Author Topic: Dev Q&A Dec 9th 2018  (Read 455 times)


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Dev Q&A Dec 9th 2018
« on: December 23, 2018, 08:42:57 pm »
 Okay, here's the transcript of the Dev Q&A for 12/09/18. It was another productive meeting.
Talad (Leader/Founder)
Eonwind (Rules)
Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet (GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)

Mordaan says: Good here.
Ravynne says: Great and you guys ?
Uadjet says: I managed to not send the entire event group plunging to their deaths yesterday, which I count as a personal victory.
Dharah says: always a plus
Uadjet says: A few Enkis died, but that's to be expected.
Gonger says: It wsas close at one point, though! :)
>Rykia Mewmeat cheers happily at Uadjet!
Damola says: Uhm Uadjet, killed all chars in event yesterday?
Damola says: That is why Damola was not ther.e
Damola sticks out tongue to Uadjet
Uadjet grins.
Damola is not sure whether she likes to know what happened yesterday and who Uadjet managed to do that
Gonger says: No, Damola, he just so managed NOT to... but he tried!
Damola nods "Ah, I understand."
Damola completely overread the "not to"
Uadjet says: Sorry. My syntax, much like the players, got a little tortured.
Uadjet says: But not a good event for those with a fear of heights.
Damola giggles "That is for a GM for does not account for players leveled up to the maximum… or whatever else reason it was, why most of people escaped."
Damola says: Ah…
Damola says: Okay.
Uadjet says: Anyways, now that we've babbled for 10 minutes why not call the meeting to disorder?
Damola was imaging a big far, roaring monster
Damola says: *fat
Damola giggles "We can host a familiar party"
Mordaan says: Well, I suppose we should get started? :)
Rykia says: That monster can easily be summoned Damola. ^^
Damola says: or a morphing party and as morphed ones scare NPCs away :)
Uadjet says: This is the Developer Q&A. Here you can hear about what the devs are doing and ask them questions about the game. To be fair, I suppose I have to let you ask me questions too. Bear in mind I'm a bit snarky today, so you ask and you take your chances.
Mordaan says: Any questions, line up at the podiums
Damola liked to buy a quarterstaff with some enchantment or some other special enhancement on market today, but to no avail.
Uadjet says: Ah, can't make or enchant those.
Damola says: Why is there just a frigging quarterstaff without any modification available in game? How about different woods or enchantments.
Damola snarks at Uadjet "Well, that is just an improvement request"
Uadjet says: :D
Damola giggles
Uadjet says: If they dropped from critters they could have the standard range of enchantments, but I'm not sure where they would be added.
Damola says: But jokes aside. Quarterstaff or staves are just the right weapon for someone like Damola. It would be nice to have some variety
Damola nods "Oh, I see, as Damola does not hunt. She has some magic staves from events tough"
>Rykia Mewmeat waves at Vetay Leley
Damola imagines an event "The art of crafting a magic quarterstaff"
Uadjet says: Hmm. Staves, spears, spears, and polearms aren't currently craftable but are on the list of things I'd like to help with someday. It's a rather long list though.
Damola nods "I understand. Just wanted to bring up the topic."
Mordaan says: One of these days...
Damola smiles
Mordaan says: a little beyond "soon" :P
Uadjet says: An event to get some enchanted quarterstaves isn't a bad idea though. Quite a few planned events have no set reward yet...
Damola smiles "I thought I'd throw in a hint about to have something like an enchanted quarterstaff without a complete book on how to enchant staves and so on…"
Ravynne says: That would be great
Mordaan says: Staves I think might be limited to circle membership items (when those actually get added as rewards).
Damola has some staves as event rewards
Damola says: For example Bronze Magic Wand of the Warrior
Rywanda says: maybe same thing to craft crossbow, soon tm?
Mordaan says: Up to Rules, but I imagine so.
Damola says: Oh, Damola has also Magic Staff of Aurora from a somewhat recent event
>You spawned Quarterstaff to your inventory.
>Damola Etedi waves at Talad Dev
>Uadjet dropped a Flaming Priceless Quarterstaff of the Hammer.
Talad waves
Mordaan says: Hi Talad.
>Rykia Mewmeat waves at Talad Dev
Damola eyes quarterstaff Talad dropped… "Something like that… something like that…⅛
>You start casting the spell Analyze Dweomer
>Flaming Priceless Quarterstaff of the Hammer is now identified!
Rywanda says: very nice one
Ravynne says: wow very nice
Damola thinks Vetay and Talad Dev look quite similar
Damola thinks of ways to sneak that quarterstaff away
Uadjet says: So, any other questions? Or does Talad have something to day?
>Uadjet picked up a Flaming Priceless Quarterstaff of the Hammer
Talad says: I can update you on Unreal Engine port
Chaon says: great!!
Damola looks disappointed as Uadjet secures quarterstaff away from her
Talad says: I've been working mostly on Guilds code
Damola says: great… as there are no other questions currently…
Talad says: seemed simple at the start
Talad says: but actually guild window is doing a lot
Talad says: permissions for members, alliances, invitations, ...
Talad says: also there is some logic behind the scenes to update everyone about the guild changes
Talad says: and then there are also secret guilds
Talad says: so its taking more time than expected
Talad says: but im making good progress
Damola wonders about secret guilds having really noticed that for the first time in guild window
Talad says: it needs a bit of testing now that most of the code is porting from current PS
Talad says: I still didn't think what to do after
Damola wonders "What parts are still missing for completing unreal port?"
Uadjet says:
Uadjet says: Very useful link
Mordaan says: combat?
Uadjet says: Or
Talad says: not much else on my side
Zweith says: I can update on art side
Uadjet says: Great! Lot of work being done there, I know.
Chaon says: thanks for the work
Chaon says: keep the streams coming
Damola says: Thanks Talad for your dedication with porting to Unreal.
Mordaan nods in agreement with Damola
Dharah says: Zweith?
Zweith says: I went through all animations for characters this weekend, finished a few and got most of the ones already in game pretty close. I also started animations for all the missing ones. The system to share animations between all characters is working, so the newest versions have been retargeted to all chars.
Mordaan says: Very cool!
Dharah says: nice
Damola says: Wow, very nice.
Mordaan already looks forward to an improved Ylian walk
Zweith says: Also, I spent a chunk of time this week finiishing out the layout for the missing parts of amdeneir, and will continue working towards finishing the city off.
Mordaan says: nice
Damola says: Great.
Dharah says: Oooh
Zweith says: mostly what's left is cleaning up sidewalks, adding the underground and stalactite areas, and building interiors
Mordaan says: might we see that before UE even?
Ravynne says: Great
Zweith says: I can show images of progress, but I don't know that it would get in game before the port is done
Mordaan says: Ok, just wondering if that was independent of the engine or not.
Zweith says: I'm trying to optimize the new work to fit in ue4, so it is connected
Zweith says: That's all I've got!
Mordaan nods "I see."
Mordaan says: Good stuff.
Uadjet says: I know you mentioned fishing animations, which would be cool.
Damola says: Nice to see someone working on graphics.
Uadjet says: So we won't have to attack the water to get fish. :)
Vetay says: Awh!
Chaon snickers
Mordaan says: or to harvest
Zweith says: yes, i started animations for fishing and digging, as well as lockpicking, praying, looting, and some other social animations.
Ravynne says: Great
Dharah says: cool
Vetay says: Nice
Uadjet says: Ooh, lockpicking. Kinda like crafting while crouched?
Zweith says: plus nervous glances to either side, yes. :)
Damola says: whoa, cool.
Uadjet says: Heheh, that would be awesome!
Uadjet says: But if nobody else has anything I can talk about the repeatable quests under development. There is some progress on that front.
Kaerli says: Zweith: not always on the nervous glances. service calls, yanno? ;)
Uadjet says: We've got a couple people interested in working on music quests, so those look to be in good hands. I've spent much of the last two weeks on some of the information gathering that is needed. Value of items, levels required to make, etc. Much easier to get that info as a GM.
Uadjet says: I couldn't even count how many times I've used "/setskill me" commands in the last two weeks.
Mordaan says: :)
Dharah says: did you figure out the code to make them actually repeatable yet?
Rykia says: Still way easier thay playing any instrument for hours and hours. ;-)
Rykia says: *than
Mordaan says: Once the quests get close to ready, I'll be happy to review and help test.
Uadjet says: Not yet. Still not sure how to do that or how to use timers to create a delay in starting the quest again.
Dharah nods
Mordaan says: you mean time between quests?
Uadjet says: But I've got basic plans for like eight skills, and ideas for most of the rest.
Uadjet says: Yeah
Mordaan says: that's easy, you can worry about that last.
Mordaan says: after it's tested, even
Uadjet says: I can even do more, but that would require adding things other than the quest itself. Blacksmithing, for example, is needed for making maces and swords, etc.
Chaon says: please say there's a blademaking quest
Uadjet says: Making a quest for blacksmithing is tricky because just about anything you do that counts as blacksmithing also falls more precisely into another skill, like mace making or shield making.
Uadjet says: Oh, blades makins is one of the easier ones. Plenty of items to make, and easy to divide into skill ranges.
Chaon says: redemption is at hand
Uadjet says: For blacksmithing I've even considered adding new craftable items, but that means a new skill book and another quest just to make things like forks, spoons, goblets, mugs, etc.
Rywanda says: axe and knife making have no use not, those will be remove?
Uadjet says: Found some videos on making cutlery. Looks pretty cool, but adding those would take more time.
Rywanda says: now*
Mordaan says: it's a rabbit hole isn't it? One thing leads to another which leads to another and eventually it's a massive project. :)
Dharah says: rivnak shoes?
Chaon says: nike
Uadjet says: Yeah, and I didn't even mention yet my thoughts on brewing not having enough diffucult-to-make items and how it would make for better quests if we also had distilling.
Dharah says: Lacka!
Rykia says: "-)
Uadjet says: That's why I now have links on how to make whisky and vodka bookmarked.
Chaon grins
Mordaan says: riiiight, that's it. ;)
Dharah says: you must have an odd search history
Uadjet says: Just me?
Mordaan says: It's a good project, though. It might get me back to devving, finally. :)
Uadjet says: Okay, did I miss anything regarding those quests?
Rywanda says: hello, about axe and knife making have no use now, those will be remove in UE4?
Uadjet says: Okay, did I miss anything regarding those quests?
Uadjet says: Last I saw was a comment on my odd search history, which was very true!
Mordaan says: no we kinda waited for your return.
Dharah says: no, we just joked about you leaving to clear your cache, and a question about knife and axe making
Uadjet says: Yeah, searches on how to brew whisky and how to make knives close together may have earned me a place on a 'list' somewhere.
Mordaan says: :)
Chaon says: drunken knife terrorists
Mordaan says: a case where you might want to use a vpn
Mordaan says: Any other questions, or anything for the meeting?
Dharah says: Does anyone have an answer for Rywanda?
Gonger says: Maybe repeat the question, now that Uadjet is back.
Mordaan says: Oh, I missed that one.
Rywanda says: hello, about axe and knife making have no use now, those will be remove in UE4?
Uadjet says: I was dropping Steppenwolf lyrics references at yesterday's events, and had to leave out one of the best lines because it starts "why don't you come with me, little girl..." and you just can't say that nowadays without it being amazingly creepy!
Talad says: what you mean by no use?
Uadjet says: Oh, the axe making and knife making skills?
Chaon Claymore sword ponders the reason for it's existence
Dharah says: They are now part of blademaking
Mordaan says: Yeah, I can't remember if that was considered part of blades making or if it was still separate unimplemented skills.
Rywanda says: axes and knifes are in blade making now
Uadjet says: Yeah
Mordaan says: So yeah, those will go away.
Rywanda says: ok
Mordaan says: The only reason it hasn't already is it's not so simple to remove skills from the list. Or so I'm told.
Uadjet says: Weapon crafting is now put into groups of Raned, Blades, and Blunt.
Talad says: if redundant will then be removed
Talad says: but eonwind is the person to answer this
Dharah says: Anyone else?
Uadjet says: Any other questions?
Damola says: I bet that may be it for this meeting.
Uadjet says: We're a bit past the hour, so if nobody has any other questions I think we can calll it.
Chaon says: thanks for everything you all do
Damola looks where Uadjet has hidden that quarterstaff
Damola thanks the developers and gamemasters.
Dharah says: Thank you
>Damola Etedi picked up a Priceless Sand Cookie
Talad says: see you soon
Rywanda says: thx all
Talad says: bye
Uadjet says: Ya know, I don't think anyone has found that clacker's wooden spoon I hid in Amdeneir.
Damola says: bye
Mordaan says: Thanks for attending! And your continued interest in the game.