Author Topic: Guild house auction - any interest?  (Read 1456 times)


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Re: Guild house auction - any interest?
« Reply #15 on: August 18, 2018, 11:58:07 am »
We need to know not only if guilds are interested but if they have the players to actually use the guildhouse. If you want a guildhouse, get your players online and active so we'll know the building won't be wasted as another empty show home. Checking to see if a guild is active is how we prevent the 'keepsake boxes' you mentioned, so it seems odd that you complain about it.

Oh, and a Senior GM with two years experience isn't 'low level'. Just saying.


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Re: Guild house auction - any interest?
« Reply #16 on: August 18, 2018, 12:17:10 pm »
My post was actually trying to ask you guys if you could come up with ideas to make this worthwhile. Reasons for what you'd use it for, how it would help, whatever really. I said looking at the facts and the numbers that they suggested it was not needed. What I need now was opinions and thoughts, ideas out of the box.

Mordaan actually only started the post because he volunteered to do so because people kept asking about them at DEV meetings and we wanted to know if other players who did not attend those were also interested so he said he'd try and get a feel for how others felt on the matter so that the GMs could make an informed decision on if we should host another auction or not.

I think one of my biggest issues I have is the auction itself. Tria is kind of a joke. One either has tons and has no use for it whatsoever or one is struggling to get any at all. It seems rather unfair to host an auction when some of the people interested have 100mil tria to throw at it, and once we announce an auction they can easily start farming and double that before it happens. Whereas several of the others interested don't have that ability. I would love for alternate suggestions.
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Re: Guild house auction - any interest?
« Reply #17 on: August 18, 2018, 12:36:53 pm »
Referring to Forum Rules of Conduct: Behavior and Etiquette

IMHO I found Emaline's response dismissive rather than exhaustive,... , one low level GM's opinion should not over rule the outcome of any ideas.

Do not flame the staff.They have the final say. This forum isn't a democracy. Your vote doesn't always count.

Also as you stated yourself, GHs serve as place for RP when used imaginatively such as RDC. But as Emaline stated as long as there clearly isn't much activity there isn't reason to have GH. But as Emaline allready stated (again), if you genuinely have plans to use a GH you can always talk about it with the GMs, i am sure they are more than happy to help if you have any roleplay initiatives. The IRC channel for discussing with GMs is #planeshift-gmtalk btw  ;)

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Re: Guild house auction - any interest?
« Reply #18 on: August 18, 2018, 12:50:16 pm »
It seems to me that guilds are interested especially as they have been asking in Dev meets as well, I was not aware of this. As for guild activity I don't think it is fair to hold players responsible for a games low player count. I would like to add this is not about me wanting a guild house it is about all those others that want to bid for one also. If, as we are told again and again that the 'keepsake boxes' are a problem then remove the items in question, empty the absentee's houses and let actual active players use them.

The "Lower level GM" was not a slur, I believe Emaline is at the foot of the GM / Dev ladder, I may be wrong and 2 years, in comparison to some of the awesome GMs that have gone before is not very much.

Tria is not a joke, there are many ways to swing a cat and many ways to run an auction or similar lease or sale, dosn't even have to be an auction. With all player information including financial at hand to the team, it can't be to hard to make it as fair as possible, although players and guilds that have huge amounts of tria have spent a lot of time and effort accumulating it, a house is afforded through work not excuses. For goodness sake, have a raffle even :) In 12 years I have heard it all before, more than once, yet no one ever changed the process of giving players houses. And please don't tell us how everyone works on PS in there own spare time, and have jobs, families and lives...again.

So time for that informed decision, I look forward to the sale ;)

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Re: Guild house auction - any interest?
« Reply #19 on: August 18, 2018, 01:08:46 pm »
Thank you for the ideas and suggestions. I have a few plans going on in my head and just need to work out the kinks and guidelines. I *want* to be able to give you guys guild houses, I just have to go about it fairly ;)

Also, just FYI I'm a GM4. Senior GM. That's the rank just below GM lead.
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Re: Guild house auction - any interest?
« Reply #20 on: August 18, 2018, 04:43:30 pm »
As for guild activity I don't think it is fair to hold players responsible for a games low player count.
The way I understood that post, Emaline was not trying to hold players responsible for the game's low player count, she was referring to the guilds' low player count instead.

While I would love to have the ability to claim a house as a player, I know this is not doable, so I would not ask to be given one, and I think this should still hold if I set up a guild for myself to be able to claim it. Hence a way to solve the issue of not having a guild house could be to either join a guild that already has one, or join other people to create a more active guild to claim one. Given the player count now stands at probably less than 30 semi-regular players, some of which may be alts, I don't think there could be more than 5 or 6 guilds in the game. But finding 4 or 5 people to join a guild should be doable, and a good metric of being eligible for a guildhouse.

Of course many houses belong to historical guilds that were once active, but have now diminished. Mine is one of them, with a player count of just two as we speak. And there are guilds I have never seen active members of. Still, people do come back from time to time, and to find your home has been taken away and your items lost for ever won't feel like a good welcome to anyone. I am therefore not a strong proponent of clearing up these houses, unless a way to store the possessions they contain can be found: some are rather unique items acquired by members over the time and should be thought of as heirlooms.


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Re: Guild house auction - any interest?
« Reply #21 on: August 19, 2018, 03:12:29 pm »
It used to be that guilds in general were good for instilling a sense of unity within the playerbase. They had the tendency to divide and isolate people a little, but that was ok.  With guild houses, people were completely isolated when within a guild house. This was ok when there were lots of active players. Once the population dwindled, the isolation of players made the game look vacant. This was very bad for the game. It meant that new players would come on, see that nobody where there and leave.

I would really ask anyone who's considering buying a guild house to ask them selves, aside from having an amenity, what purpose will the guild house have, and what impact will it have on the game and the community.

I was never a fan of guild house RP.  From my POV, the house isn't what made RP fun, but rather it was the unique ideas that various players brought into the game. Personalities, situations, conflicts, friendships, alliances, lies, theft, backstabbing, betrayal, trade, yadda yadda...


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Re: Guild house auction - any interest?
« Reply #22 on: August 19, 2018, 07:31:07 pm »
While lots of fun can be had in outdoor places,


a guild house, if properly utilized, can have its uses as a place to RP in-character social interaction


but, most importantly, allows the players to establish an in-character reference of their personal expression of what they call "home",


and set up the place for interactions intended to be limited to "friends" and "family".


This is also the place for guild members to commune and store the guild's heirlooms, shared assets and place of off-line communication, since the game cannot provide a guild shared storage or off-line messaging interface.

For all this, I am a huge fan of guild house RP, but then that depends on the guild's player count.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2018, 07:32:38 pm by Migg »


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Re: Guild house auction - any interest?
« Reply #23 on: August 31, 2018, 07:47:51 pm »
My personal expression was limiting the amount of lag from that guildhouse in the images you just posted. Rest in peace, Djugu.

And I would totally like to have a guildhouse but at the same time I don't like the idea of adding something that will sequester players more than they should be. If I had a GH, I would like to leave it unlocked so anyone could come in, but then there's the issue of outsiders stealing items. If there was a feature that only allowed guildmembers to pick up or access items/containers in their own guildhouse, that would be solved. I don't like the concept of making GMs lock things down. Or talking to GMs at all.

The militia still exists, but I guess it became inactive in my absence. The point of it is to prevent players from segregating themselves and to keep them involved in the game (clearly I failed myself here). Most of the members weren't even in the militia "guild".

I must hate guilds.
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Re: Guild house auction - any interest?
« Reply #24 on: September 01, 2018, 07:49:01 am »
Do items inside containers add to the lag issue or is it just the items strewn around the GH?
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Re: Guild house auction - any interest?
« Reply #25 on: September 01, 2018, 02:59:07 pm »
I was shocked to learn they still count. Venalan once told me it loads everything but what is in actual storage.
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