Author Topic: Dev Q&A Dec 10th 2017 (Posted SUPER late)  (Read 554 times)


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Dev Q&A Dec 10th 2017 (Posted SUPER late)
« on: February 25, 2018, 07:41:56 pm »
Talad (Leader/Founder)
Eonwind (Rules)
Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet (GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)

{Dev Q&A starting in 10 minutes at the courthouse in East Hydlaa! If you need a teleport, just ask in gossip or send a tell to Uadjet.}
Harither grins.
Mordaan Says: Hello
Elader says: Hi all
Relef says: hi
Mordaan Says: I pinged Talad. Zunna and eonwind I don't see online.
Mordaan Says: So it may just be us.
Mordaan Says: Well, I can get us started. Most of you know the drill. This is an OOC event. If you have any questions, feel free to line up at the stands and ask away.
Gonger says: Is it holiday time already?
Gonger says: So few people here for the meeting...
Mordaan Says: yes
Mordaan Says: holiday shopping? :)
Uadjet Says: Quite possibly
Relef says: [sorry, just crashed, did i missed something?]
Harither says: nope relef also its ooc so donr need brackets here
Relef says: k
Relef says: stuck in the bench
Elader says: Summon pet mount umount
Relef says: k
Elader says: :D
Mordaan Says: Well if there are no other questions, I can provide some updates to get us started.
Relef says: is there already something asked?
Mordaan Says: -other
Mordaan Says: I've been dealing with some RL stuff so haven't dealt with PS in a few weeks. But last I saw, Talad was still working on UE stuff, particularly on the char creation and entry into the game.
Mordaan Says: As for rules and settings, work is being done on the next combat academy. Doesn't look like it will be ready in time for a holiday release. But hopefully sometime in January.
Gonger says: That is the Axe Academy?
Mordaan Says: Some of the quests are already added and proofed, next will be testing. Some others are being finalized by Zunna.
Mordaan Says: I think it is for mace/hammer.
Mordaan Says: bludgeon :)
Gonger says: Ah, ok. Thanks.
Mordaan Says: We had a fledgling PR dept going but I haven't heard anything in the past few weeks. Then again I haven't been paying much attention.
Mordaan Says: Gonger I know you were interested in participating in the near future.
Mordaan Says: Maybe we'll reconnect in the new year.
Mordaan Says: Well, I think that's it for my updates.
Kaerli says: It seems that the various combat moves don't do much, btw? Or at least that's what I heard
Gonger says: Yes, Mordaan. Like you I was RL busy, but I got things sorted out this week, so in the near future I will be more active!
Mordaan Says: cool
Mordaan Says: Not sure about the effectiveness of the combat moves. That would be a question for eonwind.
Mordaan Says: I should do the sword quests with my main char. I'll get to that sooner or later.
Mordaan Says: Anything else?
Mordaan Says: Questions, comments, complaints, etc.
Relef says: i have a question
Mordaan Says: observations..
Relef says: i'm doing ingame research on enchantments, but i noticed armor enchantments dont give any info about their effects
Relef says: Is there a way for me to get actual numbers about what it does in some way
Uadjet Says: Which enchantments? Player-made enchantments, you mean?
Relef says: player made yes
Uadjet Says: Player-made enchanted armor grants bonuses to resist various Ways. At least last I checked that was the case. The Ways that are resisted aren't listed in the descriptions, although I think some players have tested them out and compiled lists.
Mordaan Says: I can pass it along to eonwind to see what's intended and what's possible.
Relef says: well, i wanted to test them out, but it'll never be as good as the actual numbers
Relef says: it'll be merely a gues
Uadjet Says: I think you can test them using two characters. One wears an item or holds a gem, and the other casts a direct damage spell. Compare how much damage is done to what is done without the item and you'll know the percentage of resistance.
Relef says: hmm well, i'll try
Uadjet Says: Harder with Blue Way, but patterns will emerge that will make it easy to figure out.
Relef says: well, just look at the total dmg dealt by freeze
Relef says: i also have another question
Relef says: some days ago, elader gorub and i fought nefas, in a journal there we found a glyph combination for a spell, but we tried all related combinations and found no spell
Relef says: will that spell ever be implemented?
Mordaan Says: not sure
Mordaan Says: possibly not
Relef says: ok
Mordaan Says: Darn, that reminds me, I need to take on Nefas, myself...haven't gotten to it yet. :)
Mordaan Says: I'm gonna need a group.
Relef says: :), well he's really difficult to do alone :p
Relef says: i want to do it with you if you want?
Uadjet Says: Just don't try melee unless you have healing potions.
Relef says: well, melee is only thing that does enough burstdmg
Relef says: i mean close combat
Uadjet Says: He's one of the few things that can actually kill a GM with our immunities.
Uadjet Says: That and indigestion.
Relef says: :p
Mordaan Says: heh
Relef says: really?
Uadjet Says: I think my hit points are too high now, but before I cranked my stats up teleporting to Nefas was painful.
Gonger says: Now that would be a spell... Indigestion. Brown Way, of course!
Mordaan Says: lol
Uadjet Says: And I lost most of my 40k hit points to indigestion after eating a stack of crafted food.
Karzela says: xD
Relef says: :p
Uadjet Says: Hmmm. Acid Reflux.
Relef says: oh yes, i think i have another question
Harither says: who eats a pile of pie..
Harither says: you would probably puke..
Relef says: i cant hear anything from planeshift
Relef says: but my sound is on everywhere
Mordaan Says: maybe a setting?
Uadjet Says: I was renaming food for yesterday's event and decided to change the base item. That left a stack of food items unusable and taking up room in my inventory.
Relef says: i did all settings to max sound
Uadjet Says: Have you checked the settings in the launcher?
Relef says: yup
Mordaan Says: there might be one more fix in the config file.
Relef says: there's just 1 tick for sound, that's on, and another thing
Uadjet Says: Sound Renderer.
Gonger says: I have the Renderer set to OpenAL, because otherwise I also had sound problems.
Relef says: there i have software selected
Uadjet Says: I have OpenAL as well.
Mordaan Says: yeah, try OpenAL.
Relef says: hmm, i'll try restarting with the openal now
Relef says: going away from the benches :p
Relef says: i hear something :)
Gonger says: I told you to check the Loader settings... :-)
Mordaan Says: It's a miracle!!
Gonger says: The Deaf can hear!
Relef says: well, i just have no idea what that setting is
Gag says: This is a real knowledge seeker...
Relef says: :p
Gonger says: Well, if you have two options, and the first one does not give the result you want... what do you do?
Relef says: well, ask a gm :p
Uadjet Says: OpenAL is a cross-platform audio application programming interface.
Uadjet Says: And yes, I googled it and copied that.
Harither says: i think i found a bug i make chain cloth with a book (i think it was the platemail book or chainmail) but its not in it.
Gag says: I wonder why the OpenAL option is not the default. Are there any systems where Software rendering is preferrable?
Relef says: i think it'll be plate mail book
Relef says: cause i am able to make anything without problems from chain mail book
Mordaan Says: I know there's some crossover with that one helms book.
Harither says: you need to find thinggs which are not there :P
Uadjet Says: You mean you can make the cloth with that book in mind even though the instructions aren't in the book?
Harither says: yea
Harither says: its chainmail cloth for the helmet but it was definately not the helm book.
Uadjet Says: In Helms of Darmeth are the instructions for making Large Mail Cloth
Uadjet Says: I'll test that out. The cloth only appears in the helm book and is only useful when making helms, so not sure why other books would enable that transformation. Could just be a simple bug.
Harither says: ok
Harither says: it was an accident i found that out
Harither says: just used the wrong combine items :P
Relef says: hmm, i also have some bug to report
Mordaan Says: crafting can be complicated...with the heirarchy of tranformations and combinations.
Relef says: sometimes the server shuts down and after a few minutes we can join again
Relef says: i lost already 20 chain mail strips and 10 molten steel with that
Kaerli says: Relef: that's called the server *crashing*
Mordaan Says: yes, that can happen. Server crashes are a wild card.
Relef says: hmm ok, i think I only lose the items i am moving at that moment
Kaerli says: yeah, the PS server doesn't exactly have rock-solid transaction handling :P
Gonger says: That's the price we all pay at some point for playing a totally free game. Annoying, but part of it.
Relef says: well, i only play free games
Relef says: exept overwatch
Mordaan Says: Doesn't have to be but sometimes it can't be avoided. Especially now with not much in a way of engine devs.
Mordaan Says: It's much better now than in the past.
Mordaan Says: Anything else for the meeting?
Mordaan Says: Else we can wrap things up.
Mordaan Says: It's almost time anyway.
Relef says: nothing from me i think
Gonger says: Thanks for the meeting!
Keyan says: good day Ladies and Gents
Mordaan Says: Yes, thanks for coming, everyone!
Karzela says: Thanks for all you do too! :)
Harither says: its a lot better then in the past.
Relef says: way better yes
Harither says: poke talad some so the oldbies can get back the crystal hunt on hyldaa plaaza11
Harither says: ^^
Relef says: :D
Relef says: well, you could make another ps server for crystal hunt :)
Harither says: im not a code/server money..
Harither says: else i would try to help em..
Relef says: wasnt there once another ps server?
Gag says: A PvP server; but servers come and go, depending on sponsorship contracts ...
Gag says: And most people were not really interested in PvP.
Relef says: well, it's now possible to make a server if you just have a pc that can be on all day
Gag says: But to offer an official PlaneShift gaming environment, you need an agreement from Talad, I bet...
Gag says: The current server provider has a lot of experience in managing networks.
Relef says: well, i think the server isnt the problem, i think the database would be more of a problem
Gag says: Anything left to ask?
Uadjet Says: I'm so tempted to prank Minet Estaker
Gag says: If not, then I believe we just have to thank the participants of today.
Gag waves goodbye.
Elader says: Yea thankyou
I'm very responsible, whenever something goes wrong they always say I'm responsible.

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