Author Topic: Dev Q&A Nov 25th 2018  (Read 560 times)


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Dev Q&A Nov 25th 2018
« on: November 25, 2018, 05:49:24 pm »
 Okay, here's the transcript of the Dev Q&A for 11/25/18. It was a very productive meeting.
Talad (Leader/Founder)
Eonwind (Rules)
Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet (GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)

 Uadjet says: So, hello everyone and welcome to the Developer Q&A!
 Mordaan says: And hi everyone, once again.
 Uadjet says: Here you can hear about what the Devs are doing and ask them questions, even those of an uncomfortably personal nature.
 Uadjet says: (Sooner or later they're going to make me stop doing the intro to these things...)
 Uadjet says: So if you have any questions please line up at the podium.
 Khaminskij says: Any unreal news?
 Uadjet says: I don't know if Mordaan has anything to share, but if not there are a couple items I could yammer on about for a bit. But first, the question. Khaminskij?
 Mordaan says: I've got nothing.
 >Mordaan Dev greets Khaminskij Odinskij.
 Khaminskij says: nothing is not much.
 Khaminskij says: Any timetable when it will happen?
 Khaminskij says: The transition...
 Mordaan says: Hard to say.
 Mordaan says: It's the old "it'll be ready when it's ready."
 Khaminskij nods slowly
 Uadjet says: Talad was working on guilds last I saw
 Mordaan says: still a lot of work to do but seems to me we are at least more than half way there.
 Uadjet says: That's not something that will be new to UE4, I think, so it's mainly about making sure the PS-specific details and guild interface can be transferred over.
 Khaminskij says: Good!
 Mordaan says: I don't think a full UI has been developed yet, has it?
 Mordaan says: I know it was worked on but not sure to what degree.
 Uadjet says: Not yet. That, I think, needs to be done from scratch. Can't just port things over.
 Mordaan says: yeah
 Uadjet says: One second and I'll post a link to the roadmap...
 Mordaan says: then there'll be the matter of getting the client compiled to various platforms, a server working, and the client and server working together. That will be after all these other things are completed.
 Uadjet says:
 Uadjet says: Or
 Uadjet says: That's an "f" before the z, not a "t"
 Gonger says: Thanks, Uadjet.
 >Khaminskij Odinskij greets Chaon Catoz.
 Gonger says: Considering how small the Dev team is, quite a lot has been finished already.
 Uadjet says: There's an invisible person at the podium...
 Mordaan says: *Gasp* we have a Venalan sighting. :D
 Gonger says: Venalan was even talking in Main Chat.
 Venalan says: except no one can see me Mordaan
 Gonger says: Everybody is reading the roadmap, I guess... :)
 Uadjet says: Yeah, probably.
 Uadjet says: So, while that's going on I'll mention something that came up a few meetings ago.
 Zrak says: ...or waiting for Venalan to appear ^^'
 Uadjet says: Someone asked about quests to advance the job skills that don't currently have them.
 >Rywanda greets Venalan.
 Venalan says: those quests were some of the last things I worked on :D
 >Zrak Kazome claps for Venalan.
 Gonger says: A Venalan Sighting, as Mordaan put it so well!
 Venalan says: hi ya
 Gonger says: And he has a question! :)
 Venalan says: woops
 Zrak says: Hi Venalan! So good to see you here.
 Harither says: he poofed
 Venalan says: I should still be here
 Harither says: ah
 Mordaan says: Any action on the other request recently...a storage NPC in the winch?
 Khaminskij says: The owl woke up?
 Venalan says: there already is one Mordaan
 Mordaan says: who?
 Venalan says: no
 Dorbaine says: I have been checking winch but still no storage as far as I have found
 Venalan says: wait
 Venalan says: im thinking BD
 Uadjet says: I did the same thing...
 Dorbaine says: NO Venalan, it was removed a long time ago.
 Venalan says: is it needed?
 Dorbaine says: Sorry for CAPS XD
 Mordaan says: We were trying to remember who it -used- to be.
 Venalan says: lol, I dont even remember there being on in there
 Venalan says: one
 Uadjet says: I think we settled on Phanejor as the best candidate, though as you can't craft, hunt, or harvest in there I'm thinking he wouldn't get much use.
 Dorbaine says: It used to be Lerok
 Mordaan says: I would think ...Phanejor.
 Mordaan says: beat me to it...already forgot the name and had to look it up. :P
 Dorbaine says: but yes Phanejor was dtermined the best option, I thought we had been trough this with Talad who agreed?
 Venalan says: the question then becomes, do you guys really need/want one in there?
 Dorbaine says: Yes
 Venalan says: gimme 2 reasons, if i like then ill add one now
 Gonger says: It does not hurt, but is not hugely important, I would say.
 Venalan says: :)
 Venalan says: them*
 Uadjet says: He say's he's "In charge of operations of the mechanical aspects of the winch."
 Gonger says: The one reason I can think of is that a guild or two has their guild house in the Winch area.
 Dorbaine says: THis request has already been discussed and agreed, just not acted upon yet, I believe Talad has both been busy with UE4 and traveling
 Dorbaine says: An some intended to acquire one in the future
 Mordaan says: Yeah, we just have to make it happen.
 Venalan says: its done
 Uadjet says: Yeah, guilds could use a nearby storage NPC, you can do questing in there, and given that the Winch is how goods are brought in from and out to other levels, it just seems like storage makes sense.
 Mordaan says: Guess it's up to Talad?
 Mordaan says: oh, that easy? :)
 Uadjet says: A real world example (train yard?) with warehouses
 Uadjet says: Wow, I messed up that last sentence. Not even a sentence, really.
 Venalan says: this stupid amd card hates PS
 Mordaan says: Venalan's presence already paying off. :)
 Venalan says: anything else i can help with while here?
 Dorbaine says: Thanks Venalan, looking forward to some life in the Winch
 Venalan says: if you go the npc and storage isnt working, itll appear after a restart
 Dorbaine says: ok
 Venalan says: I have set the DB value for it
 Venalan says: storage+baking is the same setting so thatll be there to
 Uadjet says: If we (the community) works on the missing skill quests we could add some more stuff to the Winch.
 Chaon says: thx Venaian. This will make questing less grindy.
 Uadjet says: Can't add crafting stuff there, really, but questing sure works. Higher-end quests, at least.
 Dorbaine says: Yes agreed crafting in winch would be a step to far XD
 Uadjet says: I was thinking about the repair skills, and how not only can we have quests to actually repair items but also quests to learn about weapon/armor repair and bringing in necessary materials. Like oilstones, tools, etc.
 Dorbaine says: Don't want all the Riff Raff hanging around on the street corners
 Uadjet says: Heh, also can't add mining to the Winch. Can't imagine they'd like players literally undermining the around around the Winch itself.
 Mordaan says: Yeah, landslides and all. :)
 Dorbaine says: Goodness no
 Gonger says: Does anybody have news of Emaline?
 Dorbaine says: Was ingame the other day
 Khaminskij says: Good!
 Uadjet says: Saw her a few days ago, and I chat with her on IRC and Discord. Just yesterday, inf act.
 Uadjet says: "in fact"
 Zif says: I think the repair armor/weapons idea has real potential
 Gonger says: Good to know.
 Uadjet says: Was working with her on a petition, as it required Talad and she's the Talad-Whisperer.
 Zrak says: :-)
 Mordaan says: :)
 Uadjet says: So, we've got some ideas for repair skill quests, so I should get off my rocky buttocks and post something on the forum. See who is interested in helping.
 Uadjet says: Ven posted a great resource about writing quests a while back.
 Uadjet says: I'll link to that in the post too.
 Dorbaine says: I know it's not iminent but will crafting processes change with the UE4 release?
 Uadjet says: Crafting is listed as "DONE, needs lot of testing"
 Mordaan says: I think initially it will likely be as close to current as possible. But after we start tweaking things in UE, who knows?
 Uadjet says: I can't say for sure, but if it changed a lot it would be listed as 'partial' at best.
 Dorbaine says: THats good to hear but is it identical to the present crafting mechanics?
 Mordaan says: Again, the overall idea is to port the game as-is.
 Uadjet says: It likely means that the books can be ported over pretty much as is.
 Dorbaine says: Thanks you type faster than me :)
 Uadjet says: Same equipment too
 Mordaan says: But I know ideas have been thrown out there, like mini-games.
 Uadjet says: Oh, I was thinking about asking if beverage pouring (keg into mugs, casks into bottles into glasses) can be made to work with other containers. That way guilds can have drink pouring capabilities in their guildhalls but not other types of crafting.
 Dorbaine says: Also just thought I'd mention that Xenak's Welcome letter needs an update, has some old info that would confuse new players
 Mordaan says: We can review that.
 Dorbaine says: A minor thing but worth noting
 Venalan says: Dorbaine post it all in a petition and ill update it
 Uadjet says: Ah, okay.
 Venalan says: RE skill quests, i can load anything that is completed in to the DB
 Mordaan says: Sure, something that requires one of the very first quest is important.
 Mordaan says: First impressions and all.
 Venalan says: what was this other thing that needed talad?
 Dorbaine says: I also thought having the Drawing Quest in the tut a bit unfair as it cost new players 500 tria for little advantage, it is available ingame later.
 Uadjet says: The petition I mentioned? Missing tria, needed to check personal and guild bank.
 Dorbaine says: YEs, I will write a petition Ven
 Venalan says: it can always be locked out until after you leave the tutorial at least once
 Dorbaine says: That sounds like a good idea
 Mordaan says: Ah the welcome letter, not the quest.
 Uadjet says: The bit mentioning Percival refers to skill training, I assume, so it's outdated. Maybe point to Gregori instead?
 Venalan says: Uadjet the admin websoncole gives no access to bank information, that isnt something i can help with
 Uadjet says: He has the welcome to combat quest
 Uadjet says: Yeah, that's a database thing so I pestered Talad about it.
 Khaminskij says: Hi music girl.
 >Khaminskij Odinskij takes a seat.
 Uadjet says: He did say that the console should include banking transactions, so that might be changed in the future. No idea how hard that would be though.
 Uadjet says: Other than the Perceival bit I think the Welcome Letter looks okay. I just did a quick skim though.
 Dorbaine says: I think Sharvens name is wrong also
 Dorbaine says: Don't have a copy to hand though
 Uadjet says: Oh, right.
 Uadjet says: Good eye.
 Uadjet says: Should be Xant-Areth, I think.
 Dorbaine says: Been reading this stuff for years now XD
 Dharah says: Yes
 Venalan says: drawing skill how has an aditional check to make sure you have completed the tutorial quests with xenack (sp) before being active
 Venalan says: easiest thing to add
 Dorbaine says: ;)
 Venalan says: and change should now be active as well
 Mordaan says: nice
 Mordaan says: productive meeting.. :)
 Venalan says: sharven typo fixed
 Zrak says: Thanks Venalan
 Venalan says: I took the training think out as well
 Uadjet says: If it pointed to Gregori it would lead to his "introduction to combat" quest and the weapon school quests.
 Venalan says: it does now Uadjet
 Uadjet says: Thanks!
 Venalan says: gimme a minute and ill refresh the letter
 Venalan says: so you can all read it
 Uadjet says: Anything else anyone wants to bring up?
 Uadjet says: Chaon?]
 Chaon says: I'd like to study the damage calculations of the combat system. Are there any resources available?
 Chaon says: Maybe some spreadsheets?
 Venalan says: changes done
 Uadjet says: Looks great Ven!
 >Dharah Tisunai stands up.
 Venalan says: the math behind combat isnt shared
 Khaminskij says: Damage calculation? Interesting indeed!
 Ravynne says: May i say something
 Venalan says: so much for me not wanting to get too involved with things today xD
 Mordaan says: :)
 Zrak says: xD
 Ravynne says: I would like to thank you all for helping me get my trias bck
 Uadjet says: We were able to determine that the tria had gone into your account and then were neither there nor removed, so we could conclude it was a data issue. We're glad we could help.
 Ravynne says: Thanks again
 Ravynne smiles
 Dharah says: Typo on page 6, "jeweller" instead of "jewellery"
 Mordaan says: Chaon: I'm not sure if there are any such spreadsheets, but if they are, they are not public. And for a reason.
 Uadjet says: Exploitation of data?
 Uadjet says: Could make it easier to game the system.
 Khaminskij says: If you hand them to me and him we wont publish. :P
 Mordaan says: Good spot, Dharah
 Dharah says: It's what I do, :)
 Dharah says: And the last page, there should be a comma after "Kada-El's Tavern"
 Dharah says: That's all I see, though
 >Dharah Tisunai takes a seat.
 Uadjet says: Okay, I think that's a good stopping point, as we've gone a little past the hour mark.
 Uadjet says: Good meeting!
 Venalan says: both of those are changed Dharah
 Dharah says: Thank you
 >Rywanda stands up.
 Mordaan says: Thanks once again for attending, everyone!
 Khaminskij says: Thanks!
 Rywanda says: thx
 Uadjet says: I'll post the quest stuff today so people can take a look at it. The info on writing quests is very useful.
 Zrak says: Thanks to all who volunteer here. Cheers!
 >Dharah Tisunai stands up.
 Venalan says: all of the tutorial quests should be available to read over to see how they are written in people are interested
 Dharah says: where will they be posted? the wiki?
 Venalan says: iirc on the forum
 Uadjet says: Yup, the forum.


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Re: Dev Q&A Nov 25th 2018
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2018, 03:02:47 pm »
Productive meeting indeed!  \\o// \\o// \\o//

Just one question:
Venalan says: drawing skill how has an aditional check to make sure you have completed the tutorial quests with xenack (sp) before being active
I am guessing this does not affect players who have already started the drawing quests, right? Is that introductory quest open for anyone who has completed other quests in the series?


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Re: Dev Q&A Nov 25th 2018
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2018, 06:22:25 pm »
I just checked. The tutorial area drawing quest can only be done after doing the tutorial quests including the exit, but the next quest in line works even if you've done none of them. the tutorial quest costs less, though. Your call. :-\


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Re: Dev Q&A Nov 25th 2018
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2018, 02:06:50 pm »
Good to know, thanks! I'll try to get the tutorial quest, see if it's active for me. Half price ain't bad at all!  ;)