Author Topic: Dev Q&A Feb 24th 2019  (Read 474 times)


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Dev Q&A Feb 24th 2019
« on: March 09, 2019, 01:23:40 pm »
Here's the transcript of the Feb. 24 meeting.

Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet(GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)
Zweith (Art)

Uadjet says: Hello, and welcome to the Developer Q&A!
Damola smiles to Chewaaud "You mean…"
Uadjet says: For anyone who doesn't know, this is where the developers update the players on what's going on behind the scenes and the players get to ask any questions you might have.
Damola says: Well, no questions from my side, except for any news.
Chewaaud shakes head as he means nothing
Uadjet says: If anyone has any questions please line up at the podium.
Damola looks sideways "Well… what I meant was that an offer for me to sit on the bed as well, or did that place for one nolthrir refer to you?"
Chewaaud glances over to Damola "Things aren't as complicated as you think they are"
Damola raises an eyebrows "But now you are making it complicated."
Damola giggles slightly
Uadjet says: For skills quests, I've got the leatherworking quest done but I need to send it to Venalan so he can put it on the test server so I can test it in game.
Zarre says: More progress! *cheers*
Chaon says: fishy bedside manner you have there Chewaaud
Uadjet says: Next up is the blacksmithing quest, which will be simpler than I first planned because the Devs have talked some sense into me and I'm not going to try and introduce a lathe into the game. :D
Chaon says: lol
Mordaan says: :)
Uadjet says: I've got plans for what to do with body development and armor skills as well. Repair skills are being worked on by someone else. What am I missing..
Damola smirks "Now there is some sense in Uadjet, hear… hear…"
Chewaaud says: hearsay
Uadjet says: Oh, lockpicking. Might do an intro quest that needs completion before the repeatable can be done. Just need to come up with a good plan for the repeatable that doesn't require new engine functions like my first plan did.
Chaon says: great
Damola says: It is good to see all that quest work. At a point in time it may make sense to announce some of that work on the main site. The last news on it is a bit dated.
Uadjet says: I'm also doing a little work on spears and polearms. Not a lot, but kinda collecting images and figuring out what parts would be needed to craft them.
Mordaan says: Good progress, Uadjet!
Damola says: Would be nice to have some variety regarding quarterstaffs... for now just one quarterstaff I am aware of it. A pretty basic one.
Chaon says: Thanks Uadjet
Damola nods "Really good progress. Thanks for all your work."
Uadjet says: Thinking about doing a spear for each race (kinda). Get some variety in there.
Uadjet says: Also would want to do polearms from multiple cultures, not just european. There are some really interesting east asian polearms.
Chaon says: Nice
Uadjet says: So that's it from me. Oh, events. Need a couple more ideas and then I'll post events for the next three months.
Chaon says: do you want ideas via email?
Damola claps "I am amazed at what ideas you come up with for events and I like that you do some sequels, like the" Damola continues in a low voice "darkness" and continue "thing and well the dwarven couple."
Uadjet says: Heh, I can't even mention the name I"m using for the current event sequence because it refers to something the players won't know about until a later event.
Damola announces "We are capable chars and players and we will master all challenges and adventures"
Chewaaud says: What is the name you can't mention, Uadjet ?
Damola bursts out laughing
Uadjet says: It's unmentionable.
Chaon says: Hearby known as the event that shall not be named
Damola says in a grave voice "Voldemoort" (SCNR)
Damola tilts her head "Any other news?"
Zweitholou says: I have a few snippets of news as well
Damola looks to Zweitholou and listens
Zweitholou says: I'm helping get the attack animations working as Talad works on combat
Chaon says: great
Zweitholou says: and continuing to set up amdeneir in ue4
Zweitholou says: which is takking a bit :)
Damola says: cool
Zweitholou says: taking*
Damola is totally hypnotized by the swaying of derghir Uadjet
Uadjet says: I know Venalan is trying to get the server build (or something like that), and from what I've read it has approximately the same technical complexity as landing a mars rover.
Mordaan pictures someone in a sensor suit and a green screen
Zweitholou says: also, we've been testing some options for a few more color options in addition to hair color, such as skin tone or armor
Damola says: Nice.
Chaon says: sound's good
Zweitholou says: this is why the characters have had a weird color in the youtube streams, but I've fixed that now
Zweitholou says: not much news, but a bit :)
Damola says: Some more options to make chars look individual can help a lot in recognizing chars without name display
Chaon says: progress is progress
Uadjet says: I know a while back you did a lot of work on decals, which I think is the correct term. That would allow players to add simple images to armor and shields, right?
Zweitholou says: I'll try to put more updates for amdeneir on the forums soon as well
Damola says: Please include some screenshots :)
Mordaan says: No reports here. I'm the one that needs to be updated.
Mordaan says: That came out weird.
Damola casts her special update spell on Mordaan
Uadjet says: Mordaan 2.0 to be coming soon.
Zweitholou says: Uadjet, yes that's a separate thing we're trying to look into, but it will take some additional effort to get fully implemented so it isn't a top priority at the moment, as it would be a new feature
Chaon says: Updating Mordaan to Mordaan version 2.0
Chewaaud is waiting for Chaon 4.0
Uadjet points to Mordaan. "We can rebuild him; we have the technology."
Mordaan says: :)
Zweitholou says: the 6 million tria man!
Chaon says: the bionic dev
Chaon says: sorry Chewaaud I'm still in alpha
Uadjet says: When I was doing teh leatherworking quest I learned a bit about it so I could add some realism, and that included dyeing, stamping, and pyrography.
Chaon says: Uadjet you didn't set up a tanning station at your place did you?
Uadjet says: If decals get added, i'll happily write quests about those things so players can learn about them.
Uadjet says: No, I think the smells of things like fish stew and black mole sauce are more than enough. I add the smells of leatherworking ot the mix and I'll get run out of the neighborhood.
Uadjet says: But the decals are UE stuff, so well into the future.
Damola says: Well… if no one has any questions…
Shera says: any bug fixes coming soon like for the crashes
Damola says: what crashes?
Chaon says: Server crashes right Shera?
Shera says: yes and crashes to desktop
Damola says: I bet this all has to wait for Unreal port. The crashes may not even be there in Unreal port.
Shera says: mostly between zones
Shera says: That would be nice
Chaon says: Is work being done on the server side as well?
Zweitholou says: I believe the server has already been ported..
Zweitholou says: but i could be wrong on that
Damola says: Well, nice if that is the case. But I bet the switch needs switching server and client at the same time.
Chaon says: hmmm.. not sure if that's the case
Damola says: Putting time into fixing either old server and client code delays unreal port… as, it is not that those bugs are new, so… I'd live with them a bit longer and rather have the unreal port earlier
Anysu just joined PlaneShift
Chaon says: agreed
Damola says: I vaguely remember that new server cannot communicate with old client and vice versa, but I could be wrong on that.
Uadjet says: Any other questions?
Damola says: I have none.
Chaon says: None at this time
Shera says: none here
Chewaaud says: I could ask one more, if alloed
Anysu says: Ah dang sorry I missed meeting.
Anysu has been awarded 200 progression points.
Uadjet says: Sure
Chewaaud says: Plans to implement bigger beds? Ornated ones maybe?
Uadjet says: Well, I'd suggest downloading blender and making one. Seriously!
Chaon says: does anybody have a uv light? We need to inspect that bed to see if it's safe for it to be in public.
Uadjet says: Blender looks imposing, but once you learn enough to do a few simple things you can gradually expand your knowledge as needed.
Zarre says: Great idea Chaon
Chaon says: Blender is what we are using for UE4 too right?
Chewaaud says: Never looked into blender. I only have c and c++ skills, but nothing to write home about.
Chaon says: Well the games written in C++
Chaon says: Anyway.. Thanks for all you devs and GMs do.
Chaon says: And thanks to the rest of you for making this a great community
Uadjet says: Forgot to give those out earlier.
Shera says: thank you
Anysu clad for Devs and Gm
Zarre raises a drink to Uadjet before gulping it down. Cheers!
Anysu says: *Clap*
Anysu Atani raises a drink to the air before gulping it down. Cheers!
Chaon says: Cheers
Zweitholou Dev raises a drink to the air before gulping it down. Cheers!
Damola Etedi cheers happily!
Damola says: Thank you, devs, GMs and players!
Zarre says: *sighs* I really am not spilling my ale. xD
Shera says: cheers
Damola says: Time for me.
Uadjet says: Anyone else have a question? Obervation? Suggestion?
Damola smiles to Chewaaud "Mind you, I have a bed too."
Anysu says: I just echo what others say, thank for all you do.
Chewaaud says: Thanks for the meeting!
Mordaan says: Thanks for attending!