Author Topic: Dev Q&A November 22nd 2020  (Read 613 times)


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Dev Q&A November 22nd 2020
« on: November 22, 2020, 05:34:51 pm »
Here's a transcript of the Developer Q&A of Nov. 22, 2020 for those who were unable to attend.

Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet(GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)
Zweitholou (Art)

Uadjet says: Hello and welcome to the Developer's Q&A! This is an out-of-character meeting where you can hear about the development of the game and ask the Dev and GM teams any questions you might have. If you do have any questions, please line up at the lecterns in front of the stage.
Uadjet says: We've got a full dais today. On my right is Mordaan, of the Settings team...
>Anysu Atani cheers happily!
Uadjet says: Behind him is Tuathanach, of the Rules team....
Uadjet says: And just behind me is Zweitholou of the Art team.
Uadjet says: And I'm Uadjet, of the Game Master team.
Migg says: You have fixed spots?
Uadjet says: Not really, though Mordaan and I have probably worn our footprints into the wood where we typicall stand.
Migg says: :D
Uadjet says: And now the thought occurs that sliding Mordaan as little as a foot to the left might crash the game.
Uadjet says: But we've already got someone with a question. Migg?
Migg says: Yes
Migg says: I was wondering why some items don't stack
Migg says: this is creating some shortage in storage space
Migg says: for example, bamboo shelves stack, but two door closets don't
Uadjet says: They're containers.
Migg says: would be nice if they did
Uadjet says: Containers never stack.
Uadjet says: Not sure what would happen if they did.
Migg says: they are always stored empty
Migg says: no case of their contents mixing up
Uadjet says: I'm thinking of in inventory, as I don't think it's possible to have them stackable in storage but not in inventory.
Migg says: Ah yes, it would have to be a different property
Migg says: anyway, having a solution would be nice
Anysu says: Time and sapce would rip do to them in the same spot..
Migg says: or else an extra category for them
>Anysu Atani grins impishly.
Migg says: that's all I wanted to request, probably for the port now
Uadjet says: You can always tell who played D&D, because when you mention putting one container into another they all scream "NOOOOOOOO!!!"
Anysu says: **space*
Anysu smiles
Migg says: well, bamboo shelves kind of feel like containers for me
Migg says: splitting up creative did help a ton
Migg says: perhaps splitting containers off furnishings would help
Migg says: do beds stack though?
Uadjet says: We do have a containers section, but then there are pieces of furniture that do double duty.
Uadjet shrugs.
Uadjet says: Could go in either section, really.
>You spawned 5 Simple Beds to your inventory.
Damola says: what is this d&d thing?
>Uadjet dropped 5 Simple Beds.
Migg says: we have furnishings
Uadjet says: They do stack.
Uadjet says: Beds, I mean.
Migg says: perhaps add furniture as a separate category?
Uadjet says: In Dungeons and Dragons putting a magical container inside another one would lead to disasterous results. Tear a hole in the universe, or explode, or something like that.
Damola says: sounds like Terry Pratchet
Damola grins
>Uadjet picked up 5 Simple Beds
Migg says: We need the chest
Migg says: something that can hold everything
Migg says: though I do have two 2-door closets in my pocket as I speak
Uadjet says: We do have containers with a capacity of 500 or 550. They can hold a lot, but not things like tents or forges.
Anysu says: bag of holding.. that is d &d
Uadjet says: Portable holes, too.
{Talad is livestreaming his work on the Unreal Engine Conversion:}
Migg says: excuse me?
Migg says: that was on the portability of holes
Damola says: haha magical containers like in neverwinter night 80% weight down to even 0% if I remember correctly
Zweitholou says: I can give a quick art update as well
Uadjet says: Now, those would be possible according to the lore. We already have any weight, which is similar.
Uadjet says: *ant weight*
Damola says: :)
Zweitholou says: As a general update, Talad is streaming as he tests the alpha, which should be available in the next few days for longtime players and patrons.
Zweitholou says: so most of our time has been focused on supporting those efforts and fixing bugs we find.
Mordaan says: Nice!
Migg says: how can longtime players get the alpha?
Zweitholou says: Previously we had been communicating that through discord, but i believe we can connect people through an email as well if you don't have discord access.
Mordaan says: Right now you have the build the client yourself.
Gonger says: End of Year is busy time for me, but early next year, I might be interested in that as well!
Zweitholou says: The building yourself is just until the clients are prebuilt for all platforms in the next few days
Zweitholou says: then a standalone client will be available
Migg says: does it have to be the e-mail used to register the acount?
Zweitholou says: I think as long as you can show that the account is yours the link can be sent to a different email.
Zweitholou says: In addition, we have some other small art updates as well
Tuathanach says: Discord is advised, as server is not always up for the Alpha
Zweitholou says: We have several prospects working on completing missing items, adding some new shrines, and working on a new area in the stone labyrinths.
Mordaan says: nice
Gonger says: YES!!!
Migg says: actually *in* the stone labyrinths? as in past the fortress?
Gonger says: Stone Labyrinths!!! The Adventures there!
Uadjet grins. "I knew people would love that!"
Mordaan says: :)
Mordaan says: yes, very exciting
Mordaan says: How about the long missing physical bronze doors?
Zweitholou says: Yes, although initially it will be part of character creation and tutorial. However, the pieces we are making will allow us to build out more areas of the stone labyrinths
Zweitholou says: I'm working on the physical doors Mordaan, not sure when they will be finished but they are in progress
Migg says: I would, but also expect it to be crawling with nasties
Gonger says: So many times we had unwelcome visitors from there, it is time to return the favours...
Migg says: think a band of one claw's family...
Mordaan says: Whoa! That was a bit of a reach for a question. :D Tremendous stuff.
Gonger says: Some of us still remember the invasion event... with all those Uber version of nauts
Zweitholou says: The pieces we are working on for the outpost in the SL will be in the stonehammer style, so it will also help when we are able to start building the first stonehammer town. Thats still a ways off, but thought peple might like to know its in the works.
Damola says: so nice about stone labyrinths
Zweitholou says: That's all the updates I have!
Uadjet says: Well, that should keep players happy for a while. The new tutorial sounds like it's going to be amazing, and I know Stonehammers will love to have buildings in their style.
Gonger says: With two bathtubs in each building.
Uadjet says: Well, naturally.
Gonger says: One for water... :)
Damola says: one for ale of course
Mordaan says: :)
Uadjet says: Okay, so I can give a bit of a recap of what Talad's been working on.
Mordaan says: He's been logging some major hours over the last few weeks.
Uadjet says: I think more of you were probably here when I mentioned the town he built, but it seems worth of mention again. There are a number of houses, farms, animals, etc. Plus the watermill and windmill, of course. I think having those is why he wanted to make a village in the first place!
Uadjet says: After that he worked on combat some more, notably the special moves that are unlocked by combat schools.
Uadjet says: HE did work on targeting AoE spells, but unfortunately I havent' had the chance to watch that one yet so I'm not sure if players can set the center of the area anywhere they want or if it must target a creature and use that as the center.
Damola smiles "Talad ponders on whether to activate collision between chars, but likely will turn it off for now"
Uadjet says: Well, I did see part of it. It was quite amusing watching him playing a minigame in Unreal and getting killed over and over by a trap or whatever it was. :D
Gonger says: Any news about crafting system / interface?
Uadjet says: Okay, I just checked and he seems to have it working, so you can cast spells in the middle of a group of creatures instead of targeting one of them.
Uadjet says: Talad was working on the GUI for a bit, actually. He was doing the layout for factions, but I'd imagine it would be much the same for skills and other elements of the GUI.
Damola says: he is thinking to add a configurable fps limit
Uadjet says: And yeah, working on factions has also been a part of the last week or so. Factions can now have titles displayed along with the rank and a bit of flavour text.
Migg says: do factions have an actuall effect?
Tuathanach says: Yes, factions is being overhauled. To actually mean something
Tuathanach says: Yes,will effect quests. will effect costs of buy/selling. may also stop selling dependant on ranks. there will be other effects also.
Damola says: Oh nie
Damola says: Oh nice
Tuathanach says: Something factions has needed for a while.
Uadjet says: Sadly, some of the amusing factions won't be around. No more Clacker faction. Or Weapon faction.
Uadjet says: Ah, "Weapons", not "Weapon".
Uadjet says: But the factions that actually make sense will stick around, and likely grow in number as new locations and groups are added to the game.
Migg says: would be nice to have ways to improve factions then
Migg says: i am on very bad terms with stonebreakers and can't seem to fix that
Tuathanach says: Curreently we have religious factions, magic way factions, trade factions and also combat factions to name some
Uadjet says: Quests will do that, both raising one faction and possibly lowering opposing factions.
Uadjet says: I don't think race factions will make the port. Region based factions may appear, though.
Uadjet says: Currently the factions are based on religion, or profession (Way factions, crafting, etc), or social groups (guards, government, outlaw, etc).
Uadjet says: So there will probably be slightly fewer factions to start with, but there will be a lot more substance to them.
Uadjet says: Any questions?
Migg says: Would it be possible to resume the Dev Q&A transcripts in the forum?
Uadjet says: Ah, Tua already gave a lot of that info. That's what happens when I'm typing and reading a spreadsheet instead of the ingame chat.
Uadjet says: I can do that. I'll get today's up in the next half hour or so.
>Migg Ellorean claps for Uadjet.
Uadjet says: I've got some time before dinner, and I'm just reheating leftovers anyways.
Migg says: Thanks a million!
Uadjet says: Anything else?
Damola says: Had a Q yesterday during event, but don't remember at the moment
Uadjet says: If not, I think we can bring the meeting to a close. Thank you all for coming, and we'll see you again in three weeks (due to the extra Sunday this month)!
>Anysu Atani cheers happily!
Damola tired => two nights after one another 1:00 or even 1:30 to bed
Damola nods
Mordaan says: Thanks for attending!
>Anysu Atani claps.
Damola says: Yeah, if I remember I can make note for next Q&A
Anysu says: "Thank you for all you do!!!!
Dilihin says: well, thanks for the hard work and see you?
Uadjet says: Take care!
Dilihin says: *!
Damola says: Thank you all!
>Anysu Atani claps for Uadjet.
Zarre bows
Damola says: I enjoyed the event yesterday
>Anysu Atani claps for Tuathanach Psdev.
Damola says: See you.
>Anysu Atani claps for Zweitholou Dev.
>Anysu Atani salutes Uadjet with respect.
>Anysu Atani salutes Tuathanach Psdev with respect.
Migg says: Thank you all for the hard work!
>Anysu Atani salutes Zweitholou Dev with respect.
Migg says: and the updates!
Migg says: didn't get the extra week thing by the way but must be a scheduling thing
Anysu says: cool about labyrinths!
Anysu says: Had to reread everything.. was on phone.
Uadjet says: The meetings are the second and fourth Sundays of the month, and as we have a fifth Sunday this month it'll be three weeks until the second Sunday of next month.
Anysu says: lol... hit wrong button
Anysu says: ""Please ignore the fenki running over the stage and nearly hitting far wall*
Anysu says: lol
>Migg Ellorean nods at Uadjet.
Uadjet says: Heheh :)
Uadjet says: Yes, the Outpost in the Labyrinths is one of the things I've been waiting for them to mention so that I can gush about it.
Anysu says: ohh Outpost... missed that with reread. Have to read again! :)
Uadjet nods. "A Stonehammer Outpost in the Labyrinths that will be part of the new tutorial."
Anysu says: Okay
>Anysu Atani cheers happily!
Migg says: sounds a dangerous place for a newby but OK
Migg says: One question, can one change the acount e-mail?
Anysu says: Bye all!
Migg says: bye!
Uadjet says: Changing account email can be done, but only by Talad.
Gonger says: Only dangerous for non-stonehammer newbies...
Gonger winks at Migg.
Migg says: Ah
Gonger says: Good bye, thanks for the meeting and the work!
Migg says: Bye!
Uadjet says: If you're thinking about the alpha invite, you won't need to I think. Once the links to the download are released, I can give the links to anyone who has permission to join.
Migg says: the e-mail is one I want to close
Migg says: old yahoo mail
Migg says: so need to move everything off it
Migg says: can ask in the forum, don't use Discord
Migg says: OK, thanks for the answers, bed time for me
Uadjet says: Night!
Migg says: bye!


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Re: Dev Q&A November 22nd 2020
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2020, 03:22:45 pm »
So good to see these return, thanks a million Uadjet!  \\o//


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Re: Dev Q&A November 22nd 2020
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2020, 04:53:22 am »
* Damola pouts a bit "No nice special color for me"


Thanks a lot, Uadjet!