Author Topic: Dev Q&A Feb 10th 2019  (Read 473 times)


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Dev Q&A Feb 10th 2019
« on: February 15, 2019, 05:53:33 pm »
Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet(GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)
Zweith (Art)

Uadjet says: Hello and welcome to the Developers Q&A!
Rykia says: Hi Uadjet
Damola says: Hi.
Uadjet says: Here you can learn about what the developers are working on and ask them questions you have about the game. Or about their personal lives. Seriously. Go for it.
Chaon says: Hello Mordaan & Uadjet
Uadjet says: If you have any questions you can line up at the podiums.
Chaon says: Quick question: has the development roadmap been updated with the latest work?
Mordaan says: ha, I was just looking at that
Mordaan says: it states it was last updated on Feb 10. So signs would say yes.
Chaon says: LOL, thanks
Uadjet says: Yeah, it looks pretty up-to-date
Mordaan says: Also, the last stream was about traits. And traits are stated as "DONE"
Chaon says: great
Chaon says: Not much of a line so I'll ask another
Chaon says: Uadjet do we have a body development quest in the works?
Uadjet says: I've got some vague plans. I just finished the first leatherworking quest, and the second is pretty short. After that it's blacksmithing and body development.
Chaon says: great, cause getting buff was on my new years resolution list
Chaon says: thanks!!
Uadjet says: Body development is one of the trickier ones. Can't ask the player to make things, and the engine doesn't support my initial idea.
Gonger says: Ask the players to jump off a cliff. Easy-peasy.
Chaon says: death realm theatrics
Uadjet says: Currently it's very similar to my ideas for armor skill quests, albeit less funny to write.
Chaon says: I haven't started those newer quests yet
Chaon says: Thanks for all the creativity and effort though.
Mordaan says: Body deveopment really should be rethought a bit. We may have to wait for UE to progress with it.
Mordaan says: It shouldn't be a result of just getting beaten up.
Chaon says: or cliff jumping
Uadjet says: I was thinking of hard work (like cleaning stables) but how the heck would that be implemented?
Mordaan says: Yes, it is tricky.
Aeleroni says: It can be provided by killing X rats/whatever if that can be tracked. If it can't be tracked, then it can be X items dropped by whatever creature. It can also be "run and talk to thsi person" in a far off place. Simulate aerobic exercise.
Uadjet says: Can't do a check to see that a player even stays within a certain radium for a length of time, and if we could it would just encourage them to go afk.
Uadjet says: Aeleroni has hit upon a bit of my armor training skill idea there. :P
Aeleroni says: I know nothing about the limitations of this engine as I have only just found the game yesterday, but most limitations can be gotten around with some creative thought. :D
Chaon says: it would be nice if we could just adjust the point scale so it happened more naturally.
Chaon says: Thank goodness we will be switching engines soon.
Uadjet says: I won't spoil things, but there are some workable ideas for quests for those skills.
Chaon says: Somebody please go to the podium and ask one of these devs what they had for breakfast.
Uadjet says: It's actually lockpicking that's the trickiest, simply because the thing I really want to do isn't supported by the engine (automatically relocking doors, containers), and anything else seems disappointing.
Uadjet says: Lumium. I had lumium.
Chaon says: LOL
Zweitholou says: Sorry i got in a bit late, I can give a quick ue4/general update
Zweitholou says: and i didn't have breakfast today
Mordaan says: Strange day...I went to sleep early last night, woke up and somehow was still tired so went back to sleep for a few more hours and skipped breakfast. Now I'm really hungry. :)
Uadjet hands Zweitholou a raw fish.
Zweitholou noms the fish eagerly.
Mordaan says: Wow, oddly enough I plan to make fish. :D
Zweitholou says: Do you have a question, Chaon?
Chaon says: Ravynne wasn't able to make it but she would like to know how we are coming on guild expansion.
Uadjet says: As in expansion from one guildhall area to two?
Chaon says: I'm proxying this question so I don't have details of what you had spoke about before.
Chaon says: I think it was adding rooms to guildhouses
Zweitholou says: There was talk about instances in ue4 in the stream today, but i didn't catch all of it.
Zweitholou says: probably a Talad question
Uadjet says: Yeah, setting up doors is a thing only Talad and Ven can do, and I'm not even sure if they'll think it's a good idea to expand guildhalls like that.
Uadjet says: Maybe adding a basement.
Zweitholou says: Go ahead Aeleroni :)
Aeleroni says: Hi there. I am new, so anything I ask is likely answered already, but one question you might not have on a FAQ is this; About how much time daily or weekly is spent working on PS? Individually or the entire team.
Mordaan says: Depends on the individual. I haven't worked on PS in years...I just ceremoniously show up for Meet the Devs that this point. :P
Uadjet says: We'll pull him back in. Just wait and see.
Mordaan says: *at this point
Rykia says: ^^
Chaon says: Mordaan are you server side?
Mordaan says: no, I am...was...Settings.
Zweitholou says: That varies widely, on a good week I'd guess Talad and i have been putting in 36 hours, and there is also work going on by Zunna and Venalan in settings
Gonger says: I throw in some hours of advertising whenever I have time and energy at the same moment...
Zweitholou says: but some weeks we are more busy with rl and jobs, and only have time on the weekends so more like 12 hours in those weeks
Uadjet says: I keep hearing tantalizing bits and pieces in the Devs-and-GMs discord channel.
Chewaaud says: How do you advertise, gonger?
Zweitholou says: Also Tuathanach has been putting in quite a bit of work on getting amdeneir in
Aeleroni says: Okay, cool, thank you! I have another question; Which team handles text writing? This being quest text, books, billboards, etc.
Gonger says: Posting on mmo websites, checking out reviews and correcting false assumptions there, seeking out lists of "free MMORPGs" (which are only F2P) and point out that PS is really free, etc.
Zweitholou says: and eonwind has been working on rules
Mordaan says: That would be settings.
Aeleroni says: Okay, thank you. :)
Mordaan says: Though with a lot of these things there is a lot of crossover.
Mordaan says: Like Uadjet learning the quest system and helping with that.
Zweitholou says: yes, we are all working together and talking back and forth
Mordaan says: Same with Zunna, who is with Rules. But there's a strong link there.
Mordaan says: So yeah, lots of collaboration.
Gonger says: @Chewaaud: I also spend a lot of time in the Welcome Area to help newbies. Even when I am doing something else, I check at least every 30 minutes of idle time.
Mordaan says: That's awesome dedication. :)
Gonger says: I have even been neglecting my beer brewing over that. We need beer brewing in the Welcome Area!
Chewaaud nods to gonger "Quite some work and a broad range that you cover
Uadjet says: Emaline is working on something too. Can't give spoilers, but she's learning quest writing for it. :)
Chaon says: great
Gonger says: Excellent news, that.
Uadjet says: I have to say, taking on a different task really builds the enthusiasm back up.
Rykia says: Cross-training is where it's at. ;-) So good to see this happening in PS after all these years.
Uadjet says: I would normally split my gaming time between PS and another game, but the last other game I played was Fallout 3, and that was on Dec. 13th. Nearly two months ago.
Zweitholou says: In addition to Talad wrapping up the basics for porting character creation, I've been bringing ojaveda maps into unreal and fixing errors in amdeneir as i place building instances and set up materials
Mordaan says: yes, even if someone is in a department and does the same thing, after awhile it can become stagnant. It's good to branch out now and again.
Aeleroni says: Yes, in many teams, cross-training is used as an effective method to keep everyone interesting and helps them to be more effective in their primary tasking. The more you know about the entire operation, the better you can communicate with everyone else and the better you can do your work while leaving proper openings for people in other departments to interact with it.
Aeleroni says: interested, not interesting*
Gonger says: Aeleroni, you don't happen to be a C++ programmer?
Aeleroni says: I have some experience in C++, but have never worked on a project larger than a text adventure.
Gonger says: Recruit him! Recruit him!
Mordaan says: :)
Aeleroni says: I was thinking about volunteering to help edit all the text as I've seen many improvements that could be made, but I don't have a TON of free time. Right now, I'm an over the road trucker, so don't have much free time. Text editing is something I can do at any time and submit every week or whenever I get to a place with internet.
Aeleroni says: I think programming would be out of the question as it requires more time to accomplish than simple text editing. At least, for me.
Aeleroni says: The text editing thing is something I'll be looking at offline, though, as I saw there was a bunch of infromation on the website on how to pursue that.
Mordaan says: Every little bit helps.
Chaon says: quiet group today
Aeleroni says: What is the current plan for finishing out the various race models for character creation?
Zweitholou says: I'm working on that
Uadjet says: Just so everyone knows, there are updates on the forum sometimes, like the pictures of Amdeneir.
Zweitholou says: as for a plan for when i'll finish them, i've started work on all of them and have a series of staggered, soft dealines I've set for myself to keep them moving
Mordaan says: We haven't had a new char model in quite some time. The last was the Nolthrir male as I recall. It will be exciting to see something new.
Zweitholou says: it will take some time to finish, as there are many parts to be made
Chewaaud says: The nolthrir male model is much appreciated
Mordaan says: Yep, models take a looooong time to get right. Plus base animation.
Uadjet says: That is a nice one.
Anysu says: A Ylian female.
Chewaaud says: But to make it complete we need a nolthrir bed as well.
Zweitholou says: I have started the klyros female, ylian female, and both lemurs
Zweitholou says: diaboli are not a focus at this time
Uadjet says: I think the plan is to fill in the playable races first, before doing Diaboli. They aren't playable, so they're well down on the priority list.
Mordaan says: Yeah, those 4 are all that's left, right?
Kaerli says: Speaking of Diaboli -- would folks be open to re-adding them as a playable race?
Uadjet says: And once again I take so long to say what I want to say that someone beats me to it!
Kaerli says: Not immediately, of course....but once the model goes in, I reckon
Kaerli says: models, even
Uadjet says: I think they were removed because neither gender had a model. Like the Xacha and the other dwarven race.
Uadjet says: Once the model is done I suspect they'll be playable again.
Zweitholou says: If we had models for them and all others were done, they might be made playable again
Zweitholou says: ah, ditto
Zweitholou says: this time you beat me to it uadjet :)
Mordaan says: Settings-wise I don't see why not. They weren't eliminated from the lore completely like Xacha. They were kind of exiled to the death realm.
Kaerli says: Ah, I can understand the Stonebreaker/Hammerwielder condensation and the retcon out of Xacha (seemed a bit duplicative)
Uadjet says: And old players may still have Diaboli characters that were created before they were shipped off.
Kaerli says: but Diaboli being removed had me wondering, so...glad to hear that it's not going to be a permanent state of affairs
Uadjet says: I think they're just too unique to be forgotten about. They just need some work before they can be brought back.
Mordaan says: They are just at the end of the line in terms of priority.
Uadjet says: Something to look forward to.
Uadjet says: Like polearms and spears, if I ever get to those.
Uadjet says: Any more questions?
Uadjet says: We're at the end of the hour, so if nobody has anything else...
Gonger says: That was most enlightening.
Anysu says: Thank you for the updates.
Chaon says: thanks!!
Mordaan says: Yes, thanks for coming.
Uadjet says: And just for the record, polearms and spears is just something I'm thinking about. I've got a spear for each race and a bunch of polearms, but no models made and only basic crafting data written down. It's mostly just in my head.
Mordaan goes to make that fish dish
Aeleroni says: If I might make a suggestion... You will want o make sure EVERYTHING is written down in a common workplace where the whole team can see it.
Aeleroni says: Helps reduce duplication of effort and also can help trigger new thoughts in other team members. It might help inspire others to do more too!
Uadjet says: Very true.
Uadjet says: Well, that was a good meeting.
Anysu says: Thanks for everything you do.
Aeleroni says: Thank you for doing this, though, I think it is a great idea to involve the community like this. :)
Zweitholou says: Thank you for enjoying the game!
Chaon says: bye for now
Chaon says: see you all soon
Uadjet says: See ya!