Author Topic: Dev Q&A Jan 27th 2019  (Read 519 times)


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Dev Q&A Jan 27th 2019
« on: January 27, 2019, 06:27:56 pm »
Talad (Leader/Founder)
Eonwind (Rules)
Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet (GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)
Zweith (Art)

Uadjet says: Hello everyone, and welcome to the Developer Q&A session! There's a lot going on behind the scenes lately, so here you'll get a chance to hear about it and ask whatever questiosn you might have.
Talad says: Hi everyone
Chaon says: Hello
Uadjet says: Okay, if anyone has any questions please line up at the podium.
Uadjet says: Zif?
Zif says: I have a quick question
Zif says: As I atart to use the new leveling quests
Zif says: I want to track online time to know when to repeat the quest
>Player: Zif has AccountID:189096, PID:9154894, EID:47024, IP is, at region guildsimple, position (0.39, -2.32, 4.66) angle: 170 in sector: guildsimple, instance: 345, total time connected is 8807.0 hours has had 0 cheats flagged.
Zif says: is there a command to set a 6 hiur times
Zif says: *hour
Chewaaud says: A valid point. I had the same thought.
Uadjet says: Hi, Mordaan!
Venalan says: hi everyone
Chaon says: Hello
Zif says: It would be nice to run more than 1 instance
Uadjet says: Zif just asked if there is a way for players to set a timer to track when repeatable quests become available again.
Venalan says: a clock
Zif says: and possibly even have a unique name
Venalan says: if you can work out the lock out time
Venalan says: but nothing offical which can be done in the clinet
Zif says: I go to NPC's and get skill enhancements for 3 hours
Uadjet says: The only thing I can think of is a do-nothing spell which has the same duration as the lockout, which would also take into account time spent offline as neither the lockout nor the spell duration would continue furing that time. There's probably a really good reason why that would be a bad idea though.
Chaon says: What about a do nothing item like a drink?
Zif says: I like that idea too, Chaon
Venalan says: effects could be applied with names and times, but they wont work off line. and we wont use them as a check for lock out as death resets all effects
Mordaan says: I suppose we could somehow use the spell timers. But again, it would take a change to the current client.
Uadjet says: Ah, okay.
Venalan says: it wouldn't Mordaan
Venalan says: but a proper system would need server changes
Mordaan says: To be done right, we'd probably want to do something like a separate screen, listing all the repeatable quests you have done and time till the lockout ends.
Mordaan says: Maybe in UE.
Mordaan says: ...some day
Chewaaud says: Can this point be taken ibto consideration for the unreal future?
Uadjet says: That is a bit OOC. It might not break the fourth wall, but it does rap smartly upon it.
Venalan says: or just work out the time each one takes and then you know going forwards
Gonger says: I am not sure this is a good idea. There should be some work left to the players...
Chaon says: A clock item would work and not be ooc
Venalan says: I mean a wrist watch, you the player wears
Venalan says: you complteted at 2pm, come back x hours later and repeate it
Uadjet says: If the players can see their hours played that might help a bit. Don't think they can though.
Chaon says: just being able to track the passage of in game time in general
Zif says: I agree
Chaon says: It might be doable using myplane
Chewaaud says: as it is now, you have maybe 5 skill quests, take note of when taken, take note when logged on and off. it's not really funny
Venalan says: We can't really initiate a decent system at this time as current quest times are a hacking of another system for use in quests
Venalan says: we need a dedicated system for tracking it, which would not be until something is added in UE
Zif says: ok , just asking
Venalan says: For playability, making players lives easier we should
Gonger says: Don't be too lazy, folks. :-) There were times without those leveling quests.
Chaon says: All we need to do is track time expired in game... This is pretty easy actually.
Gonger says: In this context, will not everybody end up being great at pretty much everything? Is that a good thing?
Venalan says: we are developing 'master' IC ranks which give you selected abilities
Venalan says: you could be 200 in everything, but you will still not be able to make or do everything
Gonger says: Oh, that's news to me. Please expand.
Venalan says: take magic
Venalan says: Masters in magic will eventually get access to master specific abilities
Venalan says: or adept if you only get that far
Venalan says: same with crafting
Venalan says: or combat
Chaon says: So we will have mutually exclusive skill paths?
Gonger says: Sounds interesting. Thanks for the information.
Venalan says: in magic there already is Chaon
Venalan says: just the benifits are not in game yet
Mordaan says: Like the combat schools that are currently being developed.
Chaon says: this is great
Relef says: venalan, what of the persons that already have chosen a master way, and dont like the benefits of it
Venalan says: due to it all coming in pieces you will be able to move between them as new ones are added
Relef says: ok
Venalan says: except magic
Venalan says: people are expected to have picked a way they felt matched their character
Venalan says: show gm
Venalan says: people are expected to have picked a way they felt matched their character
Chaon says: Thoughts on the in game timers..
Talad says: will you run around with a number of hourglasses?
Talad says: and keep them all up and stable ? :)
Chaon says: We already have awards for in game hours spent so I don't see where tracking in game time is an issue.
Chaon says: Just do it in myplane an not in game.
Chaon says: ^and not
Chaon says: Gonger is right in that we don't need to make it too easy, but we do need to see where our game hours are.
Chaon says: That's all... Thanks
Mordaan says: It does seem better suited for myplane.
Damola did not pick just one way, but about three of them
Chaon says: I did all six as a shadowcaster
Zif says: Same here, I have master lvl in all but mastered in none
Zif says: hoping for shadowcaster to be implemented
Uadjet says: I would imagine Shadowcasters would get their own benefits.
Uadjet says: Not sure about the Crystal Force, as they sound very Crystal/Blue centric.
Mordaan says: Yes, there's two elements of it. The storyline / quests. And the Rules part of it. What will it actually mean to be a Shadowcaster.
Damola nods, is mostly blue / crystal atm
Mordaan says: it all needs to be worked out an developed.
Mordaan says: Again...some day. :)
Chaon says: :}
Gonger says: Will rivnak hooves make sounds in UE, or do we have to keep hitting coconuts? (Monty Python and the Holy Grail is just now on tv.)
Uadjet says: That would be nice. Wonder what sound drifters would make.
Lytoza says: lol @ Gonger
Mordaan says: All animal and item sounds will have to be worked on in UE.
Mordaan says: so at some point, yes, we hope to have things like that.
Gonger says: Thanks!
Mordaan says: Tuux started some initial work on that years ago, but the work flow proved to be difficult.
Mordaan says: It should be much easier in UE.
Mordaan says: Still, someone is going to have to do recording for sound effects, though I'm sure there are basic ones in a UE library. *shrug*
Chaon says: Get the coconuts out Gonger.. I'll fix you a tea.
Mordaan says: :)
Uadjet says: Okay, any other questions? Updates?
Uadjet says: I know there's been quite a bit of activity in the dev-and-gm discord channel, but it's spolery.
Damola says: I digged into a different (MMO)RPG game, currently playing single player campaign, but I looked for servers already. I found one server that encouraged RP in an interesting way. I am not sure whether it would be a good idea, but I'd just like to share what they came up with.
Uadjet says: Nothing wrong with sharing good ideas.
Damola says: gms in that game basically give a score on rp quality after a while. That is probably, well… it would mean more work for GMs. Every new player has a score of 10, with staying in character and contributing to the experience of others they would raise it… and the server just adds at value to the characters experience points… that way character can make progress just by being in game and RP. Of course scoring by GMs would mean more work for GM and would be somewhat subjective, but I still found that idea to be interesting
Damola says: it adds the score to EP every in game hour which on the server would be six minutes in real time.
Mordaan says: That would require...a lot of stal...monitoring
Chewaaud says: more cops would be needed.
Venalan says: Uadjet could do it no problem
Damola says: yes… I wonder about… another way to provide something similar. Cause for that GMs would have to look at what players do.
Chaon says: there's a way to do it without cops
Uadjet says: !!!!!
Venalan says: :D
Mordaan says: Uadjet: Pay attention to everyone all the time! :P
Chaon says: a peer review system.
Damola says: well, there could be different sources for such a score, but I am skeptic as well, cause well that is a kind of social scoring (and I dislike what they do with that in China)
Chewaaud says: haha china and its social scoring.
Uadjet says: Yes, a way to commend other's RPing would be easier. Easier on me, at least.
Chewaaud rubs his hands with joy
Damola says: (no need to discuss the CHina thing here)
Chaon says: A peer review system on myplane possibly... Wouldn't want to clog the game engine with non critical systems.
Damola says: well… there are guild ranks… but that may be just too limited as well. And Uadjet just picked up a suggestion and seems to hand out some PP on events now… but I generally like the idea to reward RP
Damola says: anyway, just an idea, no idea how useful it would be, I did not yet play on that server, so I have no idea how it works out in practice.
Damola says: Just wanted to share the idea.
Talad says: its an interesting idea
Talad says: need to see how to balance it
Talad says: to avoid only high votes by everyone
Talad says: and so flattening the progression for all
Gonger says: Peer review... do you still remember Captains Riff Crew? Imagine what a desaster this would have been with them.
Uadjet says: You mean Guilds Needs a New Name?
Gonger roars with laughter.
Damola says: of course, peer review could be abused, so it probably needs some safeguarding and for sure should not be the only source of rewards
Gonger says: Damola, the idea is interesting, but easily open to abuse.
Damola nods "I see the potential for abuse and it can be challenging to get it right(TM)"
Relef says: pps are useless
Relef says: if you're stats are maxed
Uadjet says: For now, but uses could be added later.
Chaon says: It might make a good satelite subsystem
Damola says: well, yes, that is a different issue… the reward could be something else tough.
Relef says: well, you can add lessons, rp lessons to the game
Relef says: where someone with high skill level can spend some time with a lower skill level to level up a skill
Damola says: That is a nice idea.
Damola says: I like the notion that helping others give a reward.
Chaon says: hah you've been sentences to two weeks of community service
Uadjet says: I'm not sure pairing up troublesome player with new players is putting our best face forward.
Chaon says: there's a place for both types I'd think
Damola says: troublesome players?
Chewaaud smirks
Relef says: well rp lessons would give my guild at least more meaning, like that you can follow actual lessons in the university
Damola does not cause trouble for anyone, well… except Chewaaud, but only rarely.
Chewaaud says: heh
Uadjet says: It's the "community service" comment I'm responding to. :)
Damola says: Uadjet ah, ok
Chaon says: to me a score would tell me who to try to role play with
Damola says: the other way it could make sense: A player could help a troublesome player to socialize in game :)
Damola says: but it has been a time since a GM arested a player char, hasn't it?
Damola says: *arrested
Relef says: well there are players around that actually dont even realize this game is about rp xd
Gonger says: Damola: thy could TRY to help, because some troublesome players turned out to be beyond help.
Chewaaud says: Ah, an arrest. nice idea
Damola smirks to Chewaaud "For me?"
Chaon says: try to police that with 1000 players
Damola says: I believe some years ago, GMs rarely indeed arrested a player char, but… I may be wrong on that.
Chaon says: the score makes sense as an indicator... Low score means avoid attempts to roleplay.
Relef says: oh yeah you could get arrested previously, but i forgot for what
Damola says: once, discussion is over, I have a quick question.
Relef says: i've put in my description how much i'm into roleplay
Damola says: that is always a good idea, Damola has something about RP in OOC tab
Gonger says: The fact that people HAVE a description is to me the first indication that they are into RP.
Damola says: My quick question is: Is chocolate IC in game? Does Yliakum have chocolate or not?
Uadjet says: Heh, that is a valid question.
Mordaan says: Hmm, I'm trying to think.
Venalan says: what i miss?
Damola says: And if not, I request a chocolate making quest, including the variant of nice dark chocolate.
Damola says: :)
Uadjet says: I recall Zunna saying that we needed it, or should have it, or something like that. I don't recall seeing it mentioned anywhere.
Damola says: Well, there has been an IC event where Damola and another char introduced chocolate already… but well…
Mordaan says: We'd need to have a cocoa plant established. Not necessarily for harvesting.
Relef says: hmm i still mis the fact that klyros can hover xd
Mordaan says: or some planeshifty equivalent
>Sliding Relef Sekeera...
Relef says: :P
Uadjet says: There. Now you're hovering.
Chaon says: lol
Damola looks at hovering Relef
Chewaaud says: now we have a hero
Shera says: LOL
Relef says: isnt that the swimming animation
Zif says: hahahaha
Damola takes photos
Uadjet says: Yeah, there is no flying animation.
Mordaan says: it works..
Damola says: seriously, if you ask me, that is close enough
Damola says: the movement with the legs does not make all that much sense, but the movement of the wings was okay
Uadjet says: But there are plants I'd like to add to the game. Real world items, mostly, but some at least partially fictional. Like Jiir, a citrus fruit.
Damola still remembers who she climbed yesterday
Damola says: *how
Chaon says: And I beheld Relef as he was cast down from heaven...
Chewaaud remembers climbing a tree with Damola
Damola smiles
Damola wonders how a nolthrir or a hammerwielder would look in that pose that Relef has now
Chewaaud says: lets see how a dwarf can fly
Chewaaud looks over to gonger
Uadjet says: Well, nolthrir don't have a swimming animation, last I checked.
Damola giggles
Relef says: btw, having training sessions would also bypass the fact that i can only train body development while punching bosses or neoten consumers
Chaon says: lol, it's called falling and flailing
Damola says: Uadjet, Nolthrirs without swimming animation… heh
Relef says: :P
Mordaan says: ironic..
Chewaaud laughs
Uadjet says: Yeah, of all the races to miss out...
Damola chuckles at Chewaaud "Why can Chewaaud do it… oh Chewaaud, are you okay?"
Venalan says: way to hijack the meeting Uadjet
Chewaaud would like to fly higher
Damola says: Anyway, any news regarding Unreal port or quests?
Uadjet says: A body developmentn quest is on the list, it's just a little trickier than a "make x of y" quest.
Damola thinks Chewaaud has a nice swimming animation
Gonger says: I believe I can fly.
Relef says: body development level 200 is just a dream now xd
Damola makes "Hah… you only can fly, I can just walk through the air, take that. :)"
Relef says: how much hp has a char with max endurence strength and body development
>Sliding Gonger Xaraha...
Damola looks somewhat worried at Chewaaud
Damola thinks GM has fun
Venalan says: 2400 iirc
Relef says: k
Shera says: reminds me of SOW in another RPG
Relef says: that's 478 extra i can have
Relef says: pretty much
Uadjet says: The quests are coming along, although I've had to restart my latest one. I tried to combine small quests with a repeatable quest in a way that was complete garbage, so I deleted the file and am going to start fresh.
Chaon says: nice
Chewaaud says: nice work
Relef says: hmm cant you add player made quests?
Damola says: Uadjet, the puppet master.
Venalan says: we can relef, once we have gone over and approved them
Venalan says: nice job Uadjet
Venalan says: poke me if you need suggestions setting up quest logic
Relef says: oh and hitboxes
Relef says: are broken
Venalan says: that wont get looked at until UE im afraid
Gonger says: Ok. How do I get back to normal movement?
Relef says: try punching a neoten while it's fleeing, that's terrible
Relef says: once you get in the right possition
Relef says: it just tps away
Damola can't do anything about Damola walking on place in the air
Relef says: position*
Relef says: and stalg is even worse
Relef says: he's never at the place you see him
Relef says: always somewhere else
Chaon says: that's a server / client position issue I think
Damola says: isn't there a target next eneny shortcut?
Relef says: but why is it only stalg?
Relef says: yeah i can target stalg
Relef says: but not hit him
Damola says: hmm
Chaon says: Stalg does that to me all the time
Uadjet says: Could be related to his size.
Chaon says: you can't target him because the server thinks he's somewhere else
Relef says: yup
Chaon says: all of a sudden the 200 ms ping is an issue
Relef says: the riverling boss doesnt have that
Relef says: one claw also not
Relef says: etc
Chewaaud says: i had that same thing with brado
Uadjet says: You were attacking Brado?
Chewaaud says: nope
Relef says: brado?
Chaon says: lol
Relef says: oh yeah the tavern person
Chaon says: Confess Chewaaud
Chewaaud says: could talk talk to him cause he was not where he was
Uadjet says: I admit his tavern would fail a health inspection, but physical assault seems a bit much.
Chewaaud says: could not
Relef says: :P
Relef says: i mean, has one claw just other movement patterns then stalg
Relef says: that stalg does move so bad
Relef says: and one claw doesnt
Damola is happy sitting with something solid underneath her
Relef says: oh yeah, and is blackroot already fixed?
Uadjet says: Hmm. Would need someone from Rules to address that, i think.
Relef says: that that boss can move away if you use things like instill confusion
Relef says: wich was a bug
Relef says: more then a year ago already i think
Chaon says: Well this meeting has been different
Relef says: i suppose i can find out if he's fixed
Relef says: i'll try it tomorrow
Gonger says: Getting late for me, good night, see you around soon.
Damola says: oh yeah.
Chaon says: g'night Gonger
Uadjet says: Yes, we're 25 minutes past normal closing time.
Damola says: late for me as well.
Relef says: :)
Chaon says: yeah, time to get back to the grind of real life
Uadjet says: Oh, and animations are going to be universal in UE, so female nolthrir will be able to swim.
Damola says: gotta do something profane like work tomorrow
Uadjet says: So thank you all for coming to the meeting!
Relef says: how would swimming work then?
Damola smiles "That is nice to hear."
Relef says: cause now if you'd swim
Relef says: you go in the ground
Chaon says: Thanks Devs for all the work
Uadjet says: The UE engine has the capability to handle swimming and flying already.
Chewaaud says: thank you guys
Relef says: k
Damola says: Okay, thanks for all the work and thanks Uadjet for all the events.
Chaon says: and thanks Uadjet for all you do.
Uadjet says: It's...volumatric effects? Some term vaguely like that, I think.
Zif says: We appreciaste all youall do.
Uadjet says: I even bookmarked a page about making characters fly in UE a while back.
Zif says: or something like taht lol
Relef says: oh and wich quests are added btw since i was gone?
Damola says: I wonder how flying would be controlled then cause you have the height then
Uadjet says: To answer that question I'd have to know how long you've been gone...
Damola says: not just x and y, but z as well
Relef says: for about a year
Relef says: damola spacebar and shift
>Damola Etedi smiles at Chewaaud Rotateye
Uadjet says: Probably a use of the jump key to add altitude, and maybe being able to move in the direction your camera is facing.
Damola says: Time for me.
Uadjet says: Oh, there are a few repeatable quests added in that time.
Uadjet says: I think....7? 8?
Uadjet says: I wrote tham and I've forgotten. One second...
Relef says: oh, werent you talking bout a new combat school the last time i went to this meeting?
Relef says: axe or something
Talad says: bye!
Talad says: have to go
Uadjet says: Eight. Seven skills, and one skill has two quests for different skill ranges.
Relef says: hmm
Relef says: i'll try to find them then i guess
Relef says: bye
Uadjet says: There are some more spoilers on the forum for those, if you want them. The Development blog section in the thread on missing skill quests.
Chewaaud says: Alright. Goodbye all!
Zif says: Thanks Uadjet , time for me to leave as well
Uadjet says: Bye!