least in other games
Sarras says: Here you just have to /report.
Emaline says: yes please do a /report player name AND then open a petiton explaining to us why you reported t he char so we know what to look for.
Emaline says: sometimes it's not always clear
Sarras says: I have a follow-up question that's directly related to the topic, if I can ask it quickly
Emaline says: and some people are new and don't understand RP so try proding them gentily and explaining in tells how their action was ooc and suggest a way to make it ic.
Emaline says: sure
Mordaan says:Since no one else is in line, go ahead.
Tozaun says: Would it be possible for another of your rp basics ooc events?
Igesal says: maybe they just haven't got familiar enough with the world and are reluctant to get into rp and need a good advice how to kick it off? :3
Sarras says: Are player guild names meant to be registered somewhere, like companies are? Such as with an Octarchal record?
Zakena says: what a silence
Venalan says: Currently, IC, no
Sarras says: Okay, that's all. I think Mishka has something else to say.
Mishka says: Emmie told me not to.
Zakena says: what's happening?
Damola ponders "Hmmm they are registered in MySQL database, but thats OOC"
Sarras says: Well now I want to know more lol
Venalan says: I was told someone asked about book/music/map storage all being different categories?
Venalan says: we can do that if people ant
Mishka says: It's the question I asked earlier.
Zakena says: me
Venalan says: want
Damola says: yep, Zakena
Emaline says: Mishka was just going to repeat the questions asked before but I already breifed Venalan on them.
Mishka says: I think we do want it. I mean, it's not like it would affect people much.
Emaline says: The question is how hard/possible is that to actually do.
Venalan says: and would people like public music scores they can write and sell so others can edit?
Migg says: yes we do!
Damola says: Zakena apparently hit 200 items limit with book category
Venalan says: seconds Emaline
Zakena says: That topic is very interesting
Emaline says: That's why you're one of my favorites Venalan.
Venalan says: like public books can be edited by anyone
Zakena says: actually i forgot to mention
Mordaan says:We can either do that as totally separate categories, or have it be like weapons, to keep all the paper items grouped: (Books-Blank, Books-Maps, etc.)
Emaline says: You get stuff done, and fast.
Damola says: I like the grouping idea
Damola says: It gives some structure
Mishka says: While we're talking about it, can we bump the map items limit a little bit?
Zakena says: public musical sheets would be very useful
Venalan says: its a global limit Mishka
Damola says: raise to 500 (instead of 200)?
Damola says: globally
Venalan says: would need server code changes to make it per category
Venalan says: but that is open to mistakes if names change
Zakena says: but i proposed to create new categories: books, maps and scrolls
Zakena says: maybe blank books
Zakena says: that would be wnough
Zakena says: *enough
Venalan says: you can't move items from blank books to books
Venalan says: either one or the other
Tozaun says: Agreed, Venalan gets stuff done.
Migg says: what if blank books etc could stack?
Damola says: well then no blank book category... but books, maps and scrolls
Mishka says: 250. Or even 256 to play with the 16bit integer
Venalan says: 'creative - books' 'creative - maps' 'creative - music' would work
Damola says: 256 is 8 bit
Damola says: :)
Tozaun says: Not to say the others do nothing, but he's on regularly for players to come to with bugs or questions, and tests what he does.
Mishka tugs on her braid "shut up nerd"
Venalan says: and I fix things quickly when i break the server completly
Damola nods and claps for Venalan
Venalan says: which happens
Emaline says: I was'nt gonna say it..
Migg says: could blank books, scrolls etc stack together?
Venalan says: you cant stack books without complex server code changes
Mishka says: I did that once with a website. Such an adrenaline rush.
Venalan says: as they have the additional content field normal items dont have
Zakena says: .. and just adding a couple of new categories (like musical sheets and maps separated from books) it's not possible?
Venalan says: 'creative - books' 'creative - maps' 'creative - music' would work <- this
Venalan says: but you, as a player, can't move an item from one to another
Emaline says: That would work I'd think.
Mordaan says:I like it even better than "Books-..." :)
Damola says: hmmm… I think that would work
Venalan says: so 'blank books' and 'books' wouldnt work
Emaline says: that's okay.
Zakena says: ok
Damola says: I like the Creative in the name :)
Zakena says: no problem
Venalan says: as all books, empty or not would be in blank-books :)
Emaline says: it would be helpful to have books/maps/music
Migg says: will the existing items move automatically?
Tozaun says: ^
Emaline says: which they are now, but also with maps and music.
Venalan says: I hope so
Zakena quotes Emaline
Venalan says: xD
Tozaun says: books/maps/music sounds good
Venalan says: I'd have to test they dont all explode
Emaline says: We would appreicate that Venalan!
Venalan says: a server back up would also save me if they did so we can roll back
Venalan says: so no chance of things being lost
Zakena says: and i also quote and quote again the idea of VEnalan of having public musical sheets... many people ask me to help them on composing a pieca and it's quite impossible right now
Venalan says: I can test making one, it should be a few inutes work to set it up to work like books do with editing
Migg says: yes not to mention writing music for others to freely copy
Damola wonders how Venalan would have the existing items sorted into books, maps and music
Venalan says: but i would need to test to make sure it works and there isnt a reason why we dont have it already
Migg says: that would be great Venalan, thanks!
Zakena says: may all the gods (IC and OOC) help you VEnalan!
Venalan says: Damola, i just move the category for the master item and everything based on it moves
Damola nods to Venalan "Sweet."
Emaline says: Did you want to discuss the East/North issue here with them as well or want to discuss that with settings privately
Venalan says: I've done it with some staves before
Venalan says: well I have a reason for how NSEW work, just never finished writing book about it
Venalan says: maybe i will now :)
Mordaan says:Yeah, I've been wanting to do that for years, clean up all those wands/staves. Some are weapons, some are quest items...
Emaline says: That works too I suppose
Emaline says: Well that takes to us the end of our time here so I guess this is as good as time to wrap things up
Venalan says: quest items should stay as quest items, rather than the stave staves
Emaline says: thank you all for coming
Venalan says: the queswt items are more for rank display, the 'staves' are weapons
Venalan says: guards and stuff behave differently to them
Venalan says: but I do need to get the category name changed from wand
Zakena says: [XD]
Venalan says: any way, if there are no more questions, have fun playing :)
Mordaan says:Yes, thanks for coming!
Venalan says: and you can always send a petitions to @venalan to ask tell me anything
Migg says: Thanks for the meeting!
Archmonidus says: Thank you for the meeting!
Zakena says: thanks
Damola says: Thank you.
Migg says: And thanks Venalan for all the books!
Emaline says: You have one just for you now Venalan ;-)
Tinabobina says: Thank you to the devs and gms
Migg says: And thanks also to the GMs for the events!
Migg says: bye all!
Uadjet says: Bye!
Menille says: Mny thanks Dev's and GM's
« Last Edit: October 25, 2017, 07:59:43 am by Emaline »
I'm very responsible, whenever something goes wrong they always say I'm responsible.

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  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Re: Dev Q&A 09/10/2017
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2017, 03:34:36 am »
Tozaun says: Someone actually mentioned (Gonger I believe) that their guild name refers to a pub in Vienna, and that their guild site confirms such.

Thanks to Emaline for posting this. I could not attend because of the great Bard Tori Amos playing in my home town. Yes, I must think about my priorities sometimes!!!  ;D
About the captainsriffcrew, yes, it is a direct reference to the pub they are running in Graz / Austria. When they did not have a guild website, they linked from to the pub website ( Their spelling is not better there!  :o
As a side note, someone recently created a guild captiansriffcrew. I have no idea what this is about - as much reason as they have given to be despised (their lack of understanding of basic concepts like RP, or IC vs OOC; their refusal to read any background information; their belief that they know it all better than anybody else; etc), this is definitely going too far.
Trying to explain to them what they are doing wrong never worked for me and others, so maybe they are best ignored. (Unless they start newbie-grabbing again, which they do not seem to do right now.) But to try to set them up with a guild with a similar name is despicable. Guys, just let everybody see for themselves how they behave. That speaks volumes in itself.

Greetings, Gonger