Author Topic: Dev Q&A February 14th 2021  (Read 539 times)


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Dev Q&A February 14th 2021
« on: February 16, 2021, 07:53:44 am »
Zunna (Rules/Settings)
Mordaan (Settings)
Venalan (Settings Lead)
Uadjet(GM Lead)
Emaline (GM Team)
Zweitholou (Art)

Uadjet says: Hello and welcome to the Developer's Q&A! This is an out-of-character meeting where you can hear about the development of the game and ask the Dev and GM teams any questions you might have. If you do have any questions, please line up at the lecterns in front of the stage.
Rykia says: Hi Uadjet
Uadjet says: On the dais today! (Did I make that joke last week?) I'm Uadjet of the GM team.
Uadjet says: Hi, Rykia!
Uadjet says: Ah, I did make that joke last week. It was no funnier then...
Uadjet says: But we've got a question already. Fliks?
Fliks says: Will there be a bigger variety of musical instrements in UE for exsample the ocarina
Migg says: Seems your props are put to good use Uadjet
Fliks says: as you cna tell ive gotten into it
Uadjet says: ...of Time?
Migg says: :D
Fliks says: oh likr from the game
Fliks says: shure
Uadjet says: Well, the person who did the music system is no longer around, I'm afraid. I have no idea how much work it would take to add more instruments.
Fliks says: oh
Anysu says: Oh I just saw that assembly above.
Fliks says: never mind
Uadjet says: Does it sound like a flute?
Fliks says: a little
Fliks says: and why am i floating
Migg says: guess that would need sound samples to boot
Migg says: and a model
Uadjet says: It may be possible. If all it takes is copy/pasting an existing instrument and adding in new sounds...
Migg says: there are some idiosynchracies
Damola likes her new place in court house room.
Uadjet says: Now, these are way too big to bring out indoors!
Migg says: but if it's something playing notes like the lute, then probably
Damola looks to Uadjet "Really?" chuckling brightly
Chewaaud says: A bed is the maximum i'd say
Fliks says: Damola how did you turn those shelves on thir sides
Uadjet says: So that can be looked into, at least.
Migg says: use /rotate
Uadjet says: Migg?
Damola grins to Fliks "With magic item rotate spell"
Migg says: In creative we have a change
Fliks says: :D
Damola says: I use mouse and with or without shift.
Migg says: we have say books and public books
Damola says: Ey.
Migg says: before editing, telling them apart is easy
Migg says: once you change the name though, only way to find which is which is to give it to someone else
Damola says: move mouse *before* placing the item. shift key changes axis you rotate about
Migg says: since public books can be copied, this may be an issue
Migg says: same holds for music scores
Talad says: hello
Uadjet says: Ah, but afterwards you can't tell the difference. That's true. If it's your book, do you see the same icons on both public and private books?
Anysu says: Hello Talad !
Damola says: Hello Talad.
Fliks says: cool
Uadjet says: Ah, Talad!
Damola wonders whether her little tent arrangement is now streamed to youtube.
Uadjet says: For anyone who doesn't know, he's the founder and team lead for the project.
Uadjet says: And streams his work on the game just about every day.
Chewaaud says: Any progress to talk about?
Migg says: What I was asking is, could it be possible to tell a public book apart from a normal book? and music scores as well?
Talad says: sure, I can give you an update
Talad says: or if you have any questions
Migg says: that's all I had to ask
Fliks says: ah yes ive been watching the streems i love the filter you used
Talad says: at the moment I'm working on releasing a new Alpha
Fliks says: cool
Talad says: there are a lot of fixes and improvements in this version, major one being the remake of all spell effects
Fliks says: will they be less laggy
Talad says: we now have one unique visual effect for each of the spells
Damola says: Oh, you completed the spell effects? Nice. I have watched into some streams and saw how much work it is.
Talad says: with some exceptions, I think 3 or 4
Talad says: so about 90+ total
Damola says: This is really quite an achievement. Congrats.
Talad says: particle effect always have some performance impact due to the fact are real time, use many small particles and are having also real time lights
Talad says: but Unreal is very well equipped to manage that
Talad says: testing is the only way to know anyway
Fliks says: nice
Talad says: other nice fixes on this Alpha include the dialogues with NPCs, which has some bugs in previous one, and exchange/trade
Talad says: remember that you can access the Alpha if you are a veteran player (200+ hours in the current game)
Talad says: at the moment we have some active people testing it, and we managed to test win/linux/mac
Talad says: so all 3 platforms
Rykia says: Very nice
Thoraro says: When are we loking at the full release Talad?
Fliks says: didnt you have to donate money before you could play it
Migg says: That would be nice. Is it a self-contained download, or does it have extra dependencies on Linux?
Thoraro says: Looking*
Damola says: Soon I can test on Linux as well… hopefully receiving a somewhat newer laptop this week.
Talad says: Fliks there are two possibilites, become a Patreon, or be a veteran player
Fliks says: ok
Uadjet says: No, players can get access to the alpha by being a supporter, but you can get access without doing so if you have 200+ hours played.
Talad says: self contained Migg
Thosor says: I will test on Linux again this week.
Fliks says: how long have i played
Chewaaud wonders if he has those hours
Fliks says: well how many hours
Talad says: Thoraro, hard to predict, but as soon as all basic functions are ported, I dont think we are too far
Damola says: You can see in Myplane.
Fliks says: ill look now
Damola says:
Chewaaud says: I could if i could
Thosor says: donate. hehe
Talad says: you have played 236 hours Fliks
Talad says: so you are elegible
Uadjet says: Chewaaud, you're at 797 hours played.
Chewaaud says: uh
Fliks says: wow thats a lot
Damola says: :)
Thosor says: think I maxed out, been on since 2007
Fliks says: will we be able to play UE in were on linux
Migg says: Can't see my hours, but been around a while
Fliks says: or dose it have to be windows 10
Damola has played for more than 2500 hours… now thats… something
Talad says: yes, windows , linux, macos are all working now
Uadjet says: I'm at 3032, and that doesn't include my event character or my player accounts. :P
Talad says: but consider the Alpha is mostly to "test", not to really "play"
Talad says: as we update the server and do changes, its not always up
Gonger says: After 2500 nothing more shows in myplane.
Talad says: its not yet a nice play experience
Fliks says: what graphics card will we need to play it
Talad says: Gonger, on the database it stays uptodate
Damola says: Gonger… hmm… okay… I wondered where I could see the exact amount of hours
Thoraro says: I remember when i started this ps and was told the same.. its a test and still being worked on ;)
Migg says: that's my concern as well, how good it will play on my laptop
Thosor says: Please take notes, screenshots and /pos if possible.
Uadjet says: I don't think MyPlane displays the number of hours. It just has achievements for playing certain amounts.
Talad says: Fliks I dont have a list of minimum hardware, but surely the Unreal version has more requirements than this version
Migg says: the gems game run at lower FPS
Talad says: its a modern engine
Damola says: I just bought a new used laptop… I think it will be able to do Unreal with Vulcan on Linux, maybe not that fast, since still Intel only graphics, but it will work.
Talad says: you can anyway change graphics settings and tune it down if needed
Fliks says: true
Talad says: yes Vulkan on linux is required for Unreal
Damola plans to buy an AMD Zen 3 laptop later in the year… this will do with ease.
Talad says: movement of the character is nicer on Unreal
Talad says: more smooth
Thosor says: Can be a little hairy at first.
Damola says: Yeah, my current laptop does not have Vulkan support in gfx driver, but the new one will have.
Chewaaud says: are you still on your t520, damola?
Damola says: (even the used one]
Talad says: there is still a lot to do anyway, but we are progressing
Fliks says: shame i have the oposit of a moden g card
Talad says: I'm really focusing on it
Damola says: yes. but next one will be L560 with Skylake. Later in year maybe AMD Zen 3.
Uadjet says: Yeah, getting all of those spell effects done was a huge task.
Chewaaud says: nice
Talad says: I connected to the spell effects the current sounds
Talad says: so at least those will sound familiar
Fliks says: my bad
Damola says: The laptop I intend to buy is not yet available, but I want to have a somewhat more powerful machine so going for a cheap used one in between
Damola grins "PS Unreal is one motivation for that… I like to be able to test it."
Thosor says: e
Talad says: testing on lower hardware is interesting anyway
Talad says: so we can see the scalability
Yorlak says: yes, more's lonely in there
Fliks says: oh it wont even load on this thing im using now
Talad says: consider Unreal is also used to make mobile games
Damola says: Skylake is still on the lower end regarding gfx performance these days. Definitely better than Sandybridge, but still… slow compared to a dedicated chip or card
Talad says: so there are ways to scale down if needed
Uadjet says: The Unreal engine has higher system requirements, but in many ways it runs better even on my old hardware. I'm not getting 60+ fps, but it still runs really well even with max settings.
Damola chuckles "60 fps?"
Fliks says: have you got a nasa computer
Gonger says: fps
Thosor mutters, tangled up in these ropes.
Anysu says: Are the system requirements aomeplace for UE?
Gonger says: I am at 69.44
Damola says: 9.94 displaying fps currently… so there is that… its Full HD though with quite high settings.
Uadjet says: Hmm? Framed Per Second.
Fliks says: im getting 9 fps righ now
Migg says: around 17
Migg says: so I should be good?
Damola says: I think I can get more FPS with lower settings, but I decided I like to have better graphics… so I have to deal with low FPS… can be 20 at times… but not in here.
Chewaaud says: 59.88
Talad says: 68.3 fps
Migg says: I am sure I can do better if Uadjet stops moving all the time
Fliks says: oof me
Damola says: I have Skylake can do 30 fps for CS based PlaneShift
Talad says: but this engine is very old, and is not using your hardware well
Yorlak says: 59.96
Damola says: *I hope
Uadjet says: Can't nuthin' stop these moves.
Migg says: :D
Fliks says: ;D
Talad says: still great it existed
Fliks says: a /kick will stop them
Gonger says: Between 68 and 72 on a four year old Windows PC (pretty much state of the art at that time...)
Talad says: but we need to jump as soon as possible in the new version
Talad says: when its stable
Damola says: Looking forward to that.
Chewaaud says: When do you anticipate that top happen?
Talad says: sooner or later we will organize one event in PSUnreal
Talad says: to see if we can run it properly
Talad says: up to Uadjet to decide when its ready enough
Damola says: Could idea. Would give a good hint about which lag there would be with several chars around
Damola says: *good idea
Damola says: I bet Unreal can be better with lag
Talad says: at the moment the server is a laptop :)
Damola says: :)
Talad says: but its doing his job
Fliks says: XD
Damola says: Well I can't promise anything but as it gets closer to PS Unreal release I can ask about a server at my employer.
Fliks says: now that laptop must belong to nana
Fliks says: nasa*
Talad says: its a good laptop
Gonger says: The NASA went to the moon with the computer power of roughly 3 Commodore 64...
Thosor says: Yorlak helped me with the Vulkan stuff, a couple website links for AMD, etc.
Talad says: I think today a well equipped group of gamers has more compute power than NASA :)
Damola says: I read they used old CPUs as those are more resistant to radiation.
Chewaaud says: Sort of y miracle
Gonger says: But they had some excellent mathematics teams...
Thosor says: My C-64 looks a lot more than Apollo 11
Damola says: Could be Talad, could be. Considering those dual gfx card setup with 2000 Watt power supplies
Talad says: I've seen a RTX3090, its quite a monster. costs like 2 computers :)
Fliks says: why are you and Uadjets name tags difrent colllers
Talad says: I think because im a dev, and he is a GM
Uadjet says: There are different colours to represent different types of person.
Uadjet says: Player, NPC, GM, Dev, and Dead.
Damola chuckles "The yellow of Uadjet is for crazy people."
Talad says: that is something missing in Unreal atm, the colored names I think
Talad says: consider PS has millions of lines of code
Talad says: so many options
Chewaaud says: Please implement a colour for silly girls as well
Talad says: I think the hardest part will be to migrate all options and settings
Talad says: if we will ever do it
Damola says: how do new and old versions compare? I bet CS based PS has still more lines of code.
Damola looks around and then comments "I do not see no silly girls here."
Gonger mumbles, "I see only silly girls around."
Thosor smirks
Gonger coughs loudly.
Damola ignores Gonger's mumbling
Chewaaud laughs
Talad says: reports 1.26 million lines of code for current PS
Uadjet says: Gonger?
Damola protests "Having a tent in a house is not silly…"
Damola says: Thats a lot
Thosor says: stuck in the tent ropes
Fliks says: my tents upside down
Gonger says: Greetings. I do not have a question, but an announcement. Hangatyr informed me yesterday that the player behind Waesed passed away recently. He will be missed.
Talad says: the last time I checked the Unreal version is was 300K but there is also alot done with visual scripting which is not in that number
Damola nods to Fliks "I saw that."
Damola looks sad
Damola says: May he rest in peace.
Talad says: but I think the large part is ported
Fliks says: R.I.P
Talad says: all systems are in, apart a few minor ones
Damola is missing a player who became homeless… I lost OOC contact to that player. I hope the player is fine.
Rykia says: Hugs to his real life and ingame wife too.
Talad says: the current missing systems are:
Chewaaud says: My condolences
Yorlak says: hmm
Talad says: advice manager, introduction manager, marriage manager, minigames manager, anticheat manager, tutorial manager
Fliks says: many manager
Thosor says: can't unstick
Chewaaud says: I think marriage manager is not that important
Talad says: yes Gonger, we got the message on Discord by his wife, its sad, I hope he is well up there
Damola says: yeah, quite some management in game
Migg says: Condolences...
Fliks says: ill pick up the tent then you cna run
Gonger says: Our brodr will be waiting for us in the Great Tavern, with warm seats and cold beer.
Talad says: those systems are not really important anyway, and I think we can move without
Damola always remembers the saying of the master of time in Momo "If people would now what death is, they would not fear it."
Thosor says: thanks
Damola says: It gave me comfort quite some times.
Uadjet says: Yeah, not everything needs to be precisely the same right away.
Talad says: fliks called managers as they are dealing with requests from players in those domains
Fliks says: ah
Damola nods to Gonger
Damola wonders about a funeral event for Weased, but… well maybe thats not appropriate.
Thoraro says: I believe there may be something going on next week for Waesed
Uadjet says: There's at least one player who knew him IRL, so it's up to her.
Damola says: ok.
Uadjet says: There was a funeral for Cryptus. Very touching.
Fliks says: whos that
Thoraro says: hmm it wasn't for Cryptus it was for Grampus
Uadjet says: Oh, right. My apologies.
Damola nods to Uadjet "Sure… its totally up to her."
Fliks says: whos that
Thoraro says: He was a great hammer brodr
Gonger says: The Grampus festivities were amazing.
Talad says: Im happy to see you are still playing this version of the game anyway, hope the new version will bring in new players
Talad says: I think some already joined thanks to the news of Unreal
Gonger says: And I especially hope we will be able to get more ancient players back.
Damola ponders "While my knowledge about OOC life of many players is limited… its part of the RP for me not to ask for too much detail… I really enjoy the relationships we built over the years."
Thoraro says: Aye..
Damola says: In case a player gets into trouble OOCly, I am always willing to help as best I can.
Talad says: any other questions/comments , or I will go
Uadjet says: I was just thinking a few minutes ago about the interaction between players and how it's something that is built up over a long period of interactions.
Thoraro says: I have meet many players in rl , i hope to be able to know more if your takes off
Damola has pondered to play an alt for quite some time, but then its always… with Damola all the memories, all she experienced… all the events… some of them unforgetable.
Thoraro says: UR*
Fliks says: by the time UE will be relesed i will be known as an ainchent player
Damola says: For me PlaneShift and its player base is really something very special. Surely I look forward to Unreal based PS and updated graphics and engine… but what really matters most for me is the kind of experience I can have in PlaneShift.
Thoraro says: hehe
Damola says: So thank you all! Developers, GMs and players for this!
Talad says: thanks for playing
Thoraro says: Aye thanks for all the hard work you all put in. DEV and GMs
Migg says: Yes, this is a trully unique game!
Anysu says: Thank you Devs and Gms.
Talad says: exciting times are coming!
Damola says: Looking forward to it.
Chewaaud says: Keep up the good work. Take care.
Fliks says: :D no so much for me :(
Talad says: bye
Fliks says: bye
Uadjet says: Have fun playing, everyone!