Author Topic: Dev Q&A Dec 23rd 2018  (Read 484 times)


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Dev Q&A Dec 23rd 2018
« on: December 23, 2018, 09:16:38 pm »
 Okay, here's the transcript of the Dev Q&A for 11/25/18. It was a very productive meeting.
Talad (Leader/Founder)
Eonwind (Rules)
Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet (GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)

Talad says: Hi, the event is also live on streaming
Talad says: youtube and twitch
Talad says: so what you say will be recorded :)
Chewaaud says: Nice nice.
{The event is livestreaming, so if you want to be famous (ish), ask for a teleport!}
Talad says:
Chaon says: Oh sweet posterity
Talad says:
Mordaan straightens his helm
>Damola Etedi waves at Mordaan Dev
Talad says: ok I think we can start
Noriko says: [stuck]
Talad says: Welcome to the Meet the Developers event
Talad says: Christmas version, or Xiosamas version :)
Yvesson says: nice to meet you
Uadjet says: Oh, that's right. I should have made it snow in here.
Damola giggles "Of course we want to party all the time"
>You spawned 65 Joopiner Melomel Goblets to your inventory.
Talad says: today on stage we have Venalan from settings team
Chewaaud says: I'd prefer a foam party.
Talad says: Moordan from setting as well
Talad says: Uadjet from game matsesrs
Talad says: and Eonwind from rules
Mordaan says: Woo! Full stage today. :)
Talad says: this event is made for you, to connect with the developers of PlaneShift
Talad says: if you have a question just proceed to the stand in front of us
Talad says: comments, ideas, questions are all welcome
Talad says: Hello Zif
>Name changed successfully
>Uadjet picked up 65 Aged Eggnogs
Zif says: I am excited about the new quests being created for skill leveling
Zif says: I have 2 questions
Zif says: first , can you update us on the progress
Damola says: Each saturday or almost each saturday evening
Damola says: event that is.
Zif says: and secondly , how can we help.
Uadjet says: I can. Two music quests being worked on (complex writing on those), and I just 'finished' my second of the craftable item repeatables.
Uadjet says: Haven't checked that second one yet.
Uadjet says: Doing it now...
Zif says: What 2 craftables have you done ?
Uadjet says: Nice! No errors on the first try!
Uadjet says: Blades Making and Bow Making.
Mordaan says: No errors on the first try <---- rare, well done. :)
Uadjet says: Credit to Venalan, who pointed out why I was getting errors on my first quest. And who pointed out that there was a quest validator!
Uadjet says: Well, first try for that quest.
Uadjet says: My first quest had tons of errors.
Eonwindd says: the quest validator in a very useful instrument :)
Uadjet says: As for helping, if you want to pop into the thread on the forum you can see what's goign on.
Uadjet says: I try to post progress there, and in the first post I listed all of the skills that could use a repeatable quest.
Uadjet says: Some are simpler, like Bow Making.
Zif says: Is that the thread you posted on the login page ?
Uadjet says: Some are trickier, simply because it's hard or impossible to do a "make x of this and get your reward" type of quest.
Uadjet says: That's the one.
Zif says: ok Thank you
Uadjet says: Had to check, as Venalan posted it.
Uadjet says: So if you want to help code, or come up with ideas for quests, please join in!
Gonger says: Also if you want to help with anything else.
Uadjet says: Although we do need to avoid too many spoilers in that thread. So some posts, and specific info in private messages works best.
Talad says: There is a question coming from youtube users
Talad says: Jarod is asking: "Will you add the rest of the skills to the new client? There are so many you can't use, but still are listed"
Uadjet says: Oh, did everyone get some eggnog?
Talad says: Eonwindd can you answer that?
Eonwindd says: sure
Silak says: got some, thx
Gonger says: Got three bottles of eggnog, thank you.
Eonwindd says: we plan to clean up a bit the list of available skills
Eonwindd says: some of them will stay and for them we will create crafting and an appropriate training system
Chewaaud says: Which ones will go, if i might ask?
Eonwindd says: for example: Pottery and Glass blowing
>Manneki Nekos droops with disappointment at Cider Mug.
Eonwindd says: Most of them will be more important for RP reason tha
>Uadjet picked up 65 Mug of Wassails
Uadjet says: I've done events based on those two skills, so if anyone is interested in helping get those skills active...
Eonwindd says: than to craft items to "power up" the character, so we plan to make them a bit different, less grinding, more fun and easy
Eonwindd says: for the skills that will be deleted for now we have: La'ar, Esteria, Argan
Kaerli says: *nods*
Mordaan says: Axe making as well, now that we have blades making? I think that was discussed at a recent meeting.
Talad says: from youtube chat, Jarod asks: "Can something be done about the weather? weather should be in more areas intead of just in one area at a time"
>Damola Etedi waves at Ravynne Stoush
Eonwindd says: Other skills we are still unsure if they should stay or go: for example swimming will depend on the new engine capability and the swimming implementation. Maybe we won't need a skill to swim :)
Talad says: there is a fundamental different between the current client and Unreal
Eonwindd says: that's all for now :)
Uadjet says: We could use a woorworking skill, maybe. Could rename axe or knife making to that.
Talad says: the world will be loaded seamlessly
Uadjet says: Just a thought.
Damola points Ravynne…
Talad says: meaning as you walk the far areas will load
Talad says: and there will be no :loading: screen
Manneki says: But those skill always seemed really cool ones, I was actually looking forward for them to get implimented!
Mordaan says: That one is easy...once we go to UE4, weather will be able to be much more advanced.
Kaerli says: Speaking of the "Brave New World" -- will it fix the persistent leak in Brado's roof?
Talad says: this means we need to find a new way to identify weather boundaries
Talad says: at the moment is our Unreal engine demo, the weather is global
Talad says: so same weather everywhere
Talad says: but it will change in the future
Eonwindd says: Manneki: for martial artist skills we were planning to use different special attacks sorted in different "melee fighting styles" instead of imposing the training of several different skills
Talad says: hi Dharah
Dharah says: I'm a little confused. Are pottery and glassblowing being eliminated, or just done in a new way?
Uadjet says: Just done in a new way. Less grindy, he said.
Dharah says: Okay, there was some cross talk that confused it
Eonwindd says: done in a new way
Uadjet says: As those don't offer any real combat advantages like weapon or armor making do, and are more for RP, they can progress differently.
Eonwindd says: like Uadjet say
>Dharah Tisunai nods.
Talad says: Alijuvialle in youtube chat is asking: "Is it possible to try the Unreal Engine version of the game or read more about progress?"
Talad says: Trying out the client is actually only for developers
Talad says: but we have an Open Development workflow, meaning that we accept new developers easily
Talad says: if you want to help develop the game, we can give you access to our internal SVN
Talad says: you will need some programming skills to comple the client and run it
Chewaaud says: And what skills would be needed?
Talad says: otherwise you can wait the first demo release
Talad says: where we will package the game with an installer
Uadjet says: What about that crystal gathering game? That's a decent preview of the engine, at least.
Dilihin says: you can find the demo on forums still
Mordaan says: Yes, we do have that.
Mordaan says: It's a simple standalone demo, but our first taste of UE, anyway.
Talad says: About the progress on UE, when I develop something new, I stream it on youtube, so to follow development just watch our videos
Gonger says: Programming is done in C++, right?
Dilihin says: tyes
Talad says: Programming is done in two ways:
Manneki says: videos are great btw!
Talad says: 1) C++
Talad says: 2) Blueprints (this is a visual way of programming in Unreal Engine)
Mordaan says: But you don't need to be a programmer to contribute. There are different departments. Art, settings, rules, PR, etc.
Gonger says: Speaking of PR, I hope to get some more work done between the years, as we use to say. Unfortunately the past few weeks were more than busy for me.
Yvesson says: what's PR ?
Mordaan says: public relations
Yvesson says: okej
Damola smiles "Spreading the word…⅛
Mordaan says: ha, was just typing that. :)
Talad says: we are searching a particle effect guy
Talad says: we have to re-create all the visual effects in the new engine
Talad says: in Unreal Engine there is actually an editor for this
Damola is keen to see spell effects in Unreal engine client once its out
Talad says: so taking all the current spells visual effects and redo in Unreal
Gonger says: Spreading the disease. Uadjet, that is a song title :)
Eonwindd says: ^ for that we need a particle effects dev
Yvesson says: Anthrax
Uadjet says: We just had that event, though...
Yvesson says: the worse of the big4
Dharah says: Let's focus
Talad says: partcile effects are created in an editor
Talad says: where you have to click on "effect" , set parameters, and provide some graphics
Talad says: like a spark
Eonwindd says: it's a lot of work because we have no way to port current effects in Unreal Engine
Mordaan says: it's a big task, but hopefully with someone adept at that UE tool, it could go fast.
Eonwindd says: yes, because once you get to understand how it works it's very powerful
Mordaan says: I can see someone getting on a roll and knocking off many effects. Easy for me to say, though. :)
>You soak up the healing rain.
Eonwindd says: Aljuvialle: excellent! Speaking about enchanting it's already covered by way skills (red way, blue way, ..))
>You're no longer in the healing rain.
Mordaan says: Any other questions? We have Eonwindd here today, good time to ask all those rules related questions. ;)
Talad says: If there are no other questions we can wrap up the meeting
Talad says: On my side I can say I'm still working on the guilds functionality
Mordaan says: ..that I can never answer. :D
Talad says: It's a bit longer than expected, but I'm progressing well
Talad says: We did some tests in the last few days, and many command work already
Talad says: like join guild, leave guild, ....
Talad says: we also have a working UI ( you can see it in the last stream video)
Gonger says: When is the next development live stream?
Talad says: during Christmas holidays I will try to stream
Talad says: but in my winter house I dont have good internet :(
Talad says: so no streaming possible
Talad says: but I will not be there all time
Zif says: What is the best way to get skill leveling quest ideas /text files to youall ?
Talad says: I would like to stream in the next 1-2 weeks
Chaon says: Please fix these claymores so they are actually useful in combat.
>Uadjet dropped a Claymore.
Chaon says: Right now they are good for practice and selling.
>Uadjet dropped a Poleaxe.
Uadjet says: Hmm. They are much slower than poleaxes.
Uadjet says: Delay 3 for a poleaxe and 5 for a claymore
Manneki points put "Those things look heavy enough to cause a good blunt damage, even if they are dull.."
Chaon says: right now the best move is drop it on their toe and run
Yvesson says: yeah like they don't cut but break your arms
Talad says: I will try to stream tomorrow afternoon (European time) before leaving for the mountains
Chaon says: Thanks, Love those streams
Manneki says: it's not like they are completely useless, I used them alot fighting, it's just that holding two masterworks is so much better >.>
Chaon says: holding two of anything is better
Chaon says: but I love this big sword
Dilihin says: tbh i think the bigger issue is actually the fact that there is no penalty from dual wielding
Manneki says: particularly masterwork
Chewaaud says: Hm, the longer the better.
Eonwindd says: mhm probably they're a bit too slow. I need to inspect their stats a bit more
Chaon says: please
Chaon says: there is
Eonwindd says: Claymore 0,8dps Vs 0,9dps Pole
Chaon says: the secondary weapon has a lower yield
Mordaan says: Well, it's supposed to be a 2-handed weapon.
Chewaaud says: Really, Chaon?
Manneki says: those blades are fine, it's masterwok items that cause all the disbalance, or atleast so it seems to me :3
>You spawned Poleaxe to your inventory.
Eonwindd says: if I remeber well in the damage calculation there is a bonus for 2-handed weapons
Chaon says: in practice it's not working for some reason
Chaon says: you become a sitting duck with the claymore
Kaerli says: Yeah -- two-handed things just have never been quite right
Dharah says: and Zif's question, about who to contact with quest stuff?
Mordaan says: You can contact, Uadjet, I think.
Eonwindd says: mhm the bonus is for practice points, not damage
Uadjet says: Yes, depending on how spoilery you can post it in the forum thread or send it to
Kaerli says: yeah, it's a practice point bonus
Eonwindd says: logging in Discord you may also get help from many people as well
Kaerli says: it's quite clearly visible if you practice with a bow
Eonwindd says: there is Uadjet, Venalan and me
Chaon says: I've seen the practice point bonus with the claymore as well.
Venalan says: hey :)
Noriko says: Is the discord link published on the site?
Uadjet says: Yes, discord is quite useful. There's a client, or you can just open a tab in a browser. That's what I do.
Noriko says: YouTube/Twitch
Noriko says: ?
Talad says:
Zif says: Thank you Eonwindd
Talad says: copy this url
Noriko says: I hope chats are saved on a disk
Eonwindd says: you're welcome
Noriko says: Thank you
Gonger says: Noriko, check your settings: Options - Interface - Chat-Logs
Talad says: we can wrap up the meeting
Talad says: thanks for participating
Talad says: and Merry Christmas to everyone
Chaon says: Thanks for all the development
Yvesson says: Merry Jul
Chewaaud says: Thank you!
Dilihin says: Merry christmas all
Dharah says: Happy Holidays
Mordaan says: Merry Xiosiamas!
Chewaaud says: Merry xmas!
Damola says: Thanks and have a Merry Christmas, ehm, Xiosiasmas to everyone
Gonger says: Merry Christmas.
Talad says: as I said I will try to stream tomorrrow at 14:00 Central Europe Time
Eonwindd says: Happy christmas... and happy Xiosiamas :)
Eonwindd says: does anyone of you remember the Xiosiamas event run some years ago? :)
>Talad Dev waves.
Dharah says: Ooh, hot wassail!
Uadjet says: Some more libations as you go.
Mordaan says: bye Talad
Noriko says: Thank you for a session!
Gonger says: Thanks, Uadjet. Three cheers to the Team!
Zif says: yes, thaks for being here
Silak says: thx for the mug Uadjet
Chaon says: Thanks for all the quest work
>Damola Etedi waves.
>Noriko Sutha bows.
Chaon says: thanks everybody for the two handed weapon discussion
Chewaaud says: Anyone here have scores for me?
Chewaaud smiles
>Uadjet picked up a Poleaxe
>Uadjet picked up a Claymore
Silak says: Thanks for this past year of progress !!
Chewaaud says: Goodbye all!
Uadjet says: There we go.
Eonwindd says: white christmas XD
Uadjet says: Was resisting the urge to do that the whole meeting.
Eonwindd says: XD