Author Topic: Dev Q&A October 13th 2019  (Read 499 times)


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Dev Q&A October 13th 2019
« on: October 13, 2019, 06:19:26 pm »
Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet(GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)
Zweith (Art)

Uadjet says: Hello and welcome to the Developer's Q&A! Here you can hear about the development of the game and ask the Dev and GM teams any questions you might have.
>Mordaan Dev greets everyone.
>Tuathanach greets Mordaan Dev.
>Zweitholou Dev greets everyone.
Uadjet says: We've got a full dais today.
Mordaan says: Hiya Tua. Good to see you again. :)
Damola says: Cool.
Damola checks out forum
Uadjet says: We've got Mordaan from Settings...
Uadjet says: Also we have Tuathanach from Settings...
Uadjet says: And Zweitholou from Art!
Tuathanach says: rules
Uadjet says: Oh, right. Sorry.
Tuathanach says: I know been a while
Mordaan says: :)
Uadjet says: So, I think most people know how these meetings work. If you have a question, please line up at the podiums and we'll call on you as soon as we can. If not, we can get updates from the Developers.
Damola has no question at moment and looks forward to updates
Uadjet says: If there aren't any questions we can start with updates. Who's got something to share?
Zweitholou says: Tuathanach has been very helpful on the art side and can fill in what theyve done lately.
Tuathanach says: Well I have been lucky to have some time I have ported Ojaveda to Ureal
Damola says: Yay!
Rykia says: yay/1
Uadjet says: Yeah, I was expecting cheers for that news!
Tuathanach says: I am working on porting Amdeneir, got houses and walls ported. done first trialof lighting
Yorlak smiles
Zweitholou says: Thank you for all the help! Makes a huge difference!
Uadjet says: The previews I've seen look great!
Tuathanach says: it has been fu actually
Tuathanach says: fun*
Damola says: nice
Tuathanach says: cando a sneak preview in forums of some quick screen shots or on discord if people want
Tuathanach says: can do*
Damola says: nice.
Damola says: Is there some streaming about this?
Haviland says: screenshots are nice appetizers
Mordaan says: I caught a bit of the stream today...looked interesting.
Tuathanach says: thanks to Zweitholou for helping me
Damola says: ah, so there is some stream
Zweitholou says: Because Unreal is so much easier to use in terms of interface for the developers, many more people have been able to jump in and help bring the levels together. Venalan has been focused on the Winch area as well.
Damola says: nice
Mordaan says: It was about NPC movement, including, apparently dancing. :)
Damola says: Dancing? Yay.
Zweitholou says: Today Talad streamed about the follow issues, we have a problem with rotation we are trying to solve
Mordaan says: ok...unintended dancing then?
Zweitholou says: I'm working on testing the art side of that while Talad does a ton of tests on the code side to fix it
Zweitholou says: yes, unintended dancing :)
Zweitholou says: but I think we are close
Zweitholou says: and then after that we will shift focus back to combat
Mordaan says: sometimes the best advances are accidental. :)
Damola makes "Haha, we have an issue with rotating in old client as well"
Zweitholou says: well, true
Zweitholou says: but this is even crazier. The system will have continuous follow once it works
Zweitholou says: a few characters are working, but most have the same crazy dancing error
Zweitholou says: they move like this
Damola giggles as she sees Zweitholou moving like this
Zweitholou says: a bit distracting :)
Tuathanach smiles
Uadjet says: Yeah, we need monsters to be able to hunt down players or the game won't be fun!
Mordaan says: I did see NPCs giving chase on the run. Looked nice for the most part. I'm sure it will get worked out.
Damola says: Well so far it is usually quite easy to run away from mobs
Damola says: even with low level chars
Gonger says: Greetings. On Metacritic, there is only one review for PlaneShift, and it is outdated, from 2012. I was not allowed to add a review of my own, since "There is no final version of PlaneShift", something like that.
Gonger says: Now, if someone could officially inform Metacritic that PlaneShift works in milestones, and will never have a final version, they might reconsider this.
Mordaan says: Hmm, how did the first one get added then?
Gonger says: Different rules in 2012, maybe?
Uadjet says: I was wondering that.
Gonger says: I do not know.
Uadjet says: But...all MMO's are like that.
Uadjet says: Always being added to.
Uadjet says: Until they stop development, at which point the game is considered 'dead'.
Gonger says: Yes and no.
Uadjet says: I'm thinking that rule shouldn't apply to MMO's.
Gonger says: WoW always makes a big badaboom when they publish something new.
Gonger says: So we should also announce there that a milesone has been reached and reviews are welcome for this milestone.
Gonger says: The review from 2012 gives 56 points, and some of its points are no longer valid (but were valid then).
Gonger says: And metacritic is often used as a reference, so this is quite bothersome.
Gonger says: So if someone could contact them with a mail address ending with, we might be able to change this and add some better and more up-to-date reviews.
Uadjet says: We could announce the last patch as a milestone, I suppose.
Gonger says: Thank you for thinking about this.
Zweitholou says: I'm afraid I have to pop out early, but everyone enjoy the rest of the meeting!
Gonger says: And we should do the same when the UE move is done!!!
Uadjet says: Obviously the port would be a huge milestone too, but that's in the future and we shouldn't wait.
Gonger says: Agreed, Uadjet.
Uadjet says: Okay, I can give a bit of an update on the spears thing.
Damola listens to Uadjet
Uadjet says: I've spent the last few weeks mostly working on materials. I was having a problem with materials being stretched when applied to most object. Specifically items that are longer in one dimension than another. That's entirely unhelpful when making spears, which are not known for being cubical or spherical.
Uadjet says: Turns out I was missing a node or two telling Blender how to apply the material. I tried the mapping node for ages, but it was another one that I needed. Now that I've found it, I've been able to do much better leather and wood materials.
Mordaan says: yay!
Damola says: nice
Mordaan says: being able to find a solution to a long standing problem is always great for a developer.
Uadjet says: I downloaded a couple materials made by others, but can't use them due to lack of license info. Still, seeing the 100+ nodes in their materials has been instructive.
Rykia says: sounds like real progress regardless
Uadjet says: The simpler materials has 11 nodes just for scratches and 9 just for dust. I'm not sure I'll even get that complex!
Uadjet says: But I've posted a simple wood material in the forum thread, and even at only six nodes it at least looks like wood. :D
Damola says: nice
Uadjet says: And while I can't draw, I've got the basic plans for each of the special/race spears pretty well worked out. Some of them will be rather challenging to get down to 1000 triangles, but I think I can get them under 2k. Maybe under 1.5k.
Uadjet says: I've got some basic reusable components already made, like a few types of spike to fit on the end of a staff or spear, and a few basic spearheads. I'm working on a boar spear right now, though I think it should be renamed to something that actually exists in game.
Uadjet says: I'd call it a consumer spear, but it's not long enough to keep the wielder out of the disease effect they have.
Mordaan says: porg?
Uadjet says: Yeah, could go with that. I'm not sure they very frightening though. No tusks that I'm aware of.
Uadjet says: Need something small that can charge.
Mordaan says: trepor come to mind
Uadjet says: Oh, that would work.
Uadjet says: So that's how the spears are coming along. Oh, and I'm trying to expand outside of European weapons, so there will be some East Asian items in there, and I'm trying to find items from other areas too.
Uadjet says: There are a couple elaborate quarterstaves I've found, but I'm not sure if they'll fit the setting. I can make them easily enough and let Settings decide. :)
Mordaan says: kitanas are a fantasy classic, though we probably have enough swords.
Gonger says: Throwing stars would be fun as well.
Uadjet says: I was thinking of the crescent-bladed polearms, and there are quarterstaves with those same crescent blades in the center of the staff.
Carahaij says: just like in morrowind :)
Uadjet says: Ah! Don't get me started on swords!
Uadjet says: That's the trick: Not getting distracted by other things you want to do. I've spent a lot of time working on flanged maces, for example. Not at all spear-like, but I must have spent 5 days working on a 2cm long section that doesn't look quite enough like stacked rings for my taste.
Damola says: haha... so many things you can make
Uadjet says: Plus my mind keeps wandering to things like making boars for the game, or different particle effects that would be nice to have, or that part of the map that teases me with the words "Hanging Gardens" right at the edge of the level, so it seems to hang over the level below.
Mordaan says: only one solution...clone yourself. :P
Tuathanach says: so many possibilities :)
Haviland notes Uadjet has a bad design
Haviland says: only two hands and one brain
Uadjet grins. "Yeah, I think everyone working on PS feels like that. So much to do!"
Rykia says: :-D
Uadjet says: But that's my update. Any questions?
Damola says: Hmmm, I don't have any at the moment
Uadjet says: Well, if that's all then I think we can bring the meeting to an end. Thank you all for coming, and have a great time until we meet again!
Haviland says: Thank you for the effort and your time
Mordaan says: Thanks for attending!
Tuathanach says: I will try to post some screen shots on forums. thanks all for coming
Damola says: Thank you, Tuathanach